Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 16, 2016
quill: look, luann, i'm not going to skip this theater job to go on a trip with you that we can do any time! luann: we picked spring break, quill!! quill: you did! then we never talked about it! luann: it's supposed to be a romantic gift, quill! but this job you took- that's just you taking care of you! quill: it's called a smart career move! luann: well, yippee for your career!
Templo S.U.D. almost 9 years ago
{sigh} this is gettin’ nowhere
King_Shark almost 9 years ago
Continuing yesterday’s discussion, which I had a brief look at, if Evans had been an amateur one shouldn’t have criticised him. But the moment he became a professional cartoonist, he lost all right to be immune to criticism. That’s why reviews and reviewers, including sites like Goodreads, or for that matter the Michelin Guide, exist; they tell the consumer what’s good and what’s bad, in the opinion of the reviewer. Especially when a cartoonist seems to have shown a steady deterioration in content and plotting while his artwork has improved (and I certainly admit his art has improved enormously) he is not just criticisable, he deserves criticism. Back ten years ago he still didn’t shy away from such plot lines as steroid abuse, violence in relationships (Dirk, a fascinating character who deserved much more time on this strip, but who was also summarily removed), serious illness (Delta’s lymphoma). Today he spends endless time going round and round and round on non-events, and when anything even remotely interesting happens to come up, he drops the plot and never returns to it again. One can even name the specific point at which this decline began: the Great Big Washington Trip Story of 2009, which threw logic and plotting right out of the window.I’ve been a reader of this comic strip, with a couple of breaks, since 1995. Back then it was a fairly charming family strip, with no ultra convoluted plots and no storylines that disappeared after a build up never to be heard of again. Even then, though, Evans polled his readership to decide whom Luann should go to the dance with, Aaron Hill or Gunther; but at least he had the artistic integrity to shove Aaron on a metaphorical bus to Hawaii and got rid of him when he no longer was interested in the character. On the other hand, when he got rid of Quill and the “fan base” squealed, he brought him right back, and admitted that he’d brought him back because of the squealing of the “fans”. This is not artistic integrity; this is pandering to the market. That’s why I prefer Brooke McEldowney; he may despise a section of his readers, whom he calls “beefwits”, but he’ll never change his plots to suit their tastes.Apropos the Trufans. I remember Flashman, for instance, and a certain “Karnak”, later renamed “High Plains Drifter”, and who now appears on this thread under an alternate name, who used to bully dissenters, including myself, and defending Evans at all costs.
Homeboy1865 almost 9 years ago
Remind Luann that she skipped out on New York last summer so that she could take the teaching assignment to enhance her career.
Homeboy1865 almost 9 years ago
Luann, he needs a career so that he can move out of Mrs. Berger’s house. You need a career so you can move out of your parents’ house.
jemgirl81 almost 9 years ago
Why is this being dragged out?
Homeboy1865 almost 9 years ago
Did they break up or did they not? If they did, that should have been it. She took off the boomerang necklace; she put it back on. Is she going to take it off again?
Ida No almost 9 years ago
New poll up: Who will be first to get a long-term boyfriend?
Dreamdeer almost 9 years ago
I hope we see more of Knute and Crystal by contrast. The way to a happy, long-lasting relationship is to love each other as they are, not trying to change them.
dragonsrevenge almost 9 years ago
People are finally noticing what I’ve noticed for ages. Luann Plots suck, and Evans can’t move plots along or finish them to save his life.
kenhense almost 9 years ago
We still don’t know if Pru is involved in Quill’s new show?
wiselad almost 9 years ago
if it continues with them conversing(which in a way is good) than either in Saturday they go “bye” “fine, bye” OR after talking, end up kissing passionately on Saturday
Ruth Brown almost 9 years ago
Run, Quill. See the plot device and run! Enough of this already. Turn on the light bulb and have Quill say, “you are right, Luann. I care more about the theater and you deserve someone better. It’s not you, it’s me, yadda, yadda, yadda.”
cdgar almost 9 years ago
Most arguments get nowhere, except maybe the divorce court.
Craig66 almost 9 years ago
Lessee – Luann and Tiff are the last two women in the world and one must choose.
Boophilus almost 9 years ago
Well, Luann DID bring the trip up. Now. Quill didnt mentioned the job opportunity until Luann brought up the trip again. Luann was dumb to finalize the plans without Quill. But Quill obviously just isn’t that into Luann, and should let her go. I don’t think that because he prioritizes opportunities for his career over her, but because when apparently big, exciting opportunities arise he has no compulsion to share that information as soon as possible.
daedalusomega almost 9 years ago
Just dump her. Boring……………
Airman almost 9 years ago
This will determine the alpha-dog, and who has who “on the leash”.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
A very, very long good bye….
eeguo2002 almost 9 years ago
Honestly, I have to agree with Quill – he has made a lot of good points in this argument and Luaan really needs to stop focusing on her relationship and get on with her life.
krys723 almost 9 years ago
If this keeps on dragging out and then they end up making out at the end, I’m going to drop this comic honestly
shyiraz almost 9 years ago
ugh. just break up with her. she’s becoming a bit too needy!
blunebottle almost 9 years ago
This is crazy… one (including me) seems overly-interested in seeing this arc play out, yet there were 329 COMMENTS yesterday! Is that some sort of a record?
Argythree almost 9 years ago
How many nails need to be added to a coffin?
JayBluE almost 9 years ago
“The Heat Is On” (♫)“Abate And Debate”“An Interest Of Conflict”“Don’t You Want Me?” (♫)“Boats Against The Current” (♫)“Always The Same, It’s Just A Shame, That’s All…” (♪)“Wrapped Around Your Finger…And Unravelling” (♫)“A Game For Fools” (♪)“You Vs. Me”“Make A New Plan, Luann!”“Lovestruck By A Career Ended Collision”or“A Nice Day To Drive Each Other Crazy”
richard0184 almost 9 years ago
I have a guess why Luann wouldn’t move on and explore into a new path. No body has any faith in her. Her parents don’t have any faith in her. Her brother doesn’t have any faith in her. Her friends don’t have any faith her. She doesn’t have any faith in her. Mr Greg Evans doesn’t have any faith in her. God doesn’t have any faith in her.
I also have a guess why she want’s a relationship so badly since Junior High. Dating=boyfriend=commitment=marriage=kids=family=love.That’s what she wanted her whole life and if she doesn’t get that then she has nothing to live for.
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 9 years ago
No, that really is Quill taking care of number one. He should be at least as flexible as Luann has been so far.
Caldonia almost 9 years ago
Top 5 Things That Sound Ridiculous Coming from Quill List:-5: “Uh oh.”_4: “wow”_3: “Rock her world”_2: “pissy”_And the number one Thing That Sounds Ridiculous Coming from Quill is! (drumroll)_1. “My career”
Barry1941 almost 9 years ago
She really is a self centered little girl isn’t she. My gosh, I never thought that I would like Tiffany better than this shrew.
Lakegal almost 9 years ago
Am I the only one enjoying this arc? Seems to me the characters are venting their individual positions and might even come to some kind of growth because of it. You guys are harsh.
Sportymonk almost 9 years ago
I suspect the trouble is it is too “true to life”.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 9 years ago
Maybe laterThey’ll be fineNot nowGoals not in line
northbraddock52 almost 9 years ago
Please just end this
31768 almost 9 years ago
Luann has turned into a bickering wife!I bet even the Evans’ don’t know what to do with her now! Luann also forgot about college and becoming something in life. well, except becoming Mrs. quill, at 20! and w/o Quill. everybody else is in college. but her!
GuyNamedGuy1960 almost 9 years ago
1) It’s his comic strip. He can do whatever the heck he wants with it. Arthur C. Clarke said the same thing explaining the modest inconsistencies between the various 2001 novels. If you don’t like the universe he’s building in here, you know where the back or home buttons are.
2) You’re expecting calm, rational behavior out of hormone-infested teenagers?
3) Yes, Luann put some things on hold to do her thing last summer, but that might actually lead to some sort of job where she can support herself. The odds of Quill being able to make a self-supporting living in the field of acting are better than they are at professional basketball, but not by much. While self-sufficiency is not the be-all end-all of choosing one’s lifework, it’s a great place to start. Staring at the walls of your parents’ basement at age 37, hoping the next acting job will be The Big Break…. I’ve seen folks there. It’s pretty unimpressive.
A sign I designed once:
270TX almost 9 years ago
I thought comics were supposed to be funny . . . . I can get drama in real life
darynl almost 9 years ago
Look at Luann’s responses to Quill’s. Quill was right on each point, and Luann tried to justify all of them. Going to NY was all her, and she did all the planning without letting him know anything.
Sisyphos almost 9 years ago
Let’s face it, Luann. You are a Loser. And you’re doing your very best to lose Quill. Is that what you want?
ericbrower almost 9 years ago
She has tried to talk many times. You kept blowing her off.…Everyone talks about how supportive Quill was to LuAnn last year. But once again she talked to him about it. While he just figured “She’s mad. It’s easier to just go ahead and not tell her”. …Come to think about it, was Quill really supportive last summer? Or was it once again easier for him that she wsn’t coming to New York? No pesky girlfriend to get in the way of his career.
Mikkith almost 9 years ago
If Quill doesn’t want to break up he’s sure doing a bang up job of missing the point. I thought the whole point of his conversation with Gunther was for him to realize that Luann was right to be jealous of his relationship with Pru so he could either dial that back or break up with Luann & pursue Pru. This no decision version is just bizarre.
wantcomicsnow almost 9 years ago
When the New York trip first came up, Quill ask Luann to go with him, but then told her he was going to be busy with classes, workshops, or whatever all day and half the night, so he really wouldn’t have any time for her. So she chose to stay home and take the teaching job. Of course he was “supportive.” He didn’t want her there in the first place.
jklwaddle almost 9 years ago
From reading the comments, I wonder why any of you even read LuAnn. You seem to dislike everything about it. Let the guy who gets paid for it do the work and either enjoy it or go away.
Achoobles Premium Member almost 9 years ago
It occurs to me that part of why Quill is so involved with LuAnn’s family is that he really is a bit adrift in the world, family wise.
Today, LuAnn is reminding him that family matters too.
maverick1usa almost 9 years ago
Oh good grief, this is drawing out to long! Say ’Goodbye Lucy Luann.
kinggroovy almost 9 years ago
good god, she’s such a child
cjswan232482 almost 9 years ago
Luann was the one who broke off the lines of communication. As far as Quill, they we’re separated.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
There are 13 days left in February for Mr. Gray to have his conversation with Frank and Nancy. Isn’t it time to start?
kenhense almost 9 years ago
@ Argy3. Pru may have found this gig for Quill. She may be trying to pry Quill loose from Luann. Haven’t heard about Pru yet in this arc. We’ll see…
capricorn9th almost 9 years ago
Luann, at her age now, immediately after graduating high school, is not very interested in career. Girls her age are much more romantically inclined, free from parents’s scrutiny at last, driving her own car, going to college, having freedom in choices, freedom in spending time with boyfriend which is her only objective. Boys Quill’s age, is somewhat similar but rather than a girlfriend, they just run through girls, disposing of them when they’re done with them. Quill is different – he is not that type and is much more future-oriented, and it becomes clear Luann is not part of his future – she is just in his present. She is companionship when he has free time – that is all Luann is to Quill. Luann is just too immature to have a boyfriend and the boys her age do not want girlfriends – they only want bedroom gymnastics. Luann needs to forget boys and focus on herself and her future – unfortunately she won’t for a few more years.
meillered almost 9 years ago
=+*^%#}{][_\|~<>€£¥"'!?,. almost 9 years ago
Quill: I agree with Luann You HAVE talked about this Instead of saying thank you, you got madEarlier you were mad that she DIDNT buy tickets You have been spending no time with her,
Luann:You got angry at quill for nothing in the beginning of January You got defensive at pruIf I were in your situation, I would breakup with Quill
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Hey WAIT, a Minute. Isn’t Pru staying with the DeGroots? Well SOMEBODY better WARN and STRONGLY Suggest She Stay SOMEWHERE Else, less She wake up at 3AM and find an Angry, Vengeful, Fault-Finding Lu, Ripping out Great Tufts of Her Hair….,
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago
7A very well done effort for today that does speak truthfully of the problems that couples very frequently have with communication! Although I find it a bit painful and tiring as a story arc, to me it rings very true and realistic.Comments from me about today’s story:1. In this arc, but especially again today, it seems that Quill is being more reasonable than Luann. 2. Both Luann and Quill have not been communicating well as a couple…. leading to the argument. But, in terms of today’s effort, Quill’s statement of “You did! And then we never talked about it.” is a strong one. To me this typifies how MORE of the lack of communication falls on Luann’s shoulders in this arc. Remember this is the THIRD potential time they might go to NYC. The first time, Luann backed out so she could maintain her Summer job. The second time, it was a mutual decision based upon the needs of “The Fuse”. 3. In ALL THREE potential trips to NYC, there was a profound lack of communication. At LEAST by this third time, the reality is that BOTH OF THEM SHOULD HAVE KNOWN TO TALK MORE SPECIFICALLY about the trip. Quill did not initiate talk about the trip. Perhaps he was less interested, perhaps he did not feel motivated about the trip due to the argument they had around the holidays. But, regardless… his not being in specific discussion about the trip means he is logically justified in thinking there is not going to be a trip to NYC during spring break.4. Luann took the other extreme in this case…. because there was no specific discussion about the plans for the trip between the two of them…. she feels compelled to plan and buy it all WITHOUT speaking to Quill about any of it…. after there were already TWO different failed attempts at a NYC trip that really faltered due to a lack of communication between the two of them. That is sadly, a very, very illogical approach to take….. to do the same thing…. but more extreme….. after two failed attempts. The take home message is as it was yesterday…. COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN A RELATIONSHIP! Neither of these two communicates well at the “couples” level. But still, Luann’s lack of communication was MUCH LESS HELPFUL as she went to plan and make all sorts of commitments of time and money WITHOUT communicating.
rshive almost 9 years ago
I keep reading the back and forth; and its interesting. But shouldn’t all this dialogue have been before the great breakup scene?
barbsmithphotos almost 9 years ago
Good track. They are not on the same track so it is time to split.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago
One additional comment. I think Luann’s very sarcastic “Yippee, for your career!” statement also is VERY revealing:1. I think this statement typifies Luann’s real lack of interest in her future. Sure, she takes classes, but appears to have little to no focus on a GOAL for her education. She is a smart girl….. but smarts without focus…. leads to a person very often just spinning their wheels and getting no where.2. As a professor, I have seen MANY students who behave in virtually the same fashion as Luann. They can be very bright and in the classes they take, they even can excel. But in many cases, these students with little to no focus or goals may spend many, many years on campus drifting from classes to classes, with no real end point. Eventually they tire of just taking classes and often just drift somewhere else. There is nothing wrong with having the “drifter” sort of mindset. Students I have had like these are often very wonderful, kind people. Luann is very much like that at least right now. Quill is not a “drifter” sort of student. He has goals and ambitions. He is trying to focus on his degree and accomplish his goals. The students I have had like this also can be very nice and wonderful. But, they are driven to strive to get somewhere.Quill and Luann therefore are in VERY DIFFERENT PLACES. Luann wants Quill to be a drifter sort and just to “be” in the moment. Quill expects that if something is going to happen, it needs to be planned for and worked at. Neither is wrong. But neither is right…. for each other at this time.I do, however, think Luann’s sarcasm is not pleasant and is not showing Luann in the way she would want to see herself portrayed…. so I supsect sometime in the future, she as a character may regret her sarcasm.
Randy Monte almost 9 years ago
As a former actor, I know exactly where he is coming from. And it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about Luann.
Sir Uncle Rat69 almost 9 years ago
Very close to what happened in High School.
Queen of America almost 9 years ago
Does anyone else get the feeling that Mr. Evans continues this silly drama arc just to get the readers all riled up?
It’s a comic strip, for goodness sake!
I’ll watch for Brad and Tonis’ wedding.
In the meantime, I’m going back to Ten Cats.reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@Lakegal, you are not alone. I am enjoying this arc too. There are some vocal very boring negative voices. They are not attuned to nuance, which is a particular skill of the author. This is a very important interaction going on here between Lu and Q. They are defending their positions, but also trying to hear why things are going wrong. Mostly, I think they need to know if the other cares or loves them. Because I have 2 daughters 19 and 20 yrs old, I may be more understanding of the level of emotional development.
tubgrape almost 9 years ago
Uh-oh, Luann. I think you just blew it. You struck Quill to the core. This could be a serous change for the comic strip (at least for a while.) I think making up will be harder to accomplish the longer Luann waits to acknowledge her stupid comment.
wiselad almost 9 years ago
both should have been communicating about spring break plans in general BUT as the plane tickets and hotel booking was a gift, Lue was doing the right thing, bear that in mind……… she should have kept telling him "do not make any spring break plans, remember that it is for “us” ………….. and Q should not have accepted the job until he goes “Lue, got this offer, what you think? great opportunity, but might delay our time together on spring break”
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
The amount of rage leveled at Luann by many of the posters here seems greatly in excess of the annoyance that Quill is displaying.
It’s clear to me that these two just don’t belong together. I don’t understand why this breakup scene has to be drawn out for two whole arcs, but that’s a different issue.
Frequently in life, people who thought they were right for each other learn otherwise. Seems better to me to find that out before taking a serious step like living together or marrying, and then have to split up. (Especially if kids are involved.)
There’s no communication going on right now. There’s just accusation. Time to go separate ways.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
Now here’s something completely different. Why is ‘Yippee’ spelled with only one ‘p’? A boo-boo, or is there some meaning that I missed?
dougsathome almost 9 years ago
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu…
locake almost 9 years ago
Evans could have neatly ended this with Sunday’s strip. No need to drag it out any longer. Who, in real life, would argue this long? Not me, that’s for sure. They are both having an unpleasant time, and getting nowhere.
3pibgorn9 almost 9 years ago
Well, that’s the way life is sometimes.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@Bryan Shipley said, 1 day ago
Luann applied for the kids after-school program and interviewed for it and performed 110%. she was invited for the summer program for doing a great job. She sacrificed the originally planned trip to NYC as she enjoyed working with the kids.Read up kiddo.
dre7861 almost 9 years ago
The BIG difference between Luann’s opting out last summer to help her career and what Quill is doing now is that Luann talked it over with Quill before she committed. Quill just makes his decisions, thinks about himself and Luann is supposed to follow merrily along. That’s not just selfish but its wrong.
And I still say that if Pru is not involved in this little mess then Quill has definitely talked to her about it. Shame he didn’t extend the same courtesy to his girl friend that he does with his ‘friend.’ I repeat my calls of BS on Quill.
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@Argy.bargy2 from yesterday,Thank you for clearing up Quills priorities when deciding to come back to Pittsfield. (That he came back for the theater program first and Luann second). If he sees how ungenerous he has been emotionally, that will be progress. Luann’s strong feelings for Quill are a credit to her character, not a deficit. It takes courage to love. In that category, Quill is immature.
ndeflon almost 9 years ago
At this stage of their lives, no one should give up a career opportunity for the sake of a romantic relationship. The opportunity can be THE chance one needs to help establish oneself in a career that could last the better part of a lifetime. A romantic relationship, on the other hand, can end next week, and maybe for reasons that have nothing to do with the situation at hand now. Quill knows what he wants. I thought Luann did when she discovered her passion for Early Education. But instead of doing all she can to pursue that, she has lapsed into this “I need a boyfriend” thing. If she doesn’t grow out of that, the only kind of man she’ll be able to attract on a permanent basis will be a weak-egoed jerk who wants someone to boss around. If she keeps on like this, she’s a prime candidate for an eventual domestic abuse situation.
SandraJaqua almost 9 years ago
This isn’t enjoyable anymore.
Pointspread almost 9 years ago
I see Luann is still all about Luann. I notice that many posters are complaining about the way Mr Evans “drags out” his arcs. This is what comics & serials do, to keep people interested. Judging by the number of people commenting on his work, I’d say he does a good job.
winniepaints almost 9 years ago
I always thought this was a “COMIC” strip…. (I think this comedy is bittersweet now)!
Luanaphile almost 9 years ago
For me the most boring characters are Prudence, Mr. Gray, Toni, and Piro. But that might change in an instant, if the Evans share some of their secrets!
cdgar almost 9 years ago
Women. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. All you can do is love them in between.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
Aw, jeez, don’t say that! Some of us keep hoping to see her again. Not as a girlfriend for Gunther, but as a character in the ’toon.
ertemochi almost 9 years ago
Interesting when Luann gets romantic it’s seen as annoying, bad taste, and badly timed. Quill gets romantic and it’s well received. Could it be that Quill just isn’t in the relationship anymore? Could it be Luann didn’t want to wait anymore for their trip to happen? I know I’m stating the obvious, but it seems to be not an obvious thing FOR THESE TWO TO EVEN END THE TALKING AND JUST START WALKING! Preferably in different directions which they were doing anyway.
To Quill: no more relationships until you’re willing to juggle a relationship and a career. That means communicating when she wants to do something and when you want to do something.
To Luann: no more relationships until you find you. That’s your priority right now. Nothing else to that. You go and find you.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
People here are reasonably intelligent, insightful, and so many seem able to teach by well describing their thought processes. So, what seems old in the strip to people here because of thoughts already shared may be new to other readers who compose the majority of comic readers, ones who do not find nonstandard ways to learn from others such as in read commentary.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
You can say the exact same thing to Quill. In fact, it applies more to call him ‘self righteous and selfish’ at this point, because of what he says in the first frame. He says that he won’t skip this particular job for a trip that the two of them can take ‘any time.’
But he has shown repeatedly that he can’t take a trip ‘anytime’. As a student on an educational visa, he is supposed to be in school continuously, first off, so if he takes off for trips, he might have legal problems. And secondly, he heavy commitments to his school program when school is not on break. So he would be unable to take a trip ‘any time’.
And he might recall, if he wasn’t quite so annoyed with Luann, that she is in school, too, and also works part time. So she can’t take a trip ‘any time’, either.
By the way, someone who spends money on another person for a trip (especially when that person had called them on not doing planning for the trip before), and who is trying to continue a relationship, isn’t just being ‘selfish’. Naïve, yes.
VintageBarbie almost 9 years ago
Brad and Toni seemed an unlikely pairing, yet they got there. I’m still hoping Luann and Quill make it.
dbdoucette almost 9 years ago
I enjoy the comic strip. You don’t like it; don’t read it. No need to send all your time and energy on critiques that change nothing. It’s a strip. Read it. Don’t.
richard0184 almost 9 years ago
Thank you:)
nanellen almost 9 years ago
thank you dbdoucette,I love the strip, and I find that most episodes are fairly accurate- as I know and have live them for the last 74 years as a mom, friend, hs teacher and retired college professor.
Tim Pickard Premium Member almost 9 years ago
If quill is smart he’ll head for the door and leave LuAnn is his wake. She’s incredibly insecure and needs to grow up.
slsharris almost 9 years ago
He’s got other priorities and if he wants to be a man — he needs to be a man by telling her that “no, she isn’t important to him,” instead of blaming her for not trying. HE has not put forth much, if any effort.
WaywardWind almost 9 years ago
<<< She took off the boomerang necklace; she put it back on. Is she going to take it off again? >>>
If she wants to keep him, she needs to take off the sweater.
rrsltx almost 9 years ago
This really is getting old. Time for Quill to take his Aussie arse to New York and move on.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
The reply function is hurting again today, so i will note that someone humorously mentioned actors waiting tables. My hubby recently ran into an article which mentioned that Amy Sedaris discovered that way that she loves being a waitress so spends some time on the side doing that (which is like those of us who worked in one field but simultaneously donated time or worked parttime in other enjoyed types of work). She gives her waitressing earning to the tips jar according to the piece. Sterling Morrison is an example of someone who was very happy in two fields: guitar and large boats like tugs and ferries.These days MANY serious schools that have departments which teach skills will low applicability in the real world encourage or insist that students of drama, music composition, voice, etc. have a double major with the second major being generally more applicable. So, Quill shoukd wind up soon with a counselor telling him that he needs a second major.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 9 years ago
Jealous of a career. Guess it’s a step up from being jealous of Martha Washington. (And a belated “Happy Presidents’ Day” to each and every one.)
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!)“That’s why I prefer Brooke McEldowney; he may despise a section of his readers, whom he calls “beefwits”, but he’ll never change his plots to suit their tastes.”…By that token, Greg should shut down the comments section as Brooke did.
Hey, the reply function worked this time.
More importantly:Brd, you had me in giggles!
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
apparently the spelling with one “p” is an acceptable variant.
Beettlebooger almost 9 years ago
Run Q!! Like the wind
RSH almost 9 years ago
This again??? I thought they had broken up. Now we’re back to fighting and arguing… but I have to remember these are just teenagers who can’t articulate (nicely) their priorities in life and relationships. It’s just emotion, action and reaction.
cheesehead almost 9 years ago
I think the whole issue here is he never talked to her about it. Her response would have been, I think you should do the theater job. Yes, I know this is just a comic.
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 9 years ago
A career puts food on the table and a roof over the head. Relationships won’t do that without a career. Luann has herself to blame for letting her jealousy of Pru get to her and prevent her from speaking up when she wanted to.
RSH almost 9 years ago
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This is old but you will notice that even close to 20 years ago double majors were suggested or required (depending on the school) for students going into low employment entertainment industry fields as their first choices:, the chances are that if he remains as a character Quill will soon receive that push
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Addendum:Sometimes it takes the general population, including decision makers time to catch up and catch on.,
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 9 years ago
This is getting really old. Either stay together and work something out or break up and move on with your lives
comicboyz almost 9 years ago
I see makeup s#x coming
DamSkippy almost 9 years ago
Nice passive/aggressive move, Lu, to buy the tickets without discussing with Q. She knew they were on the rocks, but bought the tix to force him/guilt him into going.
æ² almost 9 years ago
Well, lookie here.Right on cue.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
How many days can this continue?“We’re breaking up?”“We’re breaking up!”“OK, we’re breaking up!”“Yes, we’re breaking up!”“Fine!”“Fine!”“I’m leaving now.”“Yes, leave!”“OK, good-bye!”“Good-bye!”“I’m leaving now!”“Does that mean we’re breaking up?”“Yes, we’re breaking up!”“Good, we’re breaking up!”“Fine! Good-bye!”“Good! We’re breaking up!”
If this keeps on going for a few more days, Luann will have become Mary Worth.
cdeyokincarte almost 9 years ago
So boring and tiresome. Time for a change!
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I’m confused. If they just broke up why are they still arguing?
Kymberleigh almost 9 years ago
Maybe he should change his major to early education and she would like them to be teachers together!
Bloomberg BusinessWeek had a chart this week showing what occupations are most chosen by other occupations for partners. Educators — especially elementary school teachers — tend to marry other educators or school administrators.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Implausible wrote:I’m all for getting rid of the “Trufan” label. But, I think we need to get rid of ALL personal attacks, not just ones that suit certain people. No more telling people to leave, calling people trolls, saying people have no life, etc. All of that needs to go.Wouldn’t it be lov-er-ly?
Brickie1971 almost 9 years ago
Hey Greg Evans, just get this over with will ya????!!!!!!!!!!
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
I have flagged you, sir, for conduct unbecoming a gentleman!
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
mine says:
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Sallymargaret, i second your note that Maricruz had an extremely insightful post today!
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
@Schrodinger’s DogLOL, you don’t REALLY want to see my other shirt…
My other shirt may be worse. We have been nursing an elderly 8 year old ferret, a family member, who is getting past a kidney infection that almost caused kidney failure. LOTS of things on that shirt…
jerdog_jcl almost 9 years ago
Fiendly Neighbourhood Terrorist (Justice For Michael_wme!) nailed it (well, except for their point on McEldowney, as his strip has been unreadable for years now). Evans is getting pretty lame with his approach to this strip. Just finish a plot, any plot. Also, If Luann is supposed to be growing up, let her grow up a little already. Making drama by having act as an immature teenager is getting to be the norm. She has no plans, yet is surprised when things don’t go her way. Ugh.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 9 years ago
-already dead
tomjudytx almost 9 years ago
She’ll go with him. She’ll get a job in stage design. They’ll both have a career in the theater. They’ll partner in a children’s theater business. The way comic plot lines progress, that should cover 30 years.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Hope your little one recovers OK. Our pets have always been one of the family..By the way, I’d love to have one of THOSE shirts – I like to give hugs… (heh – heh – heh)
Pivot is gradually recovering, but still has some “Opps” happen, plus uses me as a napkin. At least the shaken around medications have stopped.
Piv is a GREAT hugger! She loves to lie on her back while i give her a back massage, and get so happy that her little feet tremble and her tiny ferret face goes into relaxed and very happy mode.
Recently she decided to try get one of the other ferrets into trouble. Keskittää (means Focus) steals Pivot’s toys and takes them to her own stash place. Pivot dragged one of my shoes into Kessy’s stash place (rather than her own). She knew what she was up to!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago
For jimT8…. Reply would not work…. I agree with you that Luann has many talents! She has demonstrated that in several brief moments throughout the years. My thought that is important concerning Luann is that from everything we see, she is not particularly focused on developing herself. She very well could do so in a myriad of different ways. But as far as education goes it has always been at best a secondary (more often than not a tertiary or quaternary) pursuit for her. The graduate students you mentioned wo hang around do indeed abound…. But they have or had focus. Luann’s focus is not on who she is or who she wants to become…. But by and large is just for the moment. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is far different than Quill… And she does not seem to be willing to let Quill be who he is. She is the one who got upset about the relationship without trying to air her feelings without being upset.
Goat1 almost 9 years ago
Never thought I’d say this, but ’what is Delta up to/"
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
Too old and reasonable to be snarky, although I can be sarcastic sometimes. But now I think I know when to be sarcastic, not this as a general proposition.
luann1212 almost 9 years ago
No go to jail dufus. Violence is not a way to settle this, and for a man to suggest that be done to a woman who has the temerity to disagree with a woman is stupid and proto-criminal.
æ² almost 9 years ago
So, Implausible:I said:“Of course, to be “not exactly welcomed”, or worse, is the end-game for some. And we do happen to have a valid, fitting label for those folks: Trolls.”You immediately, within mere minutes, jumped in and objected to my calling the above, particular definition of poster, what it is: a troll. And you considered that same definition of the above, specifically described posting behavior as that of a troll, to be an insult.So, I am oh-so-curious to know, then: What would you consider that particular type of behavior — that of deliberately aiming to antagonize a forum; the end-game being to get under the skin of as many other posters as one can, and to disrupt the forum in such a manner as to make oneself as unwelcome there as possible — to be if not trolling? Or, hey, I’ll be charitable — go ahead and throw out the “troll” definition of this behavior, even. The same question remains: Is that type of behavior a perfectly acceptable pursuit to you, then? Inquiring minds want to know.
doverdan almost 9 years ago
dogs rule said,@TEMPLO S.U.D.(sigh) this is gettin’ BORING!===Maybe only a few more days of this.
SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Ferrets are small. I lay her down with her back in my hands and her head resting on the inside of my wrist. Her entire back can be massaged at once that way!
ChuChu94 almost 9 years ago
I’m enjoying the story line. The comments are interesting… so many make assumptions on little knowledge, probably based on their own experiences (and gender). I imagine that Luann would be supportive of Quill’s job IF he hadn’t been nearly ignoring her for months. If he apologizes for that she’ll support his opportunity and they can get through this.
Homeboy1865 almost 9 years ago
Soooo, what did Quill get Luann for Valentine’s Day? He didn’t let her break up with him, so surely if the relationship meant something to him, he has a gift for her.
m b almost 9 years ago
Wow – lots of comments !
I agree with many that story lines are dragging on way too long
Toni & Brad should be married by now and having a baby or adopting Shannon Their story line has been going on way too long also
Luann and Quill either need to be a couple or not
yup a comic strip, but if you want loyal readers, it needs to be interesting.
By now Luann & Quill should have sorted out where Pru fits into Quills life, do they have a working or personal relationship
They both need to grow up and learn how to communicate if this story line is going to work
It is as bad as soap opera’s and “Mary Worth” comic, takes a few weeks for one hour of their time
Seems like everyone is floundering in the strip, not knowing what to do next
I think they were given more maturity in the strip when they were in high school
Schrodinger's Dog almost 9 years ago
I believe a post proposing striking a woman deserved it. I almost never flag, but this was beyond the pale.
Westplatte Premium Member almost 9 years ago
I find that the interesting thing about this strip, is that it draws so many opinions from its readers. This actually mirrors real life in that ten people will have an unique opinion on any given situation. The haters keep on hating, but they also keep on reading. The diehard fans keep on defending, to the end, every aspect of this cartoon world. What few realize, I believe, is that GE has done a great job of imitating life. It constantly changes and few ever agree totally on any aspect of it. This makes Luann the comic strip great entertainment. I read it almost daily, along with a few other great works like The Norm, Pickles, For Better or For Worse, and Adam. GE has the ability to keep drawing us in, and that makes this strip great, whether we always agree about it or not.
Let em break up, or get together, who really cares. It’s a great ride following whats going on. And to the Luann bashers, she has been growing in character and maturity for years. Colleges are full of students who have no idea what the want to do when the grow up, why should she be any different. What young person does not want to have a relationship? It’s not unreasonable to plan a trip that the other person agreed on. I know of no one who gets it right all the time in life, why must she be required to get it right in a comic strip.
Great job keeping us entertained.. Keep up the great work.
doverdan almost 9 years ago
luannfan1212 said,@LDoverWhere? If I am incorrect I stand corrected.===I’m not sure what you are referring to.Perhaps my assignation was wrong.
gromit82 almost 9 years ago
It’s the other way around. Luann didn’t announce to her parents that she decided to go to junior college; rather, Luann’s parents persuaded her to go to junior college.
Centurion13 almost 9 years ago
Folks can complain about Mister Evans’ ‘inability’ to do this and that to their satisfaction, but the truth is, this strip and its stories are unfolding three panels at a time. Not much wiggle room, and a lot to pack into a panel. One reason, I think, why Breathed abandoned the format.
That said, my son is going through similar stuff. Francis Bacon noted “A young man with a wife and children hath given hostages to Fortune”. The same goes with girlfriends… after all, what’s the end goal of having one if not eventually to pair off with her permanently and maybe have kids?
My son and his girl both need to finish school and while they’re at it, get more seasoning. Quill, in this strip, needs more empathy. Luann needs more logic and self-discipline. They both need to learn to compromise without leaving guilt-tags all over the place. So far, the two characters appear to be in competition with each other, not looking at a common goal side-by-side but heaping unrealistic expectations on each other while the other is not looking.
Classic passive-aggressive behavior, by the way.
doverdan almost 9 years ago
Ralph Fisher GoComics PRO Member said, Just smack the biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith get over with======I hope you don’t really mean that.
EllieZel almost 9 years ago
sigh I wish this would just get resolved already. Are they breaking up or not? This seems like a lot of pointless back-and-forth.
Argythree almost 9 years ago
At last! You go, girl!
æ² almost 9 years ago
Imp, I must give you kudos. That was a carefully crafted, if absolutely invalid, response. It hit all of the tones critical to a post of yours, and did it well.- I’m only innocently posting my opinions. Check.- Dismissing what is an obvious, repeated tactic of yours (deliberately aiming to antagonize a forum) as “that’s just your opinion, man.” Check. At least you recognized that it is your behavior, as I had not even assigned it to you here. I was only asking what you would think of a poster who fit the particular description that I gave. Same with your immediate response to my original post here. You recognized it as a reference to yourself, and within minutes after my post, responded with a counterpost. That is telling. Anyway, Check.- Facetiously taking my side of a small part of an argument in order to gain faux respectability from other readers. “The TruFan stuff should stop. While I’ve never used that exact term towards someone, I’ve referenced the spirit of it, and that was wrong.” (For now, for the purposes of this post I’m making, anyway.) Check.- Playing both the victim role and the “now-rehabilitated troll” role, as well as placing most of the blame on me for challenging you. (The entire “Was I a lot more abrasive” paragraph.) All those three checkpoints in a single paragraph! Again, kudos.So, Implausible. Next question:What would be your opinion of a poster who disrupts the forum so continuously that he/she is eventually vanished from it by the moderators, then returns without approval from those same mods under a new account, and continues the same poor behavior, which gets that account vanished also. Then returns again, for a third round, again violating the moderator’s ban and going against their obvious intent, which is to remove that person from the forum, and continues the same behavior. Dialed down a bit, as to fly just enough below the radar to avoid yet another vanishment, but essentially the same behavior, just a more carefully crafted version of it.What would be your opnion of a poster who does that sort of thing? What would you say to alert the moderators if you caught such a person doing this sort of thing, deliberately doing an end-run around the mods’ ban that they have imposed on that person?
æ² almost 9 years ago
^ Well, well. Impy ran away. Thought he would.