Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for January 06, 2025

  1. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  2 months ago

    Ora Zella is about to go full PIRATE MODE! ARRRRRR, me and me first mate Iggy are out for plunder on the Big Pink Sea!

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  2. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member 2 months ago

    It’s always fun when they do the “Whoa! How long has that been there?” routine.

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    FreihEitner Premium Member 2 months ago

    I believe I recognize the markings as being from, or inspired by, Tupperware canisters from the 1970s.

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    emiesty2  2 months ago

    OT Repost about Flow

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    JLChi  2 months ago

    Swan Eaters!!!!!

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    Kahlu  2 months ago

    I really loved the OIXL digression — though I understand that it wasn’t everyone’s proverbial cuppa. Georgia Dunn is immensely talented and has an enormous range of parodic skills — I think I only ‘grok’ about 10% of her varied references. It seems to me that she needs to cut loose every once in a while from the domestic happenings of Pink House, Rhode Island, into Killer Roombas, Opossum Wars, OIXLives; the Kidnapping of Miss Sophie, etc. And I really appreciate the digressions, as well. I appreciate the domestic scenes (and missed our intrepid reporters) but actually find myself educated when she enters different realms and then the commenters explain the references. She’s such a talented storyteller — it all works on every level. And I have never seen a cartoon carry this spectrum of media and storylines. This is a long-winded thank you to all who participate in making this a wonderful (and, at times, trippy) place!

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    fullmoondeb Premium Member 2 months ago


    Checking in on our BCN friends who are in the storm areas, sending prayers for safety and hugs.

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    Ambush Kitten  2 months ago

    I wonder who’s uttering the “uh oh”? Last panel, at the bottom, next to Georgia’s signature.

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    dmah Premium Member 2 months ago

    As the tortie circles in for the kill, I hear the infamous strains of duh dah duh dah duh dah from Jaws 

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 2 months ago

    I foresee potential disaster.

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    Robin Harwood  2 months ago

    It’s safe to come out now?

    That container is doomed.

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    Robin Harwood  2 months ago

    Gent, following on from yesterday, I admit I am inclined to sympathy with the ancient Indian idea of a cyclic universe that “folds and unfolds” , or “bounces”, as modern parlance has it.

    But it occurs to me that, if time passes at different rates in various parts of the universe, and thus expansion happens at different rates, it might be that some parts contract, fold, before others, and that there is continuous process of folding and unfolding going on all the time. The whole thing never contracts to a full singularity or expands from a full singularity. No Big Bang, just some bits expanding while others slow down and then contract.

    This will probably be standard cosmology in a hundred years. Remember you read it here first, folks.

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    WelshRat Premium Member 2 months ago

    Go with the zen, Iggy! “It will be freed, we just need to wait.”

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    Ruth Brown  2 months ago

    Iggy is a good boy and not inclined to go rogue.

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  15. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  2 months ago

    We always made sure Bagheera had food in his bowl, but he insisted on getting it fresh from the bag.

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    cat19632001  2 months ago

    Aka – “Let my kibble go!” or “Gimme, gimme, gimme!”

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    cat19632001  2 months ago

    But where’s her (Baby’s First li’l) cutlass? All pirates have to have a cutlass. And who’s going to walk the plank? I have so many questions that need answers.

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    Space_cat  2 months ago

    Roy, if his bowl is empty while I’m sleeping, will tip the bag over. And, laying on his stomach, will paw out a few pieces at a time. My only clue is that the bag is still tipped over in the morning. Poody, before she lost her teeth, used to bite a hole in the corner of the bag. Crude but effective.

    In other news, An ultrasound on my neck show five small growths on my Thyroid, nothing major, but they want to remove them for biopsy. That said, I’ve been losing energy, having minor trouble swallowing and speaking. And eating less, That one I don’t mind, food is expensive! I’ve never been very cold tolerant, but this winter it seems to goad me into lethargy.

    So I’ve been using that time to write, for the last few years I have been fleshing out the world of Sloblinki, its history, story and it’s characters and their adventures.It will consist of four volumes aimed at young adult readers.

    Under the header “Tales of Sloblinki”

    The first volume is titled “Diamond is a girl’s best friend” I’m 15 chapters in so farRoughly outlined are the remaining three volumes, their story lines and major character and plots are sketched out

    Book 2: The book of Snit.

    Book 3: The book of Snat

    Book 4: Vas Caink, Cat Scientist (tentative)

    I’m excited to be working on something this big, I was done with painting since May and took a break for mental health, and I was wondering what I was going to make next.

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    valeries Premium Member 2 months ago

    Yikes! Is 23° here in the northern part of the D/FW Metroplex (Texas). The outside water for the neighborhood cats was frozen solid, so tumped it out and replaced with warm water from inside.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 2 months ago

    As usual, Ora Zella provides a measured and reasoned response to a new stimulus.

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    diskus Premium Member 2 months ago

    A news report!!! Hi gang. Oh no, chaos is her middle name

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    SheMc  2 months ago

    Ooohhh the anticipation!!!

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    Kitty Katz  2 months ago

    Meanwhile, Back in Rhode Island

    Violet-Ifa: Here’s the plan: Violet, get some graham crackers from Tommy, then we’ll all convene at the Xanadu Hive.

    Violet: Got it.

    Diana Filly: Do I have time to visit with Diane Filly?

    Violet-Ifa: Alright. Meet us at the hive when you’ve said your goodbyes.

    Puck: It was a pleasure meeting you flowers. Remember, whether you affect space and time or sing pleasant folk songs, you are all magical.

    Al: That’s lovely of you to say so.

    Tallie: Come back and see us.

    Cade: And keep smiling.

    Sometime Later, at the Xanadu Hive

So that’s what happened. Terpsichore’s Anemone Honey ended up at the library.

    Kira: Makes sense. Where is there a more magical place?

    Violet-Ifa: We’ll just spread a bit on these graham crackers, and return to our time. There’s still plenty of honey for you to deal with as you see fit.

    Kira: Thank you. And safe time travels.

    Vi: Until next time, Nana Infinity

    Ora Zed: And remember, always be careful

    Ora Zella: 
To make as much chaos as you can. (Both laugh)

    Beatrixia: You do me proud, Bea.

    Sometime later, in Rhode Island

    Iggy: I wrote a brief opera in thirty acts about our ancestors’ adventures.

    Elvis: I’ll just curl up on the Big Pink Couch and listen.

    Lupin: Thanks for the transcript so I’ll be able to follow along.

    Puck: And now time to settle in.

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    cb8ty  2 months ago

    Iggy peeks around the edge of the table just like he does around walls and doorways.

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    cat19632001  2 months ago

    Lurking? Well Ora Zella does kind of blend in with the kibble container which I’m sure she thinks will disguise all her movements.

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    Katzen1415  2 months ago

    Yes, Ora Zella clearly just wants to free the imprisoned kibble. No other reason.

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  27. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member 2 months ago

    Love it when a cat notices something that’s always been there, like they’ve never seen it before!

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    Le'letha Premium Member 2 months ago

    OT: Dulcie update

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    metagalaxy1970  2 months ago

    Oh dear, looks like the kibble container is going to met an untimely end.

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    ladykat Premium Member 2 months ago

    I would say “don’t do it, Ora Zella!”, but that would fall on dear ears.

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    bonita.eley  2 months ago

    The kibble is in prison? Their cause is noble!

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    T_Lexi  2 months ago

    Oh, Cat! It’s St. Chaos, She Who Is Oblivious of Consequences.

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    howtheduck  2 months ago

    Prison break!!

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    anomalous4  2 months ago

    My son & DIL keep their big dog’s kibble in one of those big green plastic storage bins that sits on the floor by their kitchen doorway. (The puppy still gets puppy food from a separate bag.) I’m surprised that she hasn’t figured out how to open the lid & help herself, but my son says she’s never bothered it!

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    Red Bird  2 months ago

    With Ora Zella on the scene, the kibble container is bound to be destroyed.

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    mepowell  2 months ago

    Swan Eaters Alert “Yes, it’s true—the next chapter of my other comic Swan Eaters is just around the corner! Swan Eaters returns to GoComics on January 20th, Mondays and Thursdays! I always hesitate to mix posts between the Breaking Cat News and Swan Eaters socials, because they are VERY different comics! However, I know there are some Swan Eaters readers here and want to let them know it’s returning at long last! While Breaking Cat News is all ages and rated G, with warm endearing stories that always end on a high note, Swan Eaters is a dark humor horror comic firmly rated at least PG-13 if not occasionally R horror-wise. It can be very scary at times, in hairpin turns. The same twists and surprise moments in BCN exist in SE, but sometimes the punchline is frightening. It is also very sweet though, too? If you enjoy The Addams Family or The Munsters, it’s a similar spirit! The witches and monsters who are our heroes love each other and look out for each other. The villains are clearly villains (doesn’t get much worse than Nazis) and often get what they deserve in the end. However, while happy endings are promised in BCN, in SEs we lose characters. Life is hard for the Hawkers. The plot is currently centering on the main bad guy Dr. Hemlock tricking one of the children into luring our main heroes into another world—where they lost five years and aged forward; older when they returned. I ask that folks know what they’re getting into and read with caution. I don’t recommend it for children! I was a kid who would have loved it, but it would have scared friends to bits
 You know your kids. Read it first if you do let them check it out. I don’t let the Boy and Girl read Swan Eaters yet (though they’re both pitching a fit and making a case right now lollll. “Freedom of speech” has been evoked by the Girl! Proud of her.)If all this sounds like something you’d love, you can find Swan Eaters on GoComics, and there are socials for SE on Instagram, FacSwan EatersSky,”

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  37. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  2 months ago

    O. Z., it’s a trove, not a prison.

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    daleandkristen  2 months ago

    I sense the chain saw approaching.

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  39. Grey haired lady2
    Caerin Premium Member 2 months ago

    OT Swaneaters

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    Aspen_Bell  2 months ago

    Sean Bell just used the leafblower to clear off the front porch! He tried to do the sidewalk also, but that didn’t work as well. If he has a shovel someplace, I’ll do it. We are getting more snow tonight, then no more until Thurs. or Fri.

    Monroe County Travel Status is back on “Watch” level after going to “Warning” last night/early this morning. No non-essential travel. This is a good excuse for me to organize my room some more and clean up after the cat. Severe weather emergency shelters for homeless people are being run by several churches including Sean’s.

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    Fennec! at the Disco Premium Member 2 months ago

    I spy a teeny tiny UH-OH!

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    Biskits  2 months ago

    To Mathaline, thank you! However I have noticed that the pics from my phone cannot be reached using my Kindle. Might be obvious to some, but
.ahem, anyway! So I need a few days to photograph my cats with kindle. Ill be back!!

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