Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 03, 2023

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  7 months ago

    Nancy.. please tell us when have we ever been able to control the weather?

    The weather is controlled by MANY variables.. solar activity, air pressure, water presence, elevation, jet streams etc.

    The best we can do is adapt to changes as they occur, as we have been doing for centuries.


    Now please make some cookies for Frank. ;)

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  2. Beb avatar
    beb01  7 months ago

    Who makes cookies with “themes”? Make them with chocolate!

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  3. Tree of life symbol yggdrasil image png favpng xzuzyxiq8jchu7waqwytkftss
    Crann Bethadh  7 months ago

    Save the planet. Stop baking cookies.

    Now there’s a slogan that is sure to catch on. :-\

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  4. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   7 months ago

    Amazing Reality?

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  5. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  7 months ago

    Climate Change is all too real, but sure, let’s keep denying it as a “liberal hoax” because of all these rightwing morons who know absolutely nothing about science keep saying so, and apparently, their word is the Gospel.

    Seriously, what more proof do you need? For the past fifteen years, spring continually arrives earlier and earlier (I’ve seen foliage turn green as early as January), and summer lasts longer and longer, while fall and winter continue to diminish year after year; I still have PTSD over the infamous Blowtorch Christmas of 2015, when nearly the entire month was springlike in the 60s and 70s . . . worst Christmas ever. The summer of 2019 was even worse; the temps didn’t drop below 90s until after the first week of October even our local meteorologists (who love the warm weather) were saying this wasn’t normal . . . and it wasn’t.

    And I’m so supremely tired of it all . . . September, December, and February are my favorite months of the year, and in the last fifteen or so years, we’ve maybe only have four normal Septembers (not consecutively, mind you), and I honestly cannot remember the last time it stayed below 60 degrees in December or February.

    But again . . . for some reason, it’s the politicians who somehow have the final say in how we treat the planet, and according to them, all of this is a hoax . . . then again, according to them, everything is a hoax. How are these idiots in charge of our country?

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  6. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  7 months ago

    Oh, well, I’m still trying to lose the ten pounds I gained from cookies last Christmas. So tomorrow do we get to see the look on Frank’s face when he is sailing down from the plane?

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    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  7 months ago

    Actually we are making some progress. For one thing, more people are realizing that nuclear power can help reduce or even avoid global warming. Yeah, there may be some other problems, but at least global warming would not be one of them.

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  8. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   7 months ago

    Frank Degroot, Rock Star!

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 7 months ago

    The biggest co2 emitter is China.

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  10. Sunrise at the lake
    Gordo4ever  7 months ago

    “I still have PTSD over the infamous Blowtorch Christmas of 2015,” “worst Christmas everI” i think that you have deeper problems than PTSD if you are that easily triggered and unable to handle it. Get professional help, and soon. Oh – you say that this was an assignment for your Exercises in Creative Fiction class?? Whew! I give you an A+.

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    kenwarnerfordictator  7 months ago

    You have made some very good points, and as Mrs. Degroot has demonstrated, the responsibility lies with us to do all that we can. You are missing one thing, however. People in poor countries don’t care about global warming because they are hungry. So when a big manufacturing company comes along and offers jobs, they are embraced with open arms. Vietnam and Thiland are current examples, and China created a middle class the same way we did, by having an industrial revolution. And you can bet that the Chinese government. which is burning tons of coal every minute, doesn’t give a lick about global warming. Still, I can’t fault your arguments or logic.

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  12. Missing large
    snsurone76  7 months ago

    Did Frank jump out of the plane yet?

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  13. Forbear
    Qiset  7 months ago

    It’s true, the climate changes all the time. And governments have figured out how to make money and gain power by giving spurious reasons for its cause.

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  14. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  7 months ago

    If its global warming you’re worried about you better not heat up th oven. Based that on Nancy wearin heat gloves

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  15. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  7 months ago

    Have any of you actually read the Kyoto Accord/Protocol? I have. IMO, it is a sneaky document that does a very good job of deceiving you that it is about saving the planet, when it really is about protecting the interests of global mulitnationals. It’s one of the reasons [third world country] can go on its merry way belching coal smoke.

    I recommend you download it from the UN web site and read it for yourself.

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  16. Missing large
    mathteacher678  7 months ago

    She’s combating climate change by baking an empty tray?

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  17. Beb avatar
    beb01  7 months ago

    Climate change is real. Whether it’s man made or natural doesn’t matter so much as that things are changing. The summers are hotter, the winter’s milder. Glaciers are melting and 1oo year stories are turning into 500 years storms and are happening more frequently.

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  18. Missing large
    aesirson4  7 months ago

    So poorly written.I’m done with this strip.(yeah yeah I know.. save your “good riddance” responses.)Anyone with any taste can see that the strip has needed to be put out to pasture years ago almost as much as beetle Bailey

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  19. Screenshot 20180802 120401 samsung internet
    Kurtass Premium Member 7 months ago

    And expanding waist lines.

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  20. Missing large
    bh05150  7 months ago

    Global warning is not the weather dummy. This is why it’s still a problem because people don’t understand the difference.

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  21. Missing large
    Chuck374  7 months ago

    Global warming? I’m astounded by how cold it’s been and winter is two weeks away.

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  22. Image
    Lenavid  7 months ago

    Make the cookies.If you REALLY want to know about Climate Change, you have to consider following the money generated/designated to allegedly combat it, learn about how fear is used to control populations, and consider the Media’s ownership and credibility.

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  23. Missing large
    Chuck374  7 months ago

    Carbon Dioxide is plant food. Without it, they can’t make oxygen.

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  24. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member 7 months ago

    Sugar Coated Bidenomics Cookies

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  25. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 7 months ago

    The interesting thing is it is gonna happen in spite of doing the 3 monkeys thing.

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  26. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  7 months ago

    So, no making cookies?

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  27. 7e716c76b1407a18559b0bd9c1b49d87
    Lescoe Brandon  7 months ago

    G&K are giving us a smug lecture for Christmas this year, how woke.

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  28. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member 7 months ago


    Way to RUIN a Christmas tradition after a particularly ROUGH year, Mrs Grinch, er I MEAN Nancy!

    You’re going to regret that if Frank doesn’t survive his “jump” this week! ;-)

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  29. Mate1 9
    imagenesis  7 months ago

    Nancy and Frank look out of proportion on the last panel, or Frank is just smaller than Nancy!

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    Khpg   7 months ago


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    preacherman Premium Member 7 months ago

    So long as her oven is not gas, then there’s no problem. As my old gas stove gave up the heat, I switched to convections ovens and induction eyes. Easier to cook, cheaper to run, and better for the environment.

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    comic reader 22  7 months ago

    Maybe something would be accomplished if, instead of creating “commissions” of highly paid individuals who are supposed to “study” the problem – they would actually DO SOMETHING to correct the problems.

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  33. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 7 months ago

    I see Nancy and I agree on this, unfortunately. But I still want cookies.

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  34. Portrait
    TossedSaladCartoon  7 months ago

    When celebrities who say the oceans are rising and moving inland stop buying beachfront property I’ll listen. When the rich who are demanding I lower my carbon footprint stop gallivanting around on massive private yachts and private jets, I’ll listen. When those alarmist begin to take rational approaches rather than decrying the end is nigh only for their deadline to come and go with no change, I’ll listen. When activists use respectful and logical arguments rather than destroying property and threatening the livelihoods of people trying to feed their families, I’ll listen. But so long as the climate cult behaves as lying, hypocritical, criminal thugs I see THEM as far more of a threat and do everything I can to fight them and their rhetoric.

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    maxiesmom2 Premium Member 7 months ago

    So she needed to get out the oven mitts and a spatula to get a tray of nothing out of a cold over?? Just dumb.

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    OneTime59  7 months ago

    Signs Nancy is not baking this season. It will be Luann and Bernice or bakery-bought cookies.

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  37. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 7 months ago

    So we’re back to “global warming” again, when did they get tired of “climate change”? When I was young “global cooling” was the impending disaster de jour, what will it be next week?

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    drewpamon  7 months ago

    Obviously Frank isn’t on the plane. The family is too concerned with climate change to ever do anything as wasteful and polluting as skydiving.

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    currysteph Premium Member 7 months ago

    there is no MAN MADE global warming…so tired of this marxist dogma…

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  40. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 7 months ago

    LOL that’s funny and sad at the same time.

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  41. Missing large
    filops  7 months ago

    Better, signs liberals are returning to sanity re. global warming.

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  42. Tulips
    locake  7 months ago

    I don’t get it. How does not baking cookies show progress against global warming?

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  43. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 7 months ago

    How dare you!! (WTF Debbie-Downer Nancy?)

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  44. Missing large
    steveconkey2003  7 months ago

    When everything is climate change, nothing is climate change. Also see racism.

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  45. Missing large
    OneTime59  7 months ago

    Amongst the points-counter-points written in today’s long session, nobody has solved anything, or came to any definitive conclusions, so I am back to where I was prior to reading the comments. When my time comes, I’m dying, anyway, regardless of science or politics.

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  46. Missing large
    prrdh  7 months ago

    You could always sequester some carbon in your cookies and then bury them.

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  47. Missing large
    dalemcginnis  7 months ago

    they can’t even give me an accurate weather forecast 12 hours in advance and I’m supposed to believe they can tell me what will happen in a hundred years?

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  48. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  7 months ago

    I come to the comics to get away from the insanity of the wacky progressives. I guess we’re supposed to live in mud and straw huts and eat nothing but raw vegan foods.

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  49. Photo
    DawnQuinn1  7 months ago

    Humans, directly or indirectly, are responsible for HUGE changes in the weather.

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  50. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  7 months ago

    You’re a mean one, Ms. DeGroot…

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    timberwolfz28  7 months ago

    awesome… non-political cartoons getting into global activism.

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  52. Ligand1
    RSH  7 months ago

    Don’t want to use your oven Nancy? You can still make holiday cookies. There are lots of recipes for no-bake cookies and I’m sure you can decorate them.

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  53. Missing large
    comic reader 22  7 months ago

    So, if there was no smell of cookies baking, so what brought Frank into the kitchen?

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  54. Img 0253
    eladee AKA Wally  7 months ago

    Oh look a global warming strip. Oh goody!!!!!

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    leomags  7 months ago

    Oh no! Even this strip has been infected by the global warming propaganda.

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    Pointspread  7 months ago

    Did anyone else notice that a lot of the comments & answers to each other today are rather rude? This is not necessary. Disagree but be civil please.

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    TinaSp  7 months ago

    ohhhhhh make him some cookies …….its the holidays …. : (

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  58. Img 5382
    JustPlainBob  7 months ago

    Too many people!!

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  59. Missing large
    fmiller1  7 months ago

    I’m with her! I have decided to start a new religion: the first tenet is “Cooking is a sin!”.

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  60. Missing large
    pearlyqim  7 months ago

    Please explain. Why does she have an empty cookie sheet in the oven?

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  61. Missing large
    jnaizer  7 months ago

    Yeah, the earth is cooking so much that the airport in Munich is frozen over thus preventing their delegation from attending the climate conference in their private jet.

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  62. Missing large
    sdeerwester  7 months ago

    I come here for humor, not politics. I’m out.

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    yangeldf  7 months ago

    yup, I knew it would happen. The comic makes a comment about global warming and the most prominent comment is from CHUDS who claim that humanity can’t change the climate, at least THAT’S consistent.

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  64. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member 7 months ago

    During the summer, I do not use the oven, especially when running the A/C. During the winter months I try to use the oven as often as I can so I can give our furnace a break. Smarter use of electric and gas consumption helps our environment. What Nancy is doing is totally inconsequential to global warming and is nothing more than “virtue signaling”.

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    Anon4242  7 months ago

    Women tend to make the holidays. We cook the special stuff, buy/wrap the gifts, do most of the decorations, clean it all up and get ready for the next extravaganza. Ok, guys sometimes help with putting up lights, but not always. If Frank wants cookies, he’s capable of making a few batches himself (and properly cleaning up afterward to leave the kitchen as he found it).

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  66. Effenbee boy 2
    sobrown51  7 months ago

    Weather is not the same as CLIMATE.

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  67. Greg backlit
    mindjob  7 months ago

    But you can’t dunk those cookies in a cup of coffee

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  68. Dk
    kunddog  7 months ago

    might as well have a good time, the inertia of the current politics, economics and personal opinions is set for the next decade. there are very few people who are willing to make the sacrifices to make the changes necessary to save humanity, and if the other side is correct then.. its party time

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  69. Obama e. neuman..
    cosman  7 months ago

    I checked, even chatgpt is brainwashed..

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    tuliplover  7 months ago

    Why would you want to run an empty oven, wasting the electric or gas, thereby contributing to global warming? That makes no sense whatsoever.

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  71. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member 7 months ago

    Gotcha Frank! Nancy had been baking at the Fuse all day to surprise you and the staff! ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫

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  72. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  7 months ago

    Nancy can start to help by calling it “climate change” instead of the often misconstrued “global warming”.

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    chaszigmund  7 months ago

    Ivlax, jerk.

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  74. 19d9b60a 2c57 437a bea2 4059773aec6c
    Gnork  7 months ago

    “In 2021, Krista Myers led a paper which surveyed 2780 Earth scientists. Depending on expertise, between 91% (all scientists) to 100% (climate scientists with high levels of expertise, 20+ papers published) agreed human activity is causing climate change. Among the total group of climate scientists, 98.7% agreed.”

    Behind door #1 is business as usual, recommended by a few eminent scientists.

    Behind door#2 is a mass extinction event unless we adopt energy strategies that are already available AND cheaper than fossil fuels…if we make a not incidental investment and have courage to change, recommended by more than 2500 qualified scientists.


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  75. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  7 months ago

    Don’t mess with tradition and success.

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  76. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  7 months ago

    I believe men’s activities is making long term changes to the environment. I’ll change MY habits to not contribute to this when 1.4 billion Chinese also agree. :-/

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  77. Missing large
    nightflight  7 months ago

    So many useless explanations. Just do what has the highest percentage for success: Eat more ice cream and go naked.

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    RolloTheGrouch  7 months ago

    Nancy is always such a fountain of joy and cheer.

    And hot.

    I don’t know which look is hotter – her clueless deer-in-the headlights look or this sultry passive-aggressive look.

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    WesC Premium Member 7 months ago

    20 global companies produce about 70% of the world’s air pollution. Instead of dealing with these primary offenders, policies place the burden on shopkeepers, farmers, and ultimately consumers. Let’s stop fighting over whether climate change is real or not and start to “give a hoot” and stop the polluters.

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  80. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  7 months ago

    Speaking of bakin cookies I just bought me a new Kitchen Aid Professional HD stand mixer in th rare copper color. That thing’s so powerful I cn change the weather with it

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    jfs_design  7 months ago

    The number of people saying “the climate has always changed” really are missing the point. Yes, the climate has always changed due to multiple reasons but always S-L-O-W-L-Y. What we are seeing now is not that. The current warming is dramatically faster than ever before. The climate changing by 1 degree over thousands of years is not the same as 1 degree of change over about 50-150 years (depending when you are measuring from) are not the same thing. The rate of increase matter a lot. Life on Earth can more easily adapt to a gradual change, but the same is not true of a sudden change (sudden on an evolutionary timescale). The RATE of warming can’t be ignored, and he truth is, human activity is the only explanation for the accelerated warming that the climate is seeing now.

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  82. Missing large
    eced52  7 months ago

    Someone please tell Nancy that climate change is a hoax.

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  7 months ago

    I prefer snowmen and stars and the other classics for Christmas cookies.

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  84. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member 7 months ago

    Wow…. just , Wow.

    What got me the most out of all of the above is the tendency of some of the commenters to resort to name calling and belittling.

    That is a sure sign that they don’t know how to justify their arguments, and so, resort to such subterfuge.

    I tend to go along with those who presented their arguments and facts, and never used name calling or belittling.

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  85. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  7 months ago

    If she heated up an empty tray, she is definitely not making progress against global warming.

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  86. Wileecoffee3
    Need coffee  7 months ago

    ‘Tis totally untrue that nothing is being done. Solar, wind and battery costs are all down 99% over the last 20 years, more or less. New solar panels, wholesale on a large scale, are down to $0.20/W. 25 years ago, they were more or less $100/W. Electricity from solar and wind plants with batteries is now cheaper, in many locations, than new natural gas electricity, which in turn is cheaper than coal. Coal plants that are on the books to be built either won’t be built, or will only be built in special circumstances, not because of a conspiracy against coal, but because of economics.

    Petroleum oil and coal and gas replaced whale oil and trees. Solar and wind and batteries and other interesting storage technologies are replacing oil and gas and coal. It’s just been so long that people have forgotten this is possible.

    Twenty years ago, there were no electric cars. They’re up to 80% market share in Norway. The US, with its low gasoline prices and expectations of long-distance driving, is an outlier and is slow in electric car adoption. Electric cars are so much more efficient than gasoline cars that one could have a wholly coal-powered grid (such does not exist) and still reduce CO2 by using electric cars. Electric car costs are falling. At around $4.50/gallon and $0.13/kWh, electric cars reach parity with gasoline cars over a ten-year life. Those numbers are realistic in a lot of markets, globally, but not the southeastern US.

    A very broad range of efficient technologies, from LED lights to well-insulated refrigerators to heat pumps, have gone from lab curiosities to commercially available at reasonable prices.

    And there is more, and there will be more yet, and costs will fall further. Hundreds of thousands of people are working on this, and we aren’t doing nothing.

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  87. Missing large
    El Kabong  7 months ago

    Climate, not weather. Learn the difference before posting ignorant comments.

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  88. Missing large
    El Kabong  7 months ago

    Climate, not weather.

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    Zumtahk Premium Member 7 months ago

    Ah yes, the new religion of the masses

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  90. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  7 months ago

    bleh … hate invisible cookies! Probably have coconut. :-p

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  91. Ss 100419 volcano lightning full
    chaosed2  7 months ago

    OOhhh – Bidenomics cookies

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  92. Dogs for christmas
    lcorcoran5  7 months ago

    Disappointing panel.

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  93. Mr incredible 2
    GaryReinbold  7 months ago

    Yep. Don’t need preachy in the comics. Plenty of other places to get that…

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    suelou  7 months ago

    Wait till they hit all the woke ones with “you know…. off there were fewer of all of you…. there wouldn’t be a problem!”

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  95. Thinker
    Sisyphos  7 months ago

    Serving up a big, heaping platter of nothing I guess we don’t need Nancy anymore….

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    Le'Roy Hawkins  7 months ago

    Leftists want to ban gas stoves, electrical stoves, and wood burning stoves. Enjoy the bugs provided by the benevolent overlords.

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