Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for June 24, 2024

  1. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member 7 days ago

    And her body is caged.

    Her spirit, of course, is not so easily contained.

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  2. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  7 days ago

    Last time I saw a cat hacking, it was my Maine Cooone hacking a hair ball across the room…

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    TechDude  7 days ago

    Poor Sophie must be sooo stressed… OT: bedtime for me. 12:07 and I am falling asleep while writing this.

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  4. Girls pose
    uncle snipe  7 days ago

    Rage. That’s what this makes me feel. Our heroes need to get in there and rescue her now. And if these people get roughed up a bit by some angry woodland creatures so much the better. LOL

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    stairsteppublishing  7 days ago

    The couple seemed to be so nice and care about ‘the poor lost cat’ Why a cage in the middle of the room? Has Sophie tried to escape? Is there a dog that lives there and doesn’t like cats?

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  6. Maus   small
    Felicity Pearson Premium Member 7 days ago

    Who ARE these people and what in God’s green earth are they thinking?

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    Gloria Fleming  7 days ago

    OMC! this is not the picture i was hoping for. at first i thought those people were foolish, but benign, but now i’m thinking that they’re vile and evil, and what are they doing on the outside of town that needs so much security??

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  8. Mini mini me
    andycat Premium Member 7 days ago

    I wonder if she tried to escape or if the cage was the default. I wonder if she’s ever petted or if she’s just a decoration; the woman did initially say how beautiful Sophie was. And, while solitary confinement is evil and inhumane, at least this isn’t a collector situation wherein she’s in a cage with hostile cats who haven’t been declawed. Argh. I’m going to go hug Zoë (my cat who was recued from a collector situation).

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    sugordon  7 days ago

    Poor Sophie looks unhappy, but fear not; help is on the way.

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    BarbaraKrooss  7 days ago

    Looks like they see even a declawed a cat as a “display pet” like tropical fish or some arachnids. Poor Sophie looks so miserable. I’m consoling myself by remembering how much damage a squirrel or raccoon down the chimney can do in a very brief period of time.

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  11. Large black cat 2
    Lucky Black Cat  7 days ago

    I wonder what significance the star with the smiley face in the cage has?

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  12. Beatrix
    azkfwecho Premium Member 7 days ago

    I don’t even know what to say. This is very discouraging. She looks despondent. And remember, she needs her medicine for her eyes so the clock is ticking. I am repeating to myself, Georgia will not let this be bad; Georgia will not let this be bad; Georgia will not let this be bad. :-(

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  13. Photo
    Robin Harwood  7 days ago

    Gent got it right. This house with such high security is an alien hideout. The “man” and “woman” who abducted Sophie are aliens in disguise. They have caged her while they prepare to perform intrusive, unspeakable, and undignified experiments on her.Sophie is doomed.

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  14. Img 3765
    BarbaraKrooss  7 days ago

    Poor baby can’t even hide under a dresser or couch.

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  15. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  7 days ago

    Oh no! It’s even worse than I imagined. Georgia, fix this fast. I can’t stand to think of Sophie in a cage.

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  16. Ebc263bd 78a2 4657 a432 cb5e48bc63dd
    Ora_Zella  7 days ago

    This definitely explains why the birds were able to find her. I assumed she would be hiding under some sort of furniture.

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  17. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 7 days ago

    Why don’t they turn her loose.

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    kangtourcat  7 days ago

    These people have a serious problem, call the authorities Now!

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  19. Oz shadow
    Maizing  7 days ago

    Earlier in this arc, some people suggested that the people who stole Sophie should get a cat from the shelter. I don’t think they should be allowed to have any pets.

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    kangtourcat  7 days ago

    We’ve introduced quite a few cats into our house, always with our supervision and not in a cage unless their personality called for it which is very rare.

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  21. Img 4741
    El-Kabong  7 days ago

    Somehow, someday soon that fancy house is going to get the Lupin treatment.

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  22. D34yd011pr76kiehfi3m
    ikini Premium Member 7 days ago

    Dang. She doesn’t appear to have water or food bowls, or even a litter box. Maybe they are out buying stuff for her? I’d like to believe they are clueless, not evil.

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  23. Img 4741
    El-Kabong  7 days ago

    On Amazon fabric/plastic “playpen” cat cages are under $50.00.

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    turner7811 Premium Member 7 days ago

    Just look at the anguish on Gutter’s face. Poor little guy.

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  25. Anne emoji
    anneffa  7 days ago

    So sad! The woman that kidnapped her was concerned that Sophie didn’t have a home. So this is their idea of a home? In a cage in the middle of the floor? Not even close to a window??

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  26. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  7 days ago

    This is awful. Sophie is caged up like she is a curio in a glass cabinet/menagerie. Reminds me of 3 TV episodes I have seen recently either on MeTV or H&I: Star Trek TOS: The Cage and The Menagerie where Captain Pike is held against his will (along with Vina who has no choice but to be there) and also the Twilight Zone episode: “People are alike all over”. which an astronaut, Roddy McDowell crashes on Mars is the sole survivor. He is rescued by intelligent and friendly Martians, particularly an attractive female Martian (played by Susan Oliver who was Vina in the 2 Star Trek episodes I referenced). They welcome him and bring him to a residence to stay at which they said they used their telepathy to fix up to Roddy’s liking. Its a living room and kitchen (I think) from a 1960 circa hone in suburbia. They leave him to rest and he notices that there are no windows and the door is locked. Soon a wall moves, revealing a big window. Many Martians are staring at him. He sees Susan Oliver in the crowd crying, then he see the sign “Earth Creature In Its Natural Habitat”, Susan runs away distraught and Roddy yells to his dead ship mate: “You were right, people are alike all over.”. How sadly true. Georgia needs to have the gang organize a jailbreak pronto, they can outsmart these two people who have absconded with Sophie unlike Captain Pike or Roddy McDowell.

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    snarkm  7 days ago

    A CAGE?!?!

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  28. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  7 days ago

    The fiends! Them steenky Alf aliens is put kitty in a cage until they is prepares ingredients for making cat stew.

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    jonathan.prater  7 days ago

    Sophie looks very small and scared in there… :(

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    Aspen_Bell  7 days ago

    If this is supposed to be an acclimation crate, it’s too small, it should be partly covered with a towel, and where are the food station, bed and litter box?

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  31. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member 7 days ago

    At least Sophie has been located. Now first priority is a tie between getting a message to Sophie to give her hope and preparing a multi-pronged invasion and rescue operation.

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  32. Dragon baby
    Tigrisan Premium Member 7 days ago


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    kimmie260  7 days ago

    Someone que the Mission Impossible theme

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    Kelliekatlady  7 days ago

    My heart is aching for poor Sophie. I hope the BCN crew and woodland critters come up with a plan quickly!

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    cb8ty  7 days ago

    When Tebow (the Siamese) was 5 months old he fell out of the huge tree in the back yard and broke his leg. He had a cast that had to be changed once a week because he was after all a growing kitty. And he had to be “crated” for 6 weeks. I bought the biggest mesh cage I could find – looked just like Sophie’s cage – and put it in the middle of the living room so he could be part if the family. Except at night the cage went into the bedroom wirh us. Of course he had blankets and toys and food and water. And hourly snugs and potty breaks. I have the sweetest picture of my elderly black cat (that raised Tebow) snuggled against the mesh from the outside with Tebow snuggled against him from the inside. Of course the circumstances were different but maybe someone looking into my house from outside got a different impression?

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 days ago


    I’ve seen enough. RELEASE THE TORTIE!

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 days ago

    Furthermore, I don’t see any cheese!

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  38. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  7 days ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile (Classic Edition)

    Beatrixia: And what about the other three sisters?

    Elvis-Anum: Here the story goes on:

    The superb piano playing was performed by Chef Tommy’s daughter, Beatrix, who played the most intricate pieces by virtue of her polydactyl paws. Her playing captured the attention of the intrepid sea captain, Captain Iggy.

    Iggy: Hello, miss Beatrix. I love how you play piano. You are definitely a talented cat.

    Beatrix: Thank you, Captain. It comes from many years of study and practice.

    Iggy: Are you planning to study music at University?

    Bea: That is my dream. I’ll have to see if it can happen.

    At the buffet table

    Goldie: Hello, sir. I believe I had the pleasure of serving you and your cousin, Mr. Collins a pineapple pizza.

    Burt: Yes. You were most gracious. I know some poof at the very thought of pineapple on top of pizza.

    Goldie: Not all of us. I know it takes all kinds to make a world. Are you from this area, Mr. Burt?

    Burt: Not originally, but I recently purchased the Run Down Estate. I am going to restore it to its original beauty.

    Goldie: What a wonderful idea. I am rather handy, you know.

    Burt: Perhaps your family can visit and see how my renovations go.

    Goldie: That would be wonderful. Do you see that pink cat over there?

    Burt: That’s the infamous Pink Lupin. He’s a snow-white cat, but somehow has acquired pink fur. Some say tomatoes were involved.

    Goldie: And my sister, Ora Zella is going over to talk to him. I’m not so sure about this.

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    golfgranny47  7 days ago

    Poor Sophie!!

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    golfgranny47  7 days ago

    Agnes has a little bitty microphone!

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  41. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  7 days ago

    Grimtech Labs was on the edge of town. This very fancy house is on the edge of town. Edge of Town seems to be a sinister place.

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  42. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 7 days ago

    I actually just yelled “OH, NO!” at the computer screen.

    Animals aren’t ornaments.

    This ends the possibility that the “rescuers” were at least well-meaning.

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    katey11 Premium Member 7 days ago

    Poor free spirit in a cage!

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    DorseyBelle  7 days ago

    It looks like a cloth and mesh playpen, and at first I thought it was open at the top. Close inspection shows a paw logo on it, so it’s sold as a pet item. Poor Sophie looks like she has been crying, and all she can do is hide her face with her tail. Gutter actually looks even worse, in complete anguish and nerves.

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    anniebellegirl Premium Member 7 days ago

    So worried about Sophie. They may want to declaw her.

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    Lady Alsace  7 days ago

    When I bring a new kitty into the house, I do separate her from the rest of the clan. The kitty goes into the second bathroom. I put 3 baby gates, one on top of the other, in the door way, so that the new kitty can safely interact with the old kitties. They can safely hiss, snarl and sniff each other. There is a blanky, litter box and food and a big box to hide in. I can go in there throughout the day for hugs and cuddles.

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    ekw555  7 days ago

    very hard to click “like” today.knowing it will work out is not making this any easier.

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    Charles & Susan  Premium Member 7 days ago

    OMC! Poor Sophie this is just heartbreaking

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  49. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  7 days ago

    IN a cage??? What is wrong with them!

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    diskus Premium Member 7 days ago

    Prison Break!!!!!!!!

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    Katzen1415  7 days ago

    They put her in a CAGE! That is outrageous. Get to it, rescuers!

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    SusieB  7 days ago

    Oh poor little Sophie! Please rescue her quickly

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  53. Littloopy
    A R V reader  7 days ago

    I knew Burt could find Sophie, but… GASP!

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  54. Chubby
    Grace Premium Member 7 days ago

    I’m just trying to work out how they’ll let the Woman know where she is. Maybe they’ll tell Trevor who can take his human for a walk and up to their door and refuse to leave?

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  55. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  7 days ago

    Oh yes, of course, love the idea of having a pet of their own, but don’t love the idea of the pet walking around the house and getting on their furniture and stuff, so they pen up the pet and more or less defeat the whole point of having the pet in the first place. To say nothing of making it miserable for the pet.

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  56. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  7 days ago

    i used to allow my late cat Nemo out to sun himself on the front lawn. This practice came to an end after some passerby tried to grab him & put him in a sack!

    More fool he! Fortunately, Nemo knew how to defend himself, although his friendliness & general trust of human folk would sometimes get him into trouble.

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  57. Phone 031
    joz1950  7 days ago

    the suspense is killing me. Please bring her home!!!!

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    ladykat  7 days ago

    WHAT!!!! Those unmentionable obscenities stole our sweet Sophie and put her in a @#%!!#$ cage!!! Lemme at ‘em! Lemme at ’em! (no, I’m not the sweet old lady people think I am!)

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    hfelder7219  7 days ago

    Time for Operation Rescue!

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    Jayfbird1969  7 days ago

    Aww, poor sweet Sophie. Almost like she’s in a gilded cage.

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    christineracine77  7 days ago

    What the $p!c3s? Well-meaning or not, these folks know nothing about a cat’s most basic needs!

    While I foresee a complex rescue involving our favorite Wild Lands characters, I sincerely hope Sophie’s Woman and her captors interact so she can set them straight.

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  62. Img 0088
    Cat food server  7 days ago

    The last time we got a pair of kittens, we also had some fairly young and rambunctious Airedales. We had a nursery room for the kittens and periodically brought them out to a huge dog crate to introduce all the animals. That lasted about 2 days; the Airedales fell in love and protective of the kittens, and the other cats seemed to recognize that these kittens came from the same house as they had, so all was well

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  63. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member 7 days ago

    Worst! Worst possibility! Sophie is an artist, but no cat (or any living creature) is an art piece!

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  64. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member 7 days ago

    All the lights, cameras and security—it occurs to me that these people live in fear—of EVERYTHING. They are even afraid of what Sophie might do to their “perfect” house. Far too many people are like that. “You can wall yourself in, but you cannot forever wall the world out.”

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  65. Img 0429
    williamfshort  7 days ago


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  66. Comixavatar
    T_Lexi  7 days ago

    Georgia is a true master at building a narrative. This “threat” to our main character has got me so hooked into this story, I keep trying to turn the page to tomorrow. I can’t wait to see Gutter’s reaction to how bleak and hopeless his lady-love appears. Don’t give in to despair, dearest Sophie! (And I’m still putting money on Georgia somehow somehow? redeeming these wretched, ignorant scoundrels in a truly satisfying way. Because… Georgia.)

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    old_geek  7 days ago

    As long as the cage is vegan and gluten free….

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    anomalous4  7 days ago

    *OT: This ‘n’ that…"

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  69. Gocomics avatar
    xsintricks  7 days ago

    Way OT:

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  70. Loudly crying face 1f62d
    I'm Sad  7 days ago

    The people who picked her up doesn’t know what kind of cat she is. Not meaning breed but is the cat safe? Will it destroy the house while we are sleeping? They probably need to figure her out and do stuff like take her to the vet so they know if she is safe to keep or maybe belongs to somebody else. People put their animals in cages a lot of times. You know, like pet shelters and stuff.

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  71. Photo
    Granny Roberta  7 days ago

    OT sad news.

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  72. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  7 days ago

    From Les Miserables: Bring Him Home

    Ceiling Cat, hear my prayer!

    In my need You have always been there!

    Our friend Soph, she’s afraid

    Let her know, we are there,

    We’ll bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Please let her know we’re on our way!

    All of us, each and every one!

    Please let her know we’ll be there

    Please tell her, don’t despair!

    And we will see she’s safe and sound!

    Bring her peace, bring her love,

    Cat on High, please watch her from above

    You can take, you can give

    Please let her return to where she lives

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

    Bring her home!

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  73. Red bird 20240701 001339 0000
    Red Bird  7 days ago

    She looks so miserable in that cage! Those people are messed up in the head.

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  74. Mom   before she was mom
    GSD Mom Premium Member 7 days ago

    Oh no – are these the sort of people who kidnap pets and wait for a reward to be offered?

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  75. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  7 days ago

    I still want to believe the people are more misguided than intentionally cruel. I confess I was none too gentle with my first puppy (I was eight). I saw the light, and Kerry and I were inseparable for the next seventeen years.

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  76. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  7 days ago

    Crated?! Vile.

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  77. Cousins 1 2021
    Natarose  7 days ago

    poor sophie

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  78. Redshoes icon
    Zuria Premium Member 7 days ago


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    Martin 78  7 days ago

    We have a covered portable crib we use for our grandson’s naps. If we don’t close the netting, our Russel sleeps in it.

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    daleandkristen  7 days ago

    Oh, my darling girl, Sophie!

    Gang, she needs you to break her out of there and bring her home!!!!! Hope she leaves a stinky reminder of herself in the litter box too. No, on second thought, on their fancy expensive carpet! ……….

    Sorry, I am abhorred and P O’d about this situation!

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  81. Img 4741
    El-Kabong  7 days ago

    There is nothing known about the couple. Not their motivations or intentions. No need to (dis) regard them like politicians yet.

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  82. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 7 days ago

    Cue the theme from Mission Impossible…………

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  83. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  7 days ago

    :O :O :O This is so WRONG!!!!! I feel outraged and sad for poor Sophie all locked up in there! What is wrong with them??! :( :( :( (wiping tears)

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    jadem308  7 days ago

    Definitely in need of rescue!

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    Mx Crazy Cat Person  7 days ago

    OMC, poor Sophie. Words cannot express how worried I am for her.

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    MT Wallet   7 days ago

    The cutest kittens at the Davie County North Carolina animal shelter! I wish I could link but one must subscribe or use my library card. It would be unethical to let my library card be used.

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    MT Wallet   7 days ago

    Oh, and the story is significant because a Maryland shelter sometimes has a shortage of animals, and Davie is one of their suppliers.

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  88. 9a61ec07410e91ff118cd354baf25d1f sticker
    Laurie Stoker Premium Member 7 days ago

    Okay, everybody mount up! It’s time to go rescue Sophie!!!

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    trudyconley Premium Member 7 days ago

    POOR Sophie!!!

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    Biskits  7 days ago

    @Lady Alsace was right a few hours ago. (see above comment). It is purrfectly responsible and to be applauded that Sophie’s captors isolated her from their household to help her adjust. You should always keep a new animal separated until it has had its first vet visit with your vet. Otherwise it could transmit sicknesses unknowingly to the others. Also most animals feel safer in an enclosed space. At least they have not stuck Sophie in a dark place without company. At this point we should not judge them harshly. They should have checked in at the Big Pink House before removing Sophie from the yard, but I can understand them rescuing a lost cat. We should trust Georgia.

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    metagalaxy1970  7 days ago

    If I had to guess, they have her in a crate so that she can start getting used to the smells and sounds of the new environment. They need to take her into the vet so she can be scanned for a chip.

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  92. Img 20220101 135114 01 2
    Fennec! at the Disco  7 days ago

    CAGE??? >:-(

    “You put Sophie in a cage, like the criminal? Jail for catnappers! Jail for catnappers for a thousand years!”

    (Although to me, it looks more like a playpen. So maybe she can just jump out?)

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    Fennec! at the Disco  7 days ago

    Burt’s face is very NOT happy.

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    gayle454  7 days ago

    This plot line is getting ever more depressing

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