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Dear Mr Pastis, in spite of the fact the first comment speaks to your point…thank you for expressing what so many feel. We are Americans…who gripe and argue and disagree and sometimes forget women and men died to give us the right to do so. Thank you!
Sorry, but when the Republican party only cares about power and won’t even accept an investigation into the Jan 6 attack on democracy – and cares more about finding ways to stop certain groups from voting – there is no place where the two sides can meet or work together any more. They have completely abandoned every reason why those dead fought in the first place: honor, democracy, justice, rule of law. The Republican Party has made a mockery of all of it.
Hopefully, you will do better than the students interviewed in this video, who wanted to sign a petition to get rid of Memorial Day. Even though they couldn’t say why it is celebrated:
Is it saying a “mean thing” just because the thing said hurts?
Consider: Truth (often) hurts. Sometimes to honor truth, one has to accept pain… and someone has to inflict pain.
As for honoring those who died protecting us, isn’t it ironic that just yesterday one party refused to allow a non-partisan investigation into the causes of the Capital attacks… wherein one side was clamoring for and threatening death on others? And cops… there to protect… were beaten, left brain-damaged, one with an eye destroyed… by the “side” that wears “Blue lives matter,” as their chosen motto?
Honor those who put their lives on the line for us by holding accountable those who seek to hurt them
The problem with this type of strip implies that the disagreements between the sides are trivial.
The kind of split seen goes back to the Founding generation with the nastiness between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. The one party rule following the end of the Federalists was not an improvement.
The point is here is, these men and women die for freedom. we need to respect them by coming together not tearing down each other. shut off fox and cnn and start DOING positive things for our country.
Watching from Europe I can clearly say that not only can you, but you need to do better.Not sure how to change things, but it is like you need to stop media uncritically broadcasting the lies of the Trumpist cult. Either that or you need to stop the liars from telling their hateful lies, so that the media has no lies to broadcast.With no lies I would think that most of the people seduced by them will see sanity.
I don’t understand why some Americans vote against their best interests: all the women and ethnic minorities who support the Republican Party. Even clear across the pond here in London, it looks like Republicans are actively hostile to all gender, ethnic, and economic minorities: trying to suppress their ability to vote, get healthcare, earn wealth, get education, buy a house—but yet every poll shows that all of those groups have at least some support for Republicans. I don’t get it.
It’s ok not to understand. It is NOT ok to be rude or patronizing or dismissive. Treat “them” as you would like to be treated, with respect, courtesy and realizing that you don’t have to agree right this minute. The key to progress is taking a deep breath and taking it down a notch. Over and over again. Until respect and courtesy become the norm.
Yeah, one side wants freedom and the government to get out of their lives, and the other sides wants socialism and to silence or enslave everyone that disagrees with them, but can’t we all just sing Kumbaya and get along?
Seems to be a lot if Republican bashing today. That is the crux of the issue. I’m a conservative Republican and I can’t figure out liberal Democrats. Perhaps this IS the real issue? Can we ever resolve this chasm? I have serious doubts, esp when issues go against core beliefs. I don’t see how man will ever resolve it.
I disagree with needing a third party. I think we need two less than we have now. John Adams said "There nothing I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under it’s leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. With a two party system you automatically pit one side against the other instead of working together for the greater good.
Anyone else remember back when our political parties could disagree, but STILL sit down and actually calmly talk out their differences without yelling and screaming at each other, to work through them to create a compromise and do what what was best for AMERICA, and NOT just for the Democrats or the Republicans??
@StephanPastis … the comments section must be making your head hurt. They couldn’t leave it alone for even one day, could they? I probably don’t agree with your politics, but I believe you are adult enough to engage in civil discussion on such matters. Have a safe day.
Ran across this quote on “Today’s Trivia”, knew I was going to share it numerous times…———“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”-Voltaire
What this weekend is really meant for. The challenge is keeping this in our focus all the time. Happy Memorial Day to all who have served, living and dead.
It’s so very sad that we forgot what Memorial Day is all about, which is, remembering the ultimate sacrifice made for us and our nation by those who have fought and died in all of our wars by the men and women of all races, religions and creeds. The division in our country is so very real today. Maybe, with God’s help, we can start anew with a vision of compromising and healing those divides. I know that it’s easier said than done. However, if we don’t at least recognize the seriousness of the problem and start down the path of solving those problems, our Nation is doomed. The great Enlightenment experiment of a Nation of peoples governing themselves will have become nothing more than a noble attempt but an abject failure as people, in reality, are or have become, too selfish. We will deserve whatever awaits us. Remember all those who died for us everyday……
+Both major political parties have good and bad points . The wise person would take the good of both and create a new party. Economically it would be something like, limited capitalism with social and environmental conscience with humanitarian objectives. Sociologically it would be reduced to, everything is OK as long as no one else is victimized by your actions. Spiritually it would be, believe what you want because no one knows what actually happens when you die. Admittedly this is a gross over simplification of the human situation but I think you get my point.
… the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power……….hmm
Dims of today have gone totally off the rails. There are actually 3 categories of Dims today. Pick where you fall.1) Elitists – Your celebrities fall here2) Uneducated – many fall into this group3) Brainwashed – most of the kids and many old time Dims (I was once in this group) that watch mainstream media without doing homework.
The last panel is totally unrealistic. The guy in red would claim that all those crosses are fake, made up so that the blue guy could further ruin the country.
an interesting take…but only one party has a leader that calls veterans “suckers” & dishonors heroes like john mccain…i think you forgot about that, stephan.
I would suggest that a good place to start is to cut out the name calling. I don’t remember it being so universal before the last decade or so, and I mean from both sides (e.g., “Libtards”, “Trumptards”, “Lamestream Media”, etc., etc.). I don’t remember much if any of that from the Reagan years, for example, when there at least seemed to be some respect for each other (think Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Niell). When did all the name calling really start? Not to point fingers (actually I am), but I think that Sarah Palin at least popularized it, maybe because she didn’t really have anything worthwhile to say? (Yeah, I know I’m pretty close to doing the name calling too)
This seems like a touching message but it portrays the behavior and positions of both sides as equal and that is simply not true: one side is trying to regain/retain power by subverting our democracy and governmental systems and pushing lies to get a segment of the population to support those efforts, and the other side is trying to stop them.
I grew up in a conservative republican household. Was one for years. Until I got campaign phone calls decades ago. Calls that were filled with hate & lies about members of their own party, filled with nothing but vitriol. That’s when I started to doubt the party. I by that time had seen enough of life to listen and “walk a mile in their shoes” for both parties. Not too long after that the GOP went back to Nixon Era lies & BS but added in the “anything THEY say, we’ll only talk over & shout down” phase. The Democrats didn’t have a lot of things I agreed with but they at least gave reasons better than “My country – live it or leave it.” Americans needed help, we were war over what CEO’s wanted, not against those really responsible for attacks on Americans around the globe. Worse, they started treating themselves as elites, immune from taxes and responsibility, and fed the common person a ton of BS. Today, they’re denying the very existence of an insurrection they fomented – absolutely refuse it even happened. They refuse to discuss even after many court cases and studies that there was an actually fair election. Not only wasn’t it stolen but the very few proven and confessed to voter frauds were by Republicans. However, even after lying about things the ex-president did & said live and on camera & live microphones, even after all the pedophiles and morally reprehensible actions of its members, aside from all that, the biggest thing those people did was refuse to even attempt to reach across the aisle or to listen to any viewpoints but theirs exclusively. Add to that the hate and vitriol they dumped on a true hero and member of their own party, John McCain, even after his death. And the cowardly attack on the Capitol Building of The United States of American in which they threatened and attacked police, and posed mortal dangers to their own members. Americans died because we demand accountability. The GQP patri-nots ain’t got it. They shame the price of freedom.
I typically vote conservative, but am not a registered republican. Today’s GOP and it’s followers are delusional, hitching their wagons to an unhinged loser. They continue to talk about a ridiculous lie about the last election and depend on people like Mike Lindell. These folks are wackos and morons. Period. That doesn’t mean I support Nancy Pelosi, it just means that Trump has the mind of a child and just won’t let it go. There is more hard evidence for the existence of Sasquatch than any “massive voter fraud”. Goodness…just look at the nonsense going on in Arizona. That’s not an audit, it’s a bunch of morons looking for something which simply doesn’t exist. The Democrats aren’t all that good either, but at least their not self-imploding like the GOP right now. How can anybody take Marjorie Greene seriously? She’s a joke. Ugh…now back to reading comics.
It’s a lot easier for Cartoon-Boy to bring Red and Blue together in his Memorial Day strip, unfortunately, than it is in what passes for Real Life these days….
Sadly, a quick perusal of the comments demonstrates that most readers totally missed the point. Try to be more than your party affiliation and talking points.
Grew up under president Dwight David Eisenhower’s terms in office. Those were the times when there were true Democrats and Republicans, not the distrust of today’s Trumpists. I’m waiting for my Republican party to come back.
judging from all the comments this extremely intelligent comic didn’t work. I guess it went right over their heads. You’ll need to dumb it down a bit Pastis.
At last. A cartoon that truly shows the ridiculously stupid and completely inane level of political debate on both sides but most especially on the radical, motormouthed and blinkered fringe elements of both sides.Some people should be ashamed of themselves
have found that its always republican/liberal. liberals bash republicans, republicans generalize liberals. liberals hate the republicans policies, republicans hate the liberals policies. its a debate, and I’m sure that i am going to get a reply sayin “wow what a liberal thing to say” or “wow you sound like a conservative”. IM NOT TRYING POST MY POLITICAL OPINION ON A COMICS WEBSITE. i know that this country is so divided we cant see past the red vs blue. and the sad thing is, it works. many conservatives cant see past the fact people are liberals, and vice versa. your probably wondering how i know this. its because that I USED TO THINK THIS WAY TOO. but this is a mentally damaging horrible way to live life. i have aunts and uncles of a different political opinion, but i see past the sale. its not all i see them as. you wouldn’t see your family members as only their political opinion, so why see someone else as it? as I’m writing this, the top comment is 100 people haven’t i political debate. now you have probably noticed the ways I’m writing, writing “Like a republican” or “like a liberal.” this was intentional, because if you were actively looking for them, your going against my point, and if you picked up on them, that’s my point. in two people lifespans America has turned it from “lets get along” to how can we not get along. this is a damaging mindset. thank you for taking the time to read this, have a good day/night.
BE THIS GUY almost 4 years ago
It’s because of even worse fighting among fellow Americans 160 years ago that the US has a Memorial Day.
This day is to honor those who paid the ultimate price, and families and loved ones that suffered the greatest loss.
Avatar_Hoodie almost 4 years ago
sad that america is still fighting for rights it should already have
BasilBruce almost 4 years ago
All Stephan is saying is, “Give peace a chance.”
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
A much more telling “political cartoon” than many of the Memorial day efforts I’ve seen here and elsewhere.
Thanks, Pastis. We probably did need that reminder.
eolan59 almost 4 years ago
Yes you can do better, but the important question is will you do better?
parforden almost 4 years ago
We had better do better or were doomed as a country.
Kveldulf almost 4 years ago
Please, everyone ………… just for today, no hateful comments.
If we can make it one day, we can make it another. One day at a time. It works for AA.
Kveldulf almost 4 years ago
Speaking of which, Happy First Birthday to my friend Gary. Clean and sober and got his one year medal a few days ago.
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
well, Happy Memorial Day to you
Imagine almost 4 years ago
The county is going through a gigantic mental health crisis, if you ask me.
ronaldspence almost 4 years ago
Dear Mr Pastis, in spite of the fact the first comment speaks to your point…thank you for expressing what so many feel. We are Americans…who gripe and argue and disagree and sometimes forget women and men died to give us the right to do so. Thank you!
Bilan almost 4 years ago
What better way to honor those that have died for this country than by making up false accusations and tearing it apart.
Um, maybe not.
Pogostiks Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sorry, but when the Republican party only cares about power and won’t even accept an investigation into the Jan 6 attack on democracy – and cares more about finding ways to stop certain groups from voting – there is no place where the two sides can meet or work together any more. They have completely abandoned every reason why those dead fought in the first place: honor, democracy, justice, rule of law. The Republican Party has made a mockery of all of it.
lavender headgear almost 4 years ago
tbh I don’t understand Communists, or to use the polite word, Democrats.
Orcatime almost 4 years ago
Best yet.
stillfickled Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Very good, Pastis!
blunebottle almost 4 years ago
Hopefully, you will do better than the students interviewed in this video, who wanted to sign a petition to get rid of Memorial Day. Even though they couldn’t say why it is celebrated:
The Old Wolf almost 4 years ago
Wish it were that simple.
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Is it saying a “mean thing” just because the thing said hurts?
Consider: Truth (often) hurts. Sometimes to honor truth, one has to accept pain… and someone has to inflict pain.
As for honoring those who died protecting us, isn’t it ironic that just yesterday one party refused to allow a non-partisan investigation into the causes of the Capital attacks… wherein one side was clamoring for and threatening death on others? And cops… there to protect… were beaten, left brain-damaged, one with an eye destroyed… by the “side” that wears “Blue lives matter,” as their chosen motto?
Honor those who put their lives on the line for us by holding accountable those who seek to hurt them
scote1379 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Gettysburg .
markwny13 almost 4 years ago
could’ve stopped before the final word of that statement
bobstonejr53 almost 4 years ago
Thank you!
mjb515 almost 4 years ago
The problem with this type of strip implies that the disagreements between the sides are trivial.
The kind of split seen goes back to the Founding generation with the nastiness between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. The one party rule following the end of the Federalists was not an improvement.
Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
A PBS strip without the regulars, including Steph. Holy smokes
wrd2255 almost 4 years ago
Respect to fallen heroes, but that includes Brian Sicknick. We’re way past Bothsiderism.
1953Baby almost 4 years ago
You’re quite wrong, Pastis, THIS—civil or uncivil warfare with words— is exactly what those who died fought for. And I thank and remember them.
Lotus almost 4 years ago
Thanks, Stephan.
MrTerry1946 almost 4 years ago
The point is here is, these men and women die for freedom. we need to respect them by coming together not tearing down each other. shut off fox and cnn and start DOING positive things for our country.
TheodorFælgen almost 4 years ago
Watching from Europe I can clearly say that not only can you, but you need to do better.Not sure how to change things, but it is like you need to stop media uncritically broadcasting the lies of the Trumpist cult. Either that or you need to stop the liars from telling their hateful lies, so that the media has no lies to broadcast.With no lies I would think that most of the people seduced by them will see sanity.
Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Please stop thinking Democrat or Republican (or Libertarian, whatever). Start with that.
aerotica69 almost 4 years ago
So…..when will we as a nation be getting to the last panel?
Klink1949 almost 4 years ago
Your best yet
Jonathan Mason almost 4 years ago
I assume that this is a USA-centric reference.
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. almost 4 years ago
I don’t understand why some Americans vote against their best interests: all the women and ethnic minorities who support the Republican Party. Even clear across the pond here in London, it looks like Republicans are actively hostile to all gender, ethnic, and economic minorities: trying to suppress their ability to vote, get healthcare, earn wealth, get education, buy a house—but yet every poll shows that all of those groups have at least some support for Republicans. I don’t get it.
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
A sobering thought. For a moment
Caerin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s ok not to understand. It is NOT ok to be rude or patronizing or dismissive. Treat “them” as you would like to be treated, with respect, courtesy and realizing that you don’t have to agree right this minute. The key to progress is taking a deep breath and taking it down a notch. Over and over again. Until respect and courtesy become the norm.
Iseau almost 4 years ago
Thank you.
karencloy almost 4 years ago
Yeah, one side wants freedom and the government to get out of their lives, and the other sides wants socialism and to silence or enslave everyone that disagrees with them, but can’t we all just sing Kumbaya and get along?
Lee26 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Seems to be a lot if Republican bashing today. That is the crux of the issue. I’m a conservative Republican and I can’t figure out liberal Democrats. Perhaps this IS the real issue? Can we ever resolve this chasm? I have serious doubts, esp when issues go against core beliefs. I don’t see how man will ever resolve it.
vacman almost 4 years ago
I disagree with needing a third party. I think we need two less than we have now. John Adams said "There nothing I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under it’s leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution. With a two party system you automatically pit one side against the other instead of working together for the greater good.
John Smith almost 4 years ago
I think you missed the point
Masterskrain almost 4 years ago
Anyone else remember back when our political parties could disagree, but STILL sit down and actually calmly talk out their differences without yelling and screaming at each other, to work through them to create a compromise and do what what was best for AMERICA, and NOT just for the Democrats or the Republicans??
I barely do, and I’m 67 years old.
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
I hate it when comics get political.
diskus Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Get rid of social media and 24 hour news and Pavlov’s dog will go to sleep
Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Thanks and love to all Veterans both alive and not. You are the best of us.
jscarff57 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Unfortunately, that last panel seems out of reach…
hmofo813 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’ll never happen.
hmofo813 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
All of those people died in vain, thanks to every republican politician since Newt Gingrich.
Bill LaRocque Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Well done. We should all be thinking more…
jel354 almost 4 years ago
I like Stephan’s timely, well-timed and touching installments.
MayCauseBurns almost 4 years ago
Republican or Democrat? Well, my favorite line from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”: “Shoot them both.”
Darque Hellmutt almost 4 years ago
@StephanPastis … the comments section must be making your head hurt. They couldn’t leave it alone for even one day, could they? I probably don’t agree with your politics, but I believe you are adult enough to engage in civil discussion on such matters. Have a safe day.
minute_of_decade almost 4 years ago
wouah, a message by Stephen Pastis whose actually clever, profound and not funny. Never though i would live to see it.
Cincoflex almost 4 years ago
The grave markers are white; no red or blue once you’ve given for your country.
The One follower almost 4 years ago
this is weird
Bruce1253 almost 4 years ago
No Greater Love. . . . .
Goat from PBS almost 4 years ago
Thanks, Pastis. We all need this reminder.
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
Ran across this quote on “Today’s Trivia”, knew I was going to share it numerous times…———“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”-Voltaire
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 4 years ago
What this weekend is really meant for. The challenge is keeping this in our focus all the time. Happy Memorial Day to all who have served, living and dead.
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
It’s so very sad that we forgot what Memorial Day is all about, which is, remembering the ultimate sacrifice made for us and our nation by those who have fought and died in all of our wars by the men and women of all races, religions and creeds. The division in our country is so very real today. Maybe, with God’s help, we can start anew with a vision of compromising and healing those divides. I know that it’s easier said than done. However, if we don’t at least recognize the seriousness of the problem and start down the path of solving those problems, our Nation is doomed. The great Enlightenment experiment of a Nation of peoples governing themselves will have become nothing more than a noble attempt but an abject failure as people, in reality, are or have become, too selfish. We will deserve whatever awaits us. Remember all those who died for us everyday……
nednewbie almost 4 years ago
Pastis is wrong on this one. This time, it’s not a “both sides are bad” thing.
skildude almost 4 years ago
to paraphrase Nicholson in “As Good as It Gets” You just need to take away reason and logic and you have a republican
OldTooly Premium Member almost 4 years ago
+Both major political parties have good and bad points . The wise person would take the good of both and create a new party. Economically it would be something like, limited capitalism with social and environmental conscience with humanitarian objectives. Sociologically it would be reduced to, everything is OK as long as no one else is victimized by your actions. Spiritually it would be, believe what you want because no one knows what actually happens when you die. Admittedly this is a gross over simplification of the human situation but I think you get my point.
AZPhinFan almost 4 years ago
… the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power……….hmm
esarde almost 4 years ago
Seems like very few of the commentators even read and understood the comic strip.
LogicalLonnie almost 4 years ago
Dims of today have gone totally off the rails. There are actually 3 categories of Dims today. Pick where you fall.1) Elitists – Your celebrities fall here2) Uneducated – many fall into this group3) Brainwashed – most of the kids and many old time Dims (I was once in this group) that watch mainstream media without doing homework.
WCraft almost 4 years ago
I fear the root of the division run much deeper but major kudos to you for trying, Stephan!
johnpbauer almost 4 years ago
What’s to understand? We love our country, want everyone to be prosperous, and think liberals are complete idiots.
d edwin almost 4 years ago
You are missing the point. Get along for all those that gave their lives for your freedom!
donwestonmysteries almost 4 years ago
GOP has turned into a cult.
tripwire45 almost 4 years ago
I wish.
LaughterIsJoyMuliplied almost 4 years ago
Thanks Steph, I needed that.
Solaricious Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The last panel is totally unrealistic. The guy in red would claim that all those crosses are fake, made up so that the blue guy could further ruin the country.
hitek1st almost 4 years ago
Where’s the atheists ‘A’ out there? We’re growing faster than all the religions.
MLarson1 almost 4 years ago
This is one of the best PBS comics I’ve seen. Well done, Stephan.
cmarckwardt Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Thanks for this strip!
Odd Dog Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Thank you Stephan! God bless our brothers and sisters
DCBakerEsq almost 4 years ago
Actually, they DID die for this.
NWdryad almost 4 years ago
Sadly, we aren’t doing better. In some ways, even worse.
cae2544 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Thanks Steven… for reminding us that freedom is not free.
AlanRobisch1 almost 4 years ago
I think it nails current politics on the nose. We all talk past each other and accuse the other guy of being terrible.
Imhere2847 almost 4 years ago
How about trying to drop the politics all together and just deal with each other one on one, not as a party?
Natarose almost 4 years ago
nice ending Stephen
asrialfeeple almost 4 years ago
Divide and conquer.
bunrabbit99 almost 4 years ago
an interesting take…but only one party has a leader that calls veterans “suckers” & dishonors heroes like john mccain…i think you forgot about that, stephan.
WF11 almost 4 years ago
I would suggest that a good place to start is to cut out the name calling. I don’t remember it being so universal before the last decade or so, and I mean from both sides (e.g., “Libtards”, “Trumptards”, “Lamestream Media”, etc., etc.). I don’t remember much if any of that from the Reagan years, for example, when there at least seemed to be some respect for each other (think Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Niell). When did all the name calling really start? Not to point fingers (actually I am), but I think that Sarah Palin at least popularized it, maybe because she didn’t really have anything worthwhile to say? (Yeah, I know I’m pretty close to doing the name calling too)
mordalo almost 4 years ago
Talk less.Listen more.
oakie817 almost 4 years ago
Oclvroadbikerider almost 4 years ago
Obviously the point of today’s comic was lost on most of these jackass comments.
WilliamDoerfler almost 4 years ago
Come on, man! Reach across the aisle, find common ground, give back and make A difference! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! The future is over!
Nancy Simpson almost 4 years ago
No Nazi flags at Arlington.
Treehggr87 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
There is no common ground to be found with with insurrectionists OR their supporters—
cromwelljones53 almost 4 years ago
good one.
janiceg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This seems like a touching message but it portrays the behavior and positions of both sides as equal and that is simply not true: one side is trying to regain/retain power by subverting our democracy and governmental systems and pushing lies to get a segment of the population to support those efforts, and the other side is trying to stop them.
Display almost 4 years ago
I grew up in a conservative republican household. Was one for years. Until I got campaign phone calls decades ago. Calls that were filled with hate & lies about members of their own party, filled with nothing but vitriol. That’s when I started to doubt the party. I by that time had seen enough of life to listen and “walk a mile in their shoes” for both parties. Not too long after that the GOP went back to Nixon Era lies & BS but added in the “anything THEY say, we’ll only talk over & shout down” phase. The Democrats didn’t have a lot of things I agreed with but they at least gave reasons better than “My country – live it or leave it.” Americans needed help, we were war over what CEO’s wanted, not against those really responsible for attacks on Americans around the globe. Worse, they started treating themselves as elites, immune from taxes and responsibility, and fed the common person a ton of BS. Today, they’re denying the very existence of an insurrection they fomented – absolutely refuse it even happened. They refuse to discuss even after many court cases and studies that there was an actually fair election. Not only wasn’t it stolen but the very few proven and confessed to voter frauds were by Republicans. However, even after lying about things the ex-president did & said live and on camera & live microphones, even after all the pedophiles and morally reprehensible actions of its members, aside from all that, the biggest thing those people did was refuse to even attempt to reach across the aisle or to listen to any viewpoints but theirs exclusively. Add to that the hate and vitriol they dumped on a true hero and member of their own party, John McCain, even after his death. And the cowardly attack on the Capitol Building of The United States of American in which they threatened and attacked police, and posed mortal dangers to their own members. Americans died because we demand accountability. The GQP patri-nots ain’t got it. They shame the price of freedom.
diane2220 almost 4 years ago
Best thing I’ve read today
Christopher Shea almost 4 years ago
Stephan Pastis reveals that he was just a pen name for Scott Stantis all along.
The Sinistral Bassist Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Simplistic pabulum. It is insanity to seek unity with people actively trying to destroy your way of life
jkedz6364 almost 4 years ago
I typically vote conservative, but am not a registered republican. Today’s GOP and it’s followers are delusional, hitching their wagons to an unhinged loser. They continue to talk about a ridiculous lie about the last election and depend on people like Mike Lindell. These folks are wackos and morons. Period. That doesn’t mean I support Nancy Pelosi, it just means that Trump has the mind of a child and just won’t let it go. There is more hard evidence for the existence of Sasquatch than any “massive voter fraud”. Goodness…just look at the nonsense going on in Arizona. That’s not an audit, it’s a bunch of morons looking for something which simply doesn’t exist. The Democrats aren’t all that good either, but at least their not self-imploding like the GOP right now. How can anybody take Marjorie Greene seriously? She’s a joke. Ugh…now back to reading comics.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
It’s a lot easier for Cartoon-Boy to bring Red and Blue together in his Memorial Day strip, unfortunately, than it is in what passes for Real Life these days….
PuppyPapa almost 4 years ago
Lee, they’re not just sore losers, they’re winners too.
jimbobka almost 4 years ago
Sadly, a quick perusal of the comments demonstrates that most readers totally missed the point. Try to be more than your party affiliation and talking points.
wolfboy oz boy almost 4 years ago
what contry is the red person
Jon Schutter almost 4 years ago
Thank you, Pastis
garibaldi99 almost 4 years ago
Grew up under president Dwight David Eisenhower’s terms in office. Those were the times when there were true Democrats and Republicans, not the distrust of today’s Trumpists. I’m waiting for my Republican party to come back.
cwg almost 4 years ago
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” – George S. Patton
rick92040 almost 4 years ago
judging from all the comments this extremely intelligent comic didn’t work. I guess it went right over their heads. You’ll need to dumb it down a bit Pastis.
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
The capital event is a sign of dumb people fighting for rights that matter.
Mumbo Jumbo almost 4 years ago
I think that people should try to talk out things a lot more than fighting because it affects a lot of people when you do not talk (;′⌒`)
aussie399 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
At last. A cartoon that truly shows the ridiculously stupid and completely inane level of political debate on both sides but most especially on the radical, motormouthed and blinkered fringe elements of both sides.Some people should be ashamed of themselves
a nerdy trans girl over 3 years ago
have found that its always republican/liberal. liberals bash republicans, republicans generalize liberals. liberals hate the republicans policies, republicans hate the liberals policies. its a debate, and I’m sure that i am going to get a reply sayin “wow what a liberal thing to say” or “wow you sound like a conservative”. IM NOT TRYING POST MY POLITICAL OPINION ON A COMICS WEBSITE. i know that this country is so divided we cant see past the red vs blue. and the sad thing is, it works. many conservatives cant see past the fact people are liberals, and vice versa. your probably wondering how i know this. its because that I USED TO THINK THIS WAY TOO. but this is a mentally damaging horrible way to live life. i have aunts and uncles of a different political opinion, but i see past the sale. its not all i see them as. you wouldn’t see your family members as only their political opinion, so why see someone else as it? as I’m writing this, the top comment is 100 people haven’t i political debate. now you have probably noticed the ways I’m writing, writing “Like a republican” or “like a liberal.” this was intentional, because if you were actively looking for them, your going against my point, and if you picked up on them, that’s my point. in two people lifespans America has turned it from “lets get along” to how can we not get along. this is a damaging mindset. thank you for taking the time to read this, have a good day/night.
-a pansexual comics nerd.