As a child back in the ’60s, I discovered my local library had a large collection of stereograms as well as viewers. I loved seeing 3-D pictures from around the world (and yes, I owned a lot of ViewMaster disks and a few viewers as well).
Puck, you really outdid yourself with that poster. That’s an elementary school hallway bulletin board size poster! Did you know that some libraries also lend e-books?
So much to love here. Puck smelling Tommy’s scent on a book. Lupin reading “Swan Eaters.” Wondering what books Elvis had on hold. Buzzy’s itty bitty book!
All of these things are true, and more, my intrepid trio, my good boys. Along with books, there are magazines, current and back issues. What do you like? Automobiles? Read up on cars from Avanti to Zimmer. Food? Pick a course. Don’t forget to read up on a good complimentary wine. What’s new in fashion, to wear when you go out? And about those books… What do you want to know? Where would you like to go? It’s. All. There. And there is quiet to enjoy them. And there is quiet….
After spending five years working as a chemist/solution maker at a mill that made dissolving grade pulp, I was fortunately laid off and got a job in the local library, from which I finally retired 8 years ago. Started as desk staff, then did book mending and finally became a cataloger, which job I loved doing with all my heart. Go to the Library of Congress online catalog and look up Gold panning. That’s me. I did the research and work that led LOC to add that subject heading, even though I worked at a library in a small Alaskan town. Libraries are communities, as well as buildings, books, and resource materials. Go libaries!
Sadly I don’t go to my local library that much anymore. But then I’ve got about half to three quarter of the books I regularly checked out now. And I hate to say it, but my ACW collection is now superior to what they had. When I do go now it’s more often to buy some of the books their getting rid of to make a little room.
If you’re into genealogy, the local library is a good place to start. Many have local family histories donated to them that may not be scanned and uploaded to the internet.
My last kitty, as a kitten, hated when I read books. Instead of sleeping on them, she would bite their corners, leaving lil’ kitty bite marks. Adorable, but not polite when it came to library books!
One way I can tell a Rhode Islander is if I say I grew up there, and they ask “What part?” :-) Everybody else thinks the whole state is like 10 city blocks.Another way is if they name a place I’ve never heard of, like Ashaway!
I love my library!! I subscribe to lots of magazines, two daily newspapers, have a Kindle, but I love going to the library. I like to hold the book in my hand when I’m reading. I love having a book bag full of books. I get kind of panicky when I don’t have anything to read. Also our library has the most beautiful salt water aquarium and I always spend 10 or 15 minutes watching it. I haven’t ever checked out a dvd but libraries have a multitude of things you can check out.
Digging around in University libraries is even more delightful than normal public libraries. In the Barr-Smith I found a collection of nineteenth century cartoons from “Punch”. Learned more about late Victorian society from that than from any history book. A filing cabinet full of political pamphlets from the 1930s. Complete collection of The Hibbert Journal. Treasures.Bedford College (U. of London) library had all the poems of Dafydd ap Gwylym with (thank goodness) English translation. And Blake, with his own illustrations. Stockholm University library … No. Enough.
Libraries! A fabulous chart! The smell of a cat who’s probably been to Tommy’s house! 90% chance of puppets! And Elvis’ wise revelation—librarians are Wizards in disguise! :D ♥ I love it! I once worked in a technical science library as my second job when I was a wee college student of 19. It is still the best job I have ever done. Even the boring stuff like shelving abstracts in the basement wasn’t boring to me. The quiet atmosphere, quirky library staff, and all the books filled with wonderful knowledge suited me just fine. It’s a tragedy how many libraries are shutting down . . at least here in the U.K. I miss the public library system in San Antonio. (sigh)
I love books. I loved going to the library when I was a kid. I am 76 years old now and sadly I stopped going to the San Francisco library about 15 years ago. The reason being that so many people who take books out do not respect those books. I didn’t want to turn the page and find a strand of spaghetti on it, or splashes of chocolate or coffee, crumbs or egg yolk. Those are all examples of what I found in my borrowed library books. The worst was when someone sneezed and left their snot all over the page. It was disgusting. So, I said no more. I buy my books now and can comfortably read them in bed without anything falling out of a book while I’m reading. Libraries are wonderful in theory but people must be more respectful of those books. I did suggest to a librarian that it should be a campaign of theirs but to no avail. However, of all those books I buy, I give some to friends after I read them and the majority I bag up and donate them to Friends of the Library.
And used book sales!!!! Just bought four interesting books that set me back $1.50!!!! Ours has an ongoing sale & it’s great! I keep what I want & donate others back so they generate more revenue.Win-win!
Ours doesn’t have a cake pan borrowing section, but it’s a marvelous idea! Thanks, Georgia! This is the best strip ever!!! But knowing you, there’s greater things to come!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺
A blessed, happy & fascinating week is my hope for each of you. May our sad & hurting orbsters, like SheMc, find the solace they need. May libraries everywhere overflow with thoughtful patrons. May all kitties everywhere find just the right book to snooze or nibble on. I love you all!!! >^.,.^<
I love that Georgia make some point to show all the kitties as readers. There is so much about this trip that I love that it’s hard to even list at all! The chart is perfection, Puck is his typical adorable self, Elvis is cute yet grumpy, and the Easter eggs! So much to love on a Sunday morning!
While we were between homes moving to a small town 12 years ago, the library was our internet salvation…the only place we could get WiFi to stay in communication with both ends of the sell/build network while in temp digs. Also books of course while all of ours were in boxes…and magazines, dvds etc…not to mention meeting new friends. I love libraries!
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for those of us in the path of Hurricane Florence. My area did not see damage as significant as we thought we would have and that is not lost on us. Damage in Wilmington and New Bern is far worse. A big stretch of I-95 and parts of I-40 are closed due to flooding. This will take a very long time to recover from. Please continue praying for the victims.
Good morning and happy Sunday/Bunday, orbsters and orbabies. Shaunnmunn, welcome back, dear friend. You were sorely missed!
Today’s strip is wonderful! I spend a lot of time at our local library, because it has a lot of books that a) I can’t afford to buy and b) have no room for, even if I had the money. There are always activities going on and courses, and 99% of them are free, or for a nominal fee such as $10.00/person/course. I most love the cooking and crafts sections, but I haven’t been there in a while because I have projects lined up until this time next year! While Paul was undergoing treatment, the gift shop at the hospital carried discounted books. I have books for Paul’s two grandchildren, my great-granddaughter and her baby half-sister. I picked up a slew of books for Paul and myself. When we were at the hospital two weeks ago, I told the cashier that I was really glad Paul’s treatments were over, because I was running out of cash and room! I think I went off on a tangent here but I know that it is OK because we are all friends.
Love love LOVE today’s comic, and love all libraries. A 45- min drive takes me to one with its own cat (Paige) and a gorgeous reading room; my local has free movies, popcorn and soda, and members can borrow books, cds, dvds, musical instruments, Roku, etc.
Wow, so cool to see this BCN right after reading writer Neil Gaiman’s and artist Chris Riddell’s ode to libraries. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves this strip!
The public library in Pacific Grove, Calif. — one of Carnegie’s — is the only I’ve ever visited where patrons can sign out framed art prints. How cool is that!
WOW! Awesome comic today Georgia! You continue to amaze and make us happy. LOVE this one, and it is #2 today in the GoComics Top 5. Congrats and Well ‘Dunn’!
Librarians can be a source of more knowledge than one might expect. When I was a new resident of Wilmette Illinois several years ago, I went to the public library to look around and get a library card. I had been wondering how I would find my way in a brand-new town where I knew no one. It was easy to figure out where the closest supermarket was, and the best route to get to work, but what about things like haircuts? I saw that the woman behind the reference desk had hair like mine, and a not-too-dissimilar cut, so I asked her where she got hers done. She told me and for the decade I lived in Wilmette I went to the place she recommended. I have always imagined that her supervisor had asked her to keep track of the kinds of questions people asked, and figured she’d smiled as she put a tick next to Miscellaneous.
Libraries… My first job in highschool was library page at our local library. I had to fight to get it, because girls weren’t hired. When I asked why, the stupid answer was that girls aren’t strong enough to push the book trolleys. My first job out of university was at the Library of Congress. Cool building, lots of books…
See, this is why I hope printed books never actually die out, because you’ll loose that wonderful library environment in the process, among some other great things about printed books.
We love libraries. We often go on Sunday afternoons. I would think the best libraries would have library cats. Pick a book, get a cat, and settle in for a nice afternoon of reading and furry head scratchies.
By the time my two sons were 3 years old they knew the magic in that building we visited once/week. We entered with the ‘friends’ we had read already and left with new ‘friends’ to be made. They learned to read early so if I was busy, they could be on adventures found in those pages. I, as all parents, know I made mistakes raising them, but the one sure good thing was library trips!!
I’ve been a BCN follower for a couple years. I also volunteer at my local library reshelving books. My wife and I also share our home with two cats, and have had varying quantities of feline family for the past 35 years. I recall that a couple years ago when I started at our local Library, there was a poster pinned up on one of the stacks that said it all… “ WE ARE LIBRARIANS, AND WE KNOW THE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS YOU HAVEN’T EVEN FIGURED OUT YOU NEED TO ASK YET”…. That one just says it all.
I never thought about referring libraries as “tiny magical castles filled with books”. Yet, as a long-time “bookworm” (and also the frequent trips to both public and school libraries), there’s definitely truth to it.
Complimenting libraries and librarians worked well for Robert Heinlein. Not sure if Georgia’s books are the sort of thing libraries stock, but could be a great way to engage young readers or new-to-English readers. Maybe she should send a free poster to any library that buys both her books.
My cat Zinc loves library books. I had to buy a new one to replace the one he knocked off my night stand and chewed one whole signature out of. And don’t ask about all the covers with fang holes.
The only problem that I have with modern libraries is that I miss the card catalogs. I have yet to adjust to using terminals to find the books I am looking for. However, it is good to see that massive amount of space freed up for more tables and books.
This public librarian says THANK YOU, Georgia! (In my city, people mostly complain that the library costs too much tax money, and that we should be shut down because we allow homeless people into the building. It’s very, very disheartening sometimes.)
My best friend (since 1970) is a librarian. For years he worked in the Information Department (a trivia nut in Information?), now he is in charge of ordering for the Teen/young adult department (BWAAAhahahahaha… warping all those young minds). His wife, too was a librarian. They actually have more books than I do.
I’m so happy for the response to this strip today, thank you!! My Mom is a librarian, and I spent every other Saturday of my childhood happily wandering the Cranston Public Library, reading, drawing, and people watching. (She now works at a university, using her library science master to assist in research and grants and such). I had to do a shout out to the Ashaway Free Library. Many, many days the Toddler and I walked to them from the real Big Pink House (with the Baby in tow later). I attended talks from authors and ice cream socials in the evenings, and chatted with their awesome librarians by day. They are terrific, and I still think of them as the library that the People and their cats utilize for research in BCN!
I start each day with BCN because it’s so wonderful, and today’s strip is especially so. I’ve grown up loving libraries and librarians. When I was little, my mom and I spent hours and hours in our local library (St. Claire Shores, MI). When I was a little older, I was granted the privilege of being dropped off and left alone in the library—just me and the librarian and all the books in the world! It was heaven. I hope every librarian gets to see today’s strip! ❤️
I live in a province with a total population in the one million range, so all the libraries are connected. I can order a book that isn’t available from any of the branches in my city (~250,000 people) and it gets sent from whatever small town branch it’s located in. I didn’t know how small some of those branch libraries are until we went through a tiny prairie town out in the middle of nowhere and spotted one of them.
There is nothing like a real book that I can hold and feel and smell — how can you not love a place that let’s you read them for free. My sister was a librarian.
I don’t go to the library that often now but from an early age my brother and I were taken at least once a week to the library by our parents for both the books and the programmes the library ran. I have many fond memories centered around libraries and am very glad my parents instilled such a love for reading into us. My parents are still frequent visitors to the library getting books, magazines, and DVDs out and my Dad often sits and reads newspapers from other parts of the world there.
With the exception of the last two Saturdays (spent it at the car repair shop), I always go and visit the libraries on the weekends. And I love the book sales (presents!!). One of the libraries have free books outside the doors. A few of those have made their home with me. I have an elementary school math book from the turn of the century (last century, like the late 1800’s). I also have math books from the thirties, forties, and sixties. Sometimes, reading the older books can help make things clear, even if they are out of date.
In 1958 my parents moved ‘way out in the boonies (we passed an old “City Limits” sign on the way; but the limits had just been extended past our house). THE LIBRARY was downtown at the time, even the first branch library didn’t come until the early ‘60s. Every Wednesday afternoon, though, the bookmobile parked in the shopping center across the street from the school, and at the time, kids lined up to get in (five or six at a time: there was only so much space). The school ended up with its’ own library (my last year there), and then we got a branch library at a shopping center just up the road. Now, about a mile further out, is the West Regional Branch, second biggest library in the system. That’s where my friend works.
I have loved books and reading since I first learned how to read. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time in the nearest library. I still have my library card from my home town back in Alaska. I don’t get out to the local library now, as it is too difficult for me to get out to there.
While I go by “Mae” now, my legal name is “Marion” and after my family watched “The Music Man,” they all started singing “Marion, madam librarian” to me (I realize that they spelled her name with a second “a” instead of an “o” but it’s pronounced the same).
For those close to the areas on the East Coast of the US devastated by Florence, ask your library if they can “adopt” a small town’s library which was destroyed. After Hurricane Floyd, my library adopted a small town. Someone donated a trailer to act as a library, and locals here donated lots of books to fill it. I donated all my keeper shelves of books because I figured they needed the joy of reading them more than I did.
The Enoch Pratt Bookmobile was my neighborhood library for many wonderful years. Parked every Friday evening two blocks away. I checked out the limit many times. Later moved and had closeby “real” libraries, but the Bookmobile always stayed special.
Georgia, what a lovely, loving tribute to libraries, librarians, books and reading! One of my dearest friends worked at the library at UNT (Denton) years ago and through her friendship with one of the students studying Library Science there, I have a much loved friend who became the sister of my heart when she and my brother married. My beloved sister-in-law (now retired) worked as a librarian for San Antonio and Ft. Worth and her twin is still a working librarian for UTA (Arlington). My brother and SIL’s daughter and one of her young friends often volunteered for the library when they were students; our niece’s friend (our group considers her an adopted niece) now has a Master’s in Library Science and another Master’s in a related field. An old friend who our group hasn’t seen in many years was a Fine Arts librarian in Downtown Dallas. My brother, my husband, my dear friend and her husband (we have been close friends since our college days) all grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas and have many fond memories of the Kemp Public Library (the Kemp Mansion was a beautiful old building). We are all avid readers; thank you for extolling the virtues of reading, libraries and those who truly are “public servants”—librarians.
When we sold our house of 50 years in Arlington Heights IL, the one thing I missed the most was our wonderful library. I still like to stop in just to look around, when we are in town.
“Fussbudgeting on a Budget,” “Grumpy Cat:A Star is Bored” and “Tips and Tricks for Brave Guard Cats” <====Elvis’s holds this week, and #2 imagine Tommy singing (perhaps to an impervious Sophie), “Having fun isn’t hard, when you have a library card” (stealing from Arthur, cuz he’s a book-loving animal also, and Tommy wouldn’t discriminate against anyone, not even an aardvark)
Animom 4 No wonder I so enjoy all the commenters here- we all agree that libraries are wonderful! I worked in a library for a few years and that was my favorite job ever. I love books, still remember my first book I checked out when Mom took me to the library—it was a book with full color pictures of birds (probably for older people than I was, but I loved it. Now if I can’t get to the library I can download e books and always have something to read. Thanks for the great strip today!
This is Awesome!!! I am a university librarian (as is Fiona??)! I also mention libraries have tons of streaming music, movies, and ebooks and e-graphic novels for free. I found out about Breaking Cat News because I borrowed the first book from my public library on Hoopla.
I’ll bet Georgia was thinking about the Halloween Special (that unfortunately won’t be making it into newspapers) when she mentions “resources for solving mysteries”!
Halloween Special could (eventually) be cleaned up and submitted as a stand-alone book… (hint, hint, badger)
I’m remembering Spider Robinson’s tales of his mother teaching him to read – she’d read him the comic book aloud, and just when things were getting exciting, she suddenly “had to go sort the dishes or wax the cat”, leaving him so frustrated that he’d sound out the words…
LuvyaBebe05 over 6 years ago
OMC! Even Buzzy Mouse has a tiny book, squeee!
Jungle Empress over 6 years ago
OMC! As a bookworm and a library employee myself, this makes me so very, very happy! Thank you so much, Georgia! :D
Louise gen over 6 years ago
Loved the old comic they found in the library!
over 6 years ago
Also, books can take you anywhere beyond your imagination!
sugordon over 6 years ago
Love Love Love this one!
ikini Premium Member over 6 years ago
“90% chance of puppets.” Snerk! And Buzzy Mouse is reading a tiny book!
Futabakun Premium Member over 6 years ago
As a child back in the ’60s, I discovered my local library had a large collection of stereograms as well as viewers. I loved seeing 3-D pictures from around the world (and yes, I owned a lot of ViewMaster disks and a few viewers as well).
Sue Ellen over 6 years ago
Puck, you really outdid yourself with that poster. That’s an elementary school hallway bulletin board size poster! Did you know that some libraries also lend e-books?
So much to love here. Puck smelling Tommy’s scent on a book. Lupin reading “Swan Eaters.” Wondering what books Elvis had on hold. Buzzy’s itty bitty book!
I love libraries, too!
skykey over 6 years ago
All of these things are true, and more, my intrepid trio, my good boys. Along with books, there are magazines, current and back issues. What do you like? Automobiles? Read up on cars from Avanti to Zimmer. Food? Pick a course. Don’t forget to read up on a good complimentary wine. What’s new in fashion, to wear when you go out? And about those books… What do you want to know? Where would you like to go? It’s. All. There. And there is quiet to enjoy them. And there is quiet….
ikini Premium Member over 6 years ago
After spending five years working as a chemist/solution maker at a mill that made dissolving grade pulp, I was fortunately laid off and got a job in the local library, from which I finally retired 8 years ago. Started as desk staff, then did book mending and finally became a cataloger, which job I loved doing with all my heart. Go to the Library of Congress online catalog and look up Gold panning. That’s me. I did the research and work that led LOC to add that subject heading, even though I worked at a library in a small Alaskan town. Libraries are communities, as well as buildings, books, and resource materials. Go libaries!
knight1192a over 6 years ago
Sadly I don’t go to my local library that much anymore. But then I’ve got about half to three quarter of the books I regularly checked out now. And I hate to say it, but my ACW collection is now superior to what they had. When I do go now it’s more often to buy some of the books their getting rid of to make a little room.
AllishaDawn over 6 years ago
When I was a kid, the town library had this old spiral staircase in the back corner. I thought it was so cool.
Slappy Squirrel over 6 years ago
If you’re into genealogy, the local library is a good place to start. Many have local family histories donated to them that may not be scanned and uploaded to the internet.
Rosette over 6 years ago
My last kitty, as a kitten, hated when I read books. Instead of sleeping on them, she would bite their corners, leaving lil’ kitty bite marks. Adorable, but not polite when it came to library books!
lopaka over 6 years ago
I always get a hoot out of Elvis’ reading glasses.
dencarl over 6 years ago
Hmmmm . . . In a few weeks we can all enjoy Lupin’s choice in reading material.
Jax Emerson Roland I over 6 years ago
Whatcha reading there, Lupin? ;)
Strob over 6 years ago
One way I can tell a Rhode Islander is if I say I grew up there, and they ask “What part?” :-) Everybody else thinks the whole state is like 10 city blocks.Another way is if they name a place I’ve never heard of, like Ashaway!
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Be sure to check out the BCN reading merchandise at zazzle. I love my “Joys of Reading” mug and want to get the library tote.
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Ahhh, ♥ that old book smell.
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Puck smile in panel seven!! Luvs!
amethyst52 Premium Member over 6 years ago
I love my library!! I subscribe to lots of magazines, two daily newspapers, have a Kindle, but I love going to the library. I like to hold the book in my hand when I’m reading. I love having a book bag full of books. I get kind of panicky when I don’t have anything to read. Also our library has the most beautiful salt water aquarium and I always spend 10 or 15 minutes watching it. I haven’t ever checked out a dvd but libraries have a multitude of things you can check out.
Robin Harwood over 6 years ago
Digging around in University libraries is even more delightful than normal public libraries. In the Barr-Smith I found a collection of nineteenth century cartoons from “Punch”. Learned more about late Victorian society from that than from any history book. A filing cabinet full of political pamphlets from the 1930s. Complete collection of The Hibbert Journal. Treasures.Bedford College (U. of London) library had all the poems of Dafydd ap Gwylym with (thank goodness) English translation. And Blake, with his own illustrations. Stockholm University library … No. Enough.
Lady Bri over 6 years ago
Libraries! A fabulous chart! The smell of a cat who’s probably been to Tommy’s house! 90% chance of puppets! And Elvis’ wise revelation—librarians are Wizards in disguise! :D ♥ I love it! I once worked in a technical science library as my second job when I was a wee college student of 19. It is still the best job I have ever done. Even the boring stuff like shelving abstracts in the basement wasn’t boring to me. The quiet atmosphere, quirky library staff, and all the books filled with wonderful knowledge suited me just fine. It’s a tragedy how many libraries are shutting down . . at least here in the U.K. I miss the public library system in San Antonio. (sigh)
catmom1360 over 6 years ago
I love books. I loved going to the library when I was a kid. I am 76 years old now and sadly I stopped going to the San Francisco library about 15 years ago. The reason being that so many people who take books out do not respect those books. I didn’t want to turn the page and find a strand of spaghetti on it, or splashes of chocolate or coffee, crumbs or egg yolk. Those are all examples of what I found in my borrowed library books. The worst was when someone sneezed and left their snot all over the page. It was disgusting. So, I said no more. I buy my books now and can comfortably read them in bed without anything falling out of a book while I’m reading. Libraries are wonderful in theory but people must be more respectful of those books. I did suggest to a librarian that it should be a campaign of theirs but to no avail. However, of all those books I buy, I give some to friends after I read them and the majority I bag up and donate them to Friends of the Library.
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 6 years ago
Plus, many libraries (and bookstores) these days wisely have watch-cats!
cat19632001 over 6 years ago
Puckie in panel two is me! I would swear that when I hold a book, ♥s float all around me.
shaunnmunn over 6 years ago
And used book sales!!!! Just bought four interesting books that set me back $1.50!!!! Ours has an ongoing sale & it’s great! I keep what I want & donate others back so they generate more revenue.Win-win!
Ours doesn’t have a cake pan borrowing section, but it’s a marvelous idea! Thanks, Georgia! This is the best strip ever!!! But knowing you, there’s greater things to come!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺☺☺☺☺
Love & blessings!!!!! >^.,.^<
shaunnmunn over 6 years ago
A blessed, happy & fascinating week is my hope for each of you. May our sad & hurting orbsters, like SheMc, find the solace they need. May libraries everywhere overflow with thoughtful patrons. May all kitties everywhere find just the right book to snooze or nibble on. I love you all!!! >^.,.^<
TammyHarris-Dearhouse Premium Member over 6 years ago
I love that Georgia make some point to show all the kitties as readers. There is so much about this trip that I love that it’s hard to even list at all! The chart is perfection, Puck is his typical adorable self, Elvis is cute yet grumpy, and the Easter eggs! So much to love on a Sunday morning!
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
I’m a former librarian and I approve this comic.
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
According to Pew Research, millennials are using public libraries in record numbers.
arolarson Premium Member over 6 years ago
While we were between homes moving to a small town 12 years ago, the library was our internet salvation…the only place we could get WiFi to stay in communication with both ends of the sell/build network while in temp digs. Also books of course while all of ours were in boxes…and magazines, dvds etc…not to mention meeting new friends. I love libraries!
Trespassers W over 6 years ago
And today’s BCN made GoComics Top 5! Understandably. Who can resist a 90 percent chance of puppets?
wolfiiig over 6 years ago
The Kitties are correct! I married an MLS :)
mdherring65 over 6 years ago
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for those of us in the path of Hurricane Florence. My area did not see damage as significant as we thought we would have and that is not lost on us. Damage in Wilmington and New Bern is far worse. A big stretch of I-95 and parts of I-40 are closed due to flooding. This will take a very long time to recover from. Please continue praying for the victims.
ladykat over 6 years ago
Good morning and happy Sunday/Bunday, orbsters and orbabies. Shaunnmunn, welcome back, dear friend. You were sorely missed!
Today’s strip is wonderful! I spend a lot of time at our local library, because it has a lot of books that a) I can’t afford to buy and b) have no room for, even if I had the money. There are always activities going on and courses, and 99% of them are free, or for a nominal fee such as $10.00/person/course. I most love the cooking and crafts sections, but I haven’t been there in a while because I have projects lined up until this time next year! While Paul was undergoing treatment, the gift shop at the hospital carried discounted books. I have books for Paul’s two grandchildren, my great-granddaughter and her baby half-sister. I picked up a slew of books for Paul and myself. When we were at the hospital two weeks ago, I told the cashier that I was really glad Paul’s treatments were over, because I was running out of cash and room! I think I went off on a tangent here but I know that it is OK because we are all friends.
tweety6677 over 6 years ago
Lupin reading Swan Eaters! Such a clever way to place it.
Kitty Katz over 6 years ago
I would like to see the chart made available for purchase.
TazzTec over 6 years ago
Love love LOVE today’s comic, and love all libraries. A 45- min drive takes me to one with its own cat (Paige) and a gorgeous reading room; my local has free movies, popcorn and soda, and members can borrow books, cds, dvds, musical instruments, Roku, etc.
Amberglas over 6 years ago
Wow, so cool to see this BCN right after reading writer Neil Gaiman’s and artist Chris Riddell’s ode to libraries. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves this strip!
Andrew Sleeth over 6 years ago
The public library in Pacific Grove, Calif. — one of Carnegie’s — is the only I’ve ever visited where patrons can sign out framed art prints. How cool is that!
Zoomer&Yeti over 6 years ago
WOW! Awesome comic today Georgia! You continue to amaze and make us happy. LOVE this one, and it is #2 today in the GoComics Top 5. Congrats and Well ‘Dunn’!
Grace Premium Member over 6 years ago
I’m very proud of my librarian daughter – she’s a teacher in high school, they call that being a media specialist these days :)
rroxxanna over 6 years ago
Librarians can be a source of more knowledge than one might expect. When I was a new resident of Wilmette Illinois several years ago, I went to the public library to look around and get a library card. I had been wondering how I would find my way in a brand-new town where I knew no one. It was easy to figure out where the closest supermarket was, and the best route to get to work, but what about things like haircuts? I saw that the woman behind the reference desk had hair like mine, and a not-too-dissimilar cut, so I asked her where she got hers done. She told me and for the decade I lived in Wilmette I went to the place she recommended. I have always imagined that her supervisor had asked her to keep track of the kinds of questions people asked, and figured she’d smiled as she put a tick next to Miscellaneous.
la_momcat over 6 years ago
Libraries… My first job in highschool was library page at our local library. I had to fight to get it, because girls weren’t hired. When I asked why, the stupid answer was that girls aren’t strong enough to push the book trolleys. My first job out of university was at the Library of Congress. Cool building, lots of books…
diskus Premium Member over 6 years ago
Old photos and old maps great stuff
myork06 over 6 years ago
I like how Buzzy Mouse has a book as well in the last panel. And a great plug for the (our) local library, Georgia!
scyphi26 over 6 years ago
See, this is why I hope printed books never actually die out, because you’ll loose that wonderful library environment in the process, among some other great things about printed books.
rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago
We love libraries. We often go on Sunday afternoons. I would think the best libraries would have library cats. Pick a book, get a cat, and settle in for a nice afternoon of reading and furry head scratchies.
Lily.spokescat over 6 years ago
… AND so many interesting, educational and inspiring comments today!!
rorie over 6 years ago
By the time my two sons were 3 years old they knew the magic in that building we visited once/week. We entered with the ‘friends’ we had read already and left with new ‘friends’ to be made. They learned to read early so if I was busy, they could be on adventures found in those pages. I, as all parents, know I made mistakes raising them, but the one sure good thing was library trips!!
rchadwic over 6 years ago
I’ve been a BCN follower for a couple years. I also volunteer at my local library reshelving books. My wife and I also share our home with two cats, and have had varying quantities of feline family for the past 35 years. I recall that a couple years ago when I started at our local Library, there was a poster pinned up on one of the stacks that said it all… “ WE ARE LIBRARIANS, AND WE KNOW THE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS YOU HAVEN’T EVEN FIGURED OUT YOU NEED TO ASK YET”…. That one just says it all.
YatInExile over 6 years ago
“I think this one went to Tommy’s house.” LOL
YatInExile over 6 years ago
Anybody here watch Red Dwarf? On that show, the Cat reads books by smell.
Gent over 6 years ago
You fellows would enjoy goofing off in all those bookshelves in the library.
Daeder over 6 years ago
When I was little, my favorite fruit was the “lie-berry”.
KinHikari over 6 years ago
I never thought about referring libraries as “tiny magical castles filled with books”. Yet, as a long-time “bookworm” (and also the frequent trips to both public and school libraries), there’s definitely truth to it.
Edward over 6 years ago
Complimenting libraries and librarians worked well for Robert Heinlein. Not sure if Georgia’s books are the sort of thing libraries stock, but could be a great way to engage young readers or new-to-English readers. Maybe she should send a free poster to any library that buys both her books.
My3Cats Premium Member over 6 years ago
My cat Zinc loves library books. I had to buy a new one to replace the one he knocked off my night stand and chewed one whole signature out of. And don’t ask about all the covers with fang holes.
banjinshiju over 6 years ago
The only problem that I have with modern libraries is that I miss the card catalogs. I have yet to adjust to using terminals to find the books I am looking for. However, it is good to see that massive amount of space freed up for more tables and books.
Mary Ellen over 6 years ago
This public librarian says THANK YOU, Georgia! (In my city, people mostly complain that the library costs too much tax money, and that we should be shut down because we allow homeless people into the building. It’s very, very disheartening sometimes.)
Biskits over 6 years ago
Georgia, this one is meant to be a limited edition print for libraries and fans. I want one of the first ones. Seriously. Signed.
BillJackson1 over 6 years ago
My best friend (since 1970) is a librarian. For years he worked in the Information Department (a trivia nut in Information?), now he is in charge of ordering for the Teen/young adult department (BWAAAhahahahaha… warping all those young minds). His wife, too was a librarian. They actually have more books than I do.
Teto85 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Support your local library before t* decides to channel those funds to the billionaires.
KL over 6 years ago
Perfect, Georgia! Thank you so much!
willie_mctell over 6 years ago
Makes me think about the Cat in “Red Dwarf” and how he read.
skipper1992 over 6 years ago
Yay for the shoutout to Rhode Island! (Born and raised in North Kingstown.)
Berlioz over 6 years ago
“Resources for solving mysteries”, AKA Agatha Christie wonderfulness.
Georgia Dunn creator over 6 years ago
lofox Premium Member over 6 years ago
I start each day with BCN because it’s so wonderful, and today’s strip is especially so. I’ve grown up loving libraries and librarians. When I was little, my mom and I spent hours and hours in our local library (St. Claire Shores, MI). When I was a little older, I was granted the privilege of being dropped off and left alone in the library—just me and the librarian and all the books in the world! It was heaven. I hope every librarian gets to see today’s strip! ❤️
zsteelie Premium Member over 6 years ago
I absolutely love when Elvis has his readers on, but my panel #2 is my fave…Pucky loves books as much as I do!!
Nuliajuk over 6 years ago
I live in a province with a total population in the one million range, so all the libraries are connected. I can order a book that isn’t available from any of the branches in my city (~250,000 people) and it gets sent from whatever small town branch it’s located in. I didn’t know how small some of those branch libraries are until we went through a tiny prairie town out in the middle of nowhere and spotted one of them.
JLChi over 6 years ago
There is nothing like a real book that I can hold and feel and smell — how can you not love a place that let’s you read them for free. My sister was a librarian.
tad1 over 6 years ago
Love today’s comic! Libraries are wonderful places where imagination and creativity flourish.
poppet bear over 6 years ago
I don’t go to the library that often now but from an early age my brother and I were taken at least once a week to the library by our parents for both the books and the programmes the library ran. I have many fond memories centered around libraries and am very glad my parents instilled such a love for reading into us. My parents are still frequent visitors to the library getting books, magazines, and DVDs out and my Dad often sits and reads newspapers from other parts of the world there.
metagalaxy1970 over 6 years ago
With the exception of the last two Saturdays (spent it at the car repair shop), I always go and visit the libraries on the weekends. And I love the book sales (presents!!). One of the libraries have free books outside the doors. A few of those have made their home with me. I have an elementary school math book from the turn of the century (last century, like the late 1800’s). I also have math books from the thirties, forties, and sixties. Sometimes, reading the older books can help make things clear, even if they are out of date.
BillJackson1 over 6 years ago
In 1958 my parents moved ‘way out in the boonies (we passed an old “City Limits” sign on the way; but the limits had just been extended past our house). THE LIBRARY was downtown at the time, even the first branch library didn’t come until the early ‘60s. Every Wednesday afternoon, though, the bookmobile parked in the shopping center across the street from the school, and at the time, kids lined up to get in (five or six at a time: there was only so much space). The school ended up with its’ own library (my last year there), and then we got a branch library at a shopping center just up the road. Now, about a mile further out, is the West Regional Branch, second biggest library in the system. That’s where my friend works.
colleen_demaio Premium Member over 6 years ago
Lupin is reading Swan Eaters!!
Maizing over 6 years ago
I have loved books and reading since I first learned how to read. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time in the nearest library. I still have my library card from my home town back in Alaska. I don’t get out to the local library now, as it is too difficult for me to get out to there.
While I go by “Mae” now, my legal name is “Marion” and after my family watched “The Music Man,” they all started singing “Marion, madam librarian” to me (I realize that they spelled her name with a second “a” instead of an “o” but it’s pronounced the same).
Maizing over 6 years ago
Is today Library Day or something? Today’s Broom Hilda is also about libraries:
marilynnbyerly over 6 years ago
For those close to the areas on the East Coast of the US devastated by Florence, ask your library if they can “adopt” a small town’s library which was destroyed. After Hurricane Floyd, my library adopted a small town. Someone donated a trailer to act as a library, and locals here donated lots of books to fill it. I donated all my keeper shelves of books because I figured they needed the joy of reading them more than I did.
DennyWheeler over 6 years ago
I see Lupin is still on the GC home page banner. “Adventure Abounds” is spot-on for GC and all the various comics.
thesnowleopard Premium Member over 6 years ago
I love libraries. Alas, I must keep all library borrows away from my kitties because they are overly fond of peeing on my books.
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 6 years ago
This strip is great! BCN crew, books, charts, and libraries! what more could anyone ask for!
David Jones Premium Member over 6 years ago
The Enoch Pratt Bookmobile was my neighborhood library for many wonderful years. Parked every Friday evening two blocks away. I checked out the limit many times. Later moved and had closeby “real” libraries, but the Bookmobile always stayed special.
valeries Premium Member over 6 years ago
Georgia, what a lovely, loving tribute to libraries, librarians, books and reading! One of my dearest friends worked at the library at UNT (Denton) years ago and through her friendship with one of the students studying Library Science there, I have a much loved friend who became the sister of my heart when she and my brother married. My beloved sister-in-law (now retired) worked as a librarian for San Antonio and Ft. Worth and her twin is still a working librarian for UTA (Arlington). My brother and SIL’s daughter and one of her young friends often volunteered for the library when they were students; our niece’s friend (our group considers her an adopted niece) now has a Master’s in Library Science and another Master’s in a related field. An old friend who our group hasn’t seen in many years was a Fine Arts librarian in Downtown Dallas. My brother, my husband, my dear friend and her husband (we have been close friends since our college days) all grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas and have many fond memories of the Kemp Public Library (the Kemp Mansion was a beautiful old building). We are all avid readers; thank you for extolling the virtues of reading, libraries and those who truly are “public servants”—librarians.
astriddt over 6 years ago
Lupin: “I can’t believe they found the old comic the woman requested” ==== the Swan Eaters ! This is hilarious!!! and do you like it, Lupin? :D :D
JulianGough Premium Member over 6 years ago
Great that they found that copy of “Swan Eaters” too!
AutumnSanchez over 6 years ago
Don’t think we didn’t notice the comic Lupin’s reading. Looking forward to it!
JamesBaird over 6 years ago
When we sold our house of 50 years in Arlington Heights IL, the one thing I missed the most was our wonderful library. I still like to stop in just to look around, when we are in town.
Erin Pierce over 6 years ago
kittylover.truitt over 6 years ago
Libraries, books, and kitty cats a few of my favorite things:) This comic is the best :)
Animom4 over 6 years ago
Animom 4 No wonder I so enjoy all the commenters here- we all agree that libraries are wonderful! I worked in a library for a few years and that was my favorite job ever. I love books, still remember my first book I checked out when Mom took me to the library—it was a book with full color pictures of birds (probably for older people than I was, but I loved it. Now if I can’t get to the library I can download e books and always have something to read. Thanks for the great strip today!
Luna, Jasper, and Inigo over 6 years ago
This is Awesome!!! I am a university librarian (as is Fiona??)! I also mention libraries have tons of streaming music, movies, and ebooks and e-graphic novels for free. I found out about Breaking Cat News because I borrowed the first book from my public library on Hoopla.
MVMartinek over 6 years ago
I’ll bet Georgia was thinking about the Halloween Special (that unfortunately won’t be making it into newspapers) when she mentions “resources for solving mysteries”!
Halloween Special could (eventually) be cleaned up and submitted as a stand-alone book… (hint, hint, badger)
MVMartinek over 6 years ago
I’m remembering Spider Robinson’s tales of his mother teaching him to read – she’d read him the comic book aloud, and just when things were getting exciting, she suddenly “had to go sort the dishes or wax the cat”, leaving him so frustrated that he’d sound out the words…
Selena Terrazas Premium Member over 6 years ago
Will this be a poster? I and many other librarians would want it for our branches.
CherylWright over 6 years ago
forgive me I and my miss commet, I am a librains daughter and I love this string. My husband just introduced me to this commic and I love it.
Venetus Alpha over 6 years ago
gorgolo_chick about 5 years ago
Swan Eaters Comic!
The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall almost 5 years ago
‘swan eaters’
rgcviper over 4 years ago
Fun one. I especially like the “90% chance of puppets” line.
devilsfly almost 4 years ago
i just realized that swan eaters is another comic by georgia dunn ,and lupin’s reading it!