Bernice is right-on this time. However Gunther has left the building.
Tomorrow, Bets returns seeking Gun to announce her unending love. Whereas the three girls will have a gab fest through Saturday about inane love remedies.
When I say Luann is sure acting stupid people tell me to STFU and GTFO. When other people observe that Luann is acting like an idiot people go, Yup, yup yup! Makes me fell like Bernice, a prophet hated in their own land.
Gunther has to be feeling pretty awful to skip out on Luann and Bernice. Just think, Gunther used to worship the ground Luann walked on back in the day….and and now he splits while she and Bernice are (in their own clueless way) trying to help him. Things sure have changed!
¿Es decir que Bernice aún no está lista para aceptar que está enamorada de Jack, ni mucho menos para decírselo, y que va a temporizar el momento exacto que que ambas cosas ocurran?
Gunther. SIT and listen. You could pick up a lot tips and learn. The girls are arguing, true, but they are hashing it out, making points across. It is true. Is there a right time to say the L word? How do you know it’s the right time? Might help Gunther how little he actually knows Bets. Might help him realize he said it just to distract her from the Tiff rant which might explain why he blurted it out. Personally, I don’t think it is love. Gunther is just frustrated Bets was not present with him – she was elsewhere else with Tiff at McMansion. He blurted the L word to get her attention and bring her to the present. It backfired on him – she asked for space and left. If you stay and listen, the girls might bring you home to that point. Ignore the yelling and listen to the words.
Bernice, the time was right for Gunther to say it. Whether it was time for Bets to hear it doesn’t really matter. If the feeling wasn’t mutual, Bets could have politely said, “Thank you.” However, it caught her off guard. She was wrong to leave Gunther stranded, but it is okay to give herself time to think about it. She can choose to end the relationship or to stay and let the relationship grow. Luann, that is a silly question to ask of Gunther and a bit nosy, too. I agree with Luann in her continued conversation with Bernice.
And Bernice is wrong again, as usual. It isn’t just about the timing although that is a factor, but the important question is: Does Gunther really love Bets? Or, as someone suggested the other day, is it just infatuation?
The girls probably do want to help but when Bern talks about timing, now is not the time for Gunther to deal with Luann and Bernice. Smart move to take off Gunnie! The truth is that Bernice has little to know actual experience dealing with the issue at hand besides a bunch of academic knowledge that she got from sophomore level psychology texts. Luann also has little experience about how to deal with the situation at hand besides the fact that she realized that Quill and her were not destined to be a couple as he had much different and broader aspirations. In retrospect it is too bad Gunther did not stay over at Tiff’s place and had dinner over there. After the delicious meal maybe the guys could have arranged to knock back a few shots of one of Casa Tiff’s top shelf selections and reflected upon the day that was. The day definitely went south for our man Gunther, have to feel for him but again I am glad that he bolted on ladies as they argue and discount Gunther as they try to “one up” one another. Now its an Uber or a walk to the gulag where he can have a chat with Les and Punk….. I guess the only way things can get worse for Gunther is if it starts to rain cats and dogs. BTW, really petty and below average move by Bets, she should have at least dropped him off at the gulag and then told him she needed some “space” which is not a walk in closet Luann!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Bets returns, tears streaming down her face, and apologizes to Gunther. All while Luann and Bernice are still squabbling between themselves, LOL.
Right now, Gunther absolutely doesn’t need to be involved in the philosophical debate of Bernice and Luann. I’m sorry for him. Maybe outside he will meet Bets who is waiting for him to apologize and talk♡. Maybe he will walk away, alone. But the questions are true and will haunt him. Do he love Bets? Do she love him? Is it his fault because he said it at the wrong time? What will he do?
OK, Bernice…let’s go with that for a sec. So what’s he supposed to do, “Hey Bets, are you ready for me to say I love you? Mind you, I’m not saying it per se, just checking if your sensitivities are ready for the utterance.” Good lawd is she gonna be a fun one to be around. Read a couple Psych books, having NEVER been in a relationship, and suddenly she’s an expert.
Gunther just made the best move. Leave. Bets at least owes him an explanation. Which she may or may never give. Predicting a weak phone call stating we’re done, a soft rejection for Gunther’s sake. Or some other reason why she left…maybe that triggered a fear that she had due to all the bad guys she been with in the past? Question is where will he go now? What will he do next?
Gunther may have made a mistake, but at least he realized it quickly and mitigated the annoyance by getting out of Dodge. Gunther may be a nerd, but he’s not a nincompoop!
Angry shrew Bernice who has never been in love or even had a boyfriend is infuriated that people question her authority on this subject. After all she did read a paragraph about it in a psych book.
Luann, OBSERVE Gunther’s TIMING for leaving means that he would LOVE a little peace and quiet. Between Bets, Luann, and Bernice, maybe Gunther will go on a sabbatical on dating for a while.
I love the way Bernice is telling Luann that a person knows when the right time to talk about love is by being observant, and Luann answers ‘observant of what?’ and meanwhile NEITHER of them have noticed the empty chair where Gunther was sitting…
A lot of comments mention “Uber”. Here in Ottawa, they just moved in, ignored all of the licensing and regulations that taxis have to follow, and called themselves a “technology company”. The result was the decimation of real taxis and the safety they provide. I understand why people use Uber, but I feel sorry for taxi drivers whose licenses were devalued, and whose jobs disappeared. I’m also disappointed that our city did not choose to enforce their own rules, or at least compensate the valid taxi drivers and their industry.
Gunther left them to their argument. By the time they realized he was gone, one of the cashiers came over to tell them they were closing and had to leave.
I don’t understand why GnK brought Luann and Bernice in from stage right. It seems like these last three strips have simply been fillers to stretch the arc out.
Ever notice how Berns facial expression when someone disagrees with her? Two words for Luann put Bern on the defensive and opened up the anger… It’s difficult to have a conversation with someone like that.
Seems to me, many folks have lost the meaning of what it is to “follow” a comic strip! You read the thing, for enjoyment, for the humor, the pleasure of looking into a fictional world, where it’s obvious that the players are are just inked creations after all. It’s part of the story line, the plot arc of the comic strips “universe” for a character to psychoanalyse the other, but why do folks have the need to play psychologist with an obviously fictional character???? Makes one wonder what does or doesn’t go on in some of the lives of the fans.
Y’know, Luann and Bernice reminds me of my own parents. I ask a SIMPLE question or make a SIMPLE observation, and they were at each other’s throats! Sure am glad I moved out when I did.
Does anybody in this comment section remember Bets being told by Gunther of being in love with her? The Saturday strip had Bets eating all the French fries and Gunther storming off to get more? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
Wow – being around Bernice would be like walking on eggshells 24/7. The least little thing and she rips into someone like a maniac. Always so self righteous and judgmental. Instead of helping Gunther this turned into a therapy session for Luann. Only problem is the therapist is aggressive and hostile.
Gunther just wants to be with anybody. The first girl that shows him any attention he’ll be out buying an engagement ring. Heck, he followed Rosa all the way to Peru just to be dumped by her. I think Gunther’s best bet is to go to Mrs. Horner and ask her for some hook ups with her friend’s granddaughters.
Tomorrow will be the Saturday strip. I’m still wondering whether the conclusion for this week at least will be for Gunther to walk into the parking lot and find Bets in her car waiting for him. Either some sort of resolution would then happen or hints of one to come in the following week.
It is a bad idea to say I Love You the first time when the person is very angry. Other than that, I wouldn’t want to “time” when to say that to someone I’d been dating a while. Usually you say those words when you have that feeling towards them. I don’t see how Gunther could feel any “love” towards Bets after she ranted for a long time.
Luann and Bernice do not realize that Gunther is stranded and needs a ride home. He said that Bets left but they haven’t figured out that she was his ride. They probably think Gunther has his car in the parking lot. They will be surprised to see him walking tomorrow.
Bernice sure likes pushing her luck considering her current living situation kinda depends on staying friends with Luanne. She’s been a pretty lousy friend to her the entire time they’ve been living together so far
This may end with the “timing issue”. Based on Bet’s obsession with social media, she probably wants the first “I love you” to somehow look spontaneous for her TikTok feed and Gunther ruined it with his timing.
1. It is interesting that IMO both Bernice and Luann are correct… but neither is able to see the aspect in which they are correct with each other.
2. In my opinion, Bernice is spot on in that the “timing” of the proclaiming of love for another person is important. It may not have been the best time for Gunther to proclaim his love for Bets when they were in Weenie World with Bets feeling very emotionally angry.
3. However, also in my opinion, Luann is also spot on that you “do not time love”. The love Gunther feels (felt, but hopefully still feels) for Bets had to have occurred at some point PRIOR to buying a second order of fries at Weenie World. His love for Bets arose in him at some earlier point.
4. So, while the “information” from both Bernice and Luann is accurate…. THEIR OWN timing and delivery of this information is not particularly helpful for Gunther. His focus is elsewhere. Gunther was probably wise to disengage from the conversation.
The humor today of both Bernice and Luann…. where neither of them displays the gift of OBSERVANCE of whom they are interacting with…. is rather philosophically profound. From their own words…. Bernice KNOWS being observant of others emotions and actions is important, but she does not do it here…. and Luann ASKS what to be observant about… while both Luann and Bernice are missing the opportunity to be emotionally observant today.
I think this was a wonderfully creative interplay that Greg produced today!
But… big question…. did Gunther a) simply leave to go walk home or call an Uber, b) did he perhaps see that Bets had returned to the parking lot and went to talk with her, or c) something else?
Interesting. Bernice is going with IF he should have told her. It is too late for IF. Bern if you wanted to help, don’t focus on the past for this, focus on the now. Now that you told her, what do you do. He doesn’t need armchair quarterbacking right now, he needs to focus on his and Bets relationship. And Bern, how do you know about love. You couldn’t even talk to Jack. Given the two, LuAnn might actually be helpful. Do you love Bets. How do you feel. Bern is trying to be logical, Luann is trying to be emotional.
Need to make a correction on my observation. I have a conclusion I have been hinting at responding to, or coming right out and saying but sharp eyed commentators would have a valid correction to make. Gunther appeared to be looking toward something in Panel three of yesterday’s panels in Panel 3 specifically, but in the chair he was gone in panel 3 and the panels were all Bern and Lu arguing, as only they do, while in Panel 3 the chair was empty. Leaving the basis that he saw Bets, and that he never heard the argument in today’s comic. We should find out tonight.
Years ago, the Car Guys – Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers – pondered the question: do two people who don’t know what they’re talking about, know more or less than one person who doesn’t know what they’re talking about?
I’d say that these two are an argument for the latter.
I never thought I’d say this but Luanne ( the girl, not the strip) is really becoming annoying. I think maybe having Bernice living with her has put them too close for comfort. I know I have some friends that the bit of distance between us has kept the friendship healthy.
My oh my. Those two will argue about anything, wouldn’t they? They’re more like an old married couple arguing about how blue the sky is than two besties…
Worse outcome of the night: tomorrow’s comic features Guth waking up next to Les, both with big smiles on their faces, and they go off to live happy lives as Punk’s new mommy and daddy. Or maybe that would be a good thing for both of them?
Gunther only mentioned that he loved Bets to try to explain to her why he would never take sides against her. Timing had nothing to do with it.
Bernice trying to be a psychoanalyst when she’s still in training is as stupid as it would have been if I had tried to translate German and Russian books in my first couple of years at college.
Luann is overreacting to Bernice’s “know-it-all” attitude, but is not helping the situation at all.
As several have already said, Gunther needs peace and quiet. Even if he has to be alone to get them. I don’t know that he needs to talk to anybody at all right now.
If Bets shows up acting contrite for her behavior, or for ditching him, I will fall out of my chair in a dead faint. (But it’s okay…I have a rug underneath the desk and chair.)
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
good call, Gunther: just leave the girls’ argument when they’re trying to help you
AnyFace almost 4 years ago
Pilly the Almighty Teddy Bear almost 4 years ago
The chair is listening!
Tyge almost 4 years ago
Bernice is right-on this time. However Gunther has left the building.
Tomorrow, Bets returns seeking Gun to announce her unending love. Whereas the three girls will have a gab fest through Saturday about inane love remedies.
Pointspread almost 4 years ago
Reading today’s Luann Again she had more on the ball back then.
beb01 almost 4 years ago
When I say Luann is sure acting stupid people tell me to STFU and GTFO. When other people observe that Luann is acting like an idiot people go, Yup, yup yup! Makes me fell like Bernice, a prophet hated in their own land.
lvlax almost 4 years ago
Gunther has to be feeling pretty awful to skip out on Luann and Bernice. Just think, Gunther used to worship the ground Luann walked on back in the day….and and now he splits while she and Bernice are (in their own clueless way) trying to help him. Things sure have changed!
Argythree almost 4 years ago
I’m glad Gunther decided to leave. Now I hope Luann leaves, and Bernice can proclaim her wisdom to the counter staff at Wienie World…
Ahuehuete almost 4 years ago
Time to call Uber.
linus82 almost 4 years ago
¿Es decir que Bernice aún no está lista para aceptar que está enamorada de Jack, ni mucho menos para decírselo, y que va a temporizar el momento exacto que que ambas cosas ocurran?
Ahuehuete almost 4 years ago
Being that she’s a wannabe therapist, Bernice didn’t seem too concerned with how or what Gunther was feeling.
lvlax almost 4 years ago
So does anyone think Bets will abruptly return to Wienie World and apologize to Gunther in the Saturday Strip?
DaJellyBelly almost 4 years ago
Gunther did the right thing.
Joe1962 almost 4 years ago
Bernice is right about the timing thing. Luann you are clueless or just plain stupid.
capricorn9th almost 4 years ago
Gunther. SIT and listen. You could pick up a lot tips and learn. The girls are arguing, true, but they are hashing it out, making points across. It is true. Is there a right time to say the L word? How do you know it’s the right time? Might help Gunther how little he actually knows Bets. Might help him realize he said it just to distract her from the Tiff rant which might explain why he blurted it out. Personally, I don’t think it is love. Gunther is just frustrated Bets was not present with him – she was elsewhere else with Tiff at McMansion. He blurted the L word to get her attention and bring her to the present. It backfired on him – she asked for space and left. If you stay and listen, the girls might bring you home to that point. Ignore the yelling and listen to the words.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 4 years ago
Bernice, the time was right for Gunther to say it. Whether it was time for Bets to hear it doesn’t really matter. If the feeling wasn’t mutual, Bets could have politely said, “Thank you.” However, it caught her off guard. She was wrong to leave Gunther stranded, but it is okay to give herself time to think about it. She can choose to end the relationship or to stay and let the relationship grow. Luann, that is a silly question to ask of Gunther and a bit nosy, too. I agree with Luann in her continued conversation with Bernice.
wantcomicsnow almost 4 years ago
I’m glad Gunther left. Smart move on his part.
And Bernice is wrong again, as usual. It isn’t just about the timing although that is a factor, but the important question is: Does Gunther really love Bets? Or, as someone suggested the other day, is it just infatuation?
Tyge almost 4 years ago
@linus82 Is Bernice making an argument relating to Gun and Bets? OR! To her and Jack!
R.W.Singer -SF almost 4 years ago
Have either experienced love?
luann1212 almost 4 years ago
I think Gunther is observing something and I think I know what it might be. Wait and see.
ct0760 almost 4 years ago
Bernice has no real experience with love to be giving advice
Caldonia almost 4 years ago
Our heroines, ladies and gentlemen.
Johnnyrico almost 4 years ago
Right now, Gunther probably really really really hates girls.
me_the_polish_gull almost 4 years ago
Not helping, girls.
Brdshtt Premium Member almost 4 years ago
When it comes to these two, it appears Gunther’s exodus timing was just right.
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
Gunther, don’t listen to Tweedledum’s lack of experience.
seanyj almost 4 years ago
Now look what you two have done. I hope Gunth doesn’t Simp and run after Bets.
kenhense almost 4 years ago
I hope Bern writes a book someday so I can not read it.
TampaFanatic1 almost 4 years ago
The girls probably do want to help but when Bern talks about timing, now is not the time for Gunther to deal with Luann and Bernice. Smart move to take off Gunnie! The truth is that Bernice has little to know actual experience dealing with the issue at hand besides a bunch of academic knowledge that she got from sophomore level psychology texts. Luann also has little experience about how to deal with the situation at hand besides the fact that she realized that Quill and her were not destined to be a couple as he had much different and broader aspirations. In retrospect it is too bad Gunther did not stay over at Tiff’s place and had dinner over there. After the delicious meal maybe the guys could have arranged to knock back a few shots of one of Casa Tiff’s top shelf selections and reflected upon the day that was. The day definitely went south for our man Gunther, have to feel for him but again I am glad that he bolted on ladies as they argue and discount Gunther as they try to “one up” one another. Now its an Uber or a walk to the gulag where he can have a chat with Les and Punk….. I guess the only way things can get worse for Gunther is if it starts to rain cats and dogs. BTW, really petty and below average move by Bets, she should have at least dropped him off at the gulag and then told him she needed some “space” which is not a walk in closet Luann!
smurf764 almost 4 years ago
Hope Gun isn’t running off to find Bets
Susan00100 almost 4 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if Bets returns, tears streaming down her face, and apologizes to Gunther. All while Luann and Bernice are still squabbling between themselves, LOL.
tonypezzano almost 4 years ago
Good for him.
Auntie Socialist almost 4 years ago
Eye contact, pupil dilation, intimate proximity, playful touching gestures, enthusiastically laughing at one’s jokes even when they’re dumb…
D.E.N. almost 4 years ago
Yep, somebody called it yesterday. Gunther said “Bump this”, and he split.
diannell almost 4 years ago
And………………..Gunther’s outta there. But………….where will he go? Maybe to see Les. Probably get better advice from him, lol
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Right now, Gunther absolutely doesn’t need to be involved in the philosophical debate of Bernice and Luann. I’m sorry for him. Maybe outside he will meet Bets who is waiting for him to apologize and talk♡. Maybe he will walk away, alone. But the questions are true and will haunt him. Do he love Bets? Do she love him? Is it his fault because he said it at the wrong time? What will he do?
Aibohphobia almost 4 years ago
The real deal is that both L and B and too busy giving advice and not listening. Unsolicited advice is … well… unsolicited.
sueb1863 almost 4 years ago
Luann is the LAST person who should be giving out romantic advice.
Gunther made the right move, except now he’s going to go home to Les, who’s just going to say “I told you so!”
mjb515 almost 4 years ago
Ah, Bernice expects men to be mindreaders.
wuulfgarcomics almost 4 years ago
OK, Bernice…let’s go with that for a sec. So what’s he supposed to do, “Hey Bets, are you ready for me to say I love you? Mind you, I’m not saying it per se, just checking if your sensitivities are ready for the utterance.” Good lawd is she gonna be a fun one to be around. Read a couple Psych books, having NEVER been in a relationship, and suddenly she’s an expert.
electricpostcard almost 4 years ago
Gunther just made the best move. Leave. Bets at least owes him an explanation. Which she may or may never give. Predicting a weak phone call stating we’re done, a soft rejection for Gunther’s sake. Or some other reason why she left…maybe that triggered a fear that she had due to all the bad guys she been with in the past? Question is where will he go now? What will he do next?
tremaine53 almost 4 years ago
Gunther may have made a mistake, but at least he realized it quickly and mitigated the annoyance by getting out of Dodge. Gunther may be a nerd, but he’s not a nincompoop!
ILK almost 4 years ago
Angry shrew Bernice who has never been in love or even had a boyfriend is infuriated that people question her authority on this subject. After all she did read a paragraph about it in a psych book.
Johnnyrico almost 4 years ago
Gunther probably feels like jumping off a bridge right about now…
maxiesmom2 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
So much could have been done this week as far as progressing this arc and instead we got these 2 yahoos bickering.
Bernedoodle almost 4 years ago
A great comedy skit the last two days.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Luann, OBSERVE Gunther’s TIMING for leaving means that he would LOVE a little peace and quiet. Between Bets, Luann, and Bernice, maybe Gunther will go on a sabbatical on dating for a while.
rrsltx almost 4 years ago
Good call Gunth. Now open your Uber app, go home, and hit the books.
mr , b almost 4 years ago
I don’t go back , I say what i think or feel and move on . For the the most part anyway .
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Ladies, ladies, please. You’re both pretty.
Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Buh Byeee!
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
Gunther really doesn’t care about your personal issues.
Argythree almost 4 years ago
I love the way Bernice is telling Luann that a person knows when the right time to talk about love is by being observant, and Luann answers ‘observant of what?’ and meanwhile NEITHER of them have noticed the empty chair where Gunther was sitting…
jnacombs almost 4 years ago
Hopefully, Gunther will be able to get some counseling….from somebody else…
Perplexed almost 4 years ago
A lot of comments mention “Uber”. Here in Ottawa, they just moved in, ignored all of the licensing and regulations that taxis have to follow, and called themselves a “technology company”. The result was the decimation of real taxis and the safety they provide. I understand why people use Uber, but I feel sorry for taxi drivers whose licenses were devalued, and whose jobs disappeared. I’m also disappointed that our city did not choose to enforce their own rules, or at least compensate the valid taxi drivers and their industry.
lunapeachie almost 4 years ago
Gunther left them to their argument. By the time they realized he was gone, one of the cashiers came over to tell them they were closing and had to leave.
StoicLion1973 almost 4 years ago
Luann is not wrong here….
Prescott_Philosopher almost 4 years ago
I don’t understand why GnK brought Luann and Bernice in from stage right. It seems like these last three strips have simply been fillers to stretch the arc out.
Rocknaww almost 4 years ago
Ever notice how Berns facial expression when someone disagrees with her? Two words for Luann put Bern on the defensive and opened up the anger… It’s difficult to have a conversation with someone like that.
RonaldMcCalip almost 4 years ago
Seems to me, many folks have lost the meaning of what it is to “follow” a comic strip! You read the thing, for enjoyment, for the humor, the pleasure of looking into a fictional world, where it’s obvious that the players are are just inked creations after all. It’s part of the story line, the plot arc of the comic strips “universe” for a character to psychoanalyse the other, but why do folks have the need to play psychologist with an obviously fictional character???? Makes one wonder what does or doesn’t go on in some of the lives of the fans.
wingnutsrus almost 4 years ago
Bernice, reel it in. No need for such an ugly temperament. This trait is so immature. Does SHE need counseling?
gingerspike88 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Exit … stage right!
6foot6 almost 4 years ago
I feel bad for Gunther. he REALLY needs to find new friends.
eladee AKA Wally almost 4 years ago
Neither of these two are helping. Time for Gunther to hit the road. Maybe talk to Les?
Susan00100 almost 4 years ago
Y’know, Luann and Bernice reminds me of my own parents. I ask a SIMPLE question or make a SIMPLE observation, and they were at each other’s throats! Sure am glad I moved out when I did.
pianist337 almost 4 years ago
…of the fact that Gunther has left!
EasyEight almost 4 years ago
Does anybody in this comment section remember Bets being told by Gunther of being in love with her? The Saturday strip had Bets eating all the French fries and Gunther storming off to get more? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
comic reader 22 almost 4 years ago
Wow – being around Bernice would be like walking on eggshells 24/7. The least little thing and she rips into someone like a maniac. Always so self righteous and judgmental. Instead of helping Gunther this turned into a therapy session for Luann. Only problem is the therapist is aggressive and hostile.
dv1093 almost 4 years ago
Gunther just wants to be with anybody. The first girl that shows him any attention he’ll be out buying an engagement ring. Heck, he followed Rosa all the way to Peru just to be dumped by her. I think Gunther’s best bet is to go to Mrs. Horner and ask her for some hook ups with her friend’s granddaughters.
txmystic almost 4 years ago
Dude, today’s strip got totally ratioed…
Airman almost 4 years ago
So, as usual, we just leave the problem and Gunther hanging.
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 4 years ago
Gunther I think is catching a bus or calling Les for a ride. Not a good day for him.
notbornyesterday almost 4 years ago
Cincoflex almost 4 years ago
So who will Gunther go to for advice? Les? Nancy? Ox??
ctolson almost 4 years ago
That Gunth is now seeking his space.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Smart move, Gunther!
ndblackirish97 almost 4 years ago
Seriously neither are qualified to give relationship advice. Hahaha!
comicboyz almost 4 years ago
Gunther only has two true loves:Rosa or TiffanyEverybody else is a non-starter
jader3rd almost 4 years ago
Poor Gunther.
rrsltx almost 4 years ago
Borenice has a LOT to learn about her choice of major.
marilynnbyerly almost 4 years ago
It hit me last night that Gunnar is picking women just like his dear old mom— controlling to the point of abuse. That child needs therapy, STAT!
kauri44 almost 4 years ago
Tomorrow will be the Saturday strip. I’m still wondering whether the conclusion for this week at least will be for Gunther to walk into the parking lot and find Bets in her car waiting for him. Either some sort of resolution would then happen or hints of one to come in the following week.
locake almost 4 years ago
It is a bad idea to say I Love You the first time when the person is very angry. Other than that, I wouldn’t want to “time” when to say that to someone I’d been dating a while. Usually you say those words when you have that feeling towards them. I don’t see how Gunther could feel any “love” towards Bets after she ranted for a long time.
locake almost 4 years ago
Luann and Bernice do not realize that Gunther is stranded and needs a ride home. He said that Bets left but they haven’t figured out that she was his ride. They probably think Gunther has his car in the parking lot. They will be surprised to see him walking tomorrow.
ElyseLaura almost 4 years ago
Bernice sure likes pushing her luck considering her current living situation kinda depends on staying friends with Luanne. She’s been a pretty lousy friend to her the entire time they’ve been living together so far
Loki McMuffin almost 4 years ago
This may end with the “timing issue”. Based on Bet’s obsession with social media, she probably wants the first “I love you” to somehow look spontaneous for her TikTok feed and Gunther ruined it with his timing.
Troglodyte almost 4 years ago
Lu, you don’t time love, but you gotta love time. Whatever that means.
Vilyehm almost 4 years ago
Saturday’s arc stretching curve ball:
From the parking lot.
Panel 1: Tiffany is there and offers a ride.
Panel 2: Gunther is getting into Tiffany’s car.
Panel 3: The exact same moment seen from the perspective of inside Bets’s car. We see the back of Bets’s head, and her eyes in the rearview mirror.
Joe1962 almost 4 years ago
(1) Luann is correct you don’t time love.(2) Bernice is wrong Bing observant. (3) Luann is correct Of What.
percheronhitch6 almost 4 years ago
Yikes…I’d have left the table, too.
jamesamber29 almost 4 years ago
Agree with Bernice timing is important.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Interesting interplay today….. some opinions:
1. It is interesting that IMO both Bernice and Luann are correct… but neither is able to see the aspect in which they are correct with each other.
2. In my opinion, Bernice is spot on in that the “timing” of the proclaiming of love for another person is important. It may not have been the best time for Gunther to proclaim his love for Bets when they were in Weenie World with Bets feeling very emotionally angry.
3. However, also in my opinion, Luann is also spot on that you “do not time love”. The love Gunther feels (felt, but hopefully still feels) for Bets had to have occurred at some point PRIOR to buying a second order of fries at Weenie World. His love for Bets arose in him at some earlier point.
4. So, while the “information” from both Bernice and Luann is accurate…. THEIR OWN timing and delivery of this information is not particularly helpful for Gunther. His focus is elsewhere. Gunther was probably wise to disengage from the conversation.
The humor today of both Bernice and Luann…. where neither of them displays the gift of OBSERVANCE of whom they are interacting with…. is rather philosophically profound. From their own words…. Bernice KNOWS being observant of others emotions and actions is important, but she does not do it here…. and Luann ASKS what to be observant about… while both Luann and Bernice are missing the opportunity to be emotionally observant today.
I think this was a wonderfully creative interplay that Greg produced today!
But… big question…. did Gunther a) simply leave to go walk home or call an Uber, b) did he perhaps see that Bets had returned to the parking lot and went to talk with her, or c) something else?
DG almost 4 years ago
Interesting. Bernice is going with IF he should have told her. It is too late for IF. Bern if you wanted to help, don’t focus on the past for this, focus on the now. Now that you told her, what do you do. He doesn’t need armchair quarterbacking right now, he needs to focus on his and Bets relationship. And Bern, how do you know about love. You couldn’t even talk to Jack. Given the two, LuAnn might actually be helpful. Do you love Bets. How do you feel. Bern is trying to be logical, Luann is trying to be emotional.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 4 years ago
“…of when people cut and run.”
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I have no idea what they’re saying, but i had a good laugh, and that my friends, is all I need.
TravisBerndt almost 4 years ago
Sick of that phony harpy. Bring back Rosa!!!!
luann1212 almost 4 years ago
Need to make a correction on my observation. I have a conclusion I have been hinting at responding to, or coming right out and saying but sharp eyed commentators would have a valid correction to make. Gunther appeared to be looking toward something in Panel three of yesterday’s panels in Panel 3 specifically, but in the chair he was gone in panel 3 and the panels were all Bern and Lu arguing, as only they do, while in Panel 3 the chair was empty. Leaving the basis that he saw Bets, and that he never heard the argument in today’s comic. We should find out tonight.
Scott S almost 4 years ago
Excuse me, bartender. My doctor says I must drink at least six of these each hour!
Roy G Biv almost 4 years ago
Years ago, the Car Guys – Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers – pondered the question: do two people who don’t know what they’re talking about, know more or less than one person who doesn’t know what they’re talking about?
I’d say that these two are an argument for the latter.
Ukko wilko almost 4 years ago
Yup, Gunther got fed up and called a Uber. Good move.
anonymooseandsquirrel Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I’m just going to ignore the comments and enjoy these strips because they’re FUNNY!
Susan123 almost 4 years ago
Wish Bernice would change her major
PhoenixHocking almost 4 years ago
Good choice, Gunther. Leave these two to bicker while you’re in misery. Go home. Talk to your mom.
Burgundy2 almost 4 years ago
I never thought I’d say this but Luanne ( the girl, not the strip) is really becoming annoying. I think maybe having Bernice living with her has put them too close for comfort. I know I have some friends that the bit of distance between us has kept the friendship healthy.
Vilyehm almost 4 years ago
Comment count will be lower today.
Like the sea retreating from the shore before the tsunami hits.
Everyone is waiting for tomorrow.
rklynch almost 4 years ago
My oh my. Those two will argue about anything, wouldn’t they? They’re more like an old married couple arguing about how blue the sky is than two besties…
ChrisTrey almost 4 years ago
Worse outcome of the night: tomorrow’s comic features Guth waking up next to Les, both with big smiles on their faces, and they go off to live happy lives as Punk’s new mommy and daddy. Or maybe that would be a good thing for both of them?
YorkGirl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Bernice’s question is for Bets, I think. I’m with Luann this time as far as timing. However, neither is observant enough to see Gunther leave!
BlitzMcD almost 4 years ago
Gunther took Bill Anderson’s advice and decided to Get While The Gettin’s Good. Smart move.
bakana almost 4 years ago
And … Gunther is Out of there.
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
—In Praise (?) of the Unobservant. It’s a klnd of obvious thing, except to Luann, who has eyes but does not see…. .
finnygirl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Gunther only mentioned that he loved Bets to try to explain to her why he would never take sides against her. Timing had nothing to do with it.
Bernice trying to be a psychoanalyst when she’s still in training is as stupid as it would have been if I had tried to translate German and Russian books in my first couple of years at college.
Luann is overreacting to Bernice’s “know-it-all” attitude, but is not helping the situation at all.
As several have already said, Gunther needs peace and quiet. Even if he has to be alone to get them. I don’t know that he needs to talk to anybody at all right now.
If Bets shows up acting contrite for her behavior, or for ditching him, I will fall out of my chair in a dead faint. (But it’s okay…I have a rug underneath the desk and chair.)
Just waiting to see what tomorrow brings!
Florida Boy Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s a danged shame that Gunthie is missing all of this fine womansplaining. Maybe it’ll still be in progress when he shows up again.
ronaldspence almost 4 years ago
Irony so thick you need a pirate sword to cut it…