Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for January 25, 2023

  1. Missing large
    thelsrc  almost 2 years ago

    Wait a minute, does this mean Sophie is Irish?

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  2. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  almost 2 years ago

    She could report the outside temperatures from the weathered bureau…

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  3. Opus swivel 2
    Jacob Mattingly   almost 2 years ago

    So turns out Sophie’s misery continues, I was wrong. But it’s fair given she just moved and while Tommy at least GOT her to move, feelings of fear of change weren’t going to go away easily especially for a drama queen. On the bright side my shipping her and elvis has gone from mildly propable to “these two need each other” as both tend to overact even when the reason for their pain is valid. Just see “hold me I had a fright” a few weeks back.

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  4. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  almost 2 years ago

    My Gracie sings like that when she’s looking for me or Sara. Gracie likes to have her alone time under this or that. she often falls asleep for hours at a time doing that. when she wakes up, she’s lost EVERYONE! WHERE ARE YOU! i’m told she does that when i’m gone for a few hours too. I come home to find her curled up in the middle of my bed.

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    DorseyBelle  almost 2 years ago

    Thank you, Sophie, for expressing your anguish so clearly.

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  6. Bobo
    Sue Ellen  almost 2 years ago

    Sounds a lot like the noise they heard coming from behind the hidden door when Iggy and O.Z. were inside the old addition.

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  7. Jump
    bigcatbusiness  almost 2 years ago

    Careful you don’t attract the male cats.

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    Robin Harwood  almost 2 years ago

    And a bit OT. Check “9 Chickeeed Lane”.

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    Robin Harwood  almost 2 years ago

    Impossible to decide which is worse – yodelling or Irish lullabies.

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    enigmamz  almost 2 years ago

    I had the “too-ra-loo-ra” song popping into my head all weekend. Thanks for bringing up again!

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  11. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I had to expand the strip to read Panel 2. “Low weird howl.”

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  12. Small
    cb8ty  almost 2 years ago

    The tissues and one little tear are just too sad even with the Irish lullabies.

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  13. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  almost 2 years ago

    Sophie’s just singing the song of her people. Doesn’t everyone do that?

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  14. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Poor Tommy has such worried eyebrows.

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  15. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  almost 2 years ago

    Geez cat. Not be so Sophie-sticated.

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  16. 111px blitty3
    Sionyx  almost 2 years ago

    Poor Sophie, she’s gonna be singin’ this song forever…

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  17. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 2 years ago

    Maybe Sophie will come out to explore, late at night when the humans are asleep. She has to eat and pee some times.

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  18. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    An Irish mountain cat?

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    rheddmobile  almost 2 years ago

    Oh dear. I have one that does that low weird howl when distressed and know the sound well.

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  20. Metemp
    Janet Gamble Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    When Irish cats are crying, they yowl louder than the birds, of spring! When Irish cats are yowling, you pray it won’t last, til’ May!

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  21. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  almost 2 years ago

    Come on Tommy, cheer her up with an, Irish dance…with Bea, Izzy and O.Z, dancing behind him!

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  22. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   almost 2 years ago

    OT…So yesterday my crappy neighbors moved out after being evicted. The other neighbors on the opposite side had taken in the crappy neighbors cat because he was neglected. He got out today. Tonight as I was sitting in bed I heard what I thought was a distant howling, thinking it was a dog in the distance… Then I realized it was a cat yowling outside my bedroom window. His secondary entrance was the window past mine. I went outside with my flashlight and was able to retrieve this sad boy.. unable to understand what happened to his original family. I brought him back to his new family and helped get him inside but I could tell he’s really confused. I’m glad he’s better taken care of, but I feel really sorry for him.

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  23. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  almost 2 years ago

    Kenny Loggins: House at Pooh Corner

    Sophie and I moved to the Big Pink House

    Joining our friends who lived above

    Saying hi to our friends Puck and Elvis at the window

    Showing them all our love!


    But my dear friend Sophie still feels scared and alone

    Still afraid to explore our brand new home!


    So help me if you can, I’ve got to

    Do what I can so Soph feels at home

    Help her find objects for art,

    Encourage her to make a new start,

    Now to the days of Elvis, Lupin and Puck! (And of course Goldie, Iggy, and Ora Z)


    Sophie: It is too true I don’t know what to do,

    Everything is different and I’m scared,

    I know I’ll get through with the BCN crew,

    I know that they all care!

    Right now under this bureau I’ll stay,

    But I know it will be alright one day!


    So help me if you can, I’ve got to

    Do what I can so to feel right at home

    Look for some objects for art,

    Somehow I’ll make a new start,

    Now to the days of Elvis, Lupin and Puck! (And of course Goldie, Iggy, and Ora Z)

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  24. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  almost 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Enter Queen Catshepsut the Golden

    The Queen: What is the meaning of this? How dare you menace my staff, not to mention my friends!

    Head Elf: Your Majesty, I am the son of the late king of my kindred. It is no idle boast to state that I am regarded as the mightiest of my people. My very name means Spirit of Fire.

    The Queen: I have heard of you. I believe in your language you are called Fe-Anaro, and you have devised works of exceeding beauty.

    Fe-Anaro: That is true, Your Majesty. These jewels you see before you are the greatest of my life’s work. They were stolen by the Evil One, who also sent my father to cross what your people call the Rainbow Bridge.

    The Queen: I grieve with you. But why do you fight with my friends?

    Son #1 (Maed-Ros): We have sworn an oath with our father to stop at nothing to take back our jewels. But I never have been attacked by an angry sunflower before.

    Son #2 (Mag-lor): Nor have I ever been mauled by a multicolored kitten or pounded by a polydactyl paw!

    Beatrixia: You do know there are other ways to regain your jewels than fighting.

    Fe-Anaro: And what, pray tell, do you suggest?

    Bea: Have you considered asking for them back?

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  25. Pirate family 2
    Leanne  almost 2 years ago

    My ginger girl shares that same vocabulary!

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  26. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  almost 2 years ago

    Does Sophie also enjoy the meat that smells like socks that the Woman makes?

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    dessertlady Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I feel Tommy’s pain. The one and only time we moved our ginger cat she hid in cabinet at the old house until she was put in the carrier and did a lot of robust yodeling at the new place.

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    misty  almost 2 years ago

    Guess there are times when we all need to share a little pain

    And moving on in the rain

    Is the hardest part when memories remain

    And it’s times like these when Sophie need to sing her yo-di-o-do-oh

    ’Cause with the ache of her fragile soul

    We share the troubles of such sweet, sweet woe

    Sing your song, sing your song

    Sing all your sad songs

    When all hope is gone

    Why don’t you open up and bring them on

    They reach into our hearts, oh oh oh

    We feel their gentle touch (gentle touch)

    When all hope is gone

    Sophie sings for us

    - Bernie Taupin / Elton John – Sad Songs (Say So Much)

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  29. Successful runner
    skipper1992  almost 2 years ago

    Quick followup to yesterday’s post: The Girl should be fine. She apparently has a viral thing that’s going around. The orders are for rest, fluids, and Tylenol.

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  30. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Yeah, Sophie’s stressed as can be.

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  31. Kittens above
    drmickeyg  almost 2 years ago

    My Kojak yodels, too . . . at 2 in the morning! We think he is looking for his biological sister, who crossed the RB this past August. He and his half-sister do not really like each other, so he finds no comfort in her presence.

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  32. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    When we moved, naturally we left the cats till last, so we didn’t have to keep them in carriers very long. After we moved out all the furniture, we went back to find Dot, a year-and-a-half-old Calico, standing in the middle of the empty living room she had lived in her whole life, yowling like crazy, and absolutely freaked out like I’ve never seen a cat freaked out.

    She got over it, but I felt so bad for her.

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  33. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I went across the room

    Where all the Yodellers be

    To try to learn to yodel

    With my yodel-oh-ee-dee

    I crawled under an end table

    On a clear and sunny day

    And met a yodellin’ kitty

    like in a Swiss chalet

    She taught me to yodel




    She taught me to yodel



    Well now I’m gonna teach you

    How to yodel just like me

    It’s easy when you’re singin’

    To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-dee

    First you take a deep breath

    Then it’s K.O. one, two, three

    And then you’ll hear a yodel

    If you listen close to me

    Yeah, this is how to yodel




    This is how to yodel



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  34. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  almost 2 years ago

    Oh sweet Sophie, let me reach under the bureau and skritch under your chin and behind your ears.

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    katey11 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    My cat Gerry’s idea of playing is to walk around the house, toy in mouth, yowling. He sounds like he’s in pain. When someone new hears him their eyes always get big and they ask if he’s ok.

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    ladykat  almost 2 years ago

    Oh, poor Sophie; I know you’re stressed and you are relieving it the only way you can

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    Banjo Gordy Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    When we moved from Overland Park KS to far NW Tucson village of Catalina in our ’84 Volvo 240 SW we had 3 cats & a Wheaton Terrier. Dog was in back seat, & cats in cat carriers behind back seats cargo space. Motel allowed us to have dog & cats in our room. Cats & dog glad the car trip was over & enjoyed exploring our new double wide mobile home. Our cats have never been allowed outside!

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    Katzen1415  almost 2 years ago

    I don’t doubt that a cat can make a sound interpreted as yodeling, I just can’t imagine what it sounds like. I honestly hope she stays down there now, so she can come out when the moving is over and find it looks so much like her old comforting place.

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    BarbaraKrooss  almost 2 years ago

    Poor Dr. Scuttles. Imagine how he’ll feel when he hears that Irish lullabies and eldritch yodel-howling are reported, coming from the very location he so recently vacated. He just missed his chance for sighting a rare cryptid, the Swiss Banshee! Luckily, he has a patient, resigned philosophical temperament…

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    shamiehg  almost 2 years ago

    Actually, as The Descendent of Multiple Irish Kings, I do not wish to bust your proverbial bubble, but those WERE the Irish lullabies. Personally, I have no desire to experience the yodeling.


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    ShariMccormick  almost 2 years ago

    Our daddy-cat was named Thomas Magnum O’Malley; named after Phil Harris (The Aristocats) and Tom Selleck (Magnum!). He was definitely Irish as he loved the wee ones, chasing the mom-cat away when she cuffed one of her babies, and adopting the whole litter for himself. Needless to say we kept them all.

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  42. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  almost 2 years ago

    Bartholomew is quite the yodeler. For the past couple of mornings he has begun at around quarter to 5. I took him downstairs so Albert’s Man could sleep, expecting to be entertaining him with laser pointer and cat dancer for a couple of hours. But he curled up next to me on the daybed and we both went to sleep.

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    Red Bird  almost 2 years ago

    Dealing with change can be pretty hard.

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    NWdryad  almost 2 years ago

    I feel bad for Sophie, but this storyline really is hilarious.

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  45. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Love Puck’s sad, concerned face in panel one. So much emotion in such a simple picture!

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  46. Bobo
    Sue Ellen  almost 2 years ago

    Snowmageddon turned out to be snowmabust! As much as they underestimated snow totals on Sunday they overestimated snow totals today. My area got about an inch of snow before it turned over to rain. Areas to the north got up to 6 inches before it switched over.

    I’ve mentioned the blizzard of ‘78 from time to time. Here’s a link to how it affected my neck of the woods:

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  47. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 2 years ago

    Sophie is sensitive, artistic temperament. Our 17 year old has been howling for a couple of years. It often sounds like a yodel. The vet thinks it’s probably dementia. He also does it when he wants to be picked up and put on the bed. He isn’t as agile as he once was.

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    jr1234  almost 2 years ago


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  49. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Georgia posted a cute video of Ora grooming the Man’s arm,

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  50. Hellcat
    knight1192a  almost 2 years ago

    Been listening to Kenny Loggins or maybe the Irish Rovers?

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    mepowell  almost 2 years ago

    O,T, Mark your calendars for March 12th! Georgia posted this: “If all the recent changes and moves to and from the Big Pink House have you confused—you’re not the only one! I’ve seen many comments asking to revisit the old charts and had a few folks write in for a run down of who is where. Coming up on March 12, I’m going to run a Sunday strip that will show the whole Big Pink House in a cross section—like a dollhouse! I’ll label a few parts and give everyone a peek into the house itself. The changes came on slowly over 9 years, and now understandably it’s time for a new chart! (Puck will be thrilled, lol!)A quick text reference in the meanwhile:The Big Pink House is an old Victorian that has been turned into three apartments. It has a basement and two small attic spaces. Tommy and Sophie live on the first floor with their people. The BCN crew of Elvis, Puck, Lupin, etc live on the second floor with their people. Tabitha and Figaro live on the third floor with their woman. The addition is a part of the Victorian that had been closed off. Since buying the building, the people on each floor have access to it. They will each gain 1-3 new rooms this way. Burt and Baba Mouse live next door to the BPH, on Quinn farms with their woman and her two children. Beatrix and Trevor live above the bookstore, with their woman. The raccoons and wild animals live in the “wild lands,” the fields and forest just beyond the BPH and Quinn Farms.Dr. Scuttles lives with his man in a new house a few streets away. Wicket the owl lives at the Quinn Wildlife Rehabilitation Center… for now. The robber mice are everywhere and anywhere!”

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    CatherinePrickett  almost 2 years ago

    Sophie is a drama queen and I am here for it.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  almost 2 years ago

    At least it’s sweet woe!

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    metagalaxy1970  almost 2 years ago

    Change can be hard for some kitties and it takes time to adjust. Once she gets used to the new sounds and smells, she’ll be okay.

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  55. Ruke toe
    miscreant  almost 2 years ago

    Hello Orb friends. I need some purrs and head bumps. I have the dreaded COVID and am having a really hard time. I thought it was a sinus infection but my dad got the test and it’s COVID. Since I am the person who takes care of him and haven’t been around anyone else I know I got it from him. Dad went to 3 medical facilities Monday before last and spent the night in the hospital. My brother picked him up and took him home. Dad is doing fine but I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I even left one of the dogs with him. I’ve never been so sick I had to leave an animal with someone else to take care of. Those vaccinations didn’t help.

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    linaik25 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    This made me laugh out loud.

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  57. Beatrix
    azkfwecho Premium Member almost 2 years ago


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