Hey Shannon, With how cold it is right now… I think a whole lot of us would like some ‘warming’.
Don’t believe everything your teachers tell you. The Earth has been around for approx. 4.5 Billion years.. It’ll be around long after climate alarmists are but a distant memory. Enjoy being a kid! If you want to ask Santa for something big… how about food for all the starving, houses for the homeless and peace in an ever increasingly hostile world.
P.s. Were you really good? I heard something about you snipping Luann’s hair??? ;)
Hear! Hear! I am so sick of losing parts of fall and winter to earlier springs and longer summers! The GOP kept saying Biden was going to cancel Christmas last year, but he didn’t . . . Mother Nature did. Seriously, it was almost as bad as that infamous Blowtorch Christmas of 2015, when it was warm and springlike nearly the entire month. Honest to God, I cannot remember the last time we had a normal December, where it was actually nice and winter-like for the entire month . . . ditto with February; anymore, it’s already spring and blooming before Valentine’s Day! But, nooooo; let’s just keep denying Climate Change despite all of the evidence and signs all around the world, because a “Silent Minority” (which are anything but) keep insisting that it’s all a “liberal hoax.”
For real… I read comics as an adult to escape the painfully brutal lives we live…for a quick chuckle. We really gotta make a stand for our beliefs in a doodle and using a kid to portray it? Come on.
George Carlin was pretty sharp- he had it figured out a long time ago- “Save the planet? We haven’t even figured out how to take care of ourselves!” (Heavily censored version):
It’s Greg’s strip but its our forum and he has crossed a line that we have tried to establish. No politics and no religion. And, his scientific expert in this field has only one accomplishment: she graduated from potty training.
At first I thought she was going to ask for a little brother or cousin, but it turned out that Shannon is more aware of what we would suppose of the world we live in.
If our planet increases by 2 or 3 net degrees then the ice caps, Artic and Antarctic will melt and most of the major urban areas, by the oceans (billions of people) will no longer have cities to live in. And that is just one possible outcome that a child of her generation (real not Luannverse) will inherit from our profligate fossil fuel use. we have 8 billion souls on Mother Earth. Oh right she is Momma you all know, but this is a heck of a way to thank her for being our only home in an enormously hostile universe, over which we have no control. At some point we may be able to live on other planets, moons, artificial habitats, interstellar arks, etc., but now Shannon has a very pertinent message. I agree kids should be kids, and all the play, mischief, growth, and learning that should go with it, but they also should have a future, not despoiled by us beyond hope so some of us can have all the comforts of a complicated civilization and the existential pain that goes with it, Sigh! Whew! Wait, I forget, this is Luann and Luannverse, so hilarity ensues.
Santa would need most of the wealthy people who claiming to care about climate change to ACTUALLY lower their own much higher impact on the climate first, and we all know that won’t even come close to happening. But us common people more likely will end up being forced to lower OURS, which will come at the expense to our quality of living and just make things more dystopian cause the rich will still go on as they are. I will say though that wildlife conservation and reforestation are wonderful causes, but I’m just skeptical of the browbeating narrative about how the collective “we” are killing the planet when it’s so out of the common person’s hands that it’s hard to see it as a burden that comes down to the corporations and I can’t see them changing.
Also this is the same Shannon who is the plucky little scamp who’s all about consumerism and loving to be treated to presents and gifts and feeling generally entitled, right? It seems so… un-Shannon-ly for her to ask for something like this! Who is this and what has she done with Shannon?
Please bring me a heater for my workshop. The old one pooped out, and it has been dropping into the 20’s here at night in Sacramento. When I go out in the shop in the morning, it is refrigerator temperature in there.
Thank you
P.S. I always leave out cookies and milk for you. The cookies should be OK, but the milk may be frozen…
J Scarbrough and I agree on the fact that it simply has been a long, long time since I have experienced a December or February where it has been by the 30 year averages “below normal”. When I was a kid growing up here in Central FL and as a college student in the ‘80s and early ’90s there were years where we’d have cold snaps, some lasting for weeks. Yes, some Decembers were warm, so warm you could hit the beach on XMas day or New Years. It actually snowed a couple of times here as well: January ’77 with parts of Central FL getting solid accumulations and Christmas Eve ’89 where here in Tampa everyone got flurries for 2 straight days and some areas even got up to an inch of snow while North Florida got up to 3 or 4 inches on the I-10 corridor. There were some flurries in this area in 2011 but not officially documented, so the last official snow in Tampa was December 23 and 24 1989.
The 30 year averages have risen by 3F since 1970 and the number of below average days are outnumbered 3 to one in the past few years. 2010-2011 was the last year where we had a below average winter where December, January, and February all were well below average and we had 10 days reporting freezes. Since 2000, no other winter has reported more than 2 freezes and most have zero. My wife tells our daughter and her FSU roommate of the White Christmas of ‘89 where her parents house up in Columbia County (Lake City) got 4 inches of snow and I-10 and I-75 had to shutdown. I can tell them that the flurries were nice to experience in Tampa but the 2 mornings at 21F basically killed the last of my Dad’s tangelos, navel and valencia oranges which had survived numerous freezes in the ‘60s/’70s/‘80s. Nowadays my citrus is threatened by greening and hurricanes, not cold weather. The citrus blossoms come out around Valentine’s Day now when it used to be spring training/spring break/March when that would happen on average.
So, is the climate warming for whatever reason? Look at the data!
If it wasn’t for “global warming”, we would still be in the last Ice Age. At at the age of 61 years, I am STILL waiting for all of the dire predicitions from the late 1960’s to early 1970’s to come true. Why I remember when scientists said were heading towards another Ice Age.
Dear little Shannon, what a beautiful poem♡. She’s really growing up and becoming less selfish and more interested in the happiness of others. Let’s hope the people of the world will do something to make her wish come true.
The best way to end global warming is to be rid of the frauds that spew forth their lies then fly to XYZ place in private jets to preach their B/S to us.
I dislike the use of the words, “global warming” for whereas it is true, it leaves many in colder than normal weather wondering just where is this warming. The globe is warming much higher than the normal increases over the centuries. These precipitous increases in temperature are throwing climate out of kilter. Thus, what we’re really talking about is climate change which makes drier area’s drier, wetter areas wetter, storms more long lasting, and droughts more severe. Many species are already going extinct at an alarming rate, much higher than the norm. And while the human species will probably adapt, we will have to adjust ourselves to live even close to the recent past’s expectations.
First, kill all the reindeer who expel greenhouse gases, and then take the private jets away from the idiots using them to go to global warming conferences so they can tell everyone else what to do.
For some of us to think about: Stuff really is made up of atoms and molecules we can’t see with the naked eye. Bacteria and viruses really do cause illness. Gravity exists, we just aren’t sure how to explain it. Eclipses really do occur because we have displeased the moon goddess.
Because as we can see from a lot of these comments calling it global warming (even though it’s mostly accurate, is still deviceive and leads to misunderstanding I propose a slight modification:
“And so on Christmas please arrangeA way that you could bringA fix for climate change.”
Creating a scary future where kids imagine the world is in peril is emotional abuse. I grew up back in the 70s when the environmentalists at the time said we have 30 years left on the planet due to pollution… I believed them. Most pessimistic time off my life. Sorry. Stop creating a black cloud of doom.
They were right about one thing: they said water would be so rare we would be paying $5 per gallon. That’s about what Evian costs I think.
Yes, the biomass of the planet has increased by 15 percent due to extra carbon. Instead of desertification, deserts are actually decreasing. We are well within normal historical temperature variations.
For all who say that climate changes are natural, I suggest looking at the history of the Sahara Desert. It’s been discovered that for thousands of years, that area was green, meaning full of plants and animals and people who were settling down Then a natural climate swing happened that caused the rains to move away. The Sahara dried up and became what it is today. That’s what climate change can mean.
What I find most amusing about today’s “comic” offering is imagining Greg and Karen walking up and down the proverbial “aisle” and laughing at all the posters and comments from both sides of the room. This was done on purpose and it worked.
Just an FYI to Greg and company: The term “Global warming” is out. It’s referred to as “Climate change,” because not everything that is happening applies exclusively to the planet’s rising temperature.
Looks like Shannon writing to Santa is a mite too controversial for us here. From now on, Sunday strip should just show Nancy in the bath. 6 full panels, different angles. Few bubbles.
Santa is the real problem, leaving coal for all the bad boys and girls! Coal use across the world is set to reach a new record this year amid persistently high demand for the heavily polluting fossil fuel, the International Energy Agency said. “This means coal will continue to be the global energy system’s largest single source of carbon dioxide emissions by far,” the IAE said.
I think it’s very irresponsible of the schools to frighten our children at such an early age. Shame on them! I remember back in 7th grade during the early 70s. Our teachers told us that in ten years we would all have to wear gas masks whenever we went outside. And that the oceans would be so full of trash all marine life would be dead. Complete BS! But it woke me up many nights trembling in fear at this dire outcome. Obviously this dark scenario never happened. That was over 50 years ago. Fortunately I talked to my parents and they reassured me the earth would survive and be ok.
You were indeed very good. I wish I could help you but Mrs. Claus says these last few centuries were too cold to suit her and refuses to stay at our place in Rio, so I’ve had to leave the thermostat alone.
There are problems with the measurements used to calculate temperature trends worldwide. Those data are based on ground measurements, taken mainly in cities. Most of the world, especially the Southern Hemisphere, is water, and there are no figures for much of this area. Mountainous regions also sport few thermometers. Poor and primitive areas are underrepresented in the data since most gauges are located in the more economically advanced parts of the world.
The caveman who discovered fire probably heard the same complaints from the local liberals of that era. He didn’t care about me, and I’m not worried about any survivors in the 23rd century.
Cute – but with everyone from Minneapolis to New York to Dallas hunkering down for a major winter storm, the best you’re going to get is an ironic chuckle…
Santa can not fix Climate Change, humans caused it and only humans can mitigate it. We have passed the “tipping point”, Climate Change will continue to get worse. Vast populations will be displaced, partly due to rising sea levels, and as those people seek new lands to live on there will be conflicts and wars. Now is a good time to focus on mitigating this looming catastrophe, mainly by avoiding petroleum energy. Green energy industry will provide many jobs and a better environment. Fossil fuel corporate interests will dispute this and supply much obfuscating propaganda to encourage doubt. China is largest contributor to greenhouse gases, followed by USA, EU, and Russia, in that order.
Oh, Greg, do you really expect us to believe that this oblivious little Shi…, um, I mean Shannon, even knows what global warming is, much less cares about it?
Personally, I think it’s the beginning of the “End Times”. Jesus Christ will be returning soon, and everyone who hasn’t been “raptured” won’t be in any condition to worry about global warming.
No Shannon, he can’t. When he found out about the heat trapping abilities of CO2 in 1898, he moved Xmas town to Antartica by 1904 in the area later to become a no-fly zone. Later they got some bad neighbors in Nazis setting up a secret lab and arms base not too far away. From Xmas town you can just see the line of purple Mountains of Madness. Their shield of anathema keeps many away.
Those of us who are called “Climate Deniers” actually do believe that it is quite possible that the Climate is changing. But if the climate is changing, it is happening naturally. We believe that there is nothing any human being can do to stop it, or make it worse. To believe that we humans have some kind of power over nature is the ultimate in human vanity.
lvlax about 2 years ago
Hey Shannon, With how cold it is right now… I think a whole lot of us would like some ‘warming’.
Don’t believe everything your teachers tell you. The Earth has been around for approx. 4.5 Billion years.. It’ll be around long after climate alarmists are but a distant memory. Enjoy being a kid! If you want to ask Santa for something big… how about food for all the starving, houses for the homeless and peace in an ever increasingly hostile world.
P.s. Were you really good? I heard something about you snipping Luann’s hair??? ;)
Templo S.U.D. about 2 years ago
Christmas is a week away.
J. Scarbrough about 2 years ago
Hear! Hear! I am so sick of losing parts of fall and winter to earlier springs and longer summers! The GOP kept saying Biden was going to cancel Christmas last year, but he didn’t . . . Mother Nature did. Seriously, it was almost as bad as that infamous Blowtorch Christmas of 2015, when it was warm and springlike nearly the entire month. Honest to God, I cannot remember the last time we had a normal December, where it was actually nice and winter-like for the entire month . . . ditto with February; anymore, it’s already spring and blooming before Valentine’s Day! But, nooooo; let’s just keep denying Climate Change despite all of the evidence and signs all around the world, because a “Silent Minority” (which are anything but) keep insisting that it’s all a “liberal hoax.”
Calliope about 2 years ago
Sorry kid. Santa’s too busy bailing water out of his workshop and protecting his elves from ravenous, emaciated polar bears.
Asharah about 2 years ago
Don’t worry, eventually we’ll get another Ice Age.
Antisocialist about 2 years ago
Oh yeah, bring us another ice age. I’m tired of being warm and comfortable.
Grumpy Old Guy about 2 years ago
You can’t change the weather by throwing money at it….
Rhetorical_Question about 2 years ago
Save the earth for future generations?
Enter.Name.Here about 2 years ago
Let’s first see if we can end the war. Global warming goals are worthless if we end up incinerating it all in a nuclear glow.
dadoctah about 2 years ago
Never figured Shannon for the Greta Thunberg type.
kenhense about 2 years ago
Shannon should warn Santa about the North Pole melting and all the toys will be floating around.
JenF about 2 years ago
For real… I read comics as an adult to escape the painfully brutal lives we live…for a quick chuckle. We really gotta make a stand for our beliefs in a doodle and using a kid to portray it? Come on.
blunebottle about 2 years ago
George Carlin was pretty sharp- he had it figured out a long time ago- “Save the planet? We haven’t even figured out how to take care of ourselves!” (Heavily censored version):
nightflight about 2 years ago
It’s Greg’s strip but its our forum and he has crossed a line that we have tried to establish. No politics and no religion. And, his scientific expert in this field has only one accomplishment: she graduated from potty training.
GirlGeek Premium Member about 2 years ago
Ending global warming means that everybody worldwide has to agree
linus82 about 2 years ago
At first I thought she was going to ask for a little brother or cousin, but it turned out that Shannon is more aware of what we would suppose of the world we live in.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Actually, Shannon will get her wish within 30 years.
Everybody will have electric cars and everyone will be happy.
Until the gird goes down….., ;-)
luann1212 about 2 years ago
If our planet increases by 2 or 3 net degrees then the ice caps, Artic and Antarctic will melt and most of the major urban areas, by the oceans (billions of people) will no longer have cities to live in. And that is just one possible outcome that a child of her generation (real not Luannverse) will inherit from our profligate fossil fuel use. we have 8 billion souls on Mother Earth. Oh right she is Momma you all know, but this is a heck of a way to thank her for being our only home in an enormously hostile universe, over which we have no control. At some point we may be able to live on other planets, moons, artificial habitats, interstellar arks, etc., but now Shannon has a very pertinent message. I agree kids should be kids, and all the play, mischief, growth, and learning that should go with it, but they also should have a future, not despoiled by us beyond hope so some of us can have all the comforts of a complicated civilization and the existential pain that goes with it, Sigh! Whew! Wait, I forget, this is Luann and Luannverse, so hilarity ensues.
Rockabore about 2 years ago
Santa would need most of the wealthy people who claiming to care about climate change to ACTUALLY lower their own much higher impact on the climate first, and we all know that won’t even come close to happening. But us common people more likely will end up being forced to lower OURS, which will come at the expense to our quality of living and just make things more dystopian cause the rich will still go on as they are. I will say though that wildlife conservation and reforestation are wonderful causes, but I’m just skeptical of the browbeating narrative about how the collective “we” are killing the planet when it’s so out of the common person’s hands that it’s hard to see it as a burden that comes down to the corporations and I can’t see them changing.
Also this is the same Shannon who is the plucky little scamp who’s all about consumerism and loving to be treated to presents and gifts and feeling generally entitled, right? It seems so… un-Shannon-ly for her to ask for something like this! Who is this and what has she done with Shannon?
vlad8601 about 2 years ago
are we finally getting that ice age they promised in the ’80’s?
Brdshtt Premium Member about 2 years ago
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a heater for my workshop. The old one pooped out, and it has been dropping into the 20’s here at night in Sacramento. When I go out in the shop in the morning, it is refrigerator temperature in there.
Thank you
P.S. I always leave out cookies and milk for you. The cookies should be OK, but the milk may be frozen…
TampaFanatic1 about 2 years ago
J Scarbrough and I agree on the fact that it simply has been a long, long time since I have experienced a December or February where it has been by the 30 year averages “below normal”. When I was a kid growing up here in Central FL and as a college student in the ‘80s and early ’90s there were years where we’d have cold snaps, some lasting for weeks. Yes, some Decembers were warm, so warm you could hit the beach on XMas day or New Years. It actually snowed a couple of times here as well: January ’77 with parts of Central FL getting solid accumulations and Christmas Eve ’89 where here in Tampa everyone got flurries for 2 straight days and some areas even got up to an inch of snow while North Florida got up to 3 or 4 inches on the I-10 corridor. There were some flurries in this area in 2011 but not officially documented, so the last official snow in Tampa was December 23 and 24 1989.
The 30 year averages have risen by 3F since 1970 and the number of below average days are outnumbered 3 to one in the past few years. 2010-2011 was the last year where we had a below average winter where December, January, and February all were well below average and we had 10 days reporting freezes. Since 2000, no other winter has reported more than 2 freezes and most have zero. My wife tells our daughter and her FSU roommate of the White Christmas of ‘89 where her parents house up in Columbia County (Lake City) got 4 inches of snow and I-10 and I-75 had to shutdown. I can tell them that the flurries were nice to experience in Tampa but the 2 mornings at 21F basically killed the last of my Dad’s tangelos, navel and valencia oranges which had survived numerous freezes in the ‘60s/’70s/‘80s. Nowadays my citrus is threatened by greening and hurricanes, not cold weather. The citrus blossoms come out around Valentine’s Day now when it used to be spring training/spring break/March when that would happen on average.
So, is the climate warming for whatever reason? Look at the data!
JillA.Gorze about 2 years ago
If it wasn’t for “global warming”, we would still be in the last Ice Age. At at the age of 61 years, I am STILL waiting for all of the dire predicitions from the late 1960’s to early 1970’s to come true. Why I remember when scientists said were heading towards another Ice Age.
JonnyT about 2 years ago
All of a sudden she’s gone from Satan’s spawn to Greta Thunberg? I don’t buy it.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Dear little Shannon, what a beautiful poem♡. She’s really growing up and becoming less selfish and more interested in the happiness of others. Let’s hope the people of the world will do something to make her wish come true.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 2 years ago
Ask for another ice age. I wanna go skiing.
WaitingMan about 2 years ago
Oh, joy. Another GoComics climate change debate. Nothing I haven’t read a thousand times before. I shall pass today.
colddonkey about 2 years ago
The best way to end global warming is to be rid of the frauds that spew forth their lies then fly to XYZ place in private jets to preach their B/S to us.
preacherman Premium Member about 2 years ago
I dislike the use of the words, “global warming” for whereas it is true, it leaves many in colder than normal weather wondering just where is this warming. The globe is warming much higher than the normal increases over the centuries. These precipitous increases in temperature are throwing climate out of kilter. Thus, what we’re really talking about is climate change which makes drier area’s drier, wetter areas wetter, storms more long lasting, and droughts more severe. Many species are already going extinct at an alarming rate, much higher than the norm. And while the human species will probably adapt, we will have to adjust ourselves to live even close to the recent past’s expectations.
treutvid about 2 years ago
First, kill all the reindeer who expel greenhouse gases, and then take the private jets away from the idiots using them to go to global warming conferences so they can tell everyone else what to do.
Duane Ott about 2 years ago
For some of us to think about: Stuff really is made up of atoms and molecules we can’t see with the naked eye. Bacteria and viruses really do cause illness. Gravity exists, we just aren’t sure how to explain it. Eclipses really do occur because we have displeased the moon goddess.
ctolson about 2 years ago
End global warming on Christmas morning for a Christmas wish???? Would thing she’d want to see her daddy Christmas morning.
Ignatz Premium Member about 2 years ago
And triggered right-wing snowflakes get offended in 5…4…3…
vickie.105 about 2 years ago
Overpopulation is more of an immediate problem.
miztrniceguy about 2 years ago
There are many days where the comments are far better than the strip
Calvin Nelson Nelson Premium Member about 2 years ago
Because as we can see from a lot of these comments calling it global warming (even though it’s mostly accurate, is still deviceive and leads to misunderstanding I propose a slight modification:
“And so on Christmas please arrangeA way that you could bringA fix for climate change.”
kaycstamper about 2 years ago
That’s sad…a little girl should be thinking about climbing trees and playing, not heavy adult issues.
speightsdona about 2 years ago
Thanks for telling it like it is.
filops about 2 years ago
Done. Also and equally staved off the leprechaun menace.
The Joke Explainer Premium Member about 2 years ago
Creating a scary future where kids imagine the world is in peril is emotional abuse. I grew up back in the 70s when the environmentalists at the time said we have 30 years left on the planet due to pollution… I believed them. Most pessimistic time off my life. Sorry. Stop creating a black cloud of doom.
They were right about one thing: they said water would be so rare we would be paying $5 per gallon. That’s about what Evian costs I think.Rotary12 Premium Member about 2 years ago
It’s 1° F this morning, I doubt there is “global warming”.
Crann Bethadh about 2 years ago
I’m not sure if Santa is the right guy to ask. Of all the people who would appreciate a warmer climate, he’d probably be it.
tremaine53 about 2 years ago
The planet will still be here, but it won’t support human life.
hawgowar about 2 years ago
Yes, the biomass of the planet has increased by 15 percent due to extra carbon. Instead of desertification, deserts are actually decreasing. We are well within normal historical temperature variations.
comic reader 22 about 2 years ago
Now Shannon, it’s not nice to lie to Santa.
mepowell about 2 years ago
For all who say that climate changes are natural, I suggest looking at the history of the Sahara Desert. It’s been discovered that for thousands of years, that area was green, meaning full of plants and animals and people who were settling down Then a natural climate swing happened that caused the rains to move away. The Sahara dried up and became what it is today. That’s what climate change can mean.
Farmingdale about 2 years ago
What I find most amusing about today’s “comic” offering is imagining Greg and Karen walking up and down the proverbial “aisle” and laughing at all the posters and comments from both sides of the room. This was done on purpose and it worked.
anaditz about 2 years ago
Just an FYI to Greg and company: The term “Global warming” is out. It’s referred to as “Climate change,” because not everything that is happening applies exclusively to the planet’s rising temperature.
Peabody N. Sherman about 2 years ago
I don’t deny global warming. I expect it to change to cooling in a few million years (long after humans are extinct?).
Ellis97 about 2 years ago
I’m sure Santa helps fight global warming. After all, he can’t have his home melt away.
lorenkinzel about 2 years ago
Looks like Shannon writing to Santa is a mite too controversial for us here. From now on, Sunday strip should just show Nancy in the bath. 6 full panels, different angles. Few bubbles.
Laura Doerfler about 2 years ago
Sorry to see this in a comic. Nothing is sacred any more. We need funny, not stupid.
oakie817 about 2 years ago
Moonkey Premium Member about 2 years ago
Magic won’t help climate change and overpopulation. People can.
KEA about 2 years ago
he could shut down the Sun which would fix things pretty quick, but I’m not sure we’d like the consequences
shorzy about 2 years ago
Comic readers are science deniers? And you watch FOX news also? Please, read the data and science. But I suppose facts don’t matter to you…
mindjob about 2 years ago
What? No one is going to comment on Shannon’s impeccable handwriting?
mindjob about 2 years ago
To me the point of the strip is that kids today are worrying about things when they should be having fun. So sad
RSH about 2 years ago
Shannon is growing up; she’s thinking outside of herself and starting to care about others and the world around her. nice strip.
Joe1962 about 2 years ago
Greg you should talk to China has the highest GHG.
lcorcoran5 about 2 years ago
silly indoctrination of the youth. Really wish Greg would avoid this crap.
MarieStanford about 2 years ago
I’ve been following this comic for decades, but Today is my last day. Greg just lost a follower. Too bad there isn’t a dislike button
paulscon about 2 years ago
Santa is the real problem, leaving coal for all the bad boys and girls! Coal use across the world is set to reach a new record this year amid persistently high demand for the heavily polluting fossil fuel, the International Energy Agency said. “This means coal will continue to be the global energy system’s largest single source of carbon dioxide emissions by far,” the IAE said.
currysteph Premium Member about 2 years ago
Local 574 Premium Member about 2 years ago
How about an end to capitalism? Duh!
pagercat about 2 years ago
I think it was a sweet strip. A young child wanting to benefit the world. I think that was the real point of it. Thanks, Greg!
cbeyer Premium Member about 2 years ago
I cancel all woke ‘things’ that get any money from me. Goodbye.
eladee AKA Wally about 2 years ago
I think it’s very irresponsible of the schools to frighten our children at such an early age. Shame on them! I remember back in 7th grade during the early 70s. Our teachers told us that in ten years we would all have to wear gas masks whenever we went outside. And that the oceans would be so full of trash all marine life would be dead. Complete BS! But it woke me up many nights trembling in fear at this dire outcome. Obviously this dark scenario never happened. That was over 50 years ago. Fortunately I talked to my parents and they reassured me the earth would survive and be ok.
Johnny Q Premium Member about 2 years ago
Santa should blow up all the oil pipelines…
Fordmaverick about 2 years ago
Another tool who just can’t make a good comic without jumping into politics. Read this comic for years. Today’s the last day.
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen about 2 years ago
You were indeed very good. I wish I could help you but Mrs. Claus says these last few centuries were too cold to suit her and refuses to stay at our place in Rio, so I’ve had to leave the thermostat alone.
sallymargret about 2 years ago
There are problems with the measurements used to calculate temperature trends worldwide. Those data are based on ground measurements, taken mainly in cities. Most of the world, especially the Southern Hemisphere, is water, and there are no figures for much of this area. Mountainous regions also sport few thermometers. Poor and primitive areas are underrepresented in the data since most gauges are located in the more economically advanced parts of the world.
The Quiet One about 2 years ago
Pretty mature wish Shannon.
nightflight about 2 years ago
The caveman who discovered fire probably heard the same complaints from the local liberals of that era. He didn’t care about me, and I’m not worried about any survivors in the 23rd century.
pynke1 about 2 years ago
It’s going to be in the upper 20s to the lower 30s in central Florida on Christmas Eve. Santa fixed global warming.
leomags about 2 years ago
Please no more global warming dysphoria….
jrankin1959 about 2 years ago
Cute – but with everyone from Minneapolis to New York to Dallas hunkering down for a major winter storm, the best you’re going to get is an ironic chuckle…
PaulGoes about 2 years ago
Reindeer farts contribute to global warming
Joe Bo Premium Member about 2 years ago
Santa can not fix Climate Change, humans caused it and only humans can mitigate it. We have passed the “tipping point”, Climate Change will continue to get worse. Vast populations will be displaced, partly due to rising sea levels, and as those people seek new lands to live on there will be conflicts and wars. Now is a good time to focus on mitigating this looming catastrophe, mainly by avoiding petroleum energy. Green energy industry will provide many jobs and a better environment. Fossil fuel corporate interests will dispute this and supply much obfuscating propaganda to encourage doubt. China is largest contributor to greenhouse gases, followed by USA, EU, and Russia, in that order.
vickie.105 about 2 years ago
Overpopulation is a far more clear and present danger.
Slatsmagee I about 2 years ago
Global warming, it’s a fallacy…
montylc2001 about 2 years ago
Of course this one opens up a can of worms.
jnd113 about 2 years ago
Well he won’t be allowed to leave coal in your stocking.
beb01 about 2 years ago
I imagine that Greg will be disappointed by the vast and vocal number of climaye deniers. sigh
JPuzzleWhiz about 2 years ago
Shannon is being a very sweet, unselfish child today.
And to those of you putting her down and raining on her parade, I have this for you:
Sisyphos about 2 years ago
Shannon: “I’ve been good.”
Santa: “A lump of coal [fossil fuel!] for lying to Santa, little girl!”
Ugly, Fat and Crabby about 2 years ago
Oh, Greg, do you really expect us to believe that this oblivious little Shi…, um, I mean Shannon, even knows what global warming is, much less cares about it?
Cathy P. about 2 years ago
Personally, I think it’s the beginning of the “End Times”. Jesus Christ will be returning soon, and everyone who hasn’t been “raptured” won’t be in any condition to worry about global warming.
kittysquared Premium Member about 2 years ago
It would have been better for Shannon to ask for a daddy who wants her.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 2 years ago
No Shannon, he can’t. When he found out about the heat trapping abilities of CO2 in 1898, he moved Xmas town to Antartica by 1904 in the area later to become a no-fly zone. Later they got some bad neighbors in Nazis setting up a secret lab and arms base not too far away. From Xmas town you can just see the line of purple Mountains of Madness. Their shield of anathema keeps many away.
JustMe about 2 years ago
I just HAD to scroll down to the comment section. I just HAD to. And now with much regret, I shall never make that mistake again…. good grief
DebUSNRet about 2 years ago
Good Lord…crock city.
Stewbeef about 2 years ago
Only in a comic strip can you believe in both Santa Claus and climate change.
imbas5511 about 2 years ago
umm no…
Avatari about 2 years ago
Those of us who are called “Climate Deniers” actually do believe that it is quite possible that the Climate is changing. But if the climate is changing, it is happening naturally. We believe that there is nothing any human being can do to stop it, or make it worse. To believe that we humans have some kind of power over nature is the ultimate in human vanity.
Le'Roy Hawkins about 2 years ago
fOlLoW tHe ScIeNce
David about 2 years ago
At least he called it ‘Global Warming’ instead of ‘Climate Change’.