Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 16, 2023

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  8 months ago

    Well, it’s true.. they both have their own issues they need to work on. But they shouldn’t break up because of what some anonymous followers said, on Bet’s site.

    They need to be honest with each other and try to work through things, together.

    Has Tiff come back inside her house yet? I definitely want to see Luann’s skydiving arc!! LOL


    So where does this go from here? Will they officially break up?

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  2. Beb avatar
    beb01  8 months ago

    Is this a rerun of yesterday’s strip?

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  3. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    Soooo… WHAT!? What was Bets going to say?

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  4. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  8 months ago

    I think Stef should take a hint from that last commentor.

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  5. Al the fish cup
    alasko  8 months ago

    Mostly meh, drag this out to next month, never mind next week.

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  6. Al the fish cup
    alasko  8 months ago

    Steffi picking at a scab, then throwing salt in the wound.

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  7. A667b8b3 9778 432a bad0 67bcfb554af3
    jea9hrkr  8 months ago

    So – she is breaking up with him. Typical. I cannot imagine she will change. But if she does – good for her. I am a Betsy haterwith a reason. (The opposite of a rebel without a cause.)

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  8. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gunther admits to his unhappiness over Bets’ independent fling. Maybe by Saturday Bets will respond to his concern. But chances are 50-50!

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  9. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  8 months ago

    Sounds like Gunter’s gonna get th in person version of th ‘Dear John’ letter

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  10. Capture
    Rockabore  8 months ago

    Insightful, Stef…. Very insightful… This girl really can’t read a room. (TBF, I’m not even convinced brainless can even read) Kudos on the art of Stef’s oblivious you-know-what eating grin and the adorable emojis shooting out her phone. It’s a sunny contrast to Gunther and Bets barreling towards a relationship crisis.

    I wonder if the phone reading these comments aloud and Bets and Gunther are hearing them? Either way, they’re definitely highlighting the couple’s worst thoughts about their recent relationship experiences. Which… yes, I must admit, is quite a nice writing touch to demonstrate the hard feelings they’re masking by saying, “I am happy,” when they’re just moderately resigned to not actually feeling happy.

    If this is the break-up I’m actually impressed at how mutual and natural this break-up feels rather than it feeling lazy (like the Luann/Quill break-up did with a lot of out-of-character blame-shifting). Gun and Bets really had differences that made them incompatible with their really different approaches to life and so on. It happens and it’s no one’s fault. As much as I joke, I do appreciate when the strip works.

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  11. Missing large
    kiwannabee  8 months ago

    Ugh. I was hoping we had seen the last of Bets.

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  12. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  8 months ago

    Okay, the future of Gun and Bets hinges on what follows “Mostly….”. Does Gunther tell Bets he misses her and wants her back? Does he tell her that the social media has gone over the top? Is he unhappy because everyone seems to have made certain assumptions about Gunther, including Bets as she stated that she is cool that Gunther chose Luann over her? The kid has a lot riding on this, so I hope he chooses his words carefully!

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  13. Bookshelves background
    Azul0858  8 months ago

    It’s OK for Gunther to wish he had a girlfriend who wouldn’t have taken off and left him for no particular reason other than it might be fun. And it’s OK for Bets to wish she had a boyfriend who would have stayed with her and figured it out later. But that’s not who they’re with…and we’re about to find out if they can reach a compromise or just remain friends.

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  14. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  8 months ago

    Gunther is glancing behind him where Stef is. I hope he means that he isn’t happy about Stef’s post, and I hope he confronts her. I don’t understand what Stef thinks she got out of it. She doesn’t consider others at all. She has definitely replaced Ann as the strip’s villian.

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  15. Image
    jdi801  8 months ago

    More spinning wheels…

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  16. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    Opposites do attract, but to make it work, you need the words like “we and us” as part of the dialog?

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  17. Missing large
    kenhense  8 months ago

    Ya Da Ya Da

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  18. Alexander souto sunset shimmer magical pony girl 2 copy
    Scarlet Shimmer  8 months ago

    The craziest part of this night is how no-one has tried to slap the phone out of Stef’s hand yet. Also G &K are definitely mimicking the commenters lol.

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  19. Missing large
    ericbrower  8 months ago

    Let’s see the scene everybody wants to see; Stef thrown out on her keister!

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  20. Missing large
    9thCapricorn  8 months ago

    Knowing GnK, they’re tricky. Gunther will say he misses her and wants her back. He’s pathetically predictable like that. Hope Bets realizes he’s weak like that and be strong for him and goes back to her road life. Gunther is like that because he’s a nerd and has had trouble getting the attention of a female who’s not a friend. Bets has to be strong for them both. But we know they’ll be back together of course. That’s how it goes in Luanniverse.

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  21. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  8 months ago

    Listen to your fans!

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  22. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    “Homey, safe and predictable” is deeply rooted in Gunther and Bets has rebel against “Homey, safe, and predictable” elements in her upbringing?

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  23. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  8 months ago

    I actually could like Bets, if she wasn’t so self-centered. Come to think of it, that describes most of Luanniverse.

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  24. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bets fans aren’t really nice they are trying to dictate what Bets and Gun should do with this relationship.

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  25. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  8 months ago

    With fans like that, who needs enemies?

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  26. Missing large
    outonalimb  8 months ago

    I hope Bets and Gunther will decide that they need to have a heart-to-heart talk someplace where it isn’t being livestreamed to their so-called fans.

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  27. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member 8 months ago

    We deserve to be done with this arc.

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  28. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 8 months ago

    When someone initiates a breakup with: “It’s not YOU, it’s ME”…. That’s code for: “YES, it’s YOU”.

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  29. Missing large
    WomanWarrior  8 months ago

    Stef sure seems to be enjoying herself, doesn’t she? And where the heck is Kip?

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  30. Missing large
    Ruth Brown  8 months ago

    Gunther has been reminded of his aversion for social media and Bet’s addiction. She knew she was addicted for a second, but breaking the habit would take hard work and commitment.

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  31. Missing large
    nightflight  8 months ago

    Can’t say much about Bets because we know nothing about her background except that she doesn’t like her family. Oh well,

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  32. Missing large
    jaydogg187  8 months ago

    There’s a delicious irony about Stef pointing out how two other characters can “rile up the fans”.

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  33. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Uh-Huh, _THOUGHT So.

    Even Gunther is beginning to have second thoughts about this “relationship” which may be OVER by this Saturday.

    My regrets?

    Two really.

    1) We May lose a truly interesting character in Bets.

    2) And since it appears that both Lu and Tiffany appear to be out of the question, I shudder to think what sort of “girlfriend” G&K would stick Gunther with next. :-(

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  34. Missing large
    snsurone76  8 months ago

    Time for both of them to team up and put that b!tch’s lights out for good!!

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  35. Missing large
    snsurone76  8 months ago

    This arc is a putdown of social media and how it can destroy people’s lives. Good for you, G&K!!

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  36. Godzill fuji
    JonGoss  8 months ago

    Here comes the big discussion on how Gun doesn’t like broadcasting his life and Bets has to decide whether she wants to have a more private life with Gun or public one with fans who really aren’t her friends, but just judgey ogglers.

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  37. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 8 months ago

    It’s nice to see that they’re talking. But I hope this doesn’t end with them breaking up, that would be really sad. Gunther and Bets love each other, They should try to do as Luann said to him and try to find compromises, to have a better relationship. Meanwhile, how annoying it is to see that Stef continues to stick her nose into their important moment? Someone stop her!

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  38. Logo
    TwilightFaze  8 months ago

    The sad thing is? A lot of Bets’s fans are echoing a lot of the comments on here.

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  39. Dscf0345
    colddonkey  8 months ago

    Just quit dragging this out. She staying or going?

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  40. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 8 months ago

    “You deserve to be happy” is a gentle way of saying “I’m not attracted to you anymore and I want to break up with you”.

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  41. Missing large
    leighabc123  8 months ago

    At least we can say that Stef is equal opportunity cruel to everyone.

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  42. Missing large
    sueb1863  8 months ago

    I think they can both agree that Stef needs to go.

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  43. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  8 months ago

    Stef needs a whacking upside the head. :-/

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  44. Missing large
    Amina Rush  8 months ago

    Someone uninvite Stef, please

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  45. 7e716c76b1407a18559b0bd9c1b49d87
    Lescoe Brandon  8 months ago

    Stef is the author of this mess. Pity G&K can’t have Bets give Stef a good slap across the face.

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  46. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    While my personal opinion leans toward a reunion and a renewal, I have a nagging suspicion that a break up is still on the table as a possible outcome.

    That scenario would comport with Gunther’s fate throughout this strip since its inception. I.e., ultimately Gunther is doomed to a life of unrequited love. Much as Tiffany’s fate seems to be ultimately loneliness; the consummate Poor Little Rich Girl.

    The obvious solution would be for Gunther and Tiffany to hook up. This has been wishful thinking on my part for a long time, along with some others here.

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  47. Mongo
    Mongo  8 months ago

    I think Stef is about to have a come to Jesus moment, from both Bets and Gunther.

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  48. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  8 months ago

    Stef is a hollow shell of a human.

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  49. Missing large
    mbohannon  8 months ago

    I still want to know what The BFG stands for. I missed it some place.

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  50. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 8 months ago

    “Cancel” Steff.

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  51. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 8 months ago

    I’m here just for the “somebody punch Stef” comments.

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  52. 89814738 0845 45d2 8ff2 734008dbdc1d
    SactoSylvia-II  8 months ago

    Stef is (unwittingly) playing the part of the Greek Chorus: constantly in the background, reminding both the readers and the characters that the real problem here is Bets inviting social media to be a partner in what is supposed to be a relationship between two people.

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  53. Missing large
    djdekok  8 months ago

    Can we just agree that Stef is the most revolting girl ever? I’d get more specific but I’d get banned from the site…

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  54. Th 9
    Count Olaf Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ah HO! lowly unworthies The❤️Count and Dearest Ann❤️Eiffel ❤️ers, all! Here we see ❤️Eiffelette Bets the Bae pulling not One, but Two- Count ‘Em – Two Classic WWA❤️ED ploys two perfections! ❤️ it!! First, Shame Blaming the victim, Dumpster. THEN simultaneously playing the Martyr/Poor Little Me/Brave Little Soldier Cards. Hope Bets the Bae’s Stiff Upper Lib hides her smirk. Ergo,A Duel Duo Duping and Duping Dumpster Deception! Perfect Ann❤️Eiffel! Still… Your Be❤️ed and Kind ❤️ed Count would like to see Dumpster hook up with Berniece/Bernephew and not only that but… Kindly Ox hook up with Dez. See? Ann❤️Eiffel Happy❤️Endings All Around. And you lowly unworthies know how much Your Be❤️ed Count and Gorgeous Ann❤️Eiffel ❤️ Happy❤️Endings ;) With that… time to hit the Happy❤️Trail. Oodles going on today in The❤️Count’s Countdom. TTFN and Have an Ann❤️Eiffel Day! TTFN and Count❤️… OUT! P.S. … No Wonder We ALL ❤️ Ann❤️Eiffel. ❤️❤️❤️

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  55. Badgerhelmet
    Jim   8 months ago

    just cannot escape the comments, eh?

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  56. Morning cuppa
    Wizard of Ahz-no relation  8 months ago

    he wants a break form social media. can she do it?

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  57. Hearteater s lion
    Lord Hearteater  8 months ago

    Hear that beeping? It’s the dump truck backing up. Bets is bequeathing Gunther to Luann.

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  58. Large qstvuunbfmdwygzolmuf
    carrissima  8 months ago

    Okay, we get it. The comment section is full of big meanies who say not nice things about your characters and you don’t like it. Can we move on now?

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  59. Missing large
    Anon4242  8 months ago

    Gunther’s not happy about posting his life online. Bets can’t not do that. Stef, strangely, is probably the most well adjusted to this in that she doesn’t care what Bets or Gunther or the fans or anyone thinks. Looks like Bets and Gunther are finally realizing they are basically incompatible. Time for everyone to move on.

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  60. Missing large
    ctolson  8 months ago

    Uh, Gunther needs to remember, “He who hesitates is lost” and that applies to telling Bet’s his true feeling for Bet’s and taking care of Stef.

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  61. Missing large
    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    So are G&K done whining about the comments they get? I sure hope so because this little temper tantrum of theirs is tedious and boring. If they don’t want to get any negative comments they need to eliminate this forum because on occasion, they make their characters do really stupid stuff that deserves to be ridiculed.

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  62. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 8 months ago

    Why do people have to rush off to such extremes? Everybody’s got problems, we’re all far from perfect, we need to give each other the benefit of the doubt and work our problems out. It’s so easy when you’re not involved with a situation to think you know better when you don’t understand at all.

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  63. Photo
    6foot6  8 months ago

    place your bets on what will happen. Bet giving up antisocial media? breaking up with Gunther, OR working it out where she balances out both antisocial media and Gunther?

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  64. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  8 months ago

    Stay out of it, Stef! Gunther, do you want to be with Bets or not?

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  65. Softball
    ridenslide65  8 months ago

    This is more painful than well….. I’ll find something…..

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  66. Missing large
    MollyCat  8 months ago

    They’ll be happier if somebody shoots Stef

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  67. Hagenpic sq
    IWannaBeLerxst  8 months ago

    I realize that my opinion is counter to 96.4% of the population, who’d rather have a kidney removed with a chain saw than think for themselves, develop an actual identity, or maintain functioning relationships with >actual human beings<…but this arc – and today’s strip in particular – VIVIDLY illustrates the utterly dismal, pathetic and delusional world that “social” media creates. THANK YOU G&K for the portrayal.

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  68. Dsc 0101
    Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member 8 months ago

    I am so lost

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  69. Missing large
    calliarcale  8 months ago

    It seems the biggest problem isn’t Bets. It’s the fact that she insists on putting private moments on display — and now she’s learning why that’s painful.

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  70. 90cc9fbe e7af 48b7 ab02 2c8f44f50837
    Wubbie  8 months ago

    I’m thinking Gunthie is doomed to perpetual loneliness if he doesn’t cut the cord from Mama and commit to Betts, no matter her faults. He had shots with Luann, Rosa, and even Tiff, a record that even successful guys on the female front would envy, but he always looked at the situation from his side, while paying lip service to theirs. Well, there is always the monastery.

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  71. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  8 months ago

    Hey, party-goers – it’s GAME TIME! First, how about Let’s dunk Stef in the punch bowl?

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  72. Rosie the rivetor
    Camiyami Premium Member 8 months ago

    I wonder if Greg got his inspiration for the comments from our very own GoComics comments? I surely have never liked Bets and agree about all the things they are saying. Gunther deserves so much better.

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  73. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  8 months ago

    At this point I would literally pay money to see Stef get her teeth punched in.

    You listening, Greg and Karen…?

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  74. Img 1827
    Diane913  8 months ago

    It’s November 16th already – these two are a couple of turkeys. Something about the two of them has never felt authentic.

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  75. Rwljlogo2
    The Wolf In Your Midst  8 months ago

    As someone who’s been a content creator: Don’t read the comments. Ever.

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  76. Missing large
    RolloTheGrouch  8 months ago

    All this talk about Gunther being homey, predictable and safe leaves out his love of the whole Star Wars trekkie stuff and how he enjoys going to cosplay conventions.

    If he wants to see what his life with Luann would be like, he should try dressing her up in a Princess Leia outfit and take her to a cosplay convention. Then he’d see how compatible they really are.

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  77. Missing large
    mousefumanchu Premium Member 8 months ago

    Don’t live your life based on opinions of faceless people.

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  78. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Just let the two them work it out together……

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  79. 6b12bf30 c4f2 4ee7 a2c3 166f4fac2008
    kappy.mrnustik Premium Member 8 months ago

    Who at the party is going to VERBALLY $itch slap Steff? And Bets & Gun? COMPROMISE!

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  80. Missing large
    rickmac1937 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Enough already

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  81. Giant rubber duck 01
    Kiwiwriter47  8 months ago

    “What we have here…is failure…to communicate.” — Strother Martin, “Cool Hand Luke.”

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  82. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 8 months ago

    So Bets may think she doesn’t deserve Gunther, perhaps because she left him. She thinks he’ll be happier without her. Gunther may believe he needs her to be happy. As for Stef, she has taken the “annoyance trophy” for Bets. ;-)

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  83. Photo
    RonaldMcCalip  8 months ago

    Yup! Typical “Social Media”… I’m just here for the train wreck!

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  84. Photo
    DaveM  8 months ago

    I don’t think Gunther has a problem with Bet’s social media career. He has a problem with his life being broadcast to strangers all the time. I think if they could set up some reasonable boundaries and sometimes just do things that for them, no fans allowed, Gunther and Bets could probably make it work.

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  85. Missing large
    davidlwashburn  8 months ago

    Next party, give Stef the wrong address.

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  86. Missing large
    yoda1234  8 months ago

    Stef: “The world isn’t burning fast enough… I need more gasoline…”

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  87. Ligand1
    RSH  8 months ago

    I think Bets’ head and emotions may be in two different places. Her emotions say she loves Gun but she’s looking hard for some excuse to break it off and may be running out of them.

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  88. Image
    SukieCrandall Premium Member 8 months ago

    There comes a time when anyone who is emotionally stable winds up realizing that it simply makes sense to listen more to those who are actually in your life and therefore know you and yours better than peripheral individuals do or even can. (And, yes, people who should be in one’s life do at times become peripheral or make themselves peripheral, so define the groups according to how well you access that they actually know you.)

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  89. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  8 months ago

    “….I don’t enjoy sharing my love for you with thousands of fickle strangers.”

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  90. Ligand1
    RSH  8 months ago

    Bets is also trying hard (as she said she would) to not let fans/non-fans in cyberspace dictate her emotions and how relationships should proceed. And it’s hard, almost like trying to give up a drug.

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  91. Screenshot  47
    tammyspeakslife Premium Member 8 months ago

    Steph makes Jezebel look like a schoolgirl.. the opinions of the followers that got tied up in knots because of her, don’t mater.

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  92. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Two days ago Bets said how much she valued sharing her life with Gunther. Today she does not seem to be as eager to be with him. Is she bi-polar?

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  93. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Surely Bets fans would have been like this all along. They didn’t suddenly turn mean. Gunther and Bets must be used to this.

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  94. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Ready for this story to end. I wonder who Al and Irma will invite for Thanksgiving dinner. Will they invite Bets, now that she is back? Will Tiffany be at the table since her dad is not around? Will Les ever get a girlfriend?

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  95. Greg backlit
    mindjob  8 months ago

    More people are letting their fans determine the outcome of their relationships

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  96. Missing large
    Hello Sweetie  8 months ago

    Throw Stef in the pool. Then you will both be happy.

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  97. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    I think they will still be together by Saturday, just my guess. Maybe Luann or Tiffany will say something to them tomorrow to make that happen.

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  98. Missing large
    dustoffer  8 months ago

    Stef’s the one that needs to go—

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  99. Missing large
    Robert Nowall Premium Member 8 months ago

    Enjoying our cameo in the strip.

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  100. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Bets has never shown much concern for what is best for Gunther. Very odd that she is so concerned about that now. Did she get a personality change when she was on the road?

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  101. Picture
    DanielDrummond  8 months ago

    You know, doing things together often makes a relationship stronger. Why don’t Guns and Bets go shove Stef into the pool?

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  102. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bets isn’t listening to Gunther or hearing him.

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  103. Missing large
    MFishmanCross  8 months ago

    I think Bets and Gunther could help their relationship if Bets drops him from her “show” since the media attention makes him uncomfortable and Gunther confronts his mother and Al about accepting Bets.

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  104. Caligari
    Dr. Caligari  8 months ago

    So the internet is full of trolls, surprise, surprise.

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  105. Missing large
    timzsixty9  8 months ago

    somebody slap Stef out of this strip!!

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  106. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    So do they smash Steff’s phone and walk out?

    Or do t hey stomp on Steff and leave the phone be?

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  107. Basquiat   j f
    ThomasCummins  8 months ago

    … couldn’t this be a chance for the concept of boy/girl FRIENDSHIP developed over YEARS of growing up together take root?

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  108. Hal2
    montylc2001  8 months ago

    I think a full weekend of full hard make up sex is in order here.

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  109. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    Daffy Duck had the perfect description of Steff——“Cute like a stomach pump”

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  110. Missing large
    WomanWarrior  8 months ago

    Bet Stef’s account is going to explode with followers….

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  111. Missing large
    htieiri  8 months ago

    It’s going to be one or the other. Not sure which way I would favor.

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  112. Squee
    Mooshki Premium Member 8 months ago

    Greg & Karen sure are trying to send us commenters a message with this thread.

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  113. Ligand1
    RSH  8 months ago

    I recall Gunther already told Bets how he feels, that he loves her, i.e. at the Weenie World.

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  114. Untitled
    Mellow Cactus Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gunther, “mostly” happy is life. A good life. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good, as the old saying goes.

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  115. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  8 months ago

    Stef go away and let them have a mature conversation, something you would know nothing about.

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  116. Nerd
    Ordinary Average Guy  8 months ago


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  117. Ligand1
    RSH  8 months ago

    Tiff told Bets to forget about the fans and claim her man. Now can she really do it?

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  118. Photo
    AndrewSihler  8 months ago

    It looks like Steff’s chat-buddies are veterans of the Luann comment thread.

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  119. Missing large
    nightflight  8 months ago

    Kip wasn’t there because he and Bernice were having their own private pool party. Stef was too busy glittering and shining like a colorful fishing lure to worry about Kip. She was ready to sink her hook into some bigger richer guy

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  120. Grumman tracer circa 1970 vaw 78 fighting escargots
    bluephrog  8 months ago

    Over time, haven’t I read each of those comments right here in this section?

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  121. Cowboy
    BuckarooDave  8 months ago

    There Once Was a girl from Poughkeepsie ….

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    RebaLioness  8 months ago

    Steph is proof that cheerleaders are evil and not to be trusted.

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  123. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  8 months ago

    Stef… SHUT UP!!!

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  124. Large quincey
    Moon57Shine  8 months ago

    We all knew that Stef was a real troublemaker, the only person that should be happy is her. I can never see Luann and Gunther together, they are just friends and will always be that way.

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    WilliamVollmer  8 months ago

    A poster’s comment is right. They’re BOTH a mess. Betts for originally letting Gunther go, so she could have a “life of adventure” without considering Gunther, the believing all those comments about Luann, and, Gunther, being a couple.Gunther for trying to please everyone.They obviously need to take a step away from all the posts, and, figure themselves out seperately, and/or, together.

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  126. Ligand1
    RSH  8 months ago

    I have a feeling that Steff has been posting some continuous stream of pictures documenting what is going on at the party (between Bets and Gun) and the fan base is commenting live.

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    eced52  8 months ago

    Somebody kick Stef out of this party.

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    EXCALABUR  8 months ago

    This is turning into a Soap Opera. And a bad one at that.

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    Just So So Premium Member 8 months ago

    My biggest question about all this is why the heck did Tiffany invite Stef to her party in the first place? She doesn’t even like her.

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  130. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  8 months ago

    I’m sorry, I’ve been a complete pacifist my entire life but, will someone please shoot Steffi?

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    Otis Rufus Driftwood  8 months ago

    Tiffany should just throw Stef out.

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    S.  8 months ago

    BORING!!!! Just dump her already, Gunther — and be alone for a while.

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    Don Rodriquez  8 months ago

    Somebody pimp slap Steph!!!!!

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  134. Thinker
    Sisyphos  8 months ago

    Oh, boo-hoo, Gunny. Don’t let Steffi-Troll get you down. Concentrate on Bets. Maybe you still have a chance….

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  135. Sugarloaf scene i
    live2read  8 months ago

    For those of you wondering about a break-up or are wanting Bets to leave forever, go on over to Arcamax. . .

     •  Reply
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