The republican party is dissolving just like it’s progenitor, the Whig party, did in the 1850s.
And like it’s progenitor in the 1850s, it is trying mightily to drag America into another civil war.
When the next civil war ends, with the idiots, morons and imbeciles once AGAIN ground under the heels of a resurgent America, let us hope we remember the lessons of history this time and WE DON’T WELCOME THEM BACK INTO THE UNION, but rather keep them ground beneath our heels with no quarter given – they must be destroyed- not forgiven like last time
too many Republicans is the lay of the land. Send ‘em straight to the pokey; hopefully, Trump awaits them there;……. and we thought tricky Dick was a lying SOB. This Capitol tour to steal the gov’ment has got Trump’s orange make-up all over it melting in broad daylight on 5th avenue.
I’m convinced that part of the American political insanity was manufactured, but was Covid-19 the tool or the result? Or somehow both? And what about other tools and fools?
Just because you call it an insurrection doesn’t make it so.
Just because you proclaim an election to be the most secure does not make it so.
Just because you say someone or something is racist doesn’t make it so.
Just because you say a “protest” with vandalism, looting, and arson are “mostly peaceful” doesn’t make it so.
Just because Hunter Biden’s laptop, emails, and “shady” business dealing were not reported by many media sources doesn’t mean they don’t exist or didn’t happen.
Just because you don’t agree with these statements/opinions doesn’t mean that I am whatever label you want to apply to me.
I won’t call you any names. But I do have questions.
How do you feel about the people who damaged the Capital, hurt policemen, put up gallows, and chanted to hang politicians?
Can you direct me to someplace that has documented evidence of voter fraud?
Vandalism, looting, and arson are wrong and criminal and counter-productive to a successful protest. Here’s an article from a few days ago:
Can you direct me to someplace that has documented evidence of anything to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop or emails?
And finally, I obviously disagree with much of what you wrote, but I will tell you I believe I could be persuaded to adapt my opinion of almost any political topic. I just need evidence from a reputable source.
This is a decent website that rates bias and the accuracy of their fact reporting.
It’s a good place to start when evaluating the veracity of news sources.
Apparently the politicians in D.C. haven’t raised any kids…all parents know that when your kid so obviously piles lie on top of lie and just want to forget the problem never existed they’re acting that way because they’re GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY. Every time, always, end of story.
You mean the mostly peaceful protest, right? The one where a bunch of rowdy, unarmed, drunken idiots milled around the building and an unarmed protest was murdered by a guard? That one?
and let me point out for the clueless, the gender of the human species making up the overwhelming number in attendance at such a snookerdome is not not the female but rather the stubborn old fools of the male gender who will flow up north and insurrect until, oops, caught dead to rights and now reside in D.C. and Alexandria jails awaiting their fates.
It’s really quite amazing how similar the Repubs now are like the Repubs of old. And, it’s equally amazing how similar the Dems now are like the Federalists of old. Though the Dems and Repubs have switched places over the centuries, the old times and now are very much alike.
I think maybe protests are okay with the Left as long as the protest isn’t directed toward them. Calling that protest an “insurrection” is just ludicrous. Another example of Orwellian Newspeak.
Obviousman is the clueless one here. He hasn’t yet learned that the only thing needed to support a big lie is repetition. You don’t need proof, you don’t need logic, you don’t need anything but endless very loud repetition. The entire Right has figured that one out. The entire Left is clueless on what to do about it.
What Mr. Miller, a.k.a. Obvious Man so obviously, and prejudicially ignores is that those people, on the night of the Electoral voting, whether right or wrong, lied to or enforcing the truth, deceived or proving deceit, believed, to the point of action (which most people do not have the courage to do), that they were NOT performing and act of insurrection but were trying to STOP an insurrection.
When I heard that senator say that on TV, I turned to my family and told them, whenever I go to DC, I sure as hell don’t have this desire to go to the Capitol, storm the gates, and break windows!
Mike Pense should always be haunted by should’ve, would’ve, could’ve used the 25th amendment on Trump and marched him to jail and shot a few of the disruptive tourists.
What about all the “insurrections” in Portland, Ferguson, Milwaukee, etc.? Oh! INSURRECTIONS are only when it is from Republicans! When it is Democrats it is PEACEFUL PROTESTS! Glad to know that! :-)
I wonder how Republicans would react if Democrats had behaved in 2016 the way Republicans are now: waving “Hillary Won” signs, hosting unofficial recounts, predicting that Hillary would be seated as President months after the election, storming—er, touring the Capitol Building to keep #45’s Electoral College votes from being certified, etc.
So, the woke mobs that destroyed cities all last year in the name of democracy seems like a nationwide insurrection. They burnt down a police station in Minnesota and set fire to a Federal Courthouse in Portland. Why turn a blind eye to that? You all have the “orange man”, we get it, but he wasn’t the problem, he’s no longer in office, move on.
Oh, thanks for the blithering idiot you elected. great choice, nimrods.
Capitol rioter who demanded Pelosi be turned over to be lynched cites Bible in court defense
“Bauer appears to have attempted multiple avenues of sovereign legal strategy. In one recent filing, she appeared to threaten a court clerk with prison time, noting that it would be the penalty for failing to properly log her filings,” the Beast’s Weill wrote before adding, “Evidence from before and on Jan. 6 appears to show Bauer involved in the day’s chaos. According to court documents, Bauer attempted to organize busloads of people to attend a D.C. rally that preceded the riot… During the riot, she allegedly stormed the Capitol rotunda and told a police officer that the crowd would further storm the building if Pelosi and other officials were not released to the mob. ‘You bring them out or we’re coming in,’ she allegedly said, according to a transcript of a police body camera included in the court record.”
in•sur•rec•tion ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən►n.The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.n.A rising up; uprising.n.The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.Definition of riot (Entry 1 of 2)1a: a violent public disorderspecifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intentb: public violence, tumult, or disorderPeople can continue to make something what it was not, but that was not an insurrection. It was not “armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state”. The only person killed was an unarmed woman. Most of the people involved were trespassing, but not even rioting. Yet they still keep those people in solitary confinement. I know most of you people here think that is great, but there is a real case of lack of due process going on. If this is your idea of America, you are sick. Obviousman is obviously uninformed on this one.
Oh y’all help me out here…. In the bottom panel, I cant tell if the Senator is wearing blinders or if Obviousman whacked him in the head with a mallet…..
To Concretionist: When Democrats objected to the electoral vote count for Trump in 2016 [with VP Joe Biden presiding] did you comment?The WRITTEN rule states: “When a Senator AND a Congressman object, the objection has to be considered.” At least Wiley didn’t call it an ARMED insurrection [the only armed individuals were Capital cops and security details; including the security guy who shot Ashley Babbit—the UN-armed veteran who was the only one killed on the 6th.]The cop who died suffered 2 strokes a day LATER; the cop’s autopsy showed no head injury or throat swelling from ‘bear spray’. The ‘sightseeing tour’ comes from video of mostly seniors shown being LET in, who wandered around taking pictures of things.
At what point does a convenient lie became an unsupportable brand of stupidity? Especially lies about vaccination that lead to tens of thousands of deaths in your power base?
I know it’s a bit of a stretch, but Moscow Mitch and many of his crew could, I think, be charged with treason. Acting against the interests of your country. 400 plus bills sitting on Mitch’s desk not looked at. Refusing to discuss voting rights. Not accepting the vote or the counting of. Sounds like treason to me. NO ONE should be above the law. NO ONE.
An insurrection starts with shared ideas, agreements about perceived wrongs, escalates to verbal attacks, then peaceful but angry demonstrations, and finally evolves into violence in order to stage an overthrow.
Labels are like paintings. Anyone can hang them on a wall. So what label do we put on the reports that an officer was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher and then the lengthy suppression of the autopsy reports. Or the suppression of the report on the death – the only death – of an unarmed demonstrator?
It’s definitely apt that he shows the Nile, which does indeed flow north. But I know of a north-flowing river that’s kind of interesting. The Red River of the North, which empties into Lake Winnipeg and eventually into the Hudson Bay, flows out of Lake Traverse, along the border between Minnesota and South Dakota. But the lake is a long, skinny lake winding through a curious valley called Traverse Gap. The northern half of the valley is occupied by Lake Traverse. The southern half is occupied by Big Stone Lake, which is the headwaters of the Minnesota River, which flows broadly southward (well, southeast, before bending northeast to meet the Mississippi River and flow ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico).
So this valley contains a continental divide, and sometimes in the spring thaw, the course of the Red River reverses due to ice jams to the north, and Lake Traverse spills over into Big Stone Lake. Water flows across the continental divide, southward, in a direction that would normally be considered uphill.
EasternWoods over 3 years ago
Covid is no Joke
There was a patient who was so brain damaged after that he thought he won an election he lost be over 7 million votes
Concretionist over 3 years ago
That group of Senators has no connection w/ the truth, even if it IS obvious.
Bilan over 3 years ago
If you file a lawsuit without evidence, it’s going to be thrown out.
If you file dozens of lawsuits without evidence, same thing.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago
Just because the orange idiot tells you he won doesn’t mean he won.
Argythree over 3 years ago
I wish I could laugh about what’s going on in the Senate, but all I feel is fear…
comic4matt over 3 years ago
Just because you call it ‘’mostly peaceful riot’’ it doesn’t mean it’s not burning,looting and murdering…
in.amongst over 3 years ago
i mean, duh!!!
wellis1947 Premium Member over 3 years ago
The republican party is dissolving just like it’s progenitor, the Whig party, did in the 1850s.
And like it’s progenitor in the 1850s, it is trying mightily to drag America into another civil war.
When the next civil war ends, with the idiots, morons and imbeciles once AGAIN ground under the heels of a resurgent America, let us hope we remember the lessons of history this time and WE DON’T WELCOME THEM BACK INTO THE UNION, but rather keep them ground beneath our heels with no quarter given – they must be destroyed- not forgiven like last time
jessie d. over 3 years ago
too many Republicans is the lay of the land. Send ‘em straight to the pokey; hopefully, Trump awaits them there;……. and we thought tricky Dick was a lying SOB. This Capitol tour to steal the gov’ment has got Trump’s orange make-up all over it melting in broad daylight on 5th avenue.
braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago
Another cartoon Trump Disciples will be unable to understand.
Jason Allen over 3 years ago
No, the sightseeing tour was allegedly the day before, conducted by a couple of Republican congresspersons.
electricshadow Premium Member over 3 years ago
Is he wearing blinders or VR goggles? Either way, it illustrates the world view wonderfully.
Nate England over 3 years ago
Just cause it’s the “government” doesn’t mean they’re in charge.
Nate England over 3 years ago
Just because a black man dies in police custody does not make him a martyr.
AnnChovie over 3 years ago
Penguins fly beautifully… just in water, not the air.
Pgalden1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Nate England over 3 years ago
Just because it’s a news outlet does not mean it’s telling the truth.
Nate England over 3 years ago
Just because it’s a public school doesn’t mean it’s teaching the “Three R’s”.
Nate England over 3 years ago
If the “peaceful protests” involve burning buildings and killing children, it’s not “peaceful.”
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 3 years ago
^Just because Nate England it talking doesn’t mean he knows what he is talking about.
shanen0 over 3 years ago
I’m convinced that part of the American political insanity was manufactured, but was Covid-19 the tool or the result? Or somehow both? And what about other tools and fools?
LeslieBark over 3 years ago
Old joke/truism: If you call the tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Four … calling the tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg!
willispate over 3 years ago
I can’t even remember the last time we’ve seen Obviousman.
jimchronister2016 over 3 years ago
Like I said
Doug K over 3 years ago
Just because you call it an insurrection doesn’t make it so.
Just because you proclaim an election to be the most secure does not make it so.
Just because you say someone or something is racist doesn’t make it so.
Just because you say a “protest” with vandalism, looting, and arson are “mostly peaceful” doesn’t make it so.
Just because Hunter Biden’s laptop, emails, and “shady” business dealing were not reported by many media sources doesn’t mean they don’t exist or didn’t happen.
Just because you don’t agree with these statements/opinions doesn’t mean that I am whatever label you want to apply to me.
Viktor Sirin over 3 years ago
Hi Doug K,
I won’t call you any names. But I do have questions.
How do you feel about the people who damaged the Capital, hurt policemen, put up gallows, and chanted to hang politicians?
Can you direct me to someplace that has documented evidence of voter fraud?
Vandalism, looting, and arson are wrong and criminal and counter-productive to a successful protest. Here’s an article from a few days ago:
Can you direct me to someplace that has documented evidence of anything to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop or emails?
And finally, I obviously disagree with much of what you wrote, but I will tell you I believe I could be persuaded to adapt my opinion of almost any political topic. I just need evidence from a reputable source.
This is a decent website that rates bias and the accuracy of their fact reporting.
It’s a good place to start when evaluating the veracity of news sources.
keenanthelibrarian over 3 years ago
There are none so blind as those who will not see (John Heywood, 1546)
dot-the-I over 3 years ago
“Is” is a word that is multivalent, unless it is not. (Or it is something like that.)
gokar n t fa over 3 years ago
Apparently the politicians in D.C. haven’t raised any kids…all parents know that when your kid so obviously piles lie on top of lie and just want to forget the problem never existed they’re acting that way because they’re GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY. Every time, always, end of story.
evanmarhews over 3 years ago
Johnson is an embarassment to Wicsonsin !!
Aubrey Dacus over 3 years ago
If it was an Insurrection, then it was the most Peaceful Insurrection in History.
khmo over 3 years ago
Purrrfect Wylie !
More Coffee Please! Premium Member over 3 years ago
Pathetic losers – tRumplicans are destroying this country.
Lawrence.S over 3 years ago
There are none so blind as those who don’t want to alienate their voter base.
walt1968pat Premium Member over 3 years ago
dflak over 3 years ago
GOP Calendar: … January 3, 2021 – January 4, 2021 – January 5, 2021 – January 7, 2021 …
dflak over 3 years ago
January 6th – fuggedaboutit!
Bill.Franklin over 3 years ago
So a bunch of poorly armed individuals CAN overthrow the government? Didn’t Biden say rebels would need F15’s and nukes? (Like the Taliban, NVA, etc?)
I get the distinct impression that ‘obvious man’ is missing the obvious. . .
Of course, didn’t the National Socialist Party use the Reichstag fire to persecute political opponents and seize control?
Some people are bad at history, facts, and the obvious.
david Premium Member over 3 years ago
You mean the mostly peaceful protest, right? The one where a bunch of rowdy, unarmed, drunken idiots milled around the building and an unarmed protest was murdered by a guard? That one?
jessie d. over 3 years ago
and let me point out for the clueless, the gender of the human species making up the overwhelming number in attendance at such a snookerdome is not not the female but rather the stubborn old fools of the male gender who will flow up north and insurrect until, oops, caught dead to rights and now reside in D.C. and Alexandria jails awaiting their fates.
[Traveler] Premium Member over 3 years ago
And just because a riot doesn’t take place in D.C. doesn’t mean it’s not an insurrection.
amayesin over 3 years ago
Bill Clinton: It depends on what the meaning of “is” is.
preacherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
It’s really quite amazing how similar the Repubs now are like the Repubs of old. And, it’s equally amazing how similar the Dems now are like the Federalists of old. Though the Dems and Repubs have switched places over the centuries, the old times and now are very much alike.
Lenavid over 3 years ago
I think maybe protests are okay with the Left as long as the protest isn’t directed toward them. Calling that protest an “insurrection” is just ludicrous. Another example of Orwellian Newspeak.
jjboyjr over 3 years ago
Pack of “535” have blinder on all the time as they dupe the public.
jeffkalive over 3 years ago
Thank you Wiley for stating the obvious, sometimes the facts speak for themselves. Keep up the go work!
grocks over 3 years ago
Love this!
rs0204 Premium Member over 3 years ago
We must utterly destroy those who continue to spread the Big Lie about the election and the insurrection at the polls next year.
Trump lost and isn’t coming back.
There was an attempted insurrection/coup at the Capital on January 6th.
Many Republican Senators and Congresspeople are complicit in the Big Lie because they crave power over democracy.
Faux News is a clear and present danger to the Republic.
Louis in Joliet over 3 years ago
I was hoping the giant first letters were going to provide some secret message… Or at least a Rick-Roll. But all we get is JAY J.
There still could be a secret message, but it seems to elude me.
rugeirn over 3 years ago
Obviousman is the clueless one here. He hasn’t yet learned that the only thing needed to support a big lie is repetition. You don’t need proof, you don’t need logic, you don’t need anything but endless very loud repetition. The entire Right has figured that one out. The entire Left is clueless on what to do about it.
Bendarling1 over 3 years ago
What point messing with laws anyway? If they aren’t used or followed?
drelefson Premium Member over 3 years ago
What Mr. Miller, a.k.a. Obvious Man so obviously, and prejudicially ignores is that those people, on the night of the Electoral voting, whether right or wrong, lied to or enforcing the truth, deceived or proving deceit, believed, to the point of action (which most people do not have the courage to do), that they were NOT performing and act of insurrection but were trying to STOP an insurrection.
Baba Yaga Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oh look at all of the haters.
b.john71 over 3 years ago
Ahh the irony of satire,and Floyd was a great guy and peaceful family man. LOL
Martin I over 3 years ago
It was still an armed insurrection even if only the government agents were armed.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
Very well put, Wiley.
bluegirl285 over 3 years ago
When I heard that senator say that on TV, I turned to my family and told them, whenever I go to DC, I sure as hell don’t have this desire to go to the Capitol, storm the gates, and break windows!
unjags over 3 years ago
The great two hour insurrection where everyone forgot to bring their guns.
JohnCPelkey over 3 years ago
Just because liberals can riot 14,000 times, doesn’t mean conservatives can riot once.
PoodleGroomer over 3 years ago
Mike Pense should always be haunted by should’ve, would’ve, could’ve used the 25th amendment on Trump and marched him to jail and shot a few of the disruptive tourists.
dandye over 3 years ago
What about all the “insurrections” in Portland, Ferguson, Milwaukee, etc.? Oh! INSURRECTIONS are only when it is from Republicans! When it is Democrats it is PEACEFUL PROTESTS! Glad to know that! :-)
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. over 3 years ago
I wonder how Republicans would react if Democrats had behaved in 2016 the way Republicans are now: waving “Hillary Won” signs, hosting unofficial recounts, predicting that Hillary would be seated as President months after the election, storming—er, touring the Capitol Building to keep #45’s Electoral College votes from being certified, etc.
chetripley over 3 years ago
So, the woke mobs that destroyed cities all last year in the name of democracy seems like a nationwide insurrection. They burnt down a police station in Minnesota and set fire to a Federal Courthouse in Portland. Why turn a blind eye to that? You all have the “orange man”, we get it, but he wasn’t the problem, he’s no longer in office, move on.
Oh, thanks for the blithering idiot you elected. great choice, nimrods.
Mario500 over 3 years ago
Radish... over 3 years ago
“Hang Mike Pence!”
Looneytunes65 over 3 years ago
That covered it very well.
WildChilde over 3 years ago
Another Brilliant strip Wiley! Thank you.
Will E. Makeit Premium Member over 3 years ago
if an insurrection is planned and infiltrated by those who accuse the insurrectionists then is it an insurrection or an insinuation?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I think if someone had simply called it a “riot”, we would be over this by now.
Will_Scarlet over 3 years ago
See Non Sequitur 07/25/1999…
Oxnate over 3 years ago
Burning billions of dollars of property is not “peaceful protest.”
koolodge over 3 years ago
The ones against an Inquiry are part of the insurrection!
delate37 over 3 years ago
An Unarmed insurrection hmm..Must have been planned by Trump!
mindjob over 3 years ago
Just because over a million are dead doesn’t mean a virus didn’t come from a Chinese lab
mourdac Premium Member over 3 years ago
Throw in sedition also.
Radish... over 3 years ago
Capitol rioter who demanded Pelosi be turned over to be lynched cites Bible in court defense
“Bauer appears to have attempted multiple avenues of sovereign legal strategy. In one recent filing, she appeared to threaten a court clerk with prison time, noting that it would be the penalty for failing to properly log her filings,” the Beast’s Weill wrote before adding, “Evidence from before and on Jan. 6 appears to show Bauer involved in the day’s chaos. According to court documents, Bauer attempted to organize busloads of people to attend a D.C. rally that preceded the riot… During the riot, she allegedly stormed the Capitol rotunda and told a police officer that the crowd would further storm the building if Pelosi and other officials were not released to the mob. ‘You bring them out or we’re coming in,’ she allegedly said, according to a transcript of a police body camera included in the court record.”
Gandalf over 3 years ago
C’mon man! Be honest. Judging by last year’s standard set by CNN, it barely registered as a ‘mostly peaceful protest’.
phileaux over 3 years ago
Thank you Wiley
larryculley over 3 years ago
No one starts an insurrection with clubs. It was a damnfool riot.
duggersd Premium Member over 3 years ago
in•sur•rec•tion ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən►n.The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.n.A rising up; uprising.n.The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.Definition of riot (Entry 1 of 2)1a: a violent public disorderspecifically : a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intentb: public violence, tumult, or disorderPeople can continue to make something what it was not, but that was not an insurrection. It was not “armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state”. The only person killed was an unarmed woman. Most of the people involved were trespassing, but not even rioting. Yet they still keep those people in solitary confinement. I know most of you people here think that is great, but there is a real case of lack of due process going on. If this is your idea of America, you are sick. Obviousman is obviously uninformed on this one.
pflutke59 over 3 years ago
Side tracking from this political debate; There is a river in the US that flows north, the Missouri River running through Montana.
Lynx560 over 3 years ago
There was NO insurrection you morons !!!
billsecmc over 3 years ago
Well IF Jan. 6 was a insurrection WERE the various " No Cop Zones" sites of secession and treason?
sandpiper over 3 years ago
A bitter truth. That such intellects actually have a say in our future is both frightening and disgusting.
Mediatech over 3 years ago
The trouble with clueless people is that they don’t know they’re clueless.
emftoots still causing mischief Premium Member over 3 years ago
Wiley sure knows how to stir up a hornets nest :-) :-). Keep it up, Wiley
emftoots still causing mischief Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oh y’all help me out here…. In the bottom panel, I cant tell if the Senator is wearing blinders or if Obviousman whacked him in the head with a mallet…..
mfrasca over 3 years ago
Vermillion River on Illinois.
FreyjaRN Premium Member over 3 years ago
Don’t feed the trolls. No Iams Low-Fat Troll Biscuits nor Nestle Trollhouse Cookies.
David P. McLaughlin over 3 years ago
To Concretionist: When Democrats objected to the electoral vote count for Trump in 2016 [with VP Joe Biden presiding] did you comment?The WRITTEN rule states: “When a Senator AND a Congressman object, the objection has to be considered.” At least Wiley didn’t call it an ARMED insurrection [the only armed individuals were Capital cops and security details; including the security guy who shot Ashley Babbit—the UN-armed veteran who was the only one killed on the 6th.]The cop who died suffered 2 strokes a day LATER; the cop’s autopsy showed no head injury or throat swelling from ‘bear spray’. The ‘sightseeing tour’ comes from video of mostly seniors shown being LET in, who wandered around taking pictures of things.
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
At what point does a convenient lie became an unsupportable brand of stupidity? Especially lies about vaccination that lead to tens of thousands of deaths in your power base?
bunrabbit99 over 3 years ago
mr_sherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
I read almost all the comments and not a singe one mentioned the one that really affects us all:
WE’RE GONNA DIE!!?!?!?!?!?!
Let’s bring some levity back, folks.
Sojourner over 3 years ago
Erik Spjut over 3 years ago
The NO DUH symbols have the slashes going the wrong way. Look up ISO 3864-1, or the NO symbol.
leemorse9777 over 3 years ago
I know it’s a bit of a stretch, but Moscow Mitch and many of his crew could, I think, be charged with treason. Acting against the interests of your country. 400 plus bills sitting on Mitch’s desk not looked at. Refusing to discuss voting rights. Not accepting the vote or the counting of. Sounds like treason to me. NO ONE should be above the law. NO ONE.
inkyb over 3 years ago
I love seeing ObviousMan again! He’s actually the reason I started reading Non Sequitur, long ago. Thanks for another great character, Wiley!
briangj2 over 3 years ago
It’s been a while since Obviousman appeared. I believe this was the last prior appearance:
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 3 years ago
Nicely done.
bakana over 3 years ago
The Blinders are a distraction.
The Senator was a Tour Guide.
syzygy47 over 3 years ago
Well, one of us is going to live forever. Keep your sword ready and your head on your shoulders and it might be you.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member over 3 years ago
An insurrection starts with shared ideas, agreements about perceived wrongs, escalates to verbal attacks, then peaceful but angry demonstrations, and finally evolves into violence in order to stage an overthrow.
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 3 years ago
Thank you, Wiley! (I mean Obviousman.)
foxmike6513 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Labels are like paintings. Anyone can hang them on a wall. So what label do we put on the reports that an officer was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher and then the lengthy suppression of the autopsy reports. Or the suppression of the report on the death – the only death – of an unarmed demonstrator?
dwkiser28603 over 3 years ago
It’s pity that more newspapers don’t run this comic strip, because this time, it get’s right the point of the matter.
grumpypophobart over 3 years ago
The GOP has slipped the ties of reality. Their tiny minds are adrift.
Schaller Handmade Knives over 3 years ago
I wonder if it’s obvious to Obviousman that a riot in which buildings are burned is not a peaceful protest?
Probably not . . . .
da_villa over 3 years ago
Funny how it’s only an insurrection when it’s not your party! Kind of like riots, arson and looting are peaceful protest!
Frankfreak over 3 years ago
To the conservatives/regressives/republicans/trumpets/libertarians…
non sequitur 8/14/1999
calliarcale over 3 years ago
A river flowing north….
It’s definitely apt that he shows the Nile, which does indeed flow north. But I know of a north-flowing river that’s kind of interesting. The Red River of the North, which empties into Lake Winnipeg and eventually into the Hudson Bay, flows out of Lake Traverse, along the border between Minnesota and South Dakota. But the lake is a long, skinny lake winding through a curious valley called Traverse Gap. The northern half of the valley is occupied by Lake Traverse. The southern half is occupied by Big Stone Lake, which is the headwaters of the Minnesota River, which flows broadly southward (well, southeast, before bending northeast to meet the Mississippi River and flow ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico).
So this valley contains a continental divide, and sometimes in the spring thaw, the course of the Red River reverses due to ice jams to the north, and Lake Traverse spills over into Big Stone Lake. Water flows across the continental divide, southward, in a direction that would normally be considered uphill.
Weird pointless fact for your morning. ;-)
Bicycle Dude over 3 years ago
The blinders the politician’s wearing is appropriate and sums up the GQP’s vision for our country.
cwg over 3 years ago
There would have had to have been an attempt at an insurrection for it to be one to begin with, quit repeating the lie.