Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 15, 2022

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  over 2 years ago

    …And we watch as Puddle’s Shangri-la crumbles to dust. LOL


    I have a feeling, Luann is going to get her dog back, really soon! =)

    Possibly, Tiff takes Puddles to The Fuse and there Nancy spots him??

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  2. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    oh, won’t this be fun

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  3. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 2 years ago
    ”Chaos: Ascendant.” ✨
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  4. 178984004 1938191756340282 7578671333456854042 n
    TheThingIs  over 2 years ago

    does anyone know folks like Steph? Cheery and inconsiderate. Nice but not kind. Yet Aloof. i cant figure out if shes shallow as a puddle or deeply manipulative.

    How did she get this far in life treating people like this?

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  5. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 2 years ago

    Stef, you just keep on walking, right out of this strip, please.

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  6. Little lulu
    sallymargret  over 2 years ago

    Perhaps they’ll call Luann to help keep their “dorm dog”, not realizing she has been searching high and low for the same dog!

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  7. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  over 2 years ago

    Hey Stef… Beware The Ides Of March!

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  8. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 2 years ago

    I wish I could wake up as quickly as Tiffany after a sleepless night.

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  9. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 2 years ago

    I think I can see where this story is going. Tiffany must take Puddles with her to work because Dez has allergies to dogs and no one will be there to watch him. She will ask if there is any safe place to keep Puddles while she works.

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  10. Missing large
    Pointspread  over 2 years ago

    Puddles expression went from happy to “What just happened?”

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  11. Al the fish cup
    alasko  over 2 years ago

    LuAnn can babysit the dog, and lose it again.

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  12. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    See ya Stef.

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  13. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Tiff take Puddles out for lunch at the Fuse.

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  14. Beb avatar
    beb01  over 2 years ago

    If Dez were allergic to dogs she would have had an allergic reaction that time she came to visit Bernice atLuann’s house, because no matter how much they cleaned the house it would have been filled with dog dander. Greg is violating recent continuity to bring this arc too an end. Or perhaps De has caught covid…..

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  15. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 2 years ago

    of all the characters that we could be exploring…

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  16. Missing large
    Dreamdeer  over 2 years ago

    Much sympathy! I always wind up allergic to animals I love!

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  17. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  over 2 years ago

    OK. Tiff brings Puddles to the Fuse because everyone splits except Dez and her allergy. She tries to hide him but that is when Nancy recognizes him? BTW, my opinion of Dez kind of dropped a bit here. I can see Bets or Stef going all gaga over picking up a stray (Stef is just an airhead and Bets saw an opportunity to put him on her social platform for more likes and views) but I really thought Dez might do the responsible thing and take him to the vet where they would find a microchip. Another thought, would TJ recognize Puddles if Tiff tried to hide him at the Fuse while she worked?

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  18. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 2 years ago

    Is Tiffany going to take Puddles to the Fuse? Or more about Desdemona’s reaction to dog hair? Stefani Bird is leaving with her yoga mat ?

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  19. Missing large
    kenhense  over 2 years ago

    So the ghost of Tiffany past is walking out the door.

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    Airman  over 2 years ago

    This is getting a little uncomfortable for dog lovers. If happiness was colorful balloons, Greg would run around popping them.

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  21. Missing large
    Susan00100  over 2 years ago

    Would murdering Stef be considered “justifiable homicide”??

    I’d like to think so!!

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  22. Missing large
    Ruth Brown  over 2 years ago

    There’s going to be fireworks when LuAnn finds out they’ve had her dog. Tiff will get the brunt, I think, though she doesn’t deserve it.

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  23. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  over 2 years ago

    Isn’t a Snerf the result of a Snork accidentally mating with a Smurf?

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  24. Image
    Don Draper  over 2 years ago

    Steph is a Flake?

    Didn’t see that coming.

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  25. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Every time I see Steffi, I wonder where her brain is. Now, I know for sure. SFB…

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  26. Missing large
    capricorn9th  over 2 years ago

    Stefi is the one who can stay with Puddles. Missing a cheer practice is no biggie but she is treating it like a career. Yeah, a career of finding a husband off the football field.

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  27. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 2 years ago

    “Auntie T” now, is it? That looks okay in print but if you say it out loud it’s a bit problematic.

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  28. Missing large
    pekelopan Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Tiff sure cleans up well from yesterday’s strip.

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  29. Dragon
    Asharah  over 2 years ago

    Stef is the girl who nagged her parents into getting her a pet and then let them do all the work.

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  30. Missing large
    OneTime59  over 2 years ago

    Shirks, deadbeats.

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  31. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  over 2 years ago

    Maybe they could ask Luann to take care of him.

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  32. Tommy lee jones look
    Johnnyrico  over 2 years ago

    “Well Stanley…. This is another fine mess you’ve gotten me into!”

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  33. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Look…I’m really done with this arc. Just return the dog let’s be done with it. I like Tiffany arcs but only if she starts them, not finish them

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  34. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Well now.

    Maybe this story will conclude this week, if Tiff takes Pud to the Fuse and hides him in the storage room. That’s provided Nancy finds him first and not Ox, Les or some zealot from the local health department..

    Now if that’s the case, and a happy ending ensues, I wonder how the DeGroots will “reward” Tiffany for finding their lost pooch? An assistant manager job perhaps?

    OR will ladies find someone else to “dog-sit” Puddles?

    Like Kip or the G-Man?


    And congratulations to Stef for taking first place in the most Hated Character awards! ;-)

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  35. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 2 years ago

    Another opportunity has presented itself. Tiff, train Puddles to pee on Stef’s clothes.

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  36. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Stef is seriously horrible. She talk with the dog a little and then put all the weight on Tiffany (again) without any remorse, like if that is the normal way to do for her. What kind of spoiled child she is? About Dez, I hope that’s not allergy, but it’s nice to see how quickly Tiffany moved Puddles away from her face. She really care a lot♡. The diversity between Tiffany and and Stef is more and more evident, i like this because the comparison makes Tiffany shine.

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  37. Missing large
    mpk94  over 2 years ago

    Wait… none of these characters have been to Luann’s house ?

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  38. Test01b
    LawrenceS  over 2 years ago

    I can see a battle between Shannon and Stef for the title of most annoying character in the strip. I feel like Shannon holds the title for how many times she appears, but there is the rare strip in which she can be endearing. Stef has never been anything but a uber-selfish pain in the tuchus.

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  39. Missing large
    JCB  over 2 years ago

    And still four grown women haven’t figured out they should have him checked for a chip.

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  40. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 2 years ago

    so typically steff wants the cute puppy but none of the responsibility

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  41. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  over 2 years ago

    The first thing I would do if I found a lost pup would be to get it to the nearest vet to see if its chipped.

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  42. Missing large
    ct0760  over 2 years ago

    Stef is going to be a horrible parent

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  43. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 2 years ago

    Puddles is still having fun with the girls, so much fun, that maybe he will not want to go back to Luann. He has to go back to her.

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  44. Picture
    D.E.N.  over 2 years ago

    I seem to be in agreement with a few of the other readers here. Tiffany is going to feel she has not choice but to take Puddles to work with her at The fuse where he’s recognized and gets back to his rightful home. I don’t think the writers will have a hard time stretching that out for four more days.

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  45. 0038f029 1b4b 4785 a1e9 150c09c6c99d
    David Jones Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Goodbye, Stef. Please stay gone.

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  46. Missing large
    wongo  over 2 years ago

    How does Tiff not know Pud belongs to Luann? She must have seen him at LuAnn’s house?

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  47. Missing large
    calliarcale  over 2 years ago

    It’s been interesting to what Tiffany’s character development. She’s now by far the most responsible one in the quad — and Stef is clearly the least.

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  48. Lord flasheart
    Same2Ubuddy  over 2 years ago

    To serve dogkind.

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  49. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member over 2 years ago

    And now we see the solution. Tiff takes Puds to work and someone recognizes him; Nancy, TJ or even Luann herself. OR Another person “adopts” him. OR He runs away again.

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  50. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Dez is acting against character thru this whole arc.

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  51. Bob
    R.W.Singer -SF  over 2 years ago

    Soon back to Luann’s where the poor dog has to hear nothing but Luann’s whining……

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  52. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  over 2 years ago

    Honestly, who wears bows in their hair these days?

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  53. Photo
    KLKLdy  over 2 years ago

    I really hate the cheerleader. She needs a comeuppance

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  54. Missing large
    davidlwashburn  over 2 years ago

    Shouldn’t Tiffany recognize Puddles?

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  55. Ball 3001 reasonably small
    kauri44  over 2 years ago

    So Luann will only get her dog back because Puddles has become inconvenient to his finders, not because they initially made a serious effort to find his owner? (Sorry, Stef knew that the dog was lost far from the dorms so the postage stamp sized bulletin board notice doesn’t count…)

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I certainly hope so!

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  57. Missing large
    comic reader 22  over 2 years ago

    First we get the reminder of the heartbreak of losing a pet, then the anger at people who steal other peoples lost pets. Now they show us the disenchantment when the stolen (or adopted) pet turns out to be less than perfect or their upkeep becomes inconvenient for people’s lifestyles (like so many puppies and kittens). Puddles has proven to be less than perfect for Tiffany and Dez, now all he has to do is knock over Bets’ video gear and chew up that cheer uniform and maybe they will finally do the right thing and go get his chip read. I agree with kauri44 – these girls should have tried to find his owner right when Stephanie “found” him (as he was on his way home).

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    dbradway1  over 2 years ago

    Ah, the realities of pet ownership set in.

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    minute_of_decade  over 2 years ago

    Funny how Luann was moving the entire world to get her dog back, even calling her firefighter brother when she though Shannon lost it, but now that it’s her fault he is missing she’s just standing by hopping for the best.

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  60. Tink
    snowedin, now known as Missy's mom  over 2 years ago

    …aaand Stef is oblivious, as usual.

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  61. Ygzuoa
    Kenezg  over 2 years ago

    Isn’t Steph the one that brought the dog there in the first place?

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  62. Missing large  over 2 years ago

    Reality rushes in like the Johnstown Flood.

    Puddles is a shorthair,can you be THAT allergic to one?

    And there goes Steffi,running away from reality once more.I hope it turns out she’s allergic to pom-poms.

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  63. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  over 2 years ago

    Did Dez not know she was allergic to dogs until now? You’d think that’s something that might’ve come up during childhood.

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  64. Missing large  over 2 years ago

    And next month,somebody abandons a rabbit on Steffi’s doorstep.

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  65. Missing large
    BlitzMcD  over 2 years ago

    Uh oh. Dez is diseased! And it looks like her “natural remedies” aren’t gonna help this time. What to do……

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  66. Missing large
    leighabc123  over 2 years ago

    Stef is a self centered jerk! In other news, Dez is allergic to dogs. This will extend this arc for another week.

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    auntydle  over 2 years ago

    I can’t believe that these women still haven’t thought of checking for a microchip. Like, really? You find a dog and he’s automatically your “new puppers”? He’s obviously well fed and cared for, so he’s obviously a loved pet who’s gotten lost.

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  68. Missing large
    wantcomicsnow2  over 2 years ago

    And Stef is behaving exactly the way I thought she would.

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  69. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 2 years ago

    Typical Stef… She brings in a dog for Tiffany to look after.

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  over 2 years ago

    Who could be allergic to puddles??

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  71. Screenshot 2022 01 16 152538
    WestofthePecan Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I detest arrogant selfish people. Why, yes, Steph, I AM speaking of you.

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  72. Dvincent
    dv1093  over 2 years ago

    No kidding – I SO know people just like Stef.

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  73. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 2 years ago

    “Oh how I hate her”

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  74. Ligand1
    RSH  over 2 years ago

    OK.. maybe Tiff takes Puds to work at the Fuse where he is recognized

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  75. Missing large
    dustoffer  over 2 years ago

    Oh the drama when Luann finds out—

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  76. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 2 years ago

    I don’t even care how Puddles is reunited with Luann anymore … just as long as Stef is written out in the process!

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  77. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 2 years ago

    Today’s show: The Irresponsibles, a gang of oh-so-clever college kids who are not mature enough to care for a pet. What does that say for returning Puddles to (uh-oh) Luann?!

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    edeloriea14  over 2 years ago

    Turns out that Dez is allergic to dog dander.

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    gale5406  over 2 years ago

    Tiffany has been around Luann for a long time. She should know that’s her dog . . .come on, I know it’s only a comic, but really???!!!!

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    kittysquared Premium Member over 2 years ago

    This arc has worn out its welcome. Steffi is a jerk, and the sneaky kind, too. Pretends to be nice, but only if it serves her purpose. Loathsome.

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  81. Picture
    CoreyTaylor1  over 2 years ago

    How long before worthless gets bounced from the dorm?

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