Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 20, 2020

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  almost 5 years ago

    A house is on fire.

    It has burned more than half; it is “past its peak.”

    According to Trump and those over-eager to re-open the economy before it is safe, and without adequate safeguards, it is safe to go back into the burning house without any safety equipment.

    Of course we must re-open the economy everyone wants that. But we must do so in conjunction with safety standards and management protocols to reduce (and manage) risk as much as possible.

    This includes adequate testing, monitoring and targeted quarantining to ensure that those infected, whether or not they display symptoms, can be isolated (either kept out of work places or in separate quarantined work areas).

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    eastern.woods.metal  almost 5 years ago

    Wiley your mind is brilliant!!. You know we’re heading into the abyss. Stay safe everyone

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  3. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Bear in mind that a bell-shaped curve covers just as much area (in this case, casualties) on the downslope that it did on the upslope. That’s even assuming no resurgence, which is in no way, shape, form, fashion, or manner guaranteed.

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  4. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 5 years ago

    To quote Bonespurs, “What have you got to lose?”

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  5. Rick o shay
    wiatr  almost 5 years ago

    My thought is that there will be a massive traffic jam at the bottom of the gap, but I’m being literal and not metaphorical.

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    Scorpio Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    That about sums up the current state of things

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  7. Gedc0251
    Charliegirl Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    You go first.

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    Cpeckbourlioux  almost 5 years ago


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  9. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  almost 5 years ago

    Who is wearing a mask?

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    everett_r0  almost 5 years ago

    Nice analogy. Good analogy.

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    keenanthelibrarian  almost 5 years ago

    Apparently the bridge is pretty-well built in Australia. See you all in the good old US not too soon. We’re being very careful to be not TOO triumphal.

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  12. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 5 years ago

    AND, according to Captain Clorox, the high numbers of people driving off the bridge is a “Badge of Honor”!

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    Tomscomics70  almost 5 years ago

    Spot on! Wiley, spot on.

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  14. Cropped narragansett indian logo
    The Pro from Dover  almost 5 years ago

    I want to Stop! Under Construction! too.

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    Denver Reader Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Might as well move this strip to editorial section already

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    For a Just and Peaceful World  almost 5 years ago

    Google: Two southern churches forced to reclose after leaders, congregants get coronavirus

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    EdwardBark  almost 5 years ago

    My only comment would be what has the country done during previous pandemics concerning the economy? Absolutely nothing. We as a country have never shut down our economy over a epidemic/pandemic disease. This is a media hyped pandemic because of the election and everyone knows it. I am not saying that the virus is not real, it obviously is. But what we, as a country, have done to destroy our economy is unreal. Open it back up. People are suffering due to not working. Let people live and work.

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    dflak  almost 5 years ago

    There is something wrong with this picture. Where are the armed, white gunmen?

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    david_42  almost 5 years ago

    Odd how the ones making the most noise about opening are the same ones who refuse to take simple precautions.

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    russef  almost 5 years ago

    Guy standing by with mask on: “OPEN THE BRIDGE. OPEN THE BRIDGE.”

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    Nala the Great  almost 5 years ago

    The bridge is either in England or Japan!

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    alexius23  almost 5 years ago

    I was part of a construction crew repairing a bridge over a medium sized river. There were “road construction” and “bridge closed” signs everywhere. Several times a week people tried to cross the closed bridge. Blocking barriers were left slightly open to allow work related trucks upon the bridge. People who then try to cross the bridge despite work crews being everywhere. On more that occasion the driver would lay on the horn to get the work crew out of their way. Then they demanded the barriers blocking the other end of the bridge be opened. When that didn’t happen they would call the police. Several got tickets other times they would have people driving in the car get out to move barriers so they could complete the passage across the Bridge

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    KEA  almost 5 years ago

    a bit of allegory here methinks

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    losflemings  almost 5 years ago

    How come the other side doesn’t have a big sign

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Well, if the majority demands it, I suppose it must be okay. Right? 

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  26. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 5 years ago

    The problem here is, not only will those who drive into the abyss hurt themselves, they also will hurt any and all who are nearby. They’re harm is not all self-contained.

    There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.

    Jeremiah 5:21 paraphrased over the centuries by John Heywood, Jonathan Swift, and Thomas Chalkley [with thanks to]

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  27. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  almost 5 years ago

    In the good old days before bridges were really high over rivers and ocean, there were drawbridges where you waited forever, and the kids hung out the windows in hopes of seeing a cool boat.

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  28. Tiger photo ark6.ngsversion.1469814015491.adapt.676.1
    wildwind  almost 5 years ago

    Those are all the people who don’t want to take the detour because it is inconvenient or denies them their god-given right to be damn fools if they want to. I just can’t get worked up about the lemmings any more just so long as they don’t take me with them.

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    Bruce1253  almost 5 years ago

    “President says ‘badge of honor’ US has most coronavirus cases”

    The fact that Trump would say this shows how out of touch with the real world he is. The US having the most COVID-19 cases is the result of a colossal failure in leadership that has imposed a huge cost in sickness and death on our country that was unnecessary. As a result of his failures Trump should be thrown out of office and jailed for the rest of his life.

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    Iconoclast  almost 5 years ago

    Wash your hands, wear a mask, go about your business. Sweden got this right.

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    Herb L 1954  almost 5 years ago

    Chris Christie,at it again ;)

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    Feathered Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Comics have a very long history in providing commentary on our culture, politics and just about anything else. Enjoy the insights and musings of cartoonists, especially Wiley Miller. These posted comments are another way for us to ponder the views and perspectives of others who enjoy the Non Sequitur comic strip.

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    Cozmik Cowboy  almost 5 years ago

    This cartoon shows Repubiklan “thinking” at its finest.

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    hda2z Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    set the people free!!

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    DCBakerEsq  almost 5 years ago

    I love people.

    Especially people in large groups.

    They’re funny.

    And dangerous.

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    godgirl  almost 5 years ago

    A big problem right now is no one wants to do the protocols. No one is enforcing it. And it’s spreading like wildfire sadly.

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  37. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 5 years ago

    What could possibly go wrong? This is a perfect bridge.

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  38. Db1
    DetailBear  almost 5 years ago

    Have the drivers and passengers sign waivers first.

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  39. Pupil
    Ka`ƍnƍhi`ula`okahƍkĆ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 5 years ago


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    LNER4472 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    The more apt and pertinent questions:

    Who closed what HAD been a perfectly good bridge in the first place?

    To be more apt about it, the bridge must still be intact, still have people replacing the guardrail that some other country took out, and the workers are just sitting around on lunch break while they wait for someone to sign off on the proposed reduction from four lanes to three while the guardrail is replaced


    The “bridge” is NOT “under construction.” It’s been arbitrarily closed.

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    Pisces  almost 5 years ago

    LOL – way too funny, Wiley.

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  42. My birthday 064
    amysatinpants  almost 5 years ago

    And with adequate testing, monitoring, and targeting quarantining you can garantee safety, until the next disease.

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  43. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 5 years ago

    The ones further back in line will push all the ones in Front of them into the canyon, then squeal like Pigs when They get to the front of the line.

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    don.chambers  almost 5 years ago


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  45. Panda 2024
    Redd Panda  almost 5 years ago

    Open it up
to quote the great prevaricator 
“what the hell have you got to lose?
” god, trump has a way with words
I get all goosebumps.

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  46. P1020186
    Jujeebean  almost 5 years ago

    As an ‘essential’ worker, I am fed up with my fellow citizens. We are still under a stay well, stay home order though things are loosening up. We have to limit how many people come into our store so we can attempt to maintain distancing. Do people come alone on their shopping trips? NOOO!!! They bring the whole family. If they would leave the extra people home we wouldn’t have, big lines of people waiting to come in. On top of that, they can be very rude about it. It has stretched our already thin staffing even thinner, with people at the doors counting the people coming in and leaving and then pulling online orders and curbside delivery. Sorry, but remodeling your home is not ‘essential’ stay home! There are many days this comic reflects my wish that they would just send everyone back to work and maybe my work would get back to ‘normal’.

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  47. George jetson
    Bicycle Dude  over 4 years ago

    For me, I’ll wait for the bridge to be completed.

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    wwward1948  over 4 years ago

    What a load of carp this whole fake “pandemic” is. Actually I wish all pandemics had all the hospitals empty for lack of patients.

    Live free or die! Fauci is a fake in all his predictions!

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