Of all the cats to suggest checking Bea’s Twitter feed, Elvis was NOT high on my list of guesses. Sweet to see that while he doesn’t have much use for this newfangled electronic stuff, he still pays attention.
If you are planning on any sort of news being helpful, youll be disappointed. Just search for the kind of news you want to hear and go with it. Thats basically how it seems to work these days. Custom News.
OT – Google Doodle comic honors Jackie Ormes, the first Black woman cartoonist in the US, https://9to5google.com/2020/08/31/jackie-ormes-google-doodle/
I’m with you Elvis! I don’t know how to TweetSpace, MyBook, or InstantSpam either. I don’t know what it means, but to look cool I end my texts with a TicTacToe sign. Hashtag Find the kitten!
OT: I was reading over on Whatever and noticed a commenter named pandorasdadca with a picture of a snake (boa?) and it reminded me of a commenter here with a snake named Pandora. Are they still around?
But but remember the voice said “Anyone out there”, not in there or out here. So has a new cat moved into the Big Pink House? or a neighbor house and is asking if there are others around??
American Chess Day —American Cheese is okay, but I prefer cheddar … Oh. Ahem. Chess Day! Sorry. Chess is a strange game. Many think of it as a stylized war game, but other than teaching thinking and planning ahead, it has very little similarity to even relatively primitive warfare. It is also an international game, so perhaps the day is intended to promote American interest. When I was in college, chess was one of our primary “amusements” (honors students, geeks, nerds, brainy types). Two of my colleagues became so obsessed with it that one dropped out (joined the Army, which was what he really wanted to do, anyway), and the other managed to prolong his college education for six years, without graduate school. The addiction was much worse than toebeans.
Pink Cadillac Day —Que Elvis the Pelvis and his Earworm!
World Letter Writing Day —Does anyone actually write letters any more? I mean actual writing, on paper, papyrus, vellum, or clay tablet, with a pen, pencil, quill, brush, or stylus. Considering the level of penmanship I was seeing forty years ago, are any of them legible?
Seriously, it would be a good time to write your Congresscrittur and Senileator—assuming they can read. Perhaps you should use a crayon …
Emma M. Nutt Day —"One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy …" Emma Nutt was the first female telephone operator, and nothing like Earnestine of Lily Tomlin fame—though I would not be surprised if she thought Earnestine was funny.
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day —Inspired by Doobert, a wonderful, loving ginger cat who gave his name to an organization and software dedicated to transporting and caring for animal rescues. Here’s to you, Doobert, and all of your relatives! Doobert did do it!
Was there a premise from long, long ago that there was an apartment in the basement of the BPH that was empty? Could there be new tenants that have a kitten, possibly related to our little Sweetie?
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
I mean, Elvis is about as coherent as the average Bird News broadcast anyway.
Megan.naughton Premium Member over 4 years ago
Aww buddy. Elvis is so panicked and out of touch. He adores that little one.
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
Maybe tune into the BBN (Breaking Bird News) channel.
RAGs over 4 years ago
In some ways, Elvis reminds me of Mr. Wilson in Dennis the Menace.
zorak950 over 4 years ago
Get Zuckerberg on the phone, he’ll know what to do!
Sionyx over 4 years ago
Of all the cats to suggest checking Bea’s Twitter feed, Elvis was NOT high on my list of guesses. Sweet to see that while he doesn’t have much use for this newfangled electronic stuff, he still pays attention.
Lady Bri over 4 years ago
As Georgia has shown us recently in FB: POOF!!!
Ruth Brown over 4 years ago
Told you, Elvis has the best plan for finding her. I ❤️Elvis.
Robin Harwood over 4 years ago
Stop faffing about! Dial up tweetspace now, or both Beatrix and Trevor will be doomed.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
Ahm… Goldie is allowed outside. Why doesn’t she just follow the sound/voice and find out what is the distress!?!?!?!?!?
WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago
He’s just an old fashioned Cat in a new fangled world. Don’t tell him how to twit… I mean tweet.
Kitty Katz over 4 years ago
Meanwhile, Back on the Nile
Beatrixia: Elvis-Anum, I’m going to take some papyri archives to the Great Pyramid for storage.
Elvis-Anum: OK. Don’t forget Thomios is having ham for dinner tonight.
Beatrixia: Wouldn’t miss it. How does he get ham anyway.
Elvis-Anum: He doesn’t know. Just sometimes it’s there in the Royal Storeroom.
Later, at dinner
Queen Catshepsut the Golden: Looks like everyone is here except for Bea. Does anyone know where she is?
Puckmosis: She said she was going to the Great Pyramid. She should have been back hours ago.
Thomios: It’s not like her to miss ham for dinner.
Elvis-Anum: Well what are waiting for?!! We have to start a search for her right now!!!
The Queen: Now, Elvis. This is no time to panic and get all poofy.
Elvis-Anum: What do you mean? This is the perfect time!!!
Gent over 4 years ago
Little kittens often get slaughtered by em street mutts, Elvis. They shouldn’t be wandering much outside.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Lupin toe beans!
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
The harder you shake it, the better it works Elvis.
Jungle Empress over 4 years ago
Don’t worry, Sunflower Elvis will save the day!
rs0204 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Does Breaking Cat News have a presence on TweetSpace? How come I haven’t heard about it?
diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago
If you are planning on any sort of news being helpful, youll be disappointed. Just search for the kind of news you want to hear and go with it. Thats basically how it seems to work these days. Custom News.
diskus Premium Member over 4 years ago
Is lupin trying to say Elvis is too close to him? Or whats up
Michael G. over 4 years ago
Maybe she’s gone “walkabout”, mate?
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 4 years ago
The, Twitterings, are outside the window trying to figure out how to get inside, so they can eat the seeds of that HUGE Sunflower!
DeerOrchid Premium Member over 4 years ago
OT – Google Doodle comic honors Jackie Ormes, the first Black woman cartoonist in the US, https://9to5google.com/2020/08/31/jackie-ormes-google-doodle/
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 4 years ago
just another cat lover over 4 years ago
Elvis is panicking. floof mode: activate
DorseyBelle over 4 years ago
I’m with you Elvis! I don’t know how to TweetSpace, MyBook, or InstantSpam either. I don’t know what it means, but to look cool I end my texts with a TicTacToe sign. Hashtag Find the kitten!
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
Twit Space
misty over 4 years ago
Didn’t change a word. Love this song.
Somewhere out there
Beneath the pale moonlight
Someone’s thinking of me
And loving me tonight
Somewhere out there
Someone’s saying a prayer
That we’ll find one another
In that big somewhere out there
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we’re sleeping underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there
If love can see us through
Then we’ll be together
Somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
(Cynthia Weil, Barry Mann & James Horner)
serenasakitty over 4 years ago
But don’t forget to be dignified.
Granny Roberta over 4 years ago
OT: I was reading over on Whatever and noticed a commenter named pandorasdadca with a picture of a snake (boa?) and it reminded me of a commenter here with a snake named Pandora. Are they still around?
anomalous4 over 4 years ago
OT: Of dead computers & 306’s…
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
Sounds like everyone went for a walk. I occasionally see someone walking a dog or two with a cat trailing along behind.
Susanna Premium Member over 4 years ago
I don’t think anyone has posted these yet. Georgia has posted some cute non-BCN related sketches:
BWSterling over 4 years ago
But but remember the voice said “Anyone out there”, not in there or out here. So has a new cat moved into the Big Pink House? or a neighbor house and is asking if there are others around??
Nicki's ZoMcYo over 4 years ago
Hi Orb: OT update of my friend in ICU:
Zoomer&Yeti over 4 years ago
Quick. . . someone dial into the INTERWEBS; or that World Wide Web thingy!!!
over 4 years ago
Elvis has the right idea.
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
Today is:
American Chess Day —American Cheese is okay, but I prefer cheddar … Oh. Ahem. Chess Day! Sorry. Chess is a strange game. Many think of it as a stylized war game, but other than teaching thinking and planning ahead, it has very little similarity to even relatively primitive warfare. It is also an international game, so perhaps the day is intended to promote American interest. When I was in college, chess was one of our primary “amusements” (honors students, geeks, nerds, brainy types). Two of my colleagues became so obsessed with it that one dropped out (joined the Army, which was what he really wanted to do, anyway), and the other managed to prolong his college education for six years, without graduate school. The addiction was much worse than toebeans.
Pink Cadillac Day —Que Elvis the Pelvis and his Earworm!
World Letter Writing Day —Does anyone actually write letters any more? I mean actual writing, on paper, papyrus, vellum, or clay tablet, with a pen, pencil, quill, brush, or stylus. Considering the level of penmanship I was seeing forty years ago, are any of them legible?
Seriously, it would be a good time to write your Congresscrittur and Senileator—assuming they can read. Perhaps you should use a crayon …
Emma M. Nutt Day —"One ringy-dingy, two ringy-dingy …" Emma Nutt was the first female telephone operator, and nothing like Earnestine of Lily Tomlin fame—though I would not be surprised if she thought Earnestine was funny.
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day —Inspired by Doobert, a wonderful, loving ginger cat who gave his name to an organization and software dedicated to transporting and caring for animal rescues. Here’s to you, Doobert, and all of your relatives! Doobert did do it!
BettyAdams over 4 years ago
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
I feel so sorry for Elvis!
serenasakitty over 4 years ago
Was there a premise from long, long ago that there was an apartment in the basement of the BPH that was empty? Could there be new tenants that have a kitten, possibly related to our little Sweetie?
Code the Enforcer over 4 years ago
Twitterings !! … Tweetspace!!
Let’s have Tweety-Bird help, and give us a Bird’s Eye View!!
And, Elvis? … ‘Dial-Up’ is long gone!! :)
knight1192a over 4 years ago
I get why Elvis is so upset. But is he angry? Or is that a proper response to having to put up with Twitter?
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
Elvis looks “worried.”
BillJackson2 over 4 years ago
OT: Spreadsheets.
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 4 years ago
Elbiff……. you made me snortle. It was wonderful.
I_am a cat over 4 years ago
haha lol elvis poof
Nobody! over 4 years ago
keep looking Breaking Cat News!
Erin Pierce over 4 years ago
Missed it by that much, Elvis!
Miss Mina over 4 years ago
Poor Elvis! Technology is hard…
bleeps pwease over 2 years ago