Readers with hopes for Tiffany now discover if they care for how she is written, or only for how she is drawn, and how that attitude may carry into the 3D world. Time for introspection.
Tiffany may stay chunky (or not). That is out of our control, just as the weight of others, sometimes our own weights, are.
Some of us went through this at that age, including me, and want to see this story. Some will hurt. Some will have developed humor about it to deal. So, weigh any humor instead of making snap judgements!
Others may be hurtful, some more so because she is female.
This could give Tiff the chance to get over her tight focus on the superficial, which could let her develop more close friendships like she has had with Crystal and Gunther, and find – and then learn to appreciate – more important aspects of herself. THAT IS MY HOPE.
Dez has the potential to give friendship. Will Bernice or Luann grow into that ability? I can imagine Jack caring, maybe because he already is good at having a friend who is different from himself.
There is the possibility that Tiffany is dealing with an autoimmune disorder requiring steroids which have caused edema.
Ultimately, “people are people” extends across all variations including body mass but we are all raised exposed to biases against certain groups or “the other”, so all have to recognize those and try throughout life to fight those biases to lessen them. That goes on forever but is worth it. None can be perfect, by definition. It’s fine that we are ONLY human.
She took Gunther’s advice a little too much to heart…or is this what she really feels? Was she tired of always putting on an act and decided to be her true self? A girl who is comfortable rather than being in pain but fashionable? Now we know why Bernice was shocked! She will ask Tiffany what happened to her stylish clothes and Tiffany will invite her in and tell all about her intimate moments with Gunther.
Clearly the space aliens have kidnapped Tiffany and replaced with a close, but imperfect duplicate. Will Bernice be able to see through the alien’s “makeup” story, or will her longstanding loathing of Tiffany and desire to see her humbled get the better of her?
Of all the changes that Tiffany could have made this is the least expected. I don’t recall pregnancy making the face that puffy, though this may be exaggeration for cartooning purposes. It looks to me that having grown bleak about her future Tiff has found comfort in food. …A lot of food.
Okay, first of all, Gunther KNEW Tiffany was depressed, and He should have checked on Her over the Summer. So 20 points deducted from Gryffindor for THAT Mistake.
But on the other hand, after Gunth comes over to help Tiff with Her studies and sees what’s happened, I wager He’ll be there to Help Her through this Ordeal. Tiffany is about to find out, just as Luann once found out, what a REAL Friend Gunther Really is.
PS: And NOW would be a GREAT Time to take Tiffany to the next Berger Family Dinner. One glance at the “New” Tiff SHOULD get RID of Les Knox once and for all…..,
Man what a bunch of mean, fat shaming, moral judges “is she pregnant” appearance nazis “what did they do to one of the prettiest girls in comics”? this reaction to Tiffany shows. Obviously she is going through a personality change, and dealing with the issues related to her constant need to make herself pretty, for which she might now realize, is basically sad, and says nothing about someone with a true internal locus of control, a strong person in other words. I think Tiffany is a strong and beautiful person, and will eventually show it, with the help of her friends one hopes, but instead of shaming her, or wondering if she is “knocked up” (not likely here, and the sexist vileness of that stupid remark is breathtaking), lets hope her change is another example of one of main characters going through what hopefully will be an inspiring change.
Now only people who have read The Circus of Dr. Lao will get the reference. This part was totally left out of the movie.
To some people, they saw a bear in the second wagon. To some people it was a man. It was a bear that walked like a man. It was a man that walked like a bear. It was a Russian.
People who see the good in other people saw the man.
People who think people are inherently rotten saw the bear.
And tonight we have some posters who see the bear, and some posters who see the man.
It is implausible that this much weight gain could happen in this comic strip time frame. Hair, make-up and clothing neglect might be more plausible. Still, this isn’t what Gunther talked about. Relax, Tiffany, relax. Sees like quite a few of the characters could use that mantra.
I feel sorry for Tiffany. She just gave up on her appearance.
I don’t mean that in a vapid way. She’s alway cared about it and she just gave up on it.
I suppose the loneliness got to her. What’s the point in trying if the efforts lead no where? I think she has self esteem issues, too. With that being said, she probably never quite learned to see herself as something besides a guy magnet. She liked the attention, and that now that that’s gone, what has she got left?
It doesn’t help that she has absentee parents. Daddy didn’t have time for her and mommy was never mentioned.
“New makeup” as in NO makeup (except perhaps lipstick.) Hard to tell if Tiff has put on weight, as sweats really do a good job of hiding body shape. I think she’s just depressed…but I wonder about the music issue?
As was mentioned by some, changes like this are a part of life. That’s to be expected. The surprise sometimes is to whom those changes happen. Some have changes in social or marital or academic status, some change in attitude over the course of time, some have changes of heart….for some, it’s changes in approch- and for some….changes in appearance.
Someone thought it implausible for Tiffany to experience this, even in comic time- but look at actors who purposely take on weight gain for roles. There are also those who don’t intend to gain, but do so, anyway. Or even look at musicians, athletes, physical performers (Ann Wilson of Heart, Linda Ronstadt, former wrestler Yokozuna come to mind). Bloth celebrities and everyday people experience this, for a variety of reasons. For some of us, it can “burn off” quickly. For some of us, well…it takes a little bit longer. In any case, it’s all a part of life. It’s all a part of “human beings, being human”.
With all that said….wow. A change for Tiff, to be sure! For my part, I wonder, not ‘how long’ this change took place, but ‘why’…and ‘how’. Does/did Tiffany notice? I’d guess not. That would lead me to wonder if she’d been just been staying in seclusion over the course of summer, if she’s been feeling low, if she had taken to heart the import of the conversation she and Gunther had…or maybe there was some….. other …..impetus.
There’s always a variety of understandings of Luann Standard Time. Some see two weeks where others perceive three months. As noted before, time is incredibly fluid in the comics. I think of the dozens of times the Peanuts gang celebrated Christmas or staked out the pumpkin patch on Halloween but never seemed to age after the first few years of the strip. I think of the fact that a three minute conversation can fill a week of Luann strips. I think some of the confusion comes from the fact that as we move from one group of characters to another, time flows faster for one than the other even though we may observe them for the same number of daily installments. Once, I saw a movie in a chemically altered state. I was drinking a Coca-Cola at the time. After the movie, still in more than one world, someone asked me what I thought of the film. I said, “It’s the strangest thing. I’m aware of everything that happened onscreen, but the movie was only about three minutes long…. [in actuality, it was 85 minutes] but my Coca-Cola, so much was going on there, it lasted two hours.” My memory of that, over twenty years later, is that I literally experienced one actual span of time as having two different though simultaneous durations. Maybe that’s why Luann time doesn’t seem so problematic to me. I don’t have to imagine it abstractly because I’ve experienced it viscerally.
I’ve never been able to understand why some readers on here think Tiff is a “whore” or anything close. She’s been a little bit of a tease, but has had a horrible time with relationships.
About disliking fat people: I personally like very much for people to be trim. But I’m a bit overweight myself. Something I inherited from my parents. So it’s an attraction thing, not a vanity thing.
It seems to me that a worthy goal of genetic engineering (“eugenics”, if you want – which I have no problem with) is to greatly reduce the genomes that make people prone to obesity and a host of other appearance and health problems. Humankind has a collective responsibility to improve itself physically. Not just trying to reverse evolution, and socially engineering everyone into not caring how people look. And that requires an acknowledgement that some looks and some bodies are better than others – because they offer their owners better opportunity for pleasure and happiness.
What do you want your grandchildren to look like? What kind of body would you like to have when you reincarnate?
There were posters on Saturday who thought that Bernice would find Tiffany in the middle of trying to commit suicide, so at least that is not what is happening…
We’ll have to see which way this goes. I’ve heard two possibilities, so far:
1) For whatever reasons, Tiff has gained the weight by “letting herself go…”
2) Tiff could be “expecting.”
I would like to see Gunth intervene and help her. Hopefully, this will give her the Epiphany needed to accept him and then we’ll see how far they go.
Someone mentioned the “undergrad lbs” added. To be honest, I never saw it when I was in college. Not immediately. In one or two cases, it happened over the long haul of 4 years. But, for the most part, people who were thin/fit stayed that way because they put the effort into doing so. Those that were already out of shape, continued to stay that way.
This seems to have happened rather rapidly. So we’ll see what happened. I just hope it’s not her “home life” leading to an even greater depression (i.e. issue with parents). That’s the last thing she needs.
SukieRandall: “Tiffany may stay chunky (or not). That is out of our control, just as the weight of others, sometimes our own weights, are.” I love where you have taken this thus far. I will repost this because, at 161 comments before daybreak, likely, no one will notice it.
And now, my own comments. One, I see a handful of people already “blaming” Gunther for what has happened to Tiffany. Who knows but if that is where Evans is taking this. If it is, then I’m through. I’ve had enough of how shallow this strip has become.
Two, Bei mir faellt der groschen spaet! For whatever reason, I didn’t pick up on Tiffany’s weight gain. Sure, she looked disheveled, which is unusual for her. But then, I tend to forget the first rule of fat stereotyping: Elastic waistbands = she’s getting fat. And thanks to someone else, above, she hasn’t had a chance to get those new “fat” clothes for her wardrobe.
Three, maybe there’s hope: As drawn, Dez isn’t stereotypically skinny, as are the rest of the characters in this strip. Greg, if you’re listening, maybe it’s time to use these two characters, Dez and Tiffany to start trying to take down stereotypes about fat people.
Already nearing 200 comments and it’s still before daybreak, I suspect that by trying to defend fat people (which is what the Neapolitan Doughnut is all about), I can expect perhaps another 200 comments rebutting my posts. Lots of “concern trolls” out there (even if I don’t like the term, “troll”) who will bombard me or us (take your pick) with “It’s so unhealthy,” “what about the research” (paid for by weight loss companies, &c), and the like. Then, there’s the downright mean who will attack her on her looks, not to mention the pig jokes (possibly a thread going on in another strip, Endtown).
SukieRandall once again: I agree that, for the most part, our weight is well out of our control. My experience in life is that it will be far easier for Luann to get rid of that tattoo (that people seem to expect her to get during this interlude) than it will be for Tiffany to lose the weight.
Binge eating from depression. Tiff has been sorting out her life and relationships lately. A true hero like Gunther pull her through. My wish at least.
Funny thing about being a bigger person, is you tend to accept the idea that your body is always changing and always reacting. Some also tend to be more familiar with clothing and it’s effect on your appearance.
Sadly with Tif’s build, half of the “Freshman 20” could easily make her look bloated. Sure it could be depression… but with the loud music and the frumpy clothes I’m leaning towards her having “slipped” and gained 10 lbs or so and now frantically working to make herself “presentable” again. Or she could have gotten sick and just gotten depressed at how “bloated” she looks when she’s sick.
On Saturday I wrote: “When we last saw Tiffany, she had been having a delightful time at the Berger-Gray dinner, and then Gunther brought her home, criticized her as being superficial, and left her sobbing about her situation in life. Maybe the loud music is a somber depressing song that Tiffany is blasting on her stereo as she sits on the floor, an unkempt mess who hasn’t eaten in days and is surrounded by scores of wept-through tissues. You’re such a gentleman, Gunther!” Well, obviously I was wrong about “hasn’t eaten in days”! Instead, it should have been “hasn’t stopped eating all summer.” In any case, I hold to my assessment that Gunther is not someone you would want as a part of your life. The strip should send him back to Peru and then revoke his passport!
My quick pipe and coffee break commentary for this morning:
Greg has IMO opinion, drawn Tiffany a bit ambiguously at the moment. The following are all possibilities in my opinion:
a) Tiffany is wearing loose fitting sweats and her body shape remains what it has been traditionally.
b) Tiffany has gained some weight.
c) Tiffany has been crying/distraught, and her face has a “puffy” look but all else is her traditional self.
d) Tiffany could be “expecting”.
Now…. what do I believe is going on? My hope is that simply Tiffany is wearing loose fitting sweats and she is basically just the same as usual. What do I suspect Greg is aiming for….. I suspect he is showing Tiffany “letting herself go” and her “being herself” which fits into what Gunther had suggested she do. But…. I suspect there is a far bigger back-story than just that Gunther said that to her. Perhaps she had something truly sad happen during the Summer. Not sure what it might be.
I truly doubt the “expecting” idea is what is going on here. I do not think Greg would choose that route for the story.
If Greg is (as he appears to be) aiming to have a long-term arc about weight…. I hope (and anticipate) that it will be done with kindness, carefulness, and a lot of thought. A lot of folks are very, very biased against folks who may be overweight. It is still one group of people that some folks still unfortunately believe it is “ok” make fun of, to denigrate, and to be biased against. I have been very heavy at one time in my life and now I am not…. I have seen both sides of the spectrum. And, I have a number of family members who are overweight. It is hard how society treats them.
Vilyehm pretty much called it on the depression – but it’s not drinking, nor is it – as someone said today – the ‘freshman fifteen’. This is Tiff’s self-denial and removal from things social. Look at the coloring in Panel 2 – the back of Tiff’s head shows the shadow from her dark room.
Responding to Mordock999 above (again, I don’t fault him, per se), I will simply say that if Evans uses this thread to bash Gunther for “making” Tiffany get fat (pushed her over the edge, as Mordy put it), then I give up all hope on this comic strip. // Yes, the way fat people are mistreated is a BIG deal for me. But, returning to this strip, I also think Gunther has been mistreated pretty badly as well.
Although this is about the first time we’ve seen Tiffany in sweats, it reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry confronts George … “Again with the sweatpants?! … You know the message you’re sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You’re telling the world: ‘I give up! I can’t compete in normal society. I’m miserable, so I might as well be comfortable.’ ”
But Tiff’s NOT telling the world a thing! She’s staying enclosed now. I hope Bernice offers help, and Tiffany accepts.
I think its probably NOT her, could be someone posing as her, but a thicker sized person…or…maybe it will go back to luanns side and leave a cliff hanger as usual!
I was constantly teased and made fun of during my childhood for being overweight. I’m in my late 40’s now and I am still overweight. In fact, I am the same pear shape I have always been. Ironically, some of the people who loved to tease me about being fat are now even fatter than me.
I don’t think it is depression or pregnancy or frosh twenty….I think Tiffany took Gunther’s word to heart. She decided to let go of her vanity, her trendy clothes, make up as they failed to attract guys anyway as she told Gunther. She may be experimenting to see if she dresses down, eats what she wants, and see what happens. Will the guys come? Predictably, they will not, either. So, she will go to Gunther and tell him it was not about her looks. Gunther will then tell her it was never about her looks but about her personality.
I wonder if this is some kind of class project, maybe for sociology class. Pad and make-up the pretty girl to look fat and have her go out and see how she gets treated. Then have her go to the same places looking like herself and see the difference.
Eating disorders were suggested twice last week. I thought maybe she would turn anorexic (or maybe even try to take her life). Another suggested binge eating. Looks like it is the latter…. food being used as to console and sooth. Tiffany has been hiding in her room and binging (ice cream, cookies anything to bring on those feel good brain opiates which have been in short supply since Gunther’s comment)…. This is heartbreaking. Tiffany has always put so much effort into her appearance in order to earn attention and friends. Gunther burst that bubble in one sentence.
Someone suggested Tiffany is eating her pain. That made me think of the poem “In the Desert” by Stephen Crane. Once I refreshed my memory of it, though, I thought it might have more general application. Is it a description of trollery?
What Guather have said to her really must have impact her and then some. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Maybe there a chance of her charter growing even more in other areas. Loving the twist!
I love how all the commenters are assuming she’s gained weight when for all we know she could just be wearing a frumpy sweat suit that doesn’t show her figure. You know that IS a thing right?
I believe something significant has happened in her family. Such psychological trauma can break ones normal routine. Tiffany has been keeping her body “primo” for some time as part of a long term strategy for fame and fortune. Mostly fame.
Tiff isn’t the center of attention anymore, with guys fawning over her. Self-esteem (which was not high to begin with!) has plummeted to NON-EXISTENT! Hence, feeding the depression-coupled with the stress-eating that is the “freshman 15”. Give Tiffany a boyfriend already. The weight will disappear as quickly as it “appeared”. I nominate Gunther for boyfriend.
Oh! I know! Someone above mentioned actors gaining weight for specific film roles. Maybe Tiffany has finally landed that big role she’s been hoping for and is just getting into character for the next “Ghostbusters” sequel where she’ll be Mrs. Stay Puft.
Right now food is Tiffany’s only friend (and maybe the loud music). I believe it was Gunther’s comments that tipped her shaky sense of self esteem over the edge. Feeling good about her appearance was everything to Tiffany. Now that one thing which defined her is gone.
Hmm…I wonder if she got herself a fat suit and is conducting an experiment. She wouldn’t gain weight THAT quickly. P.S. I didn’t even know she owned a sweatsuit.
SUKIECRANDALL 1 MINUTE AGOThere ARE health problems which have higher RATES OF OCCURRENCE when people are above or below average weight, but they are not inevitable based upon weight alone. That depends partly on the individual, both genetically and in terms of lifestyle. For example, there are very physically active heavy people who are healthier than most of average weight, but how much that approach helps depends somewhat on individual variation. There are also health problems which have higher rates of occurrence with yoyo dieting, but people whose bodies are not amenable to dieting success. Heck, there are even those whose efforts alter with microbiome transplants away from a proliferation of microbes that promote inflamation. So, it is a very complex topic and not in the least the simplistic one people USED to think that it was. It is actually, an incredibly interesting topic in relation to endocrinology, the intestinal microbiome, inflamation, and much more. there are even different TYPES of fat, and fat turns out to be an active endocrine organ itself. One new approach is work to alter more yellow/white fat into brown fat or the mixture known as beige fat, since those behave differently.
BTW, Dr. Arya Sharma used to have a great EXPERT blog written as often as not for general consumption on this topic and may still, or might use a different social medium. He is a kindly gent, too.
There were a bunch of comments I wanted to respond to during the day, but didn’t have much free time. Now, after work, I have time, but probably the folks I wanted to respond to won’t be reading these posts. Oh, well.
Moose , genuine clinical depression that makes a person unable to resist self-destructive habits like overeating, binge drinking and so on, does not result from one negative comment by another person. This kind of depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. And it doesn’t happen to everyone who has bad things going on in their lives, and it happens to people who are the envy of others. So Gunther is not the ‘cause’ of depression in Tiffany, if that is what is happening.
To the poster who suggested that people should ‘evolve’ in a direction that would eliminate such undesirable characteristics as obesity (I think it was WIZARDGOAT, evolution is a slow process, but what it yields is ‘the survival of those most adapted to their environment’. In some cases, that may actually mean the ability to put on weight, as in the case of bears and other animals that survive through a winter when prey animals are scarce and survival depends on the ability to put on a lot of weight before hibernating.
There are scientists who argue that sickle cell anemia developed as a way of humans surviving certain diseases in Africa, but that adaptation now threatens the survival of those who inherit that gene.
Either way, evolution is about the ability of an organism to survive and thus pass on its genes, and it does not have much to do with simple appearance…
usually post-high-school changes to people like these ( old spinster, getting fat, giving up on dreams, etc.) takes many years, even a decade or more. Luann’s group are fast learners!
Tiff goes to Kafe Kablooie to grab a snack. Ox waits on her, and doesn’t criticize her looks. He relates to her how he’s judged being a “big” guy, often unfairly. She’s appreciative of his kindness.
I don’t understand…how much “Luann” time has passed since we saw Tiffany last? After all, we’re still waiting for Ann’s nightie party. If it’s a couple of weeks, one doesn’t gain weight that fast. Seems like a timing problem in the strip. Or, Tiffany uses a lot of foundation garments to suck things in. In any case, way too many story arcs are being juggled. Tie up some ends, Evanses!
Although I believe otherwise, it appears a number of commenters here figure that there will be a little new addition to the strip that will have reddish – blonde hair in tight curls.
I’m truly amazed that thee are 626 comments posted about Tiffany and her apparent weight problem. I am really happy to see that most of these people are showing some level of compassion for Tiffany. Even though we all deplore the things she has done that are hateful, self serving and/or selfish, she does, like most people) have a fragile and sensitive side. I’m still new to this medium, but I am appreciative of the oisigihtful, compassionate and professional level of the comments. Thanks, y’all. We’re in for a few weeks of adventure with Tiffany ad Bernice, and Fay, and Tara, and of course Luann.
Namrepus over 7 years ago
Ah, the old freshman fifteen…or twenty.
31768 over 7 years ago
she’s packing on the pounds! she may be letting herself go slowly.
31768 over 7 years ago
or Borenice can be having a bad dream.
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
Tiffany, you look… um… wonderful.
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
Can anybody superimpose a June comic onto today’s comic to see how much weight she has gained.
AnyFace over 7 years ago
“Star Trek” once claimed that beauty would be the last of our prejudices.
I’m paraphrasing, but you get the idea.
Sad, sorry truth is that, from an evolutionary standpoint, human beings enjoy looking at physically attractive human beings.
Argythree over 7 years ago
Now we’ll get a chance to find out how many of the posters here who claimed to really like Tiffany will still like her if she isn’t as gorgeous…
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago
Readers with hopes for Tiffany now discover if they care for how she is written, or only for how she is drawn, and how that attitude may carry into the 3D world. Time for introspection.
Tiffany may stay chunky (or not). That is out of our control, just as the weight of others, sometimes our own weights, are.
Some of us went through this at that age, including me, and want to see this story. Some will hurt. Some will have developed humor about it to deal. So, weigh any humor instead of making snap judgements!
Others may be hurtful, some more so because she is female.
This could give Tiff the chance to get over her tight focus on the superficial, which could let her develop more close friendships like she has had with Crystal and Gunther, and find – and then learn to appreciate – more important aspects of herself. THAT IS MY HOPE.
Dez has the potential to give friendship. Will Bernice or Luann grow into that ability? I can imagine Jack caring, maybe because he already is good at having a friend who is different from himself.There is the possibility that Tiffany is dealing with an autoimmune disorder requiring steroids which have caused edema.
Ultimately, “people are people” extends across all variations including body mass but we are all raised exposed to biases against certain groups or “the other”, so all have to recognize those and try throughout life to fight those biases to lessen them. That goes on forever but is worth it. None can be perfect, by definition. It’s fine that we are ONLY human.
Wizardgoat over 7 years ago
I can’t believe this! Her face looks fat. This doesn’t look like pregnancy. WTH???
She’s been one of the prettiest girls in the strip. It’s hard to believe that the Evanses would do this to her.
Did she get really depressed after Gunther bullied her out of dating Les?
capricorn9th over 7 years ago
She took Gunther’s advice a little too much to heart…or is this what she really feels? Was she tired of always putting on an act and decided to be her true self? A girl who is comfortable rather than being in pain but fashionable? Now we know why Bernice was shocked! She will ask Tiffany what happened to her stylish clothes and Tiffany will invite her in and tell all about her intimate moments with Gunther.
Ordinary Average Guy over 7 years ago
People don’t gain that much weight in a week, assuming we’re using Luann Comic Time. Must be something else.
kauri44 over 7 years ago
I think she went on an eating binge brought on by depression. I doubt the weight is the real issue here.
howtheduck over 7 years ago
Clearly the space aliens have kidnapped Tiffany and replaced with a close, but imperfect duplicate. Will Bernice be able to see through the alien’s “makeup” story, or will her longstanding loathing of Tiffany and desire to see her humbled get the better of her?
beb01 over 7 years ago
Of all the changes that Tiffany could have made this is the least expected. I don’t recall pregnancy making the face that puffy, though this may be exaggeration for cartooning purposes. It looks to me that having grown bleak about her future Tiff has found comfort in food. …A lot of food.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 7 years ago
Late growth spurt. They happen as late as 25 when the person who thought that they could eat anything suddenly starts to gain wieght.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Okay, first of all, Gunther KNEW Tiffany was depressed, and He should have checked on Her over the Summer. So 20 points deducted from Gryffindor for THAT Mistake.
But on the other hand, after Gunth comes over to help Tiff with Her studies and sees what’s happened, I wager He’ll be there to Help Her through this Ordeal. Tiffany is about to find out, just as Luann once found out, what a REAL Friend Gunther Really is.
PS: And NOW would be a GREAT Time to take Tiffany to the next Berger Family Dinner. One glance at the “New” Tiff SHOULD get RID of Les Knox once and for all…..,
ironman01 over 7 years ago
She kinda looks depressed.
luann1212 over 7 years ago
Man what a bunch of mean, fat shaming, moral judges “is she pregnant” appearance nazis “what did they do to one of the prettiest girls in comics”? this reaction to Tiffany shows. Obviously she is going through a personality change, and dealing with the issues related to her constant need to make herself pretty, for which she might now realize, is basically sad, and says nothing about someone with a true internal locus of control, a strong person in other words. I think Tiffany is a strong and beautiful person, and will eventually show it, with the help of her friends one hopes, but instead of shaming her, or wondering if she is “knocked up” (not likely here, and the sexist vileness of that stupid remark is breathtaking), lets hope her change is another example of one of main characters going through what hopefully will be an inspiring change.
howtheduck over 7 years ago
There is an interesting and odd parallel between this strip and the one yesterday featuring Luann in curlers.
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
Tiffany is in the second wagon.
Now only people who have read The Circus of Dr. Lao will get the reference. This part was totally left out of the movie.
To some people, they saw a bear in the second wagon. To some people it was a man. It was a bear that walked like a man. It was a man that walked like a bear. It was a Russian.
People who see the good in other people saw the man.
People who think people are inherently rotten saw the bear.
And tonight we have some posters who see the bear, and some posters who see the man.
Well, woman in this case.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago
From about 3 o’clock yesterday:
THEDOCTOR ABOUT 8 HOURS AGO@Mordock999“Tiff is 100 lbs. heavier in Sweatsuit…”
Methinks someone has advance knowledge.
Ruth Brown over 7 years ago
It is implausible that this much weight gain could happen in this comic strip time frame. Hair, make-up and clothing neglect might be more plausible. Still, this isn’t what Gunther talked about. Relax, Tiffany, relax. Sees like quite a few of the characters could use that mantra.
cdgar over 7 years ago
Tiffany has been drowning her sorrows in fattening foods. Added 20+ pounds I’d guess.
Sabrejack Premium Member over 7 years ago
Peppermeow over 7 years ago
I feel sorry for Tiffany. She just gave up on her appearance.
I don’t mean that in a vapid way. She’s alway cared about it and she just gave up on it.
I suppose the loneliness got to her. What’s the point in trying if the efforts lead no where? I think she has self esteem issues, too. With that being said, she probably never quite learned to see herself as something besides a guy magnet. She liked the attention, and that now that that’s gone, what has she got left?
It doesn’t help that she has absentee parents. Daddy didn’t have time for her and mommy was never mentioned.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago
It is now Hans, Franz, and Tiff. Prepare to be pumped up.
Elmer Gantry Fudd over 7 years ago
If she gains another 150 pounds and a disfiguring scar, she’ll finally be a suitable mate for Gunther.
blunebottle over 7 years ago
“New makeup” as in NO makeup (except perhaps lipstick.) Hard to tell if Tiff has put on weight, as sweats really do a good job of hiding body shape. I think she’s just depressed…but I wonder about the music issue?
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
But unknown because a depressed Tiff thinks it is all depression. It would be fun to have Gunther be the one to discover the correct diagnosis.
The only safe prediction I’ll make today is that Tiffany does not go to the body art expo.
JayBluE over 7 years ago
As was mentioned by some, changes like this are a part of life. That’s to be expected. The surprise sometimes is to whom those changes happen. Some have changes in social or marital or academic status, some change in attitude over the course of time, some have changes of heart….for some, it’s changes in approch- and for some….changes in appearance.
Someone thought it implausible for Tiffany to experience this, even in comic time- but look at actors who purposely take on weight gain for roles. There are also those who don’t intend to gain, but do so, anyway. Or even look at musicians, athletes, physical performers (Ann Wilson of Heart, Linda Ronstadt, former wrestler Yokozuna come to mind). Bloth celebrities and everyday people experience this, for a variety of reasons. For some of us, it can “burn off” quickly. For some of us, well…it takes a little bit longer. In any case, it’s all a part of life. It’s all a part of “human beings, being human”.
With all that said….wow. A change for Tiff, to be sure! For my part, I wonder, not ‘how long’ this change took place, but ‘why’…and ‘how’. Does/did Tiffany notice? I’d guess not. That would lead me to wonder if she’d been just been staying in seclusion over the course of summer, if she’s been feeling low, if she had taken to heart the import of the conversation she and Gunther had…or maybe there was some….. other …..impetus.
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
Google histanine allergy water retention
Peppermeow over 7 years ago
I’m thinking Bernice the future therapist will help Tiffany out…
Lyons Group, Inc. over 7 years ago
Big whoop (pun not intended). I find nothing wrong with hefty girls. Especially when they’re wearing two-pieces.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago
There’s always a variety of understandings of Luann Standard Time. Some see two weeks where others perceive three months. As noted before, time is incredibly fluid in the comics. I think of the dozens of times the Peanuts gang celebrated Christmas or staked out the pumpkin patch on Halloween but never seemed to age after the first few years of the strip. I think of the fact that a three minute conversation can fill a week of Luann strips. I think some of the confusion comes from the fact that as we move from one group of characters to another, time flows faster for one than the other even though we may observe them for the same number of daily installments. Once, I saw a movie in a chemically altered state. I was drinking a Coca-Cola at the time. After the movie, still in more than one world, someone asked me what I thought of the film. I said, “It’s the strangest thing. I’m aware of everything that happened onscreen, but the movie was only about three minutes long…. [in actuality, it was 85 minutes] but my Coca-Cola, so much was going on there, it lasted two hours.” My memory of that, over twenty years later, is that I literally experienced one actual span of time as having two different though simultaneous durations. Maybe that’s why Luann time doesn’t seem so problematic to me. I don’t have to imagine it abstractly because I’ve experienced it viscerally.
JayBluE over 7 years ago
“Found Some Change”
“She Built An Alter”
“The Lady Is A Revamp”
“The Puzzle Of Rejig, Is What I Saw”
“Substitute Creature”
“Transformers: A New Model”
“A Current ‘See’ Exchange”
“Making Amends Meet”
“Unexpected Personal Growth”
“California Del Surprise”
“A Bit More Sand In The Hourglass”
“A Short Weight Time?”
“Twisted Metamorphosister” (♩)
“Appear Pressure”
Rocknaww over 7 years ago
She gained about 20 pounds in what, 5 days? Come on now. This isn’t anywhere realistic. Even at 54 it would take me a while to pack on 20 pounds.
OneTime59 over 7 years ago
OneTime59 over 7 years ago
If it turns out Tiffany is suffering from depression, then here is truly an opportunity for Bernice to put some counseling “skills” to practical use.
Aqsnt over 7 years ago
Who shut off the music?
Aibohphobia over 7 years ago
Wizardgoat over 7 years ago
I’ve never been able to understand why some readers on here think Tiff is a “whore” or anything close. She’s been a little bit of a tease, but has had a horrible time with relationships.
About disliking fat people: I personally like very much for people to be trim. But I’m a bit overweight myself. Something I inherited from my parents. So it’s an attraction thing, not a vanity thing.
It seems to me that a worthy goal of genetic engineering (“eugenics”, if you want – which I have no problem with) is to greatly reduce the genomes that make people prone to obesity and a host of other appearance and health problems. Humankind has a collective responsibility to improve itself physically. Not just trying to reverse evolution, and socially engineering everyone into not caring how people look. And that requires an acknowledgement that some looks and some bodies are better than others – because they offer their owners better opportunity for pleasure and happiness.
What do you want your grandchildren to look like? What kind of body would you like to have when you reincarnate?
GirlGeek Premium Member over 7 years ago
Has anybody been checking on Tiffany lately?
Argythree over 7 years ago
There were posters on Saturday who thought that Bernice would find Tiffany in the middle of trying to commit suicide, so at least that is not what is happening…
Chuck374 over 7 years ago
Gunther told Tiffany she could be messy around him, but gaining about 100 pounds? I think there’s a possibility this is a nightmare.
TORAD_07 over 7 years ago
We’ll have to see which way this goes. I’ve heard two possibilities, so far:
1) For whatever reasons, Tiff has gained the weight by “letting herself go…”
2) Tiff could be “expecting.”
I would like to see Gunth intervene and help her. Hopefully, this will give her the Epiphany needed to accept him and then we’ll see how far they go.
Someone mentioned the “undergrad lbs” added. To be honest, I never saw it when I was in college. Not immediately. In one or two cases, it happened over the long haul of 4 years. But, for the most part, people who were thin/fit stayed that way because they put the effort into doing so. Those that were already out of shape, continued to stay that way.
This seems to have happened rather rapidly. So we’ll see what happened. I just hope it’s not her “home life” leading to an even greater depression (i.e. issue with parents). That’s the last thing she needs.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
SukieRandall: “Tiffany may stay chunky (or not). That is out of our control, just as the weight of others, sometimes our own weights, are.” I love where you have taken this thus far. I will repost this because, at 161 comments before daybreak, likely, no one will notice it.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
And now, my own comments. One, I see a handful of people already “blaming” Gunther for what has happened to Tiffany. Who knows but if that is where Evans is taking this. If it is, then I’m through. I’ve had enough of how shallow this strip has become.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 7 years ago
She’s pretty.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Two, Bei mir faellt der groschen spaet! For whatever reason, I didn’t pick up on Tiffany’s weight gain. Sure, she looked disheveled, which is unusual for her. But then, I tend to forget the first rule of fat stereotyping: Elastic waistbands = she’s getting fat. And thanks to someone else, above, she hasn’t had a chance to get those new “fat” clothes for her wardrobe.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Three, maybe there’s hope: As drawn, Dez isn’t stereotypically skinny, as are the rest of the characters in this strip. Greg, if you’re listening, maybe it’s time to use these two characters, Dez and Tiffany to start trying to take down stereotypes about fat people.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Already nearing 200 comments and it’s still before daybreak, I suspect that by trying to defend fat people (which is what the Neapolitan Doughnut is all about), I can expect perhaps another 200 comments rebutting my posts. Lots of “concern trolls” out there (even if I don’t like the term, “troll”) who will bombard me or us (take your pick) with “It’s so unhealthy,” “what about the research” (paid for by weight loss companies, &c), and the like. Then, there’s the downright mean who will attack her on her looks, not to mention the pig jokes (possibly a thread going on in another strip, Endtown).
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Bottom line: If it is Greg ‘s intent to make Tiffany fat, then I hope he shows a lot more sensitivity than I think I’ve seen here in years.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
You may commence with the rubber chickens now. (Svengoolie fans will know)
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
Tiffany’s sudden weight gain is a symptom of an emotional problem. “Fat shaming” has nothing to do with it.
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
SukieRandall once again: I agree that, for the most part, our weight is well out of our control. My experience in life is that it will be far easier for Luann to get rid of that tattoo (that people seem to expect her to get during this interlude) than it will be for Tiffany to lose the weight.
JPuzzleWhiz over 7 years ago
Wow, only 8:00 a.m., and already there’s over 180 comments!
prime_pm over 7 years ago
“Were you, perchance, stung by a bee?”
Tyge over 7 years ago
Binge eating from depression. Tiff has been sorting out her life and relationships lately. A true hero like Gunther pull her through. My wish at least.
Tyge over 7 years ago
Perhaps with the Luann/Tara BFF realignment, we will see a Tiff/Bernice BFF bloom.
james28602 over 7 years ago
Funny thing about being a bigger person, is you tend to accept the idea that your body is always changing and always reacting. Some also tend to be more familiar with clothing and it’s effect on your appearance.
Sadly with Tif’s build, half of the “Freshman 20” could easily make her look bloated. Sure it could be depression… but with the loud music and the frumpy clothes I’m leaning towards her having “slipped” and gained 10 lbs or so and now frantically working to make herself “presentable” again. Or she could have gotten sick and just gotten depressed at how “bloated” she looks when she’s sick.
Gabryant over 7 years ago
Finally – humanizing Tiffany.
GaryCooper over 7 years ago
So Tiff has gained weight? For a most people, that’s just something that happens, but for Tiffany, it has to be a fate worse than death.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 7 years ago
On Saturday I wrote: “When we last saw Tiffany, she had been having a delightful time at the Berger-Gray dinner, and then Gunther brought her home, criticized her as being superficial, and left her sobbing about her situation in life. Maybe the loud music is a somber depressing song that Tiffany is blasting on her stereo as she sits on the floor, an unkempt mess who hasn’t eaten in days and is surrounded by scores of wept-through tissues. You’re such a gentleman, Gunther!” Well, obviously I was wrong about “hasn’t eaten in days”! Instead, it should have been “hasn’t stopped eating all summer.” In any case, I hold to my assessment that Gunther is not someone you would want as a part of your life. The strip should send him back to Peru and then revoke his passport!
saturnsport8k over 7 years ago
Pipe Tobacco over 7 years ago
My quick pipe and coffee break commentary for this morning:
Greg has IMO opinion, drawn Tiffany a bit ambiguously at the moment. The following are all possibilities in my opinion:
a) Tiffany is wearing loose fitting sweats and her body shape remains what it has been traditionally.
b) Tiffany has gained some weight.
c) Tiffany has been crying/distraught, and her face has a “puffy” look but all else is her traditional self.
d) Tiffany could be “expecting”.
Now…. what do I believe is going on? My hope is that simply Tiffany is wearing loose fitting sweats and she is basically just the same as usual. What do I suspect Greg is aiming for….. I suspect he is showing Tiffany “letting herself go” and her “being herself” which fits into what Gunther had suggested she do. But…. I suspect there is a far bigger back-story than just that Gunther said that to her. Perhaps she had something truly sad happen during the Summer. Not sure what it might be.
I truly doubt the “expecting” idea is what is going on here. I do not think Greg would choose that route for the story.
If Greg is (as he appears to be) aiming to have a long-term arc about weight…. I hope (and anticipate) that it will be done with kindness, carefulness, and a lot of thought. A lot of folks are very, very biased against folks who may be overweight. It is still one group of people that some folks still unfortunately believe it is “ok” make fun of, to denigrate, and to be biased against. I have been very heavy at one time in my life and now I am not…. I have seen both sides of the spectrum. And, I have a number of family members who are overweight. It is hard how society treats them.
sjsczurek over 7 years ago
UH-oh…………………………………….. depression.
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
Tiffany might need to (a) be checked for hypothyroidism, (b) get counseling and © work with a nutrition specialist. The problem is that if she having depression, it is difficult to do any of those things.
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
I was hoping for a new haircut.
Code the Enforcer over 7 years ago
Vilyehm pretty much called it on the depression – but it’s not drinking, nor is it – as someone said today – the ‘freshman fifteen’. This is Tiff’s self-denial and removal from things social. Look at the coloring in Panel 2 – the back of Tiff’s head shows the shadow from her dark room.
lookslikemeband over 7 years ago
Greg has hinted many times that he was going to introduce a Trans-gender character…. Never thought it would be Tiffany…….
bluegirl285 over 7 years ago
Huh! I heard of the freshman fifteen, but the freshman fifty?
Cheapskate0 over 7 years ago
Responding to Mordock999 above (again, I don’t fault him, per se), I will simply say that if Evans uses this thread to bash Gunther for “making” Tiffany get fat (pushed her over the edge, as Mordy put it), then I give up all hope on this comic strip. // Yes, the way fat people are mistreated is a BIG deal for me. But, returning to this strip, I also think Gunther has been mistreated pretty badly as well.
Code the Enforcer over 7 years ago
Although this is about the first time we’ve seen Tiffany in sweats, it reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry confronts George … “Again with the sweatpants?! … You know the message you’re sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You’re telling the world: ‘I give up! I can’t compete in normal society. I’m miserable, so I might as well be comfortable.’ ”
But Tiff’s NOT telling the world a thing! She’s staying enclosed now. I hope Bernice offers help, and Tiffany accepts.
katzpawz1a over 7 years ago
Now, THAT’S a twist of fate I hadn’t expected! Tiffany so lonely and miserable that she just let herself go. Who would have thought?
Luanaphile over 7 years ago
Bern needs to walk Tiff over to the student health center for a medical evaluation.
Scoutmaster77 over 7 years ago
I hope this isn’t a health issue.
Calvin over 7 years ago
Are there FAT Firefighters?
TheBombDotCom over 7 years ago
I think its probably NOT her, could be someone posing as her, but a thicker sized person…or…maybe it will go back to luanns side and leave a cliff hanger as usual!
Same2Ubuddy over 7 years ago
Preggers by Piro.
Dragoncat over 7 years ago
I was constantly teased and made fun of during my childhood for being overweight. I’m in my late 40’s now and I am still overweight. In fact, I am the same pear shape I have always been. Ironically, some of the people who loved to tease me about being fat are now even fatter than me.
There really is a god.
old_timey_dude over 7 years ago
Tiffany is eating her pain.
Wizardgoat over 7 years ago
After 12:00 noon, and over 300 comments. Can’t wait to see tonight’s total.
— As goes the blimp, so goes the blog.
capricorn9th over 7 years ago
I don’t think it is depression or pregnancy or frosh twenty….I think Tiffany took Gunther’s word to heart. She decided to let go of her vanity, her trendy clothes, make up as they failed to attract guys anyway as she told Gunther. She may be experimenting to see if she dresses down, eats what she wants, and see what happens. Will the guys come? Predictably, they will not, either. So, she will go to Gunther and tell him it was not about her looks. Gunther will then tell her it was never about her looks but about her personality.
Asharah over 7 years ago
I wonder if this is some kind of class project, maybe for sociology class. Pad and make-up the pretty girl to look fat and have her go out and see how she gets treated. Then have her go to the same places looking like herself and see the difference.
RSH over 7 years ago
Eating disorders were suggested twice last week. I thought maybe she would turn anorexic (or maybe even try to take her life). Another suggested binge eating. Looks like it is the latter…. food being used as to console and sooth. Tiffany has been hiding in her room and binging (ice cream, cookies anything to bring on those feel good brain opiates which have been in short supply since Gunther’s comment)…. This is heartbreaking. Tiffany has always put so much effort into her appearance in order to earn attention and friends. Gunther burst that bubble in one sentence.
Vilyehm over 7 years ago
Greg and Karen have read the Sun Tzu.
All warfare (and a good comic strip) is the art of deception.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago
Someone suggested Tiffany is eating her pain. That made me think of the poem “In the Desert” by Stephen Crane. Once I refreshed my memory of it, though, I thought it might have more general application. Is it a description of trollery?
In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;
“But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.”
13shark77 over 7 years ago
What Guather have said to her really must have impact her and then some. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Maybe there a chance of her charter growing even more in other areas. Loving the twist!
tmp29676 over 7 years ago
Preggers maybe???
yangeldf over 7 years ago
I love how all the commenters are assuming she’s gained weight when for all we know she could just be wearing a frumpy sweat suit that doesn’t show her figure. You know that IS a thing right?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
I believe something significant has happened in her family. Such psychological trauma can break ones normal routine. Tiffany has been keeping her body “primo” for some time as part of a long term strategy for fame and fortune. Mostly fame.
SUDCC-IV-CS over 7 years ago
Tiff isn’t the center of attention anymore, with guys fawning over her. Self-esteem (which was not high to begin with!) has plummeted to NON-EXISTENT! Hence, feeding the depression-coupled with the stress-eating that is the “freshman 15”. Give Tiffany a boyfriend already. The weight will disappear as quickly as it “appeared”. I nominate Gunther for boyfriend.
Chuck374 over 7 years ago
Bern should have replied that she needs to get her glasses fixed as it appears she is seeing two Tiffany’s.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago
Oh! I know! Someone above mentioned actors gaining weight for specific film roles. Maybe Tiffany has finally landed that big role she’s been hoping for and is just getting into character for the next “Ghostbusters” sequel where she’ll be Mrs. Stay Puft.
RSH over 7 years ago
Right now food is Tiffany’s only friend (and maybe the loud music). I believe it was Gunther’s comments that tipped her shaky sense of self esteem over the edge. Feeling good about her appearance was everything to Tiffany. Now that one thing which defined her is gone.
Moon57Shine over 7 years ago
Hmm…I wonder if she got herself a fat suit and is conducting an experiment. She wouldn’t gain weight THAT quickly. P.S. I didn’t even know she owned a sweatsuit.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago
MORDY: Please note:
SUKIECRANDALL 1 MINUTE AGOThere ARE health problems which have higher RATES OF OCCURRENCE when people are above or below average weight, but they are not inevitable based upon weight alone. That depends partly on the individual, both genetically and in terms of lifestyle. For example, there are very physically active heavy people who are healthier than most of average weight, but how much that approach helps depends somewhat on individual variation. There are also health problems which have higher rates of occurrence with yoyo dieting, but people whose bodies are not amenable to dieting success. Heck, there are even those whose efforts alter with microbiome transplants away from a proliferation of microbes that promote inflamation. So, it is a very complex topic and not in the least the simplistic one people USED to think that it was. It is actually, an incredibly interesting topic in relation to endocrinology, the intestinal microbiome, inflamation, and much more. there are even different TYPES of fat, and fat turns out to be an active endocrine organ itself. One new approach is work to alter more yellow/white fat into brown fat or the mixture known as beige fat, since those behave differently.
BTW, Dr. Arya Sharma used to have a great EXPERT blog written as often as not for general consumption on this topic and may still, or might use a different social medium. He is a kindly gent, too.
Train 1911 over 7 years ago
403 comments lot of people out work
Train 1911 over 7 years ago
Must b a record
Argy.Bargy2 over 7 years ago
There were a bunch of comments I wanted to respond to during the day, but didn’t have much free time. Now, after work, I have time, but probably the folks I wanted to respond to won’t be reading these posts. Oh, well.
Moose , genuine clinical depression that makes a person unable to resist self-destructive habits like overeating, binge drinking and so on, does not result from one negative comment by another person. This kind of depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. And it doesn’t happen to everyone who has bad things going on in their lives, and it happens to people who are the envy of others. So Gunther is not the ‘cause’ of depression in Tiffany, if that is what is happening.
To the poster who suggested that people should ‘evolve’ in a direction that would eliminate such undesirable characteristics as obesity (I think it was WIZARDGOAT, evolution is a slow process, but what it yields is ‘the survival of those most adapted to their environment’. In some cases, that may actually mean the ability to put on weight, as in the case of bears and other animals that survive through a winter when prey animals are scarce and survival depends on the ability to put on a lot of weight before hibernating.
There are scientists who argue that sickle cell anemia developed as a way of humans surviving certain diseases in Africa, but that adaptation now threatens the survival of those who inherit that gene.
Either way, evolution is about the ability of an organism to survive and thus pass on its genes, and it does not have much to do with simple appearance…
patlaborvi over 7 years ago
Just a thought about Tiff’s comment that she’s using new makeup, what if she’s allergic to it and hasn’t realized that it made her puff up like that?
kerumbo Premium Member over 7 years ago
It’s Ox, wearing Tiffany’s makeup and one of her wigs. Tiff is helping him explore his feminine side.
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
usually post-high-school changes to people like these ( old spinster, getting fat, giving up on dreams, etc.) takes many years, even a decade or more. Luann’s group are fast learners!
ritakay48 over 7 years ago
Maybe Tiffany just had too much of Ma Berger’s home cooking over the summer.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
Who is that Fat Slob and what has she done with Tiffany?
Goku over 7 years ago
She’s going to have Ox’s baby.
Schrodinger's Dog over 7 years ago
Tiff goes to Kafe Kablooie to grab a snack. Ox waits on her, and doesn’t criticize her looks. He relates to her how he’s judged being a “big” guy, often unfairly. She’s appreciative of his kindness.
kenhense over 7 years ago
Greg & Karen: Good show! There will be 600+ Comments. I never thought of this surprise when Tiff opened the door.
kittysquared Premium Member over 7 years ago
I don’t understand…how much “Luann” time has passed since we saw Tiffany last? After all, we’re still waiting for Ann’s nightie party. If it’s a couple of weeks, one doesn’t gain weight that fast. Seems like a timing problem in the strip. Or, Tiffany uses a lot of foundation garments to suck things in. In any case, way too many story arcs are being juggled. Tie up some ends, Evanses!
Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago
Although I believe otherwise, it appears a number of commenters here figure that there will be a little new addition to the strip that will have reddish – blonde hair in tight curls.
rimshot22 over 7 years ago
Has anyone considered the possibility that maybe her pajamas are just baggy?
Teto85 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Good. I hate Tiffbi*ch
electricpostcard over 7 years ago
Signs of depression or a bundle in the oven.
Mayflower over 7 years ago
I’m truly amazed that thee are 626 comments posted about Tiffany and her apparent weight problem. I am really happy to see that most of these people are showing some level of compassion for Tiffany. Even though we all deplore the things she has done that are hateful, self serving and/or selfish, she does, like most people) have a fragile and sensitive side. I’m still new to this medium, but I am appreciative of the oisigihtful, compassionate and professional level of the comments. Thanks, y’all. We’re in for a few weeks of adventure with Tiffany ad Bernice, and Fay, and Tara, and of course Luann.
Mayflower over 7 years ago
Decision time. Do I stay up another hour to see what Bernice says or does or if Luann got a tattoo, or do I go to bed and think about possibilities?
kenhense over 7 years ago
Next “Luann” in a few minutes. Could be more about Tiffany – or jumping to something else.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 7 years ago
656 posts before this one?
I’m glad I was tied up yesterday and missed it.
DoubleU over 7 years ago
I never liked her. She manipulated boys once into giving her class notes just be being attractive.
.Froge. about 4 years ago
Why is Tiff so…So big..?
M4kh41 almost 4 years ago
She doesn’t look fat, she just looks as if someone took her and stretched her out a bit using photo shop