No. No. Building permits is one of the top 10 unfunny things for cartoons. Avoid it and have Bev actually be looking for Pru. They belong together: both thin, both with jet black hair, both with black lipstick, and both in search of eye brows. This pair could be hotter than Prince Harry and Countess Meghan.
Bummer. Someone called. Wonder who? Actually, they don’t have to let her in. However, I believe she will make a notation on the property about suspicion of unpermitted renovation on the property so when the house goes on the market, it will be red-flagged. For mine, an old gas furnace closet was emptied when a new combo unit was installed on the roof so we covered up the hall access and opened up space from our existing closet which was adjacent to the old furnace closet to expand the closet. We sold the house and they never noticed that the furnace closet was “missing.” Nice to have no issues with it. No permits.
Wondering if the bedroom has a window-or a closet. No “two ways out of the room” can violate local fire code. No closet may just keep them from calling it a bedroom if/when they decide to sell.
I was actually expecting Jonah to show up. This is a potentially bad surprise. Hopefully the fact they got nothing currently going on remodeling-wise will be in their favor.
In Albania, when I saw a giant pile of rubble it was explained that they don’t need building permits, so sometimes the homes just collapse and fall down. Yes, I did see other piles.
Building permits aren’t usually required unless you’re in a state with property taxes. If the addition/renovation causes the value of the taxable structure to increase, then, of course, big brother can be very intrusive.
I’ve only got an inspection when I installed a fireplace insert coal stove. I didn’t want insurance saying they wouldn’t pay for a fire caused by it because it wasn’t inspected. Other things like rewiring the basement, I didn’t bother. I actually found a nasty mistake from the previous owners and had my cousin the electrician come in to fix it. Some idiot had put the neutral wire on the hot side before the main breaker!!! Good thing I decided to rewire or I would never have spotted this insanity.
No permit needed if you don’t break through an exterior wall! And she can’t come in without permission. Oh. And how would she know that they did anything?
Kudos to all who called the “knock on the door” right. As usual, as with my Monsters of the Midway prediction ((SOOOOOOOB, but we coming next year, with a new kicker, I hope) my bet was wrong. Another reason I dont’ gamble! Hilarity will ensue.
Okay, Everybody Just Calm the H3ll, down here, and put on your “innocent faces.”
Now, hear the lady out. And:
1) Invite her to dinner while the matter is discussed. And Pray that Her Religion doesn’t prevent her from eating Stuffed Swine Meat.
2) If She brings up the subject of “No Permits, No Money greasing City hands and No Permission,” just Look Shocked, Weep, and say:
“Oh My GOD! We had absolutely NO idea that we had to get permits and pay hard earned money BEFORE We hammered a nail to a piece of wood!” Then start crying uncontrollably.
3) Get Old Smiley to use his sickening “charm” on the lady and say: “We are so sorry that We didn’t know about the City requirements before making any home renovation, and We are just SICKEN by what We did! But, let Us make it up to you! We know of a Man that put up an entire house WITHOUT any City permits! And we have reason to believe that he’s holding two young men there prisoner and making one young man TORMENT and TORTURE the other! If you HURRY, You can put a STOP to it before it’s too late! His Name is Al Gray and here’s his address!”
4) After She hurries off, pack your bags and LEAVE. Don’t worry about housing. Irma and Al Spacious home WILL be available cheap after they’re hauled off to the Hoosegow. ;)
And Speaking of Al Gray, what if Al didn’t get permits to build the Gulag, and the entire structure is in violation of city code and MUST come down? THAT, would be short-lived Good News for Gunther.
But, If that’s true, what if Al Gray also didn’t get any permits from the City to Renovate the Warehouse that would eventually become the Fuse, and Bev finds out about THAT? And now it too, must come down??
I NEED COFFEE. Anyone care to join Me in a free cup?
Apparently someone ratted out our lovebirds. But… how likely is that in reality? I cannot really imagine such a thing happening in Pitt…. unless like Mordy suggested, perhaps Ann Eiffel did this…. but that does not seem likely in reality. Who could have done this?
From my “degree” in HGTV (this means I watch the damn channel a lot….. mostly because my wife likes the shows a lot… and I like being with my wife a lot), I have seen probably at least 30 episodes of various shows (mostly in California, like the setting for the fictional town of Pitt) where a house that is being remodeled has a room or two or three or even a whole addition that is “non-permitted”. This typically is in a house where the prior owners did this work without permits and until the ownership of the structures changed hands, no one cared much. Very clearly a lot of these “non-permitted remodels” had been active being used for a few decades.
* * *
So, what is in store if the worst-case scenario outcome occurs?!?! 1) The inspector will force our lovebirds to dismantle their work, 2) Shannon’s bedroom will be no more (and Shannon would be very sad and cry), 3) the lovebirds would have to use their hard-earned savings to pay for repairs and perhaps a fine, and 4) the DeGroot parents would potentially receive a fine.
But how/who notified the permits section? If all work done by people living in the home, how could the city even find out? IMPO this is nothing more than a silly plot device to lengthen this story arc
This is especially embarrassing since Brad is a first responder. Surely he has gone on calls due to faulty wiring, trips and falls on stairways (due to improper construction), fires, and more, all which could have been prevented by proper construction (and inspections) for a fraction of the cost of a day in the hospital.
The fines will clean our their savings and Brad and Toni will move in with his parents. They’ll be just like all the other millennials living off the Bank of Mom and Dad. TJ on the other hand, is F***ed.
The issue with the building inspector may be more serious if the inspector sees a bed in the new room. Otherwise it could simply be an enclosure for storage or a computer alcove. In many large cities, there is an acute housing shortage, which is one of the contributors to homelessness. Currently there are a lot of apartments where owners are dividing a living room to create another bedroom. Note you don’t have to call it a “bedroom,” which triggers zoning and parking requirement issues. Sometimes an enclosure is created where there is no closing door at the entrance. This is important so that someone who is sleeping in the room can detect a fire before they are trapped. I recall that Shannon’s new room did not have a window. Probably best to have a light sliding curtain at the doorway.
Oh, oh. Someone has more trouble than just early parents for supper. Wait… don’t the parents own the house? That makes them the ones responsible for not having a permit.
This is getting (somewhat) closer to my turf, so I’ll weigh in:
Usually, officials don’t just ‘show up’, especially for residential/home renovation projects. Agreed, though, it depends on the municipality, and some can be quite stringent. Sometimes a letter gets mailed to the house (sometimes not).
True, Brad can turn her away in this case – and he may just as well say loudly to her, “Sure! Release the hounds and storm the castle!” The inspector may go away – at first – but the authorities WOULD return, likely in force.
It does usually happen as some have indicated, that someone else has CALLED on them, or an inspector is bored and stakes out certain houses, neighborhoods,places, or hangs around at Home Depot, etc. BUT, this is the Luanniverse, soooo…
Some states / cities just have more restrictions. California does (earthquake design requirements), as does Florida, esp. Miami/Dade County, (for hurricane design requirements). More rural areas are typically not so bad.
While to me, this has ‘plot contrivance’ possibly written on it, this will likely tie back to the ‘forgiveness vs. permission’ theme this week. At worst, a small fine barely equivalent to a slap on the wrist may happen. Could be just ‘Just pay the standard fee’ may be stated. Could also be that Bev sees Shannon’s endearing artwork and says, “OH! You two are firefighters?! Well we can work this out, OK?!” We’ll find out later (and sorry for being wordy here)…
Frank somehow avoided doing the perp walk when the business establishment that he owns was used as the venue for conducting a fraudulent operation that cheated over a hundred women out of hundreds of dollars each. In fact, I don’t think anyone even questioned him about it. Today, his luck runs out.
I think it would be fun if the parents figured out what as going on and got the permit for them. They called the inspector to see the finished work. Kids always think their parents don’t know what’s going on (and sometimes they don’t!).
Uh-oh. Bev does not look like the kind of inspector that can be bought, either. This could be doubly-serious for municipal employees like Brad and Toni! Let’s hope no more than doing the paperwork, and maybe a small fine, are required for the DeGroot infraction….
Let’s hope she’s a real Bernice, who carries around a ten-pound rule book! Infraction, infraction, infraction! Brad and Toni, you are about to be expelled from Pitts!
SJhapamama about 6 years ago
Uh, oh! Here comes trouble!!
Templo S.U.D. about 6 years ago
brace yourselves, Brad, Toni, and TJ
Alabama Al about 6 years ago
Who ratted on them?
AnyFace about 6 years ago
I knew a family who lived in a two-story home that had an “Illegal Kitchen” upstairs. ✨
JD'Huntsville'AL about 6 years ago
Stand up for your rights. Don’t let her in.
butterfly_qvrs about 6 years ago
Some how I think when Mom and Dad arrive this is going to be a really interesting dinner conversation.
Dirty Dragon about 6 years ago
Sounds like a job for Al.
He got an entire extra house built without a foundation, and no trouble from the local building inspectors.
Airman about 6 years ago
No. No. Building permits is one of the top 10 unfunny things for cartoons. Avoid it and have Bev actually be looking for Pru. They belong together: both thin, both with jet black hair, both with black lipstick, and both in search of eye brows. This pair could be hotter than Prince Harry and Countess Meghan.
Joe1962 about 6 years ago
Crisis averted.
capricorn9th about 6 years ago
Bummer. Someone called. Wonder who? Actually, they don’t have to let her in. However, I believe she will make a notation on the property about suspicion of unpermitted renovation on the property so when the house goes on the market, it will be red-flagged. For mine, an old gas furnace closet was emptied when a new combo unit was installed on the roof so we covered up the hall access and opened up space from our existing closet which was adjacent to the old furnace closet to expand the closet. We sold the house and they never noticed that the furnace closet was “missing.” Nice to have no issues with it. No permits.
Grey Forest about 6 years ago
Wait until she see the kid!
jimmjonzz Premium Member about 6 years ago
Bev? You’re Edna’s sister, right?
M2MM about 6 years ago
Okay, who’s the rat. Permit inspectors only come when someone squeals on you, and sometimes not even then.
Laurie Sefton Premium Member about 6 years ago
Wondering if the bedroom has a window-or a closet. No “two ways out of the room” can violate local fire code. No closet may just keep them from calling it a bedroom if/when they decide to sell.
Ellen_Wright about 6 years ago
sactiger about 6 years ago
Ruh-rohhh… looks like it’s “hit the fan,” huh?
Brdshtt Premium Member about 6 years ago
Oh – oh. It’s really Hetty from NCIS…
Thankfully, no one is wearing capes.
Ruth Brown about 6 years ago
California so they must be that aggressive. In Hawaii, we just say “sold as is.” Nope, wouldn’t let her in.
MyWord about 6 years ago
And how did Bev from building permits even find out that they were remodeling? They didn’t build an addition, they just repurposed the laundry room.
Craig66 about 6 years ago
Who tattled
Troglodyte about 6 years ago
Maybe she’s selling tickets to their annual fundraiser?
dadoctah about 6 years ago
Is it my imagination, or does Bev actually look like grown-up Shannon from the future?
Glen.A.Zerbi about 6 years ago
I was actually expecting Jonah to show up. This is a potentially bad surprise. Hopefully the fact they got nothing currently going on remodeling-wise will be in their favor.
wolfiiig about 6 years ago
sueb1863 about 6 years ago
WUH oh!! This ain’t gonna go well.
Milady Meg about 6 years ago
How’d that “ask forgiveness” thing go again?
dlkrueger33 about 6 years ago
Didn’t see THAT coming.
Thorby about 6 years ago
ctb11365 about 6 years ago
Mordock’s #2 yesterday WINS
Prescott_Philosopher about 6 years ago
In Albania, when I saw a giant pile of rubble it was explained that they don’t need building permits, so sometimes the homes just collapse and fall down. Yes, I did see other piles.
unca jim about 6 years ago
The smell of sawdust and paint better have a yellow permit tag on the property with it. BTDT. Humorless bastids..
asrialfeeple about 6 years ago
Well done to those who called it.
Tyge about 6 years ago
Building permits aren’t usually required unless you’re in a state with property taxes. If the addition/renovation causes the value of the taxable structure to increase, then, of course, big brother can be very intrusive.
drmcgraw186 about 6 years ago
am I the only one who having a hard time thinking that 2 firefighters would not know that permits would be needed
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 6 years ago
I’ve only got an inspection when I installed a fireplace insert coal stove. I didn’t want insurance saying they wouldn’t pay for a fire caused by it because it wasn’t inspected. Other things like rewiring the basement, I didn’t bother. I actually found a nasty mistake from the previous owners and had my cousin the electrician come in to fix it. Some idiot had put the neutral wire on the hot side before the main breaker!!! Good thing I decided to rewire or I would never have spotted this insanity.
LarryMonroe about 6 years ago
Ruh, roh!
LarryMonroe about 6 years ago
Question is, who snitched?
31768 about 6 years ago
oh oh! what is Frau Farbissina doing there?
31768 about 6 years ago
Dr. Evil must’ve sent her.
tcayer about 6 years ago
No permit needed if you don’t break through an exterior wall! And she can’t come in without permission. Oh. And how would she know that they did anything?
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 6 years ago
GirlGeek Premium Member about 6 years ago
Yep just like in F is for Family…and reality
eladee AKA Wally about 6 years ago
Maybe Bev also sells Avon on the side? But I don’t think so!!! How does the government always find you out?
6foot6 about 6 years ago
Damn it TJ!!!! Just like your dinner, you are late on the permits!
Trscroggs about 6 years ago
Ooops, hope you don’t live in a place like my town, which could order you to tear the expansion down if they’re feeling snippy.
luann1212 about 6 years ago
Kudos to all who called the “knock on the door” right. As usual, as with my Monsters of the Midway prediction ((SOOOOOOOB, but we coming next year, with a new kicker, I hope) my bet was wrong. Another reason I dont’ gamble! Hilarity will ensue.
comicboyz about 6 years ago
I can’t believe they did the bonehead move of renovating without a permit.
RonaldMcCalip about 6 years ago
This is REALLY gonna be good if Mr. Grey gets involved…
Enoi about 6 years ago
Would someone save me from having to search back through? What did they do to Shannon’s room? I thought it was just paint.
mac04416 about 6 years ago
no electrical changes, no plumbing changes, no permits needed.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Okay, Everybody Just Calm the H3ll, down here, and put on your “innocent faces.”
Now, hear the lady out. And:
1) Invite her to dinner while the matter is discussed. And Pray that Her Religion doesn’t prevent her from eating Stuffed Swine Meat.
2) If She brings up the subject of “No Permits, No Money greasing City hands and No Permission,” just Look Shocked, Weep, and say:
“Oh My GOD! We had absolutely NO idea that we had to get permits and pay hard earned money BEFORE We hammered a nail to a piece of wood!” Then start crying uncontrollably.
3) Get Old Smiley to use his sickening “charm” on the lady and say: “We are so sorry that We didn’t know about the City requirements before making any home renovation, and We are just SICKEN by what We did! But, let Us make it up to you! We know of a Man that put up an entire house WITHOUT any City permits! And we have reason to believe that he’s holding two young men there prisoner and making one young man TORMENT and TORTURE the other! If you HURRY, You can put a STOP to it before it’s too late! His Name is Al Gray and here’s his address!”
4) After She hurries off, pack your bags and LEAVE. Don’t worry about housing. Irma and Al Spacious home WILL be available cheap after they’re hauled off to the Hoosegow. ;)
flagmichael about 6 years ago
From “building permits?” Is that like being from “jaywalking tickets?” It is a serious situation awkwardly presented.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 6 years ago
And Speaking of Al Gray, what if Al didn’t get permits to build the Gulag, and the entire structure is in violation of city code and MUST come down? THAT, would be short-lived Good News for Gunther.
But, If that’s true, what if Al Gray also didn’t get any permits from the City to Renovate the Warehouse that would eventually become the Fuse, and Bev finds out about THAT? And now it too, must come down??
I NEED COFFEE. Anyone care to join Me in a free cup?
KEA about 6 years ago
ruh roh
ridenslide65 about 6 years ago
BJShipley1 about 6 years ago
Odd how she just shows up like that. I suppose the “They never needed permits” talking point might just get debunked. We’ll see.
Pipe Tobacco about 6 years ago
Apparently someone ratted out our lovebirds. But… how likely is that in reality? I cannot really imagine such a thing happening in Pitt…. unless like Mordy suggested, perhaps Ann Eiffel did this…. but that does not seem likely in reality. Who could have done this?
From my “degree” in HGTV (this means I watch the damn channel a lot….. mostly because my wife likes the shows a lot… and I like being with my wife a lot), I have seen probably at least 30 episodes of various shows (mostly in California, like the setting for the fictional town of Pitt) where a house that is being remodeled has a room or two or three or even a whole addition that is “non-permitted”. This typically is in a house where the prior owners did this work without permits and until the ownership of the structures changed hands, no one cared much. Very clearly a lot of these “non-permitted remodels” had been active being used for a few decades.
* * *So, what is in store if the worst-case scenario outcome occurs?!?! 1) The inspector will force our lovebirds to dismantle their work, 2) Shannon’s bedroom will be no more (and Shannon would be very sad and cry), 3) the lovebirds would have to use their hard-earned savings to pay for repairs and perhaps a fine, and 4) the DeGroot parents would potentially receive a fine.
jldyr2 about 6 years ago
You don’t need a building permit to remodel a room. Only to build new additional structures.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 6 years ago
But how/who notified the permits section? If all work done by people living in the home, how could the city even find out? IMPO this is nothing more than a silly plot device to lengthen this story arc
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
This is where the Fourth Amendment might come in handy.
diverleo about 6 years ago
Ha! Who called it yesterday?
swanridge about 6 years ago
This is especially embarrassing since Brad is a first responder. Surely he has gone on calls due to faulty wiring, trips and falls on stairways (due to improper construction), fires, and more, all which could have been prevented by proper construction (and inspections) for a fraction of the cost of a day in the hospital.
ahess247 about 6 years ago
The fines will clean our their savings and Brad and Toni will move in with his parents. They’ll be just like all the other millennials living off the Bank of Mom and Dad. TJ on the other hand, is F***ed.
swanridge about 6 years ago
Actually our local inspector’s name is Carol. And other than hair color, Bev is pretty close.
DaveQuinn about 6 years ago
So. How did she know there were renovations? The work was INSIDE the house where it could not be seen. Who ratted on them?
smsrt about 6 years ago
“Glad to see you. Please make an appointment so we can better talk with whatever you’d like to talk about. But not now.”
kenhense about 6 years ago
The issue with the building inspector may be more serious if the inspector sees a bed in the new room. Otherwise it could simply be an enclosure for storage or a computer alcove. In many large cities, there is an acute housing shortage, which is one of the contributors to homelessness. Currently there are a lot of apartments where owners are dividing a living room to create another bedroom. Note you don’t have to call it a “bedroom,” which triggers zoning and parking requirement issues. Sometimes an enclosure is created where there is no closing door at the entrance. This is important so that someone who is sleeping in the room can detect a fire before they are trapped. I recall that Shannon’s new room did not have a window. Probably best to have a light sliding curtain at the doorway.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Bev is greedy. Didn’t Mr. Gray already pay her a big enough bribe, for the guest house that he built in a week?
locake about 6 years ago
They will deny doing any remodeling and just then Mom and Dad will show up and say there are there to see the remodeling.
Bonita Voigt about 6 years ago
Oh, oh. Someone has more trouble than just early parents for supper. Wait… don’t the parents own the house? That makes them the ones responsible for not having a permit.
Scoutmaster77 about 6 years ago
Ruh roh…
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
“Good. You got my application for a fast neutron breeder reactor? I was thinking over there near the neighbors. Sounds good?”
yangeldf about 6 years ago
oh way to show up after the job is already done
rAtkinson about 6 years ago
Calling her Earl wasn’t a good opening.
sallymargaret about 6 years ago
I’m afraid Brad is going to blow it and say something he shouldn’t.
rozthebabysitter about 6 years ago
Maybe they did get permits, and Bev is there for the final inspection. (Hey, one can dream…)
sallymargaret about 6 years ago
Shannon did it. She’s telling everyone she sees about her new room, and supplying many details.
pynke1 about 6 years ago
Everybody’s worried about the federal government when it is local that is big Brother.
Code the Enforcer about 6 years ago
This is getting (somewhat) closer to my turf, so I’ll weigh in:
Usually, officials don’t just ‘show up’, especially for residential/home renovation projects. Agreed, though, it depends on the municipality, and some can be quite stringent. Sometimes a letter gets mailed to the house (sometimes not).
True, Brad can turn her away in this case – and he may just as well say loudly to her, “Sure! Release the hounds and storm the castle!” The inspector may go away – at first – but the authorities WOULD return, likely in force.
It does usually happen as some have indicated, that someone else has CALLED on them, or an inspector is bored and stakes out certain houses, neighborhoods,places, or hangs around at Home Depot, etc. BUT, this is the Luanniverse, soooo…
Some states / cities just have more restrictions. California does (earthquake design requirements), as does Florida, esp. Miami/Dade County, (for hurricane design requirements). More rural areas are typically not so bad.
While to me, this has ‘plot contrivance’ possibly written on it, this will likely tie back to the ‘forgiveness vs. permission’ theme this week. At worst, a small fine barely equivalent to a slap on the wrist may happen. Could be just ‘Just pay the standard fee’ may be stated. Could also be that Bev sees Shannon’s endearing artwork and says, “OH! You two are firefighters?! Well we can work this out, OK?!” We’ll find out later (and sorry for being wordy here)…
bakana about 6 years ago
“What a Revoltin’ Development This Is.” — Chester A. Riley — “Life of Riley” TV Series.
Tha_Hype about 6 years ago
Soooo… who told?
Aladar30 Premium Member about 6 years ago
seismic-2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Frank somehow avoided doing the perp walk when the business establishment that he owns was used as the venue for conducting a fraudulent operation that cheated over a hundred women out of hundreds of dollars each. In fact, I don’t think anyone even questioned him about it. Today, his luck runs out.
shirins Premium Member about 6 years ago
I think it would be fun if the parents figured out what as going on and got the permit for them. They called the inspector to see the finished work. Kids always think their parents don’t know what’s going on (and sometimes they don’t!).
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member about 6 years ago
Same prissy look as Bernice. Maybe she is Bernice Senior?
Schrodinger's Dog about 6 years ago
tomorrow: does TJ pass inspection?
JPuzzleWhiz about 6 years ago
I’ll laugh if her last name is Hills!
JPuzzleWhiz about 6 years ago
“Permission: Implausible”
“What The DING DONG…?”
“Crank Call”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 6 years ago
Say no thank you. Get a warrant.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 about 6 years ago
I doubt that a permit is needed to remodel a bedroom.
gileshead about 6 years ago
Wow. This ought to be interesting. Maybe they’ll send child services over next!
oakie817 about 6 years ago
cue the ominous music
Sisyphos about 6 years ago
Uh-oh. Bev does not look like the kind of inspector that can be bought, either. This could be doubly-serious for municipal employees like Brad and Toni! Let’s hope no more than doing the paperwork, and maybe a small fine, are required for the DeGroot infraction….
seismic-2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Let’s hope she’s a real Bernice, who carries around a ten-pound rule book! Infraction, infraction, infraction! Brad and Toni, you are about to be expelled from Pitts!
Airman about 6 years ago
Time for Uncle Al to show his own mechanical ability and grease a couple of palms.
Yammo Premium Member about 6 years ago
Wait…what? This is the USA.