Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for December 31, 2023

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  6 months ago

    Rikki Mortis breathes free air

    Freshly sprung from prison lair.

    Look to see humble abode

    Pays to know the cipher code.

    Mysterious magician

    A hitter sans contrition.

    Metal eyepatch with a lens

    Deadly trouble soon begins.

    Kadaver’s understudy

    Things bound to soon get bloody.

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  2. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    a-HA… an secret associate/student of Ab’s that Rikki knew nothing about…

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  3. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Chick fight!!!!!

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  4. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member 6 months ago

    Rikki thought she was the understudy.

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  5. Db icon60
    Ashmael  6 months ago

    Surprise, Rikki! You weren’t thevonly woman in Abner’s life!

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  6. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    So Rikki adjusting her bra yesterday was for no reason?

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  7. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    and what’s with Morgana’s eyewear?…

    and just because she SAYS she was Ab’s understudy doesn’t mean it has to be gospel truth…

    she COULD be running game on Rikki for some reason, which I THINK she IS…

    just a feeling I have…

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  8. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    3 days,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    And I’m not bored yet!!!

    ’Tis the season of miracles!!!

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  9. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Fata is very Borg-ish!

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  10. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  6 months ago

    Good morning™, everyone!

    A fata morgana is another name for a type of mirage, a fitting name for someone who works as an illusionist. https://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Fata_Morgana_(mirage)

    Merriam-Webster notes:

    Fata Morgana is the Italian name for Morgan le Fay (meaning “Morgan the Fairy”), a sorceress of medieval legends. This sister of the legendary King Arthur is sometimes portrayed as the ruler of the island paradise Avalon and is said to have had a number of magical powers, with which she caused a great deal of trouble. Among her powers, say some versions of the legend, was the ability to change shape, and she has been blamed for causing complex mirages over bodies of water, especially in the Strait of Messina."

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  11. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  6 months ago

    Fata’s stage act was world famous for the incredible “knife through the eye” trick until one nite….

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  12. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  6 months ago

    It appears that Fata managed to pass a note to Rikki, specifying how the rescue would happen, without alerting the guards, by the use of Abner’s secret cypher that only Rikki would recognize. That’s pretty clever, although it might look a bit too suspicious in real life.

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  13. Large posters  rjm  whisperflicka and gweedo  2
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  6 months ago

    Good morning™, shocked [former #1] understudies !

    Rikki has gone from being #1 to #2. Is Morgana also a baby bearer ?  At least M.C. is in step with R’s skin tone. Is the eye cover real or a gimmick ?  If it’s real this thing could be wired to the optic nerve and is transmitting light the way a normal eye would albeit electronically.

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  14. Img015
    DaveG1960  6 months ago

    Aye, see what you did there…….

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  15. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  6 months ago

    Don’t tell me…I’ve asked someone not to tell me…this Fata Morgana is going to end up doing a magic act at Vitamin Flintheart’s theater. Nah, the woman could not be that desperate for work.

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  16. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  6 months ago

    Whoa! Abner loved you Rikki, but he had secrets. What was that old saying? Oh wife is always the last to know.

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  17. Photo
    Sporteric11   6 months ago

    Better known as Morgana The Kissing Bandit of Major League Baseball, who probably used her amazingly huge hooters to smother to death her victims !!!She almost killed Nolan Ryan !!!

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  18. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 248b1f]  6 months ago

    Abner coulda had some nice 3 somes, lol

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  19. Bucky1
    crobinson019  6 months ago

    Nope—Rikki always thought she was his Boo…

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  20. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 months ago

    Todays strip “digging up” the dirt on ol’ Abner !

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  21. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 months ago

    Art of Panel 2 is breath taking, wow!

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  22. Belina coat if arms
    Lafsalot Premium Member 6 months ago

    An understudy!? You mean….Mutton Jeff???!

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  23. 408d88d8 e2c2 4505 a6ba 203d823a0b79
    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 6 months ago

    The story is starting well . So far so good .

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  24. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  6 months ago

    She’s wearing her Phantom of the Opera starter kit.

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  25. 408d88d8 e2c2 4505 a6ba 203d823a0b79
    General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member 6 months ago

    Fata Morgana is a dead ringer for Dr. Pulaski as portrayed by the legendary Diana Muldaur .

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  26. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 6 months ago

    And so it begins………

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  27. Large me selfie
    markwillman4  6 months ago

    Whoopsy! Old Abs got forgetful in his senior years!

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  28. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  6 months ago

    HIPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

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  29. Elusive dream girl
    Jonathan K. and the Elusive Dream Girl  6 months ago

    Happy Seventh Day of Christmas.

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  30. Unnamed
    Another Take  6 months ago

    1-RIKKI DON’T LOSE THAT NUMBER: Here. I made this for you in the prison print shop.

    2-FATS: I spring you from the joint and you give me a card written in Klingon?!?

    3-…Here’s what I think of this “gift”


    5-… Oh…how did you enjoy your dinner? It’s my favorite recipe – YOUR BABY TAR TAR! BWAAAA HAAA HAAAAAA!!!!

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  31. 402683main ec92 1284 1 full full
    Sportymonk  6 months ago

    Two comments1. Fata Morgana seems older (about 35?) in the first panel, next to the Hall of Fame than she does in the panel where she says, “I’m Fata ….” (about 18 – 20?

    2. Wonder how close Fata and Rikki will become?

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  32. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago
    a good ’24 to alla the members of our collective community here…

    it can’t get any worse than it already has been, can it?…

    well, only if a certain Mirrored-Legos resident is victorious next year, but I digress…

    BUT have a happy happy to one and all and thanks for a great year of sanity as well as INsanity…

    I had a good time and I hope you all did, as well…

    seeya all in ’24 for more…

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  33. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    I’m hereby dubbing our new female rogue as ‘Morgana Screweye’…

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  34. Index
    GoComicsGo!  6 months ago

    Happy hew years kiddies.

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  35. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  6 months ago

    This is great!! Abner and Rikki are back! (But didn’t Abner die?).

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  36. Avatar92
    JPuzzleWhiz  6 months ago

    Serious comment, here:

    A “fata morgana” is a phrase that refers to a mirage. Could FM’s specialty be pulling a “disappearing act” when it appears that she’s cornered with no apparent means of escape otherwise? Or does she have the ability to cast “illusions”? If so, could that thing on her left eye be some sort of holographic projector?

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  37. Missing large
    Guy Steele Premium Member 6 months ago

    Yay, another metal-faced antagonist. Will she experience the same problems Steelface did (about a year ago), or will we get some new tropes?

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  38. Missing large
    Guy Steele Premium Member 6 months ago

    Not only does she know the secret cipher, she prints her greeting cards on flash paper.

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  39. Large jeep2
    Ray Toler  6 months ago

    Happy New Year, everybody!

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  40. Betty dipshit 3
    Bwahahaha!  6 months ago

    How is Fata related to Xaviera Libris? You know she is. Sister?

     •  Reply
  41. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  6 months ago

    Well, since the Borg angle has been done half to death, permit me to ask if Rikki has been busted out of prison or merely released (as she’s still in prison orange).

     •  Reply
  42. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Gweedo! I texted you a happy New Year. Now stop stalking me before I sic firebutt on you, literally! LOL!

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  43. Taaffea icon dec 13 2022 2
    adekii  6 months ago

    OOOOOOOOOH!!! :D :D :D

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  44. Thinker
    Sisyphos  6 months ago

    Now You Know!

    Fata Morgana, the greater will o’ the wisp, the maleficent sister of Arthur in legend, and here, the traveling stage magician with half-“Phantom of the Opera” mask, half-Borg ocular implant. Perhaps as an occasional hit person and newly-revealed understudy to Abner Kadaver, it serves her as also a targeting device, In addition, we learn what Rikki was fishing out of her top yesterday; viz., this ciphered note. Rikki Mortis did not know (nor did we) that Abner had an understudy, hence her shocked in the final panel (we are sturdy to deal with a retcon like this, though).

    Just one more thing, Ms. Morgana.

    Why have you brought Rikki here (wherever “here” is)?

     •  Reply
  45. Thinker
    Sisyphos  6 months ago

    NOTE: Corrected text added here to preserve Replies already made to previous edit….

    Now You Know!

    Fata Morgana, the greater will o’ the wisp, the maleficent sister of Arthur in legend, and here, the traveling stage magician with half-“Phantom of the Opera” mask, half-Borg ocular implant. Perhaps as an occasional hit person and newly-revealed understudy to Abner Kadaver, it serves her as also a targeting device, In addition, we learn what Rikki was fishing out of her top yesterday; viz., this ciphered note. Rikki Mortis did not know (nor did we) that Abner had an understudy, hence her shocked expression in the final panel (we are sturdy to deal with a retcon like this, though).

    Just one more thing, Ms. Morgana.

    Why have you brought Rikki here (wherever “here” is)?

     •  Reply
  46. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Well, the New Year has certainly started off great for GoComics!

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  47. Udog 1
    ScottHolman  6 months ago

    I’m all for Rikki in this thing. I think she’s wonderful.

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  48. Index
    GoComicsGo!  6 months ago

    Hey Gweedo, can you tell the GC staff to leave your goats alone and get back to work please?

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  49. 7
    Batster  6 months ago

    Today is obviously the setup for a Bill Murray crossover….

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  50. 7
    Batster  6 months ago

    Coming up: Plentia Kopz and the Supertroopers investigate ‘The Case of the Dilatory Daily’!

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  51. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    For those who can’t wait for GoComics to get over their New Years Eve hangover!


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  52. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  6 months ago

    Say what happen to this comic and Pluggers? Nothing for 1st day of 2024?

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  53. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  6 months ago

    What happened to the January 1st comic strip?

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  54. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    a Happy New Year and a good day to all the resident inmates here at the asylum collective…

    let’s hope this year will be a better one for the world and for the strip itself…

    but it’s already started off on the wrong foot here as of today…

    (settle down there, General, we all know about the foot kink fetish that fascinates you so much and that you are so enamored of)

    it doesn’t look that way, as GoComics personnel are still in bed trying to recover and recuperate after they probably partook of Gweedo’s hell-hooch hill-swill all last night…

    turpentine-poisoning WILL do it to ya every time…

    there oughtta be a law…

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  55. Missing large
    cmerb  6 months ago

    Today is the first , I think ?

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  56. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    It might be a week before they fix this issue. Lol!

    Just for you!


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  57. Narbicon
    dvandom  6 months ago

    No update for Monday?

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  58. Images
    BreathlessMahoney77  6 months ago

    Thanx to Avenger, I was able to find today’s strip on the Seattle Times website. Click on Entertainment on the front page, then on Comics when the Entertainment page comes up.HAPPY NEW YEAR!

     •  Reply
  59. Large me selfie
    markwillman4  6 months ago

    A random thought… Could Fata possibly be Abner’s sister and not a previous girlfriend? Hmmmm….

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  60. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  6 months ago

    Maybe Fata gave Abner the disorder that ended his life, and took his place. (Sith are known to do that…)

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  61. Gasoline alley
    mwright-ylca  6 months ago

    Looks like no Jan lst strip.

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  62. Missing large
    PaStark Premium Member 6 months ago

    What happened to January 1 strip?

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  63. Index
    GoComicsGo!  6 months ago

    Here’s today’s strip.


    Knew it wasn’t coming when I saw Brewster wasn’t updated.

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  64. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago



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  65. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    and ERROR 404 continues…

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  66. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  6 months ago

    Good morning™, everybody and a belated wish for a happy new year!

    If you missed yesterday’s strip, it should be available for about a week here: https://tribunecontentagency.Com/article/20240101csdtc-tif/

    Today’s: https://tribunecontentagency.Com/article/20240102csdtc-tif/

    Fata would have the audience believe that she’s a mind reader, too, but we know that she more “volun-told” Mr. Throughton than volunteered him.

     •  Reply
  67. Large posters  rjm  whisperflicka and gweedo  2
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  6 months ago

    Good morning™, magic show cahooters !

    If that’s not accomplicing I don’t know the meaning of the word, but then she only does pretend magic. I thought Rikki would be the volunteer. Maybe she will kill someone in the audience for Morganite.

     •  Reply
  68. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  6 months ago

    None of comics from Tribune Agency is appear here. Pluggers, Brewster Rockit, Gasoline Alley, and this one. And it 2nd day of 2024 now.

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  69. Missing large
    retropop  6 months ago

    Anyone else notice Tribune content hasn’t been updated since the 31st? Gasoline Alley hasn’t been updated either.

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  70. Avatar
    22ph  6 months ago

    No more DT on GoComics?

    No Sunday strip at Tribune but they have the 2 January strips

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  71. Avatar
    22ph  6 months ago

    Go comics does not like URLs. Replace + with slash and # with a period


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  72. Large posters  rjm  whisperflicka and gweedo  2
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  6 months ago

    Shelley has P.1. “Ft. Morgan” looking dazzling.

     •  Reply
  73. Missing large
    Judge Magney  6 months ago

    That might be a Dr Who shout-out in today’s strip. But no hint as to what’s going on with L’il Abner.

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  74. Missing large
    dag8686 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Where are the Dick Tracy comics?

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  75. 7
    Batster  6 months ago

    Annnd it’s day two of the Blue Flu here at GC, folks….

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  76. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  6 months ago

    no new tracy for 2 days, did they drop the strip on the new year?

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  77. Missing large
    Richard Klinzman Premium Member 6 months ago

    two days with no new strips nor a reason why. Is there another site to access the strip?

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  78. 7
    Batster  6 months ago

    If this isn’t fixed in the next day or two, we’ll all wear out our fingers scrolling….

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  79. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member 6 months ago

    …..somebody jog those guys, and wake ‘em up………….they shouldn’t have partied so hardy on 12/31…….

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  80. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago

    On the Sunday strip….When Abner left to chase Tracy around Europe in 2015,he trusted Rikki to carry out his full schedule of contracts for him.

    So she won’t like the notion t aht she migt have thrown her life away on the wrong guy.I don’t think these two ladies are going to like each other that much.Bette Davis and Joan Crawford stuff.

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  81. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member 6 months ago

    So on the January 2 strip: I believe someone predicted that Fata Morgana would be performing at Vitaman’s Patterson Playhouse :)

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  82. Grumman tracer circa 1970 vaw 78 fighting escargots
    bluephrog  6 months ago

    DT is updated on comics kingdom.

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  83. Large me selfie
    markwillman4  6 months ago

    WAKE UP, GOCOMICS!! You’re living in the past!!

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  84. Unnamed
    Another Take  6 months ago


    Nice power move. We won’t complain any more!

     •  Reply
  85. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  6 months ago

    MOVIE QUOTE——“I’ll have another martini. And put a black olive in it!”

    Dan Duryea—LADY ON A TRAIN—1945

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  86. Missing large
    h.v.greenman  6 months ago

    Are the computers at GoComics on strike again? Several strips haven’t updated since New Year’s Eve.

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  87. 18199310 794855490678998 297509042221646966 n clipped rev 1
    ShadowMaster  6 months ago

    Two days behind now

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  88. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  6 months ago

    Let’s all move over to Aaggghhh for our Dick Tracy comments until they fix this problem. It’s an appropriate description and the writer of the strip could use some comments!

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  89. Ezgif 3 006ab25348.gifa.gifa
    firestrike1  6 months ago

    Dick is back…

    so let’s plunge deeply…

    back into Rikki Mortis and Morgana Screweye…

     •  Reply
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