Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 25, 2025

  1. Missy
    mort b.  4 days ago

    I’m not really into trendy words or phrases. But in this case, I need to ask. Is anyone else cringing?

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  2. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  4 days ago

    Seriously? Making love with Toni is such a chore?? I find that hard to believe!

    Back in the day, when they were in school together, He would’ve FANTASIZED about this!

    Forget all the charts and headaches.. if they do it often enough (unprotected).. she’s bound to get pregnant.

    I’m kinda with Pipe Tobacco. I wish they would make a Toni and Brad story on something besides “The Maybe Baby”. There are lots of exciting fire fighting adventures they could share with us readers.

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    Namrepus  4 days ago

    Walnuts are supposed to help the tadpoles reach the promised land? That’s something I’ve never heard before.

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    Azul0858  4 days ago

    It’s gross that Brad is discussing this with TJ. It’s about time for him to live somewhere else.

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  5. Beb avatar
    beb01  4 days ago

    Doesn’t Brad and Toni find it the least bit embarrassing that TJ knows that they will be ** in 20 minutes? Will he leave to give them privacy, or put a glass to the wall to hear better?

    And while Brad needs someone he can explain things so so we the readers will understand what is going on. Having TJ hang around all the time like this is just cringey.

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  6. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  4 days ago

    Will there be a Christmas baby or a New Year’s baby?

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  7. Northstar
    Northstar Pendragon Premium Member 4 days ago

    Interesting! There’s a parallel between Brad being super analytical about procreating with Toni, versus Phil being so analytical about dating Luann. …. Maybe Luann needs to come over and give Brad some tips on being spontaneous, and on Keep It Simple Stupid!

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    Commediacrit  4 days ago

    Can you imagine Luann participating in a discussion on birthin’ babies?

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    snsurone76  4 days ago

    Tell you what, Brad—how about having your machinery reproduce instead of you!!

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    9thCapricorn  4 days ago

    SO! Toni IS on BOARD!!

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    kenhense  4 days ago

    Where can Brad get two dozen oysters this time of night?

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    californiamonty  4 days ago

    I’m curious why he needs an app to tell him the best P-. Isn’t he married?

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  13. Large aa glen ford slapping woman
    jackbyrne1948  4 days ago

    I bet Dirk would help out.

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  14. Trollspry
    Enter.Name.Here  4 days ago

    In the 1980s brad would say “I gotta go rent some porn videos to get in the mood.”

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    baraktorvan  4 days ago

    Careful, you may not be able to get it up if you are stressed like that.

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    comic reader 22  4 days ago

    Really Incredibly STUPID.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Ye Cats!

    Talk about taking all the fun out “making babies.”

    Reminds Me of that old Sly and the Family Stone tune: “Babies making Babies.”

    Brad, close that silly laptop and get to it when Toni gets home.

    Then, you can yodel just like Sly did during his song “Spaced Cowboy.” ;-)


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    jakenbeau  4 days ago

    How did the human race ever proliferate over the last several thousands of years with out this b.s.

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    continental_line  4 days ago

    I think most people just do it. If you do it often enough you should hit the jackpot. Trying to do it ‘by the numbers’ will kill the desire eventually defeating the very thing you are attempting to achieve.

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  20. Superchicken
    Chopped Fowl  4 days ago

    Good luck, Quick Draw …!

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    luann1212  4 days ago

    Well, theyboth want a child.

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  22. Aoh14ggz hgcegfwgram r 8ouqo 4bp6nh8 34e3whf8w=s96 c
    Webby_dog  4 days ago

    Take a back seat and let your friend take care of it.

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    sueb1863  4 days ago

    “All that sex! All night every night! It’s horrible!”

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    Aladar30 Premium Member 4 days ago

    Poor Brad. Having to do something like this like a chore takes the fun out of it and stresses you out, even when you usually really enjoyed doing it. Time for TJ to give one of his pep talks that gets Brad fired up. Now Toni seems much more determined than him to have a child, let’s hope they can do it.

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    Bernedoodle  4 days ago

    Go for the Viagra, Brad De Root!

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    Count Olaf esq Premium Member 4 days ago

    Gag The Count with a Ginsu. An arc about Bord and Tawny Tone’ Tattoed Toni’s sex life. What’s next? Luann doing a one night stand with a pond scum loser? Oh. Been There, Done That. This comic really, really, really needs Dearest Ann❤️Eiffel back! At least she was interesting.

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  27. Cobra 1
    [Traveler] Premium Member 4 days ago

    It is beyond comprehension that Brad would have a difficult time getting “in the mood”

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  28. Badgerhelmet
    Jim   4 days ago

    it’s a comic strip people…..

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    Heelboy 12  4 days ago

    Having been there, and done that, I totally understand where Brad is coming from. After about a week or two of “Woo-hoo, putting some points on the board!” it DOES become a chore. A lot of the fun and spontaneity of sex with your better half is severely diminished and your participation becomes nothing more than standing at stud.

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    BJDucer  4 days ago

    Ok, I have heard of oysters increasing one’s libido, I’ve heard the gift of flowers helps with setting a romantic mood, and I’ve heard of dim lights and the right music creating the right ambiance for a fun, romantic time. I’ve heard the myth of ground up rhinoceros horn as having aphrodisiacal properties. Heck, I’ve even heard that green M&M’s as having some influence on ones propensity to do the horizontal tango. But, I have never heard that a simple walnut may help with procreation! How long has this been a thing?? Apparently these type of secrets somehow elude me….

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  31. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  4 days ago

    I thought it couples were supposed to do it for fun.

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    w16521  4 days ago

    Brad will need to rise to the occasion

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  33. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 4 days ago

    How many years will a comic strip pregnancy last?

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  34. Hammy
    TMMILLER Premium Member 4 days ago

    All I had to do was look at her and she was making a baby…..

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  35. Boston
    MS72  4 days ago

    Relax! Knowing it’s time messes with his brain. Take it easy, and slow. Maybe let her lead, and by all means, enjoy the experience. The rest will happen, naturally.

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    baskate_2000  4 days ago

    How did we get here from Luann and Phil?

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    ctolson  4 days ago

    Don’t forget the raw oysters!

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    anaditz  4 days ago

    You should read a couple stories about what male adult film stars endure. The “perform on demand” thing is definitely not automatic.

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  39. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  4 days ago

    It’s no-longer maybe baby. The way that Toni’s change of attitude was handled bordered on subtle. There can be no doubt now that she is all in on motherhood. Today’s strip could be a foreshadowing of complications, or even worse…but then again, Shannon and Jonah have essentially been written out, with his big break. I stand by my prior assertions of a sort of confluence: Phil delivers the child as a professional. His budding involvement with Luann is deliberately coincidental.

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  40. Joe the bugatti mulhouse clipped
    Call me Ishmael  4 days ago

    Will you leave that poor effing woman alone? She is not a European princess, and you are not trying to extend an ancient dynasty. She is not a womb awaiting fertilization. Jesus- get a brain!

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  41. Santa  1 ram
    chief tommy  4 days ago

    Why did he bleep out “position” ? Too graphic?

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    GregBehrens  4 days ago

    Tri-weeklyTry weeklyTry weaklyMy life history

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 4 days ago

    My brother & SIL went thru this. Told him to pretend they weren’t married & her father would kill him if she got preggers.

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    lyndonearl203  4 days ago

    Careful-we might get more of The Brat

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  45. Ligand1
    RSH  4 days ago

    I get the feeling that they have been trying for some time with no results.

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  46. Images
    Geophyzz  4 days ago

    With a libido like that, he should turn in his man card and stay out of the gene pool.

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  47. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  4 days ago

    “Make whoopee”? There’s a movie over 30 years old that derided that term as old-fashioned, and the phrase certainly hasn’t gone back into style since then. C’mon now Karen, you can do better than that. A 24-year-old single guy like TJ would NEVER utter something like that.

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    Emperor Rick  4 days ago

    And aren’t you supposed to wear loose underwear or something?

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    bliu  4 days ago

    It was fun just being a piece of meat! It was a bummer during the periods in between.

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    GojusJoe  4 days ago

    Come on, perform. What’s wrong with you? Did you eat your walnuts? I’ll give you 5 minutes and then I have to get back to work. WELL?

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  51. A667b8b3 9778 432a bad0 67bcfb554af3
    jea9hrkr  4 days ago

    I thought both Toni and Brad would both be smarter than to do that crazy stuff…

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    johnaapc  4 days ago

    this strip has been phoning it in for quite a while

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    wolfgang73  4 days ago

    Went through all that BS with my wife years ago. She couldn’t get pregnant. Tried for months. She finally gave up and just relaxed and boom, twins.

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    comic reader 22  4 days ago

    A young couple who think they are ready for a baby starts this stressful idiotic regime??? What ever happened to just being natural and loving – and letting Nature decide if, or when, a child will come into their lives?

    All this scheduling sounds like a great way to ruin a marriage to me.

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  55. Ball 3001 reasonably small
    kauri44  4 days ago

    Aside from the mechanics, have Toni and Brad had a discussion about who is going to take the most time off of their job for the child? Other than maternity leave, is Brad assuming that Toni will give up (or lengthily postpone) her career? Will he be the one take a long break from work (I doubt it) or will TJ become a nanny when he’s not working at the Fuse? This would be a serious discussion and I’m surprised they haven’t had it yet.

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  56. Img 3684
    Lord King Wazmo Premium Member 4 days ago

    Hope Captain Moron has an app reminding him how to walk, breathe, and poop.

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  57. Greg backlit
    mindjob  4 days ago

    Jut don’t eat any almonds; they’ll give you gas

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  58. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 4 days ago

    I get it. There’s a big difference between when you’re trying really hard, and when you’re just feeling romantic, fooling around, and then… it happens. Oh yeah.

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  59. Happy happy
    duffer37  4 days ago

    I pray that none of you ever struggle to conceive. My wife and I went through hell for 18 months trying to get pregnant. After the first six months, it was an absolute chore. Everything about “The Act” that it was supposed to be went away and it was replaced by tests, doctor visits, more tests, new doctors, new methods, different drugs, new supplements… the only thing that got us through was our dedication to the endgame result. We were both ready to be done with s3x forever by the time we got pregnant. Thankfully, actually HAVING a baby turned that around… eventually.

    Unless you have gone through this, you have NO CLUE how accurate Brad’s feelings are.

    Also, if you refer to children as “brats”, you obviously either don’t have any children or shouldn’t have any… EVER! “Brats” are 100% the result of poor parenting.

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  60. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member 4 days ago

    When you make something that used to be fun into a chore, it’s suddenly a chore you dread doing because it’s too much work

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    Draway  4 days ago

    Do or do not! There is no try. (Yoda)

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    Susan123  4 days ago

    The task is not trying, it’s overthinking the task that’s trying.

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  63. Monk
    Monkeyboy1505  4 days ago


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  64. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  4 days ago

    Brad, just go with it.

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  65. Gothic hand
    erin.adamic Premium Member 4 days ago

    Why do people do this to themselves?

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    lnrokr55  4 days ago

    Cowboy up Brad ! ;-)

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    kaystari Premium Member 4 days ago

    This comic is getting too graphic for me!

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    tcayer  4 days ago

    When we wanted our last baby, it took a while. We were both 40 or older. I found an app that track ovulation, and told you the best time to try. It was a ten day range. Even I was almost getting tired of doing it. Almost!

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  69. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  4 days ago

    How old are Brad and Toni? They need a fertility app to get pregnant? My guess is late 30s, maybe older. Or maybe they were born infertile, one or both.

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    DanMercer  4 days ago

    There’s a terrific John Hughes movie “She’s Having a Baby” which treats this subject very accurately and hilariously. Having lived it, I can attest to the sentiment above. Our little plan, finally conceived only after we stopped trying, turns 40 this year. Ooof.BTW #1: Hughes had two films overlap – “…Baby” and “Trains, Planes and Automobiles” which features an epic journey home in time for Thanksgiving by Steve Martin with John Candy tagging along. The first misstep of the adventure is Martin losing a race for a cab to Kevin Bacon, dressed as his character from “…Baby”.BTW #2: Many experts now believe that the method shown above of timing the cycle may actually hurt the process, that by the time you get the signal, it may already be too late. Instead, try during the time least convenient to you and let the perversity of nature go to work. We tried to time it so that the baby would come in early summer at the latest, so the wife could have the summer off with the baby and our 6 year old daughter. Instead, after we quit trying, she gets pregnant in January so she has to spend the three last months working and carting around a giant belly. Stupid perverse nature.

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    iluvsatch  4 days ago

    I’m all for Brad and Toni having a baby, but I wanted to see more of Phil and Luann this week!

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  4 days ago

    Every time I hear that march from LOHENGRIN

    I’m glad I’m on the outside always looking in

    Marriage can have a funny side

    When you watch a fallen brother take a bride

    People say that weddings are so sad

    But if you’re not the bride or groom they’re not so bad…..

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  73. Fuz   home small
    Fuz  4 days ago


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    mfought  4 days ago

    his problems make no sense to me

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    Darth Nefarius  4 days ago

    No need for pineapple too I guess. Maybe some oysters?

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    Judeeye Premium Member 4 days ago

    I find this storyline, like most, tasteful, compassionate, and funny. I’d like to thank Greg and Karen Evans for their wonderful work.

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    AndrewSihler  4 days ago

    Wait a minute!? Screwing is “trying”??

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    drewpamon  4 days ago

    It’s not that hard to get a 20 something pregnant. 90% will be pregnant within a year if they’re not using birth control. They’re acting like she’s in her 40s

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    Happy Jack Hill  3 days ago

    Instead of walnuts, he should try pineapple.

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  80. Sherri
    sfrench  3 days ago

    Over 3 years of this (and 6 fertility treatments) to have my baby boy. He was worth it, but I wouldn’t do it again!

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    BlitzMcD  3 days ago

    That gives a whole new meaning to the classic saying, “Make hay while the sun shines”. But the reality is that the sun sets more often than we would like.

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    rob  3 days ago

    I remember when the optimum time was, my wife would call me at work at tell me 8:33 and 45 seconds tonight you have to finish or something like that. Too much pressure and when we quit trying so precisely it happened.

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    harbormoon  3 days ago

    I remember after having a boy, my wife really, REALLY wanted a girl, and she read somewhere that frequent intercourse was the answer. On paper, sounds great… in practice, well, luckily I was still young. (We did end up with a girl, so…)

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  3 days ago

    Performance anxiety.

    Comes from wanting to perform (with fear of failure) rather than expectation of enjoyment.

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    olds_cool63  3 days ago

    Toni: “…and get rid of that bum in our house”!

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    comic reader 22  3 days ago

    I’m going to puke if TJ is the one who gets things ready for Brad and Toni to make “whoopee”. He’ll probably light candles, get out a bottle of wine and then sit outside their bedroom waiting to hear how it went.

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    kittysquared Premium Member 3 days ago

    I think this is the first time we know that Toni wants a baby, too.

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    ChattyFran  3 days ago

    I know couples like this, but I always found it so ridiculous. It either happens or it doesn’t. Two sets of friends spent $10,000+ on special clinics, treatments, etc to get pregnant, basically most of their savings at the time. One couple then had a little girl and divorced a couple years later because of all the financial stresses.

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