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OK, In case it wasn’t obvious enough, G&K want to lead us by the nose to the conclusion that Ann hasn’t changed at all, and Tom is completely snowed. So Tiffany heads out on her own, and the DeGroots offer her a place to stay.
I hope Tiffany doesn’t carry the luggage … her father should stop this nonsense now. If he sees Tiffany lugging that stuff for Ann, he should make it clear to both that Tiffany isn’t Ann’s personal maid. Where has Tiffany’s self respect gone? For Pete’s sake, this has gone on long enough… her father can’t be that blind or stupid
Well this isn’t good. Tom has once again gone faceless, and is letting Ann take over the family. Maybe Tiffany is going to move in with the DeGroots after all.
Ann is not pregnant. Just a back up plan in case she did not get the ring on her romantic holiday. I so hope she gets caught trying by Tom in another one of her scams.
she can help yeah but she’s not no maid and while she may be preggers you ladies can correct me if i’m wrong and i may be i dunno, but she’s not that far along and she can at this point anyways carry this up herself. in the future she won’t be able to but for now since she’s got her figure she can. now if i’m wrong and offended anyone here than i apologize but if i’m right…
Do what ya gotta do, but get outta there as quickly and gracefully as you can….hopefully before Ann decides to go upstairs and change into “something more comfortable” (are her clothes still on the lawn?)
Tom Farrell has the attention span and brain of a gnat. Small wonder why Ann was able to put one over on him.I guess G&K already figured that We guessed Ann and Tom are engaged. Note Tom never did make his big announcement. All he said was wedding to plan, Today.
It’s pretty clear that Ann’s intention is to turn Tiffany into her slave and use the pregnancy as an excuse. And “IF” the baby is born, Ann will use it as an excuse to keep Tiffany groveling.
Most “folks” say that Tiffany should pack her bags and leave. But I think she should stick around awhile. At least for a couple of weeks, and watch Ann closely. Then:
1) Invite Les over while her dad is there. Let’s find out once and for all if Ann has told Tom about “Him.” (I’ll bet she hasn’t)
2) If the pregnancy is fake, Tiffany should monitor Ann’s movements. Especially moves to a doctors office. She should ask Ann to go along. If Ann refuses and says she’s going alone, start getting suspicious. Get doubly suspicious if Ann doesn’t even want Tom to go with her to the “Docs.” And if Ann does want Tom to go, Tiffany should use that time to talk to her dad alone.
3) Tiffany should gather whatever money she has left and hire a private detective to monitor Ann’s whereabouts. Pass the hat for coin if need be. If she’s up to something, the private eye will find out pretty quick.
4) Tiffany MUST talk to her dad alone. Go to his place of work if need be.
5) The fact that Tom and Ann are merely engaged means that there’s still a slim chance to put a stop to her, especially if Ann is faking. But she has to be stopped BEFORE the wedding. The key is getting hold of that sonogram and verify its authenticity. Tiffany SHOULD have done that while Ann and Tom were gone.
This is a mess to the 10th power. See what happens when you don’t call the cops? “Defund the police,” My Arse.
And let the servitude begin. Servitude – “1 : a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life. 2 : a right by which something (such as a piece of land) owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment by another.”
Panel 1: Tiffany going up the stairs with the first suitcase.
Panel 2: Tiffany in her bedroom making a phone call. “Mrs. Degroot? About that room …”
Panel 3: Tiffany coming down the stairs with the first box.
In any case, I’m going back out on a limb and predicting that Tiffany does end up at the DeGroots’ house — maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this week, but soon (though not, I hope, for the rest of her life).
Time for Tiffany to stand up for herself and say goodby, (and quickly, before she gets manipulated into babysitting for free). If she doesn’t, she is in for a miserable life. Tom is still basically ignoring Tiff, and Ann will keep on using Tiff. Although Les and Tiffany may not make a good couple, they do have something in common—-both have a parent that rejected them.
Why cant ann eiffel finally get caught in her lies? I know this is just a comic, but I know people like this in real life. they get away with everything lol. I am really rooting for tiffany. she has come a long way. But if the writer of these sees my comment, please get rid of her. we dont need her to be like she has been to her other son, les.
Tiff needs to use Ann’s own techniques against her. Pick up the suitcases, have them “accidentally” fly open and spew their contents into the dirt, then cry and wail about how she didn’t know they were unzipped and how klutzy she is.
I came here from ArcaMax because thwt have switched to Facebook’s commenting system, only to fine that this storyline has been depressing me for the past three years. The sooner they end this story the better, and of this is all they’ve got then it’s time to retire.
Ann is going to exploit the situation as much as she could for as long as she doesn’t show. I hope Tom takes another look at that ultrasound and realizes the data does not calculate.
Prediction: This week will continue to play out with more Ann and Tiff interaction in the McMansion. Ann will be euphoric; Tiff morose. The Cinderella mood will continue. Maybe something will happen Saturday, but don’t bet on it.
(Don’t worry, I always get it wrong… except once… long, long ago.)
Look at the ultrasound. That image on the ultrasound corresponds 2 roughly a 5 month gestation please look closely and you will see that all of the features are there fingers toes ECT. And would have been showing symptoms of pregnancy long before that ultrasound was available. She would have been having morning sickness right around the end of January through the next 3 months if not still having morning sickness but there’s been no mention of it. by 5 months she should be showing a baby bump but she is not. And given the fact that there are websites that you can buy ultrasounds on and she is a known con woman I’m sure that she was indeed using an ultrasound that she bought on the internet. I’m sure she is taking birth control pills and not necessarily for the reason that you would think, but if she is taking birth control pills if she were to take a pregnancy test in front of someone it will show positive since the way birth control pills work is by convincing your body you’re already expecting a child so it will show up positive if she were to take a pregnancy test. Personally I believe he’s either had a hysterectomy or that she has had her tubes tied. I’m leaning towards full hysterectomy since because she would have taken a major set of organs out of her body it will help her to continually look thinner there in the abdominal area. I think Less will remember this. This clearly engineered deception to convince Tiffany’s dad to marry her by lying will put paid to the and and Tom relationship. It should also bring back the focus of Tom the fact that he has a child. As further evidence I present the court of public opinion the fact that and is old enough to have Less as a child, that would put her at about age 40 unless you started incredibly early. I think what this is setting up for Tiffany is that her dad will realize he’s been being a major dick with regards to his treatment of Tiffany and as a result he will return two trading Tiffany as he had before.
This is starting to sound like martin francis ford coppolas the godfather meets “cinderella.” Except Ann is the “godmother” but she’s still bossing Tiffany around just out of earshot of Tom. I’m just waiting for Ann to utter “i’m gonna make ya an offer ya can’t refuse.”
Ann plays it nice in front of Tom, then sticks it to Tiffany every chance she gets when Tom isn’t looking. Looks like Ann expects Tiffany to run – which Ann will sell as Tiffany leaving the family (and the family’s money).
Well I will be the first to admit that I was hornswoggled by yet another misdirection play, should have known. No surrogate, even though it makes no sense that such a weel-developed fetus would not show any kind of baby bump. Tom is happy with this development, Ann is engaged to the apparent father of her future half-sibling, and Ann is still tormenting Tiffany. This a hell of young adult growth Greg!!
How much more torture does Tiffany have to endure to make up for her past life as a spoiled little rich girl? I’m really feeling sorry for Tiffany. I want to see Ann get a good b*tch slapping, but I know it’s not coming anytime soon. It’s Tom who should be carrying all that luggage up to their room, not Tiffany.
Why can’t babydaddy help with the lifting? I mean he started it, he needs to follow through on the responsibilities. None of this, “It’s your baby, I gotta go play golf or go out with the guys” stuff.
I am getting very tired of Ann. Tiffany is immature and unwise in some respects, yes, but she is not deliberately mean in herself and doesn’t deserve this.
Was Tom’s comment about the baby waving a bit of foreshadowing. Ann isn’t showing at all, but that scan image was a quite developed baby. It is a cartoon though, so maybe baby progress doesn’t follow an accurate timeline.
She seems rotten to the core. But as always with human beings, she was not born that way, she must have had a story with much suffering to become like this. And then, there are habits, difficult to break.
I’ve never liked Ann, and I’m getting sick of this Tom character. I myself have two daughters, a granddaughter and a great granddaughter, any of whom I’d throw myself under a train for, and would never treat the way Tom is treating Tiff. Really hope this story has some kind of a good outcome soon. Normally these arcs end on a Saturday. If something good doesn’t happen for Tiffany by then, it’s goodbye to this strip, now matter how many years I’ve been following.
This whole story line is too frustrating! I’m over it! Ann is not enjoyable to read about at all! I’ve patiently waited for Tiff to get ahead of this, but instead it just gets worse. I’m ready for a new story line!
Once again, Ann is the one who acknowledge that Tiffany is still in the room and understand that she’s about to leave, not Tom, who already thinks of something else. If only her being careful would be for help Tiffany and not for mock her, Ann would be the best mother ever.
Tiffany just keep walking out the door. Don’t even respond to Ann. Leave your clueless father and his con artist fiance and live your life. Get yourself emancipated so you can get financial aid based on your own income and not have to worry about them using money to lure you into their life.
I am trying to remember the last time a villainous character came out on top in a comic strip. Don’t think it will happen in this strip when all of this sees the light of day. “Foul deeds will rise…”
There’s a reason that Tiffany is being such a doormat and is allowing Ann to push her around.
Remember when she was looking at all the photos of Tom and Ann on Ann’s dresser? She was profoundly shocked to see how happy Tom was in Ann’s company. He may have been too dense to realize he was being played by a pro, but he was HAPPY!
Tiffany loves her father, enough that she puts his happiness above hers. She would never have thrown Ann’s clothes out the window if Tom had been there to see it. She may believe (and might even be right) that if she goes too far in her animosity toward Ann that he won’t love her any more. She wants him to be happy for both his and her benefit.
This situation could be resolved in a good way if Tom discovers the truth about Ann in a manner that leaves Tiffany out of it entirely. How? Les might be able to do it if he felt so inclined.
Now that Ann is claiming to be pregnant … I would love to know if she drank any alcohol drinks on that romantic 2 week vacation. Maybe Tom went to get a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. If Ann drinks it – he catches on to her.
Nothing doing, Ann because Tiff doesn’t want to put away your luggage. Besides, this isn’t Cinderella and you should be ashamed of yourself for treating her like your personal slave, you wicked witch.
Walk away, Tiffany and do not slam the door on the way out. Tell Daddy -Dear that he needs time with Ann to get ready for their new life and you do not want to be in the way. Besides, he can afford to hire help.
Then go the Fuze and throw the garbage cans around the alley!
Well gang this is sure dragging out same ol thing every day. Nasty lady and Tiff Dad being stupid. Not much going on here for sure. Same thing over and over.
To all the ultrasound deniers: In Luanniverse there is no correlation between the depiction of the baby and Ann’s “showing.”
Greg, consummate cartoonist that he is, obviously decided to show the drawing as depicted to ensure that there would be no visual doubt as to what was being suggested.
Personally, I think Tom is a j*erk.I understand he’s overwhelmed right now, but he walks away, leaving Ann with the luggage? And why is this baby a surprise? Either they were trying for one or they weren’t – Tom doesn’t pursue either line of thought at all, he just accepts it, and tacks on a marriage? Today the strip glosses over reality.
So it appears that Tiffany and Les will have a sibling via the grand villain of the strip. A baby does not turn a villain into a saint. What is more likely happening is that the writer wants to continue Tiffany’s and Les’s journey into maturity. A baby can definitely help with that, but few are ready to see a pregnant Tiffany. By having secondary characters produce the baby (think Shannon) the crazy antics of the main characters can continue as desired with the occasional interruption by the new baby. The storylines can continue as before with the added contrast of the tenderness and silliness of a younger sibling. At least, that’s what I hope is planned. If the direction moves toward humanizing the grand villain, Ann, I am not on board. I don’t like the implication that when things are a mess you drop a baby in the midst to make bad people good people. Whatever the case, I’ll see you guys in a few weeks when this storyline is done. Time for me to get off of the train, hopefully not permanently.
I somehow think that Ann is not pregnant; she used a fake ultrasound picture as a tactic to get Tom to commit. Later we will see that she will have claimed to have lost the baby, but Tiffany will somehow eavesdrop on a conversation that will incriminate Ann, Ann will be exposed and all will be well.
I can’t see the Evans’s let this plot turn out that Ann wins. She’s already been vilified far too much, and that would not go well the the fans.
Tom likes to plan but not be involved in any actual execution. He lets Ann manage the house (no doubt she likes that); he’s very hands-off which is why he has so little knowledge of what’s going on at the ground level. Look how he just walks away. He just learned that his wife to-be is pregnant. There’s a big pile of bags sitting at the door and he’s off presumably to his den/office to get on the phone with colleagues and buddies. Those bags will just grow little legs and walk up to the bedroom and get unpacked by themselves. No, there’s two women around now who will do all that.
Reading this strip is swiftly becoming a form of torture. How much more can you kick Tiffany when she’s down? What do you guys have planned for her next? A swarm of fire ants? Cancer? Because I’m sure I’m not the only one sick of this.
Well I’ve seen enough of this Cinderella knock off – Ann might have to hire those maids back if Tiffany does the right thing and leaves. A decent parent would have shown some concern for how their child was going to adjust to all these life changing events. At least the dad in Cinderella was kind and loving..until he died.
Something just occurred to me.(I know… surprise! Surprise!)
The very first view of Daddy Tom’s face was as a loving father returning from a trip away and hugging Tiffany. Even up to the point where he was leaving with Ann we only saw the back of his head.
I, for one, do not believe that this is a happenstance. I believe that Greg is indicating that Daddy Tom will eventually do the right thing by Tiffany.
I have a feeling Ann is NOT pregnant and is going to milk this (no pun intended) for awhile till she has a fake miscarriage, all for financial gain and to garner more sympathy from Tom.
Ann won’t be able to drink alcohol now. And she needs to start showing within a month or the fake pregnancy will be exposed. The ultrasound was taken at 10 or 12 weeks, Ann and Tom were gone for 2 weeks at the cabin so Ann is at least 12 weeks by now.
Today’s story is very interesting…. and yet very “muddied” to me in terms of what I think. Now, I admit to not having had my morning coffee today, and I am also very sadly pipe tobacco deprived… but I do not think my muddy mental malady can be attributed to those factors….. but this story is just so very odd :
1. Tom is acting far more “regular” than I ever anticipated. Do not get me wrong… he is never going to be considered “Dad of the Year” material… and I do not like a lot of his actions. But, the way he has been acting this week has been fairly normal…. a little scatter-brained…. but fairly normal. Normalcy and “Tom” never seemed to fit together before.
2. Even though Ann’s words may be dripping in sarcasm…. the reality is that they (Tom, Ann, Tiffany, and the potential sibling) are now “family”. I am not sure if Ann’s words ARE sarcastic or sincere in panel two. I lean towards sarcasm… but who really knows…. no indication in how the words are written either.
3. The “You can help!” comment…. I know everyone is (insert coarse word for urination) about that comment being said to Tiffany. And, it is very , very easy to take Ann’s words this way given her typical track record. I too, tend to think Ann only means the comment as a form of manipulation. BUT….. I also do feel that a woman who is pregnant should be given help and assistance if/when she asks. So, I am torn here. I tend to think that…. even if Ann is just being manipulative… that Tiffany should help.
Sometimes it is just better to do the right thing even if whom you are doing the right thing for doesn’t really always deserve it. For me… the few minutes it would take for Tiffany to cart the luggage upstairs…. would make Tiffany a far better person rather than ignoring Ann or arguing with Ann about th
Ann had no trouble with the bags when they left, unless Tom carried them all? Ann treats Tiff like a servant. Cliche Stepmom/stepchild trope. Tiff, keep walking.
Just say “piss off” and leave. Two to one the pregnancy was fake and a scam in reserve to force a marriage. Now she will “miscarry” and play that for sympathy.
Rule of acquisition #76 – Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. I’d say help with the luggage, be gracious while doing it, go say goodbye to Dad…and then leave. Ann is comfortable and happy when she is in control of Tiffany’s emotions through her treatment of Tiffany. Why let her have that power?
Didn’t have time to read all the comments, but in case this one was omitted – what are the odds that Ann acquired someone else’s pic of the fetus and is passing it off as her own? Then she can get him to marry her only to have a “miscarriage” before it’s time for her belly to swell? Maybe my thoughts are evil, but I’m trying to channel her god-awful personality…..
Tom was paying for Tiffany’s tuition and mental health counseling.Tom stop paying for a Deluxe Student Suite and ask Tiffany to live at home.Tiffany still has her sport car and has a job at the Fuse.Tiffany uses Leslie Knox to share her unhappiness with her family situation.Gunther currently distrust Tiffany and Tiffany is pals with Bets.Nancy wants to provide Tiffany with parental care against the TJ’s advisements. Tiffany lacks self-discipline and focus need to achieve success!
Tiffany is an everyday person who feels entitled. Tiffany needs to release her past and move forward. However, that will not happen.
Tom Farrell is focused on his new future!Unless Tiffany reconnects with her mother, her future is dismal with Tom.
If there is nothing about Tom questioning why his daughter was the house cleaner or Tiffany just carries the bags upstairs like a bellhop, then I’ll go on vacation til this is over. It’s just gross.
We can hope for the week to end with Tiffany leaving—maybe even with more than the clothes on her back—but, how long did TJ’s “scheme” to “get back” at Ann take? A year? More? I lost track, it was so meandering and silly. All those bikini weenies for a tape that said “I con but I con smart”. And GE just brought her back, anyway, and now she’s even more mustache-twirly. And she’s got a partner now! And he’s got an actual mustache! This strip is anticipation’s nightmare factory.
SAM’S SCHOOL FOR SUPERVILLAINS Bayonne, Marsailles, WhitechapelStudent Notification. Given the large number of negative comments regarding Ms. Eiffel, we thought it best to inform you that she is completing her student project for her degree from the Wicked Stepmother Corps of our school.
Tiffany, stop being a “good daughter” and tell Annie Awful to go do it herself, whatever the consequences. There is no excuse for allowing yourself to be treated like dirt by that scheming sleazoid!
The ultra sound HAS to be a fake. I can’t see Eiffel seriously considering a long term relationship with anyone, and I cannot see her getting pregnant again ( even on ‘accident’ ).
I wish we could get rid of Ann Eiffel permanently. I do realize she’s there to cause conflict, and that can add tension and drama. Doesn’t Tiffany have enough angst in her life with work and college, and an even more disinterested father?
Tiffany can say “Sorry I can’t help, I’m already late for work.” Ann will try to manipulate every chance she gets. Tiffany needs to come up with excuses (said in a nice way maybe) to deflect whatever Ann comes up with if she wants to stay there. (Learning to deflect can become an art.) Then, save money to move as soon as she can to get out of there. Tiffany may even consider taking a second job to get out sooner. It will keep her away from Ann.
The ultrasound Tiffany found was given to Ann by her son Les. Les is the father, Luann is the mother-to-be. Tiffany has opened a real can of worms here.
It’s pretty clear judging from the relationship Ann has with…well….everybody that she will continue to be a terrible mother. The question is can Tiffany fill the void Ann leaves? Tom appears clueless and that is not likely to change soon. The child will be Tiffany’s step-sibling, does that mean she has any obligation? If she just bails on the family and goes it on her own, the kid will grow up being a piece of Ann’s Machiavellian Chess set
Now Ann will try to talk Tom into letting Tiff move back into the house for her evil plan of making Tiff her personal servant. If I was Tiff, I would have told both Ann and Tom, up yours a long time ago.
You know I’m really tired of this theme, it’s too much like real life in which horrid, selfish people get their way. Let’s go back to funny Luann and her life.
Actually, shouldn’t Tiffany be paid for being a house sitter and maid for a week? A nice tip. Tiff, grab all those boxes of your stuff from your room on your way out and never look back.
As some have pointed out, the sonogram is a buck up to the get-a-way. The size of the fetus in the picture is large enough to be show swelling on Ann’s waist line. Know this from experience with wife and daughters.
I’m not buying into this “pregnancy”…Ann Eiffel is the quintessential evil snark that is always manipulating anyone and anything to get her way…and so…I say this ultrasound picture is not hers at all but a ruse to snag herself a very rich husband. Tiffany’s dad is too naive for his own good.
How can this get any worse? There is no turning back now. There can’t be a great big exit for Ann. We are stuck with her, and now we have to accept her awful ways. A baby doesn’t excuse everything else. So now Tiffany is in a no way out situation. Either she lowers herself for the sake of the new family or she continues to dislike Ann and possibly lose her relationship with her dad. This arc sucks.
Based on the ultrasound shown in this strip a couple of days ago and the ultrasounds I’ve seen posted on various FB friends’ pages, shouldn’t Ann “be showing”? And probably quite noticeably.
Mr. Nailer Bondy over 4 years ago
AnyFace over 4 years ago
Cheapskate0 over 4 years ago
For the first time I can say, truthfully,
I’m sorry today is not Tiffany and Les!
Good grief! Am I turning into TeaFanny?
Space_Owl on GoComics over 4 years ago
Ann, I don’t trust you more every minute…
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 4 years ago
“Now that I’ve broken your will..”
Miles VanDelay over 4 years ago
OK, In case it wasn’t obvious enough, G&K want to lead us by the nose to the conclusion that Ann hasn’t changed at all, and Tom is completely snowed. So Tiffany heads out on her own, and the DeGroots offer her a place to stay.
BabyBlue over 4 years ago
And that, my dear, is your cue – to exit stage left. And stay gone.
irisj728 over 4 years ago
I hope Tiffany doesn’t carry the luggage … her father should stop this nonsense now. If he sees Tiffany lugging that stuff for Ann, he should make it clear to both that Tiffany isn’t Ann’s personal maid. Where has Tiffany’s self respect gone? For Pete’s sake, this has gone on long enough… her father can’t be that blind or stupid
wantcomicsnow over 4 years ago
Keep walking Tiff, and don’t look back.
ACTIVIST1234 over 4 years ago
Hope Tiff says, “Now that’s a job for your new fiance!”.Don’t you love the way Team Evans changed our years of hating Tiff to rooting for her… mostly?
bytebot-gocomics over 4 years ago
So why is Tom running away and leaving the luggage behind?
No wonder he loves Ann so much if he can rely on her to help him “unwind” after she first carries all the luggage upstairs.
Heck, all Ann needs to do now is turn into a pizza and a six pack at midnight!
PeterPirate over 4 years ago
Well this isn’t good. Tom has once again gone faceless, and is letting Ann take over the family. Maybe Tiffany is going to move in with the DeGroots after all.
MathProf2 over 4 years ago
So, do you think she’s planning to murder Tom?
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Resign your housekeeper job and leave. . Ann will not pay Tiffany any money. .Ann is looking for free domesticate work.Ann can hire Leslie Knox.
howtheduck over 4 years ago
I guess she can put that luggage the same place she put Anne’s clothing.
The Electrician over 4 years ago
Still not buying it. Ann is running a scam and the only thing she is ‘EXPECTING’ is a big cash haul.
Counterpoint over 4 years ago
Is all that luggage for a week in a cabin in the woods?
jea9hrkr over 4 years ago
Ann is not pregnant. Just a back up plan in case she did not get the ring on her romantic holiday. I so hope she gets caught trying by Tom in another one of her scams.
Dale 15 over 4 years ago
Ann will get her comeuppance. It will be served cold, but will be sweet.
CynthiaLeigh over 4 years ago
Give Ann the one finger salute on your way out, Tiff.
ct0760 over 4 years ago
Omg, stand up to her
Cstimpy25 over 4 years ago
she can help yeah but she’s not no maid and while she may be preggers you ladies can correct me if i’m wrong and i may be i dunno, but she’s not that far along and she can at this point anyways carry this up herself. in the future she won’t be able to but for now since she’s got her figure she can. now if i’m wrong and offended anyone here than i apologize but if i’m right…
suv2000 over 4 years ago
Do it yourself or have Tom do it
notbornyesterday over 4 years ago
Do what ya gotta do, but get outta there as quickly and gracefully as you can….hopefully before Ann decides to go upstairs and change into “something more comfortable” (are her clothes still on the lawn?)
Argythree over 4 years ago
Just tell Ann you’ll see her when the baby is born and leave…
Kymberleigh over 4 years ago
I just realized, looking at that last panel: I don’t believe we have ever seen Ann in anything but a minidress or miniskirt before now.
Having said that, if I were Tiff I would have pushed Ann’s arms away in that second panel.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 4 years ago
A couple of points:
Tom Farrell has the attention span and brain of a gnat. Small wonder why Ann was able to put one over on him.I guess G&K already figured that We guessed Ann and Tom are engaged. Note Tom never did make his big announcement. All he said was wedding to plan, Today.It’s pretty clear that Ann’s intention is to turn Tiffany into her slave and use the pregnancy as an excuse. And “IF” the baby is born, Ann will use it as an excuse to keep Tiffany groveling.
Most “folks” say that Tiffany should pack her bags and leave. But I think she should stick around awhile. At least for a couple of weeks, and watch Ann closely. Then:
1) Invite Les over while her dad is there. Let’s find out once and for all if Ann has told Tom about “Him.” (I’ll bet she hasn’t)
2) If the pregnancy is fake, Tiffany should monitor Ann’s movements. Especially moves to a doctors office. She should ask Ann to go along. If Ann refuses and says she’s going alone, start getting suspicious. Get doubly suspicious if Ann doesn’t even want Tom to go with her to the “Docs.” And if Ann does want Tom to go, Tiffany should use that time to talk to her dad alone.
3) Tiffany should gather whatever money she has left and hire a private detective to monitor Ann’s whereabouts. Pass the hat for coin if need be. If she’s up to something, the private eye will find out pretty quick.
4) Tiffany MUST talk to her dad alone. Go to his place of work if need be.
5) The fact that Tom and Ann are merely engaged means that there’s still a slim chance to put a stop to her, especially if Ann is faking. But she has to be stopped BEFORE the wedding. The key is getting hold of that sonogram and verify its authenticity. Tiffany SHOULD have done that while Ann and Tom were gone.
This is a mess to the 10th power. See what happens when you don’t call the cops? “Defund the police,” My Arse.
electricpostcard over 4 years ago
And let the servitude begin. Servitude – “1 : a condition in which one lacks liberty especially to determine one’s course of action or way of life. 2 : a right by which something (such as a piece of land) owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment by another.”
Airman over 4 years ago
Unbelievable. Unlikely. Untrue. Call up the bullpen and tell Gunther and Bets to get ready, they’re coming in. We need relief.
outonalimb over 4 years ago
What I’d like to see:
Panel 1: Tiffany going up the stairs with the first suitcase.
Panel 2: Tiffany in her bedroom making a phone call. “Mrs. Degroot? About that room …”
Panel 3: Tiffany coming down the stairs with the first box.
In any case, I’m going back out on a limb and predicting that Tiffany does end up at the DeGroots’ house — maybe not tomorrow, maybe not this week, but soon (though not, I hope, for the rest of her life).
mavinminx over 4 years ago
Time for Tiffany to stand up for herself and say goodby, (and quickly, before she gets manipulated into babysitting for free). If she doesn’t, she is in for a miserable life. Tom is still basically ignoring Tiff, and Ann will keep on using Tiff. Although Les and Tiffany may not make a good couple, they do have something in common—-both have a parent that rejected them.
JaimeCauntay1 over 4 years ago
Why cant ann eiffel finally get caught in her lies? I know this is just a comic, but I know people like this in real life. they get away with everything lol. I am really rooting for tiffany. she has come a long way. But if the writer of these sees my comment, please get rid of her. we dont need her to be like she has been to her other son, les.
KathrynHildebrandt over 4 years ago
Tiff needs to use Ann’s own techniques against her. Pick up the suitcases, have them “accidentally” fly open and spew their contents into the dirt, then cry and wail about how she didn’t know they were unzipped and how klutzy she is.
beb01 over 4 years ago
I came here from ArcaMax because thwt have switched to Facebook’s commenting system, only to fine that this storyline has been depressing me for the past three years. The sooner they end this story the better, and of this is all they’ve got then it’s time to retire.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Ann is going to exploit the situation as much as she could for as long as she doesn’t show. I hope Tom takes another look at that ultrasound and realizes the data does not calculate.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Prediction: This week will continue to play out with more Ann and Tiff interaction in the McMansion. Ann will be euphoric; Tiff morose. The Cinderella mood will continue. Maybe something will happen Saturday, but don’t bet on it.
(Don’t worry, I always get it wrong… except once… long, long ago.)
Tyge over 4 years ago
Life’s a bee-itch; they you’re Tiffany. 8^ )
Alabama Al over 4 years ago
I’m curious – where is Tiffany’s mother? Is she deceased, or just absent?
Lifeflame over 4 years ago
Look at the ultrasound. That image on the ultrasound corresponds 2 roughly a 5 month gestation please look closely and you will see that all of the features are there fingers toes ECT. And would have been showing symptoms of pregnancy long before that ultrasound was available. She would have been having morning sickness right around the end of January through the next 3 months if not still having morning sickness but there’s been no mention of it. by 5 months she should be showing a baby bump but she is not. And given the fact that there are websites that you can buy ultrasounds on and she is a known con woman I’m sure that she was indeed using an ultrasound that she bought on the internet. I’m sure she is taking birth control pills and not necessarily for the reason that you would think, but if she is taking birth control pills if she were to take a pregnancy test in front of someone it will show positive since the way birth control pills work is by convincing your body you’re already expecting a child so it will show up positive if she were to take a pregnancy test. Personally I believe he’s either had a hysterectomy or that she has had her tubes tied. I’m leaning towards full hysterectomy since because she would have taken a major set of organs out of her body it will help her to continually look thinner there in the abdominal area. I think Less will remember this. This clearly engineered deception to convince Tiffany’s dad to marry her by lying will put paid to the and and Tom relationship. It should also bring back the focus of Tom the fact that he has a child. As further evidence I present the court of public opinion the fact that and is old enough to have Less as a child, that would put her at about age 40 unless you started incredibly early. I think what this is setting up for Tiffany is that her dad will realize he’s been being a major dick with regards to his treatment of Tiffany and as a result he will return two trading Tiffany as he had before.
dadoctah over 4 years ago
“You can find them in the back lawn with all of your other clothes.”
jmworacle over 4 years ago
My advise get a DNA test. Scour the internet for anything showing Ann in porn.
gnmnrbl over 4 years ago
This is starting to sound like martin francis ford coppolas the godfather meets “cinderella.” Except Ann is the “godmother” but she’s still bossing Tiffany around just out of earshot of Tom. I’m just waiting for Ann to utter “i’m gonna make ya an offer ya can’t refuse.”
kenhense over 4 years ago
Ann plays it nice in front of Tom, then sticks it to Tiffany every chance she gets when Tom isn’t looking. Looks like Ann expects Tiffany to run – which Ann will sell as Tiffany leaving the family (and the family’s money).
luann1212 over 4 years ago
Well I will be the first to admit that I was hornswoggled by yet another misdirection play, should have known. No surrogate, even though it makes no sense that such a weel-developed fetus would not show any kind of baby bump. Tom is happy with this development, Ann is engaged to the apparent father of her future half-sibling, and Ann is still tormenting Tiffany. This a hell of young adult growth Greg!!
tkspring over 4 years ago
How much more torture does Tiffany have to endure to make up for her past life as a spoiled little rich girl? I’m really feeling sorry for Tiffany. I want to see Ann get a good b*tch slapping, but I know it’s not coming anytime soon. It’s Tom who should be carrying all that luggage up to their room, not Tiffany.
john.niegowski over 4 years ago
Why can’t babydaddy help with the lifting? I mean he started it, he needs to follow through on the responsibilities. None of this, “It’s your baby, I gotta go play golf or go out with the guys” stuff.
Zeno2099 over 4 years ago
I am getting very tired of Ann. Tiffany is immature and unwise in some respects, yes, but she is not deliberately mean in herself and doesn’t deserve this.
exarmyofficer over 4 years ago
Two words: DNA Test
ghamp1972 over 4 years ago
I hope this is a bad dream Tiff wakes up from.
boblivious2 over 4 years ago
Always knew Ann came with baggage…
melkor over 4 years ago
Was Tom’s comment about the baby waving a bit of foreshadowing. Ann isn’t showing at all, but that scan image was a quite developed baby. It is a cartoon though, so maybe baby progress doesn’t follow an accurate timeline.
redlandz over 4 years ago
Wow. Yeah Tif… just leave. Don’t stay around that toxic woman any longer than absolutely necessary!
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 4 years ago
So can you, ‘Mom’. You need to maintain that muscle tone. Pick ’em up and start walking.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago
Just leave her stuff there Tiffany
maureldav over 4 years ago
She seems rotten to the core. But as always with human beings, she was not born that way, she must have had a story with much suffering to become like this. And then, there are habits, difficult to break.
D.E.N. over 4 years ago
I’ve never liked Ann, and I’m getting sick of this Tom character. I myself have two daughters, a granddaughter and a great granddaughter, any of whom I’d throw myself under a train for, and would never treat the way Tom is treating Tiff. Really hope this story has some kind of a good outcome soon. Normally these arcs end on a Saturday. If something good doesn’t happen for Tiffany by then, it’s goodbye to this strip, now matter how many years I’ve been following.
Barry1941 over 4 years ago
Leave Tiff leave. Or at least leave this story line.
Dunligiel12 Premium Member over 4 years ago
“I charge by the bag. Shall I start with you first?”
Txgirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
CreativeChef over 4 years ago
Tiffany you your brain for once, we are all rooting for you, get the hell out of there. Ann , who s not pregnant, will destroy you.
mark47n over 4 years ago
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
I really hate that karma has yet to hit Ann in the ass! Come on, G&K!!!!
Decius Premium Member over 4 years ago
So Tiffs dad just left his pregnant wife to take care of the luggage? He’s a perfect match for Ann!
Markov Da Robot over 4 years ago
mamawcat over 4 years ago
I don’t think so
Busrayne over 4 years ago
Tiff’s mom must have been the brains of the family…..
kpvb1414 over 4 years ago
This whole story line is too frustrating! I’m over it! Ann is not enjoyable to read about at all! I’ve patiently waited for Tiff to get ahead of this, but instead it just gets worse. I’m ready for a new story line!
fairportfan over 4 years ago
Tell her where to put her luggage.
{I originally typed that as “Yell her…”. Might be appropriate, too.}
Aladar30 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Once again, Ann is the one who acknowledge that Tiffany is still in the room and understand that she’s about to leave, not Tom, who already thinks of something else. If only her being careful would be for help Tiffany and not for mock her, Ann would be the best mother ever.
chrisjozo over 4 years ago
Tiffany just keep walking out the door. Don’t even respond to Ann. Leave your clueless father and his con artist fiance and live your life. Get yourself emancipated so you can get financial aid based on your own income and not have to worry about them using money to lure you into their life.
Holilubillkori Premium Member over 4 years ago
This is a train wreck in slow motion….Smdh
Maureen Lambe-Hodder over 4 years ago
Frank Farkel over 4 years ago
I am trying to remember the last time a villainous character came out on top in a comic strip. Don’t think it will happen in this strip when all of this sees the light of day. “Foul deeds will rise…”
Petersenbus over 4 years ago
There’s a reason that Tiffany is being such a doormat and is allowing Ann to push her around.
Remember when she was looking at all the photos of Tom and Ann on Ann’s dresser? She was profoundly shocked to see how happy Tom was in Ann’s company. He may have been too dense to realize he was being played by a pro, but he was HAPPY!
Tiffany loves her father, enough that she puts his happiness above hers. She would never have thrown Ann’s clothes out the window if Tom had been there to see it. She may believe (and might even be right) that if she goes too far in her animosity toward Ann that he won’t love her any more. She wants him to be happy for both his and her benefit.
This situation could be resolved in a good way if Tom discovers the truth about Ann in a manner that leaves Tiffany out of it entirely. How? Les might be able to do it if he felt so inclined.
Uncle Bob over 4 years ago
“…but now it’s just another show; you leave ’em laughing when you go…”. — Joni Mitchell, “Clouds”
Ellis97 over 4 years ago
That Eiffel is the worst. Just the worst.
tutibug5 over 4 years ago
Now that Ann is claiming to be pregnant … I would love to know if she drank any alcohol drinks on that romantic 2 week vacation. Maybe Tom went to get a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. If Ann drinks it – he catches on to her.
interestedbystander over 4 years ago
Time to draw this fiasco to a conclusion. We don’t need anymore weeks of watching Ann treat Tiffany badly. It’s getting boring.
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tiff time to say goodbye to both
Ruth Brown over 4 years ago
“Dad, Ann says she needs help with the luggage. Bye,”
Sunnygal442 over 4 years ago
WHEN does this women get her karma?
maxiesmom2 Premium Member over 4 years ago
We’re family now, here you can be my sherpa.
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Tiff…say “Screw you Ann”
Callie Ray over 4 years ago
Nothing doing, Ann because Tiff doesn’t want to put away your luggage. Besides, this isn’t Cinderella and you should be ashamed of yourself for treating her like your personal slave, you wicked witch.
DaveQuinn over 4 years ago
Oh Wait…Tom already did.
desperado10mm over 4 years ago
Meanwhile back at a cluttered room Luann sits on her bed with Puddles.
RonaldMcCalip over 4 years ago
I think not Ann! You got yourself into this situation, you can work your own way out!I can’t think of a more loathsome character!
jonesbeltone over 4 years ago
Walk away, Tiffany and do not slam the door on the way out. Tell Daddy -Dear that he needs time with Ann to get ready for their new life and you do not want to be in the way. Besides, he can afford to hire help.
Then go the Fuze and throw the garbage cans around the alley!
comicboyz over 4 years ago
guess who Ann is planning to be the nanny
morningglory73 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Be careful Tiff or you’ll end up being her servant.
DadToFivePlus over 4 years ago
ST Joe River Premium Member over 4 years ago
Well gang this is sure dragging out same ol thing every day. Nasty lady and Tiff Dad being stupid. Not much going on here for sure. Same thing over and over.
Tyge over 4 years ago
To all the ultrasound deniers: In Luanniverse there is no correlation between the depiction of the baby and Ann’s “showing.”
Greg, consummate cartoonist that he is, obviously decided to show the drawing as depicted to ensure that there would be no visual doubt as to what was being suggested.
Or just to drive most of us to distraction! 8^ )
Philly1115 over 4 years ago
Did ann ever mention that she already had a son?
YankeeFan56 over 4 years ago
Personally, I think Tom is a j*erk.I understand he’s overwhelmed right now, but he walks away, leaving Ann with the luggage? And why is this baby a surprise? Either they were trying for one or they weren’t – Tom doesn’t pursue either line of thought at all, he just accepts it, and tacks on a marriage? Today the strip glosses over reality.
[Unnamed Reader - 089237] over 4 years ago
I do not think she is pregnant. I think she is trying to trap him into marrying her, then comes the miscarriage, and finally to lucrative divorce.
swanridge over 4 years ago
Sure, I’ll just put it all in your car and take off to the countryside.
phoenix over 4 years ago
Haven’t always gotten along?! She’s a criminal fer cryin’ out loud.
DadToFivePlus over 4 years ago
So it appears that Tiffany and Les will have a sibling via the grand villain of the strip. A baby does not turn a villain into a saint. What is more likely happening is that the writer wants to continue Tiffany’s and Les’s journey into maturity. A baby can definitely help with that, but few are ready to see a pregnant Tiffany. By having secondary characters produce the baby (think Shannon) the crazy antics of the main characters can continue as desired with the occasional interruption by the new baby. The storylines can continue as before with the added contrast of the tenderness and silliness of a younger sibling. At least, that’s what I hope is planned. If the direction moves toward humanizing the grand villain, Ann, I am not on board. I don’t like the implication that when things are a mess you drop a baby in the midst to make bad people good people. Whatever the case, I’ll see you guys in a few weeks when this storyline is done. Time for me to get off of the train, hopefully not permanently.
sueb1863 over 4 years ago
Tiffany, just say “I’m sure Dad can get that” and keep walking.
Cole Rene Premium Member over 4 years ago
Enough of this bully already, either give her, her comeuppance or drop it. If I want to get depressed I’ll read Mary Worth.
6foot6 over 4 years ago
Aaaanndddddd there is it.
MichaelHelwig over 4 years ago
Time to move out Tiff.
RossStanton1 over 4 years ago
Tiffany cheerily picks up the suitcases and carries them out to the UBER that she ordered for Ann.
GovernmentCheese over 4 years ago
I somehow think that Ann is not pregnant; she used a fake ultrasound picture as a tactic to get Tom to commit. Later we will see that she will have claimed to have lost the baby, but Tiffany will somehow eavesdrop on a conversation that will incriminate Ann, Ann will be exposed and all will be well.
I can’t see the Evans’s let this plot turn out that Ann wins. She’s already been vilified far too much, and that would not go well the the fans.
RSH over 4 years ago
Tom likes to plan but not be involved in any actual execution. He lets Ann manage the house (no doubt she likes that); he’s very hands-off which is why he has so little knowledge of what’s going on at the ground level. Look how he just walks away. He just learned that his wife to-be is pregnant. There’s a big pile of bags sitting at the door and he’s off presumably to his den/office to get on the phone with colleagues and buddies. Those bags will just grow little legs and walk up to the bedroom and get unpacked by themselves. No, there’s two women around now who will do all that.
TimothyP23 over 4 years ago
Reading this strip is swiftly becoming a form of torture. How much more can you kick Tiffany when she’s down? What do you guys have planned for her next? A swarm of fire ants? Cancer? Because I’m sure I’m not the only one sick of this.
harf59 over 4 years ago
Help show her how that luggage makes a fine suppository
ForrestOverin over 4 years ago
Or not…
Lopdee over 4 years ago
I really have had enough of this storyline.
comic reader 22 over 4 years ago
Well I’ve seen enough of this Cinderella knock off – Ann might have to hire those maids back if Tiffany does the right thing and leaves. A decent parent would have shown some concern for how their child was going to adjust to all these life changing events. At least the dad in Cinderella was kind and loving..until he died.
Cincoflex over 4 years ago
No, now’s the time to make your exit, Tiff—you are NOT obligated to help at all.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
Don’t do it Tiffany!!! Walk away.
eladee AKA Wally over 4 years ago
I just have a feeling this pregnancy is a fake.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Something just occurred to me. (I know… surprise! Surprise!)
The very first view of Daddy Tom’s face was as a loving father returning from a trip away and hugging Tiffany. Even up to the point where he was leaving with Ann we only saw the back of his head.
I, for one, do not believe that this is a happenstance. I believe that Greg is indicating that Daddy Tom will eventually do the right thing by Tiffany.
mildmannered1 over 4 years ago
Tom can’t even manage the luggage? Seems like he’s been good for only two things, one about 20 years ago and the other just recently.
ScretWitch over 4 years ago
Keep walking, Tiff… just keep walking.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hit the road Tiff, and don’t’cha look back no more, no more, etc. (Instead of Hit the Road Jack).
jojo318 over 4 years ago
I have a feeling Ann is NOT pregnant and is going to milk this (no pun intended) for awhile till she has a fake miscarriage, all for financial gain and to garner more sympathy from Tom.
locake over 4 years ago
Ann won’t be able to drink alcohol now. And she needs to start showing within a month or the fake pregnancy will be exposed. The ultrasound was taken at 10 or 12 weeks, Ann and Tom were gone for 2 weeks at the cabin so Ann is at least 12 weeks by now.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 4 years ago
Today’s story is very interesting…. and yet very “muddied” to me in terms of what I think. Now, I admit to not having had my morning coffee today, and I am also very sadly pipe tobacco deprived… but I do not think my muddy mental malady can be attributed to those factors….. but this story is just so very odd :
1. Tom is acting far more “regular” than I ever anticipated. Do not get me wrong… he is never going to be considered “Dad of the Year” material… and I do not like a lot of his actions. But, the way he has been acting this week has been fairly normal…. a little scatter-brained…. but fairly normal. Normalcy and “Tom” never seemed to fit together before.
2. Even though Ann’s words may be dripping in sarcasm…. the reality is that they (Tom, Ann, Tiffany, and the potential sibling) are now “family”. I am not sure if Ann’s words ARE sarcastic or sincere in panel two. I lean towards sarcasm… but who really knows…. no indication in how the words are written either.
3. The “You can help!” comment…. I know everyone is (insert coarse word for urination) about that comment being said to Tiffany. And, it is very , very easy to take Ann’s words this way given her typical track record. I too, tend to think Ann only means the comment as a form of manipulation. BUT….. I also do feel that a woman who is pregnant should be given help and assistance if/when she asks. So, I am torn here. I tend to think that…. even if Ann is just being manipulative… that Tiffany should help.
Sometimes it is just better to do the right thing even if whom you are doing the right thing for doesn’t really always deserve it. For me… the few minutes it would take for Tiffany to cart the luggage upstairs…. would make Tiffany a far better person rather than ignoring Ann or arguing with Ann about th
CAMom over 4 years ago
Tiffany needs to get her worthless DAD involved! HE should carry up the cases!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 4 years ago
…. with Ann about this…. even if Ann is only being purposefully manipulative.
kittysquared Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ann had no trouble with the bags when they left, unless Tom carried them all? Ann treats Tiff like a servant. Cliche Stepmom/stepchild trope. Tiff, keep walking.
Ukko wilko over 4 years ago
Just say “piss off” and leave. Two to one the pregnancy was fake and a scam in reserve to force a marriage. Now she will “miscarry” and play that for sympathy.
davidlwashburn over 4 years ago
Just tell he “no” and leave calmly.
jamesamber29 over 4 years ago
Keep walking Tiffany.
Newzy Premium Member over 4 years ago
Please don’t make us suffer through another story arch with this woman. Her ability to be selfish isn’t much needed these daze.
StackableContainers over 4 years ago
Rule of acquisition #76 – Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies. I’d say help with the luggage, be gracious while doing it, go say goodbye to Dad…and then leave. Ann is comfortable and happy when she is in control of Tiffany’s emotions through her treatment of Tiffany. Why let her have that power?
Ginny Premium Member over 4 years ago
Didn’t have time to read all the comments, but in case this one was omitted – what are the odds that Ann acquired someone else’s pic of the fetus and is passing it off as her own? Then she can get him to marry her only to have a “miscarriage” before it’s time for her belly to swell? Maybe my thoughts are evil, but I’m trying to channel her god-awful personality…..
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 4 years ago
No. Just no.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Poor Tiff! Dealing with Ann was bad enough, now her baggage (okay, I know, luggage)?!
ahess247 over 4 years ago
She sure isn’t drawn pregnant …. even for first trimester.
dcoyote over 4 years ago
Looks like Ann will be milking her so called “pregnancy” for as long as she can get away with it. Tiffany should have kept on walking away.
Tyge over 4 years ago
Hon? Did she just say Hon to Tiffany??
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
Tom was paying for Tiffany’s tuition and mental health counseling.Tom stop paying for a Deluxe Student Suite and ask Tiffany to live at home.Tiffany still has her sport car and has a job at the Fuse.Tiffany uses Leslie Knox to share her unhappiness with her family situation.Gunther currently distrust Tiffany and Tiffany is pals with Bets.Nancy wants to provide Tiffany with parental care against the TJ’s advisements. Tiffany lacks self-discipline and focus need to achieve success!
Tiffany is an everyday person who feels entitled. Tiffany needs to release her past and move forward. However, that will not happen.
Tom Farrell is focused on his new future!Unless Tiffany reconnects with her mother, her future is dismal with Tom.
Rhetorical_Question over 4 years ago
“Ann, I need to go” maybe, “Tom can help you”
percheronhitch6 over 4 years ago
If there is nothing about Tom questioning why his daughter was the house cleaner or Tiffany just carries the bags upstairs like a bellhop, then I’ll go on vacation til this is over. It’s just gross.
Susan123 over 4 years ago
She wont have that baby. She will get Tom all excited, get married and then have a miscarrage. She doesn’t want to change her lifestyle.
Caldonia over 4 years ago
We can hope for the week to end with Tiffany leaving—maybe even with more than the clothes on her back—but, how long did TJ’s “scheme” to “get back” at Ann take? A year? More? I lost track, it was so meandering and silly. All those bikini weenies for a tape that said “I con but I con smart”. And GE just brought her back, anyway, and now she’s even more mustache-twirly. And she’s got a partner now! And he’s got an actual mustache! This strip is anticipation’s nightmare factory.
jrankin1959 over 4 years ago
SAM’S SCHOOL FOR SUPERVILLAINS Bayonne, Marsailles, Whitechapel Student Notification. Given the large number of negative comments regarding Ms. Eiffel, we thought it best to inform you that she is completing her student project for her degree from the Wicked Stepmother Corps of our school.
Sisyphos over 4 years ago
Tiffany, stop being a “good daughter” and tell Annie Awful to go do it herself, whatever the consequences. There is no excuse for allowing yourself to be treated like dirt by that scheming sleazoid!
cromwelljones53 over 4 years ago
The ultra sound HAS to be a fake. I can’t see Eiffel seriously considering a long term relationship with anyone, and I cannot see her getting pregnant again ( even on ‘accident’ ).
Argythree over 4 years ago
Still hoping that Tiffany will call the owner of Souffle and ask for an opportunity to work as an intern to learn business…
jfedorchuk over 4 years ago
I am getting tired of seeing Tiffany being bullied by Ann and ignored by her Father. This arc has gone from being interesting to being unpleasant.
princesshickory Premium Member over 4 years ago
I wish we could get rid of Ann Eiffel permanently. I do realize she’s there to cause conflict, and that can add tension and drama. Doesn’t Tiffany have enough angst in her life with work and college, and an even more disinterested father?
BrendaStefka over 4 years ago
Tiffany can say “Sorry I can’t help, I’m already late for work.” Ann will try to manipulate every chance she gets. Tiffany needs to come up with excuses (said in a nice way maybe) to deflect whatever Ann comes up with if she wants to stay there. (Learning to deflect can become an art.) Then, save money to move as soon as she can to get out of there. Tiffany may even consider taking a second job to get out sooner. It will keep her away from Ann.
wpilgrim307 over 4 years ago
The ultrasound Tiffany found was given to Ann by her son Les. Les is the father, Luann is the mother-to-be. Tiffany has opened a real can of worms here.
sfknight over 4 years ago
It’s pretty clear judging from the relationship Ann has with…well….everybody that she will continue to be a terrible mother. The question is can Tiffany fill the void Ann leaves? Tom appears clueless and that is not likely to change soon. The child will be Tiffany’s step-sibling, does that mean she has any obligation? If she just bails on the family and goes it on her own, the kid will grow up being a piece of Ann’s Machiavellian Chess set
asrialfeeple over 4 years ago
Just walk away,Tiff. There’s nothing for you there.
Bonita Voigt over 4 years ago
Now Ann will try to talk Tom into letting Tiff move back into the house for her evil plan of making Tiff her personal servant. If I was Tiff, I would have told both Ann and Tom, up yours a long time ago.
stillfickled Premium Member over 4 years ago
Tiff, DON’T DO IT!!
kenhense over 4 years ago
There will be over 600 comments today. Nasty Ann lights our fires.
Goodvibrations2015 over 4 years ago
You know I’m really tired of this theme, it’s too much like real life in which horrid, selfish people get their way. Let’s go back to funny Luann and her life.
fix-n-fly over 4 years ago
Tiff – no Ann, you got yourself into this, you can get yourself out. By the way, don’t ever look at me as part of your family.
DG over 4 years ago
Actually, shouldn’t Tiffany be paid for being a house sitter and maid for a week? A nice tip. Tiff, grab all those boxes of your stuff from your room on your way out and never look back.
jamesbaird1572 over 4 years ago
As some have pointed out, the sonogram is a buck up to the get-a-way. The size of the fetus in the picture is large enough to be show swelling on Ann’s waist line. Know this from experience with wife and daughters.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 4 years ago
So finally, FINALLY, we come to the denouement…
Will Tiffany do as Ann indicates, and remain closely within the family, or, will Tiffany just depart and maintain sketchy contact from now on?
J6 over 4 years ago
I’m not buying into this “pregnancy”…Ann Eiffel is the quintessential evil snark that is always manipulating anyone and anything to get her way…and so…I say this ultrasound picture is not hers at all but a ruse to snag herself a very rich husband. Tiffany’s dad is too naive for his own good.
Otis Rufus Driftwood over 4 years ago
Darn it, Ann, I’m your (very reluctant) soon to be stepdaughter, not your maid!
jdi801 over 4 years ago
Figure a fake pregnancy (ultrasound’s are easy to find online), tragic miscarriage, and somehow being exposed by Tiff and Les. Hope dad gets a prenup.
bakana over 4 years ago
Yep. Awful Annie has been looking for a nice cheap personal Slave.
bakana over 4 years ago
This is where all those Evil Stepmother stories originate.
spoiledbrat714 Premium Member over 4 years ago
How can this get any worse? There is no turning back now. There can’t be a great big exit for Ann. We are stuck with her, and now we have to accept her awful ways. A baby doesn’t excuse everything else. So now Tiffany is in a no way out situation. Either she lowers herself for the sake of the new family or she continues to dislike Ann and possibly lose her relationship with her dad. This arc sucks.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
Wow. The day’s almost over, and this strip has almost 600 comments. This strip has as big a following as GOTs.
gnmnrbl over 4 years ago
Hey Ann you’re “pregnant”, shouldn’t you be wearing looser or stretchier clothes to accommodate the baby?
PhoenixHocking over 4 years ago
Oh, Tiff. Just leave or you will be slave forever.
rrsltx over 4 years ago
This strip has become as uplifting as Funky Winkerbean.
ridenslide65 over 4 years ago
I am struggling mightily to stay connected to this strip.
finnygirl Premium Member over 4 years ago
Now I have an earworm of the Rolling Stones’ “I’ll never be your beast of burden…”
SactoSylvia over 4 years ago
Ann is a user. Period. End of sentence.
Tom can’t see this obvious fact because…
adrianrune over 4 years ago
Based on the ultrasound shown in this strip a couple of days ago and the ultrasounds I’ve seen posted on various FB friends’ pages, shouldn’t Ann “be showing”? And probably quite noticeably.
Pecos Bill Premium Member over 4 years ago
Third trimester and not a moment sooner. Maybe not even then
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 4 years ago
If her dad’s not even paying her tuition or anything, what right do you have to try to use her as your slave