Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 25, 2024

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  2 months ago

    5 years our time or 5 years Luann time?? In 5 years Luann time it’ll probably be 2050. ;)

    I think a lot of us didn’t know what we wanted to do with our life at 19…

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 2 months ago

    The way things are going around the World these days, a Good answer for Luann would be: “I DON’T want to be in the middle of a WAR.”

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    nesto49  2 months ago

    I love the look of, wait, there are other possibilities…?

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    Azul0858  2 months ago

    Why does she have to decide now? She hasn’t even finished her second year in community college, trying out things she might like (art, creative writing). And she might teach for a few years, then retrain to be something else or move into a different kind of position with an education degree…or go to graduate or professional school. Why are these 19-year-olds pushing another 19-year-old into a major life decision? The two of them don’t know what they want except “business.” Luann’s the one who’s actually exploring options.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  2 months ago

    At last Luann can see that she has to work toward her future. What one actually becomes is not always what they thought at age 19. All I knew at age 19 was that I was going to be a mother at 20. I knew how to type, and that eventually opened the door towards a career. To every young person, I encourage them to learn a skill.

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    diazch408  2 months ago

    Teaching may sound lame, but her college might lead Luann to end up in-say-coaching.

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    Argythree  2 months ago

    At 19, I thought I was going to be an archaeologist and dig up old cities. I actually ended up being a city planner, and helped create policies that guided development of new cities. You can start out with an idea, but after a bit of studying, applying for jobs and so on, you can end up going in a totally different direction…

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 2 months ago

    And I thought Bets was about ready to pull the plug.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 2 months ago

    Luann, you did not have a plan on what you wanted to be or what business you wanted to be in after college.

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  10. Beb avatar
    beb01  2 months ago

    I was asked this question once, a long time ago when I was looking for a lab position. Since I really needed a job that day I wasn’t thinking about what I’ve be doing in five years, except perhaps have a house and a wife with kids. They were looking for a good chemist who would in five years time become the director of some lab. Someone with an obsession for chemistry. That wasn’t me. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job.

    But in a way it is a good question for guidance counselors (which B&T aren’t) because if you can’t see yourself as teaching or writing five years from now maybe teaching or writing is not for you.

    But F*** the Sheriff and his deputy! I want this stupid, turgid, painfully insulting story to end now. It is the worse thing G&K have done yet. They need to put it out of it’s misery and give us some relief as well.

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    GirlGeek Premium Member 2 months ago

    They are really pressuring her, I don’t like it

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    snsurone76  2 months ago

    I’m not sure I’ll be alive in 5 years!

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    Uncle Kenny  2 months ago

    I knew what I wanted to be when I was 19, but I changed my mind before I was 20.

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  14. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   2 months ago

    Greg Evans might be retired?

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    nightflight  2 months ago

    Luann would be better off with a fair ground fortune teller.

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    astahl2003  2 months ago

    Life is what happens when your looking the other way. – often misattributed to John Lennon. Bets and Tiff have no idea what a brand even is, and that say a lot about the assignment. Building a personal brand is NOT about what you want in the future, it’s about consciously identifying and playing to the strengths you already have, or are perceived to have. Weather that actually gets you what YOU want, vs what others want (being a tool), is a whole nother question. Better questions for Bets & tiff to ask to figure out Luann ambitions: what do you want on your gravestone? What do you want your obituary to say? Finally, it’s very possible that Luann is justifiably conservative/defensive in expressing her wants due to trust issues lingering from her fraught and competitive history with Tiffany. Try getting tiff out of the room before turning on the camera.

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  17. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  2 months ago

    Well, so much for the idea that Luann was passionate about becoming a teacher.

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    wormfood  2 months ago

    What you want to be doing differs what you will be doing 5 years from now.

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    DorothyGlenn Premium Member 2 months ago

    I still don’t know what I want to do, but these knee huggers keep calling me grandma. Most of what I love is Volunteer stuff. Pet sitting is extra income, but I feel bad taking money for what I enjoy so much. lol. Community gardens, are volunteer, too. So I ended up mostly in a cubicle to have income, insurance, blah blah.

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    Rockabore  2 months ago

    “I see a vacant messy room,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a dog named Puddles without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, Luann DeGroot will die.”

    Oh wait, I got my future predictions crossed.

    Anyhow, I think that Luann could get better advice from Mrs. Horner cause usually the old woman sets her on the right course without making her feel like she’ll shrivel into dust and blow away in the wind if she’s unsure about her future.

    Really the way reality is in general for most people 5 years in the future is incredibly uncertain (just look at how much the pandemic changed lives) and you can change dreams and aspirations MANY times and course correct your life. I’m not saying it’s wrong to have a defined idea, in fact a plan is good, but a lot of people change their mind. One of my mentors went from cataloguing antique furniture and teaching courses to opening an art gallery and moving very far and I know for a fact she didn’t really expect to make that big change, but she’s happy.

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  21. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  2 months ago

    On June 4th of 2012 when Luann was havin lunch with Bernice an Delta, Luann said she wanted to be a Thermodynamics Astrophysicist. Check it out..

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    French Persons Premium Member 2 months ago

    How cool would it be if Luann appeared as the Keymaster of Gozer on Bets’ smartphone?

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  23. Beb avatar
    beb01  2 months ago

    Gad, this does not look like it will wrap up in three days.

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    OneTime59  2 months ago

    Yesterday, I think I called today’s first frame.

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    bh05150  2 months ago

    This Gawd awful story arc feels like it’s lasted five years…

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    vikipa  2 months ago

    What I wanted to do with my life when I was 19 changed A LOT by the time I was 24!

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    KenHelmick  2 months ago

    Sometimes life just happens. I wanted to be crowned “Rightful Ruler of the Universe” but, when that didn’t come together, I still managed to find gainful employment.

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    baboese  2 months ago

    My gosh. How long are we going to milk this stupid arc?!?

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    Ellis97  2 months ago

    I’ve always wanted to be a famous animator, but due to the recent purge and rise of AI, I will also be pursuing careers toy creation and children’s literature.

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  30. Boston
    MS72  2 months ago

    College opened up the world for me. I knew I wouldn’t follow Dad. Then I took a Fortran class. Wow!

    If I were at that point today, I imagine there are jobs that don’t exist yet. Good times!

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  31. Brush test
    BLUEBONNETS Premium Member 2 months ago

    My father wanted me to be an aeronautical engineer, but Disney thought me to followed my heart/dreams, so I became a cartoonist. A boy should listen to his father.

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    pmorrison  2 months ago

    I’m not enjoying this comic anymore. to weird

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    rfgw7234  2 months ago

    I totally hate this arc.

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    carrissima  2 months ago

    When did Luann stop wanting to be a teacher? Wasn’t that her passion at one point? She loved working with kids.

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    larryzolcienski  2 months ago

    At 19, I just wanted to get out of the jungle, alive.

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    DawnQuinn1  2 months ago

    Some STILL don’t know what to do with their life after 70 years. Growing up is no fun.

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    ctolson  2 months ago

    LuAnn – " On second thought, far, far away from you guys and living my life – what ever it may be, Que sera, sera."

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    preacherman Premium Member 2 months ago

    After Luann has spent 5 years teaching she’ll either be teacher of the year, or writing her first great novel.

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  39. Umbellacorp
    herdocow  2 months ago

    Bets and Tiff driving their expectations down a dead end street.

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    A.Ficionada  2 months ago

    Define progress lol

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    BJDucer  2 months ago

    I know this is a bit random, but after seeing Bets (Betz?) for the last few days here, is she and Gunther still an item?

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    Troglodyte  2 months ago

    One step forward, two steps back…excellent “progress”!

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    fbmjr2  2 months ago

    I’m going to be 60 this year and I still don’t know what I want to do.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 2 months ago

    They finally found the turning point! Luann’s idea of becoming a teacher because she loves working with children is really cute, but always seemed shallow to me. She too must have developed doubts and started to have other dreams, especially as a writer. I hope Bets recorded the expression Luann makes in the second panel very well. If they can turn that feeling of bewilderment into confidence, they’ll really be able to help Luann and make a great video.

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    djminor321  2 months ago

    “Here, ladies and gentlemen of the jury is when the first victim of the Dabuts cult is recruited and brainwashed. Luann DeGroot’s life would begin to spiral more and more out of her control and be bent to the whims of the cult’s leaders”

    - closing statement of the lead prosecutor in the Dabuts cult case

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    eladee AKA Wally  2 months ago

    It’s good to say Where do you see yourself in 5 years? But rarely do people make a plan at 19 and stick to it. Life will take you in many directions. Be prepared to embrace it if it suits your needs and, most importantly, if it will provide you with a self sustaining income.

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    lemonbaskt  2 months ago

    whats more boring this or crankshaft ?

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    prrdh  2 months ago

    As the Taoists say, let the path show you the way. Then in five years you will be where you belong…wherever that is.

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  49. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 2 months ago

    I always told my sons to do what they enjoyed, but be flexible to change jobs or direction if needed. No point in being stuck in a hated job. Life’s too short.

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  50. Ligand1
    RSH  2 months ago
    Not really as in yes you are right that I have no idea or not really as in ‘no’. Tiff is trying to create Luann’s answers for her to fit their marketing model, instead of just letting Luann do the talking.
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  51. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  2 months ago

    That’s what we need to get young people to do; think about and decide what they want to do, what work they want to do. And THEN choose what education they’ll need to get that work. Hint: you don’t need college to succeed.

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  52. Greg backlit
    mindjob  2 months ago

    Oh no, there’s gonna be more…

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  53. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  2 months ago

    Oh yes, not a teacher after all, I knew that wasn’t a big thing for her. I think she’ll draw inane cartoons.

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    Uncle Bob  2 months ago

    There were so many sages who told kids at their graduation to chase their dreams and to dare to be different. These kids are now saddled with impossibly large student loan debt, with jobs that are not all that fulfilling…

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    wantcomicsnow2  2 months ago

    I hope the Ditzy Duo don’t convince Luann that she must pick one thing to obsess over and make that her passion, to the exclusion of everything else. Luann has many interests, why should she give them all up just because these two business wanna-be’s tell her she should. If she wants to pursue one particular interest for a while fine, but that doesn’t mean she should stop doing all the other things she likes. That one particular interest might not work out. Better maybe she should try to combine two or three of her interests and see how it goes.

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    wantcomicsnow2  2 months ago

    Bets, of all people, should know better than to have one single obsession / passion. She had one——-she was a social media influencer——-and when she gave it up she was completely lost. She didn’t know what to do with herself, and still doesn’t IMO. Remember when Stefi told Bets that Bets’ social media site was her whole identity, and asked who she was without it? The best Bets could come up with is: “I’m Gunther’s girlfriend.” To quote an earlier poster, that and a buck-fifty will get you a cup of coffee.

    Seems to me Bets and Tiff should work on rebranding themselves before they start trying to “fix” other people.

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  57. Spinynorman
    liberalnlovinit  2 months ago

    OKAY BATUBS, what’s wrong with teaching?!?

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    WilliamVollmer  2 months ago

    Betts probably has game plans for her future (with, or, without Gunther.) Tiffany probably doesn’t, or, if she does, it’s probably so vague, it’s nearly non existant.

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  59. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  2 months ago

    And like the two of you do, unless conning people count.

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    fourteenpeeves  2 months ago

    All 3 of them have no idea what they’ll be doing 5 years from now. Potato chip break !

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    ron  2 months ago

    I had things and vocations I was passionate about but knew they weren’t for a lifetime.

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    greenlynn Premium Member 2 months ago

    Just remember Luann, those who know, do. Those who understand, teach. Those who do not know or understand, make laws for teachers.

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    mistercatworks  2 months ago

    Sitting here with a whole new group of non-time-waster friends.

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    limarick  2 months ago

    It feels like this arc has gone on for five years!

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    Susan123  2 months ago

    Sounds like a job interview

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    BBComicLover  2 months ago

    Such a HR question “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Not original

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