Bets is quickly talking herself out of a place to stay for this Summer.
And if she keeps it up, maybe even a good friend.
For a moment there, I thought Tiff was going to tell Bets to “stick that phone” someplace other than her “face.”
It’ll be interesting to see what those “folks” who tend to dismiss Bets’ social media addiction as “harmless and normal,” have to say after they see today’s Strip.
I see she waited until the camera was off before getting into the privacy stuff. Smart Tiff. And Bets isn’t mad about the Gunther. I’m kind of glad. It would’ve been interesting to see them fight but I like that they’re remaining mature instead of lighting into one another.
If this is going the direction I think it is then this arc is going even better than I thought it would be. I like the potential arc of Bets learning to draw a line between her public and private life.
Like the scorpion said to the dying frog “You knew what I was before hand.” Tiffany knew that Bets records every moment of her life. So there was many good reasons to never let her into Casa Feral. And since Bets can’t distinguish between personal and public space it’s past time to let her go. There’s always family Bets can annoy.
Got it, Bets? It is YOUR job and nobody else’s. You gotta ASK for their permission to be filmed on your Snapgram. Respect their privacy. You did not with Gunther. You were very dismissive of him. Tiff gave it straight to you. Butt out of their private life unless they allow it. You need to get creative with YOURSELF to keep your fans watching.
This comment is actually about yesterday’s strip. I was rather impressed that GnK, through Tiffany, show they understand the difference between a client and a customer. That is an important distinction.
Tiffany still has the ability to divide her life from her job… Interesting! Of course, this is not something she took from her father, the man usually unable to go on vacation with his daughter because work is more important. Tiffany probably doesn’t want to be like him and ruin her life. Unfortunately, Bets seems willing to put herself and her career ahead of everything. I think more and more that Gunther will find himself in the middle of a bad situation.
But, it’s your personal life, Bets. Whenever I invite others to come onto Facebook Live with me, they are advised that we’ll be seen live by whoever is watching. Some choose not to be seen and provide their output off camera, while others have no trouble being seen. But, they are given the choice. This isn’t Candid Camera,
There’s Bets, oh so true to form. Not lifting a finger to do any real WORK, has a “job” (heavy eye-roll here) that requires no WORK, and doesn’t seem to be around much when any real WORK is being done. But when the $enefit$ from someone else’s WORK manifest themselves ….. she’ll be there with her hand out.
It’s been slow going but Tiff has really matured since high school. She’s not afaid to get her hands dirty to get a job done. A far cry from the girl who nearly cried when Gunther had to put mid on her legs to keep ants from biting her.
Bets is one of those people who can figure out how to rationalize anything, regardless of any direct instructions she has been given. Her stupid little ego trip, internet-driven brain came up with the “you did modeling” excuse even though she knows, and has been told, that Tiffany does not like being filmed. I would love to see what happens when her fans, and Gunther, decide they like Tiffany better than her. It would be exactly what she deserves.
I think it’s time to unsubscribe from this comic. The only characters I like any more are Tony, Brad, Ox and TJ and that big guy – can’t even remember his name. Tiff won’t stand up for herself any more. Bets is a waste of space. Gunther cowtows to Bets. Bernice is a neurotic wreck.Nil won’t say anything.
actually, what Tiffany is currently doing IS a job, not her personal life, but it’s not THAT job (i.e. being paid to be filmed). she does not want to be filmed while tending to her moving and storage business; you could argue that it is her personal life since the business is being run in the home and in fact Bets should not be drawing attention to that.
Wow. Did Bets really give Gunther a put-down there? Must be nice to have your personal life/romance compared to a job. I really don’t get it with her supposed popularity on the internet anyway. Who cares what some college kid in some little town is doing 24/7? They could just read Luann every day LOL!
Bets seems a little hazy on the concept of consent, huh? I suppose it’s only a matter of time until one of her unwilling subjects initiates legal action, as taking photo/video of people without permission is rather frowned upon lately.
Ok Bets, are you listening to yourself? You just said: “My personal life is my job.”
Your personal life, Bets. YOURS!!! Not all the other people who might have the misfortune to be around you when you’re recording “your personal life. So, Bets, if you want to get up early, apply make up and style your hair, go back to bed then record for all of your followers: “I’m just getting up, excuse the way I look, I’m such a mes in the mornings,”then do it. If you want to describe to your followers every single thing you ate during the day, go for it. If you want to send out tweets about the frequency and consistency of your bowel movements (like Sheldon Cooper) by all means, feel free.
But Betsy dear, leave other people out of it, especially when they haven’t given their consent. After all Bets, you’re not going to share any of the money you make posting videos of Tiff with Tiff, now, are you?
Bets relies on her friends to create photographing opportunities from which she benefits financially. Let them tell her once and for all that they do not want her camera in their face; her social media endeavors may then dry up.
Interesting, Many people make a nice living with followers on the various platforms, but it does take a huge amount of time and commitment, not to speak of the psychic and emotional energy and load involved. I know I’m a Bets defender, but I liked the way that Tiffany told her in firm, but not challenging or angry (a little irritated though, I grant) to cool it with the mobile/ social media jazz. Not confrontational but grist. Hmmmm.
lvlax over 2 years ago
Greg’s going to be upset! Tiff is holding his box upside down. LOL
So will Bets obey and not film Tiff in the future.. or still do whatever she thinks her fans want?
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
When is personal life never Bets’s job?
Tyge over 2 years ago
This may be the start of the big discussion about unlimited intrusion on social media. But I doubt if it will get very heated!
AnyFace over 2 years ago
Mordock999 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Bets is quickly talking herself out of a place to stay for this Summer.
And if she keeps it up, maybe even a good friend.
For a moment there, I thought Tiff was going to tell Bets to “stick that phone” someplace other than her “face.”
It’ll be interesting to see what those “folks” who tend to dismiss Bets’ social media addiction as “harmless and normal,” have to say after they see today’s Strip.
Asharah over 2 years ago
Bets find another occupation
linus82 over 2 years ago
Bets will cosplay as Shuri. Did he force Gunther to make the costume? Will Gunther dress up as Peter Parker?
Scarlet Shimmer over 2 years ago
I see she waited until the camera was off before getting into the privacy stuff. Smart Tiff. And Bets isn’t mad about the Gunther. I’m kind of glad. It would’ve been interesting to see them fight but I like that they’re remaining mature instead of lighting into one another.
If this is going the direction I think it is then this arc is going even better than I thought it would be. I like the potential arc of Bets learning to draw a line between her public and private life.
Tenax over 2 years ago
Yay Tiff.
beb01 over 2 years ago
Like the scorpion said to the dying frog “You knew what I was before hand.” Tiffany knew that Bets records every moment of her life. So there was many good reasons to never let her into Casa Feral. And since Bets can’t distinguish between personal and public space it’s past time to let her go. There’s always family Bets can annoy.
Vilyehm over 2 years ago
Her personal is her personnel. There there, their stuff they’re moving is a moving experience.
alasko over 2 years ago
Bets is being a bad influencer to Tif. DYSWIDT?
capricorn9th over 2 years ago
Got it, Bets? It is YOUR job and nobody else’s. You gotta ASK for their permission to be filmed on your Snapgram. Respect their privacy. You did not with Gunther. You were very dismissive of him. Tiff gave it straight to you. Butt out of their private life unless they allow it. You need to get creative with YOURSELF to keep your fans watching.
ronaldspence over 2 years ago
i guess we all agree, Bets is a real piece of work!
Robin Harwood over 2 years ago
She gets paid for it?
Prescott_Philosopher over 2 years ago
This comment is actually about yesterday’s strip. I was rather impressed that GnK, through Tiffany, show they understand the difference between a client and a customer. That is an important distinction.
Willow Mt Lyon over 2 years ago
Good for Tiffany. She is standing up for herself and won’t allow nonsense.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 2 years ago
Why can’t Bets help?
Joe1962 over 2 years ago
Tiff they are friends then they are friends like Bets who more into herself and her social influencer.
Black76Manta over 2 years ago
What you are doing Bets, is invading Tiffany’s personal life, and a lot of people don’t like that!
Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Tiffany still has the ability to divide her life from her job… Interesting! Of course, this is not something she took from her father, the man usually unable to go on vacation with his daughter because work is more important. Tiffany probably doesn’t want to be like him and ruin her life. Unfortunately, Bets seems willing to put herself and her career ahead of everything. I think more and more that Gunther will find himself in the middle of a bad situation.
howtheduck over 2 years ago
What is all this lifting and carrying and hard labor? I thought that was what Ox was for.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 2 years ago
Be nice if she gets an acting or modeling offer from this.
Airman over 2 years ago
Tiff still looks good, all hot and sweaty and dirty. Time for a shower. I figure that Greg can keep her wet and soapy at least until Saturday
R.W.Singer -SF over 2 years ago
Bets is really annoying. No wonder Gunther is the best she can do…and he’s a mess.
Uncle Kenny over 2 years ago
Tune in tomorrow, when everything in the box falls out through the top which is on the bottom.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 2 years ago
“You did modeling. I thought you loved the lens.”
“If they are expensive lenses, like in a studio, not on a cell phone…”
JonGoss over 2 years ago
Gotta hand it to G&K on this one. They’re getting really good at nuance and irony.
kenhense over 2 years ago
Bets’s last line may be a seed of discord in her relationship with Gunther.
Susan00100 over 2 years ago
Hoo boy!!! I wonder what’s gonna fall out of that box Tiff is holding upside down!!
Some priceless, irreplaceable antique, maybe??
carlosrivers over 2 years ago
Why are those people renting space at Tiffany’s mansion and Tiffany is doing the work?
preacherman Premium Member over 2 years ago
But, it’s your personal life, Bets. Whenever I invite others to come onto Facebook Live with me, they are advised that we’ll be seen live by whoever is watching. Some choose not to be seen and provide their output off camera, while others have no trouble being seen. But, they are given the choice. This isn’t Candid Camera,
dlkrueger33 over 2 years ago
More and more I find myself disliking Bets. Obnoxious girl!
D.E.N. over 2 years ago
There’s Bets, oh so true to form. Not lifting a finger to do any real WORK, has a “job” (heavy eye-roll here) that requires no WORK, and doesn’t seem to be around much when any real WORK is being done. But when the $enefit$ from someone else’s WORK manifest themselves ….. she’ll be there with her hand out.
sueb1863 over 2 years ago
Why doesn’t she just tell Bets to either help or get out? It’s Tiffany’s house.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
Why don’t you buzz off, Bets? You could at least give Tiffany a hand!
mpk94 over 2 years ago
Does anyone know what the small “X” in the lower right hand area of these comics is for? It’s on every comic and doesn’t move.
Johnnyrico over 2 years ago
Bets is such a Gen-Z zoomer.
mgl179 over 2 years ago
Bets is everything that is wrong with the current generation, all in one annoying package.
StoicLion1973 over 2 years ago
It’s been slow going but Tiff has really matured since high school. She’s not afaid to get her hands dirty to get a job done. A far cry from the girl who nearly cried when Gunther had to put mid on her legs to keep ants from biting her.
papajim545 over 2 years ago
Is Tiff getting FAT again?
diannell over 2 years ago
That’s sad :-(
USlackr Premium Member over 2 years ago
Tiff is actually working…. but I totally agree with her.
DawnQuinn1 over 2 years ago
Bet’s ego is totally out of control.
PaulAbbott2 over 2 years ago
I could suggest another place for Bets to stick her phone.
Jaymi Cee Premium Member over 2 years ago
If her father finds out about the Waremansion on social media… Yikes!
locake over 2 years ago
Bets shows only the parts of her personal life that she chooses to share. The parts that make Bets look good.
Rhetorical_Question over 2 years ago
Will Gunther have the courage like Tiffany?
YorkGirl Premium Member over 2 years ago
Hmmm, so will Bets rethink what she wants as a personal life?
dv1093 over 2 years ago
When someone says, “Please don’t video me”, DON’T argue with them!!!!
comic reader 22 over 2 years ago
Bets is one of those people who can figure out how to rationalize anything, regardless of any direct instructions she has been given. Her stupid little ego trip, internet-driven brain came up with the “you did modeling” excuse even though she knows, and has been told, that Tiffany does not like being filmed. I would love to see what happens when her fans, and Gunther, decide they like Tiffany better than her. It would be exactly what she deserves.
Queen of America over 2 years ago
I think it’s time to unsubscribe from this comic. The only characters I like any more are Tony, Brad, Ox and TJ and that big guy – can’t even remember his name. Tiff won’t stand up for herself any more. Bets is a waste of space. Gunther cowtows to Bets. Bernice is a neurotic wreck.Nil won’t say anything.
Airman over 2 years ago
What is happening to Tiffany? Now Greg is even turning the mansion into something to dump on. Bring back the real Tiff.
mindjob over 2 years ago
When the lawsuit for breakage comes, the evidence is right there
Jogger2 over 2 years ago
I thought Tiffany earlier made it clear she wanted Bets to not include her in Bets’s online activities.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Tiffany did modeling a very long time ago, today not much.
squireobrien over 2 years ago
Bets really needs her learning moment.
Miles VanDelay over 2 years ago
I wonder if G&K know they are portraying Bets in a way that so many fans view negatively?
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 2 years ago
She’s a pain in the butt!
dbradway1 over 2 years ago
Is anybody actually INTERESTED in some stranger’s life?
RSH over 2 years ago
actually, what Tiffany is currently doing IS a job, not her personal life, but it’s not THAT job (i.e. being paid to be filmed). she does not want to be filmed while tending to her moving and storage business; you could argue that it is her personal life since the business is being run in the home and in fact Bets should not be drawing attention to that.
ct0760 over 2 years ago
Bets has no respect for people’s privacy since she doesn’t understand the concept of it
The Quiet One over 2 years ago
I’m not sure what that says about you Bet’s.
comic reader 22 over 2 years ago
Wow. Did Bets really give Gunther a put-down there? Must be nice to have your personal life/romance compared to a job. I really don’t get it with her supposed popularity on the internet anyway. Who cares what some college kid in some little town is doing 24/7? They could just read Luann every day LOL!
Kirk Sinclair over 2 years ago
Tiff is being far too kind. I would’ve ripped the phone out of Bets’ hand and threw it to the ground.
BJShipley1 over 2 years ago
Bets seems a little hazy on the concept of consent, huh? I suppose it’s only a matter of time until one of her unwilling subjects initiates legal action, as taking photo/video of people without permission is rather frowned upon lately.
CoreyTaylor1 over 2 years ago
I thought Steffi was gone for the summer.
NiteKat over 2 years ago
Ok Bets, are you listening to yourself? You just said: “My personal life is my job.”
Your personal life, Bets. YOURS!!! Not all the other people who might have the misfortune to be around you when you’re recording “your personal life. So, Bets, if you want to get up early, apply make up and style your hair, go back to bed then record for all of your followers: “I’m just getting up, excuse the way I look, I’m such a mes in the mornings,”then do it. If you want to describe to your followers every single thing you ate during the day, go for it. If you want to send out tweets about the frequency and consistency of your bowel movements (like Sheldon Cooper) by all means, feel free.
But Betsy dear, leave other people out of it, especially when they haven’t given their consent. After all Bets, you’re not going to share any of the money you make posting videos of Tiff with Tiff, now, are you?
Didn’t think so.
leighabc123 over 2 years ago
Bets is a jerk! And where is Tiffany’s help?
destry1970 over 2 years ago
Betts if you want a lot of views get tiff coming out of the shower. over 2 years ago
1.)Tiffany’s dad says—-“Why are all these boxes stacked to the ceiling in my bedroom?”
2.)The shower is out of order.
3.)Tiff pulls an oblique muscle and goes on t he 10-day IL.
A Little Knitter over 2 years ago
It continues to bother me that Bets has no respect whatsoever for other peoples’ boundaries.
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Bets is a big PIA
Caldonia over 2 years ago
All of Bets’ fans will demand less Bets cosplay content, more Tiffany content. Bets gives up on her channel because they only want to watch Tiffany.
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
I still belong
Don’t get me wrong
You can speak your mind but not on my time
I don’t care what you say anymore this is my life
Go ahead with your own life leave me alone
RSH over 2 years ago
Bets relies on her friends to create photographing opportunities from which she benefits financially. Let them tell her once and for all that they do not want her camera in their face; her social media endeavors may then dry up.
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Is Bets the new Cathy?
luann1212 over 2 years ago
Interesting, Many people make a nice living with followers on the various platforms, but it does take a huge amount of time and commitment, not to speak of the psychic and emotional energy and load involved. I know I’m a Bets defender, but I liked the way that Tiffany told her in firm, but not challenging or angry (a little irritated though, I grant) to cool it with the mobile/ social media jazz. Not confrontational but grist. Hmmmm.
eladee AKA Wally over 2 years ago
Bets looks like she’s just had an epiphany.
Ukko wilko over 2 years ago
Stick a phone in my face and I will give you something more intimately personal to play with than a phone… your teeth.
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Alas, poor Bets, blinded by the light of “fame”!
Therein lies your problem, Bets: your personal life is your job. It should not be so.
At least leave the sweaty Tiffster out of it per her request!
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 2 years ago
Why you should set boundaries, lady.
scalap Premium Member over 2 years ago
I thought Tiff that one of the conditions for Bets to move in, was not to include Tiff on any of her posts?
RSH over 2 years ago
how sad that the only way she can (or wants to) make a living is by exposing her personal life.
Brupem over 2 years ago
Tiffany has grown and is far more interesting than any other member of the strip…except for maybe Bern and Nil…