Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 03, 2024

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  5 months ago

    Seriously?? Luann was peeing in the bushes? Too funny!

    And what is that on Bernice’s head?

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  2. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 5 months ago

    And so it starts. Luann hiding in the shrubs and Bernice wearing a Teddy Bear bike helmet.

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  3. Giancarlo
    cholomanaba  5 months ago


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    epicatt2-  5 months ago

    And why is Bernice’s hair straight and not all curly?

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 5 months ago

    You could say that, Is that a Mickey Mouse headgear on Bernice head.

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  6. Dragon
    Asharah  5 months ago

    Watch out for the poison ivy Luann

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  7. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  5 months ago

    ur-ine trouble Luann

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 5 months ago


    And so begins “Retro Luann” week.

    Hopefully G&K will give other characters in the Strip the same “origin treatment.”

    It would be nice to know how the others got started and what now makes them “tick.”


    The “retro” stuff would make for one swell Novella! ;-)


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    ericbrower  5 months ago

    This is gonna be serious?

    So from the beginning, Bernie had a gift for discovering Luann’s "uncomfortable " moments. Why does this make a sad sense?

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    9thCapricorn  5 months ago

    Ew. Public potty, Luann? You ought be on a leash with a tag. I am curious what Bernice’s snark will be tomorrow. And black has been her favorite color since childhood. My son’ s favorite color has been black since he was 3. I thought it was so unusual for a child that young. Most children are more attracted to bright and cheerful colors.

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    snsurone76  5 months ago

    This expose might be an eye-opener for Luann—that’s she’s foolish and gullible!

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    Willow Mt Lyon  5 months ago

    Bernice still doesn’t have much respect for Luann. I could never imagine myself saying hi to someone who was going to the bathroom in the bushes even at age 6. I would have pretended I didn’t see it. I lived in the country, and we kids were always using the bushes and leaving each other alone while we did our business.

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  13. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  5 months ago

    Oh, crap.

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  14. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   5 months ago

    No public restrooms?

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  15. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   5 months ago

    Riding a tricycle with a teddy bear helmet?

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  16. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 5 months ago

    “Hi! Nice butt!”

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  17. Prof vessant colour
    Doubly Horque Premium Member 5 months ago

    Great to see Luann looking like Luann again.

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  18. Tc bear 6 1 19 cropped
    jr1234  5 months ago

    This TWO shall pass

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  19. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  5 months ago

    A bear started to eat Bernice so she cut off his head an its still hanging on to her head

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    maxiesmom2 Premium Member 5 months ago

    This is the origin story of their friendship? Bernice comes across Luann trying to hide while peeing? Good grief.

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    Bernedoodle  5 months ago

    Has Luann1212 stopped posting?

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  22. Stick figure
    Ichabod Ferguson  5 months ago

    The friendship starts the moment Luann realizes she has no tissue and Bernice has some in her basket.

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    bh05150  5 months ago

    It only goes downhill from here.

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  24. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member 5 months ago

    when you gotta go…..

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    Count Olaf Premium Member 5 months ago


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  26. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  5 months ago

    Very awkward.

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    joegeethree  5 months ago

    Awright! Flashbackside!

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 5 months ago

    This really looks like the beginning of a tragedy! From the start their relationship has been built on Bernice coming out of nowhere saying things that make Luann uncomfortable. I’m not surprised about this, what surprise me is that Bernice didn’t walk away in embarrassment, like I did in similar situations when I was 6. She probably didn’t understand what Launn was doing, or she didn’t find it awkward. Of course, if Luann decided to become friends with someone she met like this, it means that Bernice was able to win her over with the sympathy and kindness she had as a child. I wonder if Bernice remembers this moment.

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    wombat1417  5 months ago

    I hope this isn’t going to drag out forever like the “Bradette” thing.

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  30. Og01
    Robert Williams @ Williams Web Solutions  5 months ago

    Either bush it or wet/dirty trousers. I’ve seen both, even with older kids (even my oldest daughter was both ways). So either way, I’m certain this day’s comic will be well-talked about.

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    Niko S  5 months ago

    when you gotta go you gotta go. Better than peeing in your pants

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    DawnQuinn1  5 months ago

    When nature calls…desperately…a girl does what she has to in order to “take care of business”. Guys have it easier in that regard.

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    WilliamVollmer  5 months ago

    Of course, Bernice knows no boundaries. She butts in whenever she wants. (no pun intended.)

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    scott.rouse  5 months ago

    I’d feel awkward too if someone spotted me going to the bathroom behind a bush, Luann still wasn’t getting the hang of the toilet her special needs teacher was telling her about.

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    Just-me  5 months ago

    Not necessarily an incident which I would care to document on paper…

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  36. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  5 months ago

    they were reciting the poem about the “Little piggies” and Luann is very prone to suggestion. :-/

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  37. Sombrero galaxy 1260x840 c
    my1friend  5 months ago

    Do you see the expression on her face , just maybe she is not just doing pee but also a dump ?

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  38. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 5 months ago

    In the first two Luann’s 3/17-18/1985, Luann and Bernice were in the bedroom and school together, so this must be before that. With Greg’s growth as an artist and tech changes in printing, I’m sure any differences from then to now will be an improvement. I’m looking forward to this arc. ;-))

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  39. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member 5 months ago

    Even at eight, Luann found herself having to do embarrassing things like peeing in a park. Bernice’s angle suggests she is NOT trying to do anything other than being friendly to a new girl as she sees only Luann’s head peeking up from the bushes. Folks who are now griping about eight year old Bernice being rude are just “too much” and the Bernice hate is tiresome.

    Both Luann and Bernice are great characters and I like and enjoy both of them. They are both different, but neither should be derided.

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    comic reader 22  5 months ago

    So we’re supposed to believe that at age 6 little girls were allowed to play so far away from their home or school that they couldn’t go inside to use the bathroom?

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    nightflight  5 months ago

    In a few more years these are the same bushes Bernice and Nil will hide behind when they’re making out.

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  42. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member 5 months ago

    Luann watering the shrubbery. Awkward moments, indeed.

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    Chuck374  5 months ago

    So Bernice has a lifelong character flaw of the need to invade every bodies private business.

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    Rasslebear  5 months ago

    At least it wasn’t Gunther…or Aaron.

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    miztrniceguy  5 months ago

    WOW…..didn’t see that coming. o_O

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    kappy.mrnustik Premium Member 5 months ago

    Don’t think Bernice can tell from just the back of Luan’s head over the bushes what she’s doing. She’s just being friendly.

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    hoffquotes2  5 months ago

    I would have thought they would have been in the same school

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    Emperor Rick  5 months ago

    Pee pee pals!

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  49. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member 5 months ago

    Bernice is eight…. She sees the HEAD of a new girl (Luann) and has no visual way to see Luann is peeing behind a bush. HOW in the heck is Bernice at fault here? Bernice was being friendly to a new kid she saw.

    I truly think that all the negativity towards Bernice a few folks have is rather sad. Bernice is not a perfect character (nor is Luann, Gunther, Bets, or any of the lot of them). Bernice is a young lady who (like Luann) is attempting to become an adult…. she os trying on various “hats” as she does so. She is learning about psychology in her major, and is book smart, but needs to grow a bit in applying her knowledge. I can say the same d@mn thing about every one of my 20 something biology major students too…. they have some knowledge, but are wholly naive about the depth and breadth of applying their knowledge.

    I just wish folks would quit harping on (Bernice) Harper.

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    dmclark  5 months ago

    I wonder how writing this story will go. Does Luann finally recognize how Bern has talked down to her all this time, or realize how close they are? Time will tell.

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    wirepunchr  5 months ago

    I guess bears aren’t the only ones that do that in the woods.

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  52. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   5 months ago

    Maybe, a stalker?

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  53. Greg backlit
    mindjob  5 months ago

    many a friendship has been forged in this way

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  54. Don1
    DonCoyote®  5 months ago

    So Luann saw Bernice’s Bear, and Bernice saw Luann’s Beaver?

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    eced52  5 months ago

    Beyond awkward, I would say.

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    mfought  5 months ago

    given past history its entirely possible this is all a product of luann’s imagination

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  5 months ago

    “No. I was shooting for low.”

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  58. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  5 months ago

    Yeah, I can see where that would be awkward.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  5 months ago

    The first of MANY awkward moments.

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    eladee AKA Wally  5 months ago

    This friendship is not getting off to a good start!

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    kenhense  5 months ago

    Lu needed to find a bigger bush.

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    Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 5 months ago

    I like the art shift. Always a nice touch.

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    eddi-TBH  5 months ago

    Bernice; The Mistress of Unfortunate Timing.

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    melodymucisa  5 months ago

    Oooh, so that’s where their friendship began!

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  65. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  5 months ago

    Sunday: Brad and Toni think Shannon has a point!

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    Rick Smith Premium Member 5 months ago

    Sounds like Luann’s nickname should be Loo, rather than Lu.

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    wreck it ralph  5 months ago

    Luann takes a dump,hope Bernice brought some tollet paper

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    Willow Mt Lyon  5 months ago

    Look! Up there on your head! It’s absurd — it’s insane — it’s a Boynton. FUZZYHEAD ! TM. One Size fits most — Guaranteed To look Ridiculous. except very small children or very intelligent adults.

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