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First it was have a holiday dinner with his mother now it’s make a holiday dinner for his mother. I had kind of hoped that Gunther was over his mother obsession but I guess I was wrong.
I was disappointed to see lust and formication brought into this strip with the cheerleader and her boyfriend. So I left “Luann” only to come back occasionally and saw Bernice … and now Bets. How sad that a cartoon strip that was so family oriented is now dwindling – to get dwindling support back up?
Isn’t “Holidays” pretty much what stores and TV say because they don’t want to risk offending anyone (heaven forefend), but when talking about your family, wouldn’t you refer to the specific Holiday you’re celebrating?
Gunther? You want to make Christmas dinner for your mom? Did you forget she’s married now, with a husband? (Apparently he does). Time to cut the umbilical cord dude.
And Bets ; you want to move in together? Where, exactly? Unless you want Lester interrupting your “alone time”?
Seriously though, she’s trying to inspire a life together. While he’s still trying to win ‘Mommy points’. All the people saying Bets is bad relationship material? I’m starting to think it’s the other way around.
Bets is jumping the gun a bit (literally and figuratively). I think Gunther is going to be worried about how this will go over with Al and Irma. Les will be all in (“Like way to go G-Man” is what Les may say to Gunnie). Irma may expect Gunther to sleep o the couch or in his old bedroom if Bets stays in the gulag or Irma may make Gunnie’s old room into a gust room for Bets which is something Bets will likely not be expecting. A lot of parents do not want their unmarried kids (particularly younger ones) cohabitating under their roof if they are not married. My parents were most definitely like that with me and my sisters back in the ’80s if we brought a girlfriend or boyfriend home for either a weekend, holiday or winter break. I got used to that ****ing Castrol convertible in the study back then. Nothing wrong with traditional values, I am just not sure Bets is down with them since it will cause anxiety and grief to Gunther which is what G & K often do to him. On the other hand, Gunther may also be very uncomfortable sharing a bed with Bets at the Gulag, we shall see.
Personally I would like to see both happen dinner with Al and Irma, and moving in together over the break. I would imagine the Gulag, possibly leaving Tiff alone again. This assumes that the other roommates will be gone over the holidays as well. Should make interesting arc scenes with Les, and I don’t think that Irma will mind, although she is kind of suffocating. Contrary to so distressingly many here, I think Bets is the best thing that has happened to Gunther. She’s not perfect, which only makes her human.
I really want to see Bets’ family! What kind of person are they if Bets doesn’t want to see them so much? What did they do to her? Were they totally absent or very nosey? The kind that calls their kids stupid, insults them, beats them, or absolutely doesn’t trust them? Will Bets find Irma unbearable or will she immediately love her? She sure seems to want to move in with Gunther as soon as possible, so she needs to impress Irma (and Al) in the best possible way.
Hmm, not exactly the leap I would take, but I can’t necessarily say it’s a bad idea. They’ve been dating for a few years (or maybe not; it’s hard to tell the timeline with this sometimes). Naturally if things are gonna progress after they graduate then they’ll eventually move in together, so this could be a nice “trial” period. And instead of being a long, traveling vacation, they’ll still kinda be at home so they won’t be stressing about doing vacation things. Plus Bets might already enjoy the break from the crowded dorm room.
At least I hope that’s what she meant by “move in for the holidays” as in it’s just going to be for the holidays and not “what’s up, fans, Gunth and I finally moving in together, just in time for the holidays!”
Where did Dez buzz off to? She was there to let Gunther in, never said good-bye but now she’s gone. Likewise, where is Tiffany? She was dressed and complained about them necking in the common room. She never said good-bye but now she’s gone. And where are they going to shack up at. Bets has ruled out her parents, and Gunther lives in a three room hut in the back yard of Mr. Grey with Leslie. I don;t know about anyone else but sharing a romantic week with Leslie in the next room, ear undoubtedly glued to the wall is not my idea of romance. Maybe Tiffany can give them the keys to the Feral manor since no one will be there.
And seriously, why would Gunther want to make a dinner for his mother when she grew up in an age where the mother always did the cooking. He would make her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome if he did the cooking (and remember Bets does not like to cook) .
But mostly I’m tired of Bets making decisions without talking about them with Gunther first. Bets has the same listening capacity as Stef and that is not a compliment.
Ha, yes, she should stay in the tiny house with Les, and Gunther can try to hide her from his mom for days. Delightfully devilish, as Seymour Skinner once said.
First of all, Christmas is family time—traditionally. Moms cook so many years, why can’t he give her a year off. He wants to include Bets in his family. Pretty big.Bets wants her way all the time. She would isolate Gunther from his female friends and his family—who happens to be his mother.
The entire time, Gunther would be wondering what his mother would think about that arrangement. Gunther always has his mother in mind. Bets and Gun would need to be discreet, covert and SILENT if they did that.
Does Bets know that Gunther lives with her ex-boyfriend Les?
I mean, she’s not going to move in with him, and he can’t move in with her because she lives in a dorm. So where exactly are they moving? Unless her idea is they get an apartment together, but I doubt they could do that with no income.
Good grief. First she’s over cautious from past bad relationships and now she has the impulse control of a toddler. I don’t know what she needs but a live in boyfriend over the holidays ain’t it.
Although, it’s a nice idea she/they seemed to have forgotten the “Les-factor”. I’m sure he’d have a lot to say about that. Especially since Gunther does not actually have his own place yet. More like a shared-with-Les residence. Maybe these are one of those “what-if” but not actually happen yet things for their sake. Heck, even having an overnight privately is nearly impossible for that matter. Where? On the roof perhaps? Where have they been having any “private” time to this date? Next week “Saturday… Bets: Ya know you’re right. Where could we make that happen? We’re better off just waiting on that one. So, what it is you were saying before we could do for the holidays? Really? Why not us just have oue one on one holiday together? Gun: Ah-ok sure. Whatever makes you happy dear.”. I can see that totally happening. A visit to Gunther’s family? Now that would provide a ton of awkward Mom-Gunther moments I’m sure he’d want to avoid at all costs. Or at least I’d hope. Or Monday we’ll switch off this track to a totally other amusement ride for the weekly attraction in this Fun Park. This Fun Park has many coasters for our amusement. :)
Bets is an intelligent, creative person but she is insensitive to others. She has has what she thinks is a great idea but she totally ignores Gunther. Situationally unaware. Makes me wonder about those guys she complained about.
So first a good look at Tiffany naked, then a nice kiss from Bets, and now she wants to hook up for Christmas? Things are looking up, Guns — don’t blow this AGAIN…
Stereotypically, it’s the guy who wants to push the relationship along. Not with Betts, she’s at least to steps ahead of Gunther as to where their relationship should be.
Gunther, realize that Bets is more life experienced in relationships, dating, etc….She even dated your roomate, what are the odds of that?!?! And you just turned down some time in the privacy tent. You need a more reserved girl who’s at your comfort level…
There are two very important reasons Gunth should Go for it:
1) Bets can keep her suspicious eyes on Gunther 24/7. And thereby FINALLY remove all DOUBTS about his “loyalty.”
2) Gunther gets a chance to see what life will be like living with a Crazy Wom…, uh I mean, Bets. And the best part about that is, if things don’t work out, Gunther can leave and not lose two-thirds of his stuff in in a divorce settlement.
I say DO it Gunther.
The only problem is where will the “living” be done?
Not the Dorm. Too many kids hang around during the holidays. And you can bet (pun intended) that at least two of them will be Stef and Kip, who’ll be demanding the privacy hut.
Not the Gulag. It’s infested with Les. And you just know Irma will suddenly drop by.
How about the Farrell mansion? Tiffany is not using it using it.
And if Poppa Farrell suddenly comes home, it would be worth t to see the look on his face when he sees Bets and Gun “prancing around in the pantry.”
Meanwhile I’m intrigued by her reaction to Gunther referring to the fact that she said that she doesn’t want to see her family over Winter Break. Interesting body language: her arms are folded and she says “100% right.” It sounds like she is alienated from her family. It also sounds like they don’t live in Pitts. I’ve wondered for a long time about the story with Bets’ family. It could be another clue as to the person she is today. Was it a traumatic childhood? Are they pressuring her to take a different academic path than she’s chosen? Have they cut her off financially and she is making money by being an internet influencer (which would explain some of her obsession with recording everything for the Web)? I doubt we’ll ever find out much but it would make for an interesting side arc.
Bets family probably is dysfunctional. Look how poorly she turned out. She has many emotional issues and the need for constant affirmation from her fans.
OH PLEASE!!!! SOMEONE END THIS!!!! Bets never listens, and despite her truly kind intentions Tiffany did Gunther a disservice by getting him back together with Bets. Someone make it stop!!!
A harsh real life scenario: Gunther doesn’t go for it and Bets gives up on him. Then Gunther goes home to the gulag and finds Les in the sack with Tiffany. Hard to know if Gunther would grow up or flip out.
Other’s have expressed the opinion that Bets is the perfect character for Gunther! I disagree. Bets’ is a strong character which Gunther needs. But Bets character is just as smothering as Irma was, but in a different way.
Of the contemporary females in the strip, Tiffany is the perfect match for Gunther. While opinionated, Tiff is spontaneous and fun loving, things Gunther is short on. Gunther is levelheaded and steady, things Tiff is short of.
They are physically attracted to one another: &
Tiffany and Gunther are mutually comfortable with each other: and appreciate one another:
Tiffany thinks Gunther is “the kindest, funniest, sweetest guy she’s ever known." I don’t recall Bets ever expressing how she experiences Gunther, except as how he can enhance her image. One gets the feeling that Bets feels “Gun” is beneath her social class. Can anyone help me here?
But, as we’ve seen, characters in the strip can morph into someone more palatable. Brad, Les, and Jack are examples.
If Bets didn’t want to go home for the holidays, she could always have stayed with Tiffany at the McMansion. There would be plenty of room and still be private. Tiffany would welcome the company plus Bets is a friend … or … move in with Gun and Les down in mommys backyard.
I know this is all part of Bets being kinda controlling, but part of me wants to believe she’s just trying to get out of there because she knows the tension between Tiff and Stef is eventually going to come to a head in a real ugly way.
Whoa there, Bets! The boy ain’t ready! Spend Christmas and New Year’s Day with his Mom and some good food, as Nature intended. Leave the Shacking Up for later!
Weird. 1) not having met Bets family before moving in would be a flashing red flag to me. 2) either Les is gonna be pissed or Gunther is gonna move into the already super crowded dorm & Tiff’s gonna be pissed?? Otherwise a great idea.
I don’t think Bets means moving in together JUST for the holidays. She means it as a permanent thing, but as a celebration of the holidays right now. (I’m not certain, though). As for Gunther being “obsessed” with his mother because he wants to cook and/or eat a holiday meal with his mom, it’s perfectly normal, at least in my world, for couples (or singles) to share a holiday meal with parents.
Just wondering, why in our society, a man who wants to spend time with and honor his father is considered masculine, and a man who wants to care about and honor his mother is a pussy?
beb01 over 3 years ago
First it was have a holiday dinner with his mother now it’s make a holiday dinner for his mother. I had kind of hoped that Gunther was over his mother obsession but I guess I was wrong.
TheLastLawman over 3 years ago
Control freak!
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Bets making decisions without Gunther’s consent. Not good.
C over 3 years ago
Time to look for a more sane girl
lvlax over 3 years ago
I love how she looks kind of insane in the last panel. lol
Pointspread over 3 years ago
Bets has a much better idea!
Ryan B over 3 years ago
I know Gunther just wants to take his time, but she’s a bit on the pushy side.
Busrayne over 3 years ago
Maybe her former boyfriends didn’t cheat – they ran.
myfb1955 over 3 years ago
I was disappointed to see lust and formication brought into this strip with the cheerleader and her boyfriend. So I left “Luann” only to come back occasionally and saw Bernice … and now Bets. How sad that a cartoon strip that was so family oriented is now dwindling – to get dwindling support back up?
Miles VanDelay over 3 years ago
Isn’t “Holidays” pretty much what stores and TV say because they don’t want to risk offending anyone (heaven forefend), but when talking about your family, wouldn’t you refer to the specific Holiday you’re celebrating?
gnmnrbl over 3 years ago
Wow, she’s all giddy. I’m shocked she’s not walking away muttering “buzzkill”
Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Gunther she is a control freak dump her.
AnyFace over 3 years ago
“Train Of Thought”:
Hijacked. ✨Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Gunther what took you so long realize what she said.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago
They’re gonna SHACK UP!
butterfly_qvrs over 3 years ago
Does she ever listen to anything he has to say?
ronaldspence over 3 years ago
she’s pitching Gunther bug you ain’t catching!
ericbrower over 3 years ago
Gunther? You want to make Christmas dinner for your mom? Did you forget she’s married now, with a husband? (Apparently he does). Time to cut the umbilical cord dude.
And Bets ; you want to move in together? Where, exactly? Unless you want Lester interrupting your “alone time”?
Seriously though, she’s trying to inspire a life together. While he’s still trying to win ‘Mommy points’. All the people saying Bets is bad relationship material? I’m starting to think it’s the other way around.
Dreamdeer over 3 years ago
By the way, how’s Luann’s job search going? Surely there’s tenporary Christmas jobs to see her through till she gets something more steady.
Baarorso over 3 years ago
You’re being manipulative Bets, QUIT IT!
Need coffee over 3 years ago
Ok, now it has the potential to get interesting.
TampaFanatic1 over 3 years ago
Bets is jumping the gun a bit (literally and figuratively). I think Gunther is going to be worried about how this will go over with Al and Irma. Les will be all in (“Like way to go G-Man” is what Les may say to Gunnie). Irma may expect Gunther to sleep o the couch or in his old bedroom if Bets stays in the gulag or Irma may make Gunnie’s old room into a gust room for Bets which is something Bets will likely not be expecting. A lot of parents do not want their unmarried kids (particularly younger ones) cohabitating under their roof if they are not married. My parents were most definitely like that with me and my sisters back in the ’80s if we brought a girlfriend or boyfriend home for either a weekend, holiday or winter break. I got used to that ****ing Castrol convertible in the study back then. Nothing wrong with traditional values, I am just not sure Bets is down with them since it will cause anxiety and grief to Gunther which is what G & K often do to him. On the other hand, Gunther may also be very uncomfortable sharing a bed with Bets at the Gulag, we shall see.
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
COLLISION COURSE the fun part is over?
Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago
Selected lyrics from the Bets and Gunther version of “Winter Wonderland”:
♪ In the meadow we can build a snowman
We’ll pretend that he is Parson Brown
He’ll say, Are you married?
We’ll say, No man
But we’re shacked up on the other side of town… ♫
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
I bet that Irma will spent Christmas in Las Vegas with Mister Al Gray.
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Is Bets spending Christmas in the dorm room? Is Desdemona leaving for the winter break?
mnexplorer+ over 3 years ago
Move in together for the holidays? What?
blunebottle over 3 years ago
Personally, I think it’s time Bets went the way of good ol’ Annie and got ghosted from the strip.
luann1212 over 3 years ago
Personally I would like to see both happen dinner with Al and Irma, and moving in together over the break. I would imagine the Gulag, possibly leaving Tiff alone again. This assumes that the other roommates will be gone over the holidays as well. Should make interesting arc scenes with Les, and I don’t think that Irma will mind, although she is kind of suffocating. Contrary to so distressingly many here, I think Bets is the best thing that has happened to Gunther. She’s not perfect, which only makes her human.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I really want to see Bets’ family! What kind of person are they if Bets doesn’t want to see them so much? What did they do to her? Were they totally absent or very nosey? The kind that calls their kids stupid, insults them, beats them, or absolutely doesn’t trust them? Will Bets find Irma unbearable or will she immediately love her? She sure seems to want to move in with Gunther as soon as possible, so she needs to impress Irma (and Al) in the best possible way.
STEPUP over 3 years ago
Go for it Gunth!! Time to cut the cord with your mom!!
TwilightFaze over 3 years ago
…….oh dear………Bets, sweetie, you NEED to let your man finish his sentences. THEN you can jump to conclusions.
mangapackrat over 3 years ago
Hmm, not exactly the leap I would take, but I can’t necessarily say it’s a bad idea. They’ve been dating for a few years (or maybe not; it’s hard to tell the timeline with this sometimes). Naturally if things are gonna progress after they graduate then they’ll eventually move in together, so this could be a nice “trial” period. And instead of being a long, traveling vacation, they’ll still kinda be at home so they won’t be stressing about doing vacation things. Plus Bets might already enjoy the break from the crowded dorm room.
At least I hope that’s what she meant by “move in for the holidays” as in it’s just going to be for the holidays and not “what’s up, fans, Gunth and I finally moving in together, just in time for the holidays!”
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Only women that Gunther has chased were Luann and Bernice.
yoda1234 over 3 years ago
Well, it sounds like SOMEbody’s halls will get well-decked!! Ay least they can burn off those extra holiday calories!!
beb01 over 3 years ago
Where did Dez buzz off to? She was there to let Gunther in, never said good-bye but now she’s gone. Likewise, where is Tiffany? She was dressed and complained about them necking in the common room. She never said good-bye but now she’s gone. And where are they going to shack up at. Bets has ruled out her parents, and Gunther lives in a three room hut in the back yard of Mr. Grey with Leslie. I don;t know about anyone else but sharing a romantic week with Leslie in the next room, ear undoubtedly glued to the wall is not my idea of romance. Maybe Tiffany can give them the keys to the Feral manor since no one will be there.
And seriously, why would Gunther want to make a dinner for his mother when she grew up in an age where the mother always did the cooking. He would make her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome if he did the cooking (and remember Bets does not like to cook) .
But mostly I’m tired of Bets making decisions without talking about them with Gunther first. Bets has the same listening capacity as Stef and that is not a compliment.
Caldonia over 3 years ago
Ha, yes, she should stay in the tiny house with Les, and Gunther can try to hide her from his mom for days. Delightfully devilish, as Seymour Skinner once said.
Ruth Brown over 3 years ago
First of all, Christmas is family time—traditionally. Moms cook so many years, why can’t he give her a year off. He wants to include Bets in his family. Pretty big.Bets wants her way all the time. She would isolate Gunther from his female friends and his family—who happens to be his mother.
OneTime59 over 3 years ago
The entire time, Gunther would be wondering what his mother would think about that arrangement. Gunther always has his mother in mind. Bets and Gun would need to be discreet, covert and SILENT if they did that.
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
It is called CHRISTMAS. Don’t be a twerp Greg!
sueb1863 over 3 years ago
Does Bets know that Gunther lives with her ex-boyfriend Les?
I mean, she’s not going to move in with him, and he can’t move in with her because she lives in a dorm. So where exactly are they moving? Unless her idea is they get an apartment together, but I doubt they could do that with no income.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 3 years ago
It’s just dinner, will you calm down?
me_the_polish_gull over 3 years ago
Trouble in paradise?
Anon4242 over 3 years ago
Good grief. First she’s over cautious from past bad relationships and now she has the impulse control of a toddler. I don’t know what she needs but a live in boyfriend over the holidays ain’t it.
Tyge over 3 years ago
This is escalating rapidly. Just where are they to stay? Th quad? The Gulag?
computerprogrammer2028 over 3 years ago
Although, it’s a nice idea she/they seemed to have forgotten the “Les-factor”. I’m sure he’d have a lot to say about that. Especially since Gunther does not actually have his own place yet. More like a shared-with-Les residence. Maybe these are one of those “what-if” but not actually happen yet things for their sake. Heck, even having an overnight privately is nearly impossible for that matter. Where? On the roof perhaps? Where have they been having any “private” time to this date? Next week “Saturday… Bets: Ya know you’re right. Where could we make that happen? We’re better off just waiting on that one. So, what it is you were saying before we could do for the holidays? Really? Why not us just have oue one on one holiday together? Gun: Ah-ok sure. Whatever makes you happy dear.”. I can see that totally happening. A visit to Gunther’s family? Now that would provide a ton of awkward Mom-Gunther moments I’m sure he’d want to avoid at all costs. Or at least I’d hope. Or Monday we’ll switch off this track to a totally other amusement ride for the weekly attraction in this Fun Park. This Fun Park has many coasters for our amusement. :)
rrsltx over 3 years ago
But, mama says we can’t shack up cuz that’s tha devil!
Philly1115 over 3 years ago
I really don’t like this Bets character.
sallymargret over 3 years ago
It’s Christmas. Not “the holidays.”
sfknight over 3 years ago
Did she forget about Les?
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
I’m starting to wonder if her ex-boyfriends really did lie and cheat on her or if that’s just what she told herself.
Uncle Bob over 3 years ago
The characters are finally starting to behave like college kids instead of transplanted high schoolers. A cameo of Zonker Harris would be hilarious!
mindjob over 3 years ago
Mom better have that talk with him fast!
cdillon85 over 3 years ago
Uh, oh. Is this an excuse to put everything on video for her followers?
Sportymonk over 3 years ago
Bets is an intelligent, creative person but she is insensitive to others. She has has what she thinks is a great idea but she totally ignores Gunther. Situationally unaware. Makes me wonder about those guys she complained about.
D.E.N. over 3 years ago
Here she goes …. I was waiting for this!! The manipulation begins ….. !!
JRobinson Premium Member over 3 years ago
So first a good look at Tiffany naked, then a nice kiss from Bets, and now she wants to hook up for Christmas? Things are looking up, Guns — don’t blow this AGAIN…
chris_o42 over 3 years ago
All the ladies are so darn pushy—except for Luann, she just rolls with the flow.
BuckarooDave over 3 years ago
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
Bets is getting a little clingy and possessive.
WilliamVollmer over 3 years ago
Stereotypically, it’s the guy who wants to push the relationship along. Not with Betts, she’s at least to steps ahead of Gunther as to where their relationship should be.
[Unnamed Reader - 4b0e5b] over 3 years ago
I’m done with her.
Lord Hearteater over 3 years ago
…..aaaaand Bets reverts to form. The Evans have made it abundantly clear that she is not his destination, but a mere waypoint on his journey.
preacherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
OK, Gun, ole boy, think less, talk faster. She’s too fast for ya.
Cuckooman Premium Member over 3 years ago
Gunther, realize that Bets is more life experienced in relationships, dating, etc….She even dated your roomate, what are the odds of that?!?! And you just turned down some time in the privacy tent. You need a more reserved girl who’s at your comfort level…
Tetonbil over 3 years ago
Maybe after the holidays Bets will be gone and Rosa will come home to Gunther.I have always thought his heart belongs to her.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
Next it will be: “Let’s make a baby over the holidays Gunnie!”
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 3 years ago
A truly one-sided conversation if I ever saw one. (How did we get from naked Tiffany to this? This week has been like a ‘Seinfeld’ episode.)
Mordock999 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oooo, “broken clock!”
That’s actually not a bad idea, living together.
There are two very important reasons Gunth should Go for it:
1) Bets can keep her suspicious eyes on Gunther 24/7. And thereby FINALLY remove all DOUBTS about his “loyalty.”
2) Gunther gets a chance to see what life will be like living with a Crazy Wom…, uh I mean, Bets. And the best part about that is, if things don’t work out, Gunther can leave and not lose two-thirds of his stuff in in a divorce settlement.
I say DO it Gunther.
The only problem is where will the “living” be done?
Not the Dorm. Too many kids hang around during the holidays. And you can bet (pun intended) that at least two of them will be Stef and Kip, who’ll be demanding the privacy hut.
Not the Gulag. It’s infested with Les. And you just know Irma will suddenly drop by.
How about the Farrell mansion? Tiffany is not using it using it.
And if Poppa Farrell suddenly comes home, it would be worth t to see the look on his face when he sees Bets and Gun “prancing around in the pantry.”kauri44 over 3 years ago
Meanwhile I’m intrigued by her reaction to Gunther referring to the fact that she said that she doesn’t want to see her family over Winter Break. Interesting body language: her arms are folded and she says “100% right.” It sounds like she is alienated from her family. It also sounds like they don’t live in Pitts. I’ve wondered for a long time about the story with Bets’ family. It could be another clue as to the person she is today. Was it a traumatic childhood? Are they pressuring her to take a different academic path than she’s chosen? Have they cut her off financially and she is making money by being an internet influencer (which would explain some of her obsession with recording everything for the Web)? I doubt we’ll ever find out much but it would make for an interesting side arc.
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
I must admit that her idea sounds better than Gunther’s. However, both ideas are not mutually exclusive and can both be done……
FassEddie over 3 years ago
Well if he hasn’t seen a naked girl before, he better get ready for a good glance now!
windfinder over 3 years ago
Hold on tight folks. The rollercoaster is starting off.
Vangoghdog01 over 3 years ago
Make him an offer he can’t refuse.
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 3 years ago
Insanely happy…woo…woo!
donwestonmysteries over 3 years ago
What will Mom say?
jeffkalive over 3 years ago
Can Gunther move things along with Betts and stop acting like he’s scared of his shadow?
EMGULS79 over 3 years ago
Oh boy!
rrsltx over 3 years ago
Wait, isn’t this the same girl that ghosted Gunter a few weeks ago?
locake over 3 years ago
Bets family probably is dysfunctional. Look how poorly she turned out. She has many emotional issues and the need for constant affirmation from her fans.
kenhense over 3 years ago
They say teach a kid to swim by throwing him into the pool.
locake over 3 years ago
There is only one woman Gunther really cares about and wants to please – - – his mom.
bloodykate over 3 years ago
Aye chihuahua!
carrissima over 3 years ago
OH PLEASE!!!! SOMEONE END THIS!!!! Bets never listens, and despite her truly kind intentions Tiffany did Gunther a disservice by getting him back together with Bets. Someone make it stop!!!
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 3 years ago
Oy vey!
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Best Xmas break I ever had was in a little flat in Edinburgh…..
kenhense over 3 years ago
A harsh real life scenario: Gunther doesn’t go for it and Bets gives up on him. Then Gunther goes home to the gulag and finds Les in the sack with Tiffany. Hard to know if Gunther would grow up or flip out.
corpcasselbury over 3 years ago
Um, you might want to slow things down just a mite, Bets; you’re leaving Gunther in the dust.
1BlackLivesMatter over 3 years ago
Anybody else sick of Bets?
Susan123 over 3 years ago
Rally life rears it ugly head
Tyge over 3 years ago
Other’s have expressed the opinion that Bets is the perfect character for Gunther! I disagree. Bets’ is a strong character which Gunther needs. But Bets character is just as smothering as Irma was, but in a different way.
Of the contemporary females in the strip, Tiffany is the perfect match for Gunther. While opinionated, Tiff is spontaneous and fun loving, things Gunther is short on. Gunther is levelheaded and steady, things Tiff is short of.
They are physically attracted to one another: &
Tiffany and Gunther are mutually comfortable with each other: and appreciate one another:
Tiffany thinks Gunther is “the kindest, funniest, sweetest guy she’s ever known." I don’t recall Bets ever expressing how she experiences Gunther, except as how he can enhance her image. One gets the feeling that Bets feels “Gun” is beneath her social class. Can anyone help me here?
But, as we’ve seen, characters in the strip can morph into someone more palatable. Brad, Les, and Jack are examples.
rshive over 3 years ago
The question was answered almost before it was asked.
ct0760 over 3 years ago
Omfg Gunther SPEAK UP
Slatsmagee I over 3 years ago
Birds of a feather should flock together…
msmcleod over 3 years ago
Just not a Bets fan
YorkGirl Premium Member over 3 years ago
This girl has a one track mind. Again and again, she ignores or doesn’t hear what Gunther is saying.
DG over 3 years ago
If Bets didn’t want to go home for the holidays, she could always have stayed with Tiffany at the McMansion. There would be plenty of room and still be private. Tiffany would welcome the company plus Bets is a friend … or … move in with Gun and Les down in mommys backyard.
dcoyote over 3 years ago
I don’t think I’ll like this story arc, looks lame. I’ll come back later when it’s over.
ElyseLaura over 3 years ago
I know this is all part of Bets being kinda controlling, but part of me wants to believe she’s just trying to get out of there because she knows the tension between Tiff and Stef is eventually going to come to a head in a real ugly way.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m seeing all these comments saying Bets is being manipulative.
I’m seeing more of the case she has an idea, gets excited over it and blurts it out.
bob-droid12 over 3 years ago
I don’t think the dorm is co-ed.
Ben Premium Member over 3 years ago
those friggen apron strings must be made of 3 inch thick steel cable. If I was Bets (or any girl) I’d run far and fast away from this guy
Same2Ubuddy over 3 years ago
She leaves him and Bernice catches him on the rebound. You heard it here first.
luann1212 over 3 years ago
Amazing 367 at 1:20 pm Saturday.
Loki McMuffin over 3 years ago
He’s saving himself for Tiffany…or Luann…or if he can learn mind control, both.
percheronhitch6 over 3 years ago
Why do I think she’d have that exact same reaction to “streak Grand Central Station” or “knock over a bank”?
T Smith over 3 years ago
Where is this mystical world in which all the college-age people are still virgins?
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 3 years ago
“Your mother can take the top bunk.”
asrialfeeple over 3 years ago
Gunt, RUN AWAWY!!!!!!!
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
Whoa there, Bets! The boy ain’t ready! Spend Christmas and New Year’s Day with his Mom and some good food, as Nature intended. Leave the Shacking Up for later!
Call me Ishmael over 3 years ago
Doesn’t he Already have a roommate?
bakana over 3 years ago
Hang on. It’s time for Mister Gunther’s Wild Ride.
stevenfrey over 3 years ago
About time!
oakie817 over 3 years ago
cool beans
jrankin1959 over 3 years ago
For the record, everybody… it’s called Christmas.
astahl2003 over 3 years ago
Weird. 1) not having met Bets family before moving in would be a flashing red flag to me. 2) either Les is gonna be pissed or Gunther is gonna move into the already super crowded dorm & Tiff’s gonna be pissed?? Otherwise a great idea.
finnygirl Premium Member over 3 years ago
I don’t think Bets means moving in together JUST for the holidays. She means it as a permanent thing, but as a celebration of the holidays right now. (I’m not certain, though). As for Gunther being “obsessed” with his mother because he wants to cook and/or eat a holiday meal with his mom, it’s perfectly normal, at least in my world, for couples (or singles) to share a holiday meal with parents.
Boomer Premium Member over 3 years ago
Gun is overdue. Bets wants the attention. Just do it.
Gabby over 3 years ago
Don’t do it Gunther!!!
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
Just wondering, why in our society, a man who wants to spend time with and honor his father is considered masculine, and a man who wants to care about and honor his mother is a pussy?
globalenterprize1990 over 3 years ago
Fast talking woman lets him think it was his plan all along.