Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 15, 2016

  1. Missing large
    Flash Gordon  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther, that was uncalled for. That was just plain mean.

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  2. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    Well, at least Tiffany was (somehow) being honest.

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    EllieZel  almost 9 years ago

    Wow, Gunther. Maybe it’s not that no one notices you, maybe it’s that you’re a whiny jerk.

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  4. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  almost 9 years ago

    Tiffany should tell him that she needs to alone right now and show him to the door.

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  5. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    This self-pitying whiny temper tantrum, worthy of a 3-year-old, is being thrown by the “adult” Gunther who became so much more “mature” as a result of his adventure in Peru. Does Greg Evans really want us to despise Gunther? If so, he’s doing a pretty good job of it.

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    ai_vin  almost 9 years ago

    Who’s not noticing who Gunther?

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    luann1212  almost 9 years ago

    OMG!! He didn’t?? Tiffany may be hurt, but she may also do something truly non selfish and great. Notice how she is dressed, nicely, paying attention. I think she might really, seriously be interested in Gunther, maybe romantically, but maybe as a good friend, since he was so kind to her. I hope this does not hurt her, or if if did she can recover. I, along with a lot of followers of this blog, are really starting to like her, as she grows.

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  8. Who dat
    jemgirl81  almost 9 years ago

    Every time I see him he’s whining and now he’s being a jerk about it. I don’t know why Tiffany tries to be his friend.

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  9. Fifa arg icon
    CR7hater  almost 9 years ago

    If Mom and Mr Gray get married, Gunther is going to find himself out on his own, without anyone offering him any support. If Team Evans’ is setting up someone to be homeless and the dredge of society, I would say they are doing one excellent job of laying the foundation for the future of Gunther …

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  10. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    Is he about to hurt Tiff? I don’t think so… my guess is she knows what he meant. On the other hand, it would really be something to see Tiff with a broken heart, by the same guy who’s heart SHE broke, on at least 3 occasions!

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  11. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    That’s just harsh…

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    Some real serious damage control needed here. This is a guy with a domestic abuse problem in his future. Even the body language indicates a self centered, tantrum throwing jerk. Not one of Greg Evans’ better days.

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  13. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “Shelf Life”“The Worst Of Both Worlds”“Exception-al And Void”“Leave Out Conditioner”“An Inconvenient Convenience”“I’ll You’ll Be The Roundabout….” (♪)“In My Corner…Somewhere…”“No Woman, No Criteria” (♫)“Fooling Yourself” (♫)“Poor Little Fool” (♫)“But You Say She’s Just A Friend….” (♪)“Take A Gander At A Silly Goose”“Good For One, But Not The Other”“At Tension”“Without Notice”or…“Ladies And Contingents”

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  14. Charlie
    flowerladytoo  almost 9 years ago

    This new Gunther is very unpleasant. What a terrible thing to say to Tiffany. Wondering what is going to happen when Mama marries Mr. Gray. A padded room, maybe. Yikes!!

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  15. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    What will be Tiff’s next sentence?…. A) I see….So I’m nothing to YOUB) What’s THAT supposed to mean?C) You jerk, get outta my room!!!!or D) she says nothing and gives him an innocent, yet passionate kiss

    What do YOU think?

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  16. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Whenever Quill leaves the strip forever, let’s hope he takes Gunther with him.

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  17. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  almost 9 years ago

    Beauty and the Beast? :p (Or is that Brad and Toni?)

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    Dreamdeer  almost 9 years ago

    On the other hand, he probably has no idea how that sounded, intending that, “You don’t count because you’re a buddy and I’ve been telling myself that we have a brother-sister kind of relationship”, so it’s a good thing he’s a cartppm character and I didn’t slap him. But poor Tiffany!

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    38lowell  almost 9 years ago

    Who will be the first, to hit him upside his arrogant head?He just threw away the best thing that could happen to him.Apologize…NOW!

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “Don’t worry, Gunther – your sewing machine will take you back unconditionally.

    That way, you can tell everybody that you are with a Singer…”

    ^Almost sounds like the synopsis of the book: “Now I Know Why That Plaid Shirt Sings”

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  21. Dichromatic cat avatar  400px
    Meowmocha  almost 9 years ago

    And Tiffany is the girl Gunther wants to be with so he can tell her about the girl he wants to be with.

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  22. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    The guy wanted to break out of his"wimpy shell" when he went with Rosa to Peru. – Then he got “homesick” (cough! Mr. Gray!) and returned to the states. – Now, he feels “wimpy”, again. – I tell ya, this guy keeps crossing back and forth, but has yet to find the greener pastures"…

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  23. Figaro 1
    Wilde Bill  almost 9 years ago

    Imagine being humiliated every week by that portly Perry Mason.

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    BobCu  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther = best character in this comic strip.

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    ertemochi  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther! Ouch! Hey, someday- YOU’LL noticed that she put the effort YOU wanted and then she’ll be gone.

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  26. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The Gunther Burger: under-cooked, runny, tainted with salmonella. Likes to show its buns in the library. -

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  27. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 9 years ago

    I’m hoping (and I don’t know why I should care, this IS a comic…) but I hope that Tiffany turns this around and really shines with maturity and, in a calm, non-judgemental way, speaks truth to Gunther about how to treat other people and how to see outside of himself.

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  28. Oryx antelope
    Luann Reader  almost 9 years ago

    Sometimes opposites attract. Maybe sooner or later Tiffany and Gunther will find a positive connection together. Gunther is not a bad guy, he’s just clueless as many of us guys are sometimes.

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    kenhense  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther is a prisoner of his own mind. He doesn’t really know who anybody else is. I don’t see him connecting with Berneice, even if Piro is gone. I wish Tiffany could say something inspired – to snap Gunther out of it. Maybe something like giving him a kiss and saying, “Get a grip my friend – I’m going out.”. Leaving Gunther alone there.

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    Ron Gray  almost 9 years ago

    That was mean and hurtful. I think that Tiffany will make him pay, and he will owe her a lot.

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    ct0760  almost 9 years ago

    stereotypical scene

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    Ruth Brown  almost 9 years ago

    Not good, Gunther. He’s stupid; Luann is stupid at times. It is a comic. Who will he recover from this? By apologizing when Tiffany cries. It is time to give this couple a chance.

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    ironman01  almost 9 years ago

    Here we have the perfect horse’s ass.

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    keema70  almost 9 years ago

    Some of you think that Gunther could not exist in real life. I knew a guy in high school who was just like that!

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    sactiger  almost 9 years ago

    Hmmm… just wondering if Gunther even truly “likes” girls…? Maybe a little “latent” goin’ on here…

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  36. Nathalie choux black sheep 2
    SactoSylvia  almost 9 years ago

    There’s a whole lotta hurtin’ goin’ on tonight.

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  37. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  almost 9 years ago

    No the smartest answer for a friend who is actually showing you some support Gunther. I feel like wearing a shirt that reads “I’m with stupid” and stand right next to you!

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    3pibgorn9  almost 9 years ago


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  39. Ellie 3 n
    trspence  almost 9 years ago

    It’s not that he was being mean, he was saying “You don’t count because you would never consider me as a potential partner.” OK, now I am intrigued on how this is going to turn out.

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    shyiraz  almost 9 years ago

    awww..poor Tiff

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  41. Pastor s new candle
    rickray777  almost 9 years ago

    AAAAAH, THOSE HORRIBLE HEAD TRIPS!!!Aah, but then again, it’s like winning the Lottery; maybe someday, there’ll be a breakthrough. And, there’s a few who actually get that kind of a break. And so, who knows? Maybe someday, you’ll be lucky.

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  42. Dt
    JohnFarson19  almost 9 years ago

    I’d say what I think of Gunther but such comments are frowned upon here.

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  43. 1952c
    Huckthefinn  almost 9 years ago

    When you’ve been married for several years with Tiffany, you’ll regret those words, Gunther

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  44. Img 4475
    carlosrivers  almost 9 years ago

    well then, maybe you should TELL HER!!!

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    TORAD_07  almost 9 years ago

    Cue the “colossal size” popcorn for tomorrow’s strip. I guess we’ll see if Tiff has matured any, based on how she reacts to Gunther’s “You don’t count” comment…


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  46. Img5
    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    Those who keep on and on about what Tiff did or didn’t do back in school – a lot of us, myself included, were asinine, selfish, really unpleasant people when we were in school. That doesn’t mean we couldn’t clean ourselves up later. I was never among the Tiff-haters, and in the current cast she’s the only one whom I can say I don’t dislike. She’s far and away the least self-absorbed, most likable character in the current line-up.

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    OneTime59  almost 9 years ago

    Fits of rage make people, like Gunther here, say and do irrational things. Tomorrow’s strip will be interesting; Tiffany can be understanding and see through the rage, or be hurt and ask Gunther to leave.

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    scpandich  almost 9 years ago

    I’m thinking it’s more that he’s a clueless idiot than a passive wimp.

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    dlkrueger33  almost 9 years ago

    The look on Tiffany’s face….I’m predicting she gets off the couch, goes over to Gunther and kisses him hard on the lips! And then see the revelation on his face.

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  50. Me
    michaelw777  almost 9 years ago

    I like the irony Greg is going for here. Gunther the nerdy dweeb has attracted the real attention of Tiffany the high school hottie. Is Tiffany about to do some long-overdue growing up? Probably not – but it seems Greg is baiting the hook.

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  51. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    This guy is a total idiot! Okay Tiff is not a genius but I think she is growing up.

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    bravechow  almost 9 years ago

    Maybe we can see a new story line featuring…Ox! Yes, that’s it. Make Ox the occasional oaf a featured character. Everyone likes Ox. He was borrowed directly from Big Moose in Archie Comics, and everyone loved Big Moose. Moose had a girlfriend named Midge. Give Ox a petite Asian girlfriend. There you go. That’s six months of material for Evans.

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    terrieann.schmearer  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther, you should have shut up before that last statement.

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    Cronkers McGee  Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Frustration moves a man to action. Let us see what developes.

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    Sabrejack Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Good God Boy! Get your head outta your rear end!!

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    ManateeGag  almost 9 years ago

    Harsh, Gunther.

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    LadyJessica  almost 9 years ago

    This is the cold truth about Evans’ intentions for Tiffany as a character. She suffers from the Jessica Rabbit phenomenon (“not bad, just drawn that way…”), and it’s a little late to change her stripes.

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    JNOLO  almost 9 years ago

    That last line…I honestly had hopes this arc was going to turn out better than this. Things can’t be this one-dimensional.

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    floridagirl003  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther’s just upset. What’s interesting is that he is doing the same thing to Tiffany that Bernice does to him. She talks to him about Piro and he talks to Tiffany about Bernice.

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  60. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  almost 9 years ago

    Railing on about a girl who doesn’t know you’re alive, while a very attractive friend actually starts to show feelings for you? It could be a sign of low testosterone. Ask your doctor about…

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    Terminal Frost Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    He is just mad at himself. He has not been THIS over the top too many times, and with much less drama. His issue is frustration. He is not doing or even indicating physical menace to anyone. His body language is just that. A manifestation of his feelings. Someone here was implying potential domestic abuse…He just needs some cold water thrown in his face, or a major surprise, like Tiffany planing a kiss on him, even if only for the shock value….

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    PackerBronco  almost 9 years ago

    Let’s get real here. Bernice is not the problem.

    All of Gunther’s anger comes from his suppressed feelings for his mother and his jealousy of Mr. Gray.

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    dw90125  almost 9 years ago

    It may be time to rename this strip to “Clue-ann,” because none of the characters have a clue about anything….

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  64. Large 59 caddy
    Outsideplaying  almost 9 years ago

    Fast forward about 5 seconds from the last frame and I bet Gunther will realize he just put his 2 feet in his mouth. He engages his mouth before his brain a lot as we all know; typical toddler behavior. Tiffany may forgive that outburst, and we’ll get to see where the two of them go from there. Maybe he’ll actually ask Tiffany what she is noticing. Or Tiffany will tell him to go tell Bernice he’s interested. He’s still being a jerk, no other way to cut it.

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    meillered  almost 9 years ago

    Oh, Tiff that’s got to hurt.

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    Jay5794 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    What is wrong wit this dude? Maybe he should go to competing with Mr. Gray for his mothers attention.

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    Pointspread  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther has not told Bernice he is interested, so there is no reason for him to be this frustrated. And there is no excuse for his being rude. Tiffany is doing what a real friend does, listening. He should apologize, invite Tiff out for coffee, and maybe ask her out on a date. Can’t wait to see how Tiff reacts!

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  68. Frosty the snowman
    Frosty The Snowman  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther needs to take look in the mirror. Change out The she for a he, and this could be Tiffany’s rant!

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  69. Endu
    Endunamoo  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther is coming to terms with what he is. He doesn’t like it, so he is Grumpy. If Tiffany has progressed emotionally and mentally beyond a high school mindset, and if she really likes Gunther. We should be seeing a very interesting response in the next few days.

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  70. Rosehawke
    RoseHawke  almost 9 years ago

    Good grief, I never thought I’d feel sympathy for Tiffany!

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  71. Journeytothemoon
    buccaneer8  almost 9 years ago

    <This self-pitying whiny temper tantrum, worthy of a 3-year-old, is being thrown by the “adult” Gunther who became so much more “mature” as a result of his adventure in Peru. Does Greg Evans really want us to despise Gunther? If so, he’s doing a pretty good job of it.>

    I agree except that Gunther had already been despised well before that – acting like a wimpy 3-year-old mommy’s little boy that likes to make dresses.

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  72. 11378c3a7e6082796a3f35eb49330550
    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    He’s throwing a fit!From having to admitThe flaws of “being Gunth”And he’s a male, eh?So you can’t even sayThat it’s “that time of the month”

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  73. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    When your bridges start to burnBecause you think they’re just behind.It would be best if you’d first learnedWhich lead to what you need to find.

    It’s not enough to have a spineIf use of its not well definedUse your head before your lineStop kicking people being kind

    This, too, how you treated momYou punish those you think won’t mindYou’d kick the dog kisses came fromUntil that pup bit your behind

    And so behind you bridges burnWill they separate your route?Will you lose the best to learn?Will you also lose your family’s root?

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    Uncle Bob  almost 9 years ago

    Cruel Gunther and manipulative Bernice. Looks like they were made for each other…

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  75. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    That’s okay, Gunth, it’s NOT Your FAULT. You’re at the “mercy” of a Creator and His Daughter that for some strange reason, STILL Think that Your Whining, Passivity and Wimpiness are STILL “funny” DESPITE Many of Our PLEADINGS to the CONTRARY. Just carry on Lad, best You can, while those of Us that CARE about the G-Man figure out a way to get THROUGH to the Evans Team.

    (Pssssss! Tiff? YOU are going to have to CLAIM this Wimp “Cave-Girl Style.” QUICK, while He’s STILL Whining, Club Him across His head and Drag Him off by His hair, to Your Elegantly Furnished, Boudoir…..,)

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    Uncle Bob  almost 9 years ago

    Probably won’t happen, but the “you don’t count” comment would be a dandy set-up forTiffany to lay into Gunther about how she’s felt that way since she was a child, which explained her high school behavior, and if Gunth wasn’t so self-absorbed he’d see that others carry heavy burdens too…

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  77. Greg
    greggen  almost 9 years ago

    makeup sex?

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    I’ve always enjoyed Tiffany. now I’m starting to like her, too.

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  79. 48024995
    maverick1usa  almost 9 years ago

    WHOA Gunther! Cool it, big time, as you do have Tiff’s attention & she seems to be on your side, That could turn into something beauiful – if you don’t blow it!

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  80. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 9 years ago

    My first thought when I read this strip is that the next panel would be Tiffany responding, “How so?”

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  81. Mikes phone 066
    edge2edge  almost 9 years ago

    Oh Gunter that cell in the monastery is available and will feel just right to you I am sure.

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  82. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Sallymargaret wrote a great post including:Gunther subscribes to the “beautiful women can’t be smart” school of thought. I hope Tiffany starts showing off her brains. I know they’re there.-

    Great points! Tiffany appears to have the kind of personality where if something gets her goat she goes out and does what needs doing. This arc might evolve to her working hard on studies to show Gunther what for, with that resulting in her finding a topic for which she has a passion.

    Many women in my age bracket either did ignore their brains in their teens for what was expected of us socially but later blossomed intellectually, or knew women who did, or both. Many lackluster female high school students went on to do very well in extremely challenging major university programs. I am sure that still happens today.

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    alder2016  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther there could be a girl hitting on you right now and you don’t even notice.

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  84. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 9 years ago

    At what point will Gunther stop complaining about being a wimp and start doing something about it? OK, he’s realized part of his problem, but then why doesn’t he DO something differently??!!

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  85. Missing large
    31768  almost 9 years ago

    love is in front of you, Gunther. but “she doesn’t count.” you were hoping to romance the one nobody notices(usually) but didn’t count on she noticing somebody else. there’s no easy romance Gunther, yet the one everybody notices, is noticing you. but again, “she doesn’t count” what a fool.when you notice her, she’ll be long gone.

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  86. Missing large
    JackieOG  almost 9 years ago

    I knew a guy like this in university … he thought he was superior to everyone because he was smart. He was always busy going on about how smart he was, and how I was his ‘intellectual inferior.’ One day I asked him how he had come to that conclusion and he was stumped. I pointed out that he was so busy talking and being ‘smart’ all the time he never noticed that there were others that were just as smart, just not as vain, and that if he assumed I was dumb simply because I was a girl, or pretty or had, at the time, a good body, then that made him pretty intellectually inferior in my books. He never said it again :)

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    Chansonreve  almost 9 years ago

    I may be misinterpreting the tone of the comments here, but it seems to me that there is an attitude of ‘adults aren’t entitled to express their feelings if those feelings are unpleasant.’ That seems pretty unfair.

    On another note, maybe Tiffany should become the counselor?

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  88. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    7Gunther is being his “mean cur” self again today, sadly. The comment he made to Tiffany is rude and obnoxious.Gunther is doing to others exactly what he does not want done to himself… namely…. because he has a history with Tiffany, he is only viewing her as she “was” throughout their high school years. He is seemingly incapable of viewing Tiffany differently now, even though she has been giving him signs, and they have had a fair number of “deeper” conversations. Others who have been long associated with Gunther may do the same thing to him…. view him only as he “was”. But, Gunther hates it when others view him in his old way. I do not know how this will proceed. But, I HOPE that Tiffany clearly informs Gunther about his rude, inappropriate behavior. I hope that Tiffany, in a nice (not sassy) way gets the point across that:“Woah! You are being rude and over-the-top here, Gunther. Is this really how you want others to see the “new” you?"and perhaps also:“I used to think you were cute and kind of handsome now that we have been at Moony. But, I can tell you that even though you may be “cute”, your personality at the moment is anything but cute."

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  89. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I’m sorry to see so many people expressing a hope that Tiffany will try to stop Gunther’s tirade by coming on to him, maybe even kissing him. They seem to think that “All that our beloved hero needs, to become a wonderful guy again, is the love of a good woman.” No, what Gunther needs is a hard kick in the rear. I hope Tiffany gives it to him as she boots him out of her room, slams the door, and never lets him back in.

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  90. Missing large
    ohwhatever  almost 9 years ago

    This is like an I Love Lucy episode, getting old and repetitive very quickly. We know Gunther and Tiff aren’t going to end up together so let’s give it a rest.

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  91. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Quick thought: we do NOT know enough about Tiff’s background to know if this actually applies, but what if she winds up saying something like, “Gunther, that behavior is exactly why my father can not make a marriage work. It is okay to be angry and express it safely, but you also need to look beyond yourself.”

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  92. Yakko
    TheBigPickle  almost 9 years ago

    Treat Tiff more like dirt… she seems attracted to guys that do that…

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  93. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 9 years ago

    Here’s the difference between these two characters:Tiffany has recognized she’s acted selfishly in the past, and decided to act differently.Gunther has recognized he’s acted wimpishly in the past, and complains about it but isn’t changing his actions.Says a lot about character development.So will G.E. allow Gunther to move forward, or be stuck in this mode? I mean, even years ago Quill was trying to get him to actually DO things differently ( remember the rolling down the hill episode?) Going off with Rosa was one step showing cajones, but now he’s reverting to stereotype.

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  94. Sparrow head
    Thrush  almost 9 years ago

    This strip today brings back a memory…

    I’ve had someone say to me “That doesn’t count.” And that person later claimed not to remember saying that. (Apparently it wasn’t very memorable for both of us, just one of us.)

    Regardless, it doesn’t feel very good to have it said about you.

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  95. Avatar
    Vorticia  almost 9 years ago

    You’re being a jerk Gunther. Poor Tiffany.

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  96. Missing large
    slsharris  almost 9 years ago

    First clue of how clueless you are, Gunther, is telling Tiffany “You don’t count!” REALLY stupid move…

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  97. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 9 years ago

    Well Gunther… you reap what you sow………what goes around comes around… and all that stuff.

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  98. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “One Angry Man”^Yeah, Gunther’s sure prone to "carrying a heavy Banner ", sometimes…

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  99. Ce0cf1c6 2311923
    Redgal16  almost 9 years ago

    Tiff is so in wanting.

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    Beettlebooger   almost 9 years ago

    Ole Gunther needs to pull his head out!

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  101. Cgc
    chain gang charlie  almost 9 years ago

    Going on 72 and believe me you will always remember such things….

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  102. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Every criticism of Gunther is a criticism of Bernice. He is mirroring her behavior.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 9 years ago

    -Remember we only see short glimpses of what goes on…Tiffany seems to understand his frustration…

    And the short glimpse we see of Tiffany’s face, looking sympathetic, is BEFORE Gunther yells at her that she doesn’t count. Whether she understands his frustration or not, it’s hard to believe that a statement like that would not hurt her feelings. She would have every right to just tell him to leave.

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 9 years ago

    -I have not been as long term a reader here as many posters. Since I’ve been following this ‘toon, I’ve read many posts that say that Gunther is Greg Evan’s ‘alter ego’, his high school self, and that he wants Gunther to succeed in getting the ‘popular and pretty girl’ that he himself, as a nerd, couldn’t attract.

    After today, I sincerely doubt that!

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  105. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  almost 9 years ago

    Here come the tears and I don’t blame her!

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  106. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 9 years ago

    Without realizing it, he is paying her back for a hundred insults she gave him ~ All through High School.

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  107. Storm
    Skywatcher68  almost 9 years ago

    Given Tiffany’s history of noticing the opposite sex, period, I’m not surprised that Gunther says she doesn’t count.

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  108. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    For me, all the talk about Gunther becoming “violent” is understandable BUT I sincerely do not think Gunther as a character will get physically violent in any way, shape or form. Even though I do not like the surly nature Gunther has adopted when upset since he started college, being surly is more of an attitude than an action. I think the “fist balling” behavior is also just an autonomic reflex to his emotions bursting forth, and not an indication he will hit someone or something. WHAT I SEE AS THE REAL PROBLEM today is that Gunther, while being surly is also being quite RUDE and quite UNKIND to Tiffany. If Gunther is maintaining the low opinion of Tiffany that he apparently has, why did he go in her room to kvetch, complain, and gripe in the first place? He, IMO inadvertently revealed his own very low opinion of Tiffany in his “You don’t count!” comment. To me, that Tiffany is not reacting hurt by that comment shows a strength of character in her that is commendable. I would suspect she feels hurt inside, but is also trying to keep it in context that Gunther is actually just “spewing” out his emotions, and is giving him a bit of slack.

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  109. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 9 years ago


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  110. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 9 years ago

    Really, Gunther has been acting like a child for years, so this isn’t surprising. He’s just not a good person.

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  111. Aqualung
    cheap_day_return  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther, you forgot ‘twit’.

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  112. Screenshot 20231221 103552 kindlephoto 20681474
    LoveBritTV Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    >>Ah—to be 18 again, with a perfect body but no clue what’s going on……Then you retire, and have time to do everything you always wanted, but your body just wants to sleep. You can’t win.<<·I thought my 18 yo body was far from perfect! Looking back now (30+ years later) I know better.My husband and I always say we’d love to go back in time as long as we get to keep what we know now.Also, though a little more than a decade away from full retirement age we hope we do get to retire. Even if it’s just to sleep more!

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  113. Beacon 5
    doverdan  almost 9 years ago

    Night-Gaunt49 GoComics PRO Member said, 34 minutes ago@sallymargaretOnly people with “brains” count, according to Gunther. He may be surprised, one of these days, when Tiffany shows that she has more brains than he thinks she has.-When has Gunther ever said that, or hinted at it or in any said anything close to that? He hasn’t. We all have our own personal preferences. Are you condemning him for that?=====Gunther has professed his love for Luann to Knute, recognizing that she is not so very smart.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    “Gunther subscribes to the “beautiful women can’t be smart” school of thought.”.No, that’s not it. He recalls how vacuous and self-centered she was in high school.

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  115. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Bernice, Tiffany, and every other woman in the strip, as well as the entire female student body of Moony Uni, would do well to prove Gunther right in his self-assessment that he is unnoticed and unliked. He is a distinctly unpleasant person with a very unhealthy attitude towards women, starting with major Mommy problems, and he should simply be avoided unless he gets better adjusted.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    “When has Gunther ever said that, or hinted at it or in any said anything close to that? He hasn’t. ".I’m afraid he did—to Bernice.

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  117. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Gunther definitely needs anger management work.-

    That is a very cool idea for a story arc, NG!

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  118. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Sallymargaret, NG IS a Texan. We are have times when something local annoys us greatly, sometimes to anger even. Right now if i were going to spill on that score there are some anti-Islamists around here very badly treating a wonderful family that has done a lot for the community and some of their religious community like dirt, so i coukd have a few choice words in relation to certain locals. Maybe NG ran into something similarly way beyond annoying in his location?

     •  Reply
  119. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Okay, NG, I am goung to give you a laugh. I am in the second half of my 60s and still only have a little white and a little pale gray. That is from my maternal grandmother (my mother having died young can not provide an example). Grandma, unknown to the world, had long, golden blonde waves that cascaded down her back when i helped her brush them before sleep when she was in her 70s. BUT Gram lived in dire fear that people would think she dyed her hair, so every morning she woukd pin it up and cover it with layer upon layer of gray netting until it looked gray!

    Personally, i wish my hair would do like a friend’s did and get white in chunks. It was drop dead gorgeous.

    We make the best of what life gives us, or we hide like Gram did…

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  120. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Re: your addition to the doggerel:


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  121. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  almost 9 years ago

    First panel, tomorrow’s strip (as I’d like to see it):Gunther in hallway, door just finished slamming, Gunther with confused expression on face, says “Wha’ happened?”

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    Forget Luann and Bernice going to N.Y., send Tiff and Crystal.

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  123. Missing large
    Cardhu  almost 9 years ago

    Ouch. That was thoughtless.

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  124. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  almost 9 years ago

    He’s hurting right now. Let him get it out of his system. Then, hopefully, he’ll be able to take stock of himself and recover. And I think he will.

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  125. Avatar
    debauche  almost 9 years ago

    Tiffany needs to place one palm on each of Gunther’s cheeks and kiss him until his shoes fall off… guaranteed to get his attention and clarify the entire picture.

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  126. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I hope Tiffany means her interest in Gunther is just as a friend and not as a romantic partner. In terms of a serious relationship, she deserves a whole lot better than Gunther.

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  127. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Sigh, I missed a word. Gunther is clueless in ways that he does not even KNOW exist.

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  128. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Sallymargaret,Last year or perhaps the one before i read a marvelous interview with Candice Bergen, maybe in Time Magazine. In reply to a question she said that having beauty is like being an elephant trainer. You need to get people to pay attention to a point you are making, but all they are paying attention to is that danged elephant!

    I think that the Tiffany and Piro characters each are dealing with some of that, the “ability” to be noticed yet thoroughly ignored at the same time, and the discomfort it causes.

     •  Reply
  129. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Oh, Bernice knows that you exist, Gunther. She just doesn’t like you very much. Frankly, I don’t know why anyone would.

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  130. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    Gunther Burger bids fair to become the Ultimate Villain of this strip, worse than Dirk, worse than Elwood, worse even than Les “call me Leslie!” Knox. What a retrogressing, narcissistic, inconsiderate egotist he has become!That boy needs a serious Attitude Adjustment!I do feel sorry for poor Tiffany and hope she soon finds some true friendship and happiness….

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  131. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 9 years ago

    Being a wimp is mostly self characterization. No one looks at someone and says ’there’s a wimp’. It’s what the person feels inside when he / she fails to act on his / her needs and desires; same with being passive. Piro would appear passive. He doesn’t overtly state his interests to anyone. He says hardly anything and yet people are attracted. But he exudes self assuredness something that Gunther doesn’t possess. Gunther is not comfortable in his skin and he can’t handle it.

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  132. Island
    Sheila Hardie  almost 9 years ago

    Well that’s not nice, Gunther. Maybe you should go see a therapist about that entitlement problem.

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  133. 11378c3a7e6082796a3f35eb49330550
    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    ^ OK, two dashes triggers a strikeout. Didn’t mean to do that.

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  134. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I know one thing for sure, i really want to find what will happen this week!

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    WILLIAM GIBSON  almost 9 years ago

    That’s just cold. The self-absorbed twit deserves what he’s getting. Not what’s being offered, what he’s choosing for his selfish self.

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  136. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Ralph, i do not know who you are addressing, but it appears that you are calling another poster names which, if correct, is rather uncalled ffor, so i suspect you perhaps have had a bad day, or may have been rushed, left out some wording, and might want to reconsider your post.

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    Mike Parsons Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Ain’t love grand?

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    mgrossberg  almost 9 years ago

    Bet Gunther is gonna be appalled at his own behavior we he regains his composure. Everybody preparing the guillotine for Gunth, tell me you never said something mean when you were angry.

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  139. 180842main 2009 4094
    forester6291 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    it’s time for a time out for G

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  140. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Isn’t there a volcano (maybe in Peru) where Gunther can be exiled from the strip? I believe Mr. Berger has an appointment with some lava.

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  141. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Spoiler: outshining Bernice

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  142. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    If Tiff calms him down by placing her arm around him, does that qualify her as The Human “Touch”?-

    I really like that! Even without touching she does have it.

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  143. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    So half of him is “bare-ly” getting by, and the other half is usually experiencing a “hairy situation”?

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  144. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “If Tiff calms him down by placing her arm around him, does that qualify her as The Human “Touch”?”^If she did that, then to Gunther, she’d be more of a “Mystique”…

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  145. Missing large
    Argythree  almost 9 years ago


    Tiffany shows who is truly intelligent

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  146. 11378c3a7e6082796a3f35eb49330550
    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    That usually only happens if the person making the “I flagged you” statement is flagging the other person for an invalid reason — such as due to a disagreement with what the other person is saying rather than for an actual violation of the terms of service. Not that that is what you did in your case, but I noticed a few, especially on the Editorial boards, that kept doing that – telling the other person that “I am offended by what you are saying and I’ve flagged it” – when it was basically just an opinion they didn’t agree with or it wasn’t “PC” enough for their delicate sensibilities. And if they kept doing that enough, they were the ones who eventually got removed.

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    ComicReader2020  about 6 years ago

    Ouch, Gunther, sheesh.

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