When I went to contacts, my dogs freaked out about it. Surprising since they are more about scent than visuals. My St. Bernard showed his displeasure for years by leaving a nose print on my glasses. Afterwards, he very careful stuck his nose toward my eye.
I used to have a beard and stache. Got tired of the beard but still had a droopy stache. Kept cutting it back over a couple years, then I realized I looked like a cop. So clean shaven again.
I remember when I was about five my dad – who had worn a mustache throughout my entire life – came downstairs having shaved it off. He managed to convince me for what seemed like a long time that he was actually a different person called ‘Uncle Bob’.
The girl toddler does not seem pleased while Goldie seems quite happy. I like the Super Mario reference, surprised there was not a Tom Selleck one thrown in for good measure…..
Can’t decide which part is my favorite in this strip: the Woman’s jaw clip holding the towel…ROFL! Burt’s comment “with an R, dude,” which I plan to work into conversation ALL day long. Or the Girl’s swipe, which is clearly a cat claw swipe! (Picture it with a hiss). So many choices! LOVE it!!
One of my cats used to get right in my face and start licking my beard. She obviously thought it needed grooming. And she’d get upset when I shaved it off.
OMC! The fuzzy blanket is available in the Zazzle shop along with some new t-shirts. Here’s the link to Georgia’s Instagram announcement. The link to the Zazzle shop is at the bottom of this page.
The Hubs grew a beard and moustache for our Church’s “Last Supper” reenactment at the Maundy Thursday service. Our 2-yr-old was cool with it. Daddy was Fuzzy Face, she was Peachy Face and her beloved Patches cat, was Furry Face. Aftewards, Hubs decided that was not his thing, he prefered clean-shaven and she watched him clip and shave it all off his face. THEN she decided she didn’t like it and told him to put it back on!!!
Every time the man loses some hair, I want to swipe at him too! My man still has his tail (thank goodness) but the whiskers and beard are seasonal (boo! hiss!). I love beards and mustaches!
I tried to let the quarantine beard grow in – mostly out of laziness (hey, I’m not going anywhere) – but have discovered that I apparently have several bald spots around my chin. I’m capable of growing just a mustache, but apparently it is too evocative of the Boy’s sperm donor for his mother’s liking.
When children see a sudden change in a parent’s appearance, they find it frightening and disturbing. I can remember feeling that way the time Mom dyed her hair.
Anyone else remember the Star Trek: Next Generation scene where Crusher is commenting on beard being an affectation (if they would only admit it’s just a fashion thing) and betting the guys that if she wins the poker hand, they’ll shave their beards?
Puckmosis: It has come to our attention that there seems to be a problem with date palm trees. To you, Beatrixia.
Beatrixia: Word has it we need to “Save the dates.” Puckmosis how are dates used?
Puckmosis: Elvis-Anum, please bring out the chart, thanks. As you can see, figs are a healthy fruit that is often found wrapped in a delicious pastry dough. Our Royal Herald is especially knowledgeable about this.
Queen Catshepsut the Golden: Perhaps Burt-Ra and Trevor-Hotep can provide some more insight on this situation.
Enter Burt-Ra and Trevor-Hotep
Burt-Ra: Your Majesty, there appears to be some misunderstanding. The noble Steed Avenger can explain.
Avenger: Yes, Your Majesty. The announcement is not save the date, but as written here:
1. a jeweled ornamental band worn on the front of a woman’s hair.2. a high diadem of three crowns worn by the Pope.3. a crown-turban worn by ancient Persian kings, also called a diadem.
Did you know that there is a species of monkey called “diademed monkey,” Cercopithecus mitis, family Cercopithecidae, also called a samango, that name derived from the Zulu insimango. Seen face on, the monkey’s brow ridge appears to be a head-ring, the emblem of a veteran Zulu warrior.
“So what is the “tiara” of a Zulu warrior made from?" you foolishly ask.
His hair and cow dung. The dung is applied moist, formed, and dries in the sun. One has to be very tough to be a Zulu warrior, and not the least bit squeamish.
OT: I am asking for prayers, purrs and good thoughts. My mom just called and my dad is in the hospital. He fell and it sounds pretty bad. They are taking him to a bigger hospital right now. I was just at my parents yesterday and sat outside with my mom and talked to her a bit. My dad who has dementia and doesn’t really do much didn’t come out and I didn’t go in to see him because I thought I was going to see him tomorrow. That is the worst part of all this, not seeing my parents as much as I normally do.
Funny, I just recently watched a YouTube video of kids reacting to their fathers after they shaved their beards off. Most of the kids cried, some probably thinking he was a stranger.
Wow … quite a new look for the Man. Wonder if he’ll stick with it?
I can kinda relate to the shaving debate, too. A few months ago, my dad shaved off the mustache he’d had for fifty-plus years. He doesn’t look dramatically different now since the ‘stache was so short, but it’s a substantial change, nonetheless.
I had the same reaction from my pre-teen daughter when I shaved off my beard. It took a while for her to get used to dad with just the handlebar mustache.
During the lock-downs I had a friend that quite shaving. Turns out he was a VERY hairy man and within a couple months had an amazingly full beard. By the time he had to shave it it was below his chest. During this time his daughter was born. On the morning he shaved it she screamed and cried at the sight of this now clean-shaved person pretending to be her dad. It took a few days before she accepted him.
Yoshifan over 4 years ago
The little girls face in the last panel. Priceless.
Cleementine over 4 years ago
Uh ohhhhh. Someone didn’t consult the kiddies before making a change to his appearance. The kitties, on the other hand, seem to be egging him on.
Le'letha Premium Member over 4 years ago
I guess Puck has reached an accord with his mortal enemy, the robosnake. (Much to the Man’s relief, I’m sure!)
dmah Premium Member over 4 years ago
Okay, this is going to sound nitpick-y, but isn’t the man shaving off his beard? and keeping his ’stache?
Strob over 4 years ago
Jim Croce lives!
Strob over 4 years ago
♫”Almost cut my hair
Happened just the other day….”♫
OliveO'Sudden over 4 years ago
Disney prince chin, indeed! And the horrified Girl rejecting the father imposter she sees before her.♥
marilynnbyerly over 4 years ago
When I went to contacts, my dogs freaked out about it. Surprising since they are more about scent than visuals. My St. Bernard showed his displeasure for years by leaving a nose print on my glasses. Afterwards, he very careful stuck his nose toward my eye.
Robin Harwood over 4 years ago
A blade shooting lasers would be cool.
DennisinSeattle over 4 years ago
Who is this guy?
I used to have a beard and stache. Got tired of the beard but still had a droopy stache. Kept cutting it back over a couple years, then I realized I looked like a cop. So clean shaven again.
Colorado Expat over 4 years ago
First the Man loses his tail, and now this… Is there no end to these radical changes in appearance?
Biskits over 4 years ago
I wish he would grow his tail back.
fullmoondeb Premium Member over 4 years ago
shirins Premium Member over 4 years ago
Is the girl swiping left?
KROverton over 4 years ago
Goldie approves.
WelshRat Premium Member over 4 years ago
Personally, I’m with the kids.
And Elvis.
PammWhittaker over 4 years ago
Oh, hubby just said of the girl “She looks like she’s trying to get rid of it with an app .. SWIPE!” LOL!
Charlie_B over 4 years ago
I remember when I was about five my dad – who had worn a mustache throughout my entire life – came downstairs having shaved it off. He managed to convince me for what seemed like a long time that he was actually a different person called ‘Uncle Bob’.
Gent over 4 years ago
To beard or not to beard, that is the question.
TampaFanatic1 over 4 years ago
The girl toddler does not seem pleased while Goldie seems quite happy. I like the Super Mario reference, surprised there was not a Tom Selleck one thrown in for good measure…..
DorseyBelle over 4 years ago
Can’t decide which part is my favorite in this strip: the Woman’s jaw clip holding the towel…ROFL! Burt’s comment “with an R, dude,” which I plan to work into conversation ALL day long. Or the Girl’s swipe, which is clearly a cat claw swipe! (Picture it with a hiss). So many choices! LOVE it!!
DorseyBelle over 4 years ago
Or “not enough cowboy.” Who else shouted, “More cowbell!…er, cowboy”?
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
One of my cats used to get right in my face and start licking my beard. She obviously thought it needed grooming. And she’d get upset when I shaved it off.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
The Girl is displaying her “Snowball Taggart” face. She is Not. Pleased.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
With a Pucky chart and pointer, today is a good day.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Careful with that can of shaving cream, Puck. I’m having visions of you stepping on the nozzle …
BettyAdams over 4 years ago
The Girl just swiped at him like a little kitten. :)
Grace Premium Member over 4 years ago
mmm Sam Elliott (lucky Katharine Ross)
rs0204 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Most of Burt’s broadcast crawl’s are accompanied with an eye-roll by the engineer, I am sure.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
The Girl’s face says “Nope, nope, nope!”
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
Elvis isn’t that far off. Laser hair removal is a real thing.
Zev over 4 years ago
He’s saying “laser” instead of razor because of his Siamese accent, right?
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
I salute Puck’s careful journalistic objectivity.
Cassia over 4 years ago
How can people be so hairless
How can people be so uncool
Easy to be bald
Easy to catch cold
How can people think it’s appealing
How can they ignore split ends
Easy to confound
Easy to let hair go
Especially people who dislike changes
Who care about evil and social distance
Do you not care about your own crowd
How about those you offend, they need amends
[Easy to Be Hard – Three Dog Night]
Jungle Empress over 4 years ago
A Mario mustache would be awesome, though. Don’t deny it.
Cassia over 4 years ago
All this talk about “mouse stashes” makes me miss the robber ladies even more!
Zoomer&Yeti over 4 years ago
Ahhh – You think you used enough shaving cream there Man?!?
Sue Ellen over 4 years ago
OMC! The fuzzy blanket is available in the Zazzle shop along with some new t-shirts. Here’s the link to Georgia’s Instagram announcement. The link to the Zazzle shop is at the bottom of this page.
Michael G. over 4 years ago
I saw a video wherein a man shaved off his full-face beard. His baby daughter howled at first sight.
ladykat over 4 years ago
The world may come to an end – Goldie and Lupin are agreeing on something!
OT: Paul
Paul had a rough day yesterday after his outing on Friday, and spent the day in bed. It looks like he may do that again today.
ladykat over 4 years ago
What is on the man’s shoulder in the third panel?
A R V reader over 4 years ago
Kids today wouldn’t recognize Sam Elliot if they see him, Super Mario on the other hand…
LadyPeterW over 4 years ago
The Hubs grew a beard and moustache for our Church’s “Last Supper” reenactment at the Maundy Thursday service. Our 2-yr-old was cool with it. Daddy was Fuzzy Face, she was Peachy Face and her beloved Patches cat, was Furry Face. Aftewards, Hubs decided that was not his thing, he prefered clean-shaven and she watched him clip and shave it all off his face. THEN she decided she didn’t like it and told him to put it back on!!!
artheaded1 over 4 years ago
Every time the man loses some hair, I want to swipe at him too! My man still has his tail (thank goodness) but the whiskers and beard are seasonal (boo! hiss!). I love beards and mustaches!
Andrew Sleeth over 4 years ago
The dude abides.
Hatter over 4 years ago
Goldie and Lupin sure seem to like the Sam Elliot look. Something in common? I sense a beautiful friendship on the horizon.
skipper1992 over 4 years ago
I tried to let the quarantine beard grow in – mostly out of laziness (hey, I’m not going anywhere) – but have discovered that I apparently have several bald spots around my chin. I’m capable of growing just a mustache, but apparently it is too evocative of the Boy’s sperm donor for his mother’s liking.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Personally, I favor a well-trained handlebar with just an occasional touch of wax…
wildwind over 4 years ago
I love Puck’s charts.
LittleSnek over 4 years ago
Can Georgia see the follower count for this comic? If so, I would like to know the number of followers.
GaryCooper over 4 years ago
When children see a sudden change in a parent’s appearance, they find it frightening and disturbing. I can remember feeling that way the time Mom dyed her hair.
Kit'n'Kaboodle over 4 years ago
Anyone else remember the Star Trek: Next Generation scene where Crusher is commenting on beard being an affectation (if they would only admit it’s just a fashion thing) and betting the guys that if she wins the poker hand, they’ll shave their beards?
KJM15 over 4 years ago
Nooo!!! I loved the beard!! However, it IS Georgia’s opinion that counts! Glad you love it!
dmah Premium Member over 4 years ago
OT: How to Groom a World-Champion Beard In A Pandemic
D.W.Drang over 4 years ago
If I could rock a Sam Elliot ‘stache I would probably have to have it trimmed professionally, under SwMBO’s supervision, lest I do it harm.
SusieB over 4 years ago
Looks like 1980’s John Oates
Kitty Katz over 4 years ago
Meanwhile, Back on the Nile
Puckmosis: It has come to our attention that there seems to be a problem with date palm trees. To you, Beatrixia.
Beatrixia: Word has it we need to “Save the dates.” Puckmosis how are dates used?
Puckmosis: Elvis-Anum, please bring out the chart, thanks. As you can see, figs are a healthy fruit that is often found wrapped in a delicious pastry dough. Our Royal Herald is especially knowledgeable about this.
Queen Catshepsut the Golden: Perhaps Burt-Ra and Trevor-Hotep can provide some more insight on this situation.
Enter Burt-Ra and Trevor-Hotep
Burt-Ra: Your Majesty, there appears to be some misunderstanding. The noble Steed Avenger can explain.
Avenger: Yes, Your Majesty. The announcement is not save the date, but as written here:
Save the Date
Emma-Pelia and Noble Steed John Avenger
Announce their upcoming wedding!
ChristineSmith over 4 years ago
“A good mustache doesn’t need a supporting cast.” Beau Bennett (Sam Elliot) The Ranch.
scaeva Premium Member over 4 years ago
Today is Tiara Day. Tiara Boom Deyay! Tiara Boom Deyay! Tiara Boom Deyay!
1. a jeweled ornamental band worn on the front of a woman’s hair.2. a high diadem of three crowns worn by the Pope.3. a crown-turban worn by ancient Persian kings, also called a diadem.
Did you know that there is a species of monkey called “diademed monkey,” Cercopithecus mitis, family Cercopithecidae, also called a samango, that name derived from the Zulu insimango. Seen face on, the monkey’s brow ridge appears to be a head-ring, the emblem of a veteran Zulu warrior.
“So what is the “tiara” of a Zulu warrior made from?" you foolishly ask.
His hair and cow dung. The dung is applied moist, formed, and dries in the sun. One has to be very tough to be a Zulu warrior, and not the least bit squeamish.
over 4 years ago
I think the Man looks pretty nice.
knight1192a over 4 years ago
So Disney prince chins are extremely cheesy, good to know.
Maizing over 4 years ago
Mmmmmm… Sam Elliott!
Susanna Premium Member over 4 years ago
OT: I am asking for prayers, purrs and good thoughts. My mom just called and my dad is in the hospital. He fell and it sounds pretty bad. They are taking him to a bigger hospital right now. I was just at my parents yesterday and sat outside with my mom and talked to her a bit. My dad who has dementia and doesn’t really do much didn’t come out and I didn’t go in to see him because I thought I was going to see him tomorrow. That is the worst part of all this, not seeing my parents as much as I normally do.
CoffeeLvr over 4 years ago
My son, an RN, had to shave his beard so the N95’s would fit better. He took it all off, including upper lip. I hadn’t seen his chin cleft for years.
willie_mctell over 4 years ago
The Girl is batting.
FrannieL Premium Member over 4 years ago
I see the Girl has learned well from the cats on how to swipe.
Slappy Squirrel over 4 years ago
The question is, does his mustache dance like Sam Elliott’s in the superbowl commercial for cool ranch doritos?
LarryWestby over 4 years ago
Funny, I just recently watched a YouTube video of kids reacting to their fathers after they shaved their beards off. Most of the kids cried, some probably thinking he was a stranger.
rgcviper over 4 years ago
Wow … quite a new look for the Man. Wonder if he’ll stick with it?
I can kinda relate to the shaving debate, too. A few months ago, my dad shaved off the mustache he’d had for fifty-plus years. He doesn’t look dramatically different now since the ‘stache was so short, but it’s a substantial change, nonetheless.
catmom1360 over 4 years ago
Having drawn the girls negative reaction to the beard, does that mean Georgia doesn’t like it either?
Billy Yank over 4 years ago
I had the same reaction from my pre-teen daughter when I shaved off my beard. It took a while for her to get used to dad with just the handlebar mustache.
cat19632001 over 4 years ago
Don’t look now but Lupin and Goldie both seem to like the new look.
Mx Crazy Cat Person over 4 years ago
The Girl has taken lessons from Lupin about how to bat and swot.
BillJackson2 over 4 years ago
OT: At my daughter’s house,
Jason Scarborough over 4 years ago
I mean, Elvis isn’t wrong
bryan42 over 1 year ago
During the lock-downs I had a friend that quite shaving. Turns out he was a VERY hairy man and within a couple months had an amazingly full beard. By the time he had to shave it it was below his chest. During this time his daughter was born. On the morning he shaved it she screamed and cried at the sight of this now clean-shaved person pretending to be her dad. It took a few days before she accepted him.
MoultonFamily 21 days ago
Sis: It’s a well known fact that when a kid sees their parents shaved face for the first time they will either be mad or 0o0. The o is a mouth.