Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 08, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 5 years ago

    Luann’s definitions of “bossy” and “observing” sure are different compared to those of Bernice.

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    AnyFace  about 5 years ago

    Can’t entirely disagree with the observations. ✹

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    Cheapskate0  about 5 years ago

    Okay. So, instead of inspiring Luann to do something about her life (assuming she’s unhappy with it), now we’re turning on Bernice.

    Most of all, it does look like a week of Sunday strips with Lu and Bern doing nothing but stare at her phone.

    Emphasis on their doing nothing.

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    SactoSylvia  about 5 years ago

    Now that was annoying! Yup, looking at you, Bernice!

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    Chocolate   about 5 years ago

    Just wait until Bernice gets into studying the depths of Abnormal Psychology. Sometimes “Hello” just means hello
. not anymore.

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    Rhetorical_Question   about 5 years ago

    Dr Bernice Halper has a spoken. Luann had a layman’s opinion.It is time to move on to the next arc.

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    SJhapamama  about 5 years ago

    Here we go
again! G&K, surprise us, please???

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    Namrepus  about 5 years ago

    If they were any more judgy, their names would be Judy.

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    ericbrower  about 5 years ago

    Hmm, Bets is doing things LuAnn and Bernie don’t like, and are now being judgemental of her posture and perceived attitude. Do ya think G&K are possibly saying something to their readers?

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    Brdshtt Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Ah, the old double standards

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    capricorn9th  about 5 years ago

    Bernie? No. No double standards here. And stop pulling the psychology card. You are not one yet and you observed the same thing Luann did and described quite similarly so there is no of that “keenly observed” stuff. It’s been established that Bets is controlling and dominant by us the readers. Some readers are not concerned but I am so I wonder if you two will do something about it? You and Luann are looking at Bets in the picture and “observing” how she is posing (I’d call it posturing). You both reached the same conclusion. Now, eyes on Gunther. See anything about him? Do you see “help” in his eyes??

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    someguy3  about 5 years ago

    Damn, where was Bernice when I was single

    My kinda gal.

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    BJShipley1  about 5 years ago

    I honestly find it hard to imagine that anyone would want to be friends with Bernice. Could her hypocrisy be any more transparent?

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    Ruth Brown  about 5 years ago

    We are in the black hole of time again: this conversation will probably take 2 weeks to complete.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member about 5 years ago


    So ya’ll think that Bets is pushy, bossy and controlling too, eh?

    Well Luann should THANK her lucky stars that HER Date Pic dates WALKED instead of hanging around, least she too be in the vile clutches of some Servant of the Devil!

    For verily I say unto to you that all phones (Especially Samsung’s) are “Possessed” and truly Instruments of Satan!

    So ladies, Give Thanks to your good fortunes while saying a a little prayer for poor Gunther, Dionne Warwick Style! And Les should join the Priesthood in gratitude that even the daughter of Beelzebub couldn’t STAND Him!

    And ALL SMASH those H3LL Spawn communication implements with a blessed cinder block!

    In the meantime, I’ll pass the collection plates!

    “Glory Hallelujah! They SAW the LIGHT!” – Hank Williams

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    Robin Harwood  about 5 years ago

    What’s wrong with being judgy?

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    gnmnrbl  about 5 years ago

    No ladies, it’s not being judgy, it’s being observant and being in agreement. Luann made the observation about Bets body language, bernice made a wrong assessment but when shown visual proof of the observation, she was in agreement. I think Luann was giving bernice a hard time in return for bernice giving her a hard time. And what Luann has been doing, bernice, is called transference.

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  18. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  about 5 years ago

    Aggressive, dominant and controlling? Sounds like Luann’s friend Tara when they are hanging out. Bets may be the alpha in her dynamic with Gunther but wasn’t Rosa as well for that matter. Gunther needs to assert himself more but I hope Luann does not meddle with his relationship with Bets

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  19. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  about 5 years ago

    Score one point for Bern.

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    Troglodyte  about 5 years ago

    Bernice is being herself. Unfortunately, she can’t seem to help it. :D

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    kenhense  about 5 years ago

    Another round of ego tennis anyone?

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  22. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 5 years ago

    Do this week’s strips qualify as the comics equivalent of a “bottle episode”?

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    sueb1863  about 5 years ago

    If she looks aggressive in the photos, they should see how she’s treating Gunther in real life.

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    derdave969  about 5 years ago

    When I say something nasty it’s freedom of speech. When you say something nasty it’s bigotry.

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    ForrestOverin  about 5 years ago

    Some friendships hit an ‘Expiration Date’.

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    Aibohphobia  about 5 years ago

    So, I think Team E is helping us realize that what we have been thinking about Bets is what other people in cartoon land are thinking too. I am reminded of when Bernice was dating Derick (y’all remember him?). I think I remembered reading that Greg created him because he couldn’t destroy one of his already established characters.

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    Katecst  about 5 years ago

    If Bets and Gunther are at a Con doing cosplay, they are supposed to be in character. Bets is supposed to be a hero/villain and both would be dominating/aggressive/controlling. Gunther needs to get in character.

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    Aibohphobia  about 5 years ago

    I do find it a bit strange that Luann is obsessing over these posts. Unless the point is that Bets is posting so much that her pictures have flooded Luann’s social media.

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    lars_doyle  about 5 years ago

    neither of these girls have a boyfriend so what we see here is nothing but jealousy. Gun and Bet are out creating an exciting life together and the two stay at homes are having trouble adjusting to that reality. Especially Gunther’s transformation into Gun. Gunther was also the quiet nerd kid who was a safe male friend for the girls. Now, Gun is exciting. Yep, they are having a hard time adjusting to Gun’s exciting life.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Finally two of Gunther’s oldest friends have noticed that something is wrong. Now I wonder what they will do. Try to ask Gunther if he has some problems with Bets? Continuing at looking for evidence by involving others (like Tiffany and Les) in the investigation? Wait and see what will happen? For now, Bravo Luann that has noticed.

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  31. Dra
    Fiammata  about 5 years ago

    “Possessed” isn’t the same as “possessive” G&K
. !

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    h.v.greenman  about 5 years ago

    Bets’ body language is Aggressive, Dominant and 
 and how come Gun is tied to that weird X shaped frame?

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  33. Tyge
    Tyge  about 5 years ago

    Sometimes mirrors work two ways! Gotcha’ Bernie! :o)

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    cubswin2016  about 5 years ago

    I believe what Bernice is doing is called rationalizing.

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    Airman  about 5 years ago

    Same girls, same place, bigger words.

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  36. Tyge
    Tyge  about 5 years ago

    Making a fine point. Bernice is indeed making an observation about body language and not taking that step forward to assign the appearance to the person. Luann is being (mildly) judgmental in that she is assigning a characteristic to an observation. Bets may show other body language that is not possessed and bossy.

    That being said. Luann is probably correct in this case.

    P,S, It’s OK to judge; prudently.

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    CreativeChef  about 5 years ago

    Anyone expecting Gunther to be aggressive is in fantasy land. Remember when Luann was on Gunther’s bed and their lips were almost touching, he was afraid to kiss her. If Luann kissed Gunther, there would have been fireworks and Greg would have had to censure the scrip

    Also, when kids grow up together they rarely develop romantic interest with each other and tend to look elsewhere for romance

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  38. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  about 5 years ago

    the problem is Betts loves the attention and gunther is not so sure about it. That she is unaware of his discomfort is the problem with the relationship.

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    wtepps  about 5 years ago

    Great, instead of being happy for him, his ‘friends’ are thinking up ways to let him know that this girl isn’t right for him. Can’t simply mind their own business.

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    jonesbeltone  about 5 years ago

    Bern has it down-playing off responsibility with “professional observation”. She’s ready to start getting paid to screw up other people’s lives eg. a therapist.

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    WilliamVollmer  about 5 years ago

    Bernice you claim to being “professional” when YOU are analysing Betts in those instagram-like pictures. 1) you aren’t a professional-yet. 2) in any case ins’t you criticizing Luann’s observations,then making the same yourself, the pot calling the kettle black?

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    eladee AKA Wally  about 5 years ago

    Judgy. Both of them.

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    mjb515  about 5 years ago

    So Bets is a Strong Female Protagonist?

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    luann1212  about 5 years ago

    Hilarity ensues in how the last panel is the laugh line to the first two (too early, can’t remember the actual theatrical term), and using the interplay between two old friends who make the observation is really great. What it means? Well perhaps not really that much between Luann and Bernice, altnough Luann needs to see the obvious in terms of possible relationship-Jack—IMHO, but the it is a comment on the dynamic between Bets who is dominant in the relationship with Gunther, who is submissive? I am not so sure about that, but Gunther will react at some point; how remains a question.

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    stealth694  about 5 years ago

    Luann says “Tomato”,, Bernice say “Tomaato”.

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    eladee AKA Wally  about 5 years ago

    So are these two going to decide they need to “save” Gunther from the clutches of this evil aggressive girl?Stay “tooned”!!!!!!

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    circleM  about 5 years ago

    I guess we know why Bets and Les didn’t make it is because Les can’t be pushed around like Gun.

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    Code the Enforcer  about 5 years ago

 Observy??!! :)

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Why does Luann keep looking at the pictures? If you don’t like creamed corn, don’t put it on your plate and then complain about it.

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    6foot6  about 5 years ago

    Women are judgy by nature. more of it comes from their own personal short comings.

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    YorkGirl  Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Wondering if this posting, viewing, commenting will continue, or will there be a really bad post. Will we go back to the action, or find ourselves in another Luanniverse. Please.

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    Mayor Snorkum  about 5 years ago

    Bets can come control me whenever she wants. Sorry, Lu-babes, you’re outclassed.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 5 years ago


    Luann is IMO being a bit “judgy” as Bernice suggests. For me, this has been shown by her words today (“Geez”) and at other times over the last few days. And, as Bernice is suggesting by her rather neutral facial expressions today
. her statement about her body language being aggressive, dominant, and controlling does read as if she is speaking only of her visual observations of what Luann is showing her.

    I tend to see Bernice as not having any particular stake in the Bets-Gun relationship
 so her observations do seem to be mostly that
. observations. Luann seems to have other motivations than just observation.

. what will ensue (besides “hillarity”)?

    1. Perhaps Luann in the lead and Bernice as “wingman” will go to the event and confront Bets?

    2. Perhaps Luann as starter and Bernice as observer will go and try to “counsel” Gunther into how he is being “manipluated” by Bets?

    3. Perhaps Luann will start her own channel on social media to try to “out-Bets” Bets at her own media game?

    Not really sure. Probably none of the above
 but I have no other ideas at this point.

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    Rauderi  about 5 years ago

    TIL: The difference between ‘judgy’ and ‘drawing a conclusion’ is evidence.

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    Uncle Bob  about 5 years ago

    “Poor baby, All alone. Throw a hungry dog a bone, it’s still a bone. We’re the only tenderness he’s ever known. Poor baby
” - Stephen Sondheim. “Company”

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  56. Nomagram
    COL Crash  about 5 years ago

    Thanks Bernice for pointing out that significant difference. I was feeling guilty about being so judgy since I know it’s wrong. Now I can justify my vehement opposition to our Commander in Sleaze as just me being keenly observant of his flaws which have always been obvious to me.

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    RSH  about 5 years ago

    common Bern try to give credit where credit is due

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    Joe1962  about 5 years ago

    That’s rich coming from Luann.

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    Jogger2  about 5 years ago

    Bernice, what is Bets like when she isn’t playing a superhero?

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    WilliamPennat  about 5 years ago

    Psych majors are infallible by definition

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    Ellis97  about 5 years ago

    Looks like Luann isn’t the only one who is being judge mental.

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    rozthebabysitter  about 5 years ago

    I’m wondering if Bet’s character an extension of her personality, or an “alter-ego”?

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Gunth is like a dog on a leash to Bets, just another prop for her cosplay.

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  64. Toughcat
    bakana  about 5 years ago

    When Bern is being “Judgy”, she awards scores like 9.5 and 4.0 

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  65. Quincey
    Moon57Shine  about 5 years ago

    Do I detect a note of jealousy on Luanne’s part?

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  66. Little lulu
    sallymargret  about 5 years ago

    Shouldn’t Bernice, of all people, be saying “judgmental” instead of “judgy”?

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    BlitzMcD  about 5 years ago

    She took him for granted before. But now that Gunther is suddenly not available, she is indignant about it.

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    Caldonia  about 5 years ago

    Oh God! All these characters are insufferable! Gunther, for claiming to be a “nice guy” (if you have to say you are one, you are definitely not a nice guy). Bets, for spending time with Gunther; what a mistake, he may end up stalking her and sending her creepy texts late at night. Luann, for being so naïve all the time, and caring more about what other people think than about looking after her own needs. And finally, Bernice! She sounds like a moron! She didn’t learn this body language sh-t in class, she learned it from playing around on the internet! That sh-t isn’t what you learn in psychology courses. But at least the internet tests can tell you what Hogwarts house you belong to. So, let’s check in on Knute! Frazz is a janitor, too, and Knute is bound to be a better hero than him!

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    PhoenixHocking  about 5 years ago

    Without getting too philosophical (or psychological) here – if women are drawn to men like their fathers, and men are drawn to women like their mothers – what does this say about Bets and Gunther’s relationship? Gunther’s mother is extremely dominant and controlling; so it Bets. So you have to wonder if Bet’s father is a push-over, so that’s what she’s subconsciously looking for in a man, i.e. someone she can control, because that’s how things are supposed to be. I could be wrong. Maybe this is a match made in heaven after all. But I doubt it. I’d rather see Gunther grow a pair and ditch the chick and find someone who will bring out his manliness, not try to tie it to a bedpost. Oh, and I refuse to use “Gun.” It’s a silly attempt at power and control on Bet’s part, as if Gunther’s own name isn’t quite good enough for her.

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    wantcomicsnow  about 5 years ago

    Yeah, right Bernice! YOU’RE not a snarky, judgemental cow with an over inflated sense of her own superiority, not YOU! (heavy, heavy sarcasm here, in case anyone missed it.)

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    Sisyphos  about 5 years ago

    Go away, Bernie. You are obnoxious.

    Yes, I am being judgmental. So?

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    nisedc  about 5 years ago

    I don’t like Bets. I never have. I can’t help it. I would like to admire her for being assertive, confident and creative, but I’m having trouble seeing past the bossy and possessive.

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    Orcatime  about 5 years ago

    Semantics at its finest.

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