Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 08, 2025

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    Hello Everyone  1 day ago

    I wish there were more of them.

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    sirbadger  1 day ago

    The congresswoman who took bribes and engaged in insider trading gave more money to charity than he did.

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    The dude from FL  Premium Member 1 day ago

    Listen to Sen Murphy on youtube. He outlines the 6 weeks of corruption starting 17 Jan 2025. musks shet show is for you to take your eye off the ball

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 1 day ago

    Sadly, they’re discussing a mythological character.

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    suv2000  1 day ago

    The rest is to be sent to prison and their fortunes made whilr in Congress taken as fines

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    Scorpio Premium Member 1 day ago

    Spent more time drafting actually needed legislation, actually fighting for his District, actually listening to his constituents and ignored buzzwords that don’t actually matter at all.

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    braindead Premium Member 1 day ago

    The magat legislators have a new oath:

    I promise to obey The Messiah and his best friend Putin.

    They never violate that one.

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    PraiseofFolly  1 day ago

    Now, that’s one monument Conservatives will gladly remove — or rededicate it instead to ‘Petroleus, God of Fossil Fuels’.

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    phritzg Premium Member 1 day ago

    It’s not only CongressMagats who are ignoring their oath. It’s also their Messiah in the executive branch, plus several members of SCOTUS. There’s a lot of truth in the saying “Fish rots from the head”.

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  10. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  1 day ago

    And the tomb is probably empty.

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    cdward  1 day ago

    I will be contrarian. I do know politicians who really do get into it for all the right reasons and who really do work for the good of their constituents and the country. Admittedly, the environment in which they work is so toxic that it’s hard to not focus on making money. But they do exist. I even had an honorable Republican congressman once. From the start, he said he would serve only two terms. He was pretty popular in a very purple district — and he kept his word. Went back to private life and stayed there.

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  12. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  1 day ago

    “But remember good King Phineas

    Saintly, kind, and wise

    He did nothing ignominious

    Yet beside these noble brutes and knaves and drunks and skunks he lies!" (The Slipper and the Rose)

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    markyakes Premium Member 1 day ago

    I really don’t understand your politics there in the States, but it’s clear to me that the flaming torch is melting the little girl’s ice cream

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    einarbt  1 day ago

    Money and greed have ruled and will rule, enjoy.

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    Old recluse  1 day ago

    A one-termer then?

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    jbordzol  1 day ago

    A Republican I presume

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    dflak  1 day ago

    Where do Congressmen go to hide when they are too cowardly to hold a town hall meeting?

    One possible place is the Westminster Kennel Club where they roll over and play dead for the new regime.

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  18. Hm
    cdnalor  1 day ago

    If they followed Ripley’s Believe It or Not, they’d have heard of him.

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    Hollymartins2  1 day ago

    The Spanish Civil War between the elected, left leaning Republican government and the insurrectionist Fascist Nationalists was a bloody, vindictive affair with hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians killed. A lazy historian would say both the Republicans and the Fascist committed atrocities during the war with civilians and prisoners being summarily executed by “both sides”.

    A closer look though reveals the Fascists killed up to six times as many victims as the Republicans and even more tellingly was how they happened. The Fascist executions occurred by design and were sanctioned by the leaders as a way to “cleanse “ the opposition whereas the killings committed by the Republicans were not approved by the top and were often due to a breakdown in authority which allowed smaller groups to exact revenge against the enemy.

    Anyone who is blanket blaming “politicians” for the troubles in the United States is either disingenuous and/or an extremely lazy historian. The “both sides” argument is false and plays right into the apathy and hopelessness the Repuglicans want to engender in the American public.

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    dogbreath84  1 day ago

    Nowdays they’re an oaf of office.

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  21. Greenman
    Anold Greenman  1 day ago

    Note that he’s standing upright. A clear indication that he has a spine.

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    Anon4242  1 day ago

    What’s the point of taking an oath when there’s no penalty for breaking it.I’m surprised some of these politicians don’t have the bible burst into flames when they swear on it.

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    baskate_2000  1 day ago

    This person has never been located – it’s strictly a dream.

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    Mekoides  1 day ago

    There is one – her name is Jasmine Crockett.

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    Redd Panda  1 day ago

    Fairy tale.

 Hon, it says he only put his hands into his own pockets.”

    Anyone see what country, today’s tariff is aimed at?

    I think president felonius has a roulette wheel with different countries 
 Vanna spins the wheel and we have a tariff on:

    Coconuts from Zamboanga! And the powerball is 47.

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    goboboyd  1 day ago

    PAC-less so no one to praise him.

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    royq27  1 day ago

    THat’s why he was never heard of, any bills put forth were simply ignored.

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  28. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  1 day ago

    Wonder if it isn’t time to dust off the old ‘term limit’ hat. As I recall, it included 2 senate terms or 3 house terms for a total of 12 years each. One could swap one for the other in the next election cycle, but could only reapply for the same chamber after 4 years.

    Might break up cliques and dynasties and reduce the influence that currently is the weapon of long termers.

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    Number Slx  1 day ago

    Honesty is the overlooked policy.

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  30. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  1 day ago

    They hid his constant source of gas for the torch.

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  31. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 1 day ago

    American Mythology at its finest.

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    ladykat Premium Member 1 day ago

    That would be a refreshing change.

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    GreenT267  1 day ago

    Politicians are elected by their constituents. Constituents, as normal human beings, tend to be somewhat self-focused: our concerns focus first on our own lives and problems and the lives we see around us and these seem much more important than the concerns of everyone else in the country. And so we resent it when the focus in government seems to be on others and not us. Politicians — honest, dedicated ones - have a fine line to walk because they are supposed to serve the country but they answer to their constituents. [I’m ignoring “party” here, because that is different irritant-something used for an excuse when convenient]. We constituents need to learn how to step back and take a deep breath and think about the idea that what is good for another part of the country, another group of people, is good for U.S. and will ultimately benefit us in the end.

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  34. Catgb4
    Kymrsy  1 day ago

    Several have been kicked out of office for doing just that in recent years. But I don’t think some of them are “dead”, just resting up for the revival of our democracy.

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    Ishka Bibel  1 day ago

    When you continue the untrue trope that all politicians are corrupt you support the GOP and their continuing criminal enterprise.

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  36. Greg backlit
    mindjob  1 day ago

    Yeah, but he was still getting kick backs from the military contracts he signed, otherwise he couldn’t have afforded a mausoleum

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  37. Note
    Slowly, he turned...  1 day ago

    Read “Ozymandias” by Shelley

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  38. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 1 day ago

    Meh, low-hanging fruit.

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    Smeagol  1 day ago

    The Roman government had systems in place to check the finances of elected officials, including audits and oversight by various officials and censors, both before and after their terms. What a novel idea, we should bring that back!!!

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    eclectic1  1 day ago

    billyc9501 about 8 hours ago

    I love the MAGA button on his lapel.

    ?? I don’t see a MAGA button anywhere in this comic. ?? Are you hallucinating or making things up? Or is this a case of more liberal, woke censorship? ????

    Please, go have intimate relations with yourself.

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    Sprarklin  1 day ago

    The corruption runs DEEP

    - The Social Security checks being sent to dead people ARE being cashed- Senator John Kennedy went to Social Security to fix this problem and was told it was ILLEGAL to share the information with Treasury who could fix it

    IT IS ILLEGAL, “You don’t share it with the do not pay folks at Treasury? They said, nope. It’s against the law.”

    Social Security’s refusal to share death data is a blatant example of bureaucratic corruption, allowing $1.3 billion in taxpayer dollars to be fraudulently cashed by deceased individuals in FY2023 alone. Senator Kennedy exposed the SSA’s hoarding of its Death Master File, blocking Treasury from stopping these payments. This isn’t about legal barriers—it’s about bureaucratic corruption.

    A 2020 law temporarily forced data-sharing, recovering $31M in just 5 months, but permanent reform is stalled while D.C. prioritizes red tape over stopping blatant theft.

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    Silence Dogood Premium Member 1 day ago

    Is that the one you voted for? Did you even bother?Carpin’ ’bout it, eh?

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    VickiP123  1 day ago

    Sadly, as it turns out, there are a few of them out there – I suspect an endangered species now

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  44. The wanderer
    anomaly  1 day ago

    There’ve been a few, but it’s a short list.

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  45. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 1 day ago

    Seems like the Hollywood types who DON’T honor their pledges to “love, honor, and obey” are the only ones we DO hear about.

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    moondog42 Premium Member 1 day ago

    The oath of office, like all things politicians say, turns out to be just another lie they tell us to get us on their side.

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    M.K.Staffeld  1 day ago

    That’d be a first

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    leemorse9777  about 23 hours ago

    Perhaps now that we have a truth teller as president, things will change.

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  49. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  about 23 hours ago

    My ex-wife’s late uncle was a US Congressman. I was driving a group to an annual family Thanksgiving gathering and it included the Congessman. It was about a three hour drive and he was working during the whole drive. He cared about his constituents and tried to do his job to the best of his ability. His district included both urban and rural areas and he carried them all for years. I’m not sure how he finally left office but I suspect it was due to the extreme gerrymandering that gave him an impossible district to win.

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    ChazNCenTex  about 23 hours ago

    If we never expect better we’ll never get better.

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    sisterea  about 19 hours ago

    Certainly not a republican

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    eddi-TBH  about 19 hours ago

    He never got anything done, but he was honest about it.

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    Chris Sherlock  about 19 hours ago

    Something you definitely don’t see every day, and certainly hardly ever these days.

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    keenanthelibrarian  about 15 hours ago

    The poor b@st@rd; d@mned if he did, and d@mned when he didn’t.

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