Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for February 27, 2022

  1. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Awwww, I forgot todayā€™s Sunday would be a tribute rerun. Iā€™m so glad itā€™s this one. Hail Lupin, the Lion King!

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  2. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 3 years ago

    King of the Sock Jungle!

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  3. Tf 117
    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    ā€œEveryone up for zoomies>ā€

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  4. Missing large
    maggijoseph Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I love the XX sock eyes! That is one conquered sock!!

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  5. Umbrisshadow
    Ahsum  about 3 years ago

    Sunday Funday

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  6. Missing large
    shadowdwellr6352  about 3 years ago

    This is SO true! Both of our 18-year olds sleep all day and then hobble around at night ā€˜singing the songs of their peopleā€™. They do not, however, steal socks.

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  7. Goojf2
    FreihEitner Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I never noticed Lupinā€™s pocket watch. :-)

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  8. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Kitties are just little lions. Or are lions just big kitties?

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  9. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  about 3 years ago

    Ah! Another Lupin classic! :D

    My avatar approves.

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  10. 009f1012 b5de 47ef baf3 1391e636c114
    LastRoseOfSummer 1  about 3 years ago

    Laughed out loud at this! King of the jungā€¦erā€¦socks

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  11. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The Lupin King.

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  12. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 3 years ago

    Lupin, you get the crown by being the loudest.

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  13. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  about 3 years ago

    A winterā€™s day

    It was deep and dark, remember?

    Iā€™m not alone

    Gazing from the bedhead to the sleepers below

    On a lovely fallen silent shroud, you know

    I have a sock I am a lion

    I Am a Rock / Simon & Garfunkel

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  14. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  about 3 years ago

    He is LUPIN! Hear him ROAAAAAR!!!!

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  15. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 3 years ago

    It appears that March will be coming in like a lion!

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  16. 420686 10201171188191447 913820625 n 5
    meowlin  about 3 years ago

    Here early to see which one it is, and itā€™s the one I wanted. <3

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  17. Missing large
    wolfiiig  about 3 years ago

    ā€˜Home is the hunter, home from the hill . . .ā€™

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  18. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Lupin killed the wild sock.

    Honor chases tufts of her fur. Achilles hunts then plays with ponytail holders. Heā€™s so cute with one in his mouth.

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  19. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 3 years ago

    In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion roars tonightā€¦

    In the jungle the concrete jungle the lion roars tonightā€¦

    Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweemaway..

    Weeheeheehee dee heeheeheehee weeoh aweemawayā€¦

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  20. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 3 years ago

    Are those (tiny) Lupin toe beans in panel 4?

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  21. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 3 years ago

    Look at the lovely Pucky white floof patches.

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  22. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I was hoping this would be the one for today as well. This is the first time I realized that Puck and Elvis are peeking into the sides of the last inset panel!

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  23. Red bird 20250227 221142 0000
    Red Bird  about 3 years ago

    Iā€™m thrilled to see Lupin as a majestic lion! Nice choice, Georgia.

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  24. Missing large
    catmom1360  about 3 years ago

    My cat, Cara Mia, has a cat toy that looks like road kill. Or, at least the tail of road kill. She carries it around in her mouth, commenting the whole time. This goes on at any time of day or night. Iā€™m so used to it now, I hardly hear it.

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  25. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 3 years ago

    In Honor of Jacques Yves Cousteau: John Denverā€™s Calypso

    To hunt for a sock, while the family is dreaming,

    To run through the house like a wild raging storm

    To roar through the while the others are sleeping,

    In search of the answers by Breakfast Oā€™Clock!

    To be part of the nighttime, and the roaring ā€™til morning!

    Including us all in the ritual at night!


    Aye, Lupin, the places youā€™ve been to,

    The socks that you show us,

    Like Sophieā€™s display,

    Aye, Lupin, we sing to your spirit,

    But could you do it later in the day?


    Meow, purr, and maybe a roar!

    Like a lion, in the morning at 4,

    Meow, purr, and maybe a roar!

    You gotta love Lupin!


    Elvis and Puck, they report your adventures,

    ā€™Tho sill in pajamas, they bring us the news

    They do what they must to bring us your story,

    But why you pick this time, we havenā€™t a clue!

    We love your adventures, but not quite this early,

    But we know you canā€™t let it be!


    Aye, Lupin, the places youā€™ve been to,

    The socks that you show us,

    Like Sophieā€™s display,

    Aye, Lupin, we sing to your spirit,

    But could you do it later in the day?


    Meow, purr, and maybe a roar!

    Like a lion, in the morning at 4,

    Meow, purr, and maybe a roar!

    You gotta love Lupin!

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  26. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 3 years ago

    And now that Lupin is in a place where all illness is healed and all lost abilities are restored, Lupin can finally hear his magnificent roar. An when we hear rumbling in the sky, we can wonder, is that thunder, or is it Lupin with the zoomies, or gathering up Heavenā€™s socks.

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  27. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  about 3 years ago

    I do recognize that proud ā€œtrot, trot, trotā€!

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  28. Kawaii 5395394  340
    Cassia  about 3 years ago

    Heā€™s sittinā€™ on his socks of the day

    Lettinā€™ no hose get away, ooh

    Heā€™s just sittinā€™ on his socks of the day

    Howlinā€™ time

    - Otis Redding / Steve Cropper ā€“ (Sittinā€™ On) the Dock of the Bay

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  29. Dscn0307
    FrannieL Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I love this tribute to Lupin, itā€™s one of my favorites. That and the turning off the button on the Manā€™s computer. LOL

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  30. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  about 3 years ago

    Keep it down Kimba.


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  31. Rose 1
    Zoomer&Yeti Premium Member about 3 years ago

    An oldie from Doris Day -

    When the white cat Lupin comes trot, trot, trottingā€™ along, along.

    Thereā€™ll be no more snoring when he starts ROARING his song.

    Wake up! Wake up, Woman and Man.

    Get up! Get up, get outta bed.

    Cheer up! Cheer up, the socks are dead.

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  32. Tj amal
    Darth Stevious  about 3 years ago

    After every ow-roooo my brain supplied ā€˜werewolves of londonā€™

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  33. 2019063095133708
    rs0204 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Hamilton A. Cat likes Cabernet Sauvignon.

    Hold on, I know what you are thinkingā€¦or at least screaming at your computer screen; ā€œIs he nuts? He shouldnā€™t be giving the cat wine!ā€ Furthermore, Robin and Scaeva are adding their own verbal codicil; ā€œEspecially a powerful, full-body Cab. The cat should stick to Merlot or a nice Zinfandel.ā€

    Well, Iā€™m not nutsā€¦slightly touched perhapsā€¦but that is another matter. Anyway, we had dinner last night, and Hamilton was in his traditional spot near Marie. His being on the table all started when he was a tiny kitten; he was nervous and needed to be around people, so we let him sit at the end of the table during meals. Yes, we created a little furry ā€˜Connoisseurā€™ monster. That is not the point. It was above freezing yesterday, so I thought, why not grill up a couple of steaks? So I sold one kidney, signed away most of my human rights to my boss, and scraped together enough money to buy beef. And, what is better with a steak than a deep, rich red wine?

    Hamilton was in his spot when we sat down when he suddenly lifted his head and sniffed the air. Now, Iko, the dog, and the other cats have all sniffed what is in my glass from time to time. When the glass contains ethyl alcohol, the pets wrinkle up their noses and move on. Not Hamilton. He sniffed deeply and then stuck his whole head in the glass and tasted the wine. I, of course, being the good Cat Dad, said, ā€œWhoa there, you didnā€™t pay for this, and you should let the wine breath for a few more minutes!ā€ He looked at me in bewilderment, clearly thinking, ā€œWell, it is your fault for not decanting the wine sooner.ā€

    Note to all of you cat enslaved people out there; never argue viticulture with your quadruped overlord.

    So, now I have to add wine to the list of things Hamilton A. Cat will eat or drink. He is a good boy, and we are careful with what he does ingest. I just hope Hamilton is attentive tonight when we ignite the Cherries Jubilee.


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  34. Mini mini me
    andycat Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Our kitty, ZoĆ«, is also a mighty huntress of socks. She meows as she carries the sock in her mouth, and I swear itā€™s louder than her regular meows. She is all black, so between this comic and her, I consider this sock hunting in black and white.

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  35. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  about 3 years ago

    Our female cat does the ā€œARROOOā€ thing when she brings in caterpillars. Nothing else. If she catches a mouse we donā€™t find out until we nearly step in the discarded bits on the downstairs landing.

    Our male cat will walk around the back yard early on summer mornings doing it, for no particular reason that we can determine.

    Who knows what goes through those fuzzy little heads?

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  36. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  about 3 years ago

    I hoped this would be the strip chosen for the Sunday Lupin tribute. Itā€™s perfect!

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  37. Media 5dc187a4803260.04617927 fdd8684c13693e6d6c85e304b87dcbf01c6b0e48b4fdb1af66a6adf1388907b3
    anomalous4  about 3 years ago

    OT: Onyxā€¦

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  38. Tishdhuru portrait
    Strider Keninginne Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Long live the Lupin King! Mighty hunter of wayward, wild socks!

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  39. 250
    ladykat Premium Member about 3 years ago

    All hail Lupin, mighty hunter of socks!!!

    Yum Yum used to hunt grasshoppers.

    Marshmallow hunts yarn, especially when itā€™s being knitted.

    Smudge hunts for impossibly tiny boxes.

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  40. Missing large
    Katzen1415  about 3 years ago

    The final Lupin tribute! Somewhere, he is a mighty hunter roaring over the greatest of prey: socks, crickets, perhaps even the dreaded stick with feathers.

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  41. Image
    Hydrohead  about 3 years ago

    Happy and Sad and Happy.

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  42. Missing large
    prrdh  about 3 years ago

    The apex predator celebrates his latest conquest. Those socks could be giants, after allā€¦or at least wildebeests.

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  43. Lucy22
    LucyLuLu  about 3 years ago

    Loved this tribute. Big Gray who only speaks in very soft tones gets very loud when he finds his special felt triangle and brings it to me. I have to give him many good boys and pats on the back side. He then trots off to go to sleep knowing heā€™s done his job.

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  44. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  about 3 years ago

    The first trophy Colette brought me, when she was a kitten, was a three-inch-tall doll with long blonde hair. I thanked her profusely and gave it back to her. She would drag it out at odd moments for weeks. Cats!

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  45. Biker mona avi
    yaakovashoshana  about 3 years ago

    My big man, Jasper, does this with potholders, paper towels (hide the roll in the washing machine), Kleenex (turn the box upside down), hair scrunchies, pens (hide them in a drawer), and various and sundry bits of ephemera from my desk. The moment I turn out the lights to go to sleep, he comes meowing into the bedroom, and I know heā€™s brought me one or more prizes.

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  46. Download
    misty  about 3 years ago


    Are so beautiful to find

    Georgiaā€™s watercolor paintings

    Of the way you are

    Pretty pictures

    All the smiles you bring to mind

    Smiles we share here with each other

    At the way you are


    You are beautiful and yet

    Itā€™s your antics we remember

    Simply too funny to forget

    And itā€™s the laughter

    We all remember

    Whenever we remember

    The way you are

    A shining star ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

    - Bergman Alan / Bergman Marilyn / Hamlisch Marvin ā€“ The Way We Were

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  47. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 3 years ago

    Of course he only hunts baby socks. The adults can put up one heck of a fight! No nature documentary can match the savage ferocity of a wounded knee-length argyle!

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  48. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 3 years ago

    The CATS all wear ADORABLE PAJAMAS!!!!!!!

    Also loving trot trot trot.

    Lupin LIVES ON!!!!!

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  49. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 3 years ago

    Elvis is being surprisingly quiet about this. I guess The Girlā€™s tootsies havenā€™t gotten cold from the lack of socks yet.

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  50. Missing large
    jwarrenphd  about 3 years ago

    A Beautiful tribute to our little Lupin.

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  51. Lucyfurr100x100 large large
    fuzzybritches Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I notice Lupin never answered the station interviewersā€™ questions of ā€œwhy only baby socksā€ and ā€œwhy only at 3amā€. Is it because the baby socks are more tender and sweet, but only roam freely at 3am? Oddly, thatā€™s not what Iā€™ve observed of the habits of baby socks . . .

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  52. Bunny waffle
    daswaff  about 3 years ago

    I love the depiction of the sock carcass!

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  53. Sparrow
    kennnyp  about 3 years ago

    Good Olā€™ Lupinā€¦. The Best of the Good Boysā€¦.

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  54. Missing large
    SunflowerGirl100  about 3 years ago

    Georgia on facebook: ā€œWe go now live to BREAKING CAT NEWS!Today is the Sunday strip chosen as a tribute for Lupin and it is perfect. Edit to share a story: This past autumn, before we ever knew Lupin was sick and he was still in his strong spirits, the Girl was getting ready for school. She was standing in the living room, dressed except for bare feet. ā€œI need socks!ā€ She said.And coincidentally at that moment, Lupin was trotting up the stairs from the basement with a pair of the Boyā€™s socks swiped from the laundry in his mouth. I had folded them over at the top when sorting them and heā€™d snatched them as a trophy. He did this ALL the time, but that day the timing just happened to be perfect. He dropped them at the Girlā€™s feet and she said ā€œOh, thanks Lupinā€ and put them on, and it was all hysterical and we laughed a lot and gave Lupin a lot of pets. We tell that story a lot now, I wanted to share it here tooā€

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  55. Nano
    Lauren Kramer Premium Member about 3 years ago

    I love this so very much.

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  56. Missing large
    Biskits  about 3 years ago

    What is it about older cats at 3 am? My 16 yr old girl Donna is deaf and lives in ā€œDonnalandā€ all day, quiet and sleepy when not enjoying treats. But in the middle of the night she walks the hall and howls at the moon, or at least the food bowl.

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  57. Bluebelle on walk 003
    BluebelleCat  about 3 years ago

    This one made me smile for a couple reasons. First, of course, itā€™s Lupin! But then because the late Bluebelle was an avid sock hunter. All kinds of socks ā€“ clean, dirty, cotton, polyester, didnā€™t matter. Just so long as it was a sock! Some mornings still when Iā€™m getting dressed, a sock will disappear only to turn up some place it shouldnā€™t be. Now, the culprit could be one of our current 3 (who usually arenā€™t interested in socks), but I always have to wonderā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

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  58. Hellcat
    knight1192a  about 3 years ago

    Could be worse. Could be decapitating and/or dismembering mice, leaving a bloody trail to show where the kill began and ended.

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  59. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 3 years ago

    Lupin has a paisley robe. My dad had one in the late 40s.

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  60. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  about 3 years ago

    Lupin as Lion King is so cute!!

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  61. 5821
    SheMc  about 3 years ago

    ā¤Full moon or just a happy Lupin dream?ā¤

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  62. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 3 years ago

    Lupin is so proud of his trophy collection. And rightly so.

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  63. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  about 3 years ago

    Because heā€™s proud ā€“ smoking jacket, roaring PROUD!

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  64. Small
    cb8ty  about 3 years ago

    I rarely post online ā€“ OK maybe never. Iā€™ve followed this comic for years and enjoyed everyone elseā€™s posts and feel like I got to know some of you. Lupinā€™s passing was personal for me as it was for so many. I waited to see if someone else shared my favorite strip but didnā€™t see it. I hope itā€™s not too late and you donā€™t mind if I share. I LOVE the whole Hamilton arc where Lupin becomes ā€œMonsieur Lupin-etteā€. The link Iā€™m posting is the last day of the arc and somehow says it all. Thanks. I rarely post online ā€“ ok maybe never. Iā€™ve been following this comic for years and enjoying the many posts and feeling like I know some of you. Lupinā€™s passing felt personal to me as it did for many others. Iā€™ve been waiting to see if someone else chose my favorite Lupin strip and I didnā€™t see it. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s not too late and you wonā€™t mind if I share. I loved the Hamilton arc where Lupin became ā€œMonsieur Lupin-etteā€. The link Iā€™m sharing is the last day of the arc and kind of says it all.

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  65. Metemp
    Janet Gamble Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The cirrrrrcleā€¦the circle of soooocks!!

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  66. 1hillary20051220 11
    Felicity-the-cat  about 3 years ago

    Lupin the Magnificat!

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  67. Rake where...
    Grey Forest  about 3 years ago

    Cats that purr canā€™t roar, large cats that roar canā€™t purr

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  68. 13522054 10209655792533494 3165222357901517538 n
    KJM15  about 3 years ago

    Beautiful tribute to Lupin! I donā€™t recall seeing this one before!

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  69. Image
    CoffeeKitty37  over 2 years ago

    Ooh I remember this one! It was one of my favorites!

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