Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 18, 2024

  1. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  about 9 hours ago

    Now we see their nefarious plot begin to unravel. Curse their evil ways!

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    thelsrc  about 9 hours ago

    Smuggled catnip. So THAT’S what was in the Kibble bag That Guy Brad and Dr. Mittens were carrying.

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  3. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 9 hours ago

    The goons are smarter than their boss.

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    McColl34 Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Oh, dear. Tell the woman (or queen, in this case) to stay out of complicated stuff like business because she couldn’t possibly understand it, just because she’s female. See what happens!

    This is based on real life, of course. I have no idea if this bit of wisdom applies to any mindless soap operas being shown in the other room. (I am always glad that I am not Snowball Taggert, but I am especially so today.)

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    mountainlaural2005 Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Bandit, do us all a favor and team with Paisley to catch the bad cats.

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    DorseyBelle  about 9 hours ago

    Imaginary real estate! Could the plot get any more nefarious?

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  7. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    …I don’t usually resort to Ora Zella techniques, but I think it’s probably time to set a mustache or two on fire.

    and a terrible combover while we’re at it.

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  8. Ericka huggins
    JLChi  about 9 hours ago

    “‘Big Business Stuff’ being the technical term too complicated for your pretty little head to ponder.”

    Of course, Angora has a successful design business, bringing joy and beauty to the world, and you, Snowball, are a crook.

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    Gloria Fleming  about 9 hours ago

    O.T. typing on my laptop

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    dmah Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Catnip, hm? I’m picturing stoner kitties wearing Grateful Bed t-shirts, and lobbying to legalize ’nip.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    The evil is coalescing, and so close to the holidays.

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    fullmoondeb Premium Member about 9 hours ago

    Panel 3: DSoMSCC!!! Dark Silhouette of Mean Scheming Crooked Cats! (okay, I know that’s a BIT out there, but…)

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    emiesty2  about 9 hours ago

    OT That is Priceless

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    BarbaraKrooss  about 9 hours ago

    If “That Guy Brad” and Mittens decide

    To get poor old Kit Chase sent inside

    Of that old County Jail

    They’re most likely to fail,

    Cause their catnip won’t be bona fide.

    Though Schrodinger’s Cat Mall’s built wide,

    No one knows what is really inside.

    (…Sometimes it’s Taggart’s loot

    Or his stinky old boot..

    …The stuff Paisley’s kits take for a ride.)

    If catnip is stashed in the mall

    It ain’t gonna be there at all.

    Paisley’s brood will move it

    All around quite a bit,

    Through that imaginary wall.

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    MoultonFamily  about 8 hours ago

    [bro] omigod how early do these things even UPLOAD!?

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    Olive O'Sudden  about 8 hours ago

    To be fair to Snowball, online stores do need fulfillment centers, but I’m fairly sure that’s not what he’s referring to with his “Online Mall”.♥

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    ikini Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    Good toebeans and evil toebeans. I don’t know how to react! I can’t tell until I get on my tablet, but it is possible that I see evil toebeans on Dr. Mittens as well as on Snowball Taggert.

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    howtheduck  about 8 hours ago

    How can you smuggle catnip? That stuff smells.

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    WelshRat Premium Member about 8 hours ago

    Goodness! The flunkies are running the show!

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    Everyman127  about 8 hours ago

    Off-topic : not a prayer request, just a silly post.

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    emiesty2  about 7 hours ago

    OT Orbsters in the US Pacific Northwest

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    artchick530  about 5 hours ago

    Oh, Snowball, telling Angora to stick with shoulder pads and tiny hats. She may have an idea about the stick part!

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  23. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 4 hours ago

    Well ya gotta stores all them goods sold online somewhere ya knows.

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  24. Dragon baby
    Tigrisan Premium Member about 4 hours ago

    O.T. Yesterday…

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    Everyman127  about 4 hours ago

    Too bad, the comments section of GoComics is no longer active enough.

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    win.45mag  about 4 hours ago

    I’m imagining the “fast paced” imaginary is imagined

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    corwintiger1  about 4 hours ago

    I just can’t understand how stupid/evil Snowball is!

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    SheMc  about 3 hours ago

    The plot thickens!

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    Used to avoid driving thru a nearby mall on the way home during the Christmas season due to heavy congestion. Now it is mostly deserted and sad to see.

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    rs0204 Premium Member about 3 hours ago

    The generation that used to go out for shopping is disappearing. The new generation does not know how much fun it was to go downtown and see the Christmas Windows at the big department stores.

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    diskus Premium Member about 2 hours ago

    Alas the grumble room has ceased, have they been drawn in? Sigh not I

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    Katzen1415  about 2 hours ago

    Ah, so that’s their angle! Hopefully Bandit will be on the case.

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    tremor3258  about 1 hour ago

    The plot thickens

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    ekw555  about 1 hour ago

    (Panel 2) – I believe Ol’ Snowball has maximized the “I’m looking down my nose at you” look.

    and at his own daughter. for shame!

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    Radkins27  about 1 hour ago

    I am commenting this on both Big Nate and Breaking Cat News.

    I am tired of the kids at my school. They’re always so mature. And I don’t mean mature as in mature topics like Bluey, I mean mature as in South Park. They swear a lot, make “references,” and they do it during breakfast/lunch or when there are no teachers around. I am very tired of this behavior and am telling it to you, because I love you all. Because of this, I am quitting Gocomics. I will probably comment a few times, but I might stop. I may come back, but for now, goodbye.

    With love, Radkins27, Teardrop, Animatic, Dreartop, Ⓙⓐⓧ, and my true identity, River Adkins.

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    Kitty Katz  about 1 hour ago

    Coldplay: Viva La Vida

    I wanna rule the world

    Bulldoze and build my empire

    And every morning observe what I own

    Woe to those who would dare to oppose!


    And when I roll the dice

    It would never come up snake eyes

    Listen as the crowds all sing

    Snowball Taggart is the one who is gonna be king!


    This minute I hold the key

    But I feel opposition will be

    Strong and determined and I do believe

    There is going to be heck to pay

    And I’m not going to have my way!


    I feel Angora and Kit opposing

    Bandit and Paisley have chosen

    To be on the side of right and good

    And things will turn out just as they should

    And for some reason that I can’t explain

    I know that Cat won’t call my name!

    And I feel that they will have won

    When the story is said and Dunn!

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  37. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  about 1 hour ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    At the Royal Kitchen

    Thomios: Thank you for all your help, my friends.

    Rusty Owl: It was our pleasure. We enjoy the opportunity to help with the spice transportation.

    Sue Chef: We have prepared a dish of Tasty Tilapia and other delicacies for our owl friends.

    Rusty: It’s not part of our usual cuisine, but do you have cheese available?

    Thomios: We are pleased to prepare a charcuterie tray for you.

    Speckle Owl: We have heard rumors about the availability of cheese.

    Sue Chef: Oh?

    Speckle: Since the moles and we have been able to get around Snowfall Braggart’s spice monopoly, he is going to try to corner the cheese market.

    Thomios: Thank you for the heads up. We will plan accordingly.

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  38. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 1 hour ago

    The CEA, Catnip Enforcement Agency, receiving an anonymous tip of the nefarious happenings in Viejo Gato, has dispatched Detectives James Crochet and Ricardo Tabby to bust the catnip smuggling gang. Wearing their coolest sunglasses and jackets with sleeves rolled up, Crochet and Tabby quietly begin to investigate the smuggling ring, learning that it involves some rather foolishly innocent individuals who are totally clueless as to how business is conducted these days. Every good plot needs a village idiot.

    While the dashing Crochet devises a plan to become acquainted with Angora, unknowingly becoming a conflicting love interest pitted against Kit so as to get close to Father, Tabby applies for a job with Father as destruction/construction foreman, so as to infiltrate the smuggling ring. In the pursuit of good over evil, the two detectives must go deep undercover to accomplish their mission.

    Angora, being a city girl with high ambitions, is both impressed and curious when she spots Crochet in a flashy black Ferrari 365 convertible. but then being a cat she is intrigued by shiny things. As she dwells on how to handle the crisis at hand, she also thinks of how she can meet this mysterious and handsome stranger in the flashy car.

    Will Angora figure out a way to meet Crochet?

    Will Father come to the realization that he is a fool who is being used before it is too late?

    Will Tabby infiltrate the catnip smuggling ring or will he be caught and put into danger?

    Will Kit win Angora’s heart?

    To learn the answer to these and other ridiculous questions, tune in tomorrow, same time, same channel.

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    delennwen  42 minutes ago

    I wonder if imaginary real estate would satisfy Lucy Van Pelt?

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    grocks  33 minutes ago

    Love Angora’s expression in panel 3! She’s no longer naive about ST’s schemes.

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    scyphi26  1 minute ago

    Okay, now I’m thinking Snowball’s genuinely lost it, and am back to understanding how he might have actually rendered himself broke if this is how he thinks “big business” works.

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