And if that one did stay, that would be one of those “But the bible isn’t literal, it’s up for interpretation” rebuttal by the theocratic bible thumpers
What is the difference between “Facts” and “The Facts”? Normally people have some facts, but not all facts, before having an opinion. Does voting count as voicing an opinion?
The bit about “knowing facts” wouldn’t fit in with the bible. One of the first stories is how a magic apple turned the inhabitants into beings who suddenly knew right from wrong, and got kicked out of the garden over it. The historic “Indiana Pi Bill” tried to change the value of Pi to exactly 3, because the bible said so. And today, public education in many states still restrict the teaching of science, in favour of course material which simply explains “God did it”.
“Knowing facts” suggests that one is open to learning. Emotions strongly affect learning. Not being emotionally positioned to be able to accept the reality of a constantly changing world blocks one’s ability to learn. Right-wing populists are basically a bunch of EMOs, incapable of learning…………………….questions?:
Since 1985 the GOP has been working to dumb down public education, in order to criticize public education for not doing a very good job, all to get Congress and states to give them tax breaks for private school tuition. Another tax break for the wealthy. What was taken out was the teaching of critical thinking. Can anyone figure out why we are where we are today?
ultracrepidarian: An ultracrepidarian is a person who offers opinions beyond their own knowledge. It can also be used as an adjective describing such a person. This word is used in situations when someone is speaking as an authority on a subject that they have only limited knowledge of
Of course, today’s “Christians” ONLY pay any attention to any of the other Ten Commandments when it is convenient for THEM to do so. But, they expect EVERYONE ELSE to obey ALL OF THEM at ALL TIMES.
Wow, all I got out of this is that from now on my own personnel pronouns will be thee and thou. Thus shall it be written. So shall it be done. …or not. Who cares.
Reminds me of the problem we’ve had with the local press for years when it comes to their coverage of certain wealthy citizens and elected officials; they know the facts but will only print the parts that paint that person in a positive light and conveniently leave out the messy bits. They’ve been doing it for decades. It’s called LYING BY OMISSION.
They break the rest of the rules with total contempt. They apply their own 11th Commandment. “Thou Shalt Not Need To Obey These If Thou Art A Real Christian”.
Scorpio Premium Member over 1 year ago
And if that one did stay, that would be one of those “But the bible isn’t literal, it’s up for interpretation” rebuttal by the theocratic bible thumpers
Grandma Lea over 1 year ago
God/Allah/Yahweh we wish they knew at least some of the facts that have not been corrupted into a political issues
Erse IS better over 1 year ago
That seems like a really good idea. That’s my opinion and I’m sticking to it!
Prof. Mementomori's Traveling Reincarnation Show over 1 year ago
In a world of speak-ready-think, an alien concept sure to displease the locals.
Bilan over 1 year ago
The biggest problem is that most people think the Commandments were only meant for others.
sirbadger over 1 year ago
What is the difference between “Facts” and “The Facts”? Normally people have some facts, but not all facts, before having an opinion. Does voting count as voicing an opinion?
HidariMak over 1 year ago
The bit about “knowing facts” wouldn’t fit in with the bible. One of the first stories is how a magic apple turned the inhabitants into beings who suddenly knew right from wrong, and got kicked out of the garden over it. The historic “Indiana Pi Bill” tried to change the value of Pi to exactly 3, because the bible said so. And today, public education in many states still restrict the teaching of science, in favour of course material which simply explains “God did it”.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 1 year ago
Thou shalt not take any religions as fact.
dadoctah over 1 year ago
Thou shalt not pay any attention to anyone who uses words like “thou” and “shalt” in this day and age.
boneroller42 over 1 year ago
Sadly, I think we are all guilty of breaking this commandment.
Doug K over 1 year ago
Check for logs/beams in your own eyes before pointing out the specks/splinters in someone else’s.
sandpiper over 1 year ago
If that were the only commandment that had been ignored, what a world we would have.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 1 year ago
Our version was, “Put brain in gear before engaging mouth.”
Differentname over 1 year ago
My invisible best friend demands scientific evidence!!!
jlfallis over 1 year ago
Isn’t that one still in place today since it doesn’t say anything about adhering to the facts when you voice your opinion?
A Hip loving Canadian... over 1 year ago
If they were referred as the 10 suggestions, that one would have been okay.
bbenoit over 1 year ago
Um, excuse me, Hand emanating from a cloud, but would you please show yourself and provide some verifiable proofs of your divine power?
NeoconMan over 1 year ago
If I saw a hand emanating from a cloud and a voice ordering me to do something, I would immediately assume I was hallucinating.
rossevrymn over 1 year ago
“Knowing facts” suggests that one is open to learning. Emotions strongly affect learning. Not being emotionally positioned to be able to accept the reality of a constantly changing world blocks one’s ability to learn. Right-wing populists are basically a bunch of EMOs, incapable of learning…………………….questions?:
tpcox928 over 1 year ago
Since 1985 the GOP has been working to dumb down public education, in order to criticize public education for not doing a very good job, all to get Congress and states to give them tax breaks for private school tuition. Another tax break for the wealthy. What was taken out was the teaching of critical thinking. Can anyone figure out why we are where we are today?
dflak over 1 year ago
Today’s vocabulary lesson.
ultracrepidarian: An ultracrepidarian is a person who offers opinions beyond their own knowledge. It can also be used as an adjective describing such a person. This word is used in situations when someone is speaking as an authority on a subject that they have only limited knowledge of
mindjob over 1 year ago
Thou shalt put down cell phones before crossing the street
Masterskrain over 1 year ago
Of course, today’s “Christians” ONLY pay any attention to any of the other Ten Commandments when it is convenient for THEM to do so. But, they expect EVERYONE ELSE to obey ALL OF THEM at ALL TIMES.
preacherman Premium Member over 1 year ago
…unless you’re asking a question. Another act you seldom see these days.
Can't Sleep over 1 year ago
Right along with, “Thou shalt not hate people who are different from you.”
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Wow, all I got out of this is that from now on my own personnel pronouns will be thee and thou. Thus shall it be written. So shall it be done. …or not. Who cares.
moderateisntleft over 1 year ago
But “I did my own research”, by listening to my favorite pundits!
comixbomix over 1 year ago
Followed their own advice…eventually.
David_J Premium Member over 1 year ago
Reminds me of the problem we’ve had with the local press for years when it comes to their coverage of certain wealthy citizens and elected officials; they know the facts but will only print the parts that paint that person in a positive light and conveniently leave out the messy bits. They’ve been doing it for decades. It’s called LYING BY OMISSION.
ShadowMaster over 1 year ago
That one definitely doesn’t fly with Qanon
Daltongang Premium Member over 1 year ago
Oh my, the Irony of the Bible Thumpers chiming in on this particular comic. Too, too funny. over 1 year ago
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s knife….I mean,wife.
goboboyd over 1 year ago
And a double tablet at that. Perhaps understanding that speculation and opinion can be a volatile mix.
kappy.mrnustik Premium Member over 1 year ago
Or…Thou shalt mind thine own business. And ZIP it.
NoSleepTil_BKLYN over 1 year ago
If only…!
Tootsie Premium Member over 1 year ago It’s about Faux Snooze.
Old27F20 over 1 year ago
Ya might have made one slight change….”true facts”. Anyone can make up facts, i.e. politicians, clergy, police…just not always true facts.
Say What? Premium Member over 1 year ago
“Yes, reason has been a part of organized religion, ever since two nudists took dietary advice from a talking snake.”
- Jon Stewart
lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member over 1 year ago
No “perfect” creator entity would ever have set loose among others beings which do not adhere to that commandment.
Which doesn’t prove one doesn’t exist.
I’m just sayin’.
artjohn42 over 1 year ago
Not that most of us ever paid much attention to the ones that made it past the editor’s desk.
face.less_b over 1 year ago
How do those who espouse the prosperity gospel square it with the prohibition on coveting? That and the old cameling of a needle?
T... over 1 year ago
Absolutely True, and perhap’s funny too…
leemorse9777 over 1 year ago
Facts are anything that a person believes that support their opinion. Anyone who says anything different is obviously wrong. Ask any republican.
keenanthelibrarian over 1 year ago
I know how to do it – first remove foot from mouth; then – refer to first item.
eddi-TBH over 1 year ago
They break the rest of the rules with total contempt. They apply their own 11th Commandment. “Thou Shalt Not Need To Obey These If Thou Art A Real Christian”.
Chris Sherlock over 1 year ago
If everyone adhered to that, it would definitely reduce the level of noise pollution.
Mayor Snorkum over 1 year ago
Thus spake the Almighty, but Fox News heeded Him not. (Nor did anyone else, including all clergy but the Dalai Lama.)
harvey812abc over 1 year ago
einarbt over 1 year ago
If only religion just existed in the comics. Oh well.
DaBump Premium Member over 1 year ago
There is a proverb or two with the same sentiment.