Jeff Stahler for June 13, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  16 days ago

    I’m okay with a VOLUNTARY return to “godliness” (whatever that is) for those who choose it. Alito’s enough on my shift-list that I’m disinclined to trust him about ANY changes, much less a change toward what religion he prefers.

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    Fern   16 days ago


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  3. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  16 days ago

    I thought the gods were supposed to be kept out of politics, judiciary and law? Especially as no god has ever existed.

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  4. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 16 days ago

    Religion is a PERSONAL matter between individuals and whatever god(s) the believe in or if they don’t believe in any supernatural deities.

    Politics is public POLICY — to address legitimate issues of public policy to manage and develop our shared PUBLIC environment and infrastructure to achieve the public works that benefit us all but which no single private interest can achieve along, and to protect public safety and the public order — from threats of invasion, from crime, and yes, from corporate bullies that would dominate others and run roughshod over the rights of workers and consumers. And yes, that “public health and safety” includes the right not to die because you can’t afford medical care or because you get shot to death in a school, church, concert, nightclub or anywhere.

    PRIVATE religion is not within the legitimate purview of PUBLIC policy. Just say NO to SOCIALIZED RELIGION.

    Justice Alito can believe whatever he wants, and try to pursue (godliness) as much as he wants (though he certainly seems to bear no resemblance to any teachings ever attributed to Jesus in his private life, but in his role as a Supreme Court justice, no, it is not his place to try to promote “godliness” in his public role.

    For all my differences with Chief Justice Roberts, and all his failures as an extremely weak Chief Justice in maintaining discipline within the Court, at least when he was presented with the same question, he knew what his role was and expressed it correctly.

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  5. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  16 days ago

    Yes, the god of narcissism is the chosen one to worship.

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  6. Egidius.pfanzelter
    EgidiusPfanzelter  16 days ago

    I’m not OK with this idea. Everyone can believe in her or his god, but should do it silently and not try to force others to do the same.

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 16 days ago

    What return? Back when Black people were not allowed to vote or when women were considered property? Or outlawing what kind of conensual relations adults were allowed to have? What “Godliness” do we imagine Alito is in favor of?

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  8. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  16 days ago

    Alito himself is no god

    If he was he’d be lucifer

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    Patjade  16 days ago

    For CF Fraudfather, there are no other gods before him.

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  10. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 16 days ago

    Godliness is OKAY as long as Trump is not the god?

    If Trump is reelected, you will not be able to tell the difference.

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 16 days ago

    But Trump is the Chosen One! 34 times!!!

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    pasharuzam Premium Member 16 days ago

    Our constitution is intentionally godless, since it’s the best way to organize a democracy without the various religious conflicts over whose god, or in the case of the People of the Book (Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc.) which passages they choose to emphasize and follow. The godlessness of the Constitution also respects both those who believe in a god, those who have religion and those who don’t.

    It’s the misinformed, one-sided, ultra-religious bias of the Alitos, Thomases and their ilk that have decidedly replaced the god they say they believe in with the false god Trump in their pantheon that is the problem.

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  13. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 16 days ago

    Why bother with a supernatural entity at all, since that only puts different groups of people at odds with each other? The principle of treating others as you would wish to be treated should suffice.

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  14. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  16 days ago

    If trump isn’t their god then they couldn’t justify blindly following him and swallowing whatever comes out of his backside. And then they wouldn’t be “owning the libs” which is their ONLY reason for existing

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    cdward  16 days ago

    Completely aside from the fact that a Supreme Court Justice should NEVER take godliness into account in matters of the law, Alito has displayed anything BUT godliness. A perverted human exploitation of the word “godliness”, yes, but actual godliness? No.

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    Hollymartins2  16 days ago

    “If Jesus came back and saw what’s going on in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.” – Frederick – “Hannah and her Sisters “

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    The Nodding Head  16 days ago

    Countless numbers of people have been tortured, mutilated, and killed throughout history in the name of one god or another. The Founders sought to discourage that. Alito’s Originalism is selective.

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  18. Wtp
    superposition  16 days ago

    It’s truly unfortunate [or us] that Alito, Thomas, et al, cannot acknowledge/accept that the Deist beliefs present during the enlightenment era — when our Constitution was authored — is so very different than current [evangelical] beliefs … and to spin their original words, of the Founders, using different [current/alternate] beliefs is inherently erroneous.

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  19. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 16 days ago

    Trump or God? Which do the libs hate more?

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    sinusjoe  16 days ago

    I have no objections to individuals who pursue godliness (whatever that may be). I just don’t want them to tell me I should too, and in their manner.

    Keep religion as private as sex. Out of the public square and among consenting individuals. Don’t groom me to follow your religious or sexual practices.

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  21. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 16 days ago

    But, but, MTG says Felon45 has been persecuted just like her messiah ….

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  22. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  16 days ago

    His Royal BlahBlahness, King Buttercup, the First likely will never spend a day in jail even if the appeal is allowed to reach SCOTUS. His minions will assure he is forgiven and even lauded for his purity.

    It now appears that those appointees, who supposedly put aside their personal biases to serve on SCOTUS, are now showing their true colors and removing all doubt about their true beliefs and how they really made their decisions.

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  23. Picture
    Ontman  16 days ago

    Sorry, not even then.

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  24. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 16 days ago

    Afraid.. he thinks he is, and obviously a lot of his MAGA followers agree. Like many passages in the good book the one about false prophets is conveniently ignored

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    dflak  16 days ago

    I would like to see someone challenge Trump to recite the Lord’s Prayer. I will bet a paycheck he can’t do it.

    Then ask Mr. Retribution and Revenge what the words, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” means to him.

    I do not have the strength in my soul to forgive Trump, so until the Lord helps me get that strength, I will leave it in His hands: May God have mercy on his soul.

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    bluecat  16 days ago

    This tracks.

    NYTimes yesterday: “Young Women Are Fleeing Organized Religion. This Was Predictable.”

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  27. Dr coathanger abortions 150
    Teto85 Premium Member 16 days ago

    Which god? Odin, Zeus, Ameratsu, Ra? I like Toutatis and Freya. And one of our cats. She’s the real power of this Universe. And maybe another 2 or 3 Universes.

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    librarylady59  16 days ago

    “My dear, religion is like a p*nis. It’s a perfectly fine thing to have and take pride in, but when one takes it out and waves it in front of my face we have a problem.” — attributed to Maggie Smith.

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  29. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  16 days ago

    You ought to read the Constitution, obviously republicans don’t since they took away abortion rights based on their religious grounds. So you’re saying its alright with you if Biden becomes a dictator?

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    T Smith  16 days ago


    Y’know, that thing that brought us the Crusades, Salem witch trials, subjugation of women, justification of slavery, evolution denialism, climate denialism…

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  31. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 16 days ago

    We don’t just have freedom of religion but also freedom FROM religion. Evangelicals are strongly supporting Trump. You would think that those who claim the moral high ground would be appalled by him. But they are not as mindless as they appear to be. They really want the entire country to share their beliefs, or at least to act like they do.

    They don’t like abortions, and actually birth control.

    They want everyone to attend church and believe in Jesus.

    They would not just allow public prayer everywhere all the time, but demand that anyone not participating be punished.

    They would not allow any evidence of any other religion, or lack thereof to be displayed in public. That kind of thing is frightening to them and they really really hate it.

    And, Trump has promised them a christian version of the Taliban in America. This is quite a reach, considering that he doesn’t attend church himself and has shown absolutely no morals according to the dictates of any religion.

    It is amazing to see how many of these people who are, in their own minds at least, a moral shining light actually are not ashamed of the fact that they are avidly supporting a person who is reliably dishonest in his business dealings and has the Family Values credentials of an extremely active tomcat.

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    piper_gilbert  16 days ago

    And no one is telling which God to return to.

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    ncorgbl  16 days ago

    Today’s far right-wing evangelists, the ‘Modern Day Pharisees’, are attempting to seize the opportunity they think tRump provides them to make the U.S. a ‘Christian Nation’. The U.S. is NOT a Christian Nation and never was.

    The following treaty was sent to the floor of the Senate, June 7, 1797, where it was read aloud in its entirety and unanimously approved. Founder, co-author of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, first vice president and 2nd President John Adams, having seen the treaty, signed it and proudly proclaimed it to the Nation.

    Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary.

    Annals of Congress, 5th Congress

    Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

    The Library of Congress >

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    ShadowMaster  16 days ago

    I’ll second the motion.

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  35. Saurichia
    Saurischia Premium Member 16 days ago

    But, then the question is “Which God?”

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  36. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  16 days ago

    Trump’s $48 billion tax cut for gig corporations would exceed size of K-12 budget

    As former President Donald Trump prepared to meet with top corporate CEOs on Thursday, an analysis estimates that the GOP frontrunner’s proposed giveaway to the nation’s most profitable corporations would exceed the size of the federal K-12 budget for the current fiscal year.

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    Glib Sporgen  16 days ago

    Donald Trump is:


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    Chazz  16 days ago

    I’m ok with not buying your faith

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    gammaguy  14 days ago

    “I’m OK with a return to godliness….”

    In government? I’m not!

    Aside from being extremely nebulous, “God” and “godliness” are strictly religious concepts. Therefore any attempt to include either of them in legislation or other governmental functions in the United States is a violation of our Constitution… specifically the First Amendment.

    The Supreme Court Justices, including Alito, have sworn — on a “Christian” Bible? Hmm! — to uphold and defend the Constitution. If he believes that it deserves to be changed, he has the right to that opinion and the right to express that opinion publicly. Neither he nor any court has any authority to make such a change, except through the process of Amendment as defined in that Constitution.

    Unfortunately, the Court — and not just its current incarnation — has several times violated that restriction by claiming that legal decisions from courts of lesser standing or even outside of the United States have greater standing than the language of the Constitution itself.

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    mhopkin  14 days ago

    I’m not okay with a “return to Godliness”. We would have to expect the Spanish Inquisition.

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  41. Unnamed
    Another Take  13 days ago

    No worries – Charlamagne is. Self proclaimed anyway.

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