It’s humiliating to have to admit you’re wrong. Many people will double down on their errors rather than fess up. Witness Kimberly Cheatle’s recent down-the-wormhole maneuvers of recent past…
This election has nothing to do with reason and facts. It’s reality TV, where the Donald got his training. The situations and the tasks are fake, but the emotions look real. The goal is to create fake stress until someone snaps for the cameras that are all over the place. Then they edit all the footage to create an even more fake story.
i think i see the point you are trying to make….hey gen x, gen y, gen z, gen whatever, it’s your not your fault you’re screwed up, it’s the boomers fault
Right / Wrong – True / False One / Zero. Some people are only capable of binary thinking.
This leads to the belief that all of life is a zero-sum game. If one team wins a game by a score of 5 to 3, then the other team loses it by a score of 3 to 5. The sum of the wins minus the sum of the losses always equal zero, hence the name of the game. The only way that you can win is if I lose.
The objective of a zero sum game is to run up the score then run out the clock. If it’s a fair game, play it for fun.
Binary thinkers understand zero sum games.
Then there are negative sum games where the sum of he wins minus the sum of the losses is less than zero. War is such a game. Nobody wins a war; one side merely loses it to a lesser extent. These games typically feature revenge and retribution.
Binary thinkers with a mean streak are willing to take the losses if they think the other side loses more.
The objective of a negative sum game is to avoid playing and if you do play, end play as soon as practical.
There are also positive sum games where the sum of the wins exceeds the sum of the losses. Both sides give up a little to gain a lot. I raise mules, you raise grain. I lend you some mules to work your fields, you give me some grain to feed my mules. This barter system works even today. My cousin helps his neighbor harvest hay and gets paid in hay to feed his horses. Positive sum games are based on values rather than countable things like dollars or points.
The objective of a positive sum game is to play it for as long as you can.
People with binary thinking cannot comprehend positive sum games.
A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true. For example: fact, Donald Trump incited the January 6 Capitol riot. Fact, A jury has found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts in the criminal trial in New York City, where he faced felony charges related to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Now, with a track record like that, just imagine the future Trump facts! Start with:
The thing about facts and alternate facts especially about the natural world, is that Mother Nature eventually comes along and shows you what is real. The Darwin Awards keep track of the losers.
Her position in the final frame proves her wrong. It is not a construct of social media bias, since it is her position, not theres. But sincer it is not a construct of sociasl media bias, it is not a fact, according to her own definition. Therefore she is wrong.
A teenage girl announces, “I’m pregnant” at the family dinner table. That’s a fact. The interpretations of that fact, however, what it means for past, present, and what to do about it for future, vary widely among those who hear it around the table.
I was remembering yesterday as the 55th anniversary of Neil Armstrong stepping on to the moon. Wasn’t it wonderful when we all had a common reality and believed in science.
Our Founders made “Freedom of the press” in our First Amendment for good reason. They established ‘self-government’ which means that WE, the People are charged with determining the truth from lies by getting differing views and “alternate facts”. We are supposed to make the effort to separate the fly poop from the pepper. The very first election campaign between Adams and Jefferson was full of distorted facts, outright lies, and very dirty accusations. This is not new, nor is it new to human nature. Our government is our job to maintain, not any media or politician’s.
Article I says, “Congress shall make no law…”, That doesn’t mean traitors like Trump can’t assail members of the press. Laws enacted subsequently said so, but don’t leave it up to this bought-and-Paid for SCOTUS to make that differentiation!
In one of the essays in Bertrand Russell’s “Why I Am Not A Christian,” he tells of a “debate” in an English town in the early 1800s on the question of whether the earth is round or flat. Arguing for flat was an eloquent and charismatic speaker; the alternative was presented by a sea captain whose only argument for a round earth was that he’d been around it. The Flat-Earther won the day.
Next question: Will Trump have the guts to go onstage against her on Sep. 5, knowing that she was the captain of her college debate team, is blindingly articulate and quick-witted, and will be well equipped with the facts needed to counter every one of the lies he’s sure to spout?
For oh, so many years, it was considered a ‘fact’ that the Earth was the centre of the universe, and all the stars (suns and planets) revolved around it. Then, after much thought, speculation and downright hard work, it was discovered that the Earth is a small planet, orbiting a second-rate star at the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. That is now an established fact – not, I might add, an ‘alternative fact’.
Yep, she’s a lefty all right. “The only viewpoint is mine. No others exist. Everyone who disagrees with me is completely and utterly wrong. The so called facts they quote are made up and if they aren’t they must be ignored!”
sirbadger 6 months ago
Sometimes a fact checker will disagree with a candidates economic theory and then the fact checker will present his own economic theory as fact.
The dude from FL Premium Member 6 months ago
OK Karen!
Alabama Al 6 months ago
I take the position that I’m right until someone shows me to be wrong.There have been plenty of times in my life I have been shown to be wrong.
sandpiper 6 months ago
If being right and being wrong were opposite seats on see-saw, my mistakes would be too heavy to lift.
But, unfortunately, on this topic, both conclusions are correct. Too bad they’ll never work out a balance to correct that.
eromlig 6 months ago
It’s humiliating to have to admit you’re wrong. Many people will double down on their errors rather than fess up. Witness Kimberly Cheatle’s recent down-the-wormhole maneuvers of recent past…
Mediatech 6 months ago
Truth does not require a believer. It remains true whether or not anyone knows it, understands it or believes in it.
lalapalooza Premium Member 6 months ago
First of all, and let me say this with all decorum and respect, but… in the second frame? … … … that elbow
cracker65 6 months ago
Alternative facts = lies.
Scorpio Premium Member 6 months ago
It’s like arguing with a Flat Earther.
shanen0 6 months ago
This election has nothing to do with reason and facts. It’s reality TV, where the Donald got his training. The situations and the tasks are fake, but the emotions look real. The goal is to create fake stress until someone snaps for the cameras that are all over the place. Then they edit all the footage to create an even more fake story.
loudmouthbass 6 months ago
i think i see the point you are trying to make….hey gen x, gen y, gen z, gen whatever, it’s your not your fault you’re screwed up, it’s the boomers fault
dot-the-I 6 months ago
The arc of personal opinion is short and it bends right back to the self.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member 6 months ago
Just heard the phrase, “I’m right and you’re evil.” Too bad that sums up America today.
XF8U-3 6 months ago
Her dress…
GentlemanBill 6 months ago
Who’s fact-checking the fact-checkers, hmmm?
dflak 6 months ago
Right / Wrong – True / False One / Zero. Some people are only capable of binary thinking.
This leads to the belief that all of life is a zero-sum game. If one team wins a game by a score of 5 to 3, then the other team loses it by a score of 3 to 5. The sum of the wins minus the sum of the losses always equal zero, hence the name of the game. The only way that you can win is if I lose.
The objective of a zero sum game is to run up the score then run out the clock. If it’s a fair game, play it for fun.
Binary thinkers understand zero sum games.
Then there are negative sum games where the sum of he wins minus the sum of the losses is less than zero. War is such a game. Nobody wins a war; one side merely loses it to a lesser extent. These games typically feature revenge and retribution.
Binary thinkers with a mean streak are willing to take the losses if they think the other side loses more.
The objective of a negative sum game is to avoid playing and if you do play, end play as soon as practical.
There are also positive sum games where the sum of the wins exceeds the sum of the losses. Both sides give up a little to gain a lot. I raise mules, you raise grain. I lend you some mules to work your fields, you give me some grain to feed my mules. This barter system works even today. My cousin helps his neighbor harvest hay and gets paid in hay to feed his horses. Positive sum games are based on values rather than countable things like dollars or points.
The objective of a positive sum game is to play it for as long as you can.
People with binary thinking cannot comprehend positive sum games.
Packratjohn Premium Member 6 months ago
I made a mistake once… I thought I’d made a mistake, but I hadn’t.
toondel5 Premium Member 6 months ago
Terence McKenna: The truth does not require your participation to exist. BS does.
Prey 6 months ago
My opinion offends you? Oh well.
mourdac Premium Member 6 months ago
Today’s reality neatly wrapped up. Good job, Mr. Wiley.
For a Just and Peaceful World 6 months ago
A fact is a thing that is known or proved to be true. For example: fact, Donald Trump incited the January 6 Capitol riot. Fact, A jury has found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts in the criminal trial in New York City, where he faced felony charges related to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Now, with a track record like that, just imagine the future Trump facts! Start with:
Google: Project 2025 Trump
MS72 6 months ago
Doesn’t matter. They’re both old.
Papakillamon 6 months ago
So GoComics fixed it and disallows any comment on political discussion. Chickensh*t!!!
akachman Premium Member 6 months ago
I’m surprised GoComics had enough spine to allow this comic. It’s very American, therefore, it is a great comic. Thank you!!
Bruce1253 6 months ago
The thing about facts and alternate facts especially about the natural world, is that Mother Nature eventually comes along and shows you what is real. The Darwin Awards keep track of the losers.
JosephShriver 6 months ago
I took this as the woman is always right, which is a stupid rule created by the weak
russef 6 months ago
Sometimes a convicted facter will transform into an unconvicted facter
mindjob 6 months ago
Facts might become a little more clear after the Chevron decision forces laws to be written so they could easily be understood
Durak Premium Member 6 months ago
I wonder if the old hippy guy is a somewhat self portrait of Wiley.
rugeirn 6 months ago
Her position in the final frame proves her wrong. It is not a construct of social media bias, since it is her position, not theres. But sincer it is not a construct of sociasl media bias, it is not a fact, according to her own definition. Therefore she is wrong.
gigagrouch 6 months ago
It’s easier to con someone than to convince them that they’ve been conned.
ajr58(1) 6 months ago
Left is right, and Right is wrong.
mokspr Premium Member 6 months ago
Bias – because it takes at least two a**es to get things rolling.
Holden Awn 6 months ago
A teenage girl announces, “I’m pregnant” at the family dinner table. That’s a fact. The interpretations of that fact, however, what it means for past, present, and what to do about it for future, vary widely among those who hear it around the table.
sisterea 6 months ago
I was remembering yesterday as the 55th anniversary of Neil Armstrong stepping on to the moon. Wasn’t it wonderful when we all had a common reality and believed in science.
krisjackson01 6 months ago
With all the nonsense, fake news and downright bull out there, it takes a step back to realize that there is still a reality.
Drbarb71 Premium Member 6 months ago
Once news outlets started that “Fair and Balanced” manure, the facts are continually obscured and outright lies are accepted. So Idiocracy of us.
moonfrogger 6 months ago
True that.
[Unnamed Reader - bf182b] 6 months ago
I understand GoComics are banning commenting on political cartoons. Guess they don’t read Non Sequitur.
Godfreydaniel 6 months ago
Objective reality was here long before opinions existed, and couldn’t care less about them now that they do exist.
anomaly 6 months ago
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” — Philip K Dick
Vet Premium Member 6 months ago
“My mind is made up….don’t confuse me with facts!”
ncorgbl 6 months ago
Our Founders made “Freedom of the press” in our First Amendment for good reason. They established ‘self-government’ which means that WE, the People are charged with determining the truth from lies by getting differing views and “alternate facts”. We are supposed to make the effort to separate the fly poop from the pepper. The very first election campaign between Adams and Jefferson was full of distorted facts, outright lies, and very dirty accusations. This is not new, nor is it new to human nature. Our government is our job to maintain, not any media or politician’s.
Silence Dogood Premium Member 6 months ago
Article I says, “Congress shall make no law…”, That doesn’t mean traitors like Trump can’t assail members of the press. Laws enacted subsequently said so, but don’t leave it up to this bought-and-Paid for SCOTUS to make that differentiation!
Bill The Nuke 6 months ago
I knew I married Miss Right, but I didn’t know her first name was Always.
fritzoid Premium Member 6 months ago
In one of the essays in Bertrand Russell’s “Why I Am Not A Christian,” he tells of a “debate” in an English town in the early 1800s on the question of whether the earth is round or flat. Arguing for flat was an eloquent and charismatic speaker; the alternative was presented by a sea captain whose only argument for a round earth was that he’d been around it. The Flat-Earther won the day.
Màiri 6 months ago
Biden has declared that he’s bailing
comicalUser 6 months ago
Good thing Wiley’s little scribbles are not political comics.
Richard S Russell Premium Member 6 months ago
Next question: Will Trump have the guts to go onstage against her on Sep. 5, knowing that she was the captain of her college debate team, is blindingly articulate and quick-witted, and will be well equipped with the facts needed to counter every one of the lies he’s sure to spout?
MemaJean 6 months ago
Yep, sounds about right.
leemorse9777 6 months ago
We’re all having the same nightmare. Fact.
ksparrothead Premium Member 6 months ago
Spot on!
keenanthelibrarian 6 months ago
For oh, so many years, it was considered a ‘fact’ that the Earth was the centre of the universe, and all the stars (suns and planets) revolved around it. Then, after much thought, speculation and downright hard work, it was discovered that the Earth is a small planet, orbiting a second-rate star at the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. That is now an established fact – not, I might add, an ‘alternative fact’.
eddi-TBH 6 months ago
The media has always had it’s own slant on things. If only by choosing what news to present. Biased commentary is just a bonus.
bbenoit 6 months ago
Danae and Jeffery in about sixty years?
comicsrrd 6 months ago
don’t forget or excuse the ‘left’ now
lnrokr55 6 months ago
Blah Blah Blah, Maga vs Woke, Blah Blah Blah! Why only 2 viewpoints, is it the fault of media, electronic or social? Maybe it’s just rampant ADD ! ;-)
aussie399 Premium Member 3 months ago
Yep, she’s a lefty all right. “The only viewpoint is mine. No others exist. Everyone who disagrees with me is completely and utterly wrong. The so called facts they quote are made up and if they aren’t they must be ignored!”