The old salesman’s trick: get them to answer in the affirmative to a series of questions, then ask for the sale. It will be easier for them to say yes than no.
I think there is something between them. They may not have faced that fact yet. I don’t like cheaters but they have to get Stef settled down. They’re not married or even engaged.
Does Kip think that Tiffany will provide him with the same sort of favors that Stef has? I don’t think that Tiff is quite ready to give up her “V-Card.”
Of Course he will be tempted. Tiffany isn’t a hysterical control freak. What’s not to like?
I wonder if, upon hearing that Kipper will be staying at the McMansion, Bets will reconsider her refusal since if Tiff can have a guy over why can’t Bets have Gunther?
Bummer. They haven’t broken up. Stef should break up just for offering to room with Tiff right in front of her. Kip might say that went to show how much he is confident with his relationship with Stef that rooming with Tiff won’t affect their relationship, but we know it is bull. He is offering because he sees an opportunity.
I must apologize for attempting to pose a logical question at a moment like this, but I really want to ask why Stef is addressing Tiff rather than Kip. Tiff hasn’t done anything, despite some previous innocent flirting with Kip over the commercial enterprise of T’s Teas a little while ago. But Stef seemed to be oblivious to that at the time; and the present exchange was precipitated only by Kip offering himself as a summer housemate and implicit incidental “security blanket”. Stef really ought to be expressing her displeasure directly toward Kip, with Tiff only incidentally in the background. I suppose we might infer that Stef has some reason to believe that Kip might ignore any of her protestation; but that Tiff could be intimidated by an expression of “Don’t you dare!”.
At this point, Tiff should remember last summer when Stef falsely accused her, and Dez and Bets of stealing Stef’s stupid ring, and allow Kip to stay and tell Stef to take a flying leap.
Doesn’t matter though. Stef will somehow or another, never give Kip or Tiff a minutes peace while he’s at the manse.
Besides, I kinda suspect everything will come to a screeching halt once that new security system is installed and Poppa Farrell accesses the system’s cameras and want to know why the H3LL, some “guy” is prancing around the manse wearing only a towel (Never you mind that Ann Eiffel once did about the SAME thing) go all “Al and Irma” on Tiffany, and demand that Kip leave, STAT.
That’s provided Stef doesn’t worm her way into staying, too.,
It’s nice to see Tiffany say what she thinks about Stef and her self-proclaimed superior beauty. But the problem is, Stef is right. Even if Kip’s intentions were just to reassure Tiffany, it would be really weird to let your boyfriend spend the summer in a gorgeous mansion with the only company of your really hot and rich roommate. So I don’t think that will happen. Unless one of them finds a miraculous way to convince her or she decides not to visit the family and go with them.
I have a different take on this. Kipp has flirted with Tiff in the past. She has definitely shown interest in him. I understand why Steph would not like this arrangement at all. I think it would be best for all of them if tiff found someone else to live with her.
Y’know, I feel like this is kind of mean on Kip’s part. Gaslighting his slow girlfriend into allowing him the opportunity to cheat while she’s out of the picture. What’s next is he going to say, “C’mon, honey, you know you can trust me to be faithful.” while he winks at Tiffany right after saying it? If I were Stef I’d have ended it the minute that suggestion left his mouth.
Kip is a jerk. He seems to have no real interest in being nice to Stef and treats her like like dirt while openly flirting with Tiffany. He seems to only keep Stef around for the ego boost of having a hot cheerleader for a main squeeze. He seems to be one of those guys who has the attitude of “I’ll play around all I want and you can put up with it or leave, I don’t care.”
Steff is showing “green eyes” here. First, though Kip has offered, Tif has not accepted (yet?). Second, Kip hasn’t. at least not yet, said anything about any “other kind” of interaction between him and Tiffany. Just offered to be her summer house mate. And, while Tiffany is pointing out Steff’s insecurities about her relationship with Kip. Tiff, has shown no real interest in Kip. (except to probably admire his physique, like we men do with women’s.)
Kip and Stef are “going” together. He gave her his class ring. They have an understanding that they will “be together forever”. Now he sets up a summer of living with Tiffany in her mansion without even speaking to Steffanie about it first. So the answer to his question is “I am insecure because your behaviors make me feel that way”. She should realize by now that he is a cheater, (and will cheat on her wherever he ends up for the summer). And who was it who put his class ring in a storage box last summer? (The ring that she was supposed to be wearing). So those two deserve each other.
Tiffany’s single motive for asking Steffanie to room with her in the dorm was to get to Kip, so she ‘s not innocent at all. I’m just surprised she has the where-with-all to actually make it happen, (being the ditzy kind of girl who runs down stairs while looking at a phone). Maybe she should consider how he’s treating Steffanie, and picture herself in the same situation down the road.
I still say Kip and Tiff should be together they have chemistry. Tiff seems tot treat Kim better than that blow up doll does. The way she treats him reminds me of another couple. I remember this one guy who dated this developmentally challenged girl who expected him to give up all of his hopes, dreams, and interests and just spend his time reminding her that he is her boyfriend. But when the guy got interested in acting she kicked to the curb and then went so far as to say that he was the one who wasn’t ready a mature relationship. The nerve of some people.
That “insecure” line is gaslighting from Kip. He and Tiff are obviously attracted to each other. Stef is in her right to be upset about this arrangement.
But seriously, insecure is one thing, letting your serious boyfriend live in a mansion with another beautiful girl for a summer without objecting? Unrealistic.
That’s quite an assumption. Committed to a wild control freak that is definitely insecure beyond her boundaries? I think this ole boy is driving in his own lane, accident-free. Good for him! Of course, that’s only the thoughts of s skate-boarding frog.
Kip and Steph have been on the edge of breaking up for at least a year. I don’t think love or respect comes into their equation. They don’t have a relationship – they mutually use each other. The most mature grown up thing they could do would be to end it already and move on.
Of COURSE she’s insecure. I’m assuming that she’s in university on some kind of cheerleading scholarship since she’s clearly not the brightest bulb on the string. But she’d still have to keep her grades up to a certain standard so presumably, she has at least a working brain. She’d need to have the brain of a jellyfish not to understand on some level that Kip is just using her, and she’s afraid that he’ll drop her like the proverbial hot potato if he can get with someone he likes better. I know I’m in the minority here, but I think she’s ill-done by, and I feel sorry for her.
Fun discussion. I think a lot of people are reading the future into this, and that makes sense, because Real Life and Fiction really do operate on different rules.
So from one point of view, Kip can claim he is interested in living in the Mansion because a) it’s a nice place to live, b) Tiff clearly is afraid of another burglary and what would be better than a strong guy to be there in case, and c) Stef has treated Kip like property from the start, so its time for him to push back and remind her he has a voice in the relationship.
We have already seen that Tiff and Kip like each other, precisely because they can be relaxed around the other (remember the back and forth tea puns?). That’s not even flirting, because if it were it would “flirting” to make your coworkers feel appreciated and your customers feel liked. The waitress who smiles at you and says you look nice is looking for a tip, not a date, by the way.
I think it’s wrong to accuse Kip of making a move on Tiff. He’s had opportunity before, you know, but did not do or say anything that indicated he planned to cheat on Stef. Stef, on the other hand, jumps to the conclusion right from the start, showing great distrust in her partner. Tiff, if it needs to be said, has done nothing remotely wrong.
I think Stef and Kip have been in a serious, exclusive relationship for awhile now. The question is, should they still be? I vote no. But I don’t think Stef is there yet.
please people; far too many TL;DNR paragraphs of pseudo analysis or venting diatribes! My eyes are barely open till my coffee kicks in. 2 lines, 3 at most should suffice!!!
Oooo! Ouch! Loving Tiffany more and more! She, like Les, sometimes cut right through it. I wasn’t expecting Kip to volunteer, but since Steff was going home and didn’t invite him….. will she dump Miss Yam? Good question Kip. Green-eyed monster around? Will T’s Teas business make a return? =;-o
Stefi can say whatever she wants, But Kip and Tiffany are both adults and can do what they want. If Tiffany agrees to Kip’s offer, he can move in for the summer. Tiff’s dad is the only other person who has any say in it.
Jealousy is toxic. No one should put up with a jealous partner. If you can’t trust your partner then you shouldn’t be with them. Same goes for your partner, you don’t trust them, they should dump you.
Stef knows that Kip is addicted to sex. That’s how she got him. That’s how she keeps him, and that’s why she knows he’ll jump for the “flavor of the day” as soon as it’s offered.
I’m not a Stef fan—-far from it. But in this case she is not being “insecure” at all. What person on earth would allow your BF or GF to summer without you in a mansion with someone who had flirted and shown interest in your significant other? No way would a sane person go on their merry way without a care. Stef’s instincts are dead on in this case, especially since these two have already been teasing and flirting to beat the band. Anyone with any sense at all could feel the “vibes” between Kip and Tiff. Ugh!!!! Stef is wise to be cautious.
There were too many comments for me to tell, but, I did not see anything that constituted “flirting.” He simply said he would like to stay in the mansion over the Summer. There could be ANY number of reasons that are totally innocent… such as losing his apartment (depending on where he lives), or financial reasons. There was no “leering,” or seductive looks. How many roommates are there, of the opposite sex, that are the epitome of platonic?
A very satisfying day! The Tiffster neatly traps impulsive twit Steffi. And then Kip skewers her through-and-through. Yet, even so, I suppose she isn’t done yet….
alasko over 1 year ago
A lure has hooks, so does Stef.
TravelinMan over 1 year ago
The old salesman’s trick: get them to answer in the affirmative to a series of questions, then ask for the sale. It will be easier for them to say yes than no.
Tenax over 1 year ago
Don’t get logical. The answer still is No!
Tyge over 1 year ago
This isn’t going well. Maybe she’s insecure because Kippy and Tiffy were playing verbal footsies at the tea stand!
BabyBlue over 1 year ago
Flirt with other people and then accuse your partner of being insecure. Uh huh. Typical bully move. They both need to kick him to the curb.
Doneaver over 1 year ago
Kip is not so innocent in this either. He seems to be provoking this to break up with Stef. She just happens to be there as well?
Robin Harwood over 1 year ago
Perhaps because Tiff has turned into a nicer person than Steph is.
Robin Harwood over 1 year ago
And what might he be tempted to do?
GirlGeek Premium Member over 1 year ago
Those are good questions
lvlax over 1 year ago
Which is it Stef.. Is Tiff ‘hotter’ than you or not?? LOL
Good job guys! Now she’ll either have to admit shes insecure and intimidated by Tiff or she’ll butt out and let Kip be Tiff’s roomie.
I’m thinking this arc will continue on Monday! It better! LOL
Caldonia over 1 year ago
This interaction is so toxic you’d think it was happening online. But Steffo is just so toxic herself, so I don’t care.
Binky over 1 year ago
Kip you know you’re tired of Steff. Time for her to have her comeuppance
☜ (↼_↼)Joe1962 over 1 year ago
Stef got smack down by Tiff and Kip.
jea9hrkr over 1 year ago
I think there is something between them. They may not have faced that fact yet. I don’t like cheaters but they have to get Stef settled down. They’re not married or even engaged.
Uncle Kenny over 1 year ago
Does Kip think that Tiffany will provide him with the same sort of favors that Stef has? I don’t think that Tiff is quite ready to give up her “V-Card.”
Sanspareil over 1 year ago
Well they just might leave it to the best beaver!
beb01 over 1 year ago
Of Course he will be tempted. Tiffany isn’t a hysterical control freak. What’s not to like?
I wonder if, upon hearing that Kipper will be staying at the McMansion, Bets will reconsider her refusal since if Tiff can have a guy over why can’t Bets have Gunther?
Next week Stef stews as Bernice a-Muses Nil.
Rhetorical_Question over 1 year ago
Tom Farrell will not allow it?
9thCapricorn over 1 year ago
Bummer. They haven’t broken up. Stef should break up just for offering to room with Tiff right in front of her. Kip might say that went to show how much he is confident with his relationship with Stef that rooming with Tiff won’t affect their relationship, but we know it is bull. He is offering because he sees an opportunity.
snsurone76 over 1 year ago
A better question would be: “Why have I put up with you for so long??”
kenhense over 1 year ago
Hopefully Monday is back to Bets & Gunther – more interesting.
californiamonty over 1 year ago
Comedian: Wow. People are crazy. Right? Audience: RIGHT! Comedian: You know this. Right? Audience: RIGHT! Comedian: You’re people. Right? Audience: RIGHT! Wait. What?
Enter.Name.Here over 1 year ago
No. Last question was “ARE you freakin’ insecure?”
Her: “YES!”
Ruth Brown over 1 year ago
So many things are called bullying nowadays.
The real danger is by protesting so much Steph creates resistance and gets their minds thinking to “ give them something to talk about.”
ProclaimLiberty over 1 year ago
I must apologize for attempting to pose a logical question at a moment like this, but I really want to ask why Stef is addressing Tiff rather than Kip. Tiff hasn’t done anything, despite some previous innocent flirting with Kip over the commercial enterprise of T’s Teas a little while ago. But Stef seemed to be oblivious to that at the time; and the present exchange was precipitated only by Kip offering himself as a summer housemate and implicit incidental “security blanket”. Stef really ought to be expressing her displeasure directly toward Kip, with Tiff only incidentally in the background. I suppose we might infer that Stef has some reason to believe that Kip might ignore any of her protestation; but that Tiff could be intimidated by an expression of “Don’t you dare!”.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 1 year ago
At this point, Tiff should remember last summer when Stef falsely accused her, and Dez and Bets of stealing Stef’s stupid ring, and allow Kip to stay and tell Stef to take a flying leap.
Doesn’t matter though. Stef will somehow or another, never give Kip or Tiff a minutes peace while he’s at the manse.
Besides, I kinda suspect everything will come to a screeching halt once that new security system is installed and Poppa Farrell accesses the system’s cameras and want to know why the H3LL, some “guy” is prancing around the manse wearing only a towel (Never you mind that Ann Eiffel once did about the SAME thing) go all “Al and Irma” on Tiffany, and demand that Kip leave, STAT.
That’s provided Stef doesn’t worm her way into staying, too.,
French Persons' Treasury of Self-Applauding Batty Premium Member over 1 year ago
Tiffany’s hair = Tasha Yar as a Romulan
Wilkins068 over 1 year ago
They do sound kinda alike. Good job, Kip
eced52 over 1 year ago
Love the fact she didn’t scope the questions first.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 1 year ago
It’s nice to see Tiffany say what she thinks about Stef and her self-proclaimed superior beauty. But the problem is, Stef is right. Even if Kip’s intentions were just to reassure Tiffany, it would be really weird to let your boyfriend spend the summer in a gorgeous mansion with the only company of your really hot and rich roommate. So I don’t think that will happen. Unless one of them finds a miraculous way to convince her or she decides not to visit the family and go with them.
leighabc123 over 1 year ago
This arc just gets better! And we will find out the type of guy Kip really is!
hlovell over 1 year ago
I have a different take on this. Kipp has flirted with Tiff in the past. She has definitely shown interest in him. I understand why Steph would not like this arrangement at all. I think it would be best for all of them if tiff found someone else to live with her.
rebroxanna over 1 year ago
I hope she’s so freakin insecure because she’s got reason to be. Break up with her, Kip, before you start being in the wrong for stringing her along.
Rockabore over 1 year ago
Y’know, I feel like this is kind of mean on Kip’s part. Gaslighting his slow girlfriend into allowing him the opportunity to cheat while she’s out of the picture. What’s next is he going to say, “C’mon, honey, you know you can trust me to be faithful.” while he winks at Tiffany right after saying it? If I were Stef I’d have ended it the minute that suggestion left his mouth.
sueb1863 over 1 year ago
Kip is a jerk. He seems to have no real interest in being nice to Stef and treats her like like dirt while openly flirting with Tiffany. He seems to only keep Stef around for the ego boost of having a hot cheerleader for a main squeeze. He seems to be one of those guys who has the attitude of “I’ll play around all I want and you can put up with it or leave, I don’t care.”
bittenbyknittin over 1 year ago
Why is she yelling at Tiff? She should be addressing the issue with Kip.
Ignatz Premium Member over 1 year ago
Stef isn’t even drawn good-looking. And she’s a horrible person. So why is Kip with her at all?
Lord Hearteater over 1 year ago
Touché, Tiffany.
TwilightFaze over 1 year ago
HA!!!! Nice bait-trap, Tiff!
Ancient Wise Guy over 1 year ago
I try to flirt lightly, but all I get back is, “What are you doing in here? Get out of my bathroom.”
Aficionado over 1 year ago
I LOVE today’s strip!!
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Go for the kill Tiff you got her on the ropes
atomicdog over 1 year ago
WilliamVollmer over 1 year ago
Steff is showing “green eyes” here. First, though Kip has offered, Tif has not accepted (yet?). Second, Kip hasn’t. at least not yet, said anything about any “other kind” of interaction between him and Tiffany. Just offered to be her summer house mate. And, while Tiffany is pointing out Steff’s insecurities about her relationship with Kip. Tiff, has shown no real interest in Kip. (except to probably admire his physique, like we men do with women’s.)
lunapeachie over 1 year ago
My question is for Kip: Why are you still with Steph is you’re clearly not happy?
Ellis97 over 1 year ago
That’s why I don’t do relationships. My woman might leave me for someone else or at the very least, enable him hitting on her.
mountainclimber over 1 year ago
Alluring? Not either of them. C’mon Kip, you can do better.
comic reader 22 over 1 year ago
Kip and Stef are “going” together. He gave her his class ring. They have an understanding that they will “be together forever”. Now he sets up a summer of living with Tiffany in her mansion without even speaking to Steffanie about it first. So the answer to his question is “I am insecure because your behaviors make me feel that way”. She should realize by now that he is a cheater, (and will cheat on her wherever he ends up for the summer). And who was it who put his class ring in a storage box last summer? (The ring that she was supposed to be wearing). So those two deserve each other.
Tiffany’s single motive for asking Steffanie to room with her in the dorm was to get to Kip, so she ‘s not innocent at all. I’m just surprised she has the where-with-all to actually make it happen, (being the ditzy kind of girl who runs down stairs while looking at a phone). Maybe she should consider how he’s treating Steffanie, and picture herself in the same situation down the road.
BuckarooDave over 1 year ago
Sunday: Shannon wonders why she’s not in more comics!
scott.rouse over 1 year ago
I still say Kip and Tiff should be together they have chemistry. Tiff seems tot treat Kim better than that blow up doll does. The way she treats him reminds me of another couple. I remember this one guy who dated this developmentally challenged girl who expected him to give up all of his hopes, dreams, and interests and just spend his time reminding her that he is her boyfriend. But when the guy got interested in acting she kicked to the curb and then went so far as to say that he was the one who wasn’t ready a mature relationship. The nerve of some people.
nightflight over 1 year ago
So does Kip pursue Tiffany, the hot challenge, or settle for Stef and her one stop shopping?
snowedin, now known as Missy's mom over 1 year ago
Tell her, Kip!
RSH over 1 year ago
Good save Kip. He needs (for once) to speak for himself.
timzsixty9 over 1 year ago
why does Tiffany’s hair look like a broom, with a cut out for her face?
StoicLion1973 over 1 year ago
That “insecure” line is gaslighting from Kip. He and Tiff are obviously attracted to each other. Stef is in her right to be upset about this arrangement.
pls50 over 1 year ago
i do not think he is interested in Stef anymore and is ready to move on to a richer girl.
DaBump Premium Member over 1 year ago
But seriously, insecure is one thing, letting your serious boyfriend live in a mansion with another beautiful girl for a summer without objecting? Unrealistic.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 1 year ago
Stef is lagging both Tiffany and Kip here.
smsrt over 1 year ago
That’s quite an assumption. Committed to a wild control freak that is definitely insecure beyond her boundaries? I think this ole boy is driving in his own lane, accident-free. Good for him! Of course, that’s only the thoughts of s skate-boarding frog.
Anon4242 over 1 year ago
Kip and Steph have been on the edge of breaking up for at least a year. I don’t think love or respect comes into their equation. They don’t have a relationship – they mutually use each other. The most mature grown up thing they could do would be to end it already and move on.
cupertino jay over 1 year ago
two dimensional
imoty2004 over 1 year ago
Of COURSE she’s insecure. I’m assuming that she’s in university on some kind of cheerleading scholarship since she’s clearly not the brightest bulb on the string. But she’d still have to keep her grades up to a certain standard so presumably, she has at least a working brain. She’d need to have the brain of a jellyfish not to understand on some level that Kip is just using her, and she’s afraid that he’ll drop her like the proverbial hot potato if he can get with someone he likes better. I know I’m in the minority here, but I think she’s ill-done by, and I feel sorry for her.
cfkelley over 1 year ago
Do him, Tiffany! Just do him!!
DanielDrummond over 1 year ago
Fun discussion. I think a lot of people are reading the future into this, and that makes sense, because Real Life and Fiction really do operate on different rules.
So from one point of view, Kip can claim he is interested in living in the Mansion because a) it’s a nice place to live, b) Tiff clearly is afraid of another burglary and what would be better than a strong guy to be there in case, and c) Stef has treated Kip like property from the start, so its time for him to push back and remind her he has a voice in the relationship.
We have already seen that Tiff and Kip like each other, precisely because they can be relaxed around the other (remember the back and forth tea puns?). That’s not even flirting, because if it were it would “flirting” to make your coworkers feel appreciated and your customers feel liked. The waitress who smiles at you and says you look nice is looking for a tip, not a date, by the way.
I think it’s wrong to accuse Kip of making a move on Tiff. He’s had opportunity before, you know, but did not do or say anything that indicated he planned to cheat on Stef. Stef, on the other hand, jumps to the conclusion right from the start, showing great distrust in her partner. Tiff, if it needs to be said, has done nothing remotely wrong.
paldec over 1 year ago
I think Stef and Kip have been in a serious, exclusive relationship for awhile now. The question is, should they still be? I vote no. But I don’t think Stef is there yet.
BuckarooDave over 1 year ago
" Brevity is the soul of wit" ….
please people; far too many TL;DNR paragraphs of pseudo analysis or venting diatribes! My eyes are barely open till my coffee kicks in. 2 lines, 3 at most should suffice!!!
YorkGirl Premium Member over 1 year ago
Oooo! Ouch! Loving Tiffany more and more! She, like Les, sometimes cut right through it. I wasn’t expecting Kip to volunteer, but since Steff was going home and didn’t invite him….. will she dump Miss Yam? Good question Kip. Green-eyed monster around? Will T’s Teas business make a return? =;-o
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 1 year ago
I love how Tiffany keeps her cool as Stephany yells at her. I hope I’m wrong about Stephi, she may make a good friend after all.
locake over 1 year ago
Stefi can say whatever she wants, But Kip and Tiffany are both adults and can do what they want. If Tiffany agrees to Kip’s offer, he can move in for the summer. Tiff’s dad is the only other person who has any say in it.
dimndno over 1 year ago
It’s still odd seeing a storyline with Tiff as the smart one.
phileaux over 1 year ago
Being insecure can make you a people pleaser which is why she’s so “physical” with you.
greenlynn Premium Member over 1 year ago
Is it my imagination (well really it is) that Tiff is being drawn a bit, well, chunkier?
Gen.Flashman over 1 year ago
Actually Stef/Tiffany/Kip look to be about the same size, must not be much of a football team if he is the quarterback.
pchemcat over 1 year ago
Jealousy is toxic. No one should put up with a jealous partner. If you can’t trust your partner then you shouldn’t be with them. Same goes for your partner, you don’t trust them, they should dump you.
pontiac59 over 1 year ago
Laughed out loud at this one
Susan123 over 1 year ago
Even comic strips have drama, oh boy
Call me Ishmael over 1 year ago
She’s insecure because he’s a jerk.
Call me Ishmael over 1 year ago
But all three of them are jerks.
Teto85 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Oh Shoog, do you need some ointment for that burn?
oakie817 over 1 year ago
most excellent
nightflight over 1 year ago
Stef knows that Kip is addicted to sex. That’s how she got him. That’s how she keeps him, and that’s why she knows he’ll jump for the “flavor of the day” as soon as it’s offered.
Rauderi over 1 year ago
Wait, a Luann™ male actually standing up for himself? Someone must’ve lit a candle in a pentagram.
Curiosity Premium Member over 1 year ago
Wow, where is BabyBlue coming from? He’s not the problem.
eladee AKA Wally over 1 year ago
I’m not a Stef fan—-far from it. But in this case she is not being “insecure” at all. What person on earth would allow your BF or GF to summer without you in a mansion with someone who had flirted and shown interest in your significant other? No way would a sane person go on their merry way without a care. Stef’s instincts are dead on in this case, especially since these two have already been teasing and flirting to beat the band. Anyone with any sense at all could feel the “vibes” between Kip and Tiff. Ugh!!!! Stef is wise to be cautious.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 1 year ago
I believe my beloved Tiffany has gotten her confidence back.
The Quiet One over 1 year ago
You have her on the ropes Tiff.
orz over 1 year ago
I haven’t checked this comic in years, but did Tiffany get fat?
tinstar over 1 year ago
There were too many comments for me to tell, but, I did not see anything that constituted “flirting.” He simply said he would like to stay in the mansion over the Summer. There could be ANY number of reasons that are totally innocent… such as losing his apartment (depending on where he lives), or financial reasons. There was no “leering,” or seductive looks. How many roommates are there, of the opposite sex, that are the epitome of platonic?
tutibug5 over 1 year ago
Not sure who will be staying with Tiffany this summer – but I sure hope she throws a pool party and invites the old gang.
Sisyphos over 1 year ago
A very satisfying day! The Tiffster neatly traps impulsive twit Steffi. And then Kip skewers her through-and-through. Yet, even so, I suppose she isn’t done yet….