I’ve got to step in and play devil’s advocate here, much as I hate to because something is bothering me:
Remember how glum Toni looked after seeing her former guy all married and daddied-up? I am wondering if Toni now feels she is settling now that she knows she will never have Dirk the jerk? I mean, face it – she didn’t even think of marriage with Brad until this happened.
Just an honest observation…because I’ve always wanted them together and I would really hate to have the rug pulled out from under Brad, who is now sniffling with happiness in the last panel…thoughts, anyone?
Please, please, please, let tomorrow’s strip have Toni slap that doofus in frame one and her yelling “APRIL FOOL’S, SUCKA” as she runs out the door with Dirk in frame two.
Now go tell Mom and Dad. ☺Yay! Can’t wait to see Toni in a white dress. I’ve been to Firefighters Weddings before. They decorate a Fire Truck and use it as a Limo for the Bridal Party, with Lights and Sirens!
The next year:1. Luann meddles2. Shannon meddles3. Nancy meddles4. T & B have a misunderstanding5. T & B reconcile6. Luann meddles7. Wedding planning8. Luann meddles9. Gunther designs and makes the wedding dress10. Luann meddles11. Quill gets scared and runs12. Luann gets depressed13. Luann meddles14. Dirk shows up15. Brad gets jealous16. Another T & B fight17. Another reconciliation18. Luann meddles19. Anyone else notice that Quill isn’t included in the gang on the “Official Fan Page” on facebook?20. etc, etc, etc
So how long have they been going out? Wonder how long the engagement will last? do I have bids on 5 years? Will they move in together or be good until the wedding? Will this stay a family strip? Tune in tomorrow … same bat time, same bat channel!
You’re a fool, Brad, and I hope one of your friends or family point it out. You shouldn’t have to beg someone to marry you. Do you think Dirk had to? Plus he even got a yoga instructor! I bet she wouldn’t blow off his mother’s dinner invitation. Notice that Toni didn’t want to marry you until after she saw Dirk married and with a kid! You’re just her means of keeping up.
Greg, I really like how you have developed the ‘Brad and Toni’ Story. I admit I have been enjoying it much more than the Luann stories of late. Maybe it’s about time you think of making a spin off strip of Brad and Toni’s new life. What do you think ‘Bradoni lovers’?
I guess it was seeing Dirk happily settled down and sorted out that made Toni realize the time had come for HER to put that part of her life behind her as well. Whatever, HIT THE ROAD TJ!
“Think this comment batch will hit 300?”Speaking of which, did anyone happen to noticethat the link Susan Sunshine provided had only ONE comment? And it was Leviticus?We’ve come a loooong way!
We’ve tried. We were shot down. Now, we’re too old. We’re outta luck and we’re broke. Nobody will allow an adoption if there isn’t enough to promise a child a good start.^^Sorry to hear that, man
Congrats Brad and Toni! So where is his ring?? :) Thanks Greg Evans for giving us actual character development in a comic strip, you should write a book or do a daytime soap!
TJ:I can see what’s happening…Luann:what?TJ:And they don’t have a clue!Lunn:who?TJ:They’ll fall in love and here’s the bottom line…our trio’s down to two.Luann:Oh.TJ:The sweet caress of twilight…there’s magic in the air…and with all this romantic atmosphere…DISASTER’s in the air!
Is it possible that Toni has realized how silly it is for her to have a man’s job and she is now ready to take her place in the kitchen?^^YOU’RE KIDDING, RIGHT???Ok girls, I found a REAL Mysogynist for you!!!!
BRAVO ZULU, Brad!!! Now hang in there and see it though!
As for TJ, I think the easiest alternative is that he swap with Toni for her old apt. That gives Brad/Toni the house and the better ability to handle Shanon and “any others…” that may arrive in the future…. (HINT HINT, BWAD)!!!
This better not be 1. a dream 2. She dies next week. 3. or anything else i can think of. Did that guy say 11 years. is this a comic strip or a Soap opera? I say again. They need their own Spin Off comic strip.
Next question — will they be able to eat dinner? They’ve barely started with their drink order and the complementary side of bread. They haven’t even unwrapped their silverware yet.
Great going Greg. I really like the fact that you are taking the strip forward and breathing new life (continually) into it. Now we get to follow Luann to college, see her marry, have kids, with one little girl named Luann right? I also get to comment on what might be the Go Comics! record for a commented strip!
Yea. Now the drama surrounding wedding plans and the actual wedding. Should take at least a year. Hey, it is a daily strip after all. Gotta fill it with something.
Part of me was kind of hoping that Brad would have pulled a ring out of his jacket saying something like, “I was holding this for the right time over the last year…Even though I didn’t anticipate this, this is the right time”, and then got down on his knee and offered it to Toni.
Isn’t the guy supposed to ask the girl. Maybe they will take on her name. What a whimp guess we know who will be the big boss in that family. Guys get beat down by their wives anyway, this will be a beat down on steroids. But thats probably the way brad wants it
Wow, is this her knee-jerk reaction to seeing Dirk or did seeing him make her realize she’s ready for the next phase of her life? Didn’t mean to be a downer.
Hmmmmm. Now who could be a problem for them at this point. Not Dirk. TJ? Nah, not really. Mom and Dad? Hmmm…Oh, Brad, are you ready? Can you support Toni? Oh, my… such a leap. (echoes of my own past)…or…is there someone else from Toni’s past who is going to apear and snag up things?
See? Now Greg can have a whole new aspect of the DeGroot family to deal with….Brad as a family man! (This was far more interesting as a story thread than Luann’s life was. Sorry.
I have never felt compelled to comment on a comic strip before. Yesterday and today’s strips make me feel like the world might turn out all right after all. Thanks for the inspiration.
How come everyone can get older and move forward with thir lives but Luann? Forever in High School… But I am SO happy this one is moving forward. But psychologically there is a tie to what she saw with Dirk. I will crawl up on my Lilly pad and discuss this romantic conundrum with myself.
Hmmm interesting. Tony sees her old boyfriend Dirk married and happy and now all of a sudden she wants to get married. I think these two are a cute couple but I sure don’t want to see Brad hurt.
This is just GREAT!!! brad opened the door last year and Toni discovered it was real. Gave her something to think about. And she stepped up to the plate! Now we get to see how Greg handles more BIG moments including the wedding night strip.
I do agree with you that TJ is about the only close male friend Brad’s got, but woo-Nilly! Would YOU want TJ as your best man? Check that. Would any sane man want TJ for his best man?
Perhaps he would be able to placate him by letting him cater the wedding. That’s a big job — much too big for the Best Man to take on.
No, I think this engagement will last 1 year our time tops. This is obviously going to be the biggest story going until they get married. Even Quill coming back and going to drama camp with Luann and Tiffany isn’t going to top it. Supplant it for a week or two, maybe. But as soon as there is a break in that story, we will be getting back to Brad and Toni’s impending nuptials.
Greg is going to have to find closure with this arc in order to get back to Luann’s life. You remember Luann, don’t you? The supposed main character in this comic strip?
Beautiful work today, Greg. I’ve read for years but very seldom comment. Great work, took me back to a particular moment 41 years ago; and she’s just as beautiful now as she was then.
I think if they mention to their server what has just transpired. The house may treat them to that bottle of vino. Maybe even comp them the whole meal, if they are regular customers.
Now that the main hurdle has been cleared, we can move on to:
Dad: Middle age crisis – although in his case, it will involve food and a harmless hobby, like macrame
Mom: Middle age crisis, as Nancy realizes her kids won’t be there forever. May set an 8 PM curfew for Luann now.
Luann: Will mope about never getting a proposal, will be rediscovered by the creepy short rich guy later this summer.
TJ: Will have to get a life beyond sidekicker-dom, will probably turn out to be heir to Google fortune. Will discover his own, ahem, orientation in about 3 years. May hit on Dirk and break up that marriage.
In a moment Brad is going to realize Toni just saw Dirk married and now she is in a rush to be married. Is she copying Dirk? Is he still in her thoughts in a not so good way? Careful Brad, very careful.
Why am I tearing up – this is a comic strip. It (along with Zits) is the best! I love reading it every day. It is more like a life strip than a comic strip. I love that Greg tackles issues that no one else will approach. I am sure Brad and Toni will face a variety of situations.
I wonder which of the other characters will sense it before being told. In fiction, it is usually a female that does it.
TJ, perhaps? In spite of his many shortcomings, you have to admit that the guy is extremely perceptive. Con artists generally are.
Howabout Luann? She is the main character of the strip after all and has become like a sister to Toni. Will she sense the news without being told?
And what about poor Nancy. Will her mother’s instincts catch the unspoken vibe that her little boy is about to take that final big step in the circle of life?
How is the marriage of two secondary characters the comic “jumping the shark”?
Brad and Toni have been serious about each other for years now. They haven’t dated anyone else. They haven’t even looked at anyone else. They have been as committed a couple as you can be without being married. The only problem was Toni didn’t feel ready to take that step.
Well, now they are taking that step. They are about to go from being a committed prenuptial couple to a committed postnuptial couple.
LOL! Dude crying. Awwwwwww…I am cool with it. Two things though: 1. How many strip twist and turns are between here and the “I do’s” and 2. Once the “I do’s” are done wonder how it will impact the overall strip….Hmmm.
Maybe a record number of comments, and I believe postive outweighs negative. There was a saying when I was young, “May all your problems be little ones” with a double meaning.
Brad didn’t propose again because he was giving Toni the time she needed. She’s been coming to it gradually, and if seeing Dirk helped her put the past behind her, hooray! IMO, today’s strip was pitch-perfect and picture-perfect,
In a comic strip like this, I don’t think anything too bad will happen. Possibly some wedding plan drama (trauma) – Toni doesn’t have much family that we know of. Will Nancy and Luann be the ones help with the planning? Or some not so desirable family show up to throw a small monkey wrench in the works? But Brad and Toni will work things out.
Other decisions such as – where to live, what to do about Shannon, balancing jobs and work – while important and good material for future story arcs, will not destroy this relationship which has developed over time as the characters have matured.
Boy what an emotional week and it’s only Wednesday. I’ve shed a tear twice this week, once on the season ending show of The Walking Dead and now with this strip. For sure it is going in my favorites.
@overtherainbow re dirk not a threat. I hope all works well for dirk. Many manic depressives, or sociopaths swing between good and bad times. They often sabotage their own happiness. I am not a doc, just seen it in real life. Hopefully we won’t see him on brad and Toni’s doorstep looking for work/handout/help. But hey, suppose Toni signs up locally for some healthy yoga classes. Is that a stretch?
Here’s a prediction, PMark. Bernice (remember, Brad and TJ live next door to Bernice) finds out before Luann. She hears a commotion next door and gets out her binoculars to spy a bit. She sees Toni and Brad each with an arm around the other, facing TJ, who is screaming…something. Up for bets what he’d be screaming. Bernice puts it together and there you are, she knows before Luann.
My preceding comments were made with the greatest support and respect of those battling those mental health situations. I credit Greg for opening this door and getting us all to think about it.
Another prediction: if TJ moves, Brad and Toni are going to get sick of each other’s cooking. Or else they’ll always eat out. If TJ leaves, think he might move back in with the DeGroots while he looks for other housing?
Come on. Remember, the strips that week with Dirk. Toni frazzled because a sick Shannon had been dumped on her last minute (as per usual). She has to run to the store looking bedraggled and harried from her work out. Runs into Dirk with baby first, then the Mrs. Sees Dirk is happy and wife and baby are fine. Comes home and tells Luann that the right woman can turn a guy around. Luann agrees and says that Toni turned Brad around. Toni looks surprised. Over the years Toni has held herself back. She loved Dirk and thought love was pain. She was afraid to love Brad and admit/show that love because of pain. Dirk has made veiled and not so veiled threats over the years. If you had someone like Dirk stalking you, wouldn’t you be afraid of committing yourself to a new guy? Dirk threatened Brad on several occasions. So now, Toni sees Dirk is no longer a threat, she has made a difference in someone’s life (Brad), and she finally realizes that love doesn’t mean pain. Besides, like Brad I was confused by her response when they were leaving the restaurant last year. I think she, tentatively, accepted his proposal last year or a psychological slip. She wanted to last year, but was afraid.
Probably, the fire department would have a regulation preventing a person from supervising a spouse. Possibly, they would have a policy (not necessarily a regulation) about spouses working on the same shift..-And weren’t Toni and Brad working in different stations a while back?
Personally, it would seem that the ONLY way for a strip to jump the shark, is if the CENTRAL CHARACTER (in this case, Luann) has no more room to grow. Ancillary storylines/characters could steal a show, but to me Luann continues to be entertaining as she interacts with everyone, or just in situations by herself…. just about all the characters have the right combo of “wacky”, yet still with a good head on their shoulders. And I think Greg does such a great job in cast and it leaves so many combinations of stories with and between each one, and as many have said, MANY years of stories can be developed if you tell a story right…. the simplest moments, the humanness of the characters (even comic strip ones)…. Mr. Evans has kept me a fan since ’85.So, yeah, even with a marriage now (or even dare I say more down the road? Just kidding, there) the whole key to the entertaining aspect of this is to make us speculate, and anticipate, which is what it seems Greg does so well….
Not just the number of posts, but the number of different people posting is impressive. Also, the depth of emotion is impressive.-Kudos to Greg Evans, for touching so many soft spots.
Finally, finally. Geez Greg Evans – I have been following this comic strip for 28 years. I have looked forward to reading it in my daily paper, but recently have about given up on you EVER moving the plot along.
Seriously, let the characters grow up, marry, have children, go to college, etc., etc. I know you probably don’t care what I think, but the excruciatingly slow plot has resulted in my loss of interest. I read it only sporadically now, because there is nothing of substance happening anymore. And Luann is still just A SOPHOMORE in high school are you kidding me? I’m sure I can’t be the only one who feels this way.
@ Levitcus: Thank you! And you encapsulated Brad then and now very well, in your post- hopefully He and Toni will BOTH continue to learn and appreciate what they have.
Not just the number of posts, but the number of different people posting is impressive. Also, the depth of emotion is impressive.-Kudos to Greg Evans, for touching so many soft spots^^So true- and I concur. I guess this is one of those “where were you when….” moments. And whatever develops from this arc, this is history in the making!
And I remember that Wal Mart one that they had on that FB phenomenon over the holidays…. their gimmick: who would have the last word. But there was some sort of twist on that. Many thousands…. They determined the last word however they did it, not just by someone’s ACTUAL last word. I didn’t stick around there to find out, as I found I actually had a real life to get to… ha ha!
I’ve been following Luann for years, (long before GoComics existed) but rarely commenting. Now I must say that I never thought I would see this day. Next big event: Their wedding day, then maybe a grandchild for Nancy and Frank.
I just realized the scene couldn’t be real. In real life a waiter would ruin the moment by asking ‘and how are is everything?’ just as Toni popped the question.
Well doonesbury grew and grew and seems like Greg’s characters have at least as much depth and promise. They could move along in a somewhat accelerated Luann time. Greg could focus on social interactions and problems rather than the political and national issues and problems that doonesbury unveils. There are still classic social development issues from marriage to kids to netflix that Greg could layout in these story arcs that he does so well. I would question if he can stay current with today’s “ways” rather than the kinda old fashioned life slash time warp that Luann et al seem to be in. Moving forward and modernizing might alienate some of the tried and truest fans. It might cause the loss of charm. But I think many of the newer (and older) doonesbury characters developed real souls and depth.
Very well put, sir. That has to be one of your best posts ever. Yes, Brad has come a long way from the “worthless loser” he once was to being the love of her life for a classy lady like Toni. No way, no how was he even remotely in her league. Now he is her “amazing guy”.
It’s about time! I think Toni seeing how Dirk’s life has moved on has allowed her to move on, too. Though, Evans does move his storyline and characters at a snail’s pace.
I don’t think it’s a popular name anymore, but is “Toni” still short for Antoinette? (Betty=Elizabeth, Becky=Rebecca etc.) Not insinuating Toni’s name is Antoinette btw.
I read it this morning and have been all smiles all day. This from a many man of 68 years. I am so happy for these dear friends whom I love so much – despite the fact that they’re not real. They’re real to me. Congratulations to both of them.
A good friend of mine who passed away about 12 years ago this month LOVED this cartoon. Even though i’m sure he’s worried about more important things now I’m sure he’d be very pleased. Thanks GregFrom Murph, (and Mike)
1. Now comes the waiting to see the reactions of all the other characters. 2. I wouldn’t mind seeing Brad and Toni in a comic strip of their own. 3. I think the Shannon adoption or custody battle is a distinct possibility. 4. This is a wonderful strip to remember.
I don’t think it’s so much “jumping the shark” as jumping the snark … all those who’ve posted snarky comments about how Toni and Brad didn’t have a chance at being a couple ( for various imagined reasons).
^^ Check out the comment by whitet3260 (Kinda far up the comment ladder). I was trying to go along with PMark to respond to some from earlier in the day, but I also agree with you, I think that “Jumping the Snark” is also a thing here. Sorry if I misread somebody else’s other than that, but this thread is turning into Psghetti, anyway……
@ Faux Real: Igot this from 20000-names.com: TONYA: English equivalent of Italian/Spanish Tonia, a short form of Latin Antonia, possibly meaning “invaluable.” But the thing is they also reference Toni as being short for Tonia. But after that, it seemed to be all they had to link the name to. But I’m sure that somehow there can be another creative connection. Wonder if Mr. Evans had something in mind?
And according to Wikipedia, Antonia means priceless, praiseworthy, beautiful. So your Grandmother has a wonderful name! Also found this list from Wikipedia, on the name Anonia:
Noooooooooo! The practice of portmanteau-ing together the name of every pair that are, have been or may be a couple was declared overdone, annoying and stupid several years ago by the Better Use of Language Board. “Brad and Toni” or “Toni and Brad” is just fine.^^Besides, Broni sounds better than Brani
We know who will wear the pants in that house.^^Have you forgotten WHY it was Toni who proposed? Toni had forbidden Brad to propose to her, so, it was either ask Brad to ask (awkward at best) or do it herself; which she deemed the better choice; it has nothing to do with Brad being wimpy. Of course, the old cavemanish , 17 yr old Brad might have felt the way you do about a woman proposing! haha
I just have to say that I love “jumping the snark” as a comment, thanks for this. I always try to remind myself not to be so sarcastic, it’s so thoughtless. .So! Back on topic: yay yay yay yay to the happy couple!
One person was 50. He looked to his left, looked to his right and saw his friends being married. He thought he will be single for the res of his life. 6 months later he got married.;
I have often said that Frank was the luckiest character in the comics because he has Nancy as his wife. He has just slipped into 2nd place.^^Good comments there, Lev
Just blew by 400…^^Ok, my prediction that it would be 200, 300 posts at best was wrong….I guess I can no longer call myself Michel de Notre Dame (Nostradamus)
Mr. Evans has several books out. All the Luann strips have been put in book form. I have them. I can look up things in them faster than I can by scanning one day at a time on the computer.^^Ahhh that’s your secret!!!
Well, when Brad got fired from Weenie World she told her boss that he would someday be her husband. At Christmas time she admitted that the fatherhood test was being administered. It’s possible that her response to Dirk was, “If a loser like that can get it together and start his grown up life, what on earth is stopping Brad and me?” The only thing stopping them was her fear of screwing up again.
I’m certain that in Heaven you get to read Luann. They probably have their own comment board there with a comment count in the thousands. Now in Hell you do not get to read Luann. That is why it is called Hell.^^In Hell, they force you to read “Garfield”
Even if Jonah is in danger of, um, leaving the strip, that doesn’t mean he won’t make the occasional appearance before then. In fact it probably would make it more likely.
Song suggestion for when they feed each other a bite of wedding cake: “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” by Pat Benatar.^^Being as Toni was once in an abusive relationship, that song would be rather tacky at best
Well, the number of posts here proves that those of us who take this cartoon seriously aren’t just a small number of nerds/weirdos…we’re a LARGE number!!! (Yea team!!)Also, it shows that I wasn’t the only one who was tired of B&T’s lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng courtship and wanted to see SOMETHING happen, good or bad, to it.
And so the torch is passed. Much has happened in Brad’s life bringing him to a mature young man. One thing, KEEP TJ OUT OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It had better not be a dream. Thanks for drawing her hair more in proportion to their heads. I’ve tended to look at her hair as a character in itself. And I think Dirk still had his sunglasses on in the grocery store for a reason….evidence that something isn’t quite right and everything isn’t changed for the better. Me? I think he hired the wife and stunt baby as actors. It’s all a stalker set up.
Woof! Things are finally happening— much more compelling than weaving baskets for old cooters. Most probably, this day’s installment will be regarded as a classic, ranking with: Adam & Eve, Antony & Cleopatra, Romeo & Juliet, Tarzan & Jane, Dagwood & Blondie…
Please let them get married. Don’t pull off something stupid like killing one off in a fire or going into a lifelong coma from an accident or any other stupid thing. Let them have kids and make Luann an aunt and the Degroots grandparents.
Not to diss Toni, but I think that she is more experienced than that. But not because she’s a ‘loose woman’, as my mom would say. Toni was in an abusive relationship, so it would not be out of character or reason to suspect that she has that experience due to pressure from Dirk. Perhaps Dirk didn’t totally rape her, but perhaps pressured her so severely into having sex that she felt compelled to oblige him, or else she willingly did so in order to try to get him to treat her better. That often happens in abusive relationships. It’s not a sign that Toni is of loose morals AT ALL— in a case like this, it would be self-preservation of sorts. Maybe that’s not exactly the right word that I was looking for, but hopefully you see what I’m trying to say.
571 posts as of this one… well, mine will be (maybe) 572. Think we’ll beat 600? It’s a worthy goal if all the posts are meaningful and not just a random letter or gibberish.
No question about it – Shannon will be the flower girl. Captain will walk Toni down the aisle. Dirk & Grace will attend the wedding. Gunther will help with the garments – especially the wedding dress..If they have a full wedding party, Delta & Bernice will be bridesmaids with TJ & Jonah as groomsmen.
Dare I suggest a Bachelor party? Tiffany? Ann Eiffel? I don’t THINK so! Of course, with TJ as Best Man, Tiffany is a distinct possibility – but with Quill as Best Man, it will be quite sedate.
Question. Why are dads so often portrayed as unaware oafs who wouldn’t be able to tie their shoes without help from their wives? I can’t remember when I’ve seen a dad portrayed as a competent person, who is aware of what’s going on around him.
wow Brad and Toni are really getting married!!!….will Luann be the maid of honor?? and will Shannon be the flower girl or is she too old?…she’s 7 (I think)
ok… I guess I don’t know any Cheap Trick songs then…. to be honest, I stopped listening to mainstream rock when Heavy Metal came in, in the mid-70s….horrible noisy garbage
TJ will totally be Brad’s best man. Luann will have to be maid of honor. You don’t need any more than that in the party—at one of my best friend’s wedding, I was maid of honor and the groom chose a woman to be best man. Or best woman, whatever. (And yes, she attended the bachelor party.) There might have been a flower girl or a ring bearer, I don’t remember. Other than that, we were the entire wedding party. I can’t see Luann’s girlfriends being in the wedding party—they aren’t Toni’s friends. And unless Brad calls up some fellows from the fire station, he doesn’t have any other friends that we know of, except someone named Mike whom he hung out with once instead of staying home for a holiday. That was decades ago. So there’s the wedding party—nice and intimate. Of course everyone at their fire station will attend!
Toni’s family is either dead or dysfunctional. Toni has grown to be very self reliant, and detached from all but Shannon, so the Daytona side of the isle will have friends, but no family.-Meanwhile, Toni is getting closer and closer to the DeGroot family. I think we will see Toni tie the knot with not only Brad, but also the DeGroots. Toni will rely on Mrs. DeGroot to help her with the preparations. She will ask Mr. DeGroot to be a surrogate for her dead father. And she’ll ask Luann to be the bridesmaid/sister Toni never had.-I think Mrs. DeGroot (Nancy, if you wish) will come to realize she’s not losing a son, she’s gaining a daughter. And Toni will find the stable, loving family she needs. That’s why I see Shannon folding into the Brad/Toni family.
Luann = maid of honor, not bridesmaid. -Sorry ladies, my bad. I’m just one of those incompetent oafs who couldn’t tie his shoes without his wife’s help.
Thanks for the good wishes.I reckon the timeline in Luanniverse is moving on. Luann will become a Senior, and over the next couple of years (our time) may even get to college with Quill.I also think that we will see a wedding, because drawing Toni in a wedding dress would be way too much fun for Greg & Co.
Yea!!! It’s about time. I liked the last three strips so much I saved them on my PC. And April 1st would have been April Patterson’s 22nd birthday (For Better or For Worse). She’s now older than Luann and probably older than Brad too.
Greg will do something to test those hearts. Isn’t that what life’s about? Shannon is the obvious choice and I expect brad will be sorely tested. What fun we’ve had today.
Brad’s song might be “Why Don’t You and I” by Nickelback. Tony’s version of their love song would be “If I Didn’t Have You” by Thompson Square. Or if she want to be a little broody and emo, Tony’s can be “Holding On and Letting Go” by Ross Copperman.
The songs I posted in my previous post would be great romantic songs for either of them in their relationship.
“I would never want to imply that Toni had anything but the highest of moral character. If I hinted at that in anyway, I apologize”-IF?
-Dear friend, you do read what you write don’t you? There’s no “if” to it.
While you’ve stood by Brad and his inhumanly chaste nature most admirably, you have implied a certain looseness on the part of Toni Louise Daytona DeGroot or Toni Louise Daytona-DeGroot, one never knows what these young whippersnappers will decide upon.
Wow! It took quite a while to get through that loooooooong list of comments to add another..lol. Am sincerely hoping that Toni didn’t ask Brad to marry her just so that she didn’t feel left behind. After all, even Dirk is married now and she didn’t expect that to happen. I hate to be a party- pooper, but Toni has never once shown any overt emotions towards Brad….It would not surprise me if she asked Brad to keep it a secret for a while till she ‘got used to the idea’ of being engaged.
I love Brad’s reaction to her proposal. What a softie at heart! I truly think they are meant for each other.
Actually she showed a lot of emotion when he saved her life, and you could see then that she was more than grateful……It looked as though she had her epiphany then, that his reaction and hers….were more real and deep than she expected ; it also seemed to almost scare her a little….I think that is when she realized she was really falling for Brad. Speaking of being a party pooper….I think she has also considered that at some point she is going to permanently “inherit” Shannon, and Brad will accept that responsibility as well…..he is a very special guy and she knows it.
@Ginispics……I think they make a terrific couple. Even the fact that both of them are firefighters stationed at the same location says a lot. Many employers don’t allow couples to work together lest their relationship interferes with their job duties.
They have both showed dedication to looking after Shannon and, I agree, Shannon will be a totally different child if she is invited to live with Brad and Toni permanently.
It is really heart- warming in itself that over 400 fans really care about Brad and Toni’s engagement. Reading all the comments is an enjoyable experience and I’m sure Greg,too,has a tear in his eyes.
I think everybody has pretty cool song selections…. sorry, I fell asleep…. wanted to post to what is now yesterdays, getting ready to check today’s…. My vote is still for a “fire” themed song…. Mikey J seemed to be on to something there…. My “non-fire”vote was for “The Flame”, by C.T., or “This Guy’s In Love With You”, the Herb Alpert//T.J.B. version…..
I didn’t look at this series for around a year. Found something about a future marriage. Went back and looked at every single strip until I found when it happened.
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
trini q almost 12 years ago
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Hell YEAH!!!!!!!!
trspence almost 12 years ago
YIPPEE!!!!! What a great day!!!!
JanBic Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Knows her middle name – yep, he’s ready.
bikenboatn almost 12 years ago
And the nice guy finishes first for a change.
cooldude45 almost 12 years ago
Ron Dunn Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Thank you Greg keep this story going.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Holy Moly! No choke, no Heimlich, no drawing out, no psychoanalysis.-Okay, NOW start the wedding plans.
halestormstopper almost 12 years ago
And thus, the angels began to sing; and thus, the moment was to be forever remembered in poetry and song.
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
Two words:
1. Woo
AtheisticallyYours almost 12 years ago
Well, his carefree life is over! This means that TJ will be moving out soon!
ShagsCA almost 12 years ago
Well, gollllllllleeeeeee….
traneengineer almost 12 years ago
Nice Hug ! Whoopee! Good response, Brad!Whoopee!
tgilmorex almost 12 years ago
I’ve got to step in and play devil’s advocate here, much as I hate to because something is bothering me:
Remember how glum Toni looked after seeing her former guy all married and daddied-up? I am wondering if Toni now feels she is settling now that she knows she will never have Dirk the jerk? I mean, face it – she didn’t even think of marriage with Brad until this happened.
Just an honest observation…because I’ve always wanted them together and I would really hate to have the rug pulled out from under Brad, who is now sniffling with happiness in the last panel…thoughts, anyone?
luann's zit almost 12 years ago
Please, please, please, let tomorrow’s strip have Toni slap that doofus in frame one and her yelling “APRIL FOOL’S, SUCKA” as she runs out the door with Dirk in frame two.
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
’bout time
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Been waiting since 2002 for this! Eleven years!
Ever since now-16-year-old Luann was… um…. well… 16!
They’ve come a long way since THIS
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
Now thank we all our God, with hearts and hands rejoicing…what wonderous things has done…
transylvanian almost 12 years ago
It’s too soon to tell. :)
transylvanian almost 12 years ago
WHOO HOO!!!! :)
doctor075 almost 12 years ago
Well I’ll be super amalgamated!
kenhense almost 12 years ago
I remember FBOFW Michael worked for a long time on Deana to get her to say “Yes.”. However the Brad & Toni thing was more suspenseful.
RBLawyer almost 12 years ago
Brad moves in with Toni. Quill comes to Pittsville this summer and moves in with TJ. Luann is hsppy, happy, happy.
sactiger almost 12 years ago
I’m loving this!!! :)
transylvanian almost 12 years ago
Mr and Mrs Brad DeGroot. Hmmm. Unless he’s the new Mr. Toni Louise Daytona. ;)
margueritem almost 12 years ago
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
Remember, Nancy DID invite Toni to Easter dinner. I think Nancy’s initial suspicions about Toni have disappeared.
KiKidk almost 12 years ago
w00t!!!!! About time!!!!!
ninjanick101 almost 12 years ago
luann1212 almost 12 years ago
seyleigh almost 12 years ago
Can I vote for an outdoor wedding? Preferably not during wildfire season, that could be an issue.
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
The crowd rises as one and cheers!
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
Great example of playing the long game.Brad had to do a helluvalot to get to this point.
krondor2000 almost 12 years ago
OMG! He’s crying for joy! I’m crying for joy! Everyone is crying for joy! This is a good week for joy! LOL!
Panekbutton Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It’s about time, Toni!, thank you, Greg. For putting all of us out of Brad’s misery!,, Yeah!
Panekbutton Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It’s about time ! Thank you Greg for putting us all out of Brad’s misery! Yeah!
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
At the risk of being shunned forever for quoting Ms. Clarkson…
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this…
The Old Wolf almost 12 years ago
What a perfect day for a proposal. Way to go, you two.
TheDOCTOR almost 12 years ago
Now go tell Mom and Dad. ☺Yay! Can’t wait to see Toni in a white dress. I’ve been to Firefighters Weddings before. They decorate a Fire Truck and use it as a Limo for the Bridal Party, with Lights and Sirens!
TiffWHO almost 12 years ago
Great Brad, but my middle name is not Louise!
homfencing almost 12 years ago
bdviets almost 12 years ago
Brad, you had better treat Toni good!Does that mean you two will be taking more care of Shannon?
MerriMagic almost 12 years ago
YESSSSSSS! June wedding, ya think?
CP Justy almost 12 years ago
Quicker response than I thought, but…….YA-HOO! Another good guy gets the girl of his dreams. Real life should be this good.
sentinel762 almost 12 years ago
draksig almost 12 years ago
Quite frankly, I wish Greg would Spin Toni and Brad plus one into its own strip.
Does anyone doubt the munchkin will end up with them?
ILuvLu almost 12 years ago
The next year:1. Luann meddles2. Shannon meddles3. Nancy meddles4. T & B have a misunderstanding5. T & B reconcile6. Luann meddles7. Wedding planning8. Luann meddles9. Gunther designs and makes the wedding dress10. Luann meddles11. Quill gets scared and runs12. Luann gets depressed13. Luann meddles14. Dirk shows up15. Brad gets jealous16. Another T & B fight17. Another reconciliation18. Luann meddles19. Anyone else notice that Quill isn’t included in the gang on the “Official Fan Page” on facebook?20. etc, etc, etc
firedome almost 12 years ago
if ii’ve got this right, with greg’s pacing, the wedding will actually take place groundhog day…
ILuvLu almost 12 years ago
Has the word “Love” ever been expressed between T & B?
ILuvLu almost 12 years ago
Who is going to wear the fire hose in this family?
thefloyd almost 12 years ago
Leon Bridges Premium Member almost 12 years ago
rugratz2222 almost 12 years ago
So how long have they been going out? Wonder how long the engagement will last? do I have bids on 5 years? Will they move in together or be good until the wedding? Will this stay a family strip? Tune in tomorrow … same bat time, same bat channel!
fresco b milne almost 12 years ago
gkid almost 12 years ago
Snifff….thank you, Greg. This makes us all so happy. That’s why we’re crying.. ;-)
flowerladytoo almost 12 years ago
Sniff, sniff…I love happy endings :-) (well figuratively, speaking)!
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
no, flowerlady. An accepted proposal is not a happy ending.
It’s the happy beginning of the rest of their lives.
solarrhino almost 12 years ago
You’re a fool, Brad, and I hope one of your friends or family point it out. You shouldn’t have to beg someone to marry you. Do you think Dirk had to? Plus he even got a yoga instructor! I bet she wouldn’t blow off his mother’s dinner invitation. Notice that Toni didn’t want to marry you until after she saw Dirk married and with a kid! You’re just her means of keeping up.
RedRedWine almost 12 years ago
And Brad finally gets the girl!!! This is so adorable and exciting. I love that last panel!!!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
My_Deacon almost 12 years ago
OMG I started hyperventilating!!
txmystic almost 12 years ago
YES indeed!!
Katzmandue almost 12 years ago
Greg, I really like how you have developed the ‘Brad and Toni’ Story. I admit I have been enjoying it much more than the Luann stories of late. Maybe it’s about time you think of making a spin off strip of Brad and Toni’s new life. What do you think ‘Bradoni lovers’?
WhyAreYouReadingThis almost 12 years ago
adamcrow64 almost 12 years ago
Great work!
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
For the record…why do we care if she’s doing this because Dirk did it?
Does Brad care? Will it affect their marriage?
No and no.
trspence almost 12 years ago
I guess it was seeing Dirk happily settled down and sorted out that made Toni realize the time had come for HER to put that part of her life behind her as well. Whatever, HIT THE ROAD TJ!
nfergnospam almost 12 years ago
I think the little chat they had about Dirk might have helped get Toni’s priorities in order. (see 3/30/13).
nfergnospam almost 12 years ago
upanddown17 almost 12 years ago
That last panel is touching.
TwilightSea almost 12 years ago
I KNOW I expect to be single forever. I’m 32 in and STILL single! According to society standards, I should be married already. :I
blunebottle almost 12 years ago
“Think this comment batch will hit 300?”Speaking of which, did anyone happen to noticethat the link Susan Sunshine provided had only ONE comment? And it was Leviticus?We’ve come a loooong way!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Wesley_B said, 1 day ago
We’ve tried. We were shot down. Now, we’re too old. We’re outta luck and we’re broke. Nobody will allow an adoption if there isn’t enough to promise a child a good start.^^Sorry to hear that, man
auramac almost 12 years ago
Thumb’s up!
Tirasmol almost 12 years ago
it’s about time!
Bittermelon of Truth almost 12 years ago
Congrats Brad and Toni! So where is his ring?? :) Thanks Greg Evans for giving us actual character development in a comic strip, you should write a book or do a daytime soap!
lisajwalton almost 12 years ago
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
TJ:I can see what’s happening…Luann:what?TJ:And they don’t have a clue!Lunn:who?TJ:They’ll fall in love and here’s the bottom line…our trio’s down to two.Luann:Oh.TJ:The sweet caress of twilight…there’s magic in the air…and with all this romantic atmosphere…DISASTER’s in the air!
Toni:Can you feel…the love tonight… ;)
Donna White almost 12 years ago
jmraynor almost 12 years ago
Now she wants to marry him after seeing Dirk married. I don’t trust her motives………
timzsixty9 almost 12 years ago
…and the fireworks shot into the air, and the masses roared their approval, and the birds did sing, and Brad’s heart did beat resounding! well done!
SoItBegins~ almost 12 years ago
carlosrivers almost 12 years ago
we’ve been waiting for this for a long time….woo hoo!!
mhgbear almost 12 years ago
You go!!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Is it possible that Toni has realized how silly it is for her to have a man’s job and she is now ready to take her place in the kitchen?^^YOU’RE KIDDING, RIGHT???Ok girls, I found a REAL Mysogynist for you!!!!
TORAD_07 almost 12 years ago
BRAVO ZULU, Brad!!! Now hang in there and see it though!
As for TJ, I think the easiest alternative is that he swap with Toni for her old apt. That gives Brad/Toni the house and the better ability to handle Shanon and “any others…” that may arrive in the future…. (HINT HINT, BWAD)!!!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
GEEZ LOUISE….I had no idea. :)^^You mean Geez Toni Louise
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
Congrats Brad.
Its About TIME this Babe came around.
Oh SAY, Here’s MY Wedding Gift for YOU: A NICE Shiny New Hand Truck to carry around all of Toni’s “Baggage” that She hasn’t quite told You about yet.
Now I’m SURE YOU won’t NEED this but here’s a Sample Copy of a Workable Pre-Nup because sometimes, LOVE turns to LAWYERS.
Have thought about which room Shannon’s gonna Sleep in? WAIT, You MEAN Toni hasn’t TOLD You YET?? Ohhhhh, BOY!
Ya’ll should RUN along Now, You two LOVE-BIRDS! I’ve got the Check (No I INSIST) and You Guys have got LOTS to take CARE of and Folks to TELL!
I’ll Be HERE enjoying another Cup ‘O COFFEE while I Wait for this Forum’s Lynch Mobs arrive. So SCOOT and Tell Your Folks the GOOD News!
……Besides, I ALWAYS wanted to SEE Nancy’s Head EXPLODE…..,
Aficionado almost 12 years ago
Bravo, Greg. Bravo.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Did you notice how in the end, Brad still managed to ask her? Oh, and I love the tear. Nice touch that.
Edward White almost 12 years ago
This better not be 1. a dream 2. She dies next week. 3. or anything else i can think of. Did that guy say 11 years. is this a comic strip or a Soap opera? I say again. They need their own Spin Off comic strip.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member almost 12 years ago
So where’s the reviewer who says this is the end of the strip..Glad to see they’ve turned a page.
aedra6 almost 12 years ago
Freaking Awesome!!!
PMark almost 12 years ago
Yesterday’s comments reached 370. Think we’ll reach that today?
PMark almost 12 years ago
Oh, and Brad? Thanks for not saying anything stupid!
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
I think we will easily make 200, but, now that the big question has been answered, I think another 300 may be pushing it
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Brad Degroot! You just won the Big Game…. Where are you going next? …..
PMark almost 12 years ago
I see Brad managed to lose the roll. :)
PMark almost 12 years ago
Next question — will they be able to eat dinner? They’ve barely started with their drink order and the complementary side of bread. They haven’t even unwrapped their silverware yet.
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Well, it’s one “Big Game” down, hopefully MANY MORE to come…..
Pumpster1 almost 12 years ago
woo hoo!!!!!
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
So will Brad dust off the ring at some point, or should he wait for Toni to get one for him?
suzleigh almost 12 years ago
Wow… don’t think I’ve seen this many comments on a strip ever!
soulalive1 almost 12 years ago
is she doing it just because she saw dirk has got married???
Mephistopheles almost 12 years ago
Patricia Bocklage Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think Mr. Evans has been doing a great job to get so many of us so invested in his characters. Yay for today’s strip!!!
Herbert Wallace almost 12 years ago
I fear Mr. Evans will pop our balloon soon.
melmarsh9v almost 12 years ago
KABOOM! The boy hath become a man, for he shall have his mate… Book of Neinver, 77:34.
mred63 almost 12 years ago
It’s about d time. No surprises please.
Ratbrat almost 12 years ago
That last panel is so lovely!
Now, cue Dirk to stir up some trouble. Sorry – I must bea true born pessimist.
kerumbo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Wow, his eyes went all Charlie Brown there.
kd1sq Premium Member almost 12 years ago
You know, the world changes. A comics reader from the 1940’s would’ve been puzzled by the (seeming to him/her) odd role reversal here.
Heh, it’s a science fiction world – we’re all living in the future!
And way to go, Toni…
bluegirl285 almost 12 years ago
lightenup Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Awww, congratulations you love birds!! ♥ ♥
William Rose almost 12 years ago
Excellent story line – the comics are supposed to make you happy in the morning and this put a smile on my face.
Raygun almost 12 years ago
Great going Greg. I really like the fact that you are taking the strip forward and breathing new life (continually) into it. Now we get to follow Luann to college, see her marry, have kids, with one little girl named Luann right? I also get to comment on what might be the Go Comics! record for a commented strip!
southernmeemaw almost 12 years ago
Ginispics almost 12 years ago
wooooohoooo!!!! perfect
anniet53 almost 12 years ago
About time.
Farmingdale almost 12 years ago
Our Brad has FINALLY grown up!!!
loubarra almost 12 years ago
Alright! Great story line.
arsmall almost 12 years ago
awww….he’s crying.
Endunamoo almost 12 years ago
Oooooh-rah! Now for the fun. “Uh, mom.. Dad…”
Sojourn almost 12 years ago
Wooooo Hoooooo!!!
lfrank22001 almost 12 years ago
Bandera_Ken almost 12 years ago
Yea. Now the drama surrounding wedding plans and the actual wedding. Should take at least a year. Hey, it is a daily strip after all. Gotta fill it with something.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Check out the last panel.
While you did get your wish from yesterday, it turns out that we were right about not getting your hopes up.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Hey, what happened?
Yesterday’s comment count was up to 370. It’s dropped down to 369.
w2lj almost 12 years ago
Yes! :)
PMark almost 12 years ago
Alright!!! We are more than half way to matching yesterday’s total comment count, and it’s not even 9:00AM yet!
areader almost 12 years ago
Will wonders never cease!
Sportymonk almost 12 years ago
I am afraid this is Toni’s reaction to seeing Dirk with a family and not really her wanting to marry right now.
recyclepile almost 12 years ago
Coming up: custody of Shannon
mwproto Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Yes! And truly touchingly rendered.
yeahbutt almost 12 years ago
Where’s the monkey wrench?
sweetg1 almost 12 years ago
Part of me was kind of hoping that Brad would have pulled a ring out of his jacket saying something like, “I was holding this for the right time over the last year…Even though I didn’t anticipate this, this is the right time”, and then got down on his knee and offered it to Toni.
JC1968 almost 12 years ago
YAY! Its About Time!! WHOOHOO!!
LauraBillington almost 12 years ago
And they are going to adopt Shannon.
dthomas74 almost 12 years ago
FINALLY!!!!! Don’t mess this one up! I love these two together!
PMark almost 12 years ago
“every time a tv show or comic strip has a wedding or a baby, it means the writer is out of ideas. r.i.p. luann”
Nah. That only applies to the main characters. Brad and Toni are not the main characters no more than TJ is.
PMark almost 12 years ago
200 and counting!!
Runforson almost 12 years ago
Isn’t the guy supposed to ask the girl. Maybe they will take on her name. What a whimp guess we know who will be the big boss in that family. Guys get beat down by their wives anyway, this will be a beat down on steroids. But thats probably the way brad wants it
PMark almost 12 years ago
Very well put.
yldonaldson almost 12 years ago
Yay!!! The angels rejoiced and there was much celebrating in the land!!!
Rachel Yacovissi almost 12 years ago
Giapet almost 12 years ago
Ahh… A Seinfeld reference?
Kirk Sinclair almost 12 years ago
Made my morning. Thank you, Greg Evans.
alondra almost 12 years ago
CoralKincaid almost 12 years ago
Couldn’t have been any nicer! Loved it! Well done, Greg!
lynchmother almost 12 years ago
Renee almost 12 years ago
cruiserd almost 12 years ago
And Shannon’s moving in. What will Nancy think?
patcrs almost 12 years ago
Its about time. Glad it finally happened.
DuskyPaws almost 12 years ago
ccbellucci almost 12 years ago
Yay! I actually clapped my hands!
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
OKAY!CONGRATULATIONS, you two!REJOICE!When’s the wedding? Are we invited?
chris1122 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Love and emotional growth win the day!!
Mstreselena almost 12 years ago
Wow, is this her knee-jerk reaction to seeing Dirk or did seeing him make her realize she’s ready for the next phase of her life? Didn’t mean to be a downer.
smiling4Him almost 12 years ago
Aww… Brad’s crying! :P
charlo222 almost 12 years ago
gotta love it! just hope there are no ugly twists.
Sangelia almost 12 years ago
tears of joy here. time for TJ to find a new room mate to share digs with.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Aw, that made me tear up. Nice work.
RCAuclair almost 12 years ago
And thus did Brad DeGroot become “Uncle Bwad!”
PMark almost 12 years ago
250 and counting.
Onparr-1 almost 12 years ago
Yay! Finally!
DigiMan almost 12 years ago
tubgrape almost 12 years ago
Hmmmmm. Now who could be a problem for them at this point. Not Dirk. TJ? Nah, not really. Mom and Dad? Hmmm…Oh, Brad, are you ready? Can you support Toni? Oh, my… such a leap. (echoes of my own past)…or…is there someone else from Toni’s past who is going to apear and snag up things?
3pibgorn9 almost 12 years ago
Gasoline Alley is stuck in time and Luann is the strip that is growing up.
tubgrape almost 12 years ago
See? Now Greg can have a whole new aspect of the DeGroot family to deal with….Brad as a family man! (This was far more interesting as a story thread than Luann’s life was. Sorry.
JonathanMore almost 12 years ago
I have never felt compelled to comment on a comic strip before. Yesterday and today’s strips make me feel like the world might turn out all right after all. Thanks for the inspiration.
jmoran1950 almost 12 years ago
bout damn time, that’s all I can say.
David Rickard Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh spag me with a goon
Bucinka almost 12 years ago
Mazel tov! Finally!
I see 260 comments as of about 10:17EDT. Easily the most I’ve seen on any strip I subscribe to here.
Cathiet almost 12 years ago
Yes! Yes! Yes! ’bout time!
KEA almost 12 years ago
showing your age
KayKayJam almost 12 years ago
Woo Hoo!!! I wonder what his mom’s reaction will be?
mikecronis almost 12 years ago
Woman proposing to the man not on a leap year? Odd.
topbunk almost 12 years ago
Well done!
quietmuse almost 12 years ago
… And tomorrow he wakes up.
smsrt almost 12 years ago
How come everyone can get older and move forward with thir lives but Luann? Forever in High School… But I am SO happy this one is moving forward. But psychologically there is a tie to what she saw with Dirk. I will crawl up on my Lilly pad and discuss this romantic conundrum with myself.
Zeidy almost 12 years ago
You all missed the tear of joy on Brad’s chhek
Gary Williams Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I am soooooo Haaappppy
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Brad Degroot! You just won the Big Game…. Where are you going next? ^^“I’m going to Weenie World!!!!”^^Ha ha! That’s a good one!
dayflower almost 12 years ago
Hmmm interesting. Tony sees her old boyfriend Dirk married and happy and now all of a sudden she wants to get married. I think these two are a cute couple but I sure don’t want to see Brad hurt.
The Life I Draw Upon almost 12 years ago
YES !!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!
Nelly55 almost 12 years ago
thanks Greg………..it’s time for these two
bscan48 almost 12 years ago
So, how is this going to fall apart?
Tetonbil almost 12 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I think we all need something good to believe in even if it is our comics. Good job Mr. Evans!
DoubleU almost 12 years ago
Well done Brad, I’m proud of you.
YatInExile almost 12 years ago
Is’t come to this i’ faith?
Hath not the world one man but he will wear his cap with suspicion?
Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again?
—William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing
Hank1938 almost 12 years ago
This isn’t a leap year…
Fast Fred almost 12 years ago
What’s his roomate gonna do?
pagercat almost 12 years ago
Now this was a great event! I’m glad Mr. Evans took it in this direction.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Yaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!
My wife proposed to me.
DJD1960 almost 12 years ago
At last. And … apropos of nothing, are those chocolate chip cookies on the plate? With wine?
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
This is just GREAT!!! brad opened the door last year and Toni discovered it was real. Gave her something to think about. And she stepped up to the plate! Now we get to see how Greg handles more BIG moments including the wedding night strip.
Hoodude almost 12 years ago
Never reacted to a comic like this..well maybe when Farley saved Elizabeth,but very touching..Cheers,RE
PMark almost 12 years ago
"Friend (TJ): “Well, it’s about time! I’ll do the catering!”
You forgot, “And I’ll be best man!”
Brad, “Over my dead body!”
PMark almost 12 years ago
We just blew past 300, and it’s not even noon EDT yet!
PMark almost 12 years ago
I have my doubts that a cartoonist that had a bad boy like Dirk “changed by Grace”, would have Brad and Toni shack up before the wedding night.
But I’ve been wrong before.
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
Dave, I think the worst case scenario would be that one of them would be offered a desk job in the department.
LadyJ4444 almost 12 years ago
PMark almost 12 years ago
I do agree with you that TJ is about the only close male friend Brad’s got, but woo-Nilly! Would YOU want TJ as your best man? Check that. Would any sane man want TJ for his best man?
Perhaps he would be able to placate him by letting him cater the wedding. That’s a big job — much too big for the Best Man to take on.
griffon8 almost 12 years ago
What’s the record for most comments?.Yay, Brad and Toni!.Torad? Broni? Brani? Trad? None of those really work for me.
PMark almost 12 years ago
No, I think this engagement will last 1 year our time tops. This is obviously going to be the biggest story going until they get married. Even Quill coming back and going to drama camp with Luann and Tiffany isn’t going to top it. Supplant it for a week or two, maybe. But as soon as there is a break in that story, we will be getting back to Brad and Toni’s impending nuptials.
Greg is going to have to find closure with this arc in order to get back to Luann’s life. You remember Luann, don’t you? The supposed main character in this comic strip?
Vaporman almost 12 years ago
Beautiful work today, Greg. I’ve read for years but very seldom comment. Great work, took me back to a particular moment 41 years ago; and she’s just as beautiful now as she was then.
DaJellyBelly almost 12 years ago
I think if they mention to their server what has just transpired. The house may treat them to that bottle of vino. Maybe even comp them the whole meal, if they are regular customers.
Deborah N Lurie almost 12 years ago
Mazel Tov, indeed! I don’t think they will be stepping on a glass!
DJD1960 almost 12 years ago
Now that the main hurdle has been cleared, we can move on to:
Dad: Middle age crisis – although in his case, it will involve food and a harmless hobby, like macrame
Mom: Middle age crisis, as Nancy realizes her kids won’t be there forever. May set an 8 PM curfew for Luann now.
Luann: Will mope about never getting a proposal, will be rediscovered by the creepy short rich guy later this summer.
TJ: Will have to get a life beyond sidekicker-dom, will probably turn out to be heir to Google fortune. Will discover his own, ahem, orientation in about 3 years. May hit on Dirk and break up that marriage.
Puddles: Will live up to his name.
Joseph.B.Prawer almost 12 years ago
about time.
rons almost 12 years ago
In a moment Brad is going to realize Toni just saw Dirk married and now she is in a rush to be married. Is she copying Dirk? Is he still in her thoughts in a not so good way? Careful Brad, very careful.
pseudomao almost 12 years ago
Yay!!I think the rest of this arc may be devoted to letting everyone know…. ( I hope Nancy is happy about the news.)
Maryjoalaska almost 12 years ago
:)) Love it!
Deborah N Lurie almost 12 years ago
Why am I tearing up – this is a comic strip. It (along with Zits) is the best! I love reading it every day. It is more like a life strip than a comic strip. I love that Greg tackles issues that no one else will approach. I am sure Brad and Toni will face a variety of situations.
PMark almost 12 years ago
I wonder which of the other characters will sense it before being told. In fiction, it is usually a female that does it.
TJ, perhaps? In spite of his many shortcomings, you have to admit that the guy is extremely perceptive. Con artists generally are.
Howabout Luann? She is the main character of the strip after all and has become like a sister to Toni. Will she sense the news without being told?
And what about poor Nancy. Will her mother’s instincts catch the unspoken vibe that her little boy is about to take that final big step in the circle of life?
Any predictions?
Vernon Cash almost 12 years ago
bout time!!!!!
angusdad almost 12 years ago
Perfect! Very touching that Brad is the one crying. I love the last panel.
Peabody429 almost 12 years ago
The future:(1) Major wedding drama(2) Shannon is adopted by Toni/Brad(3) TJ/AE hook-up
716PMedGuy almost 12 years ago
716PMedGuy almost 12 years ago
is that a tear I see
jppjr almost 12 years ago
Let’s just hope nothing bad happens…at work for example…
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Isn’t the father usually/often the best man?
NorCalChuck almost 12 years ago
Hey . . . Hold on there folks . . . .Remember this is Greg Evans we’re reading and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet!
salvaescalante almost 12 years ago
You Bradley are one lucky guy. You Toni are one lucky girl. Congratulations!
pjp1968 almost 12 years ago
uh oh…here come the waterwoks.Call Roto Rooter
jonnijones almost 12 years ago
Cruelty to bunnys :( I don’t think they sacrifice rabbits any more.
whiteaj almost 12 years ago
The comic strip just jumped the shark.
Happicat2012 almost 12 years ago
TheaterGeek almost 12 years ago
I had no idea that this would be the highlight (so far anyway) of my birthday! It’s good to see the nice guy finishing first for once.
Step-Step almost 12 years ago
2Goldfish almost 12 years ago
Brad didn’t blow it… I’m a bit surprised.
David Hironimus almost 12 years ago
Hope this doesn’t mean the strip has jumped the shark…
PMark almost 12 years ago
How is the marriage of two secondary characters the comic “jumping the shark”?
Brad and Toni have been serious about each other for years now. They haven’t dated anyone else. They haven’t even looked at anyone else. They have been as committed a couple as you can be without being married. The only problem was Toni didn’t feel ready to take that step.
Well, now they are taking that step. They are about to go from being a committed prenuptial couple to a committed postnuptial couple.
And this represents “jumping the shark”?
I don’t see it.
Tha_Hype almost 12 years ago
LOL! Dude crying. Awwwwwww…I am cool with it. Two things though: 1. How many strip twist and turns are between here and the “I do’s” and 2. Once the “I do’s” are done wonder how it will impact the overall strip….Hmmm.
m b almost 12 years ago
chazandru almost 12 years ago
My wife asked me to marry her 33 years ago.What was she THINKING?Good cartoon.Good life.Happily,C.
marvee almost 12 years ago
Maybe a record number of comments, and I believe postive outweighs negative. There was a saying when I was young, “May all your problems be little ones” with a double meaning.
Brad didn’t propose again because he was giving Toni the time she needed. She’s been coming to it gradually, and if seeing Dirk helped her put the past behind her, hooray! IMO, today’s strip was pitch-perfect and picture-perfect,
In a comic strip like this, I don’t think anything too bad will happen. Possibly some wedding plan drama (trauma) – Toni doesn’t have much family that we know of. Will Nancy and Luann be the ones help with the planning? Or some not so desirable family show up to throw a small monkey wrench in the works? But Brad and Toni will work things out.
Other decisions such as – where to live, what to do about Shannon, balancing jobs and work – while important and good material for future story arcs, will not destroy this relationship which has developed over time as the characters have matured.
Lion_Tamer almost 12 years ago
Boy what an emotional week and it’s only Wednesday. I’ve shed a tear twice this week, once on the season ending show of The Walking Dead and now with this strip. For sure it is going in my favorites.
PMark almost 12 years ago
We just blew past 370; the all-time record set just yesterday.
At this rate, we could hit 500 before the day is done.
Citymouse3 almost 12 years ago
Beautifullllll…they’re so darned cute together.
montylc2001 almost 12 years ago
one year later and she has triplets.
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
@overtherainbow re dirk not a threat. I hope all works well for dirk. Many manic depressives, or sociopaths swing between good and bad times. They often sabotage their own happiness. I am not a doc, just seen it in real life. Hopefully we won’t see him on brad and Toni’s doorstep looking for work/handout/help. But hey, suppose Toni signs up locally for some healthy yoga classes. Is that a stretch?
wrldtrvlr almost 12 years ago
Too bad Toni is marring Brad to keep up with her ex Derrick. Oh well.
siw1939 almost 12 years ago
Interesting how this occurred just after they discovered Dirk had reformed and married. Nothing like a clear path ahead …
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Here’s a prediction, PMark. Bernice (remember, Brad and TJ live next door to Bernice) finds out before Luann. She hears a commotion next door and gets out her binoculars to spy a bit. She sees Toni and Brad each with an arm around the other, facing TJ, who is screaming…something. Up for bets what he’d be screaming. Bernice puts it together and there you are, she knows before Luann.
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
My preceding comments were made with the greatest support and respect of those battling those mental health situations. I credit Greg for opening this door and getting us all to think about it.
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
Another prediction: if TJ moves, Brad and Toni are going to get sick of each other’s cooking. Or else they’ll always eat out. If TJ leaves, think he might move back in with the DeGroots while he looks for other housing?
Dragon0131 almost 12 years ago
Come on. Remember, the strips that week with Dirk. Toni frazzled because a sick Shannon had been dumped on her last minute (as per usual). She has to run to the store looking bedraggled and harried from her work out. Runs into Dirk with baby first, then the Mrs. Sees Dirk is happy and wife and baby are fine. Comes home and tells Luann that the right woman can turn a guy around. Luann agrees and says that Toni turned Brad around. Toni looks surprised. Over the years Toni has held herself back. She loved Dirk and thought love was pain. She was afraid to love Brad and admit/show that love because of pain. Dirk has made veiled and not so veiled threats over the years. If you had someone like Dirk stalking you, wouldn’t you be afraid of committing yourself to a new guy? Dirk threatened Brad on several occasions. So now, Toni sees Dirk is no longer a threat, she has made a difference in someone’s life (Brad), and she finally realizes that love doesn’t mean pain. Besides, like Brad I was confused by her response when they were leaving the restaurant last year. I think she, tentatively, accepted his proposal last year or a psychological slip. She wanted to last year, but was afraid.
billwilliam20 almost 12 years ago
BikeNBoatN said, about 13 hours ago
And the nice guy finishes first for a change
I agree
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
@otrainbowI was convinced too. Anger management can lay to rest obstacles and let one, like dirk, move on.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Probably, the fire department would have a regulation preventing a person from supervising a spouse. Possibly, they would have a policy (not necessarily a regulation) about spouses working on the same shift..-And weren’t Toni and Brad working in different stations a while back?
John Elder almost 12 years ago
Linda Pearson almost 12 years ago
My favorite part is the tear falling down his face! Wonderful!!
dramac333 almost 12 years ago
YEAH! I thought that after Toni saw the new, improved Dirk that it might spur her in this direction, but I didn’t expect it this fast!
autumngirl Premium Member almost 12 years ago
HALLELUJAH!!!!!! It’s about time!! (dances a little jig for joy!) Thanks for FINALLY doing that, Greg!
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Personally, it would seem that the ONLY way for a strip to jump the shark, is if the CENTRAL CHARACTER (in this case, Luann) has no more room to grow. Ancillary storylines/characters could steal a show, but to me Luann continues to be entertaining as she interacts with everyone, or just in situations by herself…. just about all the characters have the right combo of “wacky”, yet still with a good head on their shoulders. And I think Greg does such a great job in cast and it leaves so many combinations of stories with and between each one, and as many have said, MANY years of stories can be developed if you tell a story right…. the simplest moments, the humanness of the characters (even comic strip ones)…. Mr. Evans has kept me a fan since ’85.So, yeah, even with a marriage now (or even dare I say more down the road? Just kidding, there) the whole key to the entertaining aspect of this is to make us speculate, and anticipate, which is what it seems Greg does so well….
dvoyack almost 12 years ago
Good answer Brad! Nice to see the feeling is mutual..
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Not just the number of posts, but the number of different people posting is impressive. Also, the depth of emotion is impressive.-Kudos to Greg Evans, for touching so many soft spots.
ILuvLu almost 12 years ago
See my list of possible scenarios about 10 hours earlier.
spiffny almost 12 years ago
Why does it look like they are sharing a plate of cookies with their wine?
So, did Toni’s biological clock tick once too often? Is Shannon going to have a cousin shortly?
CasuallyObservant almost 12 years ago
Finally, finally. Geez Greg Evans – I have been following this comic strip for 28 years. I have looked forward to reading it in my daily paper, but recently have about given up on you EVER moving the plot along.
Seriously, let the characters grow up, marry, have children, go to college, etc., etc. I know you probably don’t care what I think, but the excruciatingly slow plot has resulted in my loss of interest. I read it only sporadically now, because there is nothing of substance happening anymore. And Luann is still just A SOPHOMORE in high school are you kidding me? I’m sure I can’t be the only one who feels this way.
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
@ Levitcus: Thank you! And you encapsulated Brad then and now very well, in your post- hopefully He and Toni will BOTH continue to learn and appreciate what they have.
coryslady almost 12 years ago
Woo hoo!!!! So happy!!! Now to see what happens to TJ!
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
@Fuddy Duddy:
Not just the number of posts, but the number of different people posting is impressive. Also, the depth of emotion is impressive.-Kudos to Greg Evans, for touching so many soft spots^^So true- and I concur. I guess this is one of those “where were you when….” moments. And whatever develops from this arc, this is history in the making!
ooptheman almost 12 years ago
Great story. boy & girl or girl & boy, same either way.
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
And I remember that Wal Mart one that they had on that FB phenomenon over the holidays…. their gimmick: who would have the last word. But there was some sort of twist on that. Many thousands…. They determined the last word however they did it, not just by someone’s ACTUAL last word. I didn’t stick around there to find out, as I found I actually had a real life to get to… ha ha!
carlewright almost 12 years ago
Hot Dang
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
I’ve been following Luann for years, (long before GoComics existed) but rarely commenting. Now I must say that I never thought I would see this day. Next big event: Their wedding day, then maybe a grandchild for Nancy and Frank.
DJD1960 almost 12 years ago
I just realized the scene couldn’t be real. In real life a waiter would ruin the moment by asking ‘and how are is everything?’ just as Toni popped the question.
DJD1960 almost 12 years ago
Nope. Brad caught Toni when she fell off that ladder. Toni was VERY lucky then and since.
Goodvibrations1968 almost 12 years ago
I love it!!! Altho they are imaginary people this is touching!!!I wish we all could have such happiness!
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Well doonesbury grew and grew and seems like Greg’s characters have at least as much depth and promise. They could move along in a somewhat accelerated Luann time. Greg could focus on social interactions and problems rather than the political and national issues and problems that doonesbury unveils. There are still classic social development issues from marriage to kids to netflix that Greg could layout in these story arcs that he does so well. I would question if he can stay current with today’s “ways” rather than the kinda old fashioned life slash time warp that Luann et al seem to be in. Moving forward and modernizing might alienate some of the tried and truest fans. It might cause the loss of charm. But I think many of the newer (and older) doonesbury characters developed real souls and depth.
goodneighbor almost 12 years ago
When will Toni come clean that Shannon is actually Her & Dirk’s kid?
PMark almost 12 years ago
“Well Brad, you have come a long way, sir…”
Very well put, sir. That has to be one of your best posts ever. Yes, Brad has come a long way from the “worthless loser” he once was to being the love of her life for a classy lady like Toni. No way, no how was he even remotely in her league. Now he is her “amazing guy”.
Cofyjunky almost 12 years ago
It’s about time! I think Toni seeing how Dirk’s life has moved on has allowed her to move on, too. Though, Evans does move his storyline and characters at a snail’s pace.
PMark almost 12 years ago
Looking at the above referenced strip, Toni and Luann look real good together as sisters, don’t they.
Faux Real almost 12 years ago
I don’t think it’s a popular name anymore, but is “Toni” still short for Antoinette? (Betty=Elizabeth, Becky=Rebecca etc.) Not insinuating Toni’s name is Antoinette btw.
Guilty Bystander almost 12 years ago
WILLIAM GIBSON almost 12 years ago
I read it this morning and have been all smiles all day. This from a many man of 68 years. I am so happy for these dear friends whom I love so much – despite the fact that they’re not real. They’re real to me. Congratulations to both of them.
mcapone almost 12 years ago
This cartoon may well have set a comments record. This will be comment # 416. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one break 200 before this. :)
misterokiebu almost 12 years ago
A good friend of mine who passed away about 12 years ago this month LOVED this cartoon. Even though i’m sure he’s worried about more important things now I’m sure he’d be very pleased. Thanks GregFrom Murph, (and Mike)
Durak Premium Member almost 12 years ago
When this comic is good, it’s very, very good. Well done.
jldewane almost 12 years ago
about time
AB9SS almost 12 years ago
Guess who’s to be the flower girl?! I wonder if they’ll dress her in black?
richardzimdars almost 12 years ago
1. Now comes the waiting to see the reactions of all the other characters. 2. I wouldn’t mind seeing Brad and Toni in a comic strip of their own. 3. I think the Shannon adoption or custody battle is a distinct possibility. 4. This is a wonderful strip to remember.
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
@Dave53 :
I don’t think it’s so much “jumping the shark” as jumping the snark … all those who’ve posted snarky comments about how Toni and Brad didn’t have a chance at being a couple ( for various imagined reasons).
^^ Check out the comment by whitet3260 (Kinda far up the comment ladder). I was trying to go along with PMark to respond to some from earlier in the day, but I also agree with you, I think that “Jumping the Snark” is also a thing here. Sorry if I misread somebody else’s other than that, but this thread is turning into Psghetti, anyway……
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
@ Faux Real: Igot this from 20000-names.com: TONYA: English equivalent of Italian/Spanish Tonia, a short form of Latin Antonia, possibly meaning “invaluable.” But the thing is they also reference Toni as being short for Tonia. But after that, it seemed to be all they had to link the name to. But I’m sure that somehow there can be another creative connection. Wonder if Mr. Evans had something in mind?
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Upon further review, some people have also given Antonella as a possible source name.
jamstebun almost 12 years ago
PMark almost 12 years ago
And 450 is left in the dust!
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
Comments just for the sake of running up the comment count should not count. However there will be a record number regardless. Greg should be proud.
Paul Rider Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
My point exactly. The number of Luann comments doesn’t need to be padded.
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
Yes to get Bobby from the dead.
Tinyman almost 12 years ago
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!Are we invited too the wedding and the reception?
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
And according to Wikipedia, Antonia means priceless, praiseworthy, beautiful. So your Grandmother has a wonderful name! Also found this list from Wikipedia, on the name Anonia:
Quite interesting!
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Here’s some other variants:Antía — GalicianAntoinette — FrenchAntonela — CroatianAntonella — ItalianAntonette — EnglishAntónia — Hungarian, Portuguese, SlovakAntonia — Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Georgian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, SwedishAntonie — CzechAntonietta — Italian, SpanishAntonija — Croatian, SloveneAntonina — Italian, Polish, Russian, UkrainianDonka — BulgarianNela — CroatianTeuna — DutchΑντωνία (Antonia or Andonia) — GreekToinette — FrenchToini — FinnishToni — EnglishTony — EnglishTonia — English, UkrainianTonka — Croatian, SloveneTonya — English, Russian, Ukrainian
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Brani gets my vote. We now call them “Brani”.
Noooooooooo! The practice of portmanteau-ing together the name of every pair that are, have been or may be a couple was declared overdone, annoying and stupid several years ago by the Better Use of Language Board. “Brad and Toni” or “Toni and Brad” is just fine.^^Besides, Broni sounds better than Brani
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
comixlover347 almost 12 years ago
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Toni will take me for my honeymoon???!!!!
We know who will wear the pants in that house.^^Have you forgotten WHY it was Toni who proposed? Toni had forbidden Brad to propose to her, so, it was either ask Brad to ask (awkward at best) or do it herself; which she deemed the better choice; it has nothing to do with Brad being wimpy. Of course, the old cavemanish , 17 yr old Brad might have felt the way you do about a woman proposing! haha
Caldonia almost 12 years ago
I just have to say that I love “jumping the snark” as a comment, thanks for this. I always try to remind myself not to be so sarcastic, it’s so thoughtless. .So! Back on topic: yay yay yay yay to the happy couple!
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
Hopefully in real life that policy is being outdated.
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
One person was 50. He looked to his left, looked to his right and saw his friends being married. He thought he will be single for the res of his life. 6 months later he got married.;
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Wonder what their wedding song could be? (There’s plenty of love songs out there that could work and still not be on the mushy side…)
ReneTray almost 12 years ago
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
I have often said that Frank was the luckiest character in the comics because he has Nancy as his wife. He has just slipped into 2nd place.^^Good comments there, Lev
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Just blew by 400…^^Ok, my prediction that it would be 200, 300 posts at best was wrong….I guess I can no longer call myself Michel de Notre Dame (Nostradamus)
Lion_Tamer almost 12 years ago
Why have we never seen Toni’s parents, or for that matter Delta’s, Bernice’s, Crystal’s Tiffany or anyones other than the Degroots
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Mr. Evans has several books out. All the Luann strips have been put in book form. I have them. I can look up things in them faster than I can by scanning one day at a time on the computer.^^Ahhh that’s your secret!!!
PMark almost 12 years ago
This comic strip from 2003 seems appropriate here:Dad was right. He did end up the winner.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Just got my invitation in the mail. I was asked not to give out the date. All I have to do is locate Pitt, California.^^I thought it was “Pittsville”
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Well, when Brad got fired from Weenie World she told her boss that he would someday be her husband. At Christmas time she admitted that the fatherhood test was being administered. It’s possible that her response to Dirk was, “If a loser like that can get it together and start his grown up life, what on earth is stopping Brad and me?” The only thing stopping them was her fear of screwing up again.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
I’m certain that in Heaven you get to read Luann. They probably have their own comment board there with a comment count in the thousands. Now in Hell you do not get to read Luann. That is why it is called Hell.^^In Hell, they force you to read “Garfield”
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Your “Brad is cherry” campaign has a pretty limited shelf life right now anyway.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Even if Jonah is in danger of, um, leaving the strip, that doesn’t mean he won’t make the occasional appearance before then. In fact it probably would make it more likely.
gkid almost 12 years ago
I think this is the best strip. ever. Beem reading it fora lot of years, this takes the top.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Only if she wants us all to turn fictional long enough to kick her butt.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Song suggestion for when they feed each other a bite of wedding cake: “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” by Pat Benatar.^^Being as Toni was once in an abusive relationship, that song would be rather tacky at best
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
How about “Boni”?^^no :p
gkid almost 12 years ago
P.S.Now. She had best not die, or leave, ok?I for one would be totally ticked off. Thankyou.
jwbriggs almost 12 years ago
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Agree strongly! Brad and Toni, or Toni and Brad. Eventually Mr and Mrs DeGroot, but only when it’s clear we’re not talking about Frank and Nancy.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Well, the number of posts here proves that those of us who take this cartoon seriously aren’t just a small number of nerds/weirdos…we’re a LARGE number!!! (Yea team!!)Also, it shows that I wasn’t the only one who was tired of B&T’s lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng courtship and wanted to see SOMETHING happen, good or bad, to it.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I like when you get sentimental.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I think (I don’t actually know) that he was hired back at station 4, or whichever one Toni is at.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
I wonder if Crystal will wear Goth for her own wedding.
craigwestlake almost 12 years ago
Good move Greg. Now give the couple some nice breaks for a change.
BillWa almost 12 years ago
And so the torch is passed. Much has happened in Brad’s life bringing him to a mature young man. One thing, KEEP TJ OUT OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bash71 almost 12 years ago
This brought a tear of happiness to my eye. Well done!
Ken Otwell almost 12 years ago
I so love it! Movin’ on!
Muxmaster almost 12 years ago
Naaa. He’s staying in the basement.
Ken Otwell almost 12 years ago
Love the tear – nice touch, Greg.
dfroark almost 12 years ago
This’ll go down in history, remember it well
bearcat666 almost 12 years ago
Run Brad Run!! Toni is bad bad news! We have yet to see the last of Dirk.
fidgetkitty almost 12 years ago
prof2 almost 12 years ago
Got my wish – and the minute I saw it I got cold chills to go along with it. Beautiful, perfect magnificently – and FINALLY!
prof2 almost 12 years ago
and, of course, my comment made not much sense…perfectly magnificent – not perfect magnificently (hope you all got the idea anyway).
Michael McKown Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Wow. Give me an address to send flowers to.
theaterajojo almost 12 years ago
It had better not be a dream. Thanks for drawing her hair more in proportion to their heads. I’ve tended to look at her hair as a character in itself. And I think Dirk still had his sunglasses on in the grocery store for a reason….evidence that something isn’t quite right and everything isn’t changed for the better. Me? I think he hired the wife and stunt baby as actors. It’s all a stalker set up.
chicogrande almost 12 years ago
Luann gonna flip!
Vacca almost 12 years ago
Toni will be killed on the job before they get married
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
Okay, my two finalists for a wedding song: 1. “The Flame” (by C. T.)2. “This Guy’s In Love With You” (the Herb Alpert/T.J.B. version)
Loki Laufeyson almost 12 years ago
‘Geez Louise’… ha ha, I see what you did there. :)
melmarsh9v almost 12 years ago
Woof! Things are finally happening— much more compelling than weaving baskets for old cooters. Most probably, this day’s installment will be regarded as a classic, ranking with: Adam & Eve, Antony & Cleopatra, Romeo & Juliet, Tarzan & Jane, Dagwood & Blondie…
RabbitHole almost 12 years ago
Please let them get married. Don’t pull off something stupid like killing one off in a fire or going into a lifelong coma from an accident or any other stupid thing. Let them have kids and make Luann an aunt and the Degroots grandparents.
melmarsh9v almost 12 years ago
Yeah, who knows? The second panel may someday be regarded as iconic as the scene with Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in that old movie from 1939…
Loki Laufeyson almost 12 years ago
Not to diss Toni, but I think that she is more experienced than that. But not because she’s a ‘loose woman’, as my mom would say. Toni was in an abusive relationship, so it would not be out of character or reason to suspect that she has that experience due to pressure from Dirk. Perhaps Dirk didn’t totally rape her, but perhaps pressured her so severely into having sex that she felt compelled to oblige him, or else she willingly did so in order to try to get him to treat her better. That often happens in abusive relationships. It’s not a sign that Toni is of loose morals AT ALL— in a case like this, it would be self-preservation of sorts. Maybe that’s not exactly the right word that I was looking for, but hopefully you see what I’m trying to say.
redrose89 almost 12 years ago
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Even then there will eventually be a wedding. After that only you and Brad’s mother will hold onto that fantasy.
Loki Laufeyson almost 12 years ago
571 posts as of this one… well, mine will be (maybe) 572. Think we’ll beat 600? It’s a worthy goal if all the posts are meaningful and not just a random letter or gibberish.
StoicLion1973 almost 12 years ago
Wow! Over 580 comments.
Now, what will Nancy do.
Spade Jr. almost 12 years ago
You know what MAKES today’s strip? The single tear from Brad’s eye. Evans, ya got class!
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
No question about it – Shannon will be the flower girl. Captain will walk Toni down the aisle. Dirk & Grace will attend the wedding. Gunther will help with the garments – especially the wedding dress..If they have a full wedding party, Delta & Bernice will be bridesmaids with TJ & Jonah as groomsmen.
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Over 500. Anybody ready for 600?^^Just 14 more to go!
GKBeetle almost 12 years ago
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
Dare I suggest a Bachelor party? Tiffany? Ann Eiffel? I don’t THINK so! Of course, with TJ as Best Man, Tiffany is a distinct possibility – but with Quill as Best Man, it will be quite sedate.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Question. Why are dads so often portrayed as unaware oafs who wouldn’t be able to tie their shoes without help from their wives? I can’t remember when I’ve seen a dad portrayed as a competent person, who is aware of what’s going on around him.
cubswin2016 almost 12 years ago
Yes! Hip hip hooray!
AmyGrantfan51774 almost 12 years ago
wow Brad and Toni are really getting married!!!….will Luann be the maid of honor?? and will Shannon be the flower girl or is she too old?…she’s 7 (I think)
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
TY TY… I was proud to do it! :p
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
ok… I guess I don’t know any Cheap Trick songs then…. to be honest, I stopped listening to mainstream rock when Heavy Metal came in, in the mid-70s….horrible noisy garbage
overtherainbow almost 12 years ago
TJ will totally be Brad’s best man. Luann will have to be maid of honor. You don’t need any more than that in the party—at one of my best friend’s wedding, I was maid of honor and the groom chose a woman to be best man. Or best woman, whatever. (And yes, she attended the bachelor party.) There might have been a flower girl or a ring bearer, I don’t remember. Other than that, we were the entire wedding party. I can’t see Luann’s girlfriends being in the wedding party—they aren’t Toni’s friends. And unless Brad calls up some fellows from the fire station, he doesn’t have any other friends that we know of, except someone named Mike whom he hung out with once instead of staying home for a holiday. That was decades ago. So there’s the wedding party—nice and intimate. Of course everyone at their fire station will attend!
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Toni’s family is either dead or dysfunctional. Toni has grown to be very self reliant, and detached from all but Shannon, so the Daytona side of the isle will have friends, but no family.-Meanwhile, Toni is getting closer and closer to the DeGroot family. I think we will see Toni tie the knot with not only Brad, but also the DeGroots. Toni will rely on Mrs. DeGroot to help her with the preparations. She will ask Mr. DeGroot to be a surrogate for her dead father. And she’ll ask Luann to be the bridesmaid/sister Toni never had.-I think Mrs. DeGroot (Nancy, if you wish) will come to realize she’s not losing a son, she’s gaining a daughter. And Toni will find the stable, loving family she needs. That’s why I see Shannon folding into the Brad/Toni family.
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Luann = maid of honor, not bridesmaid. -Sorry ladies, my bad. I’m just one of those incompetent oafs who couldn’t tie his shoes without his wife’s help.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
Even when the grandbabies have his potato head, Nancy will still be in denial about how they got there.
bluegirl285 almost 12 years ago
Ottodesu almost 12 years ago
Thanks for the good wishes.I reckon the timeline in Luanniverse is moving on. Luann will become a Senior, and over the next couple of years (our time) may even get to college with Quill.I also think that we will see a wedding, because drawing Toni in a wedding dress would be way too much fun for Greg & Co.
Homeboy1865 almost 12 years ago
Yea!!! It’s about time. I liked the last three strips so much I saved them on my PC. And April 1st would have been April Patterson’s 22nd birthday (For Better or For Worse). She’s now older than Luann and probably older than Brad too.
Comicdog135 almost 12 years ago
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Ok, how about heart of Gold by Neil young. Hearing it now on palladium by James Taylor. Hearts of Gold.
schmid13 almost 12 years ago
Greg will do something to test those hearts. Isn’t that what life’s about? Shannon is the obvious choice and I expect brad will be sorely tested. What fun we’ve had today.
noreenklose almost 12 years ago
YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!
2^3 YES!!!!!!!! for the power of LOVE
Fuddy Duddy almost 12 years ago
Both, probably. :-)
William Taylor almost 12 years ago
622 comments. Wonder if that is a record?
RH3 almost 12 years ago
About bloody time.
seyleigh almost 12 years ago
Brad’s song might be “Why Don’t You and I” by Nickelback. Tony’s version of their love song would be “If I Didn’t Have You” by Thompson Square. Or if she want to be a little broody and emo, Tony’s can be “Holding On and Letting Go” by Ross Copperman.
The songs I posted in my previous post would be great romantic songs for either of them in their relationship.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
626 comments and counting?-If a psychology student can’t get a research paper out of this set of comments, there’s something wrong with him or her.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 12 years ago
“I would never want to imply that Toni had anything but the highest of moral character. If I hinted at that in anyway, I apologize”-IF?
-Dear friend, you do read what you write don’t you? There’s no “if” to it.
While you’ve stood by Brad and his inhumanly chaste nature most admirably, you have implied a certain looseness on the part of Toni Louise Daytona DeGroot or Toni Louise Daytona-DeGroot, one never knows what these young whippersnappers will decide upon.
kfccanada almost 12 years ago
Wow! It took quite a while to get through that loooooooong list of comments to add another..lol. Am sincerely hoping that Toni didn’t ask Brad to marry her just so that she didn’t feel left behind. After all, even Dirk is married now and she didn’t expect that to happen. I hate to be a party- pooper, but Toni has never once shown any overt emotions towards Brad….It would not surprise me if she asked Brad to keep it a secret for a while till she ‘got used to the idea’ of being engaged.
I love Brad’s reaction to her proposal. What a softie at heart! I truly think they are meant for each other.
ckeller almost 12 years ago
Shannon will make the most adorable flower girl.
Ginispics almost 12 years ago
Actually she showed a lot of emotion when he saved her life, and you could see then that she was more than grateful……It looked as though she had her epiphany then, that his reaction and hers….were more real and deep than she expected ; it also seemed to almost scare her a little….I think that is when she realized she was really falling for Brad. Speaking of being a party pooper….I think she has also considered that at some point she is going to permanently “inherit” Shannon, and Brad will accept that responsibility as well…..he is a very special guy and she knows it.
Probedude almost 12 years ago
Anyone care to speculate what tonight’s strip will be about?
Probedude almost 12 years ago
Will the happy couple discuss wedding plans, will Toni present Brad with an engagement gift, or will Brad be shown at home telling TJ the news……….?
kfccanada almost 12 years ago
@Ginispics……I think they make a terrific couple. Even the fact that both of them are firefighters stationed at the same location says a lot. Many employers don’t allow couples to work together lest their relationship interferes with their job duties.
They have both showed dedication to looking after Shannon and, I agree, Shannon will be a totally different child if she is invited to live with Brad and Toni permanently.
It is really heart- warming in itself that over 400 fans really care about Brad and Toni’s engagement. Reading all the comments is an enjoyable experience and I’m sure Greg,too,has a tear in his eyes.
Probedude almost 12 years ago
Or one of a hundred other scenarios……..?
bjb2book Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Thanks, Mr Evans! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Hurrah for Toni and Brad! Enjoyed a lot of the comments too what a fan club!.
mechaman almost 12 years ago
Beautiful ..
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
I think everybody has pretty cool song selections…. sorry, I fell asleep…. wanted to post to what is now yesterdays, getting ready to check today’s…. My vote is still for a “fire” themed song…. Mikey J seemed to be on to something there…. My “non-fire”vote was for “The Flame”, by C.T., or “This Guy’s In Love With You”, the Herb Alpert//T.J.B. version…..
Raygun almost 12 years ago
Is this the most commented strip ever? Can someone with knowledge on this chime in? This was #640 I believe or close to it.
Petemejia77 almost 12 years ago
651 comments? Wow! Does any other strip get this much feedback?
Attila The Voice! almost 12 years ago
Awwww Brad :)
Semper Fido almost 12 years ago
Now just keep calm, Brad, and let Toni explain.
mummieeva almost 12 years ago
I am so happy.
Epperhud almost 12 years ago
Finally! I’m so glad they’ve come this far, and in a mature, deliberate way. They’ll be happy forever!
itchet88 almost 12 years ago
IDK. I feel like she may be doing it as a way of “catching up” to Dirk.
eheroking almost 12 years ago
like a boss
EXTERMINATE! almost 12 years ago
672th comment!
AnonymousUser over 11 years ago
I didn’t look at this series for around a year. Found something about a future marriage. Went back and looked at every single strip until I found when it happened.
yukikiralacus over 11 years ago
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Mayson almost 4 years ago