At least Kip knew who the author was. I can just see Stef with four children. By the time the first one reaches 8 years old, they will all be smarter than she is. “Yeah, that’s my mom over there – her nickname is ‘Spazz’”
most people don’t want 12 children though lol, as for Tiffany she needs to find a man first if she wants to even have any kids as we all know. ya know i give her props too she’s got a goal that really seems she needs to be more in reality cause building an empire or trying to Rarely happens and if it does it’s through hard work and dedication plus a lot of luck.
that’s got her motivated don’t get me wrong but it’s a lot more based in reality than Tiffany no. 2 is in.
We’ve gone from some characters in the Strip wondering whether other characters are “doing it,” to young women wanting to have kids. If THIS keeps up, somebody may get pregnant soon and I DON’T mean Toni.
Now I wonder if Stef has shared her rather ambitious “family plans” with B/F Kip? And if THAT played a part in her wanting to move to Hall “A” to be close to him?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if Stef had to cut short her semester due to pregnancy?
Nah. I’m SURE those two responsible adults are taking the proper precautions.
By the way. There’s only one other single young man in this Strip that has ever expressed a desire to have a family.
Disappointing to see Tiff lowering herself to Stefi’s level. Kind of pathetic really. I was hoping Tiff had moved beyond the point where she feel she has to compete with every female she meets.
This is the first time i’ve seen Tiffany entertain the notion of having kids. Usually she just wants sex or to tease guys. She’s never mentioned the idea of starting a family. When she worked with Luann at “kids first”, the mere idea of having kids was repulsive to her.
The longer this Steffani hangs around, the more Tiffany is looking like a rocket scientist.
I can see Steffani in the birthing ward of the hospital holding her first born just minutes after being born and wanting to run a paternity test. Not to see if it is Kip’s, but to make sure it is hers.
Working hard to raise “awesome” kids doesn’t often end well.
Working hard to raise your kids often ends with them being awesome.
And Tiffany is probably imagining her passel of kids with their nanny doing all the hard stuff.
Steffi’s probably imagining herself going to all the kids’ games and practices while the cook, maid(s) and gardener take care of the house. Maybe a butler for good luck. That’s how NFL wives roll, right?
Oh Tiff. Regress much? When “new” Tiff breaks the news to you that you’re not a cheerleader anymore and you don’t look the part I hope you can recover.
This is such a bad stereotype of cheerleaders, straight out of 1956. If that’s all Stef wants, what is she doing in college? This arc is getting stale quickly.
Both Stefani and Tiffany (rhymes actually, could do a song with it) are clueless, they have no real idea what they are dreaming, either as mother’s or in Tiffany’s case building a business empire. They live as stereotypes in a dream world, in Luannverse, but projecting out to us as reader/viewers. Hmmm makes me think of another 60’s song about a dream girl in a dream world, “Lucy on the Sky with Diamonds.”
This is not about whether to have children or not. This is about Tiffany meeting her past self vs. her future goals and dreams. Sadly, she seems to be falling into her old competitive ways. I hope she will choose her bright future over her past and choose growth. She’s made such progress. Don’t let Stefani ruin it for her. As for children vs. career it’s different for everyone. Because of my personal upbringing and experiences in life I decided to not have children. This was a decision my husband also fully supported so it worked very well for us. But I would NEVER advise anyone else to do this nor tell anyone how many children they should or should not have. I don’t think Tiffany is in any way considering she wasn’t all that into the Kids First Kids. She is sure she will feel differently about her OWN adorable bundles of joy! Not exactly real world here, folks! I just hate she’s buying into all this competition.
This has nothing to do with today’s strip, but the other day some were commenting on if any/how much time had passed between panels. In Wallace the Brave(amazing strip, btw) we’ve just had 4 weeks from one snow day. I had completely forgotten where it started.
This is a real flex of a story arc in terms of Tif wanting kids? Nothing in her character development has indicated otherwise and and the dialogue is all throwaway for “haha I’m the ditzy cheerleader” stereotype. Although I don’t expect much, I’d expect better character development from Evans on this!
I also don’t think Stefani is saying she wants four adorable children RIGHT NOW—just in a few years after she’s had time to enjoy college and all the fun—-cheerleading parties dances ya know what higher education is REALLY all about! Wink wink…..So she’s not serious about college. I wonder if Kip will eventually tire of that and tire of her as well.
The competitiveness is instinctive in Tiffany. For years, she used one-upumanship and putting others down as a cover for her own loneliness. Being around Steph is shredding her nascent self-confidence, so those old defense mechanisms are once again coming out to play.
The next question from Stefi’s mouth if she heard Tiffany should be a question about her boyfriend; is the reply none, Gunther, Les, or someone else… Gunther would be the interesting one, Les, interesting….
Hmm. An odd competitive change here. Number of kids? Tiffany trying to out-compete on the number of kids desired?!?!? Just kind of odd.
So…. I guess the take away is a) Stefani is a talk-a-mile-a-minute sort with no filter and presumably no real negative intent (at least it still feels more that way), and b) this is making Tiffany mighty uncomfortable…. and she is showing signs of feeling like she does not “fit in” here.
So…. more struggles heaped upon Tiffany. While you can definitely grow and develop through experiencing struggles…. I hope Greg also remembers (for Tiffany) that a person can grow and develop through POSITIVE experiences too. These positive experiences seem to be quite scant for Tiffany over the last many arcs.
I hope this comic isn’t trying to put down women that want to have children or insinuating that only brainless ones like Stef want that. Having and raising the children I had was the most important thing I could ever do.
If all Stefani wants to do is get married and raise a family, she doesn’t need to go to college. It is clear she is there to find a husband whose future job makes good money.
A Hod Carrier is a member of a masonry/ bricklaying crew. Been there done that. I fetched buckets of mortar (they called mud) and what seemed Like thousands of concrete blocks, also assembled the scaffold they worked from as they went up the facade of the 3 story building we were assigned to. I asked the lead man during lunch on the second day if their goal was to work me to death, and 10 men all smiled in unison and said yeah.
I have a daugher-in-law who has six but wants ten. Today they got their new license plate. So if you see a huge van with plates that say AL10RM9, that is them.
We found out that Tara got high test scores – somehow. Very sad if we see that Stephi is getting higher scores than Tiff and Tiff needs her help on studies too…
Stef came to that conclusion on her own. Tiffany is just engaging in one-upmanship; In this way Tiff comes across as less realistic than Steffi, i.e. she’s gonna build an empire and raise six kids while she’s at it.
I have a warning for Miss Steffani: life happens. She better have a back up plan. I don’t know how many women I had in my classes because plans didn’t go the way they had expected: their husbands/significant other died or were in prison, they divorced or broke up, abuse, unemployment, illness, and so forth. They had these rosy ideas that everything would just fall into place and be like a Hallmark movie because that’s what they planned. It’s wonderful when that happens but that’s the exception, not the rule.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother. Most women want that to be a big part of their life. However, Tiff has never indicated before that she wants children, let alone 6. Strip isn’t funny today, SMH
AnyFace almost 5 years ago
Competitive much? ✨
Rhetorical_Question almost 5 years ago
Tiffany ,it not an competition!And where is your quarterback?
Templo S.U.D. almost 5 years ago
way to think big, girls, on your offspring (I’m just one of two boys when my parents got married after they graduated college)
Rhetorical_Question almost 5 years ago
I knew it! Stefani is majoring in a MRS degree!Her one priority is Kip Lee , quarterback!!!
Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago
At least Kip knew who the author was. I can just see Stef with four children. By the time the first one reaches 8 years old, they will all be smarter than she is. “Yeah, that’s my mom over there – her nickname is ‘Spazz’”
JD'Huntsville'AL almost 5 years ago
Hey, I was right. She’s after her MRS degree.
sallymargret almost 5 years ago
I always wanted to have 12 children when I was small. I changed my mind.
someguy3 almost 5 years ago
Dang, a stay at home hottie.
I’ll take two, please?
Cstimpy25 almost 5 years ago
most people don’t want 12 children though lol, as for Tiffany she needs to find a man first if she wants to even have any kids as we all know. ya know i give her props too she’s got a goal that really seems she needs to be more in reality cause building an empire or trying to Rarely happens and if it does it’s through hard work and dedication plus a lot of luck.
that’s got her motivated don’t get me wrong but it’s a lot more based in reality than Tiffany no. 2 is in.
Counterpoint almost 5 years ago
What’s in the box – bows?
Chocolate almost 5 years ago
Let Stefani see some during and after-pregnancy nude photos and she’ll run screaming down the hall.
sar almost 5 years ago
I would never think Tiffany would want children. Never struck me as a housewife type especially not 6 of them.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
We’ve gone from some characters in the Strip wondering whether other characters are “doing it,” to young women wanting to have kids. If THIS keeps up, somebody may get pregnant soon and I DON’T mean Toni.
Now I wonder if Stef has shared her rather ambitious “family plans” with B/F Kip? And if THAT played a part in her wanting to move to Hall “A” to be close to him?
Wouldn’t it be interesting if Stef had to cut short her semester due to pregnancy?Nah. I’m SURE those two responsible adults are taking the proper precautions.
By the way. There’s only one other single young man in this Strip that has ever expressed a desire to have a family.
THIS Guy: :)
wantcomicsnow almost 5 years ago
Disappointing to see Tiff lowering herself to Stefi’s level. Kind of pathetic really. I was hoping Tiff had moved beyond the point where she feel she has to compete with every female she meets.
Airman almost 5 years ago
Judging from their expressions in panel #3, are they counting babies on their fingers, or their combined IQ’s?
kenhense almost 5 years ago
Tiffany is a long way from knowing what to do with kids. Stefi is probably closer to it – not having much else on her mind…
gnmnrbl almost 5 years ago
This is the first time i’ve seen Tiffany entertain the notion of having kids. Usually she just wants sex or to tease guys. She’s never mentioned the idea of starting a family. When she worked with Luann at “kids first”, the mere idea of having kids was repulsive to her.
kraftjeff almost 5 years ago
I see they changed the spelling of ditzy to Stefani …
tigerdg almost 5 years ago
Tiffany: NO, you don’t.
blunebottle almost 5 years ago
Since when did Tiffany ever show interest in being around kids? Even the ones she was supposed to be around.
Wilkins068 almost 5 years ago
The longer this Steffani hangs around, the more Tiffany is looking like a rocket scientist.
I can see Steffani in the birthing ward of the hospital holding her first born just minutes after being born and wanting to run a paternity test. Not to see if it is Kip’s, but to make sure it is hers.
Derp, derp…
kingbrlee Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Wow, they have something in common. The world needs six more of those two.
Rocknaww almost 5 years ago
Turns out I am transferring to a university in Alaska…
Caldonia almost 5 years ago
I’m just going to pretend that Tiffany is being sarcastic. It’s easier on me that way. Besides, this strip is always open to misinterpretation!
DG almost 5 years ago
I’ve heard of keeping up with the Jones’s, this takes it to a new level.
Pet almost 5 years ago
Some women are meant to build empires, other women are meant to build families.
Both very important jobs.:)
jeffiekins almost 5 years ago
Working hard to raise “awesome” kids doesn’t often end well.
Working hard to raise your kids often ends with them being awesome.
And Tiffany is probably imagining her passel of kids with their nanny doing all the hard stuff.
Steffi’s probably imagining herself going to all the kids’ games and practices while the cook, maid(s) and gardener take care of the house. Maybe a butler for good luck. That’s how NFL wives roll, right?
bgby4884 almost 5 years ago
Pretty much reality.The husband is #1 until the kids arrive, and then he is only needed for his income. Otherwise forgotten in favor of the kids.
rrsltx almost 5 years ago
Yup. Gospel.
dw90125 almost 5 years ago
Oh Tiff. Regress much? When “new” Tiff breaks the news to you that you’re not a cheerleader anymore and you don’t look the part I hope you can recover.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 5 years ago
My father used to say wait till you have kids. I was smarter than that, no kids. All the toys are MINE!!
Tyge almost 5 years ago
Seven! Do I hear seven? Going once… Going twice… sold for six kids!
“First fibber never has a chance!” — Old Adage
MS72 almost 5 years ago
The MRS degree program continues…
mountainclimber almost 5 years ago
Intelligent couples have fewer children. You might might see Idiocracy become a documentary rather than an offbeat comedy.
Tyge almost 5 years ago
Looks like Tiffany has been lured into her fantasy world. A world in which she can’t compete because there is no rhyme or reason.
Six kids and an empire??? Gather yourself Tiffany. You’re about to get swept away!
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
I can’t understand if Tiffany is sincere or she’s making fun of Stefani. But this would be a meeting point between these two.
mnxo4 almost 5 years ago
This is such a bad stereotype of cheerleaders, straight out of 1956. If that’s all Stef wants, what is she doing in college? This arc is getting stale quickly.
Uncle Bob almost 5 years ago
I get it!!! This is Barbra Ann “Boopsie” Boopstein’s grand-daughter!
6foot6 almost 5 years ago
Is it just me? Or is the one up game building up to be a major downer?
Bernedoodle almost 5 years ago
It’s a good thing they don’t live in China!
KEA almost 5 years ago
just what the world needs… 10 more idiotic people
luann1212 almost 5 years ago
Both Stefani and Tiffany (rhymes actually, could do a song with it) are clueless, they have no real idea what they are dreaming, either as mother’s or in Tiffany’s case building a business empire. They live as stereotypes in a dream world, in Luannverse, but projecting out to us as reader/viewers. Hmmm makes me think of another 60’s song about a dream girl in a dream world, “Lucy on the Sky with Diamonds.”
eladee AKA Wally almost 5 years ago
This is not about whether to have children or not. This is about Tiffany meeting her past self vs. her future goals and dreams. Sadly, she seems to be falling into her old competitive ways. I hope she will choose her bright future over her past and choose growth. She’s made such progress. Don’t let Stefani ruin it for her. As for children vs. career it’s different for everyone. Because of my personal upbringing and experiences in life I decided to not have children. This was a decision my husband also fully supported so it worked very well for us. But I would NEVER advise anyone else to do this nor tell anyone how many children they should or should not have. I don’t think Tiffany is in any way considering she wasn’t all that into the Kids First Kids. She is sure she will feel differently about her OWN adorable bundles of joy! Not exactly real world here, folks! I just hate she’s buying into all this competition.
maxiesmom2 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
This has nothing to do with today’s strip, but the other day some were commenting on if any/how much time had passed between panels. In Wallace the Brave(amazing strip, btw) we’ve just had 4 weeks from one snow day. I had completely forgotten where it started.
Ceeg22 Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Why are you sucking up to her?
GovernmentCheese almost 5 years ago
This is a real flex of a story arc in terms of Tif wanting kids? Nothing in her character development has indicated otherwise and and the dialogue is all throwaway for “haha I’m the ditzy cheerleader” stereotype. Although I don’t expect much, I’d expect better character development from Evans on this!
limarick almost 5 years ago
Pat Benatar said it best, Hell Is For Children.
Call me Ishmael almost 5 years ago
This mad urge to reproduce does not bode well for our poor overburdened planet…or for poor Kip.
Ellis97 almost 5 years ago
Enough with the sex jokes.
Code the Enforcer almost 5 years ago
Ladies!! How many times must I say …
‘I don’t know NUTHIN’ ‘bout birthin’ no BABIES !!’ :)
passthejelly almost 5 years ago
STEFI IS READY,BUT IS THE BOYFRIEND??He’s switching his major to track right now.I seeStefi getting dumped and Tiff being the shoulder she cries on.
Cheapskate0 almost 5 years ago
This is awful.
Not awful nice.
Not awful pretty.
Not awful realistic.
Just awful.
eladee AKA Wally almost 5 years ago
I also don’t think Stefani is saying she wants four adorable children RIGHT NOW—just in a few years after she’s had time to enjoy college and all the fun—-cheerleading parties dances ya know what higher education is REALLY all about! Wink wink…..So she’s not serious about college. I wonder if Kip will eventually tire of that and tire of her as well.
mildmannered1 almost 5 years ago
In theory the world could be populated by 10 more people from these 2 bimbos. Luckily life doesn’t go as planned.
Ukko wilko almost 5 years ago
Wouldn’t want to have kids with Stef… intelligence is hereditary.
SactoSylvia almost 5 years ago
The competitiveness is instinctive in Tiffany. For years, she used one-upumanship and putting others down as a cover for her own loneliness. Being around Steph is shredding her nascent self-confidence, so those old defense mechanisms are once again coming out to play.
Pohka almost 5 years ago
The next question from Stefi’s mouth if she heard Tiffany should be a question about her boyfriend; is the reply none, Gunther, Les, or someone else… Gunther would be the interesting one, Les, interesting….
Joe1962 almost 5 years ago
Think big Tiff.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Hmm. An odd competitive change here. Number of kids? Tiffany trying to out-compete on the number of kids desired?!?!? Just kind of odd.
So…. I guess the take away is a) Stefani is a talk-a-mile-a-minute sort with no filter and presumably no real negative intent (at least it still feels more that way), and b) this is making Tiffany mighty uncomfortable…. and she is showing signs of feeling like she does not “fit in” here.
So…. more struggles heaped upon Tiffany. While you can definitely grow and develop through experiencing struggles…. I hope Greg also remembers (for Tiffany) that a person can grow and develop through POSITIVE experiences too. These positive experiences seem to be quite scant for Tiffany over the last many arcs.
robinshka almost 5 years ago
I hope this comic isn’t trying to put down women that want to have children or insinuating that only brainless ones like Stef want that. Having and raising the children I had was the most important thing I could ever do.
capricorn9th almost 5 years ago
If all Stefani wants to do is get married and raise a family, she doesn’t need to go to college. It is clear she is there to find a husband whose future job makes good money.
ryk almost 5 years ago
A Hod Carrier is a member of a masonry/ bricklaying crew. Been there done that. I fetched buckets of mortar (they called mud) and what seemed Like thousands of concrete blocks, also assembled the scaffold they worked from as they went up the facade of the 3 story building we were assigned to. I asked the lead man during lunch on the second day if their goal was to work me to death, and 10 men all smiled in unison and said yeah.
desperado10mm almost 5 years ago
Meanwhile out on the mean streets poor little Shannon………
William Ellwin Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Stef, a deliciously put-together bubble-brain… and now sucking Tiff into her orbit…
AMBER1 almost 5 years ago
cheesehead almost 5 years ago
I take back what I said about her being dumb like a fox.
Tyge almost 5 years ago
What? And ruin your figures??? ƃuıppıʞ ʇsnɾ
Willow Mt Lyon almost 5 years ago
I have a daugher-in-law who has six but wants ten. Today they got their new license plate. So if you see a huge van with plates that say AL10RM9, that is them.
kenhense almost 5 years ago
We found out that Tara got high test scores – somehow. Very sad if we see that Stephi is getting higher scores than Tiff and Tiff needs her help on studies too…
bakana almost 5 years ago
And, in the middle panel, we learn that Stephani is VERY Color coordinated.
Vorticia almost 5 years ago
Tiff might have more in common with her new roomie than she thought??? Currently confused…
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Tiff, don’t try to out-bubble-head this girl! If you lose, you lose. If you win, you still lose!
RebaLioness almost 5 years ago
I didn’t think it was possible to hate Stef more, but I do.
Dragoncat almost 5 years ago
Her stores will be her children.
RSH almost 5 years ago
Stef came to that conclusion on her own. Tiffany is just engaging in one-upmanship; In this way Tiff comes across as less realistic than Steffi, i.e. she’s gonna build an empire and raise six kids while she’s at it.
Sisyphos almost 5 years ago
Oy! The hormonal competition is too much! Let me back to the men’s dorm floor!
ktrabbit33 almost 5 years ago
I am REALLY starting to dislike this bimbo…
Sassy's Mom almost 5 years ago
I have a warning for Miss Steffani: life happens. She better have a back up plan. I don’t know how many women I had in my classes because plans didn’t go the way they had expected: their husbands/significant other died or were in prison, they divorced or broke up, abuse, unemployment, illness, and so forth. They had these rosy ideas that everything would just fall into place and be like a Hallmark movie because that’s what they planned. It’s wonderful when that happens but that’s the exception, not the rule.
Orcatime almost 5 years ago
Very often do girls go to college for the mrs degree!
CalLadyQED almost 5 years ago
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a wife and mother. Most women want that to be a big part of their life. However, Tiff has never indicated before that she wants children, let alone 6. Strip isn’t funny today, SMH