Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 10, 2020

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 4 years ago

    an eye for an eye (if you will)

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  2. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    Wow! It felt so good! Your Honor.

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  3. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 4 years ago

    No, No, No.

    Sell ‘em on eBay, Tiff. ✨
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  4. Photo
    ZeMastor  over 4 years ago

    Well, I guess this proves that Tom & Ann didn’t LOCK their bedroom doors. I stand corrected, then. But, I was right that Tiff is acting in anger, in the heat of the moment, and doing something crude, sloppy and impulsive with no master plan and no long game.

    Just watch… Ann is going to come back and double-down and Tiff will end up with the short straw… again. And it’ll be worse…

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  5. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    A master bedroom with a balcony? How about the pillows on the bed?

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    Namrepus  over 4 years ago

    Yard sale!

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    notbornyesterday  over 4 years ago

    No, No, No. Tiffany has done the ONE thing that Anne could hope she’d do. If there was ever any chance of Tiffany getting her father “on her side”, and let’s face it, that’s pretty far fetched, any chance of that “JUST WENT OUT THE WINDOW”.

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  8. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    Ann will be gone for many weeks, perhaps many months.

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    seanyj  over 4 years ago

    Uh-Oh! Its on now. Can’t wait for Ann and Daddy to get back. Get your popcorn ready everybody!

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  10. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 4 years ago

    Anyone can come by and take those clothes. Legally, they are considered abandoned property.

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  11. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   over 4 years ago

    Ask Bets to be your roommate.

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    notbornyesterday  over 4 years ago

    “Tom, sweet heart, it breaks my heart to say this, but do you need any more proof that your daughter is insanely jealous of me and our relationship?”; yeah I can hear it already.

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  13. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago

    That feels good

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  14. 965ccac6 e3b6 443f 8b1c 1f64a9e49f2d
    Counterpoint  over 4 years ago

    Holy flying wardrobe!

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  15. Download  6
    Joe1962  over 4 years ago

    Tiff if all the dumb things you could have done this is not the best one. Why does G&K have it out for Tiff.

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  16. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 4 years ago

    As if this arc wasn’t disappointing enough. “Mary Worth” is Shakespearean by comparison.

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  17. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  over 4 years ago

    I hope it all lands in the swimming pool, where the chlorine will permanently damage everything by the time Ann gets back.

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  18. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 4 years ago

    One way to kick off Spring cleaning.

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    Cstimpy25  over 4 years ago

    for once i am applauding Tiffany, good for her, one wonders what Tom will do? my guess nothing since he’s about as useless as a fart

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  20. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  over 4 years ago

    his is the kind of thing which will justify everything Anne has been telling Tom about Tiffany. She has fallen into Anne’s trap.

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  21. Butterfly
    butterfly_qvrs  over 4 years ago

    One of the few times I wish I was wrong. Tiff would have made a bigger point with daddy bunking down in the servants quarters acting the part of Cinderella then this petty BS. Have the house pristine when Daddy and Ann come back. Tell dad you just need to pop back to the house keepers old room to get you stuff. Ask him is the real reason he wants you to move back home is because he needs a maid to clean up after Ann. Ask him if he wanted her to come back why all of her stuff is boxed up ready to go to Goodwill. That might actually cause a moment of reflection.

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    suv2000  over 4 years ago

    I hope this is what her father was hoping would happen

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    yoda1234  over 4 years ago

    Tiffany’s “Waiting to Exhale” moment…. althouh she could probably make a mint selling the clothes like she did her lingerie….

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  24. Crazyforkedindianpalmsquirrel max 1mb
    B UTTONS  over 4 years ago

    Ann DID insist that Tiffany clean the house.

    Bets/Gunter: there’s a windfall of clothes to sell on eBay!

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    kenhense  over 4 years ago

    I am hoping Tiff has planned to leave before Tom & Ann return – and that Tiff has somewhere in mind to live. I doubt Tom will pay for any more college. Fortunately Tiff has a job.

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    Dreamdeer  over 4 years ago

    This could end things between Tiff and her father. But maybe that’s a good thing.

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    wantcomicsnow  over 4 years ago

    That was a very childish and silly action for Tiff to take. She might get some instant gratification from it, but it isn’t going to solve anything or help her in the long run.

    If her goal is to break Ann’s control over her this is NOT the way to go about it.

    If she’s trying to get back to being daddy’s little princess——also NOT the way to go about it.

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  28. Donna
    stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago


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    capricorn9th  over 4 years ago

    Yep, this home is in the Southwest. Look at those clay tiles. The same roof as my house in Phoenix. Those homes are all over southern CA, particularly San Diego. The LA County is a mix of Ranches/Shingled Roofs, Missions/Clay Tiles and Adobes. South of LA County sees more Missions and Adobes.

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    capricorn9th  over 4 years ago

    AH! Feels good, Tiffany? I probably will do the same AND video her pick up her stuff and cursing when she arrives. But first, videotape your room with today’s date for your dad to see what Ann did to your stuff and to the room. Just in case he doesn’t know.

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  31. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago

    The way I look at this, it appears that Tiff is already pretty much well out of the picture as far as her “father” goes. As long as Evil Annie is around, Tiff can tell her dad anything she wants about Evil Annie, and he’s going to side with her against Tiff. He is blinded by her, and until Annie is out of the picture, there will be no repairing anything between Tiff and her dipstick dad. So, at this point, I would say to Tiff to do whatever she wants, because no matter how good she comes across, she’s been replaced. Do not waste any time trying to be good and take on the duties around the house. The old man and Evil Annie will have to work things out between themselves – I hardly think that he’s going to listen to anyone, the other head he’s currently thinking with does not have ears. If the planets line up to where Evil Annie becomes a permanent fixture and they get married, Tiff can tell them that she wants nothing to do with them and they just became the two newest members of her KMA Club. Throw all the clothes out and you might as well do whatever you want, Tiff – you are already on the outside, and things will not get better. Annie will just have to get over it, and Tom is an idiot. Evil Annie cannot hurt you any more if you don’t allow it.

    Now, if Tommy boy eventually wises up sometime down the line and throws Evil Annie out after it somehow becomes clear to him what her gig is, you can bet Tiff’s old man will seek Tiff out and try to smooth things over. And if that happens, I’m sure both of them will be able to sit on the back veranda and have a good laugh over Tiff throwing out all of Evil Annie’s stuff. That is, if Tiff forgives him…

    Either way, Tiff will have vented her frustrations and had some fun at the same time. I have never really cared for Tiff that much, but it’s about time she had something positive happen, even if it was a few minutes of wild abandon throwing all Evil Annie’s $#!+ out the flippin’ window. Yee – haaaaaaaaaa!

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  32. Skylark
    Skylark  over 4 years ago

    Round #1How long are Dad and Ann supposed to be gone?

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  33. Img 2445
    mzannethrope.5150x  over 4 years ago


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  34. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  over 4 years ago

    Mordy called it first, but I think many of us were thinking the very same thing.

    Things will not work out well for Tiffany.

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    drewpamon  over 4 years ago

    In true fictional story fashion Tom’s going to view this as evidence that Tiffany can’t deal with her new mom and break up with Ann.

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  36. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  over 4 years ago

    Now that’s what I call cleaning house.

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    gnmnrbl  over 4 years ago

    Good move tiff!! Problem is how are you going to deal with Ann and your dad when they get home and Ann finds ALL her belongings missing? I would suggest you log how Ann handled your stuff. You know Ann is gonna play the victim.

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  38. Little lulu
    sallymargret  over 4 years ago

    Big mistake.

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  39. Stude avatar
    kingbrlee Premium Member over 4 years ago

    This is not good, Tom will side with his pillow mate.

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    TORAD_07  over 4 years ago

    Tiff – I honestly hope you’re ready to handle what’s about to happen. Because you’ve fallen or Ann’s trap. She had to have known you’d do something like this. Or she wouldn’t have left things so “in the open.” Hopefully, you may find a “smoking gun” in all that stuff you’re throwing out that will kill the relationship with Ann & your dad. We’ll see.

    Popcorn a poppin’…. Coffee a Brewin’…..

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  41. Tulips
    locake  over 4 years ago

    At least Tiffany has a place to sleep tonight.

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  42. Detroit skyline
    detroitpete  over 4 years ago

    Yay, Tiffany is cleaning house!

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  43. 466976351 10226287680802333 1752535608101856512 n 2
    dlkrueger33  over 4 years ago

    Not smart. I have a much BETTER idea. Just take ONE dress….perhaps an expensive one and dispose of it. Ann won’t notice immediately and then one day will be looking for it and wonder what happened to it. She won’t immediately blame Tiffany, thinking rather she misplaced it, or it’s in the closet and she somehow is missing it, or maybe it’s still at the dry cleaners, or the servants had something to do with it (whoever does the laundry if it’s not dry cleaned). --In other words, GASLIGHT her! —-You could also do this with a piece of jewelry or even fancy lingerie. Just don’t do anything OBVIOUS where you will get yourself in trouble and be on Dad’s bad side and make Ann a sympathetic character to Dad. Be devious. Come on’ Tiff. You’re smart enough for that!

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  44. Purplepeopleeater small
    Purple People Eater  over 4 years ago

    What a waste of nice clothes. She should have sold them on ebay.

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  45. Eternal sailor jupiter by dreamarii06 decso1m 375w 2x
    Callie Ray  over 4 years ago

    Way to go, Tiff!! Show that wicked witch that she hasn’t turned your bedroom into a place to practice yoga.

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  46. 32abb6e5 0ed4 42b6 a40c 766dceec995f
    Bernedoodle  over 4 years ago

    It feels good today but remorse will come her way come tomorrow.

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    RoadTrip3500  over 4 years ago

    Bugs Bunny said it best: “Of course you realize – this means WAR!”

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  48. J8uoh7wejd561
    Zeno2099  over 4 years ago

    I am feeling sorry for Tiffanny. She keeps doing stupid things and failing in life. I hope that things will eventually get better for her.

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    CreativeChef  over 4 years ago

    Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

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    AndrewD.Washton  over 4 years ago

    Uh oh. Not smart.

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  51. Picture
    ForrestOverin  over 4 years ago

    What?!? The mansion doesn’t have a fireplace?

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    LeighBurton  over 4 years ago

    Tiffany should have done that two weels ago!

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    JudyHendrickson  over 4 years ago

    Uh ohhh!!! I see a war coming!!!

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    krisannr.thompson  over 4 years ago

    Whoa. Think it just backfired… But sometimes anger CAN be a good motivator but… Whoa. I was thinking unpack and repack?? Yep. Dad’s probably not going to be happy with that one

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    krisannr.thompson  over 4 years ago

    It’s HER room to unpack and repack. Why did she do THAT??

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    flatempest  over 4 years ago

    I expect Ann and Tom to be married when the come back from the cabin.

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    Whatcouldgowrong  over 4 years ago

    Instead of acting like a selfish, spoiled brat, she could have taken them to a thrift shop, donated them to a charitable organization.

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  58. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Cathartic! Obviously, after this, Tiffany will be banished forever from her father’s house and stop receiving any kind of help from him. But the satisfaction, that will last forever♡!… I hope Tiffany will calm down, understand how dangerous what she has done is for her own future and find a more clever way to take her revenge on Ann.

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  59. Homer
    bobwigg761  over 4 years ago

    Funny if this turned out to be Tiffany’s new room and she just threw out her own stuff!

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 4 years ago

    No, Tiff! Sell it!

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    electricpostcard  over 4 years ago

    The cycle never fails: Revenge→Remorse→Regret→Recover. The cycle always has so much promise in the beginning and fear towards the end. It’ll be interesting to see how she handles recovery in the end on Friday/Saturday. Her cleaning abilities will be tested to the max!

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  62. Cbba29af 1a9b 4f8d 9072 353924fa77e5
    Markov Da Robot  over 4 years ago

    Ann is so entitled. The room clean out from two days ago made my blood boil. But, nevertheless, it acts as good entertainment for us readers.

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    irisj728  over 4 years ago

    Now Ann has more reason to spend Tom’s money… didn’t she learn from Les that Ann will press charges and she will have to pay her the cost… Hope Les shows up and helps her put them back in the closet

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    jonesbeltone  over 4 years ago

    Shame on you Tiff! Don’t be like Ann and you’ll hurt your Dad.

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  65. Nicepair
    Cuckooman Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Bad impulsive move, Tiff….

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  over 4 years ago


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  67. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiffany decided to burn them.

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  68. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  over 4 years ago

    My blood runs cold.

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  69. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Dumb plan Tiff. Too childish. She’ll just go on a shopping spree and get all new things. Subterfuge you need more subterfuge.

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    JeffJaje  over 4 years ago

    Instead of this, she should be putting business classes to work and show how Ann is ruining her father’s finances.

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  71. Missing large
    jadoo823  over 4 years ago

    …so they left her in the house for six weeks? And she has nowhere else to go? Isn’t there some sort of tenants rights / squatters rights thing where it can take months to force her out of the house again?…

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  72. Avatar 2475
    Troglodyte  over 4 years ago

    Nice! And fun while it lasts, too! :D

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    pearlyqim  over 4 years ago


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    mrsdonaldson  over 4 years ago

    Oh no. Now she’s no better. I thought she was going to unpack all of her boxes and restore her room. Be better, Tiffany.

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  75. Picture
    JeffGage  over 4 years ago

    Hmmm… I wonder how much all that stuff is worth on eBay. If she only knew people that were good at selling stuff there…

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  76. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 4 years ago

    It would have been better to box Ann’s stuff up and leave it in the corner. Then when she finds some incriminating evidence while going through Ann’s stuff, she could leave it in her father’s sock drawer. Ann’s stuff would already be packed and ready to go.

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    artheaded1  over 4 years ago

    This will end badly! I can’t watch!

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  78. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 4 years ago

    Malicious mischief, writ LARGE.

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  79. Ucomics2
    PeterPirate  over 4 years ago

    Success is the best revenge. Tiffany has done the absolutely worst thing she can do.

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  80. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  over 4 years ago

    Cue Madea’s entrance: Rip it! RIIIIIIP IIIIIIIITTT!!!

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    mqbandit  over 4 years ago

    She needs to box them and leave them in the corner.

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  82. Yankee logo
    YankeeFan56  over 4 years ago

    Wrong response, Tiff. That’s exactly what Ann hoped you would do.

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  83. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Oh, no! :-o She May feel better, but this will not end well! When is she going to go back to work? No one is looking for her? Sheesh, somebody show up, other than the police! Oi!

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  84. Photo
    6foot6  over 4 years ago

    Huh, one would think she would put them all in a box and take them to the five and dime.

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    Lopdee  over 4 years ago

    Yeah! Go Tif!!!!

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  86. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Weeeeeell, I knew…, H3LL, We ALL knew, Tiffany was going to do something Stupid here. And by golly We were NOT disappointed.

    And guess what? I’ll bet Tiffany is no where near done getting even. This is only Wednesday. Tiffany may “blitzkrieg” everything “Ann” in the entire house, to the point where it’ll look the joint has been ransacked by looters. When Tom and Ann return, Tiffany won’t have to worry about being cut off completely financially, or losing her sports car, or dropping out of college. When Ann gets done, Tiffany is liable to wind up in a mental institution.

    What Tiffany SHOULD do: Calm down. Pick up Ann’s clothes and take them to the cleaners. Then hang them back in Ann’s closet, hoping she won’t notice. Then move her stuff to another room in the house. Oh, and “accidentally” break that mirror. That’s why Ann was in there. The big mirror feeds her ego.

    What Tiffany probably WILL do: Continue “Revenge-Trashing” the House. Throw a big party. Invite Les, over.

    Bad times are upon her and Us. That empty room at the DeGroots is becoming more and more a reality each day.

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  87. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 4 years ago

    Thereby giving her an excuse to buy more.

    (Much better to leave them in place with maybe a trace of itching powder added.)

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  88. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 4 years ago

    so ……… NOW what?

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  89. Missing large
    luann1212  over 4 years ago

    Rockaway up top mentioned malicious mischief, which is a common law personal and intentional tort, and in some jurisdictions, state and/or local, a criminal violation (misdemeanor) or an ordinance violation of a city or country, but Tiffany just committed at least one crime here, theft, criminal conversion, criminal damage to property, and whatever a creative police department, or more likely a prosecutor given the value of the property thrown (not abandoned, she can’t abandon property that is not hers) can come up with more, including the value of Ann’s things, upgrade to felonies. I can understand, but at least Ann did not commit a crime (ever the sly grifter). In a normal universe, and if it was my daughter, there would be no way I would allow Ann to prosecute my daughter here, I would try to work it out, and would defend my daughter, and either sack Ann, or insist that she stop doing this to Tiffany. I could love both, but Ann needs to put those sociopathic claws back in their sheaths. If not she has to leave. Then work on my relationship with my daughter. But this is Luannverse so any number of outcomes will happen. He is not a man enough to do any of that though so far.

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  90. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    Of course you know: This Means WAR!

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  91. Beach background
    Cincoflex  over 4 years ago

    Ah Geez, just what I DIDN’T want to see happen. Ann will get even, Tiff—Why couldn’t you just sell them on eBay?

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  92. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  over 4 years ago

    It’s only Wednesday. Methinks that my prior prediction of Tiff finding evidence against Annie is about to come true. Before it’s all said and done, the rest of the gang will have to come into play. It will be G&B who will help Tiff to decipher the evidence, Les to solidify it, and Brad & TJ to provide background to Tom. I smell an intervention.

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    sueb1863  over 4 years ago

    Oh, man, don’t do that, Tiffany. Ann will press charges.

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  94. Img 1157
    brick10  over 4 years ago

    Tiffany needs to sell them on line. She’s had business experience with that.

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  95. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    I predict Tiff will leave the house by the end of the week or before Tom and Ann return, at the least. Where will she go> According to Mordy, it’s the Gulag. The DeGroot’s rental room according to several.

    The fact that the rental has become has become available so dramatically (thanks Pru) and that plot arcs are developed well into the future points to the DeGroots, IMHO.

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  96. Dresdentvtimage 7908
    bob-droid12  over 4 years ago

    don’t do that Tiffany, donate them to charity. That way Ann won’t be able to get mad and use your dad for some payback.

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  97. Photo
    GaryCooper  over 4 years ago

    Don’t do that, Tiffany. Get Betts to sell all those clothes for you.

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  98. Caligari
    Dr. Caligari  over 4 years ago

    Not too smart, Tiff. You’re out of your dad’s will as of now.

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  99. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    An Eye for an Eiffel?

    An Eye of Zye for and Eiffel?

    An Aye for a Bligh?

    I don’t know where this is going.

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  100. Missing large
    swanridge  over 4 years ago

    So…. what’s wrong with Goodwill?

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  101. Tyge
    Tyge  over 4 years ago

    Is that a bed in the background? Is that THE bed in the background. (Gasp! I blush!)

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  102. Fef08a4fd6bdb1361b558581a5b88bb4
    kf6rro  over 4 years ago

    This won’t end well.

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  103. Thcau81l4m
    Miles VanDelay  over 4 years ago

    I think this is all a vehicle to have Tiff move into Brad’s old room. Shame the price is an Ann Eifle win.

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  104. Tulips
    locake  over 4 years ago

    Hopefully those birds will swoop down and take the clothes to use in their nests.

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  105. Missing large
    comic reader 22  over 4 years ago

    They make Tiffany the stupidest person on the planet. I don’t know why they insist on portraying these young women as idiots. Its actually getting offensive. Maybe she can leave all the doors open and report a robbery. The next scene will be Ann and Tom returning for something she “forgot”.

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  106. Picture
    BearHamilton  over 4 years ago

    Bad choice? You’re soaking in it, Tiff.

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  107. Bc92a6de09218bcca4bb23106a180b75
    KEA  over 4 years ago

    Anyone know where ‘Luann’ is located… this house looks very SoCal

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    alexius23  over 4 years ago

    Will not end well

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    patty1955 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Tiffany should take in all of Ann’s clothes. That would drive her crazy.

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  110. Ligand1
    RSH  over 4 years ago

    I am still hoping that Tiff will receive guidance from someone (on the outside) who is a little more level headed. Alone at ‘home’ channeling her anger and pain in ways that will only hurt her (in the end) is the worst thing right now. The fact that it is wed gives me hope that someone (with a cooler head) will intercede.

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    smsrt  over 4 years ago

    Wouldn’t a pair of sizzors work better? Her a slit, there a slit, everywhere a slit, slit. Kind of an Edward Sizzorhands thing… so to speak.

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  112. Picture
    PhoenixHocking  over 4 years ago

    “Oh, Dad! I’m so sorry!” Sob, sob, weep, weep. “I only left the house for a few hours to go volunteer at the homeless shelter, and the house was broken into while I was away! No, no, I don’t know why they only trashed Ann’s clothes, and took her jewelry, and pooped in your bed.”

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  113. Terror tim   copy
    Petemejia77  over 4 years ago

    So mature.

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    contralto2b  over 4 years ago

    Totally unrelated to anything anyone has talked about so far (but I have enjoyed reading all the comments). It seems to me the coloring of the strip looks a little more rushed than usual.

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  115. Aaue7mbu7bfb5h4fi mjzdvelzvy7ayjshwx5wplz5mp
    rklynch  over 4 years ago

    Haha. Nice one, Tiff.

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    ktinlin Premium Member over 4 years ago

    No No No!! I’m heartsick with you Greg and Karen for letting Tiff make this absolutely STUPID decision. She played right into “poor” Ann’s game who will only be forced to buy a brand new wardrobe…like THAT’S a punishment!! Dad will be even more convinced that this is all Tiff’s doing….harrassing “poor” Ann! Grrrrr……

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  117. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 4 years ago

    When will she learn that she can’t beat Ann. Ann controls the purse(s).

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  118. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    If you come at the Queen you only have one shot. Better make it a good one.

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  119. Picture
    LorriPetreeDoig  over 4 years ago

    I find myself wishing she had simply taken many of the items to a seamstress and had them taken in just a little bit.

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    Holilubillkori Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Hello…. Salvation army do you pick up?

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    laurasohn11  over 4 years ago

    If she keeps this up, chances are, she’ll probably find something that Ann is hiding and then she can use that as leverage to prove that she’s a gold digger. Then all Tiffany has to do is make it look like it was always there and then play innocent when she gets in trouble

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  122. Inbound to iraq  2
    Scoutmaster77  over 4 years ago

    Of course, you realize, this means war…

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  123. Squee
    Mooshki Premium Member over 4 years ago

    She should’ve sold them on Ebay!

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  124. Picture
    PatLinville  over 4 years ago

    What I want is for Tiff to find some evidence that evil Ann is stealing money and stashing it away…a real gold digger…got to be something there!!!!

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    davidp05201  over 4 years ago

    Or Tiff can say the items were burgled by a thief with a taste for women’s clothes…

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  126. 5b1fe21f 9d78 4f26 83b0 5959b4af632b
    Lightpainter  over 4 years ago

    War is declared.

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  127. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 4 years ago


    Unbelievably stupid and foolish for Tiffany to do this. I am disappointed in her.

    She obviously is justified to be mad and hurt, but this is NOT a solution that does any good, whatsoever. It does not help the situation, nor does it really in any fashion help Tiffany.

    And, in terms of the power dynamic of the Ferrel family, it is really a dangerous and problematic move on Tiffany’s part. As Tiffany is not in a position of power in the family at the moment, her actions WILL only hurt her. A person who is in a position of power…. could do this and unfortunately get away with it…. even though it is still wholly wrong to do so. But, for a person not in power, it is just going to create more hurt for the person doing the deed. So, no matter how much she may feel justified to do this… she is doing the wrong thing….. FOR HERSELF.

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  128. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member over 4 years ago

    As per @PhoenixHocking – We was robbed!

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  129. Princess
    FrankSF Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Well that was stupid. Ann will just use daddy’s money to buy a whole new wardrobe.

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    Treehggr87 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Gosh! That even felt good way over here in Arizona!

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  131. Zaphod beeblebrox
    cwizard71  over 4 years ago

    Correction: HAD

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    dlaemmerhirt999  over 4 years ago

    Any punishment daddy can dream up will be worth the look on Anne’s face when she sees her ill-gotten clothes on the driveway! <3

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    Maureen Lambe-Hodder  over 4 years ago

    that felt good

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  134. Ligand1
    RSH  over 4 years ago

    Maybe, but Tiff could be accused of looting and pillage.

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  135. Toughcat
    bakana  over 4 years ago

    She should have E-Bayed them.

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    outonalimb  over 4 years ago

    I’m surprised at the number of commenters (not a majority, I think, but at least a significant minority) who seem to believe that it’s a good move for Tiffany to toss Ann’s things out the window or to sell them, give them away, etc. I hope y’all are only saying that because it’s a comic strip and that none of you actually think it would be wise for a real-life young adult to take out their resentment towards a parent’s girlfriend (or boyfriend) in such a way — even if the young person is 100% spot-on in sizing up said GF/BF as a no-good, lying, scheming, malevolent gold-digger. If Tiffany doesn’t think better of it and put those clothes back where she found them, she’s totally eating the marshmallow.

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  137. Spinkitty avatar
    NoLongerWandering  over 4 years ago

    I hope it rains while Ann’s gone.

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    fathergod  over 4 years ago

    I think this could be the “make or break” moment in Tiff’s life. Who does her father chose, Ann or his own daughter

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  139. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Just under the “Post No Bills” sign on all the telephone poles in Pitts, is a small poster that says, “Fire Sale at the Farrell estate Saturday, June 13, 10:00 AM to 5 PM. 2442 Boogie Boogie Avenue in Hamptons West – Bargains galore – examples: Ming Dynasty vase (no chips or fleabites), $5, Polished ebony Steinway grand piano, $6.75. Sale might end earlier if the old man and his concubine show up”

     •  Reply
  140. 49ers helmet
    the dorf  over 4 years ago

    Knowing Ann, she might have boxed her own clothes and put Tiffany’s in the closet. So Tiff hopefully checked what was in the closet and make sure they’re not hers.

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    kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Nooo…sell her clothes! You need the money!!!

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Talk about cleaning house – Wow!

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  143. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 4 years ago

    Just tossing what seem to be Ann Eiffel’s clothes out the window and so down into the lawn is not very efficient. The clothes are still there and not much if at all damaged, readily seen by anyone coming back from The Little Cabin In The Woods.

    —Unless, of course, we next see the Big Bonfire of the Vanities….

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  144. Me kindergarten  2
    finnygirl Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Throwing in the towel. I’ll be up all night if I keep trying to point out that Tiff’s doing ANYTHING with Ann’s clothes is illegal, whether selling them, giving them away, throwing them out, burning them, or dressing alligators in them, is illegal. Kudos to others who have also mentioned this fact. Special recognition to JPuzzleWhiz, who by now has probably fainted from exhaustion. I know it’s a comic, but sheesh! :-D

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  145. Buddy and baby  nov. 2010
    Fedup Bear  over 4 years ago

    Bad move Tiff….really bad move

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  146. B65e8946 b92d 4968 9173 75a51d437aa7 0d833d11 998a 475a 823d b6af1e94cf47 v1
    Starjo  over 4 years ago


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  147. 5c9ca261 a39b 4719 a206 c096b2910f65
    I like Mario bros  almost 4 years ago

    Tiffany has gotten a lot better over the years

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