Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 20, 2023

  1. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Window seat? They hit the jackpot! The Big Deal!

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  2. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  almost 2 years ago

    A window seat and a completely FLUFFED OUT Lupin, with TOEBEANS in the FLUFF! As Goldie does her best Bob Barker impersonation.

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  3. Small keeper
    McColl34 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Why does the pillow have eyes?

    And a big smile?

    And pink toe beans?

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  4. Co expat
    Colorado Expat  almost 2 years ago

    If the People throw a heated cat bed in the window seat, it’ll become Kitty Nirvana!!!

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    Aspen_Bell  almost 2 years ago

    Lupin being Invisi-Cat!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!

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  6. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  almost 2 years ago

    Poor Pucky suffering the moving anxiety disorder. He needs some serious cuddling, with chin scritches and belly rubs.

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  7. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  almost 2 years ago

    Nakked Lupin! Look away, Edith!

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  8. C cactus
    Sue Ellen  almost 2 years ago

    Where did Burt get all those sound effects?

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    Robin Harwood  almost 2 years ago

    If the floor is still lava, both Iggy and OZ are doomed.

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  10. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Good Lord, Mabel! There’s a fluffy, invisible, naked Cat in that window! Cover your eyes!

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    222jo  almost 2 years ago

    Wow, that last panel. The beautiful Lupin (with toebeans and cute tongue), the magnificent window seat…

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    Wise Thinker  almost 2 years ago

    A bit later on, when naked Lupin realized there’s kittens in the room, that he “Fluffed” up big time…

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  13. Small
    cb8ty  almost 2 years ago
    Not sure that’s going to reassure Pucky. He’ll never be able to do his bird watching with a naked fluffy lupin taking over the window seat.
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    ElliottB.C.Rennie  almost 2 years ago

    Lupin has a case of static cling.

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  15. Photo
    RayWebster  almost 2 years ago

    BUT , BUT , does it provide a view of the arrival of the Mail-Man (person) ?

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  16. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  almost 2 years ago

    I like this game show!

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  17. Tree of life symbol yggdrasil image png favpng xzuzyxiq8jchu7waqwytkftss
    Crann Bethadh  almost 2 years ago

    Well, now, that’s even better than Samsonite luggage and a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta!

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  18. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  almost 2 years ago

    What better to show off the Brand New Window Seat than Goldie Toe Beans!

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  19. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  almost 2 years ago

    This padded window seat, comes with 3D views of the out side world for optimal bird watching, and fall leaf stopping! It also comes with enough sun beams for all! Window seat is bought to you by, the Woman and Man!

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    golfgranny47  almost 2 years ago


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  21. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Since cats are solar-powered, that’s perfect.

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    rs0204 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I love the older homes in St. Louis that have a turret. They are usually in a bedroom with a rounded window seat—cat heaven.

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    ladykat  almost 2 years ago

    Whaddaya know!!!??? A nekkid, over-fluffed Lupin AND toe beans! Whee!!

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  24. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  almost 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Puckmosis: The Sun Room at the No Longer Hidden Library is officially open!

    Elvis-Anum: Nothing like curling up with tea and a scroll.

    Beatrixia: And I just love the new pillows the Artisans made.

    Puckmosis: Yes. All eight of them.

    Elvis: Eight? I thought they made seven.

    Puckmosis: It may be coincidence that two of the pillows are white.


    Elvis: I should have known. Hello, Lupin.

    Enter Ora Z

    Ora Z: I love these new pillows. Can we eat them?

    Puckmosis: No

    Ora Z: Tear them up and spread their stuffing?

    Puckmosis: No, you sleep on them.

    Ora Z: What’s sleep?

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  25. Download
    misty  almost 2 years ago

    How cute is that kitty in the window?

    The one who’s a ten (Richter scale)

    How pleased is that kitty in the window?

    Puffed out he’s as big as a whale

    I do love all bunnies and puppies

    And I love all parrots that chat

    Don’t need no goldfish nor guppies

    ’Cause I really love Lupin, scamp cat ❤️

    - Bob Merrill – (How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?

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  26. Kyon facepalm
    davidob  almost 2 years ago

    It’s nice to know they’re looking out for us.

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    ekw555  almost 2 years ago

    has anyone seen Lupin?

    Loooo-pin ?

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  28. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  almost 2 years ago

    It’s okay, Puckie. Take your time. Be comfortable. Sit in the doorway and check it out if you need to. Maybe come in with Elvis.

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    katey11 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Window seat! Toe beans! Nekid Lupin! Squeeeeeeeee!!!

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    hfelder7219  almost 2 years ago

    Today’s “Free Range” also features Cat News!

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  31. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    We have two window seats in our home, one in each of the upstairs guest rooms. Each of our two cats has chosen their room and their window seat. Makes for a peaceful co-existence in the morning, especially since they both face the east. No fighting for the coveted spot in the sun.

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  32. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  almost 2 years ago

    Window seat?? Cat ledge!

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    Katzen1415  almost 2 years ago

    I hope those aren’t chyrons and Burt actually plays sound effects for those watching the broadcast! Also, either that pillow has toebeans or Lupin is invisible again.

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  34. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  almost 2 years ago

    Now they won’t have to tell the birds their business anymore! The birds will be able to see it!

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    GaryCooper  almost 2 years ago

    Cats hate change.

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  36. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I have always wanted a window seat where I could set and read.

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  37. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Our living room had two high, relatively narrow windows on the south side that didn’t open. I rebuilt them with vinyl awning windows and a one foot wide sill board so the cats could sit there, enjoy the sun and sniff the breezes. It’s one of 8-ball’s favorite places.

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    wolfiiig  almost 2 years ago

    Life in all its glory! An afghan and a few more pillows would make it complete.

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  39. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  almost 2 years ago

    But where’s Lupin? And why does that pillow have a smiley face?

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    wogears  almost 2 years ago

    The late Jackie and Carruthers loved the window seat in our old house. They would even tolerate each other’s presence.

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  41. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  almost 2 years ago

    The window seat is gonna end up being a real pane…

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  42. Nano
    Lauren Kramer  almost 2 years ago

    There is a fluffy white pillow with adorable toe beans. Need to squish it!

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  43. Red bird 20241225 194925 0000
    Red Bird  almost 2 years ago

    Lupin is the master of camouflage.

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  44. Valstone
    vlbrown Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Thank you to Burt for the sound effects!

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    pchemcat  almost 2 years ago


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    Fennec! at the Disco  almost 2 years ago

    And… added bonus Invisible Lupin!

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    Fennec! at the Disco  almost 2 years ago

    Btw, is Lupin superfluffy today, or is there a fluffy white pillow (or throw blanket) in the window seat for him to camouflage on?

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  48. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  almost 2 years ago

    Invisible cat sighting.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  almost 2 years ago

    Avatar change: here are the little bit (calico) and the princess (mostly black tortie). The little bit is the one who is FULL of tortitude!

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  50. Th
    Code the Enforcer  almost 2 years ago

    " Johnny Olson! Tell ’em what they won!!" …

    " They won! … A NEW Bedroom Window Seat !!! "

    ~ Joyful Game Show Applause !! ~ … :)

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  51. Screenshot 2019 10 30 at 9.26.55 am
    Mx Crazy Cat Person  almost 2 years ago

    Puck, you are so good, and you take as long as you need. Your friends are showing you the new space and you can take it in from a distance.

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    mepowell  almost 2 years ago

    From Georgia: “Getting Tommy and Sophie into the Big Pink House is the number one reason I wrote the storyline about the People coming together to buy the BPH. From early on in the comic, I regretted not getting Tommy into that first floor apartment! As time went on, it felt like a missed opportunity. I’m happy that Tommy and Sophie are finally in the BPH, and have a lot planned for future storylines!That said, giving the People a few new rooms offered me a chance to incorporate some favorite cat hang outs from our own house. In real life, we moved from the apartment in the Big Pink House in Rhode Island to a sunny apartment in California, and then a sweet apartment in Washington, shaded by tall Douglas firs. All for the Man’s work as we criss-crossed the country in search of a full-time gig in his field. Longtime readers remember our adventures in corporate housing with Lupin, and the cats settling into new apartments with new rooms and windows to explore! Choosing to keep the BPH the setting of the comic brought me a lot of fictional peace during the upheaval of moving so much. (Twice in 2016, alone! To CA and then to WA eight months later! WHEW!)Five years ago we finally bought our real life house. Retroactively I added our fireplace to the apartment in the comic, but there was no room to work in the cats’ new favorite spot—the window seat!They loved the new window seat so much, I created a second one with pillows and a sturdy bookcase in my studio. Lupin loved the window seats, and especially adored napping on the white fluffy pillow upstairs and the white fluffy blanket downstairs. And so, here are a few photos to celebrate the real life window seat! I’ve got a lot of window seat related headlines stored up from the past five years. I can’t wait to start sharing them with you!”

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  53. Hellcat
    knight1192a  almost 2 years ago

    LUPIN! HOW COULD YOU?!? Stripping in front of two impresionable youngsters like that.

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  54. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Love Burt’s ongoing forays into sound effects and musical accompaniment!

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    Darth Thespian  almost 2 years ago

    Window seat? Will Tortimer find a body inside it? (If you get the reference. Pretty sure Georgia will)

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    turner7811 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Where, oh where has Lupin got to now? Looooopiiiiiinnnn!

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