Could go either way. Spend less and live by her means or earn more to spend more. Both works. Neither of you are wrong. However, we know Tiffany is all about spending so it’s more money. Living by her means will be too much a shock to her system and traumatic. However, she will face the difficulty of finding a job that will make it possible for her to spend the same way she always has before being cut off a large amount of credit. Unless you call Elvis Supposedly A Movie Producer, pose for Hustler or find a sugar daddy. At last you might learn how normal folks make a living and how much they make. Get ready for the real world and a shock to your system.
Now now. Tiffany’s approach is a positive one. Spending less is a retreat, an admission of defeat. Making more is doubling down, advancing forward. Bernice is the kind of person who would back down, and spend less. Tiffany is the kind who steps up and makes more. (Which explains why Bernice is where she is. And Tiffany is where she is (current budget situation not withstanding)). Most importantly, it would annoy the heck out of Ann Awful. I still remember the smug look on Ann’s face when she told Tiffany she would be in charge of her budget. A clear indication this was an “I’m in control” situation.
Both of them are correct in this case. Tiffany needs to learn to prioritize her spending on things she truly needs, but being able to make more money would also be helpful.
It might be said that “spend less” and “make more” are the Republican and Democratic solutions to the problem of spending more than you make. Either will work, but proponents of each method will insist that the other will not.
Just glanced over the last few days and did not read any comments except todays, or replies to some of mine. I just wish they would do the obvious thing for once. Stop the rather stupid ‘mystery’ around Tom and show him already!Next have the obvious, ( to me) face to face one on one, between tiff and Tom, where SHE takes does not leave without a meaningful talk. Ann told her her dad has health issues.The very first thing she should have done was visit him on that alone. Then, without having to ask details, she could have simply said, that “Ann also told me you are having money issues? Are we ok?” This would be where he tell her to either cut back, and how, or informs here that he has no idea what Ann is talking about. He does not have to reveal his bank account. Unless Ann is engaged I am amazed Tom would share his financial info with her at all. He should get e prenupt.
We all would like to make more money. But Tiffany, exactly HOW are you going to make more? Your “job” at Kids FIrst isn’t going to help you there. Luann treats it like it is helping her toward something. You, on the other hand…let’s just say you don’t treat it like Luann does. And, are you actually willing to get a JOB, where you have to show up, do stuff that you may hate to do, in order to get less money than you may feel the job is worth?
I actually agree, Tiff. You should and can make more. But you also have to consider how it might affect your college studies. Let your father pay for your college degree. Finish that up, and then you can go ahead and make more money and free yourself from him. If you’re not willing to go on your own now, at least deal with the budgeting and finish your degree, so you can “make even more!”
Part of Tiff having to grow up is that she has to find out how to make her own money. Its the only thing she can thank Anne Awful for. Time for Tiff to begin learning.
she’s not too far off the beam here. income doesn’t match expenses so make more money is a viable choice. not as easy as cutting back but still viable.
And after all the dust settles: Tiff is Tiff. Our favorite bimbo, her talents and skills do not include brain power. Know your assets and use ’em before you lose ’em.
Hmmm. Will we see a scheme involving Sheraton St. Louis, Tiff’s Parisian owner of Souffle Lingerie, and a line of Souffle for our Rubenesque ladies. She could finance the front money in a number of SSL ways. Modeling lingerie, selling her story to a scandal rag, and of course, there’s always the life art class.
Hmm. What feels to me as an arc that has already been frustrating because it seems to be regressing Tiffany’s character backwards now appears to be taking another rather unsatisfying turn of events. It appears Greg’s intent is to revert Tiffany back into a full, over-the-top airhead…. perhaps even more so than when she was a kid. But, at least to me, what worked for a character as a kid, in this case, does not feel as humorous and light-hearted in a young adult.
In much the same way Mordy has railed against the regression of Gunther (I have too), I feel disappointment in the regression of Tiffany.
I hope Greg takes into consideration as he further progresses with Tiffany, that she can still give a lot of humor to the comic, but that perhaps the sheer intensity of the character’s air-headedness may be needing to be dialed down a bit.
I like that Tiffany is positive about making more money… I’m sure it would make Ann angry if she got a job from her father… does he one a business where Tiffany can be an intern… does he know someone willing to do him a favor and hire her. I think Tom would approve and try to help her get a job so she can stand on her own feet unlike Ann who doesn’t seem to work and somehow has money. Is Tom supporting Ann? This could be a new beginning in Tom and Tiffany’s relationship. Tiff shows signs of becoming a productive independent individual that Tom feels genuine pride but, will unfortunately credit to all Ann selfless efforts.
This leads in one of two directions—either Tiff is going to backslide into her old ways and be a greedy, manipulative so-and-so, or she’s going to become more industrious and her character will develop in a positive way. Either way is still plausible at this point.
Someone may have brought this up already but the problem I have with the turn of this arc is that I think both of them are missing the point. Yes, in the scheme of things Tiffany should both learn to economize and if possible support herself but this is a distraction from the main issue. Ann, who has been shown to be a grifter, has her own reasons for trying to control Tiffany’s spending – that is, she wants it all for herself, and also probably wants to drive a greater wedge between Tom and his daughter. Lots of manipulative people twist a truthful statement – in this case Tiffany’s spendthrift attitude – to justify their own personal ends.
I suppose that Greg may intend to show that Ann is turning over a new leaf (as he sort of did with Les) but I tend to doubt it.
Oh there I go again, reading other posts before I post mine. I should not do that. Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion anyway. Here is mine: this is not something where Luann is being shown as totally useless, beyond saving, no better than a whore, but she has to lose weight (jeez, how can people have such dankness in their minds), no none of that. It’s really a beautiful exposition of how snarky Bernice is trying to help a former antagonist, who has come to rely on her Luannverse friends, fellow characters from grade school to college, to come to terms with herself. Tiffany does have a long way to go, but can you really blame her? Nobody told her feckless waste of a rich dad (Joshua is a poor man’s version, but Shannon has the fortune of having a loving and nurturing Aunt and “Uncle”) to father her from a distance by, in effect, buying her off. Now he has a new toy, who tells him the problem is Tiffany’s spending. Poor Tiff never knew what hit her. Now I hope she gets the chance to develop the necessary strength to come to terms with herself, and be able to go forward, without depending on the sickness in her life. And Bernice is logical, smart, caring, although snarky. I would not mind having her as a friend. Like the nuns said 65 years ago, some people are half empty, and others are half-full. The way the story is told is “hilarity ensues.” And I am sticking to that, as I hope those who can get past their own projections can clearly see.
and yet, nothing at all about the main interference, Ann. Somehow these children, who think they are all smarter than any adult, keep getting beat by Ann. And why isn’t Bernice, who was screwed by Ann, talking about that and helping Tiff scheme against her?
I am no expert, but from a story telling standpoint, it was made known that Tiff can call the owner of Souffle Lingerie and the woman will answer her phone. The logical next step would be for Tiffany to use that relationship for employment or get her to support an independent Tiffany venture. That would also put Ann’s past misdeeds selling cheap knockoffs back in play and result in some satisfying comeuppance. Everything comes full circle and we end up with a more independent Tiffany. Like I said, no expert here…I’m just say’in.
Is anyone as annoyed with this as I am? It was looking like we would finally get a comeuppance for Ann, or at least a good yelling match, or breakthrough with Dad, and instead, we have a story line about a budget?? Even if I was an accountant I wouldn’t think this was interesting!
I read the comments above, many of which are putting Tif down for being air-headed or otherwise demeaning her. Too many today think it’s wrong to work for things you may want. If she wants the mani-pedis and such, there’s nothing wrong with working so she can afford the luxuries. Look at it this way – would you praise her for not spending money on them because she’d rather be too lazy to work to afford them? She has the right attitude – she wants something, she needs to work at something to provide things for herself and not count on someone else paying her way. – Remember, she has connections and knowledge of people and things that the already-rich are into; she can take what she knows and build from there.
Wow…here I was thinking Tiff was really changing. Well, I’m the type to see the good in people or atleast have a glimpse of it anyway. Maybe one day Tiffany will change for real. Hopefully…
I hope that Bernice does not do the same as Mrs. Fogarty did and will finds a way to convince Tiffany to face her problem. But I admit that seeing Tiffany trying to find a new job would be great.
Tiff is competitive, social and likes challenges. She hasn’t been recognized for these traits, but I could see her killing it in sales with a nice commission package. And seriously ticking off Ann if she does it right, maybe in partnership with Les. Bernice is too conservative. She’ll do fine in academia though.
Those who think Tiff is being a naive airhead need to realize that she truly has no experience making ends meet; living that way is foreign. Tom taught her nothing. She has readily admitted that as of age 10 she learned that all she had to do to get what she wanted was swipe a card. Maybe the plus size modeling and a degree in business and finance is where Tiff is going. I hope she doesn’t try to drop out of Mooney. If there’s one thing that Tom Farrell did right it was getting Tiff into college and (hopefully) keeping her there. Ann may not have a college degree; she learned early on that deceit and dishonesty was the best policy. Perhaps Ann exists (in these arcs) to be a model of what Tiff wants to avoid in her journey toward independence.
This storyline would be more palatable if Mr. Ferrell was the one reeling in Tiffany’s spending; however, there is no humor in the evil conniving golddigger Ann Eiffel cutting the credit cards. It makes me more sympathetic towards Tiffany’’s flaws and immaturity.
Although I like Tiff’s positive attitude, I’m not so sure she has any workable idea of how to make more money. On the other hand, Bernie’s message, while true in its way, is not practical for Tiffany, either—at least, in the short run….
Wouldn’t it be something if Tiffany was to call Simone at Souffle Lingerie? And perhaps the two of them arrange for Tiffany to host legitimate parties at Kafe Kablooey?
If there’s one thing I learned from comic strips, it’s that anything is possible. Besides, it would serve Ann right.
Long time Luann fan, first time posting. Tiff needs to start a business with Gunther where she designs clothes for their college community and Gunther sews them. Win/win for both and if successful could expand and solve both their problems.
The option of getting a better-paying job is reasonable, it’s just not as immediate as spending less, since you can’t just open an app and get hired at NirvanaCo.
Wow, interesting comments. “I don’t see a problem here if Tiffany can do it. Most people look to make more money in their lives. Cutting back is a temporary measure.”
Here’s the “secret” to becoming and remaining wealthy: spend less than you earn. No matter what.
It begins by cutting back, WAY back, when income is low.
I had a college roomie who learned it the hard way. He came to college, rich kid, on his parents’ dime. Over Christmas he discovered that he’d just used up his entire year’s allowance in half a year. He learned frugality VERY quickly.
Our daughters as teens and in college… we gave them a budget for clothes, and expected them to stick to it. One started fine. The other just HAD to have the fancy pants; who cares about a winter jacket? We let her shiver until Christmas. Lesson learned, she has done very well ever since.
@Cheapskate0 Tiffany’s transformation isn’t destroyed because of this story arc. Sure, she’s changed in the past few years, but the entire nature of her character boils down to a shopaholic and just because she’s nicer doesn’t mean that she’ll suddenly become more frugal in her spending. And excessive spending doesn’t make her a bad character. Everyone in Luann has flaws. Luann herself has a habit of treating people, especially boys who like her (cough GUNTHER) like garbage. So don’t think of this as a relapse. Instead, consider it an obstacle Tiffany has to overcome
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
and we’re going back to square one
AnyFace about 6 years ago
Nice work, if you can get it. ✨
And Your Point Would Be about 6 years ago
Not a bad idea – if she can find a way to pull it off. If she can earn more, she becomes less dependent on the whims of Daddy and Ann.
Airman about 6 years ago
Yes. And start by losing that big coat. Get yourself over to The Portly Passion Fashion Shop, and go for the gold. Hellooooo, Dolly.
Enter.Name.Here about 6 years ago
Steve Martin’s method of “How to Become a Millionaire”. ………….Step #1 ….get a million dollars….Step #2……
Cheapskate0 about 6 years ago
Two weeks of destroying two years of work trying to transform Tiffany into a sympathetic character!
A pathetic character?
kenhense about 6 years ago
Will G & K surprise us with Tiff finding a way to make more? So far, I doubt Tiff has generated a single thought on how to do that.
alasko about 6 years ago
Yes, being more productive is a possible answer, asking for a raise where she works though probably will result in a good-bye handshake.
Busrayne about 6 years ago
Tiffany has an epiphany.
capricorn9th about 6 years ago
Could go either way. Spend less and live by her means or earn more to spend more. Both works. Neither of you are wrong. However, we know Tiffany is all about spending so it’s more money. Living by her means will be too much a shock to her system and traumatic. However, she will face the difficulty of finding a job that will make it possible for her to spend the same way she always has before being cut off a large amount of credit. Unless you call Elvis Supposedly A Movie Producer, pose for Hustler or find a sugar daddy. At last you might learn how normal folks make a living and how much they make. Get ready for the real world and a shock to your system.
Joe1962 about 6 years ago
Tiff the spa is not necessary this might be a foreign concept to you but you need how to learn on cut back on the spending.
ericbrower about 6 years ago
Now now. Tiffany’s approach is a positive one. Spending less is a retreat, an admission of defeat. Making more is doubling down, advancing forward. Bernice is the kind of person who would back down, and spend less. Tiffany is the kind who steps up and makes more. (Which explains why Bernice is where she is. And Tiffany is where she is (current budget situation not withstanding)). Most importantly, it would annoy the heck out of Ann Awful. I still remember the smug look on Ann’s face when she told Tiffany she would be in charge of her budget. A clear indication this was an “I’m in control” situation.
GreasyOldTam about 6 years ago
You can cut your way to losing less, but you can’t cut your way to prosperity.
oddhumor about 6 years ago
Both of them are correct in this case. Tiffany needs to learn to prioritize her spending on things she truly needs, but being able to make more money would also be helpful.
Wilkins068 about 6 years ago
Atta girl, Tiffany! Don’t let it get you down.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 6 years ago
This is an example of someone with blond hair, a hefty body and a very small mind.
DaJellyBelly about 6 years ago
I think both approaches would work together. Trim some of the expenditures. Whilst also getting an additional source of income.
someguy3 about 6 years ago
Tiff, I hear there’s a ton to be made telling faux Souffle Lingerie… I think I could even hook you up with a dealer.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 6 years ago
There would be a ton of satisfaction to be made if Tiff and Simone from Souffle Lingerie got together and turned Ann in for selling fake lingerie.
Brdshtt Premium Member about 6 years ago
OK, Tiff – here’s a plan to become a millionaire:
Step one – Take out a million dollar life insurance policy on Ann
Step two – Sit back a few arcs until Ann really pisses off a few more people
Step three – After Ann’s funeral, stop by the insurance office to start the claim.
Step Four – Sit back and wait for the check to come.
corpcasselbury about 6 years ago
It is entirely possible that Greg and Karen will use this story arc to increase Tiffany’s maturity level.
chris_weaver about 6 years ago
Just maybe, Tiffany could get a job doing maid service so she could afford her current maid service!
dadoctah about 6 years ago
It might be said that “spend less” and “make more” are the Republican and Democratic solutions to the problem of spending more than you make. Either will work, but proponents of each method will insist that the other will not.
Gabryel Frost about 6 years ago
Tiff`s got a right idea ! Now she only needs to answer how :)
M2MM about 6 years ago
She’s got the personality and nerve to succeed at something.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Okay, getting a really bad vibe here. Tiffany coming up with some hair brained scheme to make money that involves (GAG) Les Knox……,
Troglodyte about 6 years ago
I really don’t know if Sheraton St. Louis (remember her) will be a successful entrepreneur. But hey, it’s G+K’s call – anything’s possible.
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 6 years ago
Want to lose weight? Eatless. That ALWAYS works.
Terminal Frost Premium Member about 6 years ago
Just glanced over the last few days and did not read any comments except todays, or replies to some of mine. I just wish they would do the obvious thing for once. Stop the rather stupid ‘mystery’ around Tom and show him already!Next have the obvious, ( to me) face to face one on one, between tiff and Tom, where SHE takes does not leave without a meaningful talk. Ann told her her dad has health issues.The very first thing she should have done was visit him on that alone. Then, without having to ask details, she could have simply said, that “Ann also told me you are having money issues? Are we ok?” This would be where he tell her to either cut back, and how, or informs here that he has no idea what Ann is talking about. He does not have to reveal his bank account. Unless Ann is engaged I am amazed Tom would share his financial info with her at all. He should get e prenupt.
tcayer about 6 years ago
To-MAY-to, To-MAH-to
WilliamVollmer about 6 years ago
We all would like to make more money. But Tiffany, exactly HOW are you going to make more? Your “job” at Kids FIrst isn’t going to help you there. Luann treats it like it is helping her toward something. You, on the other hand…let’s just say you don’t treat it like Luann does. And, are you actually willing to get a JOB, where you have to show up, do stuff that you may hate to do, in order to get less money than you may feel the job is worth?
TORAD_07 about 6 years ago
I actually agree, Tiff. You should and can make more. But you also have to consider how it might affect your college studies. Let your father pay for your college degree. Finish that up, and then you can go ahead and make more money and free yourself from him. If you’re not willing to go on your own now, at least deal with the budgeting and finish your degree, so you can “make even more!”
31768 about 6 years ago
Part of Tiff having to grow up is that she has to find out how to make her own money. Its the only thing she can thank Anne Awful for. Time for Tiff to begin learning.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 6 years ago
she’s not too far off the beam here. income doesn’t match expenses so make more money is a viable choice. not as easy as cutting back but still viable.
Airman about 6 years ago
And after all the dust settles: Tiff is Tiff. Our favorite bimbo, her talents and skills do not include brain power. Know your assets and use ’em before you lose ’em.
Rauderi about 6 years ago
Some might criticize her for being greedy, but… she’s not exactly wrong.
Tyge about 6 years ago
Hmmm. Will we see a scheme involving Sheraton St. Louis, Tiff’s Parisian owner of Souffle Lingerie, and a line of Souffle for our Rubenesque ladies. She could finance the front money in a number of SSL ways. Modeling lingerie, selling her story to a scandal rag, and of course, there’s always the life art class.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 6 years ago
Hmm. What feels to me as an arc that has already been frustrating because it seems to be regressing Tiffany’s character backwards now appears to be taking another rather unsatisfying turn of events. It appears Greg’s intent is to revert Tiffany back into a full, over-the-top airhead…. perhaps even more so than when she was a kid. But, at least to me, what worked for a character as a kid, in this case, does not feel as humorous and light-hearted in a young adult.
In much the same way Mordy has railed against the regression of Gunther (I have too), I feel disappointment in the regression of Tiffany.
I hope Greg takes into consideration as he further progresses with Tiffany, that she can still give a lot of humor to the comic, but that perhaps the sheer intensity of the character’s air-headedness may be needing to be dialed down a bit.
Apokalis about 6 years ago
Tiff just mastered American Economics… bravo girl, bravo!… jeez!
wantcomicsnow about 6 years ago
She makes enough money at Kids First for MAID SERVICE!!??? Ye Gods!!! Where can I find a job like that?
kenhense about 6 years ago
Uh – Oh. Maybe Tiff will tell Ann she needs to make more money. Ann has some stuff Tiff can do (more scams).
irisj728 about 6 years ago
I like that Tiffany is positive about making more money… I’m sure it would make Ann angry if she got a job from her father… does he one a business where Tiffany can be an intern… does he know someone willing to do him a favor and hire her. I think Tom would approve and try to help her get a job so she can stand on her own feet unlike Ann who doesn’t seem to work and somehow has money. Is Tom supporting Ann? This could be a new beginning in Tom and Tiffany’s relationship. Tiff shows signs of becoming a productive independent individual that Tom feels genuine pride but, will unfortunately credit to all Ann selfless efforts.
TimothyP23 about 6 years ago
This leads in one of two directions—either Tiff is going to backslide into her old ways and be a greedy, manipulative so-and-so, or she’s going to become more industrious and her character will develop in a positive way. Either way is still plausible at this point.
kauri44 about 6 years ago
Someone may have brought this up already but the problem I have with the turn of this arc is that I think both of them are missing the point. Yes, in the scheme of things Tiffany should both learn to economize and if possible support herself but this is a distraction from the main issue. Ann, who has been shown to be a grifter, has her own reasons for trying to control Tiffany’s spending – that is, she wants it all for herself, and also probably wants to drive a greater wedge between Tom and his daughter. Lots of manipulative people twist a truthful statement – in this case Tiffany’s spendthrift attitude – to justify their own personal ends.
I suppose that Greg may intend to show that Ann is turning over a new leaf (as he sort of did with Les) but I tend to doubt it.
Tue Elung-Jensen about 6 years ago
Technically speaking yes. You either spend less, or make more money to make up for it.
ForrestOverin about 6 years ago
Well, she’s half right…. For Tiffany, that’s a lot of ‘right’.
luann1212 about 6 years ago
Oh there I go again, reading other posts before I post mine. I should not do that. Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion anyway. Here is mine: this is not something where Luann is being shown as totally useless, beyond saving, no better than a whore, but she has to lose weight (jeez, how can people have such dankness in their minds), no none of that. It’s really a beautiful exposition of how snarky Bernice is trying to help a former antagonist, who has come to rely on her Luannverse friends, fellow characters from grade school to college, to come to terms with herself. Tiffany does have a long way to go, but can you really blame her? Nobody told her feckless waste of a rich dad (Joshua is a poor man’s version, but Shannon has the fortune of having a loving and nurturing Aunt and “Uncle”) to father her from a distance by, in effect, buying her off. Now he has a new toy, who tells him the problem is Tiffany’s spending. Poor Tiff never knew what hit her. Now I hope she gets the chance to develop the necessary strength to come to terms with herself, and be able to go forward, without depending on the sickness in her life. And Bernice is logical, smart, caring, although snarky. I would not mind having her as a friend. Like the nuns said 65 years ago, some people are half empty, and others are half-full. The way the story is told is “hilarity ensues.” And I am sticking to that, as I hope those who can get past their own projections can clearly see.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 6 years ago
and yet, nothing at all about the main interference, Ann. Somehow these children, who think they are all smarter than any adult, keep getting beat by Ann. And why isn’t Bernice, who was screwed by Ann, talking about that and helping Tiff scheme against her?
swanridge about 6 years ago
Capitalism to the rescue, and another soul down the toilet.
arenicejam about 6 years ago
I like the way you’re thinking Tiffany!
Bill The Nuke about 6 years ago
Sounds like my wife’s solution to money issues. Sigh.
Loki McMuffin about 6 years ago
I am no expert, but from a story telling standpoint, it was made known that Tiff can call the owner of Souffle Lingerie and the woman will answer her phone. The logical next step would be for Tiffany to use that relationship for employment or get her to support an independent Tiffany venture. That would also put Ann’s past misdeeds selling cheap knockoffs back in play and result in some satisfying comeuppance. Everything comes full circle and we end up with a more independent Tiffany. Like I said, no expert here…I’m just say’in.
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
I wonder if Daddy came by his money honestly? “Steal a little and they throw you in jail; steal a lot and they make you king.”
ElaineFisherManning about 6 years ago
By “making more” she could get her OWN credit card – one not paid for by daddy – and she could cut Ann’s influence on her spending.
LeighBurton about 6 years ago
Are we going to see a new Tiffany? Will Tiffany get a second job? We will find out!
locake about 6 years ago
Tiffany has the same skills as the Kardashian clan. They’ve made lots of money, someone like Tiffany can too.
eladee AKA Wally about 6 years ago
Earn more? Yes!!!! But how? And yet again Tiffany still has no deep understanding of what’s happening to her.
robinshka about 6 years ago
Is anyone as annoyed with this as I am? It was looking like we would finally get a comeuppance for Ann, or at least a good yelling match, or breakthrough with Dad, and instead, we have a story line about a budget?? Even if I was an accountant I wouldn’t think this was interesting!
Scoutmaster77 about 6 years ago
Learning is a process. Be patient.
ttuerff about 6 years ago
I can see it now — Topless Tiffany! A lot of dancers take in 50K plus per year. That should do it…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 6 years ago
Tiffany is right, of course. Spend less or make more.
DonnaHilton about 6 years ago
Making more is a start
L L about 6 years ago
I read the comments above, many of which are putting Tif down for being air-headed or otherwise demeaning her. Too many today think it’s wrong to work for things you may want. If she wants the mani-pedis and such, there’s nothing wrong with working so she can afford the luxuries. Look at it this way – would you praise her for not spending money on them because she’d rather be too lazy to work to afford them? She has the right attitude – she wants something, she needs to work at something to provide things for herself and not count on someone else paying her way. – Remember, she has connections and knowledge of people and things that the already-rich are into; she can take what she knows and build from there.
JayBluE about 6 years ago
Sadly, there are many out there whao think this way. ……Many.
Mijo94 about 6 years ago
Wow…here I was thinking Tiff was really changing. Well, I’m the type to see the good in people or atleast have a glimpse of it anyway. Maybe one day Tiffany will change for real. Hopefully…
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
I hope that Bernice does not do the same as Mrs. Fogarty did and will finds a way to convince Tiffany to face her problem. But I admit that seeing Tiffany trying to find a new job would be great.
Robert Gillespie about 6 years ago
Exactly! When you can increase your income circle legally and morally, go for it!
Vorticia about 6 years ago
Either reality will give Tiff a swift kick in the behind or she will become an entrepreneur and eventually a mogul…
JayBluE about 6 years ago
“Her Mind Is Tiffany Twisted” (♩)
“Gold Dust, In The Wind” (♪)
“Take Your Silver Spoon…And Put Your Kingdom Up For Sale!” (♪)
“The Light Bulb, For The ‘Charge!’ Brigade”
“Time To Make The Dough, Nut!!!”
“There’s Just So Manni Petti People Out There, To Count”
“If Only Money Grew On Trees…”
“You Gotta Lay In The Bed Your Maid Has Made”
“The Bare Excess-ities” (♬)
“Stiff As A Cupboard”
“The Poor Dog’s Bones”
“Fast At Tiffany’s”
stez2003 about 6 years ago
I like Tiff’s attitude. Make more!…The fun part will be seeing how she manages to do that.
astahl2003 about 6 years ago
Tiff is competitive, social and likes challenges. She hasn’t been recognized for these traits, but I could see her killing it in sales with a nice commission package. And seriously ticking off Ann if she does it right, maybe in partnership with Les. Bernice is too conservative. She’ll do fine in academia though.
RSH about 6 years ago
Those who think Tiff is being a naive airhead need to realize that she truly has no experience making ends meet; living that way is foreign. Tom taught her nothing. She has readily admitted that as of age 10 she learned that all she had to do to get what she wanted was swipe a card. Maybe the plus size modeling and a degree in business and finance is where Tiff is going. I hope she doesn’t try to drop out of Mooney. If there’s one thing that Tom Farrell did right it was getting Tiff into college and (hopefully) keeping her there. Ann may not have a college degree; she learned early on that deceit and dishonesty was the best policy. Perhaps Ann exists (in these arcs) to be a model of what Tiff wants to avoid in her journey toward independence.
bakana about 6 years ago
That’s what I always tried to do, too.
Too bad the Companies I worked for didn’t agree with that goal.
kaffekup about 6 years ago
Tiff’s channeling my wife… Only not about herself.
Homeboy1865 about 6 years ago
This storyline would be more palatable if Mr. Ferrell was the one reeling in Tiffany’s spending; however, there is no humor in the evil conniving golddigger Ann Eiffel cutting the credit cards. It makes me more sympathetic towards Tiffany’’s flaws and immaturity.
MyWord about 6 years ago
Well she’s not wrong.
Poppa_T about 6 years ago
Go for it Tiff! Make money, quit being a leech, show your dad you’ve got what it takes, THEN come back and tear Ann a new one!
Isaac Chen about 6 years ago
Well, I guess that would work too.
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Although I like Tiff’s positive attitude, I’m not so sure she has any workable idea of how to make more money. On the other hand, Bernie’s message, while true in its way, is not practical for Tiffany, either—at least, in the short run….
Dragoncat about 6 years ago
Wouldn’t it be something if Tiffany was to call Simone at Souffle Lingerie? And perhaps the two of them arrange for Tiffany to host legitimate parties at Kafe Kablooey?
If there’s one thing I learned from comic strips, it’s that anything is possible. Besides, it would serve Ann right.
Rosemarie about 6 years ago
Long time Luann fan, first time posting. Tiff needs to start a business with Gunther where she designs clothes for their college community and Gunther sews them. Win/win for both and if successful could expand and solve both their problems.
Nick Danger about 6 years ago
The option of getting a better-paying job is reasonable, it’s just not as immediate as spending less, since you can’t just open an app and get hired at NirvanaCo.
MrPete about 6 years ago
Wow, interesting comments. “I don’t see a problem here if Tiffany can do it. Most people look to make more money in their lives. Cutting back is a temporary measure.”
Here’s the “secret” to becoming and remaining wealthy: spend less than you earn. No matter what.
It begins by cutting back, WAY back, when income is low.
I had a college roomie who learned it the hard way. He came to college, rich kid, on his parents’ dime. Over Christmas he discovered that he’d just used up his entire year’s allowance in half a year. He learned frugality VERY quickly.
Our daughters as teens and in college… we gave them a budget for clothes, and expected them to stick to it. One started fine. The other just HAD to have the fancy pants; who cares about a winter jacket? We let her shiver until Christmas. Lesson learned, she has done very well ever since.
Scarlet Shimmer over 5 years ago
@Cheapskate0 Tiffany’s transformation isn’t destroyed because of this story arc. Sure, she’s changed in the past few years, but the entire nature of her character boils down to a shopaholic and just because she’s nicer doesn’t mean that she’ll suddenly become more frugal in her spending. And excessive spending doesn’t make her a bad character. Everyone in Luann has flaws. Luann herself has a habit of treating people, especially boys who like her (cough GUNTHER) like garbage. So don’t think of this as a relapse. Instead, consider it an obstacle Tiffany has to overcome