“Where else would a child pick up a concept of shooting someone else?! Certainly didn’t get it from TV, books, games or the news!”
Seriously lady they’re kids and she was teaching them how a bow and arrows should be safely handled. Separate they’re not that much more dangerous than a stick.
Interestingly, the front of Lincoln Elementary looks just like the rear of the school where we sasw Tara first on Monday. Only the front has a driveway, no grass and no fence around said playground.
Oh sure… They complain about Tara teaching “warfare”. But no one said a blessed thing when Frank was skateboarding off of that school roof earlier this morning!! lol
BTW, note that Principal Purgus’ head is larger than the heads of Luann and Tara. I read years ago that villains in the comics were drawn with larger heads than the other characters.
The trouble is that Tara is an unapproved guest. Maybe some private schools would allow her as an invited guest to discuss the safe handling of arrows, but at elementary school level, it would be unheard of in the public schools. With violence in schools during the past three decades, the rules are very strict. There was a time when schools were used as family playgrounds during off school hours. Now one can be arrested for tresspassing.
Leaning a little too close to today’s current events. Tara is an undocumented alien and the parent is a domestic terrorist. Let’s probe real problems, like is Fay still too young to wear makeup?
I’m sorry for Luann. But this looks like the beginning of the end of her career as a school teacher… GOOD! Now she could bring out the artistic side of her and finally begin to seriously study art! Maybe go back to the theater, study to become a set designer, an actress, a sculptor. She has the skills to do it, but the idea of becoming a teacher was distracting her!
And likely that parent’s child was the one who wanted Tara to shoot the apple! Yeah, in real life guest speakers have to go thru the protocols of approval, but I had hoped that in cartoon land, with an after school program, this could be more fluid. The girls probably should have stayed outside on the playground.
Ha, these two probably would be mindless enough to let every child shoot an arrow at something. “This is the SAFE way to hold it, Duncan!” But Luann is demonstrably out of line, because she let Tara in. And Tara is not supposed to be there. But it doesn’t matter, they’ve done dumber things and will continue to do so.
I have a sneaking hunch that Tara’s mouth is going to get Luann in deeper trouble than what she already is. Luann should have stood her ground and not let Tara run over her. Tara should have stayed on the outside of the fence. The fence should have been a lot taller. The clock should back up about an hour to just before the incident started…
For Pete’s sake. Yeah, it’s not that elementary schools have low tolerance for unauthorized visitors and ZERO tolerance for unauthorized weapons. No, this is a problem because talking vaguely about archery will lead to the children invading foreign countries or something. So much for anyone in this story acting like an adult with a functioning brain.
My affinity for alliteration aside, Principal Purgus has to be one of the more amusingly unusual names I’ve heard for a school administrator since Principal Huggins.
He is right, primary school is not the place to learn warfare. I learned warfare in kindergarden, playing cowboys and ind… er, cliche native americans from the time of John Ford movies.
Misconception led to overreaction by the parent here, who thought the worst of what Luann and Tara were doing (suppose it was a contractor showing and telling power tools?). But indeed, the Principal has to address even one complaint. Fergus is right that he should have known ahead of time.
My apologies to those I thought were conclusion jumping yesterday. You seemed to have hit the nail on the head. This is turning out to be interesting … :-)
I’m going off the main topic, but today’s strip brought up something that bugs me. Have you ever noticed that in TV shows (and now in this strip) a school principal is referred to as “Principal X”? I’ve never heard that in real life.
When I was a kid, I called my principal Mr. Jones or Dr. Stevens. My kids did the same. What about you guys? Did you actually call your principal “Principal” like it was his or her name, or did you go with Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.?
Kids will weaponize anyone, so that part is simply stupid. But the rules against unapproved guests makes sense – and Luann should have known that. (They don’t want people wandering in off the streets to teach the kids how to speak in tongues, join the Na*i party, or be photographed in suggestive poses.) Guests must be cleared is standard procedure pretty much everywhere. Will strip focus on the bogus ‘warfare’ charge or the violation of reasonable policy?
Tara is one of these people who has no empathy, and is also completely amoral. She wants what she wants and doesn’t care about who she harms in order to get it. She barrels through life, oblivious and uncaring about how her words and actions affect other people. She is the bull in the china shop which runs around, breaking everything, then cries and plays the victim when others get angry at her.
I wonder what cartoons her kid watches. Since I don’t have any kids myself, it’s been quite a while since I watched Saturday morning cartoons, but I seem to remember a lot of them being quite violent.
No adult can participate in an on campus school event without local law enforcement first checking their name against the sx offender registry. Luann would be fired for failing that. But since sx doesn’t exist in the luanverse, she’s okay.
In today’s world Archery is considered “warfare”? Besides that “Karen” overreacted, just like a stereotypical “Karen.” Unless Greg omitted a scene or two, Tara just showed the kids her gear, no shooting of anykind took place.
Unapproved guest….a valid point. Luann should have run a guest speaker by her boss before having Tara speak to the class. Warfare? That part is pretty ridiculous. But sounds like how some parents I know would react.
I can get both sides of this argument. As a former early childhood teacher, I get the unapproved guest argument. Yeah, it was not a good idea for Tara to be pulled in like that without talking to someone first. But….I am getting major helicopter parent vibes from this and it’s making me remember the times I had parents and administrators attempt to accuse me of child endangerment and actually called CPS on me. Now, both times, even the CPS agents were like “okay, we’ve talked to you and we can’t see anything wrong with what you’ve done and all your co-workers have had nothing but good things, as have the parents we’ve talked to, so I don’t know who is acting the fool, but you’re good”….but it got too awful to deal with the issues of having someone attempt to ruin my reputation…twice, so I left teaching completely. I really hope Luann, if she wants to teach, has a better experience to outweigh this one.
My daughter’s gym class in high school is teaching archery. So much better than when I was a kid and gym class was nothing but dodgeball and running around the top of the bleachers.
I’m waiting for Luann (who has been volunteering at the school since the early 2000’s) to ask if they have ever had a policy for ‘approved’ guests.Luann is due a shakeup in her life as while secondary characters have grown, she has had little development in the past year
One of the quicker Luann arcs – as if Luann arcs ever last that long in the first place! Usually about two weeks in length, this one looks over in one!
One and done!
Other thoughts: Just because she has bows and arrows doesn’t mean she’s teaching warfare. Bows and arrows can be used for hunting, too.
Oh! That parent is a vegan, too? Yeah, I’m with Aladar30 above who said, looks like Luann’s teaching days are through!
oh my goodness….I just can’t anymore…I just can’t…cancel culture (or whatever this is that helicopter parenting has turned into) just needs to end. My head hurts now.
I think the real issue here is that Luann didn’t run this by anyone else first. The school does need to vet any guest speakers on order to make sure their teaching something appropriate and to give parents a heads up so they won’t freak out
Warfare!? THERE IS NO BOW! No where visible is there a bow!Offended snow flake alert!That is just a total fabrication. Gee, where is Greg going with this arc?We got a lot of stuff going on here folks.Popcorn. I need some popcorn.As mentioned, the TV and movies and music today and video games have all detailed murder and mayhem for our children’s easy access.Perhaps he will burn Tara at the stake for her showing what just a few decades ago before gunpowder was a necessary tool for survival to those children. Good grief!I think maybe Greg is on vacay and CNN is writing the strip this week.
I guess I am stuck wondering…Who is the bigger dipsh*t here? Is it the dimwitted parent who is overreacting in their attempt to insulate little Skippy or Buffy from the realities of the world? Is it the tukus smooching administrator who is trying to placate and validate the dimwit? I guess I need to know where the complainer’s lives to make the leap of logic necessary to go from the sport of archery to shooting people with bow and arrows.
Wow, the crowd here seems to have done a complete 180 on the importance of following rules. Because Luann is getting a lot more understanding and leeway than we’d see if her role in this storyarc was instead being filled by, let’s say, Stef. Rules sure mattered a lot more just last month, after all.
Boy I should know that predicting where an arc will go by Saturday in this strip is perilous. I predicted that in the end no harm will come to Luann or Tara here. Tara’s smart-aleck—but verities based—remark makes that prediction seem in real peril. But misdirection play is still possible.
Luann has been working there for a couple years. She absolutely knows she cannot allow her friends to stroll in and play with the kids. It does not matter what Tara was doing with them. It is completely wrong for Tara to be there.
Coddling the children makes them weak. Growing up in the 1970s, during & after the Vietnam War, we had cap pistols and you had to count to 10 to come back to life.
For over 100 years, archery has been part of kids education and summer camp activities, along with canoeing, and swimming. Any connection with “warfare” is only in fantasy. Parents can not only be a pain. Some can be idiots.
Oh, here we go with the politics! Just so you know, archery control doesn’t work as well as you think! If you take all the bows from responsible people, only bad people will have bows! Blah-blah-blah, tired arguments against gun control but replaced with bows and arrows, you get the gist.
From the comments, I am appalled to see many people being dismissive about metal arrowheads on these sticks. They are much larger than any other petty “weapons” in the classroom and can penetrate much deeper than anything else in the classroom. It also can KILL. Come on guys. Yes, it’s an ancient weapon – it IS still a weapon. It was made to kill animals and for WAR. Now that guns have been invented, arrows have been minimized as a “recreational sport.” However, it has no place in a classroom. If a parent wants their child to learn archery, they can go to a safe place where they get proper instruction on how to handle an ancient weapon. Someone mentioned that their SCHOOL taught archery. Yikes. That school has no common sense or view it as a recreational sport without realizing the ramifications of them being turned into weapons at a moment’s notice. A rejected romance. Betrayed friend. Bullied victim. Etc. They go to the gym, grab a set and spring the arrowhead into their perpetrators – or do that during archery class. Possible scenarios are endless. Metal arrowheads could not be compared to other “sharp” objects that can inflict harm but do not kill. Now, I understand some modern arrowheads are made with strong type of rubber or sucker where they make contact with the bullseye and stay attached. THAT I can get aboard for teaching archery.
“Unapproved guest” is all that is important, here. But I have a bigger question- since when is Luann in an elementary school? She isn’t a teacher, obviously. I thought she was a daycare worker at, you know, a Daycare facility. Regardless, she should have known the procedure for having a guest. It’s very strange to see a school principal handling this. I expected to see a facility director or something. Anyway, I expect she will be fired, which is hopefully the point of all this (to move her story in another direction, that is).
While Tara did a good job with her presentation to the kids she’s definitely not saying the right things here. Luann is on the hot seat and Tara isn’t helping.
Double trouble from Principal Purgus! Luann faces a stern talking-to, or a written reprimand, or maybe even termination. And Tara might actually be facing criminal charges (trespass, carrying weapons on school ground, advocating violence, etc.). Depends on much of a Hard Case Purgus is or isn’t….
Oh my gosh, the school board just realized that the arrow is a phallic symbol, so not only are they teaching warfare, they are also teaching sexuality.
I suppose a bottom line is that Tara was trespassing and it appeared that Luann led her to the classroom and should be fired.Silly to bring up the danger of the arrow unless the children were allowed to handle it. Damned silly to make an issue of broadhead since the girl was on the way from target practice. May as well argue the merits of flaming arrowheard or projectiles in general.
Ugh. I see where this is going. Reminds me of the parents that were anti-military and thought JROTC was teaching HS kids about warfare, combat, and to be killers one day. What nonsense.
beb01 over 3 years ago
‘Warfare’ seems a bit of a stretch.
LFate over 3 years ago
Hmm, over react much
AnyFace over 3 years ago
Arbitrary over 3 years ago
“Where else would a child pick up a concept of shooting someone else?! Certainly didn’t get it from TV, books, games or the news!”
Seriously lady they’re kids and she was teaching them how a bow and arrows should be safely handled. Separate they’re not that much more dangerous than a stick.
live2read over 3 years ago
Tara. please. Just. Stop. Talking.
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
Parent Overreacting? – will Luann get fired or maybe suspended as a lesson?
gnmnrbl over 3 years ago
Just as i suspected would happen, someone is over-reacting to an otherwise harmless teaching moment.
Miles VanDelay over 3 years ago
Doesn’t principal Purgus need to get back to helping Will Smith rid the earth of bad aliens?
Uncle Kenny over 3 years ago
School officials would rather fire a good employee than risk offending a single parent.
Rhetorical_Question over 3 years ago
This will go on your permanent record, Luann?
beb01 over 3 years ago
Interestingly, the front of Lincoln Elementary looks just like the rear of the school where we sasw Tara first on Monday. Only the front has a driveway, no grass and no fence around said playground.
Joe1962 over 3 years ago
Tara you not helping.
C over 3 years ago
Snowflake parents over reacting to just about everything
lvlax over 3 years ago
Oh sure… They complain about Tara teaching “warfare”. But no one said a blessed thing when Frank was skateboarding off of that school roof earlier this morning!! lol
Uncle Kenny over 3 years ago
BTW, note that Principal Purgus’ head is larger than the heads of Luann and Tara. I read years ago that villains in the comics were drawn with larger heads than the other characters.
Willow Mt Lyon over 3 years ago
The trouble is that Tara is an unapproved guest. Maybe some private schools would allow her as an invited guest to discuss the safe handling of arrows, but at elementary school level, it would be unheard of in the public schools. With violence in schools during the past three decades, the rules are very strict. There was a time when schools were used as family playgrounds during off school hours. Now one can be arrested for tresspassing.
Black76Manta over 3 years ago
No, Tara you are a pain, besides being irresponsible and you cause more problems than you are worth
Airman over 3 years ago
Leaning a little too close to today’s current events. Tara is an undocumented alien and the parent is a domestic terrorist. Let’s probe real problems, like is Fay still too young to wear makeup?
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’m sorry for Luann. But this looks like the beginning of the end of her career as a school teacher… GOOD! Now she could bring out the artistic side of her and finally begin to seriously study art! Maybe go back to the theater, study to become a set designer, an actress, a sculptor. She has the skills to do it, but the idea of becoming a teacher was distracting her!
nesto49 over 3 years ago
And likely that parent’s child was the one who wanted Tara to shoot the apple! Yeah, in real life guest speakers have to go thru the protocols of approval, but I had hoped that in cartoon land, with an after school program, this could be more fluid. The girls probably should have stayed outside on the playground.
Caldonia over 3 years ago
Ha, these two probably would be mindless enough to let every child shoot an arrow at something. “This is the SAFE way to hold it, Duncan!” But Luann is demonstrably out of line, because she let Tara in. And Tara is not supposed to be there. But it doesn’t matter, they’ve done dumber things and will continue to do so.
Mikko Kurki-Suonio over 3 years ago
Enter the Karen…
wiatr over 3 years ago
Good thing this isn’t Norway.
Brdshtt Premium Member over 3 years ago
I have a sneaking hunch that Tara’s mouth is going to get Luann in deeper trouble than what she already is. Luann should have stood her ground and not let Tara run over her. Tara should have stayed on the outside of the fence. The fence should have been a lot taller. The clock should back up about an hour to just before the incident started…
ronaldspence over 3 years ago
She is an unapproved guest tho…
franksmin over 3 years ago
Ummmmmmm……..last time I looked, archery was an olympic sport…..?
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
Tara is right. Parents can be a pain—even when their kids are grown!!
jroggs over 3 years ago
For Pete’s sake. Yeah, it’s not that elementary schools have low tolerance for unauthorized visitors and ZERO tolerance for unauthorized weapons. No, this is a problem because talking vaguely about archery will lead to the children invading foreign countries or something. So much for anyone in this story acting like an adult with a functioning brain.
J. Scarbrough over 3 years ago
My affinity for alliteration aside, Principal Purgus has to be one of the more amusingly unusual names I’ve heard for a school administrator since Principal Huggins.
Busrayne over 3 years ago
Can’t a comic just be funny, and not over analyzed to the point of exhaustion?
cdillon85 over 3 years ago
Warfare to a child. Okay. I suppose when cutting a sandwich in half, that is teaching knife-fighting?
buer over 3 years ago
He is right, primary school is not the place to learn warfare. I learned warfare in kindergarden, playing cowboys and ind… er, cliche native americans from the time of John Ford movies.
dadoctah over 3 years ago
“You want warfare? I’ll show you warfare.”
ACTIVIST1234 over 3 years ago
So much for alternate ending that Tara would get hired on.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
Keep digging that hole deeper, Tara..
OneTime59 over 3 years ago
Misconception led to overreaction by the parent here, who thought the worst of what Luann and Tara were doing (suppose it was a contractor showing and telling power tools?). But indeed, the Principal has to address even one complaint. Fergus is right that he should have known ahead of time.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 3 years ago
What’s “mom” gonna do when the kids are older and they are taught World/American History?
A significant part of which is filled with warfare?
Have a stroke?
Like it or not, “warfare” is a part of human history.
Not teaching the kiddies about it is not going to make it go away.
D.E.N. over 3 years ago
My apologies to those I thought were conclusion jumping yesterday. You seemed to have hit the nail on the head. This is turning out to be interesting … :-)
sueb1863 over 3 years ago
Shut UP, Tara.
DebUSNRet over 3 years ago
Like I said yesterday.
Big Mike over 3 years ago
I’m going off the main topic, but today’s strip brought up something that bugs me. Have you ever noticed that in TV shows (and now in this strip) a school principal is referred to as “Principal X”? I’ve never heard that in real life.
When I was a kid, I called my principal Mr. Jones or Dr. Stevens. My kids did the same. What about you guys? Did you actually call your principal “Principal” like it was his or her name, or did you go with Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.?
LawrenceS over 3 years ago
Kids will weaponize anyone, so that part is simply stupid. But the rules against unapproved guests makes sense – and Luann should have known that. (They don’t want people wandering in off the streets to teach the kids how to speak in tongues, join the Na*i party, or be photographed in suggestive poses.) Guests must be cleared is standard procedure pretty much everywhere. Will strip focus on the bogus ‘warfare’ charge or the violation of reasonable policy?
Little Caesar over 3 years ago
Like DJT said, everything woke turns to ____.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 3 years ago
yup she was a karen, leaping to conclusions and clearly everyone else is wrong
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
Our good friends, moral guardians have struck again.
Johnnyrico over 3 years ago
Tara is one of these people who has no empathy, and is also completely amoral. She wants what she wants and doesn’t care about who she harms in order to get it. She barrels through life, oblivious and uncaring about how her words and actions affect other people. She is the bull in the china shop which runs around, breaking everything, then cries and plays the victim when others get angry at her.
Sportymonk over 3 years ago
Warfare? Really? And when this this turn into the days of Robin hood and olden England?
boatlesspirate over 3 years ago
Purple People Eater over 3 years ago
I wonder what cartoons her kid watches. Since I don’t have any kids myself, it’s been quite a while since I watched Saturday morning cartoons, but I seem to remember a lot of them being quite violent.
mrsdonaldson over 3 years ago
Good grief…it was probably her kid wanting the apple shot!
DG over 3 years ago
Boy, I feel sorry for that child with a parent like that.
rhpii over 3 years ago
Next week’s physics lesson: The Trebuchet
Ichabod Ferguson over 3 years ago
No adult can participate in an on campus school event without local law enforcement first checking their name against the sx offender registry. Luann would be fired for failing that. But since sx doesn’t exist in the luanverse, she’s okay.
WilliamVollmer over 3 years ago
In today’s world Archery is considered “warfare”? Besides that “Karen” overreacted, just like a stereotypical “Karen.” Unless Greg omitted a scene or two, Tara just showed the kids her gear, no shooting of anykind took place.
artegal over 3 years ago
Because the only conceivable use for a bow and arrow is warfare. It’s not like people ever used them to hunt for food or anything like that.
StackableContainers over 3 years ago
Unapproved guest….a valid point. Luann should have run a guest speaker by her boss before having Tara speak to the class. Warfare? That part is pretty ridiculous. But sounds like how some parents I know would react.
The Joke Explainer Premium Member over 3 years ago
Coming up next week: is archery a cultural appropriation of Native Americans?
Droptma Styx over 3 years ago
This would be funny only if it weren’t so likely to happen IRL.
cosman over 3 years ago
Karen wouldn’t like the elementary school i went to.. 6th grade P.E. included Friday archery.
DawnQuinn1 over 3 years ago
Move to Texas. Teach kids in kindergarten how to shot an AK47
comic reader 22 over 3 years ago
It seems like there should have been a lot more to a lesson on “warfare”. Maybe that parent can take the kids to the movies…..or Afghanistan – LOL!
comicboyz over 3 years ago
the parent should have had been a blonde to complete the "karen’ picture.
KatherineKeller over 3 years ago
I can get both sides of this argument. As a former early childhood teacher, I get the unapproved guest argument. Yeah, it was not a good idea for Tara to be pulled in like that without talking to someone first. But….I am getting major helicopter parent vibes from this and it’s making me remember the times I had parents and administrators attempt to accuse me of child endangerment and actually called CPS on me. Now, both times, even the CPS agents were like “okay, we’ve talked to you and we can’t see anything wrong with what you’ve done and all your co-workers have had nothing but good things, as have the parents we’ve talked to, so I don’t know who is acting the fool, but you’re good”….but it got too awful to deal with the issues of having someone attempt to ruin my reputation…twice, so I left teaching completely. I really hope Luann, if she wants to teach, has a better experience to outweigh this one.
Tyge over 3 years ago
If there is no point on an arrow is it a weapon? Is an arrow with no bow a weapon? Would it be a “spear?” I have no idea.
P.S. Why is this an arc? Is someone trying to teach a lesson here? Or just rile up some folks.
The Wolf In Your Midst over 3 years ago
Well, Sun Tzu she ain’t….
Zontar from Venus over 3 years ago
My daughter’s gym class in high school is teaching archery. So much better than when I was a kid and gym class was nothing but dodgeball and running around the top of the bleachers.
davidlwashburn over 3 years ago
War is the only possible use for a bow and arrow. Especially today.Right, parent?
Plods with ...™ over 3 years ago
Nailed it….EB
hoffquotes2 over 3 years ago
Next panel she will be teaching CRT
uncmark over 3 years ago
I’m waiting for Luann (who has been volunteering at the school since the early 2000’s) to ask if they have ever had a policy for ‘approved’ guests.Luann is due a shakeup in her life as while secondary characters have grown, she has had little development in the past year
William Timm over 3 years ago
This is really what’s wrong with our society these days. Everyone feels it’s okay to be offended by almost anything.
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 3 years ago
Get back to being funny!
ctb11365 over 3 years ago
Karens will be KARENS
Cheapskate0 over 3 years ago
One of the quicker Luann arcs – as if Luann arcs ever last that long in the first place! Usually about two weeks in length, this one looks over in one!
One and done!
Other thoughts: Just because she has bows and arrows doesn’t mean she’s teaching warfare. Bows and arrows can be used for hunting, too.
Oh! That parent is a vegan, too? Yeah, I’m with Aladar30 above who said, looks like Luann’s teaching days are through!
JustMe over 3 years ago
oh my goodness….I just can’t anymore…I just can’t…cancel culture (or whatever this is that helicopter parenting has turned into) just needs to end. My head hurts now.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 3 years ago
“Yes, that is the modern method of conducting warfare. She caught me dead to rights.”
bob-droid12 over 3 years ago
I think the real issue here is that Luann didn’t run this by anyone else first. The school does need to vet any guest speakers on order to make sure their teaching something appropriate and to give parents a heads up so they won’t freak out
Troglodyte over 3 years ago
Depend on a helicopter parent to crash the party!
Tetonbil over 3 years ago
Warfare!? THERE IS NO BOW! No where visible is there a bow!Offended snow flake alert!That is just a total fabrication. Gee, where is Greg going with this arc?We got a lot of stuff going on here folks.Popcorn. I need some popcorn.As mentioned, the TV and movies and music today and video games have all detailed murder and mayhem for our children’s easy access.Perhaps he will burn Tara at the stake for her showing what just a few decades ago before gunpowder was a necessary tool for survival to those children. Good grief!I think maybe Greg is on vacay and CNN is writing the strip this week.
CynthiaLeigh over 3 years ago
Warfare? What a moron!
Tuzilla over 3 years ago
I guess I am stuck wondering…Who is the bigger dipsh*t here? Is it the dimwitted parent who is overreacting in their attempt to insulate little Skippy or Buffy from the realities of the world? Is it the tukus smooching administrator who is trying to placate and validate the dimwit? I guess I need to know where the complainer’s lives to make the leap of logic necessary to go from the sport of archery to shooting people with bow and arrows.
BJShipley1 over 3 years ago
Wow, the crowd here seems to have done a complete 180 on the importance of following rules. Because Luann is getting a lot more understanding and leeway than we’d see if her role in this storyarc was instead being filled by, let’s say, Stef. Rules sure mattered a lot more just last month, after all.
omegasupreme over 3 years ago
I shot an arrow into the air it hit a liberal and I did not care….
Ordinary Average Guy over 3 years ago
The indignant, self-righteous parent. The spineless, kowtowing school administrator.
Where have we seen this before?
luann1212 over 3 years ago
Boy I should know that predicting where an arc will go by Saturday in this strip is perilous. I predicted that in the end no harm will come to Luann or Tara here. Tara’s smart-aleck—but verities based—remark makes that prediction seem in real peril. But misdirection play is still possible. over 3 years ago
I KNEW Tara would take the offensive on this!Shoot an apple off Frozen-Face Woman’s head. .Nicely,of course.
I think the Principal would rather crawl under a desk than address the issue anyway.
KEA over 3 years ago
They can indeed. They have sex, produce offspring and think that makes experts in any number of fields.
locake over 3 years ago
Luann has been working there for a couple years. She absolutely knows she cannot allow her friends to stroll in and play with the kids. It does not matter what Tara was doing with them. It is completely wrong for Tara to be there.
grperry over 3 years ago
Oh no! A “Karen” on Luann.
globalenterprize1990 over 3 years ago
Coddling the children makes them weak. Growing up in the 1970s, during & after the Vietnam War, we had cap pistols and you had to count to 10 to come back to life.
dbradway1 over 3 years ago
Jumping to conclusions is the only exercise some of these mothers get.
txmystic over 3 years ago
Parent rhymes (sorta) with Karen…
ironbrigade1861 over 3 years ago
The teachers are afraid they will get screeching parents coming to the school board meeting. Oh, wait that’s already happening.
The Bass Weasel over 3 years ago
For over 100 years, archery has been part of kids education and summer camp activities, along with canoeing, and swimming. Any connection with “warfare” is only in fantasy. Parents can not only be a pain. Some can be idiots.
Richard Perry over 3 years ago
Purgus is a dick.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Oh, here we go with the politics! Just so you know, archery control doesn’t work as well as you think! If you take all the bows from responsible people, only bad people will have bows! Blah-blah-blah, tired arguments against gun control but replaced with bows and arrows, you get the gist.
capricorn9th over 3 years ago
OOO. Tara is minimizing the situation. Challenging Principal Purgus’ authority.
yangeldf over 3 years ago
it’s called sports sir, football is WAY more dangerous and imitatable than archery but parents rarely bat an eye at that
Chuck374 over 3 years ago
I guess this parent doesn’t watch the Olympics or the outdoor channels. Just old cowboy and indian movies.
capricorn9th over 3 years ago
From the comments, I am appalled to see many people being dismissive about metal arrowheads on these sticks. They are much larger than any other petty “weapons” in the classroom and can penetrate much deeper than anything else in the classroom. It also can KILL. Come on guys. Yes, it’s an ancient weapon – it IS still a weapon. It was made to kill animals and for WAR. Now that guns have been invented, arrows have been minimized as a “recreational sport.” However, it has no place in a classroom. If a parent wants their child to learn archery, they can go to a safe place where they get proper instruction on how to handle an ancient weapon. Someone mentioned that their SCHOOL taught archery. Yikes. That school has no common sense or view it as a recreational sport without realizing the ramifications of them being turned into weapons at a moment’s notice. A rejected romance. Betrayed friend. Bullied victim. Etc. They go to the gym, grab a set and spring the arrowhead into their perpetrators – or do that during archery class. Possible scenarios are endless. Metal arrowheads could not be compared to other “sharp” objects that can inflict harm but do not kill. Now, I understand some modern arrowheads are made with strong type of rubber or sucker where they make contact with the bullseye and stay attached. THAT I can get aboard for teaching archery.
Doctor Go over 3 years ago
Yes, but was the complaining parent vaccinated and did she wear a mask?
ViscountNik over 3 years ago
If there was an actual warfare class in school I wouldn’t have skipped so much…
Takagi-san over 3 years ago
“Unapproved guest” is all that is important, here. But I have a bigger question- since when is Luann in an elementary school? She isn’t a teacher, obviously. I thought she was a daycare worker at, you know, a Daycare facility. Regardless, she should have known the procedure for having a guest. It’s very strange to see a school principal handling this. I expected to see a facility director or something. Anyway, I expect she will be fired, which is hopefully the point of all this (to move her story in another direction, that is).
currysteph Premium Member over 3 years ago
Le'Roy Hawkins over 3 years ago
Libs ruin everything.
RSH over 3 years ago
While Tara did a good job with her presentation to the kids she’s definitely not saying the right things here. Luann is on the hot seat and Tara isn’t helping.
namelocdet over 3 years ago
Oh well, Luann’s getting “Canceled” for sure now.
ctbeeguy over 3 years ago
Cancel culture strikes again!
RebaLioness over 3 years ago
Why was the parent in the classroom? It was probably HER kid that made the “bad guys” comment
ACTIVIST1234 over 3 years ago
Hot topic. 442 comments st 5:15 CST
dsikkema over 3 years ago
Heck of a stretch there… teaching warfare?
MT Wallet over 3 years ago
I went to Lincoln Elementary School!
BlueKnight1966 over 3 years ago
That parent is such a *itch.
KevinCarson2 over 3 years ago
I’ll bet that guy still hasn’t got his underpants unwedged from junior high
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 3 years ago
In other words a karen.
kenhense over 3 years ago
WARFARE??? They better not let their kids turn on the TV.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 3 years ago
Teach them warfare? Parents ignorant of their own children who they mistakenly see as cherubs not wannabe Rambos.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
Double trouble from Principal Purgus! Luann faces a stern talking-to, or a written reprimand, or maybe even termination. And Tara might actually be facing criminal charges (trespass, carrying weapons on school ground, advocating violence, etc.). Depends on much of a Hard Case Purgus is or isn’t….
radar15627 over 3 years ago
says the woman that looks like an CIA agent
tidewaterscot over 3 years ago
Go elsewhere now!
Airman over 3 years ago
Oh my gosh, the school board just realized that the arrow is a phallic symbol, so not only are they teaching warfare, they are also teaching sexuality.
Asharah over 3 years ago
If Mama Helicopter gets Luann fired, her kids gonna get his rear kicked. In case you haven’t noticed, the kids LOVE Miss Luann.
montylc2001 over 3 years ago
So I guess the parent never lets her kids watch TV or movies or read books or doesn’t want them to learn history.
live2read over 3 years ago
If you’re curious, yes, Luann is in trouble. Head on over to Arcamax if you can’t wait until tomorrow.
Craig66 about 3 years ago
I suppose a bottom line is that Tara was trespassing and it appeared that Luann led her to the classroom and should be fired.Silly to bring up the danger of the arrow unless the children were allowed to handle it. Damned silly to make an issue of broadhead since the girl was on the way from target practice. May as well argue the merits of flaming arrowheard or projectiles in general.
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
Snowflakes or just flakes…..
Kenezg about 3 years ago
The next time there is a war, let’s see how long the side with the bows and arrows last…who does she think Tara is, Hawkeye from the Avengers?
ndblackirish97 about 3 years ago
Ugh. I see where this is going. Reminds me of the parents that were anti-military and thought JROTC was teaching HS kids about warfare, combat, and to be killers one day. What nonsense.
lawguy05 about 3 years ago
Poor, Tara. Welcome to Biden’s WOKE America.