Luann and Bernice still havent matured enough to know what they want. They still have that high school mentality with the boy crazy hormones when they need to grow up and focus on what they actually want to do in life. i mean Luann still lives at home with a messy room and has no clue about what she wants in a career and Bernice is similar .
Life isn’t a dress rehearsal girls. Like one vulture said to the other as they sat in the tree in the desert looking for dinner…..“Patience my a$$, I’m gonna kill something!”
Luann, if you know Italian, maybe you can be employed in the Tuscany Valley wine business. If so, could you please send me a bottle of chianti? Just be sure ti wash your feet before stomping the grapes!
Talk Talk, talk, that’s all Karen ever does. Tiffany talked endless why she couldn’t go talk to Kip instead of just downstairs. Now Luann and Bernice are talking about meeting a boy instead of goign out and meeting one. Go to the Fuse and start writing that Hot Romantic Novel she was talking about or go to the Student Union and start writing there. Someone is eventually going to ask “whatchadoin” and take it from there, As Yoda would say, “wotta schmuck” “Do or don’t do, there is no try.”
Real world versus fiction. I have known people who took time to settle on a major in college. Few people. My parents would never have tolerated the professional student stuff. Luann doesn’t have a job. How long would parents pay for this? Tiffany’s father cut her off for a time. If Luann just wants her”Mrs degree” maybe she’d be better off working.
Does anyone else but me perceive here a terrible insult to the notion of higher education? These two girls seem to invoke an old joke about going to college to obtain an “Mrs.” degree. Higher educational institutions are not finishing schools for debutantes. They are not a place for romantic entertainment. Perhaps education and training should revert to discrete specialized training institutions for technical skills in product assembly, construction, agriculture, or teaching, or professional skills in engineering, law, medicine, psychiatry/psychology, sciences, educational curricular development, or similarly intensive skills. I should not neglect the specialized training for careers in arts, history, political analysis, writing, entertainment performance and content development, and the like. Nor, for that matter, religious community support. One should not enter such institutions except to pursue a practical professional career, after having determined aptitude, qualifications and motivation to do so. Much more emphasis ought to be given to testing before offering guidance to individuals about initial pursuit of a career or a later change of career. In any case, neither pottery nor poetry represent career skills. They have a different function in the complex intellectual environment of an advanced civilization.
OMG two girls in their off time discuss their romantic aspirations and they’re immediately cast as gold diggers only going to college to get their Mrs.I guess that makes every guy on campus who talks about a hot looking girl with his buddy a rapist. C’mon, people.
Come on, Luann. Pick some subjects that GUYS would be interested in. Accounting, industrial arts, science-related stuff…. but not poetry and child development. And pottery is iffy (though there was one male student in my HS who was in the pottery class…and quite good).
“Maybe you’ll meet a guy in your classes. What are you taking?” ….. “I’m taking classes in ‘would you like fries with that?’ … But I’ll be able to say it in Italian too! How cool is that?”
It’s time for both these characters to follow the ways of Aaron Hill and the Aussie, Quill. They are verrrrry borrring. Bring back Delta and Ann Eifel, that is, bring back soem spark.
When I was an undergraduate (1970-75) it was common for colleges to require four semesters of PE your first two years-classes were coed and could be such activities as archery, fencing or badminton. Some universities such as Harvard had a manditory swiming requirement-swim a mile to graduate. I assume they are statrting their Spring Semester of Sophmore year.
Meh, “smoldering tension” is overrated for this kind of thing. A gentle friendship can be the best way to start a long-term relationship that gets deeper as the years go by.
Luann has great chances of meeting someone interesting and Bernice seems happy for her. I hope this leads the story at showing Luann taking the different classes, I would love to see her do pottery. I feel a little sorry for Luann at the idea of her agonising on the Italian conjugations. Let’s hope she has a very good teacher, or that she discovers to be good at it.
I wonder if Bernice’s New Year’s resolution is to be a nicer more supportive friend because she’s definitely being out of character right now! And she’s even smiling!!!!
Remember that sexy(?) pottery scene in the Demi Moore movie Ghost? A movie that certain “folks” here said they absolutely HATED?
Perhaps, Lu wishes to recreate that scene, with “Mr. Right.”
Although, I believe that with Lu’s “luck” she’ll only recreate that scene in the movie where Demi rolls and later SMASHES a glass jar full of coins down a staircase.
And one more thing.
IMO, with possible exception of the “bilingual” bit, the guy that Bernice is describing in panel two sounds a suspiciously like Gunther.
So a belated Happy and SAFE New Year to Youse Guys! ;-)
As long as her parents are willing to pay for her “social club” at the community college, Luann will continue to take these miscellaneous courses to fill her schedule. If she’s already completed her basic credits she should enroll at the university.
With LuAnn, Greg and Karen do such a good job of portraying those late teen/early 20s kids who are taking more time to find their way. I was one of those – it just took me longer with some starts and stops, but all of that got me to my grown-up self with a purpose, doing some good in the world, and raising a family. No regrets.
And Greg and Karen’s gentle humor with LuAnn’s extended adolescence makes me smile and remember.
Looking at the May 9 strip, Luann changed her mind on archeology and welding, and is now taking child development and poetry instead. Now she has to figure out how to double-dip (or triple-dip, or even quadruple-dip) assignments for the four classes!
9thCapricorn 2 days ago
Puddles is channeling Bernice with a snarky expression.
TravelinMan 2 days ago
Is this arc foreshadowing a romance for Luann? Stay tooned!
illuminare 2 days ago
Luann and Bernice still havent matured enough to know what they want. They still have that high school mentality with the boy crazy hormones when they need to grow up and focus on what they actually want to do in life. i mean Luann still lives at home with a messy room and has no clue about what she wants in a career and Bernice is similar .
MichaelAxelFleming 2 days ago
Nice to see some interaction between these two that isn’t critical or snarky.
194919671982 2 days ago
Life isn’t a dress rehearsal girls. Like one vulture said to the other as they sat in the tree in the desert looking for dinner…..“Patience my a$$, I’m gonna kill something!”
snsurone76 2 days ago
Luann, if you know Italian, maybe you can be employed in the Tuscany Valley wine business. If so, could you please send me a bottle of chianti? Just be sure ti wash your feet before stomping the grapes!
JenF 2 days ago
So… Luann plans to bring nothing to the table and this guy to bring everything.
beb01 2 days ago
Talk Talk, talk, that’s all Karen ever does. Tiffany talked endless why she couldn’t go talk to Kip instead of just downstairs. Now Luann and Bernice are talking about meeting a boy instead of goign out and meeting one. Go to the Fuse and start writing that Hot Romantic Novel she was talking about or go to the Student Union and start writing there. Someone is eventually going to ask “whatchadoin” and take it from there, As Yoda would say, “wotta schmuck” “Do or don’t do, there is no try.”
wallylm 2 days ago
Can you get sparks from rubbing two pieces of slate together?
beb01 2 days ago
Ooo, she’s taking pottery. I know what gifts she’s going to be giving next Christmas. If she doesn’t break all of them first!
Mordock999 Premium Member 2 days ago
Sounds like Luann wants an A.I. boyfriend.
nightflight 2 days ago
Luann’s course load wouldn’t sound so stupid if she were on a basketball scholarship.
Purdey 2 days ago
Real world versus fiction. I have known people who took time to settle on a major in college. Few people. My parents would never have tolerated the professional student stuff. Luann doesn’t have a job. How long would parents pay for this? Tiffany’s father cut her off for a time. If Luann just wants her”Mrs degree” maybe she’d be better off working.
ProclaimLiberty 2 days ago
Does anyone else but me perceive here a terrible insult to the notion of higher education? These two girls seem to invoke an old joke about going to college to obtain an “Mrs.” degree. Higher educational institutions are not finishing schools for debutantes. They are not a place for romantic entertainment. Perhaps education and training should revert to discrete specialized training institutions for technical skills in product assembly, construction, agriculture, or teaching, or professional skills in engineering, law, medicine, psychiatry/psychology, sciences, educational curricular development, or similarly intensive skills. I should not neglect the specialized training for careers in arts, history, political analysis, writing, entertainment performance and content development, and the like. Nor, for that matter, religious community support. One should not enter such institutions except to pursue a practical professional career, after having determined aptitude, qualifications and motivation to do so. Much more emphasis ought to be given to testing before offering guidance to individuals about initial pursuit of a career or a later change of career. In any case, neither pottery nor poetry represent career skills. They have a different function in the complex intellectual environment of an advanced civilization.
nightflight 2 days ago
Art work is an excellent comparison to last week’s Jan. 2 cartoon. Same scene old style – new style.
The Duke 2 days ago
With those classes, Luann must be on the 10 year program.
Wilkins068 2 days ago
‘Poetry, Italian, Child Development, Pottery’
His first name is Haiku, he loves lasagna, he’s a LOT younger than Luann, an he gets stoned all th time
montymiff 2 days ago
OMG two girls in their off time discuss their romantic aspirations and they’re immediately cast as gold diggers only going to college to get their Mrs.I guess that makes every guy on campus who talks about a hot looking girl with his buddy a rapist. C’mon, people.
Rhetorical_Question 2 days ago
Not hilarious?
dlkrueger33 2 days ago
Come on, Luann. Pick some subjects that GUYS would be interested in. Accounting, industrial arts, science-related stuff…. but not poetry and child development. And pottery is iffy (though there was one male student in my HS who was in the pottery class…and quite good).
French Persons' Celebration of Peeved Harry Dinkle Premium Member 2 days ago
“Maybe you’ll meet a guy in your classes. What are you taking?” ….. “I’m taking classes in ‘would you like fries with that?’ … But I’ll be able to say it in Italian too! How cool is that?”
OneTime59 2 days ago
Luann and Bernice have so much time on that bed that the mattress must be worn out by now.
Jesquire 2 days ago
Wow. Bernice being positive.
CountOlaf2.0 Premium Member 2 days ago
More likely gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
myfb1955 2 days ago
It’s time for both these characters to follow the ways of Aaron Hill and the Aussie, Quill. They are verrrrry borrring. Bring back Delta and Ann Eifel, that is, bring back soem spark.
steveconkey2003 2 days ago
Nice list of useless classes. Then they wonder why after $50,000 in loans they can’t find work.
MLBachorik 2 days ago
Too bad Greg won’t have LuAnn’s character grow up like he did with Brad. She’s still a mess with no goals.
ddl297 2 days ago
The word “smoldering” is a dead giveaway, for me anyway. Not a lifetime companion. Not a true love. Just some guy to sweat up the sheets with. Ecch!
Gen.Flashman 2 days ago
When I was an undergraduate (1970-75) it was common for colleges to require four semesters of PE your first two years-classes were coed and could be such activities as archery, fencing or badminton. Some universities such as Harvard had a manditory swiming requirement-swim a mile to graduate. I assume they are statrting their Spring Semester of Sophmore year.
pls72550 2 days ago
LuAnn is spending thousands of dollars on classes that will not lead to a career.
Nick Wright 2 days ago
Luann is preparing for a fulfilling career of teaching Italian children to create pottery inspired by Homer’s The Odyssey.
baskate_2000 2 days ago
Bernice: voice of reality or snotty buzzkill?
DaBump Premium Member 2 days ago
Meh, “smoldering tension” is overrated for this kind of thing. A gentle friendship can be the best way to start a long-term relationship that gets deeper as the years go by.
Aladar30 Premium Member 2 days ago
Luann has great chances of meeting someone interesting and Bernice seems happy for her. I hope this leads the story at showing Luann taking the different classes, I would love to see her do pottery. I feel a little sorry for Luann at the idea of her agonising on the Italian conjugations. Let’s hope she has a very good teacher, or that she discovers to be good at it.
Ellis97 2 days ago
I could be Luann’s Mr. Right, but she doesn’t seem to my type of gal.
scaredyett 2 days ago
I wonder if Bernice’s New Year’s resolution is to be a nicer more supportive friend because she’s definitely being out of character right now! And she’s even smiling!!!!
Mordock999 Premium Member 2 days ago
So Lu’s taking “Pottery” class this year, eh?
Remember that sexy(?) pottery scene in the Demi Moore movie Ghost? A movie that certain “folks” here said they absolutely HATED?
Perhaps, Lu wishes to recreate that scene, with “Mr. Right.”
Although, I believe that with Lu’s “luck” she’ll only recreate that scene in the movie where Demi rolls and later SMASHES a glass jar full of coins down a staircase.
And one more thing.
IMO, with possible exception of the “bilingual” bit, the guy that Bernice is describing in panel two sounds a suspiciously like Gunther.
So a belated Happy and SAFE New Year to Youse Guys! ;-)
WilliamVollmer 2 days ago
Two blank slates filling each other, that COULD work. But then it’sLuann we’re talking about here.
Don Bagert Premium Member 2 days ago
Aw…she didn’t end up taking welding!
comic reader 22 2 days ago
As long as her parents are willing to pay for her “social club” at the community college, Luann will continue to take these miscellaneous courses to fill her schedule. If she’s already completed her basic credits she should enroll at the university.
Wesley Premium Member 2 days ago
How much longer can Luann keep that blank slate, in this economy??
jehelatygr Premium Member 2 days ago
With LuAnn, Greg and Karen do such a good job of portraying those late teen/early 20s kids who are taking more time to find their way. I was one of those – it just took me longer with some starts and stops, but all of that got me to my grown-up self with a purpose, doing some good in the world, and raising a family. No regrets.
And Greg and Karen’s gentle humor with LuAnn’s extended adolescence makes me smile and remember.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 days ago
Child Development will be useful, if she follows through on having “a way” with children;as we’ve seen her do many times.
But…POTTERY???? And none of her work is displayed in her home,so we can guess how awful she is at it….
lvlax 2 days ago
Why do I feel like the more they talk about it, there is less chance she’s going find someone?
It’s best to let things happen naturally. Go outside and do things. Staying inside and talking to Bernice wont get it done.
J. Scarbrough 2 days ago
Looks like Mort B. had my comment deleted. Thanks.
kenhense 2 days ago
Looks like we’re back in the Sahara plot desert again.
lnrokr55 2 days ago
We’re on a road to nowhere,Come on inside,Takin’ that ride to nowhere,We’ll take that rideHappy Tuesday Folks ! ;-)
aristotle835 2 days ago
Bernice being a little encouraging. Nice.
BJShipley1 2 days ago
At least she’s not taking Art 101 for the tenth time.
The Quiet One 2 days ago
As compared to your slate Bernice, which doesn’t appear to be all that full.
Commediacrit 2 days ago
To paraphrase Nelson Algren, never fall for someone whose problems are worse than your own. Two blank slates are folie a deux waiting to happen.
Commediacrit 2 days ago
Oh, and while Bernice’s slate may not be full, it’s far from blank.
Susan123 2 days ago
Luanne could just be threatened by her mother to get a full time job like my mother did. No confusion there.
kaffekup 1 day ago
Nope, no guys in any of those classes, Lu. Better luck next semester.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 1 day ago
Already deeply in love and haven’t even met yet.
Luann is FAST.
JPuzzleWhiz 1 day ago
Folk music has lost a legend.
Peter Yarrow, of Peter, Paul & Mary, has passed away at the age of 86.
R. I. P.
Don Bagert Premium Member 1 day ago
Looking at the May 9 strip, Luann changed her mind on archeology and welding, and is now taking child development and poetry instead. Now she has to figure out how to double-dip (or triple-dip, or even quadruple-dip) assignments for the four classes!
rbrt6956 1 day ago
Looks like Phil is history. Maybe?