Well this just suddenly got a whole lot more interesting! Bernice’s brother? Am I the only one who completely forgot he existed. Not hard seeing as he hasn’t even appeared since before this strip gained color unless he was somewhere in the background at their graduation.
And to all of you who can’t stand Bernice, her mental state almost guarantees she won’t be doing any of the things u despise. Neither will Fade et Blondé be zzzz-ing us to sleep, or at least not until this arrangement inevitably turns into a week long version of the Sundays. (Which will probably cut the number of comments in half)
Which brings us to the million dollar question. How long will this particular arc last? And how long will it take for the Sunday style to invade the weekly arcs?
This is confusing because the dorm room gratis is usally all an RA gets. Also, how was Bernice paying for her dorm room before she became an RA. This stinks of slovenly writing.
Well, well, well. So Bernice DID lose her R.A. gig! Ha! In fact, no R.A.s PERIOD! The Hall A Gang are going to go wild with the news! And Bernice will be staying in that empty room at the DeGroots. No big deal, as Bernice spends most of the time at Luann’s house anyway.
Ironic isn’t it? A year ago, it was Tiffany struggling to maintain her private room at Mooney. And it was Bernice delivering to her the bad news that the price for dorm rooms had gone up. forcing Tiff to move into that shared room with Stef. Now, a year later, a Triumphant Tiffany has the choice of either staying in an “Ann-Free Home,” or living on campus. While Bernice is being kicked out of her dorm room and in fact rendered homeless. My, how the mighty have fallen.
But this brings up something interesting for the up coming college school year. Luann is living at home. Bernice is living with Luann. Gunther is staying at the Gulag. And if Tiffany stays with her dad, that means that none of the major characters will be staying on campus this semester. So We may just get mere glimpses of college life as opposed to full blown stories. That’s could be good news for Tiffany. Not having to deal with the Hall A Gang or Stef, “IF” Tiff commutes from home and returns to Mooney. And the focus of the stories may mainly take place at either Luann’s house, the Farrell Mansion, the Gulag or the Fuse. Does that mean no more Dez?
Tiffany is at home and Bernice is at Luann’s. I guess this means we are about to kiss goodbye to all the residence hall characters and start focusing the comic strip back on Luann.
Sure, the DeGroots have a room – but how does Bernice pay for it if her RA funds are cut? Could Bernice soon be working at The Fuse/Kafe Kablooie? Very suddenly it’s no longer about Ann Awful…
How terrifying. You can tell from the shocked look on her face. I wonder how puddles will take it. That maybe one stressed out pooch. Will be lucky to keep any hair at all after this.
well this is a quick resolution unless these two can’t stand living together..which, with as many years as they have together, I doubt will be a problem
Wow, many of you guessed that. Bernice is no longer the RA But i don’t care how much of a stick in the mud Bernice is perceived to be, there will always be someone worse.So with no R.A.s i wonder how dorm life will be monitored. Heightened security? or will MU expect college students to behave like adults and exude self control.
So, Ben is married with kids. Or is he a single parent? I can remember how mad Bernice got at Luann for trying to have a relationship with Ben. Will that be the next arc?
AHA! Told ya. I never thought Tiffany were going to occupy that room like everyone else in herw. H3ll, Tiff and Luann hated each other and Luann would put down her foot at allowing her mother to put Tiff across the hall from her room. AND why would she? She has a mansion of a home where she can live on one floor and Tom and Ann on another, where she could have more privacy than across the hall from Luann. But now her home situation is much better – no Ann. SO, it is Bernice! Nobody thought of her. So Ben is coming back to town. Will Nancy charge rent? Perhaps offer her a job at The Fuse. Oh lord, now everyone works there!
Sounds to me like Bernice is going to be crowded at her new digs, but that is hardly being homeless.
I guess I’m getting old, but to me sharing a “bed room” (as if there was ever a bed in there) while sleeping on a sofa bed or on a thin mattress on the the floor was just part of being a family as I grew up.
Sure, we were poor, but none of us was ever “homeless.”
I don’t know what’s with Bernice and Luann’s parents, that they can barely afford to support their daughters through school. Not even community college, in F and N’s case. I’d almost expect Frank to charge Bernice rent so they can afford Luann’s tuition! Save some money next time, you noodles!
While I’m glad Tiffany won’t be the new room mate at Chez de Groot I don’t see how Bernice moving in will particularly inspire new arcs. She and Luann already spend a surprising amount of time together for two people going to different schools. How will this be much different?
Two besties living together? That could go one of two ways. It could further strengthen their friendship. Or they could get so sick of each other that the long friendship they enjoyed for all these years will eventually crumble.
Ben York? Bernice’s only sibling? He was before my time and was in the army, and Luann was attracted to him. But, he left town. And that, fellow readers, is the extent of my knowledge of our latest mystery man……Tom Farrell please exit, stage left, but don’t go too far, we got money to talk about. I fear we are in for a long, complicated arc starting with the shuffling of bodies. I had kinda hoped we’d go back to the dorm for a quickie with Steffie (arc, that is, so don’t go throwing things at me)
In real life, (in my unrealistic brain), the powers that be will be breaking down the DeGroots door to get Bernice back! I mean, REALLY! There will be mad Football player toga parties, and a big Hair across their as-phalt parking lot! Broken candy machines! Bedlam! Begging for Bernice to please COME BACKKKK and maintain ORDER!
Out of all the nit-picky nit-picking on today’s strip and whether it’s morfing into a Sunday type of strip vs week day, I find it encouraging that, without even being asked and probably only heard last half of conversation Nancy immediately reacts to the wail of ’I’m homeless’ with ‘We have a room!’. I remember when it happened in our family. My future dil (now ex-dil but that’s another story). She was not in a good situation (another long, private story) and she had no where to stay. I heard of it from my son and I told him to call her and tell her she can stay here if she wants. She was in New England and we were in the Carolinas. She once told me the best thing I ever said to her after she totaled our Escort on a rain-slicked road was when she said upon answering the phone ‘Momma, I wrecked the car. I’m sorry!!’ I said: ‘Forget the car. Are you ok.’ It’s those little things in life that make things matter.
I love how compassionate Mrs. Degroot is, but it does seem a bit weird that Bernice’s long lost brother would move in with her parents and not with his own adoptive parents or with his (ex?) wife’s parents. Did Ben’s adoptive parents die or something? Does his (ex?) wife’s parents disown him and the kids (grandkids) ?
I take some partial credit for calling this, I thought one that it could be an issue with the RA job, and it paid for some portion, at least of her expenses, although it was pointed out to me that job doesn’t usually pay all college expenses, and she would not be able to continue her education, which is her main goal in life. I also thought about the room being available and I believe suggested it. I did think about the brother but not knowing much about him, I did not dangle that out there. So now it appears to be happening. Room issue settled. Ann settled (apparently, but maybe not). Nancy involved. Parents are always parents. So lets see where this goes.
I’ve been reading this strip for decades and do NOT remember Bernice had a brother. (Or even parents, for that matter! LOL). He must not have made an appearance in a very long time. Or I’m just getting too old to remember details.
WONDERFUL! Bernice and Luann will finally live in the same house!!! They are more and more like sisters♡♡♡! Plus, Ben is back and has a family! I’m sorry he lost his job, but his return to the strip with his family is grea. The saddest part is that Bernice is losing her job, along with her room and, above all, her roommate the Dearest Dez. Yes, they can still met around, but it won’t be the same. And I do not know. If the job paid for her room, does that mean she lost her scholarship?However, I’m glad Bernice is the new Degroot home resident. Much better her than Tiffany.
If she can’t pay for the dorm how is she gonna pay for the DeGroot’s room? And didn’t they establish the DeGroots need the money that renting out the room brings in?
Get a job in fast food to pay the bills. With a pschology major it is probably where she will likely end up when she graduates. Think of it as an internship!
Wait, they “cut funds for residents assistants”? The job paid for her room? Something doesn’t add up. Has Bernie been fired from her RA job? “Cutting funds” sounds like the Uni isn’t paying for resident assistants. But they have to. They can’t not have a RA (especially in that dorm). Plus, a uni’s RA is like an apartment building’s super. They don’t pay rent, because they maintain things inside the building. Like an RA works to maintain order, and offer assistance to students in a dorm. So the whole “Cutting funds” angle doesn’t work.
Not to sound mean, but it would have made more sense if Bernie lost her RA position because of a poor job performance evaluation. I mean, in a ‘real world logic’ sort of way.
And, since part of you RA stipend paid for everything else, guess who needs a job job? Wonder how Bernice will look like in a Cafe Kablooie uniform? Has to be bettr than those boring outfits she normally wears.
This is a bumbling story line. They never cut RA positions and if she had a room at home all this time why was she living in the dorm? And if her parents own a home it seems like they should be able to work something out so that everyone has a place to sleep. Why is she claiming to be homeless? This is weird and doesn’t read well. Just a really clumsy way to get her in the spare room with no explanation of how she will pay for it. Seems like you could have come up with something better, not so confusing and boring.
It really made no sense for Bernice to cry “it’s over” with all the words that followed. That’s just not how anyone is going to begin the conversation about all her news. Just a set up for drama and a bunch of comments & speculation.
Ok, we know they didn’t really “cut” Bernice, Bernice can’t afford the delta (which raises questions like why were you in there when the schools local and how did a freshman become a RA or how did you afford it before you became a RA). GnK reached for this one a little (ok, a lot). I mean a college cutting RA “pay” and an estranged brother coming home with kids (is there a spouse or single dad?). The soap opera here is becoming a soap opera. The interesting thing is we might see more of Luann and maybe some struggling between her and Bernice (bestie rarely make good roommates). Oh well, it’ll be interesting…
So, Nancy and Luann collect Bernice, take her back to the DeGroot house, all ready to move her in——-only to be met at the door by Frank, who says: “Oh, gee, honey. I’m sorry. I already rented the room to this poor woman here….”
As he points to a smiling Ann Eiffel in the background. ;D ;D :P :P :P
Presumably, Tiffany’s room and board problems resolved by moving back with cardboard dad.
Presumably, Bernice’s room and board problems are resolved by moving under Luann’s roof.
College will no longer be the center of their lives (as if it ever really was). All that’s left now is, will Gunther lose Bets, reverting his character, as well? Or will Gunther and Bets go to Peru to look for Rosa? (Why?) (Why not?) (Gets rid of Gunther!)
Past gripes: While the supporting cast has long upstaged – and replaced – the named character of the strip. Tiffany has been the de-facto star of the strip for some time now. Now it appears she may even revert to her former status of villain of the strip. (Someone noted yesterday that “using Les as a means to an end” was classic “old” Tiffany)
Side argument: Above, someone argues that Bernice was “fired” and the counter-argument was, no, the college just shut off funding. I don’t know about anyone else, but one of the ways some companies “fire” people is by telling them their position is no longer funded.
Compound that with the fact that many people wouldn’t tell their best friends they were fired in the first place – too much pride for that. But who knows, and I’m sure G&K aren’t going to tell us.
I’ll agree with 1212 on this one: Fantastic misdirection in which, all summer long, we were being teased that Pru’s room was going to Tiffany – only to see Tiffany get her father back (?), and now this.
But my sum total feeling is this:
As of today, Luann has jumped the shark – without water skis!
This strip will never be the same – and all by having reverted the entire comic strip to about the same as it always was back in the day.
Last and certainly least: At 500 – 600 comments a day, the most entertaining part of this strip has never been the strip: It’s been you guys! I honestly enjoy reading your comments – even when Dog bites me, Trilogy grills me and Argythree buzzes me!
You guys, the fans, you are the real entertainment in Luann!
WOW! This has MAJOR consequences for the strip. Things to ponder:
https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2014/03/10 – Bern got a “full ride” scholarship to Mooney. A “full ride” scholarship is an award that covers all expenses related with college. This includes tuition, books, fees, room and board, and possibly even living costs. The goal is to remove any need for additional financial aid. So this strip doesn’t make sense. Except that the creators say it’s so!
If Bernice can’t afford a room at Mooney, how can she afford Pru’s old room?
The Evans’ are changing the landscape of the strip. Why? Because the characters can’t stay in Uni/college forever. The current landscape resembles that of when the kids graduated from H.S. Characters are dropping out. We seem to be in a maturation era. Real “hookups” are being addressed. Characters are making major changes; Tiffany, Les, Tom, Nancy. Characters are disappearing; Pru, Tara, Jack(?), Nil(?).
Scarlett Shimmer opined that the shifts could portend a For Better Or For Worse universe coming to the strip. A universe of characters forming permanent relationships, of having kids and ageing.
“My brother lost his job and is moving home.” Does Bern have a bro that used to live in her home? Is Ben York (Sgt., Army retired) being reintroduced and with a family? What happened to his foster parents? Luann had/has a “thing” for Ben; they were e-mail pals even. Bernice took offense, probably some jealousy involved.
It looks like the two “spinsters” Luann and Bernice are going to be house mates. YIKES! =8^O – What’s all that about!?!? More Snarky comments to Lu philosophizing about the vagaries of life under Karen Evens??
Is Tiffany still in school? Will she live at home with “Gorgeous Tom” or return to Hall A? Or to the private room once more? If Tiff and Bernice live off campus will we even see college scenes anymore?? Tara and Jack are gone. No more Howie? No more Zébo or Nil? No more art
I didn’t think Tiffany would move into the DeGroot’s spare room. I was right again.
Even if Bernice has to give up her bedroom there must be another place she can sleep in the house. What kind of parents would not let her stay in the house on a air mattress or couch?
Wow! Double whammy! And va-boom! Triple..a resident for the “room” at DeGroots!Wonder where Bernice’s “home” is, never shown and she’s never there! Guessing it doesn’t matter. Nancy solved one problem and may have created another ( for Luann). Bring on the drama! ;-D
This reintroduction of Bernice’s brother, Ben York, makes no sense. He was given up for adoption by Bernice’s parents while they were dating in college. He was raised by a family. So why is he moving in with his birth parents? When we saw him last he was young, single and in the army deployed in the Middle East. Now he’s here, has a “job”, and is married with kids? It’s been 13 years since he made his one and only appearance in this strip, but in real life years that is about 3-4 years. There’s a lot of explaining to do here…
How convenient. The brother AND his kids are coming back and all of a sudden she’s homeless. So parents take in the grand kids but kick out their college-age daughter. Seems legit.
Has Nancy lost her mind? Bernice will inspect the DeGroot household several times daily, and she will write them up for a host of infractions. If Bernice is indeed homeless, then let her move in with Piro, in his car.
Maybe Tiffany will disappear for awhile -quit college – go to Paris for fashion training. Tiff’s job at the Fuse is now available for Bernice. Work for free room and board at the Degroots. Heck – Bernice and Nancy can even car pool to work.
Remember, even if Bernice moves into the DeGroot house, she and Luann go to different schools, with different schedules. Their paths don’t have to cross all that often.
I guess without saying it (after all, no one is wearing masks and I wouldn’t expect them to after all it is a comic strip) they are weaving COVID into the storyline. Think about it, brother loses a job, dorms are being cut, etc.
And how will Bernice pay rent to the DeGroot’s? Barring that, in the real world, a freshman would have never been given a “resident assistant” job in the first place.
…ok, I grew up in a family of 9 kids whose ages spanned 19 years – having to sleep on a couch at your parents because people moved back with kids, for whatever reason, is not “homeless”….at least not in my family…
Her brother was adopted out. I wonder why he reached out to his birth parents for housing. What paid for Bern’s room before she became an R.A.? This isn’t making sense. Bossy, snide Bern is now in Luann’s home. Hopefully, they will start hanging out in the living or family room.
How can she be a resident assistant (RA) if she’s not in residence at the dorm? Mooney going to supply her with an office? Or will only students who can afford a room be able to be RAs now?
why is it that so many people outright detest Bernice?
She’s doing her best. She is motivated by doing what’s right. She’ll learn from a few of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but some folks posting here seem to prefer that witch-with-a-B Ann Eiffel.
Do they really hire frosh students as RA’s anywhere? It’s been a few decades, but when I lived in a dorm the RA was always either a grad student/law student or (just maybe) a senior. Having a first-year 18-year-old trying to be an RA is just asking for trouble.
To the rescue. Luann’s Mom is the honorary Mom for almost everyone in this strip. Maybe she should subcontract out a couple people to Gunther’s Mom so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. Gunther’s Mom only has Gunther and Les, so she could take one or two to help out.
I hope this doesn’t mean that Dez has been written out of the strip! She was a good balance for Bernice, helping to (try) to get her out of her safe zone.
This moves everyone away from dorm life. Now we can focus on the original characters and their growth. Luann hasn’t done much growing since high school. Maybe there will be more focus on her now. I have been waiting for her to finally stand up to Bern’s sarcastic way of pulling her down. My best friend from sixth grade through high school was just like that. After high school and when I was in my first home, she came over right after I scrubbed my very light colored kitchen floor. She walked across it saying, “Oh, you are lucky. Your kitchen floor doesn’t show the dirt.” If that is how blind she was to my accomplishments, I needed a new best friend.
A long time ago, a poster here who called himself ‘Leviticus’ was really a fan of Bernice. I wonder what happened to him? That was back when it was obvious that Greg Evans was reading the fan postings, because one of the college catalogs that Luann received was from a college called ‘Leviticus’…
I, for one, will really miss Dez if there is no more attention paid to the dorm residents. But the only way I can see the dorm residents being included anymore is if Tiffany moves back to the dorm. If Bernice now commutes from the DeGroots house to her classes, she won’t really have a reason to hang out at the dorm…
The interesting question has to be what does the strip “Luann” get out of thus change? Bernice is a rarely seen character whose attributes consist of “dorm nazi” and a conceited “observer” of people (aka the camping trip); both negative atributes. She has no friends beyond Luann. No life at all. Luann has no attributes at all. She would like to have a boyfriend but does nothing to go out and meet boys. Her appearances at community college are so sporatic that it’s easy to forget that she ever goes to school. Her only friends are Bernice and Tara, the latter not seen in months. We already know what Bernice and Luann are like together as they have been a mainstay of the Sunday episode. They are … b-o-r-i-n-g. So, why have the Evansi done this. It seems as pointless as Luann’s life.
Maybe the next arc will be a completely different direction than everyone here anticipates. Maybe we’ll get to finally meet Bernice’s parents and hear the story about why they gave up Ben for adoption while they were in school (a Steve Jobs story if there ever was one), and how they’ve always felt guilty about it. So, when he contacted them for help finding a place to land because his adoptive parents were (pick one: passed on, or in assisted living and can’t have children live with them) and his wife had passed on, Bernice’s parents saw the opportunity to make up for what they always felt was a failing. Why not? We finally saw Tiffany’s father, so why not Bernice’s parents? And, of course, Bernice’s attraction to counseling grew from sensing her parents’ feelings of guilt over something that Bernice didn’t really understand…
This development feels forced. Bernice’s parents would make room for her, it wouldn’t come to homelessness. I think Nancy took on working at the Fuse to avoid needing a boarder, right? It would be very strange to have Bernice paying the DeGroots for rent seeing she grew up with Luann. And Ben resurfaces with children after how many years of absence from the strip? Does anyone care?
Bernie living at the DeGroots is way too much “Bernie and Luann, sitting on a log” for my tastes. Couldn’t we all chip in and rent a room somewhere else for Bernie?
I think the middle panel can be seen as the real world intruding on this strip’s narrative. The pandemic is going to lead to changes at our universities. We’ll see how this goes.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
how dreadful for Bernice
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
I was right! Bernice wins the Degroots bedroom!
AnyFace over 4 years ago
Called it. ✨
Space_Owl on GoComics over 4 years ago
Wait, Ben’s coming back? Also, dang it with schools and their fund cutting!
Scarlet Shimmer over 4 years ago
Well this just suddenly got a whole lot more interesting! Bernice’s brother? Am I the only one who completely forgot he existed. Not hard seeing as he hasn’t even appeared since before this strip gained color unless he was somewhere in the background at their graduation.
And to all of you who can’t stand Bernice, her mental state almost guarantees she won’t be doing any of the things u despise. Neither will Fade et Blondé be zzzz-ing us to sleep, or at least not until this arrangement inevitably turns into a week long version of the Sundays. (Which will probably cut the number of comments in half)
Which brings us to the million dollar question. How long will this particular arc last? And how long will it take for the Sunday style to invade the weekly arcs?
beb01 over 4 years ago
This is confusing because the dorm room gratis is usally all an RA gets. Also, how was Bernice paying for her dorm room before she became an RA. This stinks of slovenly writing.
howtheduck over 4 years ago
Wait! Ben has kids? I thought the last time we saw him he was single and without children?
oldcomicsfan over 4 years ago
Hooo Boy! It’s one thing for them to be best friends…but live together?? That will be interesting!
Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow, all the planets were in perfect alignment to fill that room at the DeGroot residence.
The Electrician over 4 years ago
Bunk beds and Tiffany fits too.
Pointspread over 4 years ago
So the crisis was Bernice needs to find a job & a place to live. Okay.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Too bad for Tiffany, stuck living in a mansion. Waiting for Leslie Knox to come and visit.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well, well, well. So Bernice DID lose her R.A. gig! Ha! In fact, no R.A.s PERIOD! The Hall A Gang are going to go wild with the news! And Bernice will be staying in that empty room at the DeGroots. No big deal, as Bernice spends most of the time at Luann’s house anyway.
Ironic isn’t it? A year ago, it was Tiffany struggling to maintain her private room at Mooney. And it was Bernice delivering to her the bad news that the price for dorm rooms had gone up. forcing Tiff to move into that shared room with Stef. Now, a year later, a Triumphant Tiffany has the choice of either staying in an “Ann-Free Home,” or living on campus. While Bernice is being kicked out of her dorm room and in fact rendered homeless. My, how the mighty have fallen.
But this brings up something interesting for the up coming college school year. Luann is living at home. Bernice is living with Luann. Gunther is staying at the Gulag. And if Tiffany stays with her dad, that means that none of the major characters will be staying on campus this semester. So We may just get mere glimpses of college life as opposed to full blown stories. That’s could be good news for Tiffany. Not having to deal with the Hall A Gang or Stef, “IF” Tiff commutes from home and returns to Mooney. And the focus of the stories may mainly take place at either Luann’s house, the Farrell Mansion, the Gulag or the Fuse. Does that mean no more Dez?
Or will Dez get a new interesting roommate?
We may be in for some unusual times.
howtheduck over 4 years ago
Tiffany is at home and Bernice is at Luann’s. I guess this means we are about to kiss goodbye to all the residence hall characters and start focusing the comic strip back on Luann.
Namrepus over 4 years ago
She could always park herself on Luann’s floor and make snarky observations, just for a change.
Ahuehuete over 4 years ago
Just take out a student loan. Chances are it’ll be forgiven
Black76Manta over 4 years ago
Thanks for Luan’s mom, she is a lifesaver!
Glen.A.Zerbi over 4 years ago
Sure, the DeGroots have a room – but how does Bernice pay for it if her RA funds are cut? Could Bernice soon be working at The Fuse/Kafe Kablooie? Very suddenly it’s no longer about Ann Awful…
Croooow! over 4 years ago
Losing the RA job I saw coming (most if not all of us did). The brother returning, not so much.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Bernice’s full ride scholarship doesn’t cover rent? Bernice moved to the dorms prior to becoming a RA. Bad planning?
BabyBlue over 4 years ago
She still has to pay for the room somehow. So she’ll be working at the Fuse too?
electricpostcard over 4 years ago
How terrifying. You can tell from the shocked look on her face. I wonder how puddles will take it. That maybe one stressed out pooch. Will be lucky to keep any hair at all after this.
cdcoventry over 4 years ago
well this is a quick resolution unless these two can’t stand living together..which, with as many years as they have together, I doubt will be a problem
RC5 over 4 years ago
Good match. There will be some bumps in the road, it there friendship will survive. The new saga.
gnmnrbl over 4 years ago
Wow, many of you guessed that. Bernice is no longer the RA But i don’t care how much of a stick in the mud Bernice is perceived to be, there will always be someone worse.So with no R.A.s i wonder how dorm life will be monitored. Heightened security? or will MU expect college students to behave like adults and exude self control.
Argythree over 4 years ago
So, Ben is married with kids. Or is he a single parent? I can remember how mad Bernice got at Luann for trying to have a relationship with Ben. Will that be the next arc?
Vilyehm over 4 years ago
The new kids in the strip will be younger then Shannon.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
AHA! Told ya. I never thought Tiffany were going to occupy that room like everyone else in herw. H3ll, Tiff and Luann hated each other and Luann would put down her foot at allowing her mother to put Tiff across the hall from her room. AND why would she? She has a mansion of a home where she can live on one floor and Tom and Ann on another, where she could have more privacy than across the hall from Luann. But now her home situation is much better – no Ann. SO, it is Bernice! Nobody thought of her. So Ben is coming back to town. Will Nancy charge rent? Perhaps offer her a job at The Fuse. Oh lord, now everyone works there!
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Maybe the University switch to remote learning and the dorms are closing for the semester.
bytebot-gocomics over 4 years ago
Bernice is homeless?
Sounds to me like Bernice is going to be crowded at her new digs, but that is hardly being homeless.
I guess I’m getting old, but to me sharing a “bed room” (as if there was ever a bed in there) while sleeping on a sofa bed or on a thin mattress on the the floor was just part of being a family as I grew up.
Sure, we were poor, but none of us was ever “homeless.”
Caldonia over 4 years ago
I don’t know what’s with Bernice and Luann’s parents, that they can barely afford to support their daughters through school. Not even community college, in F and N’s case. I’d almost expect Frank to charge Bernice rent so they can afford Luann’s tuition! Save some money next time, you noodles!
kauri44 over 4 years ago
While I’m glad Tiffany won’t be the new room mate at Chez de Groot I don’t see how Bernice moving in will particularly inspire new arcs. She and Luann already spend a surprising amount of time together for two people going to different schools. How will this be much different?
rklynch over 4 years ago
Two besties living together? That could go one of two ways. It could further strengthen their friendship. Or they could get so sick of each other that the long friendship they enjoyed for all these years will eventually crumble.
Stay tuned….
Joe1962 over 4 years ago
I don’t see the problem Bernice, Nancy as offer you a room. You should be happy that Ben is coming with his kids.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 4 years ago
Problem solved.
Airman over 4 years ago
Ben York? Bernice’s only sibling? He was before my time and was in the army, and Luann was attracted to him. But, he left town. And that, fellow readers, is the extent of my knowledge of our latest mystery man……Tom Farrell please exit, stage left, but don’t go too far, we got money to talk about. I fear we are in for a long, complicated arc starting with the shuffling of bodies. I had kinda hoped we’d go back to the dorm for a quickie with Steffie (arc, that is, so don’t go throwing things at me)
reedkomicks Premium Member over 4 years ago
In real life, (in my unrealistic brain), the powers that be will be breaking down the DeGroots door to get Bernice back! I mean, REALLY! There will be mad Football player toga parties, and a big Hair across their as-phalt parking lot! Broken candy machines! Bedlam! Begging for Bernice to please COME BACKKKK and maintain ORDER!
KathrynHildebrandt over 4 years ago
For someone always so sarcastic and snooty about her best friend’s problems, Bernice sure is a drama queen about a little shift in her housing plans..
dadoctah over 4 years ago
“Meanwhile, Aunt Martha, having gone for a tramp in the woods is lying in a ditch at the end of town.”
Quabaculta over 4 years ago
Out of all the nit-picky nit-picking on today’s strip and whether it’s morfing into a Sunday type of strip vs week day, I find it encouraging that, without even being asked and probably only heard last half of conversation Nancy immediately reacts to the wail of ’I’m homeless’ with ‘We have a room!’. I remember when it happened in our family. My future dil (now ex-dil but that’s another story). She was not in a good situation (another long, private story) and she had no where to stay. I heard of it from my son and I told him to call her and tell her she can stay here if she wants. She was in New England and we were in the Carolinas. She once told me the best thing I ever said to her after she totaled our Escort on a rain-slicked road was when she said upon answering the phone ‘Momma, I wrecked the car. I’m sorry!!’ I said: ‘Forget the car. Are you ok.’ It’s those little things in life that make things matter.
tkspring over 4 years ago
I love how compassionate Mrs. Degroot is, but it does seem a bit weird that Bernice’s long lost brother would move in with her parents and not with his own adoptive parents or with his (ex?) wife’s parents. Did Ben’s adoptive parents die or something? Does his (ex?) wife’s parents disown him and the kids (grandkids) ?
luann1212 over 4 years ago
I take some partial credit for calling this, I thought one that it could be an issue with the RA job, and it paid for some portion, at least of her expenses, although it was pointed out to me that job doesn’t usually pay all college expenses, and she would not be able to continue her education, which is her main goal in life. I also thought about the room being available and I believe suggested it. I did think about the brother but not knowing much about him, I did not dangle that out there. So now it appears to be happening. Room issue settled. Ann settled (apparently, but maybe not). Nancy involved. Parents are always parents. So lets see where this goes.
drewpamon over 4 years ago
Odd couple number 2
kingbrlee Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow, a lot just transpired in today’s strip!
sueb1863 over 4 years ago
Her family would leave her homeless instead of just making other arrangements for her brother’s kids?
And where’s Bernice going to get money to pay rent to Nancy if she doesn’t have any money to pay for her dorm room?
imagenesis over 4 years ago
Even better, now that the awful Ann is out if the picture, Tiff should take her in her home!
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
I’ve been reading this strip for decades and do NOT remember Bernice had a brother. (Or even parents, for that matter! LOL). He must not have made an appearance in a very long time. Or I’m just getting too old to remember details.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
One brother, Ben York
dv1093 over 4 years ago
“Sorry Ben, things have changed – my room is no longer available.”
oakie817 over 4 years ago
and give her a job at the cafe
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
WONDERFUL! Bernice and Luann will finally live in the same house!!! They are more and more like sisters♡♡♡! Plus, Ben is back and has a family! I’m sorry he lost his job, but his return to the strip with his family is grea. The saddest part is that Bernice is losing her job, along with her room and, above all, her roommate the Dearest Dez. Yes, they can still met around, but it won’t be the same. And I do not know. If the job paid for her room, does that mean she lost her scholarship?However, I’m glad Bernice is the new Degroot home resident. Much better her than Tiffany.
Lord Hearteater over 4 years ago
The stage is now set for the two BFFs as roomies. Bern’s career path now becomes a key story element.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago
Darn. I wanted that room to go to Tiffany…oh well. Bernice needs it more.
Steve Dallas over 4 years ago
If she can’t pay for the dorm how is she gonna pay for the DeGroot’s room? And didn’t they establish the DeGroots need the money that renting out the room brings in?
IBGumby over 4 years ago
Get a job in fast food to pay the bills. With a pschology major it is probably where she will likely end up when she graduates. Think of it as an internship!
Ken~e~z over 4 years ago
Interesting…I thought Tiffany was moving in.
ericbrower over 4 years ago
Wait, they “cut funds for residents assistants”? The job paid for her room? Something doesn’t add up. Has Bernie been fired from her RA job? “Cutting funds” sounds like the Uni isn’t paying for resident assistants. But they have to. They can’t not have a RA (especially in that dorm). Plus, a uni’s RA is like an apartment building’s super. They don’t pay rent, because they maintain things inside the building. Like an RA works to maintain order, and offer assistance to students in a dorm. So the whole “Cutting funds” angle doesn’t work.
Not to sound mean, but it would have made more sense if Bernie lost her RA position because of a poor job performance evaluation. I mean, in a ‘real world logic’ sort of way.
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
Bernice has a brother? Have I missed something.
harf59 over 4 years ago
COVID arc?
33Angel over 4 years ago
Nancy is AWESOME! Didn’t miss a beat to offer Bern a place to stay. LOVE that woman!
WilliamVollmer over 4 years ago
And, since part of you RA stipend paid for everything else, guess who needs a job job? Wonder how Bernice will look like in a Cafe Kablooie uniform? Has to be bettr than those boring outfits she normally wears.
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
What? Under those circumstances, Bernice’s family would say, “Tough beans, you’re on the streets!”?!? This doesn’t add up.
LtPowers over 4 years ago
So… Moony is going to have dorms without RAs? That’s weird.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 4 years ago
when I was at school the RA ’s pay was his room. I guess this means the various moony U characters are being written out.
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
This is a bumbling story line. They never cut RA positions and if she had a room at home all this time why was she living in the dorm? And if her parents own a home it seems like they should be able to work something out so that everyone has a place to sleep. Why is she claiming to be homeless? This is weird and doesn’t read well. Just a really clumsy way to get her in the spare room with no explanation of how she will pay for it. Seems like you could have come up with something better, not so confusing and boring.
Airman over 4 years ago
REWIND….all of the recent events were set up by one thing………..Pru’s abrupt and unexpected departure.
LeighBurton over 4 years ago
Bernice can move in with the DeGroots. Problem solved! Now let’s get back to more interesting arcs!
maxiesmom2 Premium Member over 4 years ago
It really made no sense for Bernice to cry “it’s over” with all the words that followed. That’s just not how anyone is going to begin the conversation about all her news. Just a set up for drama and a bunch of comments & speculation.
Pohka over 4 years ago
Ok, we know they didn’t really “cut” Bernice, Bernice can’t afford the delta (which raises questions like why were you in there when the schools local and how did a freshman become a RA or how did you afford it before you became a RA). GnK reached for this one a little (ok, a lot). I mean a college cutting RA “pay” and an estranged brother coming home with kids (is there a spouse or single dad?). The soap opera here is becoming a soap opera. The interesting thing is we might see more of Luann and maybe some struggling between her and Bernice (bestie rarely make good roommates). Oh well, it’ll be interesting…
tcayer over 4 years ago
“I’m HOMELESS!” “We have a room.” New story starts Monday.
Lopdee over 4 years ago
Well, I had the RA thing almost right. So, Bernice is moving in and the bro can work at the Dive.
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
Wow problem presented and solved in three panels! Talk about efficient!
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
Sunday : Shannon asks an embarrassing question!
wantcomicsnow over 4 years ago
So, Nancy and Luann collect Bernice, take her back to the DeGroot house, all ready to move her in——-only to be met at the door by Frank, who says: “Oh, gee, honey. I’m sorry. I already rented the room to this poor woman here….”
As he points to a smiling Ann Eiffel in the background. ;D ;D :P :P :P
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Total reversion of the strip and its characters.
Presumably, Tiffany’s room and board problems resolved by moving back with cardboard dad.
Presumably, Bernice’s room and board problems are resolved by moving under Luann’s roof.
College will no longer be the center of their lives (as if it ever really was). All that’s left now is, will Gunther lose Bets, reverting his character, as well? Or will Gunther and Bets go to Peru to look for Rosa? (Why?) (Why not?) (Gets rid of Gunther!)
Past gripes: While the supporting cast has long upstaged – and replaced – the named character of the strip. Tiffany has been the de-facto star of the strip for some time now. Now it appears she may even revert to her former status of villain of the strip. (Someone noted yesterday that “using Les as a means to an end” was classic “old” Tiffany)
Side argument: Above, someone argues that Bernice was “fired” and the counter-argument was, no, the college just shut off funding. I don’t know about anyone else, but one of the ways some companies “fire” people is by telling them their position is no longer funded.
Compound that with the fact that many people wouldn’t tell their best friends they were fired in the first place – too much pride for that. But who knows, and I’m sure G&K aren’t going to tell us.
I’ll agree with 1212 on this one: Fantastic misdirection in which, all summer long, we were being teased that Pru’s room was going to Tiffany – only to see Tiffany get her father back (?), and now this.
But my sum total feeling is this:
As of today, Luann has jumped the shark – without water skis!
This strip will never be the same – and all by having reverted the entire comic strip to about the same as it always was back in the day.
Save for one thing.
It’s not funny anymore. Just a soap opera.
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
Last and certainly least: At 500 – 600 comments a day, the most entertaining part of this strip has never been the strip: It’s been you guys! I honestly enjoy reading your comments – even when Dog bites me, Trilogy grills me and Argythree buzzes me!
You guys, the fans, you are the real entertainment in Luann!
And I thank each and every one of you!
You have made my day a little brighter!
yangeldf over 4 years ago
I’m pretty sure her brother wouldn’t put her out on the street to give his kids her room
Tyge over 4 years ago
WOW! This has MAJOR consequences for the strip. Things to ponder:
https://www.gocomics.com/luann/2014/03/10 – Bern got a “full ride” scholarship to Mooney. A “full ride” scholarship is an award that covers all expenses related with college. This includes tuition, books, fees, room and board, and possibly even living costs. The goal is to remove any need for additional financial aid. So this strip doesn’t make sense. Except that the creators say it’s so!
If Bernice can’t afford a room at Mooney, how can she afford Pru’s old room?
The Evans’ are changing the landscape of the strip. Why? Because the characters can’t stay in Uni/college forever. The current landscape resembles that of when the kids graduated from H.S. Characters are dropping out. We seem to be in a maturation era. Real “hookups” are being addressed. Characters are making major changes; Tiffany, Les, Tom, Nancy. Characters are disappearing; Pru, Tara, Jack(?), Nil(?).
Scarlett Shimmer opined that the shifts could portend a For Better Or For Worse universe coming to the strip. A universe of characters forming permanent relationships, of having kids and ageing.
“My brother lost his job and is moving home.” Does Bern have a bro that used to live in her home? Is Ben York (Sgt., Army retired) being reintroduced and with a family? What happened to his foster parents? Luann had/has a “thing” for Ben; they were e-mail pals even. Bernice took offense, probably some jealousy involved.
It looks like the two “spinsters” Luann and Bernice are going to be house mates. YIKES! =8^O – What’s all that about!?!? More Snarky comments to Lu philosophizing about the vagaries of life under Karen Evens??
Is Tiffany still in school? Will she live at home with “Gorgeous Tom” or return to Hall A? Or to the private room once more? If Tiff and Bernice live off campus will we even see college scenes anymore?? Tara and Jack are gone. No more Howie? No more Zébo or Nil? No more art
Jaymi Cee Premium Member over 4 years ago
That’s mothers, God bless them. You hear that wail, and super mom to the rescue.
locake over 4 years ago
I didn’t think Tiffany would move into the DeGroot’s spare room. I was right again.
Even if Bernice has to give up her bedroom there must be another place she can sleep in the house. What kind of parents would not let her stay in the house on a air mattress or couch?
rrsltx over 4 years ago
Um, there are other jobs out there for college students, in spite of COVID.
YorkGirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow! Double whammy! And va-boom! Triple..a resident for the “room” at DeGroots!Wonder where Bernice’s “home” is, never shown and she’s never there! Guessing it doesn’t matter. Nancy solved one problem and may have created another ( for Luann). Bring on the drama! ;-D
rwebs over 4 years ago
This reintroduction of Bernice’s brother, Ben York, makes no sense. He was given up for adoption by Bernice’s parents while they were dating in college. He was raised by a family. So why is he moving in with his birth parents? When we saw him last he was young, single and in the army deployed in the Middle East. Now he’s here, has a “job”, and is married with kids? It’s been 13 years since he made his one and only appearance in this strip, but in real life years that is about 3-4 years. There’s a lot of explaining to do here…
ridenslide65 over 4 years ago
How convenient. The brother AND his kids are coming back and all of a sudden she’s homeless. So parents take in the grand kids but kick out their college-age daughter. Seems legit.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Has Nancy lost her mind? Bernice will inspect the DeGroot household several times daily, and she will write them up for a host of infractions. If Bernice is indeed homeless, then let her move in with Piro, in his car.
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
Maybe Tiffany will disappear for awhile -quit college – go to Paris for fashion training. Tiff’s job at the Fuse is now available for Bernice. Work for free room and board at the Degroots. Heck – Bernice and Nancy can even car pool to work.
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
Remember, even if Bernice moves into the DeGroot house, she and Luann go to different schools, with different schedules. Their paths don’t have to cross all that often.
HarryMandel over 4 years ago
I guess without saying it (after all, no one is wearing masks and I wouldn’t expect them to after all it is a comic strip) they are weaving COVID into the storyline. Think about it, brother loses a job, dorms are being cut, etc.
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
Bernice seems to be better than Tiffany.
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
And how will Bernice pay rent to the DeGroot’s? Barring that, in the real world, a freshman would have never been given a “resident assistant” job in the first place.
jadoo823 over 4 years ago
…ok, I grew up in a family of 9 kids whose ages spanned 19 years – having to sleep on a couch at your parents because people moved back with kids, for whatever reason, is not “homeless”….at least not in my family…
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
If Bernice moves in …Sunday comic will be Bernice on her bed and Luann and Puddles sitting on the floor. And the room will be clean.
Chuck374 over 4 years ago
If she is not the dorm cop anymore, I guess the students will be having more fun.
Willow Mt Lyon over 4 years ago
Her brother was adopted out. I wonder why he reached out to his birth parents for housing. What paid for Bern’s room before she became an R.A.? This isn’t making sense. Bossy, snide Bern is now in Luann’s home. Hopefully, they will start hanging out in the living or family room.
overtherainbow over 4 years ago
How can she be a resident assistant (RA) if she’s not in residence at the dorm? Mooney going to supply her with an office? Or will only students who can afford a room be able to be RAs now?
MsPony over 4 years ago
why is it that so many people outright detest Bernice?
She’s doing her best. She is motivated by doing what’s right. She’ll learn from a few of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, but some folks posting here seem to prefer that witch-with-a-B Ann Eiffel.
Seriously, folks… SMH
Shonkin over 4 years ago
Do they really hire frosh students as RA’s anywhere? It’s been a few decades, but when I lived in a dorm the RA was always either a grad student/law student or (just maybe) a senior. Having a first-year 18-year-old trying to be an RA is just asking for trouble.
StackableContainers over 4 years ago
To the rescue. Luann’s Mom is the honorary Mom for almost everyone in this strip. Maybe she should subcontract out a couple people to Gunther’s Mom so she doesn’t get overwhelmed. Gunther’s Mom only has Gunther and Les, so she could take one or two to help out.
Glen.A.Zerbi over 4 years ago
Don’t forget her hubby, Mr. Al Gray.
Doctor Go over 4 years ago
Funny how that worked out for a hanging storyline thread.
JPuzzleWhiz over 4 years ago
He has used up all of his lifelines and has given his final answer.
ABC’s original “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” host Regis Philbin has passed away at the age of 88 (they say natural causes).
Heaven is now his “safe haven”.
R. I. P.
Dr. Caligari over 4 years ago
The Army recruiting center is just down the street….just sayin’
The Pro from Dover over 4 years ago
Well, thats the end of that friendship.
kauri44 over 4 years ago
I hope this doesn’t mean that Dez has been written out of the strip! She was a good balance for Bernice, helping to (try) to get her out of her safe zone.
WendySaddler over 4 years ago
Don’t know about anyone here, but I find it very kind of Luann’s mom to say what she said.
Willow Mt Lyon over 4 years ago
This moves everyone away from dorm life. Now we can focus on the original characters and their growth. Luann hasn’t done much growing since high school. Maybe there will be more focus on her now. I have been waiting for her to finally stand up to Bern’s sarcastic way of pulling her down. My best friend from sixth grade through high school was just like that. After high school and when I was in my first home, she came over right after I scrubbed my very light colored kitchen floor. She walked across it saying, “Oh, you are lucky. Your kitchen floor doesn’t show the dirt.” If that is how blind she was to my accomplishments, I needed a new best friend.
bakana over 4 years ago
Bernice already spent more time in Luann’s room than in her own.
Argythree over 4 years ago
A long time ago, a poster here who called himself ‘Leviticus’ was really a fan of Bernice. I wonder what happened to him? That was back when it was obvious that Greg Evans was reading the fan postings, because one of the college catalogs that Luann received was from a college called ‘Leviticus’…
Argythree over 4 years ago
I, for one, will really miss Dez if there is no more attention paid to the dorm residents. But the only way I can see the dorm residents being included anymore is if Tiffany moves back to the dorm. If Bernice now commutes from the DeGroots house to her classes, she won’t really have a reason to hang out at the dorm…
Schrodinger's Dog over 4 years ago
Come to think of it, The Fuse = the Pitts version of “Rick’s” from Casablanca . “sooner or later, everyone comes to Rick’s”.
Airman over 4 years ago
Request? Bring back a redrawn Sun. Let her look like Constance Wu and have the free spirit of Awkwafina.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 4 years ago
It makes sense to get Bernice out of the dorm, since the strip never came up with any good ideas for using that new cast of characters anyway.
beb01 over 4 years ago
The interesting question has to be what does the strip “Luann” get out of thus change? Bernice is a rarely seen character whose attributes consist of “dorm nazi” and a conceited “observer” of people (aka the camping trip); both negative atributes. She has no friends beyond Luann. No life at all. Luann has no attributes at all. She would like to have a boyfriend but does nothing to go out and meet boys. Her appearances at community college are so sporatic that it’s easy to forget that she ever goes to school. Her only friends are Bernice and Tara, the latter not seen in months. We already know what Bernice and Luann are like together as they have been a mainstay of the Sunday episode. They are … b-o-r-i-n-g. So, why have the Evansi done this. It seems as pointless as Luann’s life.
Argythree over 4 years ago
Maybe the next arc will be a completely different direction than everyone here anticipates. Maybe we’ll get to finally meet Bernice’s parents and hear the story about why they gave up Ben for adoption while they were in school (a Steve Jobs story if there ever was one), and how they’ve always felt guilty about it. So, when he contacted them for help finding a place to land because his adoptive parents were (pick one: passed on, or in assisted living and can’t have children live with them) and his wife had passed on, Bernice’s parents saw the opportunity to make up for what they always felt was a failing. Why not? We finally saw Tiffany’s father, so why not Bernice’s parents? And, of course, Bernice’s attraction to counseling grew from sensing her parents’ feelings of guilt over something that Bernice didn’t really understand…
kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago
This development feels forced. Bernice’s parents would make room for her, it wouldn’t come to homelessness. I think Nancy took on working at the Fuse to avoid needing a boarder, right? It would be very strange to have Bernice paying the DeGroots for rent seeing she grew up with Luann. And Ben resurfaces with children after how many years of absence from the strip? Does anyone care?
kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’m more interested in how some of you can comment in bold and italics!
Caldonia over 4 years ago
No more dorm, no more characters of color. Good thinking, GE! At least you can no longer show how tone-deaf you are about those students!
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Oh, no! Say it isn’t so!
Bernie living at the DeGroots is way too much “Bernie and Luann, sitting on a log” for my tastes. Couldn’t we all chip in and rent a room somewhere else for Bernie?
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Tiffany was restored and returned to the mansion with her daddy And then an economic tragedy hits Bernice’s family.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
I think the middle panel can be seen as the real world intruding on this strip’s narrative. The pandemic is going to lead to changes at our universities. We’ll see how this goes.