Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 14, 2021

  1. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 3 years ago

    Stop! I need validation!

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    you’re sure a big help, Bernice

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  3. Avatar
    linus82  over 3 years ago

    Probablemente Bernice se estĂĄ escapando para ver a Nil

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  4. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  over 3 years ago

    So Luann enjoys Bernice being there and always putting her down??

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  5. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 3 years ago
    ”Dogged Pursuits.” ✹
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  6. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 3 years ago

    Puddles knows sit and stay, but now Luann has no one to show his skills off to. How about spending ten more minutes with Puddles, clean your room, and go to work?

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  7. Beb avatar
    beb01  over 3 years ago

    this is an interesting turn of events. Will Luann pursue Bernice? The week has suddenly become unpredictable.

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  8. Dragon
    Asharah  over 3 years ago

    Puddles is happy he’ll get a break from this stupidity now that B is gone.

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    Argythree  over 3 years ago


    An answer to your strange comment was provided yesterday, but in case other readers missed it: (1) Luann did not break up with Quill because she was ‘needed validation’ from him that he was not providing. She broke off with him because he was a workaholic who kept making plans with her and then breaking them for anything work related. Since I had a Dad like that who missed vital doctor visits for my late brother’s care, I understand what Luann did.

    (2) An additional point: Someone looking for ‘validation’ is looking for support that an idea is based on fact. Since it is no longer a ‘fact’ that B is Luann’s best friend, Luann can’t be ‘looking for validation’ in wanting B to spend time with her

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  10. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 3 years ago

    Yes, stay! Stay in the library forever!

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  11. Ucomics2
    PeterPirate  over 3 years ago

    Hmmm. I wonder if this is going to turn out to be a serious character development arc for Luann.

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  12. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 3 years ago

    Maybe Bernice can get a book on graciousness or manners?

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    Joe1962  over 3 years ago

    Right now Puddles is very happy.

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  14. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago

 Bernie goes in for the kill with her putdown of Luann then shoves off. Whaddagal!

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  15. Missing large
    capricorn9th  over 3 years ago
    Well, Luann, you need to have a life. What are you doing hanging around at home? Bernice has a more active life than you do, apparently.
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  16. Missing large
    jmworacle  over 3 years ago

    Luann, Bernice has her own life.

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  17. Ligand1
    RSH  over 3 years ago

. home alone, everyone gone to do what they do
 now what

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    ianm  over 3 years ago

    Very nice back view of Bernice! She’s a lot prettier than she realizes. But maybe she does

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  19. Beb avatar
    beb01  over 3 years ago

    Bernice changed her top from yesterday. She’s definitely going to see someone and I donlt think it;s jack.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    This is a bit sad. Luann wants to have fun with her BFF, talking about Puddles or whatever. This shows how much Luann loves her♡, but Bernice has other priorities in life and that’s good and natural. I don’t know if the next strip will follow Luann or Bernice, but I hope Luann will pick up her phone and call Jack (or Tara, or Dez, or even Prudence) maybe just to chat, or to arrange something together.

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  21. Img 1931
    Sanspareil  over 3 years ago

    Puddles is upset because he thought he was Luann’s BFF.

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  22. Photo
    UmmeMoosa  over 3 years ago

    Luan does have a point,Bernice makes me wonder sometimes, she’s being selfish here, she could have said, you’re right, why don’t you come with me? you can walk the dog while I study, There is always a compromise, a win-win situation.

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  23. Missing large
    tremaine53  over 3 years ago

    You guys get on each other’s nerves, colossally. Have some space. Please.

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  24. Dra
    Fiammata  over 3 years ago

    And usually it’s Luann complaining that Bernice wants to stay home.

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  25. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  over 3 years ago

    Bernice seems rather nicely dressed for studying. i mean a tank top?

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  26. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  over 3 years ago

    Bern’s looking just a bit too good for a library trip. I smell a meetup.

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  27. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    Luann, this is your chance to grow apart. Don’t blow it.

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  28. Stude avatar
    kingbrlee Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It’s about time for Jack to show up, maybe they could go bowling again.

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    Windfall35  over 3 years ago

    Interesting that the mainstay character has become the least interesting storyline

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  30. Tommy lee jones look
    Johnnyrico  over 3 years ago

    Five years from now: Luann marries some shallow, as-of-now unknown man. Bernice is working on a PhD in psychobabble and has no love interests. She is finally forced to move out of DeGroot Manor.

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  31. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 3 years ago

    Why would Luann want Bernice to always be with her? All she does is make her look like a fool. Well, a bigger fool than she already is, anyways. Is it possible that Luann developed Stockholm Syndrome? Or is she just too attached?

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    TORAD_07  over 3 years ago

    LOL! It should be so easy for Lu! Not a chance.

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    luann1212  over 3 years ago

    I wonder if Bern is really going to the library? She is looking awfully clevaa (South Side street vernacular) in panels 1 & 2. Going to meet Nil? As for Luann, she is in her role as setup for other characters, and I got a chuckle seeing Puddles apparent confusion in panel 3. Still too early to see where this is going even though we’re on a hump day cycle.

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  34. Tommy lee jones look
    Johnnyrico  over 3 years ago

    15 years from now: Luann has two kids and is trapped in a dead, loveless marriage. She meets a guy 10 years younger online, spends the weekend with him and accidentally gets knocked up. Bernice is working on her 3rd PhD and is still an embittered basket-case. She is still a virgin.

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    comic reader 22  over 3 years ago

is the charm of having Bernice living there wearing off? Is Luann getting a clue? Like
your supposed “best friend” is uncaring, rude, dismissive, insulting, self-righteous, arrogant and abusive? I will admit that once Luann gets an inkling of what’s going on, she usually acts on it. I do wonder why Nancy (who is usually so perceptive) has not seen how dysfunctional these two girls’ friendship has become. Instead, she was shown joining in on putting Luann down. Since she is the one who invited Bernice to live there (rent free) maybe she should start working out a way to resolve the situation – like asking her to find somewhere else to live, or speaking to Bernice’s parents and arranging for her to move back home.

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    Airman  over 3 years ago

    This week is just a “rest stop” along Greg’s highway to adventure.

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    cowan  over 3 years ago

    Yesterday Bernice said I’m talking to Pud Today she is leaving. Something is missing here. Also, you do not train a dog by holding a food dish over his head. I was expecting to see Bernice take over. That could have been interesting

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  38. Img 9904
    eladee AKA Wally  over 3 years ago

    Luann still really likes Berniece. I can understand them being friends from long ago. Middle School makes insecure kids hang together. But these days? They have so little on common. I frankly do not understand why they haven’t grown apart and gone their separate ways. Berniece has shown not a single bit of warmth toward Luann since she moved in. Luann desperately needs to make some new and better friends—interesting people who genuinely like her. She can still interact with Berniece at home but unfortunately Berniece and Tara and Jack seem to be her only friends. If they don’t want her to have a boyfriend right I can understand that but at least give her a few new friends.

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    fathergod  over 3 years ago

    So why does Bernice NOT have a job to help pay for household expenses?

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    Crann Bethadh  over 3 years ago

    Boy, that Luann is sure a glutton for punishment. You’d think that she’d enjoy her alone time, after what just transpired. And the way that Bernice just abruptly goes, “Well, I’m off to bury my smug, snarky little face in psychology textbooks again” without any warmth or friendly goodbye just serves to drive that impression home even further. Why are they even friends anymore?

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  41. Tyge
    Tyge  over 3 years ago

    Luann seems to be in the throes of existential anxiety lately. First Gunther, her forever boy friend, links up with a dynamic beauty. A relationship that she initiated and then took a prurient interest in its development. Then Tiffany, her bestest rival forever, has found some new inner strength and paternal reconciliation and is off pursuing her own goals. Tara may have left for Utah, we don’t know. Jack, once a potential beau (they did date, remember), is apparently solely focused on his vet tech studies and physical fitness pursuits and has relegated her to the friend zone. Even her irritating brother has hunked up, become a heroic fireman and found the love of his life.

    Fate had brought a BFF/potential sister into her very home and they had girl talks and exciting adventures. Then Bernice, her really real best friend forever, has found a new love interest outside the DeGroot home. Luann is being relegated to Existential Limbo.

    Alas and alack, her only “friend” is the ubiquitous Puddles. Yes
 it is the dark night of the soul for our eponymous Princess. Is there a Prince Charming out there to rescue her from this dire situation?

    Don’t turn that dial. GnK will come up with something.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    apparently what Luann needs is a life

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    kenhense  over 3 years ago

    Lu really needs to start thinking about getting her own place (and her own life).

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  44. Photo
    DawnQuinn1  over 3 years ago

    Luann is not training Pud right. Saying two commands at the same time confuses him. Say one command. When he complies with the first command, reward him. THEN go on to the second command.

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  45.  me
    snowedin, now known as Missy's mom  over 3 years ago

    Luann needs a life, pronto.

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  46. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Oh, the Bern of it?

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  47. Missing large
    CAMom  over 3 years ago

    Bernice is probably seeing Nil on the sly!

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    Z-bert  over 3 years ago

    I agree with those that think Bernice is off to meet Nil.

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  49. 0146yellow
    Vilyehm  over 3 years ago

    So tomorrow do we follow Bernice, or follow Luann?

    This question is, of course, an Enders Game setup.

    Everyone is going to answer:


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  50. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  over 3 years ago

    So where is Bernice really going? To the “Unsaid”.

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  51. Missing large
    buer  over 3 years ago

    The problem with modern abreviations is that one doesn’t always know their true meaning when using them. For instance, here, is Luann really aware that BFF stands for Badgering Female Fiend when she is using it as Boring Frustrated Fellow

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  52. Ligand1
    RSH  over 3 years ago

    Sometimes when Luann is searching for a solution she gets that “risky frisky” feeling. As we saw, that one didn’t turn out so well. So I hope she’s not getting that feeling this time.

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  53. Caligari
    ironbrigade1861  over 3 years ago

    Is Evans ever going to let Luann go through puberty? She comes off as a ten year old

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    DG  over 3 years ago

    Sad. Luann wants to spend time with her BFF Bern, but Bern doesn’t have time for Luann as she is off to the library to “study”. I bet she isn’t going to the library again to study, but in fact she is going to meet and smooch with Nil, which is worse cause than she is flat out lying to her friend. Face it Luann, you are being used. Your BBF is just using you for free room and board. She doesn’t care about your feelings or you.

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  55. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 3 years ago


    Interesting! I am glad this is not just a week about training Puddles (who, IMO is fine the way he is). By the way
.. IS Puddles a boy or a girl? Today I was thinking boy but I am not really sure.

    So, what is afoot:

    1. Could it be that Bernice has a Summer class and she is going to the library to study? (Possibly)

    2. Could it be that Bernice is going to the library to meet Nil? (Bigger possibility)

.. since we have seen the comic concept of one friend “following and spying” on the other just recently
. it seems somewhat unlikely Greg would do that comic concept again so soon. But
.. is it likely that Bernice and Nil will just have some alone-to-talk time? (This does not seem comedically likely.). So
. who will enter the scene when Bernice and Nil potentially meet?

    A. Luann? (It would be fair counterplay, but it would be difficult to explain unless Luann were to follow and purposefully spy
. which like I said before seems unlikely Greg would use as a technique again so soon.

    B. Jack? (Possibly
. but seems a bit of a stretch.)

. with Bernice going to the library and Luann not likely to follow her
.. what will happen? I have no clue.

     •  Reply
  56. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 3 years ago

.. I do very much like Greg’s affirmation here today that Luann and Bernice ARE best friends. This shows to me that BOTH Luann and Bernice know and understand that the silly, sometimes edgy, sometimes sarcastic interplay they have
.. is just a normal part of the way a lot of friends are with each other. Their interplay NEED NOT be so polarizing to some folks as it tends to be. For me (and it appears for Greg too) it is just a common aspect of some types of friendship bantering back and forth.

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  57. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    A couple thoughts
. How often does Bernice run off? Why doesn’t Luann go with her? Is Bernice actually going to the library or is she meeting Nil? If so, that was an interesting start on Monday for this arc. Seems Luann could learn about control from Bets and Gunther could get some pointers about independence from Bernice. /s ;-))

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    Argythree  over 3 years ago

    @Pipe Tobacco:

    I don’t think artist Evans has shown us that Luann and B are friends. I think he’s shown us that Luann still thinks of B as her best friend, but B does not see Luann as a best friend, or a friend at all. Maybe this is a guy thing, acting in a sarcastic way toward a friend? It isn’t really the way a woman who considers someone a friend would treat that other woman

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  59. Missing large
    wantcomicsnow  over 3 years ago

    Luann likes having Bernice there? She likes being constantly insulted and sneered at?


    I never knew Luann was such a masochist.

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  60. Yellow submarine
    spaced man spliff  over 3 years ago

    A lot less comments these days since the Bets/Gunth arc ended.

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  61. Toughcat
    bakana  over 3 years ago

    Bern isn’t too good at saying “Arf”.

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  62. Cousins 1 2021
    Natarose  over 3 years ago

    Bet she has a study date with Nil.

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    phxhocking  over 3 years ago

    I’m a little confused here. Why are folks thinking that a pair of slacks and a tank top is “sexy?” Heck, it’s summer. What do YOU wear in the summer?

    Luann needs to get a life. Others are not there to keep her entertained.

    Is Bernice up to something? Some clandestine meeting? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe she really is going to the library to study. Or maybe she’s going to the library to have a little time to herself. Maybe she’s meeting Nil for coffee, or to pose for him for a painting.

    I’d like to see Luann grow up a little. She still acts like she’s in high school, playing silly high school games. Doesn’t she have a job? If not, she needs to get one. For that matter, it seems most of the people in this strip have a job. Heck, even Les has a job. What exactly IS Luann doing with her life? I’d sure like to see some character development beyond the dumb blonde she’s been portrayed for so long. She needs to have an “aha!” moment – something that will change her life and give her direction. Come on, GnK! Do something with your title character, okay?

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    gnmnrbl  over 3 years ago

    Luann, Bernice goes out and pursues life, she doesn’t stay at home expecting life to come to her. Bernice doesn’t expect fame, fortune, and love to just fall in her lap
you do.

    Bernice is going to the library possibly for a date with Nil or to exercise her favorite joy: reading.

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  65. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 3 years ago

    A double fail for Luann-as-trainer! And this is only Wednesday! How long, O Evans, must we suffer this?

    Even Puddles is finding this boring

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  66. Nina pykhtina aim cover
    ElJorro  over 3 years ago

    Yeah, it does not work like that.

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    Argythree  over 3 years ago

    @phxhocking and kittysquared:

    Please explain which ‘silly high school games’ Luann is playing. Taking her dog to a dog park? Trying to train her dog? Taking an interest in someone she very mistakenly thinks of as a friend? I didn’t realize these were ‘silly high school games’. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve been in high school and I still take an interest in those of think of as friends.

    Get a job and be an adult. Luann has had jobs before and may still be employed part time at Kidz First. Helping kids to do well in school and life is at least as important as Les’s job ensuring that dishes in The Fuse are clean. And as far as having a job means being an adult, I guess you would have to say that Gunther and Bets are still high school children, since neither appear to be employed at this time.

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  68. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 3 years ago

    I just love libraries. Luann uses her self defense “muscles” that way more often to show she has a right to her self esteem.

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  69. Me kindergarten  2
    finnygirl Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I do agree that Bernice is probably on her way to see Nil. But I’m puzzled by the comments that she’s “dressed too nicely” to be going to the library. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned (I know for sure I’m old, lol), but a tank top and slacks isn’t “dressed up” to me. I wore such things all the time to the library, both in college and in my working life afterwards. I still do. (Well, tee shirts instead of tank tops now, but still casual but nice clothes). Perhaps I’m doing it wrong, and I should get some baggy jeans and sloppy shirts next time I head out to the library. :-D

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  70. Me kindergarten  2
    finnygirl Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I’m still mystified that anybody really cares whether Puddles gets trained or not. Luann is just trying to prove to Bernice that she’s capable of training him, which she isn’t. But I don’t know why she should even care. It’s not like he attacked people or knocked all the furniture around. As for taking Luann along to the library, Luann is just to flighty, IMO, for a study partner. If I were seriously studying, she would drive me crazy with airheaded comments. And a friend certainly doesn’t need to come along if Bernice is going to see Nil. Again, she would drive anybody nuts. I like Luann, and her “airhead” personality is endearing. But that’s better enjoyed in a very casual setting such as going out to eat, or chatting at home, not that Bernice is interested at all in doing anything with Luann.

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  71. Missing large
    Argythree  over 3 years ago


    Sometimes, people who appear to be airheaded and flighty may be using that behavior to cover up the fact that they lack self confidence. Especially if they find themselves always being talked down to; it’s easier to accept being treated with disdain if you’re hiding behind a made-up light-hearted personality that you know isn’t the ‘real you’, than to take the risk of being yourself and just get talked down to some more

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    randalland  over 3 years ago

    There isn’t any fun living with Bernice

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    Chuck374  over 3 years ago

    The shadows seemed to be sitting much closer together.

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  74. Poncho cropped
    Paunch  over 3 years ago

    One of the better ones I have seen, anywhere.

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