Did Tara just quit Luann’s job?!? Even if Luann pulls away from Tara and goes back to talk to the principle, this does not bode well for Luann’s on-going employment.
I’m reminded of another old saying: “No Good deed goes Unpunished!”
If Luann hadn’t interfered and been a “pal” to Tara earlier this year, Miz Starr would be in Utah disrupting someone else’s life and Lu wouldn’t be fearing for her job.
And speaking of “Utah Tara.” WHERE was this “backbone” of hers earlier this year when cousin Stella was pushing her around??
Tara created this situation from beginning to end. If you look back, Luann kept trying to stop her, but Tara kept acting before Luann could finish a sentence. Now she’s dragging Luann into unwillingly quitting.
The Evanses need Tara to shake Luann out of her stagnation. That doesn’t make Tara right, but she’s a good plot device.
I still say that the parent overreacted in claiming that Tara was teaching her child warfare. I rescind my view, however, that she overreacted to Tara’s presence.
While Tara is trying to pressure a principal to stop kowtowing to a whiny parent over a non-issue, she forgets herself. She is an unauthorized visitor in possession of a weapon in a place with a zero-tolerance policy. Her hatred of authority isn’t helping Luann…at all. She is in no place to make demands or bark orders.
Ah yes, the old “You can’t fire me, I quit” thing. Maybe before letting herself get dragged into this, Luann should ask Tara how long she’s held down a job before. Because Tara seems pretty easily set-off (not to mention entitled) for someone who’s been shown to survive thanks to the charity and tolerance of others.
Honestly, Luann. Dump Tara. She is trouble. She is an oppositive personality as in going against any people in authority status. No wonder she has a cousin who is a criminal and likely in jail now. She will join her if she keeps it up. If she has a cousin who is a convict, and that Tara acts like this around authoritative figures, implies they come from a family of criminals. No need for you to get mixed up in that, Luann. Just get your arm back and let her leave. And apologize to the Principal for Tara’s behavior which is not a reflection of you and apologize for your slip of judgment in allowing Tara to step onto the property and give a show and tell.
Remember when Jack came to Kids First to talk about…. was it about pets? moving furniture? physical fitness? (I forget since he has had so many careers.) Luann apparently doesn’t or she would have remembered the protocol involved. But she acts this week as if no one has ever come to the after-school program before. God, I’m sick of these idiot-plots.
No, this is NOT fine!" Tara is right. Luann does not need or deserve this cr…! It’s all happening very quickly, but taking Luann away with her is the right thing to do. Luann deserves better than a place where after “years” of work, without ever causing problems and creating a great bond with the children, the principal goes to her furiously treating her like a criminal. I don’t know what Tara wants to do, but I hope this will help Luann find her true calling.
So what is the next for these 2? Do they go to apply for a job at Wienie World and find out that Ann Eifel is the new manager there? Do they go Thelma and Louise?
Hopefully Luann was not relying on the coin for anything besides spending cash. I know a lot of community college students who would be seriously jammed up if they lost their part time job as it is the only way they can afford food, tuition and books even if they are living at home. Tara really had no business jumping in like she did but Luann lets people take control of a situation all the time whether it be this, Shannon cutting her hair, dealings with Bernice etc.
Luann has to learn that “No!” is a complete sentence, she can use it anytime she needs to stop or slow a situation down. Hopefully she learns a valuable lesson as she tries to find a new job. Just a guess, but I suspect Nancy does not need any help at The Fuse as Bern is now taking care of the books.
ah yes the “helpful” friend who makes a situation worse. Had a young teen shoplifter at the store. Caught him stealing a candy bar. product recovered. Usual routine is to talk with them, explain what impact theft can have on a business and give them a temporary ban from the store. Usually that scares most of them straight. Police can’t be bothered laying charges on tiny value of recovered product, especially since kids don’t often get real punishment. . This time the kid’s sister insisted we call the cops because she thinks nothing should happen tp her brother. So we keep him there for an hour for the cops to arrive. Cops get there, confirm we had gotten back the stolen item, kid’s a minor so charging him is pointless, as we well knew, and kid gets a ride home to mom and dad in the police car. Sister yells at us for messing up whatever they were supposed to be doing that night, and not at all happy with the consequences of involving the police.
Luann still tends to behave like a nine-year old… But the teachers, professors, and administrators she deals with are never that mature. I know there are some real jerks out that. I’ve had to deal with a couple. But in my experience there are more who know how to act like adults.
Someone mentioned they wished Tara would come back right before she did. I don’t know why! I also don’t know why every new character in the past couple years is the worst. Can we have some characters that are not soooo annoying? What’s up with Tony and Brad. Every new character in Luann’s life, besides Jack, is unlikeable. IMO
This is BS! One jerky parent who goes off on a misinformed tangent and the puppy dog principal goes into disaster mode. He doesn’t even try to find out what really ocurred. Yes, Tara may be out of place in commandeering Luann to have a backbone but someone has to do it. Luann needs to learn a lesson. Putting up with that crap has only let it continue to exist. Letting one asinine parent supersede all the others is just stupid.
It smacks of the same behavior of a few anti-vaxers protesting mask mandates on the basis of “freedom of choice” but not accepting any responsibility for prolonging the pandemic or inflicting harm on others. Just as they do not have the right to punch me in the face they do not have the right to spread their germs to my nose. There are consequences for choices: If you don’t want to wear a mask then you lose the right to public spaces. You can’t have both. Plain and simple.
Time for something we seldom see. Luann needs to go ballistic on her! Verbally, that is. Luann has a great job, and Tara has butted in without being invited and just may have cost her that job. All because Tara can’t see beyond the end of her nose.
This is happening in real life. An anonymous person wrote something false in Twitter about another person, the persons boss read it and fired the person even though it was proved to false.
Tara is a very self-imposing person. She’s the type who invites herself along on trips or shows up at your house right before dinner… then gets peeved if she is not given a seat at the table.
Actually I am with Tara on this. Kids have to learn to respect weapons and not play with them. The principal’s knee-jerk reaction to an interfering parent is total stupidity. He did not even ask WHY Tara had the bow and quiver in the school. Considering that MANY students carry guns into schools, the bow and arrows are nothing to worry about.
Tara has personality traits of a sociopath – Does not respect laws / authority, agressive behavior, does not feel guilt over getting Luann in trouble, and does not consider the safety of others.
Well, life is after all, about change and LUANN desperately needs something to change. The other option would be to change …(see that word again)… the name of the strip to “TIFFANY” and officially relegate LUANN to what she has become, a bit player in her own comic strip.
I’m a teacher and honestly Tara being there without going through the main office and signing in is indeed a problem. The principal has every right to be angry on that front as it’s a safety and security issue. Luann should understand that part. The archery set is a whole separate issue of weapons on school property which again is a safety security issue. My real problem here is the the principal saying “warfare being taught”.
Unapproved guest you are responsible Luann for childrens safety so he can hold you accountable without question
She has weapons which were not cleared by main office or at all despite good intentions so yes Luann must be held accountable.
But see the strip is not going to focus on the reality but the hilarity of “teaching warfare,” and frankly that bothers me
This is a good instance where the strip can reflect real life…but instead it’ll make light of an “overbearing sun glass wearing parent” who is in fact correct in this situation
Luann placed the students in her care in danger albeit with no ill intent, the parent and principal have every right to be angry
But we won’t see the logic side go down, we’ll see the shes a crazy lady who is making a big deal over nothing…except it’s not nothing it’s a legitimate concern
It’s pretty much impossible to defend Luann’s actions, Tara does need to keep her mouth shut and realize she is in the wrong despite what she thinks, and Luann should face the consequences of her actions (which will probably be getting fired because again despite her good intentions, this is a massive screw up.
When Tara has her own children or her own day care, she can decide what to teach the kids. She does NOT get to force her views on other people’s kids without the parents agreement.
well, at least the Principal wasn’t going to fire her on the spot. Just have a disciplinary talk and a mark on her record. Tara though, may or may not have ruined it. Principle sees what’s going on, Luann isn’t the one being insubordinate. Tara reminds me of a girlfriend I had for a few of months when at that age. Very pretty, smart, but flighty and irrational. Only reason I stuck with her for months was…ah…never mind.
Actually in this case I think Tara is right. Better to find out early what kind of place you are working for really is. Of course it would be unusual for a young person to have that kind of self confidence, but it is a comic.
Does every other woman in this strip who’s Luann’s age have to suck? The pattern is undeniable at this point: Bets, Tiff, Bernice, Stef, and now Tara. What, is Dez gonna turn out to be an alt-right chud?
So ends the one adult thing Luann had going for her. Her job with the kids. It’s back to laying around her room with Bern in the clutter and “broken dreams” ;0) of youth.
I wonder what the kids take on all this will be (and if that is where this arc will go). Instead of being impowering for young girls (an adult woman who explained the art of archery). Usually, when people/kids think of weapons, they think male. Remind them young, remind them often, girls can do anything that boys and do (and vice-versa). I don’t really think the principal was/is going to fire LuAnn, but have a long talk about procedure and protocol. In the end, LuAnn is good with kids, not many people are and do not have the patience to work with younger kids.
Ehhhh. I understand this strip is stuck in the past, but really? Schools are BEGGING for teachers aids and para professionals at this point. I’m assuming Luann is not a fully credentialed teacher yet, and I’m further assuming Kids 1st is not a public school from the name and hiring practices (Tiffany & anyone breathing), just some daycare/preschool hybrid that needs staff. Tara is kind of dead correct in thinking Luann could do better, and Luann has always been a bit (a lot?) short on ambition. Maybe this is the kick in the pants she needs to get a real career.
Unfortunately, Luann brought an unauthorized visitor into the classroom. One that possessed a potentially lethal weapon. Considering the hyper awareness of school violence, that would be grounds for termination.
It’s fine for parents to butt in over something like teaching the realities of history, but heaven forbid they try to have a say over $3X ed, CRT, vaccinations or any other topic supported by the NEA and its sponsoring political party or objecting to the cover up of and provision of protection for a predator in a skirt pretending to be a girl. Nope: that’s when law enforcement gets called in to arrest the parent for trying to protect his/her child and their rights. Give ‘em 4377, Tara! Just realized, I used the word “heaven” – I don’t think public school administrators and unions like that one, either.
This is a perfect example of GenZ idiots. They are entitled, self righteous, arrogant, rude, clueless and ignorant. I see it every day and appreciate the way this comic strip regularly depicts their stupidity. Today we get to see one who thinks she can do whatever she pleases whenever she pleases despite rules that have been established to protect school age children. Then she insults a parent whose only crime is wanting to make sure their child is safe at the school.
The Mom Karen overreacted, the principal is caving, and, Luann likes this job, wants to keep it. So, even though the Mom Karen, and, the principal are wrong, Tara, BACK OFF. Let Luann deal with this. (If she’s matured enough.)
Oooh, speaking as a teacher it doesn’t matter how good Tara’s presentation was. You clear it with the people in charge first. I tensed up when Tara was talking over Luann earlier. It’s her class, Tara’s just the guest.
Apparently Tara wasn’t authorized at the front office by Luann to conduct a class about archery; I feel the principal could’ve called Luann aside and spoke w/ her on the situation. IMO I don’t believe any parent would be thrilled with “Strangers ” coming onto school property; especially without being authorized by the school’s principal & staff. As for Tara speaking & making choices for Luann?? Nada….Luann needs to stand up to this chick …because there’s no way in creation, I’d let Anyone… derail my career or source of income….. You are not a friend of mine!
lvlax over 3 years ago
Butt Out, Tara!!!
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Wake up, it’s a dream!
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Oh, how nice of Tara to involuntarily let Luann quit her job.
AnyFace over 3 years ago
That’s not for Tara to decide. ✨
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Where is Gunther and Bernice? Luann needs her boredom friends ASAP TO the rescue her from Tara.
Miles VanDelay over 3 years ago
I think we’re paving the way for Luann to take another job. Maybe fencing stolen goods with Tara. Kidding.
DaJellyBelly over 3 years ago
I think that Tara will find Luann a better position.
butterfly_qvrs over 3 years ago
Did Tara just quit Luann’s job?!? Even if Luann pulls away from Tara and goes back to talk to the principle, this does not bode well for Luann’s on-going employment.
Kymberleigh over 3 years ago
Well, at least this story arc is about the alleged star of the strip.
Linnorm over 3 years ago
Wow! Real, live drama!
Mordock999 Premium Member over 3 years ago
“You can’t fire Her! She QUITS!!!” – Tara
I’m reminded of another old saying: “No Good deed goes Unpunished!”
If Luann hadn’t interfered and been a “pal” to Tara earlier this year, Miz Starr would be in Utah disrupting someone else’s life and Lu wouldn’t be fearing for her job.
And speaking of “Utah Tara.” WHERE was this “backbone” of hers earlier this year when cousin Stella was pushing her around??
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Are the kids watching this tragedy unfold?
Dreamdeer over 3 years ago
Tara created this situation from beginning to end. If you look back, Luann kept trying to stop her, but Tara kept acting before Luann could finish a sentence. Now she’s dragging Luann into unwillingly quitting.
The Evanses need Tara to shake Luann out of her stagnation. That doesn’t make Tara right, but she’s a good plot device.
I still say that the parent overreacted in claiming that Tara was teaching her child warfare. I rescind my view, however, that she overreacted to Tara’s presence.
Airman over 3 years ago
With friends like Tara, you don’t need pink slips.
gnmnrbl over 3 years ago
While Tara is trying to pressure a principal to stop kowtowing to a whiny parent over a non-issue, she forgets herself. She is an unauthorized visitor in possession of a weapon in a place with a zero-tolerance policy. Her hatred of authority isn’t helping Luann…at all. She is in no place to make demands or bark orders.
BJShipley1 over 3 years ago
Ah yes, the old “You can’t fire me, I quit” thing. Maybe before letting herself get dragged into this, Luann should ask Tara how long she’s held down a job before. Because Tara seems pretty easily set-off (not to mention entitled) for someone who’s been shown to survive thanks to the charity and tolerance of others.
DorothyGlenn Premium Member over 3 years ago
This is a Tara-bull situation.
C over 3 years ago
Obsessively sheltering kids only makes them more vulnerable when they eventually have to face the real world. PC sucks
Caldonia over 3 years ago
O gross! Time for No Consequences Theater again.
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
Dammit, we can’t see that last word!! Any ideas what it is?
capricorn9th over 3 years ago
Honestly, Luann. Dump Tara. She is trouble. She is an oppositive personality as in going against any people in authority status. No wonder she has a cousin who is a criminal and likely in jail now. She will join her if she keeps it up. If she has a cousin who is a convict, and that Tara acts like this around authoritative figures, implies they come from a family of criminals. No need for you to get mixed up in that, Luann. Just get your arm back and let her leave. And apologize to the Principal for Tara’s behavior which is not a reflection of you and apologize for your slip of judgment in allowing Tara to step onto the property and give a show and tell.
Willow Mt Lyon over 3 years ago
Resist, Luann, resist, or you will definitely lose your job.
beb01 over 3 years ago
Remember when Jack came to Kids First to talk about…. was it about pets? moving furniture? physical fitness? (I forget since he has had so many careers.) Luann apparently doesn’t or she would have remembered the protocol involved. But she acts this week as if no one has ever come to the after-school program before. God, I’m sick of these idiot-plots.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago
Monday: Luann Checks with Walmart to see if they need a new greeter.
BabyBlue over 3 years ago
Time for Luann to either grow a spine or let Tara ruin the job she loves for her. Hope she surprises us.
ronaldspence over 3 years ago
Not helping Tara! The rule is reasonable and the reaction by the parent reasonable as well
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
No, this is NOT fine!" Tara is right. Luann does not need or deserve this cr…! It’s all happening very quickly, but taking Luann away with her is the right thing to do. Luann deserves better than a place where after “years” of work, without ever causing problems and creating a great bond with the children, the principal goes to her furiously treating her like a criminal. I don’t know what Tara wants to do, but I hope this will help Luann find her true calling.
TampaFanatic1 over 3 years ago
So what is the next for these 2? Do they go to apply for a job at Wienie World and find out that Ann Eifel is the new manager there? Do they go Thelma and Louise?
Hopefully Luann was not relying on the coin for anything besides spending cash. I know a lot of community college students who would be seriously jammed up if they lost their part time job as it is the only way they can afford food, tuition and books even if they are living at home. Tara really had no business jumping in like she did but Luann lets people take control of a situation all the time whether it be this, Shannon cutting her hair, dealings with Bernice etc.
Luann has to learn that “No!” is a complete sentence, she can use it anytime she needs to stop or slow a situation down. Hopefully she learns a valuable lesson as she tries to find a new job. Just a guess, but I suspect Nancy does not need any help at The Fuse as Bern is now taking care of the books.
luann1212 over 3 years ago
Misdirection play, I still predict, next week. All looks bad for Luann with the impulsive, authority-hating T think this disaster will turn around.
ACTIVIST1234 over 3 years ago
“And lessons were learned by all.”
sueb1863 over 3 years ago
Thanks, Tara, you not only just got Luann fired but you probably just derailed her chances of ever becoming a teacher.
theincrediblebulk over 3 years ago
ah yes the “helpful” friend who makes a situation worse. Had a young teen shoplifter at the store. Caught him stealing a candy bar. product recovered. Usual routine is to talk with them, explain what impact theft can have on a business and give them a temporary ban from the store. Usually that scares most of them straight. Police can’t be bothered laying charges on tiny value of recovered product, especially since kids don’t often get real punishment. . This time the kid’s sister insisted we call the cops because she thinks nothing should happen tp her brother. So we keep him there for an hour for the cops to arrive. Cops get there, confirm we had gotten back the stolen item, kid’s a minor so charging him is pointless, as we well knew, and kid gets a ride home to mom and dad in the police car. Sister yells at us for messing up whatever they were supposed to be doing that night, and not at all happy with the consequences of involving the police.
OHSOFUN over 3 years ago
It’s time for Luann to stand up to Tara. In fact, to stand up period. Just going with the flow is no way to go through life.
leighabc123 over 3 years ago
I thought Luann matured since she became an adult. I guess I was wrong! She had 30 years to mature from a teenager to an adult!
mindjob over 3 years ago
“I don’t need your stinkin’ badge”
LawrenceS over 3 years ago
Luann still tends to behave like a nine-year old… But the teachers, professors, and administrators she deals with are never that mature. I know there are some real jerks out that. I’ve had to deal with a couple. But in my experience there are more who know how to act like adults.
Khpg over 3 years ago
Someone mentioned they wished Tara would come back right before she did. I don’t know why! I also don’t know why every new character in the past couple years is the worst. Can we have some characters that are not soooo annoying? What’s up with Tony and Brad. Every new character in Luann’s life, besides Jack, is unlikeable. IMO
TheSkulker over 3 years ago
This is BS! One jerky parent who goes off on a misinformed tangent and the puppy dog principal goes into disaster mode. He doesn’t even try to find out what really ocurred. Yes, Tara may be out of place in commandeering Luann to have a backbone but someone has to do it. Luann needs to learn a lesson. Putting up with that crap has only let it continue to exist. Letting one asinine parent supersede all the others is just stupid.
It smacks of the same behavior of a few anti-vaxers protesting mask mandates on the basis of “freedom of choice” but not accepting any responsibility for prolonging the pandemic or inflicting harm on others. Just as they do not have the right to punch me in the face they do not have the right to spread their germs to my nose. There are consequences for choices: If you don’t want to wear a mask then you lose the right to public spaces. You can’t have both. Plain and simple.
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
Moral guardians have won again.
BradFilippone over 3 years ago
Time for something we seldom see. Luann needs to go ballistic on her! Verbally, that is. Luann has a great job, and Tara has butted in without being invited and just may have cost her that job. All because Tara can’t see beyond the end of her nose.
CreativeChef over 3 years ago
Co me on Luann, your not a wimp get Tara out of the building
dwindy54 over 3 years ago
This is happening in real life. An anonymous person wrote something false in Twitter about another person, the persons boss read it and fired the person even though it was proved to false.
Squoop over 3 years ago
I agree, Tara… Luann doesn’t need this crap that you have caused and keep making worse.
Serial Pedant over 3 years ago
You GO! Tara.
drewpamon over 3 years ago
Luann that high agreeable trait you have is getting you into trouble.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
This just reiterates what I said yesterday… Tara wants what she wants and doesn’t care about how her words and actions affect other people.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
Tara is a very self-imposing person. She’s the type who invites herself along on trips or shows up at your house right before dinner… then gets peeved if she is not given a seat at the table.
66mustang over 3 years ago
Tara’s right.
hfelder7219 over 3 years ago
Tara is Luann’s equivalent of TJ with Brad- the friend who always gets you in trouble but escapes themselves.
ctolson over 3 years ago
Is a mutiny of whinning kids, on the loss of Miss Luann on the horizon?
DawnQuinn1 over 3 years ago
Actually I am with Tara on this. Kids have to learn to respect weapons and not play with them. The principal’s knee-jerk reaction to an interfering parent is total stupidity. He did not even ask WHY Tara had the bow and quiver in the school. Considering that MANY students carry guns into schools, the bow and arrows are nothing to worry about.
Binky over 3 years ago
Tara’s being a bully. I would love to see Luann snatch away from her and tell her to “knock it off” at the very least. This needs a dose of Bernice.
tremaine53 over 3 years ago
“Come on with me, Luann! You’re quitting your job!”
artegal over 3 years ago
Angering the person with the weapon. Always a good idea.
JRobinson Premium Member over 3 years ago
New spin-off strip: “Tara & Bets”! They fight crime together.
IBGumby over 3 years ago
Tara has personality traits of a sociopath – Does not respect laws / authority, agressive behavior, does not feel guilt over getting Luann in trouble, and does not consider the safety of others.
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Good for you Tara he’s a ball less person who’s afraid of some woke
rmbdot over 3 years ago
seeya in a couple of weeks – I just don’t see the need to waste my time on another “Tara being clueless” plotline.
Tyge over 3 years ago
Goodbye Dr. Purgus, Ed. D.! Goodbye Kids(z) 1st!
Hello next adventure! Huzzah and Hooray!
shamest Premium Member over 3 years ago
Might be time to Dump Tara. Even at the beginning, Luann was hesitating.
eladee AKA Wally over 3 years ago
Will Luann lose her job over this?
notbornyesterday over 3 years ago
Well, life is after all, about change and LUANN desperately needs something to change. The other option would be to change …(see that word again)… the name of the strip to “TIFFANY” and officially relegate LUANN to what she has become, a bit player in her own comic strip.
suilij over 3 years ago
You Go. Tara-we need more of this. Too much whining from the dingbats.
locake over 3 years ago
I think Luann finally realizes that Tara is trouble.
Cincoflex over 3 years ago
Annnnd Luann gets fired because Tara got belligerent. Got it.
chalkrunner over 3 years ago
I’m a teacher and honestly Tara being there without going through the main office and signing in is indeed a problem. The principal has every right to be angry on that front as it’s a safety and security issue. Luann should understand that part. The archery set is a whole separate issue of weapons on school property which again is a safety security issue. My real problem here is the the principal saying “warfare being taught”.
Unapproved guest you are responsible Luann for childrens safety so he can hold you accountable without question
She has weapons which were not cleared by main office or at all despite good intentions so yes Luann must be held accountable.
But see the strip is not going to focus on the reality but the hilarity of “teaching warfare,” and frankly that bothers me
This is a good instance where the strip can reflect real life…but instead it’ll make light of an “overbearing sun glass wearing parent” who is in fact correct in this situation
Luann placed the students in her care in danger albeit with no ill intent, the parent and principal have every right to be angry
But we won’t see the logic side go down, we’ll see the shes a crazy lady who is making a big deal over nothing…except it’s not nothing it’s a legitimate concern
It’s pretty much impossible to defend Luann’s actions, Tara does need to keep her mouth shut and realize she is in the wrong despite what she thinks, and Luann should face the consequences of her actions (which will probably be getting fired because again despite her good intentions, this is a massive screw up.
PCSirius96 over 3 years ago
Parents can be such jerks indeed! And stupid as a box of rocks! A dim bulb on the tree. A dull knife in the drawer.
Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Tara is right!!
w16521 over 3 years ago
Tara is the real troublemaker.
Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Tara is not trouble or being a bully. She taking charge of a situation that should not have happen except for one overbearing mother.
Busrayne over 3 years ago
Tara has good intentions……..
locake over 3 years ago
When Tara has her own children or her own day care, she can decide what to teach the kids. She does NOT get to force her views on other people’s kids without the parents agreement.
montylc2001 over 3 years ago
well, at least the Principal wasn’t going to fire her on the spot. Just have a disciplinary talk and a mark on her record. Tara though, may or may not have ruined it. Principle sees what’s going on, Luann isn’t the one being insubordinate. Tara reminds me of a girlfriend I had for a few of months when at that age. Very pretty, smart, but flighty and irrational. Only reason I stuck with her for months was…ah…never mind.
Bruce1253 over 3 years ago
Actually in this case I think Tara is right. Better to find out early what kind of place you are working for really is. Of course it would be unusual for a young person to have that kind of self confidence, but it is a comic.
Laura Doerfler over 3 years ago
You all do know this is a comic?
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Does every other woman in this strip who’s Luann’s age have to suck? The pattern is undeniable at this point: Bets, Tiff, Bernice, Stef, and now Tara. What, is Dez gonna turn out to be an alt-right chud?
evanmarhews over 3 years ago
great comic multiple story lines !
percheronhitch6 over 3 years ago
So ends the one adult thing Luann had going for her. Her job with the kids. It’s back to laying around her room with Bern in the clutter and “broken dreams” ;0) of youth.
DG over 3 years ago
While Tara means well, LuAnn is a big girl and can take care of herself.
bob-droid12 over 3 years ago
If Luann wasn’t going to lose her job, I think she just did now.
DG over 3 years ago
I wonder what the kids take on all this will be (and if that is where this arc will go). Instead of being impowering for young girls (an adult woman who explained the art of archery). Usually, when people/kids think of weapons, they think male. Remind them young, remind them often, girls can do anything that boys and do (and vice-versa). I don’t really think the principal was/is going to fire LuAnn, but have a long talk about procedure and protocol. In the end, LuAnn is good with kids, not many people are and do not have the patience to work with younger kids.
GreggW Premium Member over 3 years ago
New “Luann” contest, complete Tara’s sentence! The winner will receive an archery set and one free lesson from Geena Davis!
astahl2003 over 3 years ago
Ehhhh. I understand this strip is stuck in the past, but really? Schools are BEGGING for teachers aids and para professionals at this point. I’m assuming Luann is not a fully credentialed teacher yet, and I’m further assuming Kids 1st is not a public school from the name and hiring practices (Tiffany & anyone breathing), just some daycare/preschool hybrid that needs staff. Tara is kind of dead correct in thinking Luann could do better, and Luann has always been a bit (a lot?) short on ambition. Maybe this is the kick in the pants she needs to get a real career.
Decius Premium Member over 3 years ago
That director is taking an awfully hard line considering the labor market. Maybe he could ask a few questions first
YorkGirl Premium Member over 3 years ago
Says the girl who seems to have no job, isn’t in school, but has cash for archery lessons?
JPuzzleWhiz over 3 years ago
“Cover Story”
" ‘Situation’ Dramedy"
“Uptight — Everything Is Not Right”
“This Could Be Arm-Pull To Your Employment Health”
“Draggin’ Lady”
“Days Of Whine And Neuroses”
“Pull It — Surprise!”
“The Mommy’s Curse”
dsalita4 over 3 years ago
I would tell Tara to get lost and apologize to the principal.
rrsltx over 3 years ago
Unfortunately, Luann brought an unauthorized visitor into the classroom. One that possessed a potentially lethal weapon. Considering the hyper awareness of school violence, that would be grounds for termination.
Uncle Bob over 3 years ago
Look what’s happening out in the streetsGot a revolutionGot to revolution —- Jefferson Airplane “Volunteers”
BlueKnight1966 over 3 years ago
It’s fine for parents to butt in over something like teaching the realities of history, but heaven forbid they try to have a say over $3X ed, CRT, vaccinations or any other topic supported by the NEA and its sponsoring political party or objecting to the cover up of and provision of protection for a predator in a skirt pretending to be a girl. Nope: that’s when law enforcement gets called in to arrest the parent for trying to protect his/her child and their rights. Give ‘em 4377, Tara! Just realized, I used the word “heaven” – I don’t think public school administrators and unions like that one, either.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
A little pushback from Tara! I bet Mr. Purgus wasn’t expecting that. But I hope she does it the right way—lawsuit!
redlandz over 3 years ago
Whatever the situation, the boss is being unreasonably rude to someone who has no reason to know they did something wrong…
KatherineKeller over 3 years ago
Tara, don’t make this worse, seriously!
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
This is a perfect example of GenZ idiots. They are entitled, self righteous, arrogant, rude, clueless and ignorant. I see it every day and appreciate the way this comic strip regularly depicts their stupidity. Today we get to see one who thinks she can do whatever she pleases whenever she pleases despite rules that have been established to protect school age children. Then she insults a parent whose only crime is wanting to make sure their child is safe at the school.
waes-hael over 3 years ago
A cliffhanger running on a Saturday..? Well played, Evans! You got me!
WilliamVollmer over 3 years ago
The Mom Karen overreacted, the principal is caving, and, Luann likes this job, wants to keep it. So, even though the Mom Karen, and, the principal are wrong, Tara, BACK OFF. Let Luann deal with this. (If she’s matured enough.)
JonnyT over 3 years ago
Oooh, speaking as a teacher it doesn’t matter how good Tara’s presentation was. You clear it with the people in charge first. I tensed up when Tara was talking over Luann earlier. It’s her class, Tara’s just the guest.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 3 years ago
Apparently Tara wasn’t authorized at the front office by Luann to conduct a class about archery; I feel the principal could’ve called Luann aside and spoke w/ her on the situation. IMO I don’t believe any parent would be thrilled with “Strangers ” coming onto school property; especially without being authorized by the school’s principal & staff. As for Tara speaking & making choices for Luann?? Nada….Luann needs to stand up to this chick …because there’s no way in creation, I’d let Anyone… derail my career or source of income….. You are not a friend of mine!
pacplus1982 about 3 years ago
Butt out? So Tara smokes too? :D