Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 03, 2023

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  8 months ago

    Surprise!!! Gunther has been cheating on me with that bra stuffing hussy, Luann!! Let me at her!! lol

    Looks like a day of filler till Bets will arrive on Saturday.

    Raggedy Ann is definitely Dez.


    At least Tiff put out some beverages for this party. We know there were none for that pool party.

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  2. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  8 months ago

    I feel like we’re padding at this point.

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  3. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member 8 months ago

    The “surprise” is Bets is about to pounce the party and she’s gonna video it for her fans, Gunny.

    Good Luck trying to convince Bets that you and Lu are “just friends.”


    News Flash, Gunth.

    If Bets still doesn’t trust you now, she NEVER will.

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    Tenax  8 months ago

    So quit hanging together and mingle – before Bets arrives!

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  5. Beb avatar
    beb01  8 months ago

    Shouldn’t Bets be driving to the party instead of advertising a ‘big surprise.’ And how will it be a surprise if everyone knows about it. This really is a day of log-rolling.

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  6. Photo
    epicatt2-  8 months ago

    Raggedy Ann isn’t who folks are suggesting. It’s ack-chooly that pink-haired girl that’s Piro’s cousin.I’ll just betcha!

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  7. Sugarloaf scene i
    live2read  8 months ago

    Gunther says he loves Bets and that she would love the party, but he’s also trash-talking her. And claiming that he and Luann are not a couple. He’s doing more running around than an Olympic athlete. That is, running around the truth.

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  8. Al the fish cup
    alasko  8 months ago

    They’re a couple. Of clueless fools.

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  9. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gunther having two girlfriends at once. Most people would call you a player.

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  10. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    Clueless Couple? Or they are too familiar friends?

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  11. Missing large
    kenhense  8 months ago

    I look forward to see how Bets handles this. She’s not a dummy and she may understand that Gunther & Luann didn’t have anybody else to go to the party with.

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  12. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    ♬Anticipation, anticipa-ay-tion … Is makin’ us late … Is keepin’ us waitin’_

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  13. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  8 months ago

    To save th day Luann needsta let her boobs droop when Bets shows up

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  14. Beb avatar
    beb01  8 months ago

    I noticed that this week on Luann Againn they are running the Luann v Tiffany volleyball war. Good stuff and one where Luann wins.

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  15. Missing large
    WomanWarrior  8 months ago

    Getting back to the costumes for Luann and Gunther…if Luann’s shirt is “made from scratch,” Gunther had to do some fairly intimate measuring and fitting, to get Luann’s noticeable display of bosom. Perhaps that’s why he didn’t have much time to do anything for himself.

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  16. Bookshelves background
    Azul0858  8 months ago

    Gunther’s being a little lofty about the “marketing stunt”…he’s still miffed, yet he doesn’t want anyone to think Bets left him…“Why would you think that?” It’s hard for anyone to understand male-female platonic couples who are just good friends…Luann and Gunther are the Mindy Kaling and B.J. Novak of their set.

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  17. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  8 months ago

    Dez? Why not use your own skin tone? It’s 2023.

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  18. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  8 months ago

    In defense of Lu-ther, many times I used to go to parties, movies, on walks with a guy…as a friend. Same as with another woman. We were buds, not an item.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 8 months ago

    Huge surprise? Bets is coming with a Guy? Girl? Gorilla?

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  20. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  8 months ago

    What is “that”? Is Dez referring to Luann stuffing her bra, or is Luann and Gunther holding hands? That big surprise will come, but Bets is going to be more surprised if she walks in and sees them holding hands.

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  21. Capture
    Rockabore  8 months ago

    Gunther and Kip have something in common, being with a girlfriend they feel way too comfortable publicly taking jabs at. Seriously, if he ends up staying with her they’re both crazy. He clearly doesn’t care about her. He couldn’t even tell him mom to apologize for being passive aggressive to her. He’s also definitely still fixated on his first crush, Luann, as we’ve seen with the whole “memory lane” thing.

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  22. Missing large
    nightflight  8 months ago

    I feel that if Raggedy Ann was Dez, it would be a cop out. Dez always spouts her Mother Earth philosophy, so everybody would assume its her, besides this Raggedy Ann looks chubby like Dez. A little better idea would be if its a padded Bernice pursuing her Psych. class assignment. Still better if Raggedy Ann is forgotten when Bets shows up revealing her baby bump. Okay, too far. Let’s wait and see what Greg has in mind. It’s his strip.

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  23. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  8 months ago

    “and you do that” That’s not Gunther and Luann’s fault. That is the fault of a lazy cartoonist who does not want to write the same word balloon twice.

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  24. Godzill fuji
    JonGoss  8 months ago

    Please don’t have Bets show up in a wedding gown as sort of weird marriage doll.

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    Bill The Nuke  8 months ago

    is that Toni?

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  26. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    The surprise is to boost the income stream, Gunther! Bets is experiencing a drop in revenue?

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  27. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 8 months ago

    So, after this week’s build-up, odds are that Saturday will be a… Disappointing hanger.

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  28. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Dez is right to warn Luann and Gunther about how others see them. The small group at the back is probably discussing exactly this and she’s worrying for her friend Bets. She may have told her that she’s coming to surprise Gunther and Dez wants to prevent her arrival from turning into a disaster, with Bets catching her boyfriend with someone else, all on live record. To convince them, Guntherand Luann should stop their conversation to talk to the others. But it’s quite sad how a couple of true friends are misunderstood by everyone.

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  29. Missing large
    Murph1908  8 months ago

    Prediction. Bets will call Luann “Jolene”.

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    tremaine53  8 months ago

    They ARE a couple. A couple of friends. For about 5 more minutes.

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    ewaldoh  8 months ago

    Yep; you can fool … ; but you can’t fool Dez.

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    sueb1863  8 months ago

    She’s going to have a guy (or maybe a girl) with her and tell Gunther she’s met somebody else.

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    computerprogrammer2028  8 months ago

    This is like a good game of Chess. Now all the pieces are in place for that one final crushing move.

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    ctolson  8 months ago

    Just watch. This series will stop when Bets arrives and switch to Brad, Tony and Shannon. Then we’re left hanging for a couple weeks.

    By the way, where is Bernice? What famous Psychologist did/is she coming as?

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    drewpamon  8 months ago

    Is that dez?

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  36. Samurai warrior
    Raijin31  8 months ago

    My prediction: Bets will show up, get the same impression that everyone else has (that Gun and LuAnn are on a ‘date’, and completely steamroll Gunther. Gunther, being the nice guy that he is, and also being completely dominated by Bets, will get emotionally stomped. Then more drama, with ‘the gang’ becoming polarized and taking sides between Gunther and Bets, leaving LuAnn holding the bag…

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  37. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 8 months ago

    I dunno, Gun, the way you talk about her in that first panel doesn’t sound very “together.”

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  38. Photo
    6foot6  8 months ago

    While growing up, My next door neighbor and I were always together. when we got into high school. Everyone thought we were dating because we were always together. the rumors that would spread through out the school anytime someone saw us with someone else. I had this conversation a lot. after explaining it to enough people they started to get the picture that we were just friend. But man the DRAMA!

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  39. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 8 months ago

    You know what would be really great and funny? Bets comes in and she’s like, “Oh look at you! You make a great couple!” and Gunther just then realizes that they did break up and have already moved on, even. Personally, I like Bets, but she’s a bit shallow, or shall we say, narrowly focused, and not really Gunther’s type.

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  40. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  8 months ago

    The alleged surprise is that Bets is attending the party, and when she sees you with Luann, she’s going to have an ugly belligerent confrontation with the both of you.

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  41. Me 2020
    Don Bagert Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bets is very late for the Halloween party – it’ll be at least November 5 before she gets there!

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  42. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 8 months ago

    I don’t know if they’re on their way to being a couple, but there is there the perception that a man and a woman CAN’T be just friends. If Luann came with Bernice, nobody would assume that, even though same-sex couple are pretty common.

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  43. Kindle camera 1443833573000
    artheaded1  8 months ago

    Luann look like her mom

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  44. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member 8 months ago

    Be afraid, be very afraid!

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  45. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    If Bets knows Gunther at all, she surely knows he will not like this surprise of showing up with no warning. Gunther likes to plan his life ahead and Bets knows that, but she doesn’t care what he wants.

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  46. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ah HO Count ❤️ers One and All… And The❤️Count does mean All! :) As Our Dearest Ann❤️Eiffel would say… “They Both Look Nice” and Darling Ann❤️Eiffel is most definitely not talking about Dumpster… If you know what The Count means and The Count thinks you do… ( º )( º ) …;). Can’t wait for tomorrow and the denouement when Bets the Bae arrives painted green and dressed as Marla (Yvonne Craig) from a Star Trek episode. Good guess and +1 for the response yesterday about Out Stunning Ann❤️Eiffel coming as a Tasmanian Devil Doll but sources close to the source tell The Count that she may come as… a CrockaDOLL looking for Tasty Rich Shoog Daddies to eat up… nomnomnom :) With that, Count ❤️ers… out of here for the day. Oodles to do. Mostly unscrupulous and deceitful but… hey, someone has to do it. Always remember… When In Doubt…WWA❤️ED? TTFN, lowly unworthies… Have an Ann❤️Eiffel Day!

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  47. Missing large
    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    Looks like Gunther is ready to give Bets the heave-ho! He doesn’t admire her plans to quit college and make a career on the road, gets satisfaction out of imagining her failing, he only “thinks” they are in love and considers her marketing ploys shallow. He hasn’t said anything complimentary about Bets during his entire interaction with Luann (or anyone else).

    Who would have thought that Gunther would be such a coward? If he’s ready to be finished with Bets he owes her some honesty and he shouldn’t be using Luann to make it happen. Gunther needs to make a Cowardly Lion costume for next year. Luann can be Dorothy….with big boobs.

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  48. Missing large
    luann1212  8 months ago

    Ah, the suspense. Like I always, tiresomely for some, watx h for the misdirection play.

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  49. Myavatar
    AmissaSada  8 months ago

    If they’re not a couple, why hold hands when they arrived to the party? If I went as a duo with my best guy friend, I wouldn’t hold his hand, even as a duo. If we had to act like we were a couple as part of the costume, I’d be putting my arm around his shoulder.

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  50. Picture
    D.E.N.  8 months ago

    “Some marketing stunt, I’m sure. Very Bets.” Gunther sure hit THAT nail on the head!

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  51. Missing large
    random boredom  8 months ago

    I thought they broke up. If they are not in regular contact, and Gunther stopped following her on her channel, doesn’t that mean they aren’t together? Didn’t Gunther go through withdrawal and acceptance portions of the program?

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  52. Missing large
    nightflight  8 months ago

    Come Saturday, will Bets give or get the biggest surprise?

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  53. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gunther May thing he and Bets are still a couple, but will she come alone? Or bring a “friend”. Or a whole production company?!

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  54. Giant rubber duck 01
    Kiwiwriter47  8 months ago

    Bets’ surprise….

    1. An engagement ring?2. Showing up in a Wanton Wanda and Her Wicked Whips Halloween costume?

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  55. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  8 months ago

    And Dez cuts to the chase. Nicely done.

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    phileaux  8 months ago

    They’re very old friends, platonic relationship w/opposite sex is difficult for others to imagine.

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  57. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  8 months ago

    So why did they walk into the party holding hands?!?

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    slowalkintexan  8 months ago

    Wish Luann would keep this look. She is pretty hot. the hair style flatters her face, and well the rest is flattering too.

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    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    Luann put the moves on Gunther BIG TIME and he’s responding. Bets will be well rid of him, as he is never going to fit into the lifestyle she wants to lead, and vice-versa. Just a bad match for the long-run, but they need to be honest and not involve other people.

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  60. Be3792d9 563b 49b0 999a 11a53af6c8dc cute anime boy with glasses cute anime profile pictures for boys 1
    Takos  8 months ago

    Really is awkward when people make that assumption. As if two people can’t hang out without something intimate taking place.

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  61. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  8 months ago

    I think everyone asking needs a big dose of “It’s Nobody’s Business”…

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  62. Me in flag shirt
    paulscon  8 months ago

    If it walks like a duck…Are Gun and Luann the only ones who don’t know they’re on a date? So many ideas about what’s going to happen tomorrow. Two scenarios: Bets shows up and she and Gunther reconnect. Bets shows up and Gun and Luann realize they are not “just friends”. At any rate, we can expect hilarity, hopefully.

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  63. Missing large
    tcayer  8 months ago

    LuAnn has no interest in Gunther. She just wants to sabotage his relationship due to her own insecurity!

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  64. Rosie the rivetor
    Camiyami Premium Member 8 months ago

    Personally, I would love it if Luann and Gunther got together. Maybe it’s something they just haven’t discovered yet… you know, best friends turning into something more. It’s happened to me and you just don’t recognize it when it’s happening! They have so much in common, and have such an ease with each other. Can’t wait to see where this goes.

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    e.professor  8 months ago

    Bets is pregnant. Greg and Karen already made the joke when Gunther and Bets were alone in the house that they got bored of insta and didn’t know what else they could do alone while lying on the bed. On their trip they took one to paradise and now Bets is returning +1 in her belly.

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  66. Death from above reduced size
    donwestonmysteries  8 months ago

    Moment of truth coming?

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    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    It’s beginning to look like this is going to be one of those famous G&K stories with no ending and no resolution. Luann might go back to chasing Piro and there may be some type of Gunther/Les/Irma/Al/Tiffany conversation about not dating Bets anymore. Just another day in the neighborhood.

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    (Meh)  8 months ago

    You know who else hangs out together like that? Friends – especially when one of them is not exactly a social butterfly. I mean, can anybody imagine Gunther getting a drink and going around alone, making small conversation with people he only marginally knows, like TJ or Dez? He could perhaps hang out with Bernice, which is probably why we haven’t seen her yet (or Tiffany, but being the hostess she doesn’t count in this party).

    I suspect all the talk about them being on a date is to tell us this is the impression everyone gets, therefore this is the impression Bets will get. Curious what will happen; but the bad thing is that whatever happens, it will be livestreamed…

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    RolloTheGrouch  8 months ago

    Dez’s turn to quiz the non-couple … finally.

    Will Les get a turn?

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    beachlvr Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gun still pangs for Bets, it’s clear. And Luann and Gun would be a disaster. Full stop.

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    dbradway1  8 months ago

    Big surprpise! Bets is pregnant!

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    Barrelmaker13 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Just a thought…what if she walks in with Quill in tow?

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  8 months ago

    Come on Bets. Show thyself. Am I gonna have to wait all day??

    (Yes I know that is how this works.)

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    Wubbie  8 months ago

    Leave it to Dez to call it like she sees it.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    Never mind that. Did you and Andy break up?

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  76. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  8 months ago

    Like I said a couple days ago. “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck …….”

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  77. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    Bets is bringing a 5-tier cake

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    wantcomicsnow2  8 months ago

    As someone commented earlier, Luann and Gunther should mingle and talk to other people.

    As someone also commented earlier, not sure Gunther could handle that. Luann wouldn’t have a problem, but aside from Tiff, Les, (ick) maybe Ox, and to a slight degree Dez, Gunther’s not well acquainted with anyone there. I doubt he’s the life of the party type.

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    troypaul  8 months ago

    Social media gold coming up

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  80. Quincey
    Moon57Shine  8 months ago

    Wanna bet that Bets won’t show up?

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    eced52  8 months ago

    They should be a couple.

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    calliarcale  8 months ago

    “I know you’re a couple because you both say you’re not.” Okay, I get what the Evans’ are getting at, but that one just frankly irritates me. If they say they’re not a couple, they’re not a couple. Show them a bare minimum of respect. They might become a couple, but they aren’t yet. They’re two good friends escorting one another to a party hosted by another good friend.

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  83. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Well, oh never mind!

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  84. Zster
    Z Blair Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ya know, Bernice could catch Bets on her way in to surprise Gunther, and tell her that he is there with Luann. Just the kind of spoiler that Bernice seems to love!

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    raybarb44  8 months ago

    For now?

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  8 months ago

    Methinks the lady (and gentlemen) protest too much.

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  87. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  8 months ago

    tomorrow: does the excrement hit the oscillating propeller???? STAY TOONED !!!

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  88. Rabbit
    RabbitHole  8 months ago

    What Gunther should do is stand up on a chair and shout to the contrived situation, “Luann and I are not a couple, I still love Bets”, who just happens to enter. Plus, I like Shawn’s idea that Bets then announces Gunther us going to be a father as Irma, home, watching TV with Al, suddenly gets a case of “the vapors” and hilarity ensues. That can bring up a lot of possible future story lines. (◠‿◠)

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    leighabc123  8 months ago

    Who is Raggedy Ann? Bets?

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  90. Sugarloaf scene i
    live2read  8 months ago

    Preview for tomorrow: No fight or confrontation—just more protesting from one half of the “We’re not a couple!” pair. Over at Arcamax.

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  91. Thinker
    Sisyphos  8 months ago

    Who knows what rom-com romance lurks in the hearts of these players, who do but recite the lines fed them by Greg and Karen? Couple? Not-couple?

    WWBS? (What would Bets say?)

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  92. 4989eeee 8c97 430b b18e dadb575fb018
    bigplayray  8 months ago

    What kind of Beer is That?

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