Launch Date Announced 🚀 The brand-new GoComics will be unveiled April 1! (No fooling). See more information here. Subscribers, check your
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She must be sure of returning since Hickory is going with her this time. Sure hope she’s not gone long….don’t want to leave the kids too long with Baba, family or not!
If the doctor(s) say you should reduce stress, Georgia, it’s perfectly all right if you suspend Swan Eaters for a while. We waited at a high point for, what, 2 years? We can wait some more, if that is necessary for you to get better enough to continue all of this for years to come.
See, it’s really selfish of us to want you to cut back.
Hello everyone! If you follow Breaking Cat News too, you may already know from the comments there that I had a bit of an awful health scare this week. I’m ok now, I’m on the mend, but I am still resting up. I’m sorry to take a break so soon after last week’s, but I’ve got to devote my attention to keeping Breaking Cat News current. I hope very much to have the next Swan Eaters strip ready soon, but resting up and then BCN’s strips have to come first at the moment. I thought about posting sketches, but would rather pause and give the next strip the attention it deserves!
The good news is at least we have a pretty decent “take a break” strip for this, thank you Olwen!
Again, I’m ok! (Not to get gross—I threw up in my sleep and it aspirated into my lungs… It’s been a real bad experience, but I was very lucky, I woke up, got my breath back in time, and I’m on antibiotics to prevent pneumonia from developing) I am resting up this week though to recover.
Not good – the illness and what happened. Take GOOD care of yourself, and don’t try to do too much… Our little family loves you and your family! – Sending kitty smooches and whisker bumps! <3
Not to be callous, but do we have an estimated date of return?? I’m in a country where we’ve been locked down for 4 months and, according to the government, have at least 2 more to go (no promises). I need something to look forward to!
I keep thinking of the fact that Georgia is holding down two full time jobs 24/7. Being a wife and mother to two small children who are being home schooled, plus a husband who I think works out of the home plus four cats and assorted rats, etc is definitely a full time job. Running a highly successful cartoon strip like BCN with a side of the etsy shop items for sale plus interviews, etc. That’s another full time job. Creating artwork isn’t just the actual physical work, it’s the thinking and planning and discarding ideas that almost work makes it a full time job. I recall that just before her illness, the last BCN story arc was The Woman taking a nap because she was exhausted. I think that tells us something. All of this adds up to me as the Swan Eaters is a luxury item, a gift to us and a suspect it maybe a long time before Georgia has the time and energy for it.
Yesterday in the comments section of Breaking Cat News, Georgia posted the following in response to somebody who asked when Swan Eaters would return.
“I hope soon—I hope to have an exact day in the next couple of weeks. When I got sick all the balls I was juggling hit the ground, and I had to get the BCN ones back in the air first. I hope to have Swan Eaters in the mid again soon, thank you for asking and enjoying Swan Eaters enough to ask!”
AAAAAAaaaaaagh! Waiting and waiting! Waiting and waiting! STILL waiting!
Please, Georgia! We really, really, really want you to get well and come on back to the Swan Eaters! Although I have to say, this past week with the ’Lepicons has been fabulous!
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I check to see if there’s a new strip, or at least an announcement about when Swan Eaters might return. Even the crickets have grown silent.
Georgia, hope you are doing well. Just want to say I am looking forward to seeing what happens next in Swan Eaters if you ever return to it. In the meantime, I am having a great time watching the BCN reporters. Thank you for making me smile every day.
A post from Georgia at BCN on 4/14/21 "I appreciate folks missing Swan Eaters and all of the warm wishes for my health! (And thankfully, I am through that infection—what a strange year health wise. Is anyone else falling apart in small, minor-medical ways? I’m very grateful it has not been anything more serious—I suspect the big changes to routine and stress of this year are to blame).
I want to get back to Swan Eaters so much, I hope to get there soon. The suggestion of Sundays actually terrific, even me just trying to tackle it one day a week feels like a more manageable starting point! Thank you for suggesting that, @rhexia!
@Sue Ellen, please don’t feel badly one bit, I read your comment very happily, like “yay!! She likes Swan Eaters so much!” That makes me very happy. It is a comfort to know it is missed! Swan Eaters is very much the stranger of my comics-children, lol, I am so happy when it is enjoyed! Thank you to everyone who said kind things around it and want to see it back! Hopefully soon!"
Last night I could hear a great horned owl in the trees on the far back of my little acre calling out his very distinctive hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo mating call. That’s the first time I’ve heard one in such a long time. The last time I actually saw one was back when I was in college. I had just pulled out of the driveway and was heading to a night class when I saw one with wings outspread alighting on a branch along the fence row of what is now a Christmas tree farm. It was too dark for me to see this one. I hope he finds a mate and they have a nest of owlets nearby! Maybe they will be descendants of Hickory.
I miss Olwen and the gang. Georgia, if trying to do both strips while raising two active, curious kids and herding four cats as well as The Man is just too much, that’s life, and I think we understand. But maybe a quick wrap or just an announcement?
Everyone here should follow the Breaking Cat News Facebook. Facebook locked her out of her Swan Eaters account. She made an update that she will probably continue in the fall.
Oh thank you! Facebook locked me out of my account as well, and so I can’t get into it at all. Not that, (with a few exceptions,) I’m a fan of FB. Anyway, good news about the fall! :)
If I die of old age before we find out whether Olwen survived the mission and was able to revive the missing, I will come back and join Freddie, Tillie and the RCO crew and haunt The Big Pink House! ☺
I miss Swan Eaters so much. I check in to see if Georgia has posted anything new. I’m dying to find out if Vesper and Wigglesworth can be saved. And Pilot has grown up so handsome and strong.
The Fall makes sense even though it’s a looong way aways. That’s when the children will return to school. I suspect having to supervise distance learning at home has been eating up a lot of her time.
I know I’m nagging, but Georgia, can you please give us an update? A glimmer of hope? If you don’t feel up to painting the rest of the story, can you at least tell us how it ends? Please!
Same here. I know it’s been a long time, but I have faith Georgia’s coming back. This strip was on hiatus for a full seven years, yet it came back just as good if not better than the earlier strips. If Georgia does decide it is time to end Swan Eaters I understand, but I really feel she will come back.
Just missing Swan Eaters and thinking October would be an awesome time to restart! Hoping all is well with Georgia- I don’t do social media, so I wouldn’t know she posted anything unless someone said something here. Will continue checking in and hope Olwen, Hickory and the gang continue on their adventures. Happy Fall, y’all!
One of Georgia’s real-life main character cats has newly diagnosed heart disease. He is going to need a lot of monitoring for a while to get his medications right—this can be a tricky phase. So, I doubt that the Hawkers’ story is going to get restarted anytime soon.Hang in there Lupin!
Hello!! I’m opening up my Etsy shop today November 19th for an originals sale at 5pm eastern/2pm pacific time! You can find it here: It is not open at the moment, but I will activate it later at 5pm eastern/2pm pacific and a selections of 26 original daily strips, 4 Sundays, 2 full pages of dailies, many BCN painting of various sizes, some prints, and even a few Swan Eaters original strips will be available for purchase!
(And yes!! I promise I will finish Swan Eaters one day! I miss it too. I’m hoping to write some new strips in 2022!)
Just checking in to see about Swan Eaters. I do miss SE, but am so glad BCN is going on in the meantime. Lupin’s appointment was yesterday and hope Georgia Dunn will post how he’s doing. And now with this new variant – I wonder how that’ll affect schools and whether kids will have to go back to school by computer again? Hope not but that’s a lot to have to handle for a family and work on both BCN and SE. Whenever and am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s. Maybe this time next year things will be better. Toe beans crossed!
I’ve pretty much given up hope we’ll ever see the resolution to this story. If Georgia doesn’t have the time or energy to continue, I wish she would at least tell us how she had planned for it to end.
I believe Georgia will come back, though it might be a while before she can. Her cat Lupin (one of the BCN reporters) has heart disease and supposedly only a year left to live. Georgia posted this on BCN a few weeks ago. She posted more details on Instagram:
“Lupin has the most common form of heart disease in cats, Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It is likely genetic in his case. (Burt would add, worth an Internet search. Medical sites explain it better than I could.)
There are stories of cats living longer, and there are sadder stories—I’m so grateful right now for every day with Lupin, whatever his timeframe could be. This is Lupin. He is a tiny daredevil. He could always still smash the Christmas tree through the window or chew through an electrical cord just because, lol. A year could actually be the best case scenario! Whatever is to come, he is happy and comfortable right now. Even overnight, I think the new meds are making a positive difference. Whatever time he has, he will make it count and we will take good care of him to keep him happy, comfortable, and safe."
What a memory….glad we have Cat News still (4/22). This was a really promising strip; but if her life is like any normal one, doing a 7 day strip like BCN has to be punishing, especially if you want to have any other life.
Georgia’s final strip was January 25, 2021, 19 days after the insurrection attempt in Washington. If it has taken that long for Congress with all their resources, to share the results of their investigation into that event, Georgia’s hiatus suddenly doesn’t seem so long.
Somewhat appropriate to the strip given what was taking place in the world during the time period Swan Eaters is set in. 82 years ago this month Nazi Germany began planning the second Operation Otto. 82 years ago this December Operation Otto would be renamed. And 81 years ago this past June 22, the renamed Operation Otto would be launched. The new name, Operation Barbarossa. And we know how Barbarossa has been affecting Olwen, Clover, Salem, Pilot, Ivan, and the rest of the family, especially as it has brought in Hemlock.
Well, since the strip is taking place during WWII, on this day:
1942 – U.S. Marines raid the Japanese-held Pacific island of Makin.
1943 – The U.S. Eighth Air Force suffers the loss of 60 bombers on the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission.
1943 – The U.S. Seventh Army under General George S. Patton arrives in Messina, Italy, followed several hours later by the British 8th Army under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, thus completing the Allied conquest of Sicily.
1943 – First Québec Conference of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and William Lyon Mackenzie King begins
Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.
Reposting this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans to put it closer to current comments:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
Reposting this to keep it more visible as I continue seasonal poem posting:
Kobato 8 days ago
Reposting this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans to put it closer to current comments:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
Should be finishing the poem this weekend. Still, Need to keep this as visible as possible:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
1941 – The aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal is torpedoed by U-81, sinking the following day.
1942 – Naval Battle of Guadalcanal: U.S. and Japanese ships engage in an intense, close-quarters surface naval engagement during the Guadalcanal Campaign.
Figure this is a good time to repost this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans for Swan Eaters:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
1941 – In Russia, German SS Reich Division captured Istra west of Moscow while 7th Panzer Division advanced to the Moskva-Volga canal at Yakhroma east of Moscow. The forward-most German troops were reported within 19 miles of the Soviet capital, and noted the sighting of the Kremlin.
1941 – Russian partisan fighter Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was captured by the Germans.
1942 – German forces in Tunisia counterattacked, capturing 286 men from the British 11th Brigade.
1942 – Germans occupied naval base at Toulon; French Navy scuttled warships to avoid German capture.
1942 – Commanded by General Erich von Manstein, the German Armeegruppe Don was formed in southern Russia in order to relieve the trapped German 6th Army at Stalingrad, Russia.
1943 – US Navy fighter Ace “Butch” O’Hare disappeared during a night fighter combat test involving a radar equipped TBF Avenger aircraft leading three Hellcat fighters into an interception position. It was suspected that he might have been shot down by a TBF gunner.
1944 – Intelligence officer Captain Fritz Ringwald of USAAF 415th Night Fighter Squadron reported that the Beaufighter flown by Don Meiers and Ed Schleuter was chased by unidentified “foo fighters”, which was a term coined by Meiers.
1944 – Richard O’Connor stepped down as the commanding officer of VIII Corps and was made the commanding officer of Eastern Command in India.
1944 – A V-2 rocket impacted on Teniers Square, Antwerp, Belgium, as an Allied military convoy was passing through. The explosion killed 157 persons, including 29 Allied soldiers.
I love this non-site. No comic, just hopeful fans. I check in once every couple of months to see what’s happenin. Latest I know of Georgia hasn’t forgotten Swans, but is in to busy a season of life to give it the time it deserves. We stalwart few will keep watch!
I don’t know when, but it will happen: Georgia promised and I believe her! One of the reasons I like it is because it shows she has a breadth of talent – this is far edgier than BCN, but just as fun and addictive:)
Fond greetings, Olwen! Hope you’re well and kicking all sorts of derriere on your adventure. Miss you and and am keeping a very warm and snuggly place in my heart for you and yours.
I missed yesterday as the second anniversary of the current hiatus. Today we could begin singing three hundred sixty-five bottles of beer on the wall. But I really don’t feel like that.
I know that life happens and BCR is wonderful and takes all your time. I still come back here and reread this fairly frequently though. I’d love even just a post wrapping it up with no illustration. I’ve grown to love these characters and would love some closure with them.
Georgia, even if it’s only once a month, will you please bring this story to its conclusion before I die of old age? I’m 71 years old and longevity does not run in my family!
I figured it out. On the recent adventure to another plane the adventurers were gone a short time from our perspective, a few years from their perspective. This adventure will take but a short time to them, and years to us.
I just remembered one of the magic spells Olwen taught Clover was how to change her age. I wonder if she will have to briefly revert back to her 5-year-old self to convince her parents she’s her when/if they return to them.
For those who don’t follow Breaking Cat News, Georgia Dunn had surgery on her “drawing” hand. GoComics will show repeats of selected past comics until she is able to resume her artwork. That is sure to cause further delay for her return to Swan Eaters. Sending her best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Now here’s a thought! The current newpaper format of BCN would be ideal for a segway back into Swaneaters. Could be letters from Grandma intercepted by the Enemy or even letters amongst the family?
Guess it’s time for another confident post that Swan Eaters will return someday, even if it takes another 7 years (but hopefully not that long). Georgia did discuss the possibility of having weekly Sunday updates at one point, so maybe she will give that a try someday.
Given all that has happened since this series went on hiatus, I’m not giving up, because I don’t think Georgia has either. But then again, I’m not holding my breath.
Hi Swan Eaters aficionados! I attended Georgia Dunn’s event at the Charles Schultz Museum in Santa Rosa on Saturday. During the question and answer session I asked about Swan Eaters and she said she is currently working on finishing Swan Eaters and it will have an ending, but she will wait to publish it until it is fully complete. She also mentioned that what is online here is only about two thirds of the total story so there is not much more to go. There is no timeline right now as to when we may enjoy it, but there is hope!
I was coming to say that too. Apparently she finally has access to her FB Swan Eaters account again, so maybe she’s getting ready to upload again. (An earlier comment says she wants to have all the strips finished before uploading again, maybe a sign she’s getting there.)
It’s been a long 3 1/2 years. I hope we don’t have to wait too much longer. But no matter how long it takes, I will be ecstatic when it starts up again.
Laurie Sefton Premium Member about 4 years ago
arolarson Premium Member about 4 years ago
She must be sure of returning since Hickory is going with her this time. Sure hope she’s not gone long….don’t want to leave the kids too long with Baba, family or not!
anne o about 4 years ago
Look how happy the hourglass is! Road Trip!
Ida No about 4 years ago
“In the bag o’ skulls. I’m feeling peckish.”
Sue Ellen Premium Member about 4 years ago
When are we ever going to find out more about the little tribble????
Lily.spokescat about 4 years ago
Olwen is turning into the “Happy Wanderer” Fol de ree, fol de rah!!!!!
jadoo823 about 4 years ago
…now does that “Who.” mean “on your shoulder” or is Hickory saying “well it depends – Who is in the bag?”
Hedgehog about 4 years ago
Have bongo will time travel.
dragonbite about 4 years ago
I love her gleeful expression! Like a kid in the candy shop (and knows she can get away with something..)
knight1192a about 4 years ago
Getting to the Olwen and Hickory part of the teaser poster.
PoodleGroomer about 4 years ago
Wooden tubs are magical things.
willie_mctell about 4 years ago
Bag o’ skulls, please.
daswaff Premium Member about 4 years ago
Truly, I’m just waiting for Peter to save the day.
MVMartinek Premium Member about 4 years ago
If the doctor(s) say you should reduce stress, Georgia, it’s perfectly all right if you suspend Swan Eaters for a while. We waited at a high point for, what, 2 years? We can wait some more, if that is necessary for you to get better enough to continue all of this for years to come.
See, it’s really selfish of us to want you to cut back.
Georgia Dunn creator about 4 years ago
Hello everyone! If you follow Breaking Cat News too, you may already know from the comments there that I had a bit of an awful health scare this week. I’m ok now, I’m on the mend, but I am still resting up. I’m sorry to take a break so soon after last week’s, but I’ve got to devote my attention to keeping Breaking Cat News current. I hope very much to have the next Swan Eaters strip ready soon, but resting up and then BCN’s strips have to come first at the moment. I thought about posting sketches, but would rather pause and give the next strip the attention it deserves!
The good news is at least we have a pretty decent “take a break” strip for this, thank you Olwen!
Again, I’m ok! (Not to get gross—I threw up in my sleep and it aspirated into my lungs… It’s been a real bad experience, but I was very lucky, I woke up, got my breath back in time, and I’m on antibiotics to prevent pneumonia from developing) I am resting up this week though to recover.
beindevine about 4 years ago
Not good – the illness and what happened. Take GOOD care of yourself, and don’t try to do too much… Our little family loves you and your family! – Sending kitty smooches and whisker bumps! <3
NancyLouiseFreeman about 4 years ago
Rest up and feel better soon!
JohnTheFoole about 4 years ago
AUGH!! That’s how Jimi Hendrix died! I’m so glad that you’re OK, Georgia! Keep fighting… {<8^)
Decius Premium Member about 4 years ago
Not to be callous, but do we have an estimated date of return?? I’m in a country where we’ve been locked down for 4 months and, according to the government, have at least 2 more to go (no promises). I need something to look forward to!
Erin Pierce about 4 years ago
I’m interpreting Hickory’s face and “Who.” as “Let’s do this.”
SunflowerGirl100 about 4 years ago
I keep thinking of the fact that Georgia is holding down two full time jobs 24/7. Being a wife and mother to two small children who are being home schooled, plus a husband who I think works out of the home plus four cats and assorted rats, etc is definitely a full time job. Running a highly successful cartoon strip like BCN with a side of the etsy shop items for sale plus interviews, etc. That’s another full time job. Creating artwork isn’t just the actual physical work, it’s the thinking and planning and discarding ideas that almost work makes it a full time job. I recall that just before her illness, the last BCN story arc was The Woman taking a nap because she was exhausted. I think that tells us something. All of this adds up to me as the Swan Eaters is a luxury item, a gift to us and a suspect it maybe a long time before Georgia has the time and energy for it.
Sue Ellen Premium Member about 4 years ago
Georgia, could you please give us an estimate on when you’re going to pick this back up again? TIA!
Sue Ellen Premium Member about 4 years ago
Yesterday in the comments section of Breaking Cat News, Georgia posted the following in response to somebody who asked when Swan Eaters would return.
“I hope soon—I hope to have an exact day in the next couple of weeks. When I got sick all the balls I was juggling hit the ground, and I had to get the BCN ones back in the air first. I hope to have Swan Eaters in the mid again soon, thank you for asking and enjoying Swan Eaters enough to ask!”
NyahNyahNyah about 4 years ago
AAAAAAaaaaaagh! Waiting and waiting! Waiting and waiting! STILL waiting!
Please, Georgia! We really, really, really want you to get well and come on back to the Swan Eaters! Although I have to say, this past week with the ’Lepicons has been fabulous!
jamesamber29 almost 4 years ago
Is it coming back? I’m in the minority but I like this strip better than BCN.
Sue Ellen Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, I check to see if there’s a new strip, or at least an announcement about when Swan Eaters might return. Even the crickets have grown silent.
catshill almost 4 years ago
I miss Swan Eaters and I love, love, love BCN♥️
Kobato almost 4 years ago
Georgia, hope you are doing well. Just want to say I am looking forward to seeing what happens next in Swan Eaters if you ever return to it. In the meantime, I am having a great time watching the BCN reporters. Thank you for making me smile every day.
LucyLuLu Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sure missing Swan Eaters.
rhexia almost 4 years ago
Swan Eater Sundays? …Please?
SunflowerGirl100 almost 4 years ago
A post from Georgia at BCN on 4/14/21 "I appreciate folks missing Swan Eaters and all of the warm wishes for my health! (And thankfully, I am through that infection—what a strange year health wise. Is anyone else falling apart in small, minor-medical ways? I’m very grateful it has not been anything more serious—I suspect the big changes to routine and stress of this year are to blame).
I want to get back to Swan Eaters so much, I hope to get there soon. The suggestion of Sundays actually terrific, even me just trying to tackle it one day a week feels like a more manageable starting point! Thank you for suggesting that, @rhexia!
@Sue Ellen, please don’t feel badly one bit, I read your comment very happily, like “yay!! She likes Swan Eaters so much!” That makes me very happy. It is a comfort to know it is missed! Swan Eaters is very much the stranger of my comics-children, lol, I am so happy when it is enjoyed! Thank you to everyone who said kind things around it and want to see it back! Hopefully soon!"
Sue Ellen Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Last night I could hear a great horned owl in the trees on the far back of my little acre calling out his very distinctive hoo-h’HOO-hoo-hoo mating call. That’s the first time I’ve heard one in such a long time. The last time I actually saw one was back when I was in college. I had just pulled out of the driveway and was heading to a night class when I saw one with wings outspread alighting on a branch along the fence row of what is now a Christmas tree farm. It was too dark for me to see this one. I hope he finds a mate and they have a nest of owlets nearby! Maybe they will be descendants of Hickory.
Denny Wheeler Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I miss Olwen and the gang. Georgia, if trying to do both strips while raising two active, curious kids and herding four cats as well as The Man is just too much, that’s life, and I think we understand. But maybe a quick wrap or just an announcement?
Bullwinkle Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Everyone here should follow the Breaking Cat News Facebook. Facebook locked her out of her Swan Eaters account. She made an update that she will probably continue in the fall.
Caerin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Oh thank you! Facebook locked me out of my account as well, and so I can’t get into it at all. Not that, (with a few exceptions,) I’m a fan of FB. Anyway, good news about the fall! :)
Sue Ellen Premium Member almost 4 years ago
If I die of old age before we find out whether Olwen survived the mission and was able to revive the missing, I will come back and join Freddie, Tillie and the RCO crew and haunt The Big Pink House! ☺
pjsdoghouse2003 almost 4 years ago
I miss Swan Eaters so much. I check in to see if Georgia has posted anything new. I’m dying to find out if Vesper and Wigglesworth can be saved. And Pilot has grown up so handsome and strong.
SunflowerGirl100 almost 4 years ago
The Fall makes sense even though it’s a looong way aways. That’s when the children will return to school. I suspect having to supervise distance learning at home has been eating up a lot of her time.
Sue Ellen Premium Member over 3 years ago
I haven’t lost interest or given up hope that Georgia’s health will improve enough for her to find the time and energy to complete this story.
jamesbaird1572 over 3 years ago
will this cartoon ever be continued?
jamescordeiro over 3 years ago
Any idea as to when you might resume Swan Eaters?
William Earnest Jr over 3 years ago
Is this strip going to start again? I miss it. Also, I hope you are back feeling well> God bless.
Sue Ellen Premium Member over 3 years ago
I know I’m nagging, but Georgia, can you please give us an update? A glimmer of hope? If you don’t feel up to painting the rest of the story, can you at least tell us how it ends? Please!
jamesbaird1572 over 3 years ago
Time to pack it in Georgia. This is 9 months old.
flamingodiva7 over 3 years ago
Today is the first day of Fall. When does Swan Eaters resume?
tims145 over 3 years ago
still a fan no matter what!
Kobato over 3 years ago
Same here. I know it’s been a long time, but I have faith Georgia’s coming back. This strip was on hiatus for a full seven years, yet it came back just as good if not better than the earlier strips. If Georgia does decide it is time to end Swan Eaters I understand, but I really feel she will come back.
ZoMcYo over 3 years ago
Just missing Swan Eaters and thinking October would be an awesome time to restart! Hoping all is well with Georgia- I don’t do social media, so I wouldn’t know she posted anything unless someone said something here. Will continue checking in and hope Olwen, Hickory and the gang continue on their adventures. Happy Fall, y’all!
pjsdoghouse2003 over 3 years ago
Every day I click on “My comics” and hope to see the updated count up by 1.
Sue Ellen Premium Member over 3 years ago
I was hoping for a Halloween treat of a new Swan Eaters. Georgia, have you abandoned the Hawkers? I need to know what’s happening! Please come back.
knight1192a over 3 years ago
Happy Halloween. No Halloween treat here though (but BCN has a nice Halloween treat)
rhexia over 3 years ago
One of Georgia’s real-life main character cats has newly diagnosed heart disease. He is going to need a lot of monitoring for a while to get his medications right—this can be a tricky phase. So, I doubt that the Hawkers’ story is going to get restarted anytime soon.Hang in there Lupin!
Georgia Dunn creator over 3 years ago
Hello!! I’m opening up my Etsy shop today November 19th for an originals sale at 5pm eastern/2pm pacific time! You can find it here: It is not open at the moment, but I will activate it later at 5pm eastern/2pm pacific and a selections of 26 original daily strips, 4 Sundays, 2 full pages of dailies, many BCN painting of various sizes, some prints, and even a few Swan Eaters original strips will be available for purchase!
(And yes!! I promise I will finish Swan Eaters one day! I miss it too. I’m hoping to write some new strips in 2022!)
serenasakitty over 3 years ago
I know I sound impatient and I certainly don’t mean to downgrade the reasons, but I hope Swan Eaters will be back soon. I really miss it.
Alicelth Premium Member over 3 years ago
Just checking in to see about Swan Eaters. I do miss SE, but am so glad BCN is going on in the meantime. Lupin’s appointment was yesterday and hope Georgia Dunn will post how he’s doing. And now with this new variant – I wonder how that’ll affect schools and whether kids will have to go back to school by computer again? Hope not but that’s a lot to have to handle for a family and work on both BCN and SE. Whenever and am wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s. Maybe this time next year things will be better. Toe beans crossed!
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Only 22 days left to the one year anniversary. Some of us (myself NOT included) can remember a bigger anniversary.
Sue Ellen Premium Member about 3 years ago
I’ve pretty much given up hope we’ll ever see the resolution to this story. If Georgia doesn’t have the time or energy to continue, I wish she would at least tell us how she had planned for it to end.
Kobato about 3 years ago
I believe Georgia will come back, though it might be a while before she can. Her cat Lupin (one of the BCN reporters) has heart disease and supposedly only a year left to live. Georgia posted this on BCN a few weeks ago. She posted more details on Instagram:
“Lupin has the most common form of heart disease in cats, Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. It is likely genetic in his case. (Burt would add, worth an Internet search. Medical sites explain it better than I could.)
There are stories of cats living longer, and there are sadder stories—I’m so grateful right now for every day with Lupin, whatever his timeframe could be. This is Lupin. He is a tiny daredevil. He could always still smash the Christmas tree through the window or chew through an electrical cord just because, lol. A year could actually be the best case scenario! Whatever is to come, he is happy and comfortable right now. Even overnight, I think the new meds are making a positive difference. Whatever time he has, he will make it count and we will take good care of him to keep him happy, comfortable, and safe."
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Eleven days left to go
Eleven days left
Take one down
Throw it away
Ten days left to go.
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Eight days left to go
Eight days left
Take one down
Throw it away
Seven days left to go.
gigagrouch about 3 years ago
A year to the day…
Any chance of a reboot, Georgia?
willie_mctell about 3 years ago
It’s been a year, sob.
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Anyone have any news?
Decius Premium Member about 3 years ago
knight1192a about 3 years ago
Be wary, wary quite. We’re hunting time warpers.
ebpartington about 3 years ago
still waiting… has anyone heard anything of this strip starting again?
More_Cats_Than_Sense about 3 years ago
I found this when browsing around, thought it should be here :-)
jadoo823 about 3 years ago
…it’s now spring of 2022. Any word on new strips yet?…
knight1192a almost 3 years ago
And the Nazis lived happily ever after. Well, except for Hemlock. Olwen refused to date him.
tims145 almost 3 years ago
What a memory….glad we have Cat News still (4/22). This was a really promising strip; but if her life is like any normal one, doing a 7 day strip like BCN has to be punishing, especially if you want to have any other life.
knight1192a almost 3 years ago
Just checking in.
knight1192a almost 3 years ago
Happy Memorial Day Observed to those in the U.S. Of course to Owlen, Happy Limbo Trapped.
More_Cats_Than_Sense almost 3 years ago
Looks slightly familiar!
The caption reads: “Built in the 18th century, this is one of the oldest buildings in Hattfjelldal municipality in Norland, Norway.”
And I also found this:
knight1192a almost 3 years ago
davids.comments almost 3 years ago
Georgia’s final strip was January 25, 2021, 19 days after the insurrection attempt in Washington. If it has taken that long for Congress with all their resources, to share the results of their investigation into that event, Georgia’s hiatus suddenly doesn’t seem so long.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Somewhat appropriate to the strip given what was taking place in the world during the time period Swan Eaters is set in. 82 years ago this month Nazi Germany began planning the second Operation Otto. 82 years ago this December Operation Otto would be renamed. And 81 years ago this past June 22, the renamed Operation Otto would be launched. The new name, Operation Barbarossa. And we know how Barbarossa has been affecting Olwen, Clover, Salem, Pilot, Ivan, and the rest of the family, especially as it has brought in Hemlock.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Well, since the strip is taking place during WWII, on this day:
1942 – U.S. Marines raid the Japanese-held Pacific island of Makin.
1943 – The U.S. Eighth Air Force suffers the loss of 60 bombers on the Schweinfurt–Regensburg mission.
1943 – The U.S. Seventh Army under General George S. Patton arrives in Messina, Italy, followed several hours later by the British 8th Army under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, thus completing the Allied conquest of Sicily.
1943 – First Québec Conference of Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and William Lyon Mackenzie King begins
willie_mctell over 2 years ago
Sad to see what appears to be the end of one of my favorites.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
On this day (Aug. 29th) in World War II:
1941 – Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, is occupied by Nazi Germany following an occupation by the Soviet Union.
1943 – German-occupied Denmark scuttles most of its navy; Germany dissolves the Danish government.
1944 – Slovak National Uprising takes place as 60,000 Slovak troops turn against the Nazis.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
On this day (September 4) in World War II:
1939 – William J. Murphy commands the first Royal Air Force attack on Germany.
1941 – A German submarine makes the first attack of the war against a United States warship, the USS Greer.
1944 – The British 11th Armoured Division liberates the Belgian city of Antwerp.
1944 – Finland exits from the war with Soviet Union.
(Need to go back through, I think the strip’s actually up to 1942 when it ends. Might want to be doing from ’42 to ’45)
knight1192a over 2 years ago
On this day (September 18th) in World War II:
1939 – The Polish government of Ignacy Mościcki flees to Romania.
1939 – The radio show Germany Calling begins transmitting Nazi propaganda.
1940 – The British liner SS City of Benares is sunk by German submarine U-48; those killed include 77 child refugees.
1943 – Adolf Hitler orders the deportation of Danish Jews.
1944 – The British submarine HMS Tradewind torpedoes Jun’yō Maru, killing 5,600, mostly slave labourers and POWs.
1944 – The Battle of Arracourt begins.
andycat Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Upon that night, when fairies light,
On Cassilis Downans dance,
Or owre the lays, in splendid blaze,
On sprightly coursers prance;
Or for Colean the rout is ta’en,
Beneath the moon’s pale beams;
There, up the Cove,to stray an’ rove,
Amang the rocks and streams
To sport that night;
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Amang the bonie winding banks,
Where Doon rins, wimplin, clear;
Where Bruce ance rul’d the martial ranks,
An’ shook his Carrick spear;
Some merry, friendly, countra-folks
Together did convene,
To burn their nits, an’ pou their stocks,
An’ haud their Halloween
Fu’ blythe that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
The lasses feat, an’ cleanly neat,
Mair braw than when they’re fine;
Their faces blythe, fu’ sweetly kythe,
Hearts leal, an’ warm, an’ kin’:
The lads sae trig, wi’ wooer-babs
Weel-knotted on their garten;
Some unco blate, an’ some wi’ gabs
Gar lasses’ hearts gang startin
Whiles fast at night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Then, first an’ foremost, thro’ the kail,
Their stocks maun a’ be sought ance;
They steek their een, and grape an’ wale
For muckle anes, an’ straught anes.
Poor hav’rel Will fell aff the drift,
An’ wandered thro’ the bow-kail,
An’ pou’t for want o’ better shift
A runt was like a sow-tail
Sae bow’t that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Then, straught or crooked, yird or nane,
They roar an’ cry a’ throu’ther;
The vera wee-things, toddlin, rin,
Wi’ stocks out owre their shouther:
An’ gif the custock’s sweet or sour,
Wi’ joctelegs they taste them;
Syne coziely, aboon the door,
Wi’ cannie care, they’ve plac’d them
To lie that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
The lassies staw frae ‘mang them a’,
To pou their stalks o’ corn;
But Rab slips out, an’ jinks about,
Behint the muckle thorn:
He grippit Nelly hard and fast:
Loud skirl’d a’ the lasses;
But her tap-pickle maist was lost,
Whan kiutlin in the fause-house
Wi’ him that night
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
The auld guid-wife’s weel-hoordit nits
Are round an’ round dividend,
An’ mony lads an’ lasses’ fates
Are there that night decided:
Some kindle couthie side by side,
And burn thegither trimly;
Some start awa wi’ saucy pride,
An’ jump out owre the chimlie
Fu’ high that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Jean slips in twa, wi’ tentie e’e;
Wha ‘twas, she wadna tell;
But this is Jock, an’ this is me,
She says in to hersel’:
He bleez’d owre her, an’ she owre him,
As they wad never mair part:
Till fuff! he started up the lum,
An’ Jean had e’en a sair heart
To see’t that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Poor Willie, wi’ his bow-kail runt,
Was brunt wi’ primsie Mallie;
An’ Mary, nae doubt, took the drunt,
To be compar’d to Willie:
Mall’s nit lap out, wi’ pridefu’ fling,
An’ her ain fit, it brunt it;
While Willie lap, and swore by jing,
’Twas just the way he wanted
To be that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Nell had the fause-house in her min’,
She pits hersel an’ Rob in;
In loving bleeze they sweetly join,
Till white in ase they’re sobbin:
Nell’s heart was dancin at the view;
She whisper’d Rob to leuk for’t:
Rob, stownlins, prie’d her bonie mou’,
Fu’ cozie in the neuk for’t,
Unseen that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
But Merran sat behint their backs,
Her thoughts on Andrew Bell:
She lea’es them gashin at their cracks,
An’ slips out-by hersel’;
She thro’ the yard the nearest taks,
An’ for the kiln she goes then,
An’ darklins grapit for the bauks,
And in the blue-clue throws then,
Right fear’t that night.
-Robert Burns
Kobato over 2 years ago
Reposting this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans to put it closer to current comments:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
knight1192a over 2 years ago
An’ ay she win’t, an’ ay she swat
I wat she made nae jaukin;
Till something held within the pat,
Good Lord! but she was quaukin!
But whether ‘twas the deil himsel,
Or whether ’twas a bauk-en’,
Or whether it was Andrew Bell,
She did na wait on talkin
To spier that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Wee Jenny to her graunie says,
“Will ye go wi’ me, graunie?
I’ll eat the apple at the glass,
I gat frae uncle Johnie:”
She fuff’t her pipe wi’ sic a lunt,
In wrath she was sae vap’rin,
She notic’t na an aizle brunt
Her braw, new, worset apron
Out thro’ that night.
-Robert Burns
dragonbite over 2 years ago
Any news on when this story will continue?
knight1192a over 2 years ago
“Ye little skelpie-limmer’s face!
I daur you try sic sportin,
As seek the foul thief ony place,
For him to spae your fortune:
Nae doubt but ye may get a sight!
Great cause ye hae to fear it;
For mony a ane has gotten a fright,
An’ liv’d an’ died deleerit,
On sic a night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
“Ae hairst afore the Sherra-moor,
I mind’t as weel’s yestreen
I was a gilpey then, I’m sure
I was na past fyfteen:
The simmer had been cauld an’ wat,
An’ stuff was unco green;
An’ eye a rantin kirn we gat,
An’ just on Halloween
It fell that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
“Our stibble-rig was Rab M’Graen,
A clever, sturdy fallow;
His sin gat Eppie Sim wi’ wean,
That lived in Achmacalla:
He gat hemp-seed, I mind it weel,
An’he made unco light o’t;
But mony a day was by himsel’,
He was sae sairly frighted
That vera night.”
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Then up gat fechtin Jamie Fleck,
An’ he swoor by his conscience,
That he could saw hemp-seed a peck;
For it was a’ but nonsense:
The auld guidman raught down the pock,
An’ out a handfu’ gied him;
Syne bad him slip frae’ mang the folk,
Sometime when nae ane see’d him,
An’ try’t that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
He marches thro’ amang the stacks,
Tho’ he was something sturtin;
The graip he for a harrow taks,
An’ haurls at his curpin:
And ev’ry now an’ then, he says,
“Hemp-seed I saw thee,
An’ her that is to be my lass
Come after me, an’ draw thee
As fast this night.”
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
He wistl’d up Lord Lennox’ March
To keep his courage cherry;
Altho’ his hair began to arch,
He was sae fley’d an’ eerie:
Till presently he hears a squeak,
An’ then a grane an’ gruntle;
He by his shouther gae a keek,
An’ tumbled wi’ a wintle
Out-owre that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Reposting this to keep it more visible as I continue seasonal poem posting:
Kobato 8 days ago
Reposting this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans to put it closer to current comments:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
knight1192a over 2 years ago
He roar’d a horrid murder-shout,
In dreadfu’ desperation!
An’ young an’ auld come rinnin out,
An’ hear the sad narration:
He swoor ‘twas hilchin Jean M’Craw,
Or crouchie Merran Humphie
Till stop! she trotted thro’ them a’;
And wha was it but grumphie
Asteer that night!
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Meg fain wad to the barn gaen,
To winn three wechts o’ naething;
But for to meet the deil her lane,
She pat but little faith in:
She gies the herd a pickle nits,
An’ twa red cheekit apples,
To watch, while for the barn she sets,
In hopes to see Tam Kipples
That vera night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
She turns the key wi’ cannie thraw,
An’owre the threshold ventures;
But first on Sawnie gies a ca’,
Syne baudly in she enters:
A ratton rattl’d up the wa’,
An’ she cry’d Lord preserve her!
An’ ran thro’ midden-hole an’ a’,
An’ pray’d wi’ zeal and fervour,
Fu’ fast that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
They hoy’t out Will, wi’ sair advice;
They hecht him some fine braw ane;
It chanc’d the stack he faddom’t thrice
Was timmer-propt for thrawin:
He taks a swirlie auld moss-oak
For some black, grousome carlin;
An’ loot a winze, an’ drew a stroke,
Till skin in blypes cam haurlin
Aff’s nieves that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
A wanton widow Leezie was,
As cantie as a kittlen;
But och! that night, amang the shaws,
She gat a fearfu’ settlin!
She thro’ the whins, an’ by the cairn,
An’ owre the hill gaed scrievin;
Whare three lairds’ lan’s met at a burn,
To dip her left sark-sleeve in,
Was bent that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Should be finishing the poem this weekend. Still, Need to keep this as visible as possible:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Whiles owre a linn the burnie plays,
As thro’ the glen it wimpl’t;
Whiles round a rocky scar it strays,
Whiles in a wiel it dimpl’t;
Whiles glitter’d to the nightly rays,
Wi’ bickerin’, dancin’ dazzle;
Whiles cookit undeneath the braes,
Below the spreading hazel
Unseen that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Amang the brachens, on the brae,
Between her an’ the moon,
The deil, or else an outler quey,
Gat up an’ ga’e a croon:
Poor Leezie’s heart maist lap the hool;
Near lav’rock-height she jumpit,
But mist a fit, an’ in the pool
Out-owre the lugs she plumpit,
Wi’ a plunge that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
In order, on the clean hearth-stane,
The luggies three are ranged;
An’ ev’ry time great care is ta’en
To see them duly changed:
Auld uncle John, wha wedlock’s joys
Sin’ Mar’s-year did desire,
Because he gat the toom dish thrice,
He heav’d them on the fire
In wrath that night.
-Robert Burns
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Wi’ merry sangs, an’ friendly cracks,
I wat they did na weary;
And unco tales, an’ funnie jokes
Their sports were cheap an’ cheery:
Till butter’d sowens, wi’ fragrant lunt,
Set a’ their gabs a-steerin;
Syne, wi’ a social glass o’ strunt,
They parted aff careerin
Fu’ blythe that night.
-Robert Burns Wi’ merry sangs, an’ friendly cracks,
I wat they did na weary;
And unco tales, an’ funnie jokes
Their sports were cheap an’ cheery:
Till butter’d sowens, wi’ fragrant lunt,
Set a’ their gabs a-steerin;
Syne, wi’ a social glass o’ strunt,
They parted aff careerin
Fu’ blythe that night.
-Robert Burns
And thus endth the marathon of Robbert Burns Halloween.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
knight1192a over 2 years ago
On this day (November 13th) in World War II:
1941 – The aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal is torpedoed by U-81, sinking the following day.
1942 – Naval Battle of Guadalcanal: U.S. and Japanese ships engage in an intense, close-quarters surface naval engagement during the Guadalcanal Campaign.
Kobato over 2 years ago
Figure this is a good time to repost this exciting comment by andycat about Georgia’s plans for Swan Eaters:
andycat : “Good news! I asked Georgia on Twitter if she’d be restarting this comic, and she’s currently trying to get a buffer so she can run the strips even when Life Happens. It may not be as soon as we’d like (hop into a TARDIS and begin posting again nine months ago), but there is an end, or perhaps I should say a new beginning, coming.”
knight1192a over 2 years ago
Courtesy of the World War II Database
On this day (November 27th) in World War II:
1941 – In Russia, German SS Reich Division captured Istra west of Moscow while 7th Panzer Division advanced to the Moskva-Volga canal at Yakhroma east of Moscow. The forward-most German troops were reported within 19 miles of the Soviet capital, and noted the sighting of the Kremlin.
1941 – Russian partisan fighter Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was captured by the Germans.
1942 – German forces in Tunisia counterattacked, capturing 286 men from the British 11th Brigade.
1942 – Germans occupied naval base at Toulon; French Navy scuttled warships to avoid German capture.
1942 – Commanded by General Erich von Manstein, the German Armeegruppe Don was formed in southern Russia in order to relieve the trapped German 6th Army at Stalingrad, Russia.
1943 – US Navy fighter Ace “Butch” O’Hare disappeared during a night fighter combat test involving a radar equipped TBF Avenger aircraft leading three Hellcat fighters into an interception position. It was suspected that he might have been shot down by a TBF gunner.
1944 – Intelligence officer Captain Fritz Ringwald of USAAF 415th Night Fighter Squadron reported that the Beaufighter flown by Don Meiers and Ed Schleuter was chased by unidentified “foo fighters”, which was a term coined by Meiers.
1944 – Richard O’Connor stepped down as the commanding officer of VIII Corps and was made the commanding officer of Eastern Command in India.
1944 – A V-2 rocket impacted on Teniers Square, Antwerp, Belgium, as an Allied military convoy was passing through. The explosion killed 157 persons, including 29 Allied soldiers.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
81 years ago a sleeping giant was awoken and filled with terrible wrath.
knight1192a over 2 years ago
knight1192a about 2 years ago
Twenty-three more days to go.
knight1192a about 2 years ago
Twelve days left until the two year anniversary.
knight1192a about 2 years ago
Caerin Premium Member about 2 years ago
I love this non-site. No comic, just hopeful fans. I check in once every couple of months to see what’s happenin. Latest I know of Georgia hasn’t forgotten Swans, but is in to busy a season of life to give it the time it deserves. We stalwart few will keep watch!
Mary Ellen about 2 years ago
I keep holding out hope that this strip will come back. I miss it!!
splinterexpert about 2 years ago
Caerin Premium Member about 2 years ago
I don’t know when, but it will happen: Georgia promised and I believe her! One of the reasons I like it is because it shows she has a breadth of talent – this is far edgier than BCN, but just as fun and addictive:)
knight1192a about 2 years ago
Two days left.
elhorr about 2 years ago
Fond greetings, Olwen! Hope you’re well and kicking all sorts of derriere on your adventure. Miss you and and am keeping a very warm and snuggly place in my heart for you and yours.
"Doon the Watter" on the Waverley Premium Member about 2 years ago
Two years today. Maybe we can have a new “take a break strip” ??
knight1192a about 2 years ago
I missed yesterday as the second anniversary of the current hiatus. Today we could begin singing three hundred sixty-five bottles of beer on the wall. But I really don’t feel like that.
Caerin Premium Member about 2 years ago
The longer the wait, the sooner it comes!
Lauren Kramer Premium Member about 2 years ago
I know that life happens and BCR is wonderful and takes all your time. I still come back here and reread this fairly frequently though. I’d love even just a post wrapping it up with no illustration. I’ve grown to love these characters and would love some closure with them.
Sue Ellen Premium Member about 2 years ago
Georgia, even if it’s only once a month, will you please bring this story to its conclusion before I die of old age? I’m 71 years old and longevity does not run in my family!
knight1192a about 2 years ago
Gonna have to go back to the occasional “On this day in WWII”. Not feeling up to it right now.
Notaspy about 2 years ago
I keep this comic in my “Comics I Follow” tab, just in case one day I see the “updated today” label.
jadoo823 about 2 years ago
…still nothing :(…
tims145 about 2 years ago
And so they all returned to their respective home planets, the end!
mjgaillard about 2 years ago
I figured it out. On the recent adventure to another plane the adventurers were gone a short time from our perspective, a few years from their perspective. This adventure will take but a short time to them, and years to us.
knight1192a almost 2 years ago
More_Cats_Than_Sense almost 2 years ago
Hoping this strip returns soon, but meanwhile I found this picture of Baba Yaga’s house:
Kobato almost 2 years ago
I just remembered one of the magic spells Olwen taught Clover was how to change her age. I wonder if she will have to briefly revert back to her 5-year-old self to convince her parents she’s her when/if they return to them.
Caerin Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Good point. At this point I’m just praying for Georgia’s art hand/arm to heal!
Sue Ellen Premium Member almost 2 years ago
For those who don’t follow Breaking Cat News, Georgia Dunn had surgery on her “drawing” hand. GoComics will show repeats of selected past comics until she is able to resume her artwork. That is sure to cause further delay for her return to Swan Eaters. Sending her best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Notaspy almost 2 years ago
How do you suppose Swan Eaters will go from here?
Caerin Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Now here’s a thought! The current newpaper format of BCN would be ideal for a segway back into Swaneaters. Could be letters from Grandma intercepted by the Enemy or even letters amongst the family?
Caerin Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Just to be clear, I didn’t mean to use the BCN characters, just the letter format of relating events…
elhorr almost 2 years ago
Hoping your adventures are being absolutely glorious!
Mary Ellen almost 2 years ago
Will this comic ever return? I really miss it…
jadoo823 almost 2 years ago
…life imitating art?…
Billy Yank almost 2 years ago
I just saw a news article about a family that actually killed and ate a pet swan belonging to an institution.
Kobato over 1 year ago
Still got faith Swan Eater’s will be back someday.
Preziosilla over 1 year ago
Not thst we like your bad news, but we like that you’re taaking a much needed break to recover. Who knows? You may start a trend!
jadoo823 over 1 year ago
…any new news??….
Kobato about 1 year ago
Guess it’s time for another confident post that Swan Eaters will return someday, even if it takes another 7 years (but hopefully not that long). Georgia did discuss the possibility of having weekly Sunday updates at one point, so maybe she will give that a try someday.
Doctor Toon about 1 year ago
3 years and still waiting
Caerin Premium Member about 1 year ago
Given all that has happened since this series went on hiatus, I’m not giving up, because I don’t think Georgia has either. But then again, I’m not holding my breath.
threecatcandleshop 10 months ago
Hi Swan Eaters aficionados! I attended Georgia Dunn’s event at the Charles Schultz Museum in Santa Rosa on Saturday. During the question and answer session I asked about Swan Eaters and she said she is currently working on finishing Swan Eaters and it will have an ending, but she will wait to publish it until it is fully complete. She also mentioned that what is online here is only about two thirds of the total story so there is not much more to go. There is no timeline right now as to when we may enjoy it, but there is hope!
Barnhartfam 3 months ago
If you’ve scrolled all of the way down here, the BCNFacebook page has a Swan Eaters update!
elizabethvshaffer 3 months ago
Y’all, check FB!
Kobato 3 months ago
I was coming to say that too. Apparently she finally has access to her FB Swan Eaters account again, so maybe she’s getting ready to upload again. (An earlier comment says she wants to have all the strips finished before uploading again, maybe a sign she’s getting there.)
quonk999 3 months ago
It’s been a long 3 1/2 years. I hope we don’t have to wait too much longer. But no matter how long it takes, I will be ecstatic when it starts up again.
prairiedogdance Premium Member 3 months ago
PDD is pacing and peering out the window, nervously waiting for the strip to pull up….
elhorr 3 months ago
This one’s been on the fridge since it first ran, too.