Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 01, 2024

  1. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  3 months ago

    You can’t change other people.

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  2. Beb avatar
    beb01  3 months ago

    Oh, dear. I had hoped GnK had given up on the pointless story of last week. I thought the paper was about rebranding a corporation but some person (unless that person was also like a corporation, like Beyonce. Her rebranding as a Country singer is brilliant. Rebranding Stef, like an rebranding operation is to find a positive about the company or person and build an advertising strategy around that. There is nothing about Stef that is a positive.

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    outonalimb  3 months ago

    The “opposite of yuck” Stef looks like she could be ready to go into business with Tiff and Dez growing panda dung tea.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 3 months ago

    The Stefi rebrand is in motion for a complete failure.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 3 months ago


    Actually, the rebranded Industrial Engineer/ Zookeeper/ Gardner Stef in the second panel looks rather interesting, IMO.

    But, how long you do think it will be before the ladies shift from rebranding Stef, to “fixing” one of the guys?

    And just WHO would that victim be? ;-)

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  6. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  3 months ago

    Steffi dear, it appears you’ve soiled your pants

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  7. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  3 months ago

    And skipping out on another week.

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  8. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  3 months ago

    channel that energy!

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    Lord Flatulence Premium Member 3 months ago

    They’re all yuck.

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    Namrepus  3 months ago

    Are they trying to pull a Paris Hilton in the second panel?

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  11. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  3 months ago

    She’s 100% yuck. Try to change her and there will be nothing left.

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Don’t drag this out for 2 weeks, It’s end date was Saturday March 30th

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  13. Forbear
    Qiset  3 months ago

    They could rebrand everyone they know and do a comedy routine at a stand-up club.

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    9thCapricorn  3 months ago

    What you imagined as rebranding Stef is just opposite of yucky, Tiff. She’s empathic and caring environmentalist and animal rehabber. That’s an improvement, not the other way around. She’d be more likeable than you. Just rebrand her as a homely and nerdy coed who’s only interested in her studies because her family back home needs her. Then you could have Kip all to yourself

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    Firebat  3 months ago

    Yep, they are using A.I. imagery. It was just a matter of time.

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    Black76Manta  3 months ago

    That cheerleader has the fakest smile I’ve ever seen!

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    snsurone76  3 months ago

    Eventually, her cheerleading days will end, and she’ll have to face the real world.

    It should be much easier to “rebrand” her if you just be patient and wait.

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    astahl2003  3 months ago

    Grow up and stop trying to chainge others without there consent. Steff’s a pain, but she’s good at sales and super athletic and competitive. That’s a good lesson for the business majors in how to build and manage a strong sales team rather then going it alone.

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    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member 3 months ago

    If the concept of rebranding is only for others to the subject differently and not make any real changes, then here’s Steff’s rebranding.

    “Stefani… She’s a good friend.”

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  20. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  3 months ago

    I don’t know… Isn’t cheer leading preferable to shoveling manure?

    And why does she suddenly need glasses?

    Oh, everybody be on the look out for April 1st gags. ;)

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    drewpamon  3 months ago

    I fail to see how, cheerleader is an automatic yuck, and hippie girl is a yum.

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    preacherman Premium Member 3 months ago

    These two are into rebranding? I don’t see it.

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  23. Boston
    MS72  3 months ago

    Happy April Fool!

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 3 months ago

    So for Tiffany the yuk part of Stef is the one that totally corresponds to how she was until high school and the exact opposite would be to becoming like Dez. Whom she (rightly) sees as the best kind of person in the world and maybe she wants to be like her… Interesting! I don’t think Tiffany is aware of these things, but it would be nice if she could figure it out. She never faced the fact that for years she was a very horrible person, happy to torment Luann and annoying or use everyone else. Bets seems to have something on her mind, I hope Dez gets here soon, they needs her.

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  25. Grumpy cat
    EMGULS79  3 months ago

    Helmet Head Tiff could use a good rebranding…

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  26. Badger avatar
    Twelve Badgers in a Suit Premium Member 3 months ago

    Oh. I thought that was a joke, but they’ve already put way too much mental energy into it for a joke.

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  27. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  3 months ago

    Y’all already have a Dez.

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  28. Neuschwanstein
    richdell  3 months ago

    New and improved Stefani. Now with 35% less yuck.

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    Just-me  3 months ago

    People who meddle in another’s life like these two, need to recall what Johnathan Edwards sang in the song Sunshine, “You can’t even run your own life, I’ll be d@mned if you run mine.”

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    ctolson  3 months ago

    Easier to switch Steph’s birth control pills with placebos.

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    WilliamVollmer  3 months ago

    “Rebranding” Steffi from an annoyingly perky Cheerleader to a zoo attendant, that DOES seem like a pretty radical change.

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  32. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  3 months ago

    Maybe you don’t need a rebrand. Maybe you just need a new perspective on life.

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    random boredom  3 months ago

    Irony is that the “yuck” image is not far from the high school version of Tiffany.

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    bigplayray  3 months ago

    Stefani working with Steer Manure? That’s a bunch of Bull Sh-t!

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  35. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 3 months ago

    Unless this rebranding is part of her assignment, forget about changing another person. Tiffany was talking about rebranding herself. Good luck with either.

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  36. Tulips
    locake  3 months ago

    Tiffany can imagine what a good person would look like. So she can set that as a goal for herself. Tiffany, and most people, could improve themselves a lot.

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  37. Tulips
    locake  3 months ago

    Anyone will look more sympathetic holding a baby panda.

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  38. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  3 months ago

    Is there literally anyone here who thinks this is a good idea, and /or a good use of these characters’ time?

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    percheronhitch6  3 months ago

    “Life Coaches” out there are trying to make a living off changing people. Personally, I like the direct approach..“Were you born this way or did it take more time to perfect the act?”

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  3 months ago

    Come on Tiffy

    You can do it

    Put dear Steffi

    Into and through it!

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    comic reader 22  3 months ago

    What an obnoxious and arrogant pair of bimbos! Bets and Tiff need to look to their own flaws and leave everyone else alone.

    But if they MUST do a rebrand on Steffanie – just give her some cute business suits and 6 inch heels. Done.

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member 3 months ago

    This could be fun if the plan is to introduce a different ‘Stephani’ each day of the week, the last being a combination of Bets and Tiff, only to accept that she has to want to change.

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    mistercatworks  3 months ago

    As a rule, the only way to re-brand most people involves hot iron.

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    Drbarb71 Premium Member 3 months ago

    So let me get this straight. This comic had a bimbo selfish cheerleader who’s life circumstances forced her to grow up and take a job and go to school, yay. But NO, the comic decided it needed ANOTHER BIMBO CHEERLEADER? I keep hoping she will spontaneously combust because ONCE WAS ENOUGH BUT IT KEEPS DRAGGING ON AND ON… OH! It’s April Fools Day! Yay! Tomorrow she will be gone, right?

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    eced52  3 months ago

    I don’t know, I kind of like the idea of Stef raising crops, or lots of kids.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  3 months ago

    You can’t rebrand Steffi without erasing her mouth and putting in a blank space

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    eladee AKA Wally  3 months ago

    She’s just reimagined Stef as Dez—-all about gardening and saving the planet. If she sees that as the ideal human why isn’t SHE more like THAT?

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    smsrt  3 months ago

    My, my, has Tiffany ever changed. She used to be a slightly different flavor of the exact same brand. Hmm.

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  49. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   3 months ago

    _An example of AI generated Storyline script?

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  50. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  3 months ago

    In other words, change Stef into Dez? Good luck with that.

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    libraryman Premium Member 3 months ago

    The panda cub is a nice touch.

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    Fuzzy Kombu  3 months ago

    …and a weird conjunction popped into my mind: “Once, in the Jurassic, about 150 million years ago…”. Look up Gary Snyder’s Smokey the Bear Sutra.

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    WF11  3 months ago

    I think Stef looks a lot better as the imagined environmentally responsible version (I like the mix of “appropriate” things: a Panda, UNICEF, planting trees, “I care”). Actually with her mouth closed and no silly smile, I would venture that she is a lot more attractive.

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    comic reader 22  3 months ago

    Just another example of the arrogant entitlement that todays youth exhibit. What gives Tiffany and Bets the right to criticize another person, and then plot to change them? Just because they have no inspiration for their assignment doesn’t mean they get to use Stefanie as a guinea pig and try to change her into something that matches their idea of correctness.

    Is Stefanie unhappy? No. Is she failing school? No. Does she stay fit? Yes. Does she have friends? Yes. Does she have a boyfriend? Yes.

    Maybe it would be better if G&K got a clue and had them “rebrand” themselves.

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  55. Dichromatic cat avatar  400px
    Meowmocha  3 months ago

    Pandas would certainly be good comic material. I’ve seen many videos of pandas in zoos where they’re being doofuses.

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    Tenax  3 months ago

    Just worry about yourselves ladies. Stef isn’t after a makeover anyway.

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  57. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Her after is Dez

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