My Mom grew up near the tip of the mitten, and she sometimes had snow on her birthday, May 30. That was before global warming was a thing, so I don’t know what the odds are of that today.
Our house still has the Madona-bra hose bib covers on… We got down to freezing just last week, according to the weather folk, though our thermometer only got down to 34º F.
I had to brush snow off of my car yesterday :/ Freezing temperatures through all next week. We have a special word for a cold spell around Easter here in Iceland.
Never understood why people take it OUT of the car.. Just put it in the trunk. I lived in CA for 12 years, always had one in the trunk (born and raised in MI.. I know better), and it came in handy one day when I was working near the bay area and there was frost on the car windows in the morning. Probably the only time in 12 years I needed it.. but I was the only one driving on the freeway for a while with clear windows. Ya just never know.
I often commute from suburban Grand Rapids to Holland, Michigan, for my job and, traditionally, the snow brush and an extra sweatshirt remain in my vehicle until the Fourth of July, at which time I’m forced to remove them to make space for picnic and beach “goodies” for that very same holiday.
Here in Louisville, we got snow on Derby Day last year! Not a lot, just a dusting – but enough to need to clear it off. (That’s the first Saturday in May…)
When I lived in Michigan the brush never left the car. Just slipped it under the seat and left it till needed. Never had to worry about where it was or when I would need it.
When I lived in Milwaukee, my kindergarten class was taught that a SNOW brush was only strong enough to move sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and tungsten and that for real snow we needed snow shovels.
Where I came from had two feet of snow this Easter weekend. Where I live now got a foot of snow in February, as it tends to do every five years or so. And they wonder why I don’t move back.
At first I thought Frazz was asking why he would remove the snow brush so early. Her response makes me think it was supposed to be why would he remove it so late. The very region specific humor in this comic can make it hard to understand sometimes.
Frazz, you live in Michigan. You should know better! There was snow at the Detroit home opener this year, and as a native Ohioan transplanted to Michigan I well remember some impressive April snows.
GreasyOldTam almost 4 years ago
My Mom grew up near the tip of the mitten, and she sometimes had snow on her birthday, May 30. That was before global warming was a thing, so I don’t know what the odds are of that today.
David Lieb Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I have seen snow in May here in the Chicago area. Snow tires are still on my cars.
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
Our house still has the Madona-bra hose bib covers on… We got down to freezing just last week, according to the weather folk, though our thermometer only got down to 34º F.
Kind&Kinder almost 4 years ago
We had a massive hail storm about 10 days ago. Pretty frightening!
rekam Premium Member almost 4 years ago
So glad to live in the Greater Palm Springs, CA area.
Ceeg22 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
April is too soon, snow brush stays until May, at keast
Doug K almost 4 years ago
How about just move it from behind the driver’s seat to the trunk?
The Old Wolf almost 4 years ago
That brush doesn’t come out of my car until June 1st. We live in Maine.
John Wiley Premium Member almost 4 years ago
March played an April Fools joke on us. April 1 brought just enough snow to cover the truck and garden table. Latest I’ve seen in northeast Tennessee.
hildigunnurr Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I had to brush snow off of my car yesterday :/ Freezing temperatures through all next week. We have a special word for a cold spell around Easter here in Iceland.
maxiesmom2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
We had the April Fool’s snow as well. My brush is still behind the seat, not bothering anyone. It can stay for another week or so.
GoBlue almost 4 years ago
Never understood why people take it OUT of the car.. Just put it in the trunk. I lived in CA for 12 years, always had one in the trunk (born and raised in MI.. I know better), and it came in handy one day when I was working near the bay area and there was frost on the car windows in the morning. Probably the only time in 12 years I needed it.. but I was the only one driving on the freeway for a while with clear windows. Ya just never know.
ajr58(1) almost 4 years ago
The last snow storm here is always two days after take off my snow tires
Mr. Organization almost 4 years ago
I thought this cartoon was set in Michigan. Surely they haven’t escaped the chance of snow out there by early April.
Old Girl almost 4 years ago
Does he really live in WI? Even the southern Great Lakes got dumped on this week.
cissycox almost 4 years ago
You take the snow brush out of the car????
comicboyz almost 4 years ago
In Michigan, April is too early
DM2860 almost 4 years ago
In Illinois, we got 3 feet of snow in May 197? (I think 4). That is why I don’t live there any more.
Billy Yank almost 4 years ago
Here on the USA North Coast (Great Lakes), we had a brief fall of graupel on 01 April 2021. Some of it was still on our yew bushes the next morning.
Kroykali almost 4 years ago
I put my snowblower away yesterday. Guaranteed to bring on a snowstorm.
42ntson almost 4 years ago
Snowing today in Montana, I’ve seen it snow every month of the year here
Lambutts almost 4 years ago
I often commute from suburban Grand Rapids to Holland, Michigan, for my job and, traditionally, the snow brush and an extra sweatshirt remain in my vehicle until the Fourth of July, at which time I’m forced to remove them to make space for picnic and beach “goodies” for that very same holiday.
Solarbear Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Here in Louisville, we got snow on Derby Day last year! Not a lot, just a dusting – but enough to need to clear it off. (That’s the first Saturday in May…)
Alec124c41 almost 4 years ago
That reminds me …
DutchUncle almost 4 years ago
NJ had an April Fool’s storm just a few years ago … 2018.
coloharpare Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Latest snow date here in Denver was June 12….we usually just leave the brush in the car.
BrentWasylynchuk almost 4 years ago
Yeah, In Alberta, not until May!
hunterbao almost 4 years ago
Obviously he doesn’t live in Colorado or he’d be 2 months early.
dagupster almost 4 years ago
Taking the snow brush out of the car the first weekend in April is not the act of a man who doesn’t like to take chances
Hanmerhack almost 4 years ago
We just had a snow storm a few days ago, and have had snow later then this so I keep the brush a bit longer
Dorothy Ownbey Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This would make sense to anyone living in Wyoming.
Tempest2 almost 4 years ago
When I lived in Michigan the brush never left the car. Just slipped it under the seat and left it till needed. Never had to worry about where it was or when I would need it.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 4 years ago
We had snow here in Ohio just last week. Where does Frazz live?
LrdSlvrhnd almost 4 years ago
If he doesn’t like to take chances at all, why is he taking it out in April? I wait until May, at least.
Ukko wilko almost 4 years ago
Snow brush and snow shovels stay out until at least mid-May here. The year we got married it snowed 27 inches on my wife’s birthday… June 13th.
dpatrickryan Premium Member almost 4 years ago
In Canada, that would be unbridled optimism. I often don’t swap out my snow tires until the May 24 holiday weekend.
Stephen Gilberg almost 4 years ago
I thought he was channeling the Easter Beagle with that dance.
Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I have been known to leave mine in my car for years.
Rabbit Brown 2105-30 P coat almost 4 years ago
When I lived in Milwaukee, my kindergarten class was taught that a SNOW brush was only strong enough to move sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and tungsten and that for real snow we needed snow shovels.
The Easter Eel deceived us.
Scott S almost 4 years ago
I still have my snow brush in the car & my snow shovel accessible in the garage.
Some of the worst winter storms I’ve ever seen have hit in March & April.
Sportymonk almost 4 years ago
I leave my frost/ice scraper in the car year round so I can find it under the seat. The brush I put in storage.
asrialfeeple almost 4 years ago
It was snowing over here in The Netherlands.
tee929 almost 4 years ago
Mallett knows Michigan!
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
My daughters were both born on snowy days in April—one of them on the 15th.
evilsofa almost 4 years ago
Where I came from had two feet of snow this Easter weekend. Where I live now got a foot of snow in February, as it tends to do every five years or so. And they wonder why I don’t move back.
joeshmoe554 almost 4 years ago
At first I thought Frazz was asking why he would remove the snow brush so early. Her response makes me think it was supposed to be why would he remove it so late. The very region specific humor in this comic can make it hard to understand sometimes.
MikeM_inMD almost 4 years ago
I leave it in the car year round so I know where it is next winter. Same with the ice scrapers.
Tallguy almost 4 years ago
Seems early…
Sionyx almost 4 years ago
Frazz, you live in Michigan. You should know better! There was snow at the Detroit home opener this year, and as a native Ohioan transplanted to Michigan I well remember some impressive April snows.