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Brad, you mean shannon ISN’T enough of a handful for you that you want more of that. Yes children are cute, sweet, fun, funny…but you gotta deal with the sleepless nights and massive headaches to have the fun parts.
Sigh…here we go again, listening to Toni say no to children for the zillionth time. Poor Brad. This has the potential for them to go splitsville. They could eventually have a serious confrontation about Toni’s perpetual denying Brad the children he wants and reach a decision that they want different things from their marriage and split. Toni prefers to be childless and stay an aunt only as she feels that raising Shannon is enough. But she can’t make that decision for Brad. Brad also can’t make Toni give him a child. So…splitsville. Toni will have no trouble finding a new guy…because, hello, she’s gorgeous. Brad? Hmmm. At least he has the fireman job appeal.
That’s one of the good reasons to stay single: no baby pressure. Oh, wait. I’ve already gotten that from people who just couldn’t mind their own business.
Tell ya what Brad ole buddy, go adopt yourself a kitten, then you can treat your kitty like a baby the way Les is treating Punk. Everybody’s happy! :D :P
Leave the poor woman alone, dammit. She may or may not want more kids. Shannon is enough to make anyone think twice…or more. There’s no shortage of humans.
Bingo! I knew we would get into the overarching storyline, the possible pregnancy of Toni in her marriage with Brad. I am so against the tide of opinion of so many here many of whom are undoubtedly are parents and grandparents (boy your progeny must be like spawn of Beelzebub) who express such pedophobia (hating Shannon for example) and don’t want her to have a child, I hope she will change her mind. It is her final choice after all I strongly agree, it is her body, her womanhood, although ultimately it should be a family decision, I hope, and I think that this is all leading up to that decision. It’s a comic of course but here hilarity ensues is an analogue of real life and real people (there will be drama and suspense of course). Jeez Luannverse!
Well, I am glad Punk and Les are off the roof. We never did see how Les came down. The ladder was right there, just needed someone to steady it. Al needs to invest in an extension ladder. They are good to have. Let’s save Toni, Brad and a baby for another time. This was our Thanksgiving theme storyline. Hope everyone had a big piece of pie with lots of whipped cream. Toni, Brad and a baby would work well in a Christmas arc.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: until Brad and Toni can afford to cover living expenses without TJ and take a firm stance against Jonah constantly dumping Shannon on them at random, they are NOT ready for a baby
I was wondering what was the point of the Cat on the Roof story. It seemed so pointless, then just kept on going. Then today it turned onto another chapter on Brad wants a child. We’ve gone years without this coming up and now within a space of two months (or so) it’s come up twice. Is this going to become a main storyarc? Are we going to alternate between Bernice’s (ahem) wet dreams about Beatrice and Jacquis (bloog blop glug glug) and Toni getting harassed for not wanting children. Are GnK going to ignore Luann for months on end again while following minor characters’ little dramas? When will Karen give Luann the kind of love she gives to creepy characters like Leslie or Tiffany. This once great strip just keep getting worse and worse.
How in the World is Brad (according to some readers) “pressuring Toni to have a baby” here?
All I’m seeing is a guy dropping a playful hint (and setting up a punchline) for lovely his wife, who in turn playfully bats that “hint” right back at him. “Hilarity Ensued” as #1 likes to say.
But some of you “folks” are acting like what Brad said was grounds for divorce.
I don’t want them to have a baby because baby comics are so predictable, like when a baby is born on a TV show. Morning sickness! Swelling! Cravings! Mad rush to the hospital! No sleep! Hilarity ensues—not.
Toni doesn’t want kids. She has a career she loves, Shannon to deal with, and a roommate that insures there will never be any privacy. Brad on the other hand seems to have excellent paternal instincts, as demonstrated with Shannon, and wants a family. This could be problematic, as resentment could build from each other’s wishes not being fulfilled. Once that resentment has a foundation, it continues to build.
Brad, and, Toni do seem to have the job of raising Shannon more than her father. Which seems to help Brad wanting a baby vibes, but, seems to set Toni’s not yet vibes as well. Someday, when Greg is ready, it will happen. Bernice, Gunther, and, etc. will become honorary Aunts, and, Uncles, Frank, Nancy, and, Luann will have a grandbaby/baby niece, or, nephew to spoil.
Punk is my favorite character on this strip! Really well drawn and expressive. On the other subject, maybe Brad should take it easy with his hinting about a baby all the time. It’s going to start wearing on their relationship if he keeps it up. He would do better if he concentrated on getting to where Toni thinks they need to be – maybe she’s waiting until they have a home of their own and are more financially stable, although with both of them being full time paid firefighters they should have been able to do that by now. She needs to tell him straight up what the problem is and what would change her mind.
Brad should leave Toni alone about this for now. He knows she has valid reasons for not wanting kids right now. She lost her parents early and, even though they lived with an aunt, she had to do a lot of the caretaking for Jonah, who sounds like he was a handful. Then, ever since Jonah had Shannon, she’s been helping raise her! She probably feels she has already raised plenty of kids already. He needs to relax and give her time. She may or may not come around. But if he presses too hard right now she may begin to feel it was a mistake to get married. It’s a long story but my husband and I never had kids. I had a rough time growing up and did a lot of the caretaking of my sister. I had a lot of anxiety toward having kids and I met a wonderful guy who approved of my decision and actually felt the same way. We’ve been honored to have been a part of our friends who have had kids, and now grandkids’ lives and it’s brought us a lot of joy but to this day we still do not regret our decision. Early on in our marriage family members tried to talk us into having children. It caused a lot of tension. But finally, after about ten years they realized that was never gonna happen. Everyone is different. Brad needs to respect Toni’s feelings right now.
By the way, I love kids. I spent several years as an elementary school teacher. But liking kids doesn’t necessarily mean you should nor are you ready to have kids of your own. You need to search your heart and soul carefully before you make such a big decision.
Indoor cat live much longer than outdoor cats. Punk should not have been able to get on the roof. If Brad is desperate for a baby, he will need to either divorce his wife or get another woman to have one for him (not suggesting that as a viable option). Pressure to have a child can be overwhelming and off putting, no matter who does it. Toni knows Brad wants children. She will let him know when and if she is ready. Maybe TJ will babysit, maybe Brad can cut his hours. Toni loves her career. But I do not ever remember a baby happening in this comic strip. Shannon showed up as a child. Anyone remember a pregnancy and child ever here?
If a woman (or man) doesn’t want to have a baby that’s perfectly fine. It’s their own business, and it’s not like the world is hurting for human beings – rather the opposite…
It’s really surprising how and to what extent the right pet can transform a person. Les is probably still an angle-working lout, basically, but with redeeming qualities.
Now maybe they can get a ladder? Les could put in half from his paltry salary and Gunther could ask his mom for the other half? That would make the fire department happy.
I was wondering if Les’ caring for Punk would lead to either Brad or Toni wanting a pet or baby. Sounds like Toni still has reservations about a baby. Had to laugh at Les’ num- nums talk. ;-))
I always wondered when my first child was born, how she, who weighed 8 lbs at birth could literally turn our lives upside down:) It was great, but it amazed me how many changes in our lives having a baby made. But it was good and I ended up having two kids.
Yeah – Brad. When a baby is born, will Brad say, “OK Toni – Take care of all that stuff that women do.” But Brad is a good guy – Toni will just need to give him a little training.
Looks like the folks who were wringing their hands with dread over the prospect of a whole week of the “Les left on the roof” theme get to breathe a sigh of relief … and find something else to whine about.
I don’t know what’s coming for the rest of the week, but I’ll go out on a limb and predict that it won’t be three solid days of uncomfortable discussion about just when Toni will be ready to have children.
Just because I feel like posting it, a song I wrote back in 1977 here from a board mix from a show in 1980. We almost got signed to ATLANTIC records. Ahmet Ertigun actually heard this.
yes Brad, people do care for their pets and that includes being worried when the un-anticipated happens. You don’t have one so you don’t know anything about it… zip your lip.
Toni is already raising a brother and his daughter. Give Toni a break. Let her enjoy her marriage as a wife and her career. Children need a lot of love and attention of both parents. She is just not ready yet. Patients dear boy patients. Wait until you get a house with just you and Toni.
Maybe it’s time for a foster child (other than Shannon, I mean) to be dropped in their lap. I can actually a lot of places this could go. In fact, it would be interesting for Toni to decide she wants a child, only to find out she can’t have any. Or for Brad to find out he’s sterile. Lord knows there are a LOT of children out there without parents, and yes, some of them are babies. Still, kudos to the foster parents who take in and love the teenagers, too. All but one of my brother’s six children came from the foster care system. Now adopted and living perfectly good lives. Oh, wait. I think he might be adopting another teenager now. I lose count…
So reading these comments I see over and over about men “helping” with raising children. I know that probably most commenters aren’t thinking about this, but using the word “helping” implies that the child raising is really the mother’s responsibility-the father is just “helping” the mother out. Which in 2020 its sad to see this over and over again. Both parents made the baby. The child should be their responsibility equally to care for. The father shouldn’t be “helping” or (god forbid) “babysitting” their own child. Its called doing your job as a parent-the same as Mom. Also, that needs to be recognized in the legal code with paternal leave to reinforce this.
For those who say that the smart thing is for Toni and Brad not to have kids: I’ll reference an old Sci Fi story, “The Marching Morons” by Cyril M. Kornbluth.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
Brad so wants to start a family with Toni, burt she’s not ready.
AnyFace over 4 years ago
pseudomao over 4 years ago
Num nums? Les has lost it. ;)
Tyge over 4 years ago
Ok, so no change on the junior DeGroot’s baby front. But I wouldn’t bet on the “Don’t Come” line at this point.
JD'Huntsville'AL over 4 years ago
You stick to your guns, Toni. Wait about 30 years and THEN think about kids.
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
Don’t back down Toni.
kenhense over 4 years ago
Not sure what Toni’s issue is – but if they need TJ to help with the rent – yeah – maybe not baby time.
beb01 over 4 years ago
Toni, divorce that breeder ass. You don’t need him. If he wants a baby, let him get pregnant!
Tyge over 4 years ago
Does Brad’s hat stand for Fuddy Duddy?
ericbrower over 4 years ago
Careful Toni. Don’t end up jinxing yourself.
If Brad keeps persisting, just invite Shannon for an overnight. That should discourage them both.
eolan59 over 4 years ago
Having a cat does change your vocabulary
Tyge over 4 years ago
Punk (in meow dialect): Any catnip treats left over from the cosplay party??
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Tie a bell around Punk`s neck.
gnmnrbl over 4 years ago
Brad, you mean shannon ISN’T enough of a handful for you that you want more of that. Yes children are cute, sweet, fun, funny…but you gotta deal with the sleepless nights and massive headaches to have the fun parts.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Sigh…here we go again, listening to Toni say no to children for the zillionth time. Poor Brad. This has the potential for them to go splitsville. They could eventually have a serious confrontation about Toni’s perpetual denying Brad the children he wants and reach a decision that they want different things from their marriage and split. Toni prefers to be childless and stay an aunt only as she feels that raising Shannon is enough. But she can’t make that decision for Brad. Brad also can’t make Toni give him a child. So…splitsville. Toni will have no trouble finding a new guy…because, hello, she’s gorgeous. Brad? Hmmm. At least he has the fireman job appeal.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Be careful on what you wish for?
live2read over 4 years ago
That’s one of the good reasons to stay single: no baby pressure. Oh, wait. I’ve already gotten that from people who just couldn’t mind their own business.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Did Leslie Knox missed Thanksgiving Dinner?
BJShipley1 over 4 years ago
Punk is unusually tolerant, as most cats I’ve met do NOT like to be held with their belly upward like that.
jmworacle over 4 years ago
Brad, you and Toni already have T.J. and Shannon.
Caldonia over 4 years ago
The way Brad’s face is drawn in the last panel would kill anyone’s desire to have a baby. And their desire to eat ham sandwiches, as well.
Airman over 4 years ago
No Breeders’ Cup for you, stud. So don’t be self deceiving ‘cause Toni won’t be conceiving. April fool on Brad.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
♫ Reunited ♪
SHIVA over 4 years ago
Panel 2 looks like Bwad can’t keep it in his pants much longer!!
wantcomicsnow over 4 years ago
Tell ya what Brad ole buddy, go adopt yourself a kitten, then you can treat your kitty like a baby the way Les is treating Punk. Everybody’s happy! :D :P
tonypezzano over 4 years ago
It not the baby he is after.
Call me Ishmael over 4 years ago
Leave the poor woman alone, dammit. She may or may not want more kids. Shannon is enough to make anyone think twice…or more. There’s no shortage of humans.
RSH over 4 years ago
Oh puhleeeze…… , like we went through this whole episode with Punk and Les (which I am enjoying) just to be able to enter this conversation again???
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Toni: “One kitten, coming up”.
Brad: “That’s not what I meant!”
luann1212 over 4 years ago
Bingo! I knew we would get into the overarching storyline, the possible pregnancy of Toni in her marriage with Brad. I am so against the tide of opinion of so many here many of whom are undoubtedly are parents and grandparents (boy your progeny must be like spawn of Beelzebub) who express such pedophobia (hating Shannon for example) and don’t want her to have a child, I hope she will change her mind. It is her final choice after all I strongly agree, it is her body, her womanhood, although ultimately it should be a family decision, I hope, and I think that this is all leading up to that decision. It’s a comic of course but here hilarity ensues is an analogue of real life and real people (there will be drama and suspense of course). Jeez Luannverse!
pekelopan Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well, I am glad Punk and Les are off the roof. We never did see how Les came down. The ladder was right there, just needed someone to steady it. Al needs to invest in an extension ladder. They are good to have. Let’s save Toni, Brad and a baby for another time. This was our Thanksgiving theme storyline. Hope everyone had a big piece of pie with lots of whipped cream. Toni, Brad and a baby would work well in a Christmas arc.
Queen Wolfen over 4 years ago
I wonder if they won’t end up deciding not to have kids at all.
ElyseLaura over 4 years ago
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: until Brad and Toni can afford to cover living expenses without TJ and take a firm stance against Jonah constantly dumping Shannon on them at random, they are NOT ready for a baby
beb01 over 4 years ago
I was wondering what was the point of the Cat on the Roof story. It seemed so pointless, then just kept on going. Then today it turned onto another chapter on Brad wants a child. We’ve gone years without this coming up and now within a space of two months (or so) it’s come up twice. Is this going to become a main storyarc? Are we going to alternate between Bernice’s (ahem) wet dreams about Beatrice and Jacquis (bloog blop glug glug) and Toni getting harassed for not wanting children. Are GnK going to ignore Luann for months on end again while following minor characters’ little dramas? When will Karen give Luann the kind of love she gives to creepy characters like Leslie or Tiffany. This once great strip just keep getting worse and worse.
jaydogg187 over 4 years ago
Oh, nice! I didn’t see this segue from Les to Brad/Toni coming. Well played, G&K, well played.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Okay, help Me out here.
How in the World is Brad (according to some readers) “pressuring Toni to have a baby” here?
All I’m seeing is a guy dropping a playful hint (and setting up a punchline) for lovely his wife, who in turn playfully bats that “hint” right back at him. “Hilarity Ensued” as #1 likes to say.
But some of you “folks” are acting like what Brad said was grounds for divorce.
I mean, GEE-BUS! :(
drewpamon over 4 years ago
I bet few would have sympathy if brad didn’t want kids and it was Toni wanting a child.
rugeirn over 4 years ago
Brad isn’t thinking about having the baby. Brad is thinking about making the baby.
Jabroniville Premium Member over 4 years ago
Darn- I was hoping for a big story arc for these two, FINALLY.
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
I would have thought that having Shannon around so much would be a sufficient deterrent to having kids.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
Brad! Give it a rest!
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
“When you’re ready to carry the baby to term and go through labor and delivery, just let me know, Brad!”
Deezlebird over 4 years ago
I don’t want them to have a baby because baby comics are so predictable, like when a baby is born on a TV show. Morning sickness! Swelling! Cravings! Mad rush to the hospital! No sleep! Hilarity ensues—not.
chris_o42 over 4 years ago
If a woman doesn’t want babies, for her sake and the sake of the babies, she should not be pushed into having them.
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Aww. Les loves his little Punky Wunky. Doesn’t he? Doesn’t he?
Ignatz Premium Member over 4 years ago
Remember, Brad: cute little babies turn into teenagers.
rrsltx over 4 years ago
Toni doesn’t want kids. She has a career she loves, Shannon to deal with, and a roommate that insures there will never be any privacy. Brad on the other hand seems to have excellent paternal instincts, as demonstrated with Shannon, and wants a family. This could be problematic, as resentment could build from each other’s wishes not being fulfilled. Once that resentment has a foundation, it continues to build.
CreativeChef over 4 years ago
I am just glad the Les didn’t fall off the roof
WilliamVollmer over 4 years ago
Brad, and, Toni do seem to have the job of raising Shannon more than her father. Which seems to help Brad wanting a baby vibes, but, seems to set Toni’s not yet vibes as well. Someday, when Greg is ready, it will happen. Bernice, Gunther, and, etc. will become honorary Aunts, and, Uncles, Frank, Nancy, and, Luann will have a grandbaby/baby niece, or, nephew to spoil.
mjb515 over 4 years ago
I do not understand why there are so many people here who hate the idea of having children. Why do so many find nihilism attractive?
Vilyehm over 4 years ago
Having a baby is like getting to Carnegie Hall…
Bucinka over 4 years ago
Rule 34 alert….
ctolson over 4 years ago
Brad – “But we can practice the formation can’t we?”
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Punk is my favorite character on this strip! Really well drawn and expressive. On the other subject, maybe Brad should take it easy with his hinting about a baby all the time. It’s going to start wearing on their relationship if he keeps it up. He would do better if he concentrated on getting to where Toni thinks they need to be – maybe she’s waiting until they have a home of their own and are more financially stable, although with both of them being full time paid firefighters they should have been able to do that by now. She needs to tell him straight up what the problem is and what would change her mind.
TwilightFaze over 4 years ago
Nice try, Brad. Deal with the li’l tornado first before you deal with your own.
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
this looks like a segue’ to another arc to me.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 4 years ago
It’s OK as long as it doesn’t turn into Shannon.
Kenmazing over 4 years ago
I guess they’re in their dress uniforms because it’s Thanksgiving? Pretty unusual to be in them if you are on shift I would think
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 4 years ago
Am I the only one kinda wishing they’d left Les on the roof?
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Awwww. Les is adorable when he cuddle his little Punk♡. Cats are awesome♡♡♡. And I’m with Toni. Be patient, Brad.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
Brad should leave Toni alone about this for now. He knows she has valid reasons for not wanting kids right now. She lost her parents early and, even though they lived with an aunt, she had to do a lot of the caretaking for Jonah, who sounds like he was a handful. Then, ever since Jonah had Shannon, she’s been helping raise her! She probably feels she has already raised plenty of kids already. He needs to relax and give her time. She may or may not come around. But if he presses too hard right now she may begin to feel it was a mistake to get married. It’s a long story but my husband and I never had kids. I had a rough time growing up and did a lot of the caretaking of my sister. I had a lot of anxiety toward having kids and I met a wonderful guy who approved of my decision and actually felt the same way. We’ve been honored to have been a part of our friends who have had kids, and now grandkids’ lives and it’s brought us a lot of joy but to this day we still do not regret our decision. Early on in our marriage family members tried to talk us into having children. It caused a lot of tension. But finally, after about ten years they realized that was never gonna happen. Everyone is different. Brad needs to respect Toni’s feelings right now.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
By the way, I love kids. I spent several years as an elementary school teacher. But liking kids doesn’t necessarily mean you should nor are you ready to have kids of your own. You need to search your heart and soul carefully before you make such a big decision.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
They already have a baby – her name is Shannon.
Moonkey Premium Member over 4 years ago
Indoor cat live much longer than outdoor cats. Punk should not have been able to get on the roof. If Brad is desperate for a baby, he will need to either divorce his wife or get another woman to have one for him (not suggesting that as a viable option). Pressure to have a child can be overwhelming and off putting, no matter who does it. Toni knows Brad wants children. She will let him know when and if she is ready. Maybe TJ will babysit, maybe Brad can cut his hours. Toni loves her career. But I do not ever remember a baby happening in this comic strip. Shannon showed up as a child. Anyone remember a pregnancy and child ever here?
The Pro from Dover over 4 years ago
Still wondering if they’ve even consummated their marriage yet. C’Mon Toni Dirk was a lifetime ago.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
Quit teasing us about Brad and Toni starting a family. Either they have a kid or don’t. This strip has far too many irons in the fire as it is.
dougsathome over 4 years ago
OK Brad, you can be pregnant for nine months and give birth whenever you’re ready.
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
Babies are lovely, but I’d rather have them both agree than have one partner pressure the other.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 4 years ago
I wouldn’t trade, but kittens ARE cheaper to care for.
FireAnt_Hater over 4 years ago
If a woman (or man) doesn’t want to have a baby that’s perfectly fine. It’s their own business, and it’s not like the world is hurting for human beings – rather the opposite…
Numbnumb over 4 years ago
When she is 70 she will ask Brad why he never gave her a baby!
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Late in the day.
Wrong again. The “leave Les on the roof” gag did not continue.
But the “I don’t want to have kids” running gag is back.
Even with no Shannon at her feet, Toni doesn’t want kids.
Maybe that is what this arc was about.
ACTIVIST1234 over 4 years ago
Well, now we know what Toni is giving Brad for Christmas! (Note, it meows rather than mews)
mac04416 over 4 years ago
But it sure is fun trying…..
donwestonmysteries over 4 years ago
Hmm. In a novel this would be called foreshadowing (an event to come).
Plods with ...™ over 4 years ago
Practice practice practice.
Chuck374 over 4 years ago
Swing and a miss.
Dr. Caligari over 4 years ago
Jeez, Brad is oozing with estrogen.
redfield Premium Member over 4 years ago
How come Brad’s jacket has lots of gold flash (medals?) and Toni’s has none?
AndrewSihler over 4 years ago
It’s really surprising how and to what extent the right pet can transform a person. Les is probably still an angle-working lout, basically, but with redeeming qualities.
Argythree over 4 years ago
I guess it’s still difficult for me to understand where Brad got his great interest in having kids from.
Caldonia over 4 years ago
Now maybe they can get a ladder? Les could put in half from his paltry salary and Gunther could ask his mom for the other half? That would make the fire department happy.
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
I was wondering if Les’ caring for Punk would lead to either Brad or Toni wanting a pet or baby. Sounds like Toni still has reservations about a baby. Had to laugh at Les’ num- nums talk. ;-))
ZeMastor over 4 years ago
Wow, what an abrupt transition! No details about Les’ oh-so-exciting descent from the ladder and how everyone pulled together to assist him!
But look! The roof was soooo full of soot that Brad and Toni’s uniforms are a shade darker! Definitely needs to be sent to the dry cleaners.
I’m staying out of the debate about babies, grounds for divorce, etc. Go on, peeps…have at it.
(steps away)
howtheduck over 4 years ago
There is nothing like seeing a man snuggling his kitty to make a boy think of babies.
AUNTBEEEV over 4 years ago
I always wondered when my first child was born, how she, who weighed 8 lbs at birth could literally turn our lives upside down:) It was great, but it amazed me how many changes in our lives having a baby made. But it was good and I ended up having two kids.
Tyge over 4 years ago
I have a sneaking suspicion that panel #2 is the precursor of an announcement soon!
You heard it here first!!
kenhense over 4 years ago
Yeah – Brad. When a baby is born, will Brad say, “OK Toni – Take care of all that stuff that women do.” But Brad is a good guy – Toni will just need to give him a little training.
reedkomicks Premium Member over 4 years ago
Aren’t those two CUTE!
And so are Toni and Brad!
outonalimb over 4 years ago
Looks like the folks who were wringing their hands with dread over the prospect of a whole week of the “Les left on the roof” theme get to breathe a sigh of relief … and find something else to whine about.
I don’t know what’s coming for the rest of the week, but I’ll go out on a limb and predict that it won’t be three solid days of uncomfortable discussion about just when Toni will be ready to have children.
Susan123 over 4 years ago
Brad is the sentimental one is this relationship.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just because I feel like posting it, a song I wrote back in 1977 here from a board mix from a show in 1980. We almost got signed to ATLANTIC records. Ahmet Ertigun actually heard this.
krisannr.thompson over 4 years ago
PAINFUL. Raising them in a cozy loving home with kin and true friends is the fun part.
RSH over 4 years ago
yes Brad, people do care for their pets and that includes being worried when the un-anticipated happens. You don’t have one so you don’t know anything about it… zip your lip.
BlueKnight1966 over 4 years ago
That just means more practice.
RebaLioness over 4 years ago
Language, possibly NSFW.
Thorby over 4 years ago
That cat has GROWN!!!
RC5 over 4 years ago
Toni is already raising a brother and his daughter. Give Toni a break. Let her enjoy her marriage as a wife and her career. Children need a lot of love and attention of both parents. She is just not ready yet. Patients dear boy patients. Wait until you get a house with just you and Toni.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
Babies up for adoption.
PhoenixHocking over 4 years ago
Maybe it’s time for a foster child (other than Shannon, I mean) to be dropped in their lap. I can actually a lot of places this could go. In fact, it would be interesting for Toni to decide she wants a child, only to find out she can’t have any. Or for Brad to find out he’s sterile. Lord knows there are a LOT of children out there without parents, and yes, some of them are babies. Still, kudos to the foster parents who take in and love the teenagers, too. All but one of my brother’s six children came from the foster care system. Now adopted and living perfectly good lives. Oh, wait. I think he might be adopting another teenager now. I lose count…
bakana over 4 years ago
Toni isn’t quite ready yet to make the shift from “Jaw Dropping Gorgeous” to “MILF of the Year”.
lspang over 4 years ago
So reading these comments I see over and over about men “helping” with raising children. I know that probably most commenters aren’t thinking about this, but using the word “helping” implies that the child raising is really the mother’s responsibility-the father is just “helping” the mother out. Which in 2020 its sad to see this over and over again. Both parents made the baby. The child should be their responsibility equally to care for. The father shouldn’t be “helping” or (god forbid) “babysitting” their own child. Its called doing your job as a parent-the same as Mom. Also, that needs to be recognized in the legal code with paternal leave to reinforce this.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Hey, Bradley! She said “not yet ”!
Liam Astle Premium Member over 4 years ago
What do you call raising Shannon?
w16521 over 4 years ago
I’m sure Brad and Toni get a lot of practice though in making that baby.
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
For those who say that the smart thing is for Toni and Brad not to have kids: I’ll reference an old Sci Fi story, “The Marching Morons” by Cyril M. Kornbluth.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Too Bad that the baby will look like Brad Degroot instead of looking like Toni