Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 13, 2023

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  8 months ago

    Go Bets!!! Pop Stef one, right on the kisser and go give Gunther a kiss! ;)

    Well, the odds of Bets wearing her Uhura outfit to the party just went dramatically down. lol


    So what happens tomorrow? Brawl breaks out? Gunther sees the comments and cries? UFO lands in Tiff’s backyard?

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  2. Al the fish cup
    alasko  8 months ago

    The light just went on, hope Bets doesn’t punch someone’s out.

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  3. Beb avatar
    beb01  8 months ago

    The inevitable repost of Friday’s strip delays the story for another day. I do wish they would pick up the pace on thing.

    And I don;t know why Bets says this all her fault since it started with Stef’s picture. Unless Bets, as many women do, blames herself when something goes wrong. It could be that she blames herself for leaving Gunther behind but that’s a complex thought to express in just one line.

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  4. Missing large
    Doneaver  8 months ago

    Bets is going in hot.

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  5. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    Maybe Bets has finally seen the light. Maybe her relationship is worth more than her so-called “fans.”

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  6. Missing large
    BabyBlue  8 months ago

    Whatever happens Stef will film it and post it.

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  7. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    I wonder what role GnK will give to Luann this coming week. They may just play her off as an innocent bystander while all the dialogue and action goes on around her.

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  8. Edb4beaa 19ab 437d a460 cf4fba2a5e74
    syzygy47  8 months ago

    So, is Betts walking toward the manse or walking away?

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  9. Ecvgny wsaa0661
    J. Scarbrough  8 months ago

    At this point, I’ve lost count of how many weeks this arc has been ongoing, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about that, because it’s been such a welcome change of pace from the previous pattern of 1-2 months of non-stop dorm drama, with a 2-week Luann intermission inbetween.

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  10. Missing large
    dmclark  8 months ago

    She realized she wants G over fans.

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  11. Missing large
    outonalimb  8 months ago

    Looks like I’ve got mixed results on a couple of my predictions from last week. Bets is going in to the party (not driving away), but she’s not taking time to get all dolled up.

    I’m sticking with a couple other predictions: Bets and Gun will remain a couple, and Bets won’t get in to fight with Luann.

    One other thing. I speculated:

    It occurs to me that, to the chagrin of the Bets-haters, once Gunther’s friends get done debunking the nasty gossip, the Bets-Gun reunion just might get an even bigger outpouring of fan support than Bets was originally imagining.

    That might (or might not) yet be true. But I’m now thinking that they’ll get an outpouring of support that matters more from their actual friends at the party.

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  12. Gocomics icon
    reedkomicks Premium Member 8 months ago

    And scene!

    Nice shot in the last panel.

    Steff is an idiot? Oooh YES! She is 100% idiot.

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  13. Me in flag shirt
    paulscon  8 months ago

    As I was hoping, Bets has realized that she really wants Gunther and is going to do something about it. So happy for this turn of events!!

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  14. Tree of life symbol yggdrasil image png favpng xzuzyxiq8jchu7waqwytkftss
    Crann Bethadh  8 months ago

    Well, good. Stef unintentionally gave Bets the wake-up call she needed.

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  15. 3dflags usaal1 5
    Alabama Al  8 months ago

    Do you see why I canceled my Facebook account and never subscribed to Twitter (or whatever it’s called now)? The world is full of idiots and life is too short to deal with this nonsense.

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  16. Cheney sneer
    Craig66  8 months ago

    Will she realize that she has been owned and controlled by those fans?

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  17. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  8 months ago

    I guess Bets is going to Doll-o-Ween in the guise of a superhero, Avenger!

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  18. Capture
    Rockabore  8 months ago

    I mean… Bets is kinda doing the more idiotic option here. Most people with sense would first see whether Gunther did go with Luann as a date. Then if they didn’t (like Gunther insists they aren’t a couple) she could tell the commenters, “That’s his friend since childhood. They’re literally only standing next to each other!” That and Tiffany is literally telling her to focus on patching things up with Gunther instead of the e-drama and Bets isn’t listening to her. (This Bets drama is genuinely feeling so dragged out at this point, I hope we reach a conclusion soon)

    I feel the need to emphasize that this is all happening because of a photo where two people are at a Halloween party standing next to each other. It’s as if the characters are reacting to it like it’s something salacious like Gunther and Luann caught in the act. The fact they’re not even touching or even looking at each other makes this feel like Puritan levels of pearl-clutching.

    Also I can’t help but feel we’re glossing over the person probably getting the brunt of the internet vitriol. Luann! 100% if stuffy people are getting this bent out of shape Luann’s going to be the one on the receiving end of You-Know-What Shaming with her being called a man-stealer or worse.

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  19. Sergeant
    R.J.C.  8 months ago

    Maybe Bets and Gunther rekindle their relationship and this time for real

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  20. Download  6
    Joe1962 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Stef was trying to incite Bets and it work.

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  21. Missing large
    nightflight  8 months ago

    Okay, the Hallmark Movie: Bets quietly enters the room and spots Luann holding Gunther’s hand to comfort him. Luann sees Bets and slips away. Bets takes over. What really happens: Bets charges through the door, shoves Stef out of the way and starts searching down the hallway flinging open doors until she finds Luann doing some serious comforting of Gunther on a spare room bed. …….and things go BUMP in the night.

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  22. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  8 months ago

    Tiffany looks like a deer in the headlights, and I don’t blame her. I wonder how Bets is going to handle the situation. Maybe we will know by Saturday.

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  23. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  8 months ago


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  24. Wilkins2
    Wilkins068  8 months ago

    In this corner weighing..

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  25. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    Stefani Bird or Gunther Berger?

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  26. Missing large
    priyansh.jeziel  8 months ago

    Oooo, cat fight a-coming!

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  27. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    Wow! Farrell Mansion neighborhood? Are those Mansions bigger than Farrell Mansion?

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  28. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    The Posters in Panel #1 sound like Luann’s Posters? Nay!?

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  29. Missing large
    Black76Manta  8 months ago

    I agree with Bets on that observation about her!

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  30. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   8 months ago

    Bets has invested a lifetime in building a social media network that pays for her college education and other essentials?

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  31. Missing large
    Ruth Brown  8 months ago

    It strikes me that Tiff is Gunther’s true friend and works to save the Gunther-Bets relationship.

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  32. Missing large
    kenhense  8 months ago

    Bets is a strong woman – but recently without direction. It looks like she is ablout to put her ship back on course. I think Gunther will get to stay on board.

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  33. Godzill fuji
    JonGoss  8 months ago

    Go, Bets! Get those big girl pants on get your man.

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  34. Missing large
    snsurone76  8 months ago

    First, I hope Bets punches Stef’s lights out. Second, I hope she publicly apologizes to both Gunther and Luann. Third, I hope she announces to the whole assembly that she’s quitting blogging for good (whole room thunders in applause!).

    Fourth, Mommy Dearest has a breakdown over Bets’ and Gunther’s reconciliation, LOL.

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  35. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member 8 months ago

    Well…at least she’s going inside

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  36. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Unfortunately, Bets’ emotional breakdown is too big to just heal with Tiffany’s words, even if she says the right things (I shouldn’t be so happy about her calling Stef an idiot, but I am). Bets runs away, but she’s so confused and panicked that she does it on foot and not in the van. Or does Ruby remind her too much of her mistakes and she wants to separate from it? Hopefully Tiffany (or Gunther) will go after her, she’s too confused and who knows what she wants to do. I’m more and more hoping to see Tiffany kick Stef out of her party and her life.

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  37. Ubik
    Pharmakeus Ubik  8 months ago

    She’s rushing off to get a refreshing can of Clamato, coincidentally, one of her sponsors.

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  38. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member 8 months ago

    No, No, No.

    Tiff? YOU are going to be the “Idiot” if YOU don’t get in there and “referee” what could be a possible altercation in your home. If you DON’T, there may be more than just One broken window to Not Explain to Your Dad about this time around.


    And Gunther? If Bets hits You with “I’m gonna do better,” promises, don’t be like Brad and Toni when it comes to Jonah and believe them. . Make Her PROVE it, while she’s in front of witnesses.

    Start by having her delete ALL of her Social Media accounts. Then End it, by having Her SMASH her phone into dozens of UNREPAIRABLE little bits.

    Once THAT is done, then you can deal with IRMA during Thanksgiving dinner. ;-)

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  39. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  8 months ago

    The anonymity of the Internet has allowed people to wallow in their very worst qualities, and the public has gleefully obliged.

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  40. Missing large
    ranelson43  8 months ago

    Cue chorus again: Stand By Your Man . .

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  41. Missing large
    scott.rouse  8 months ago

    Yes Tiff you’re right Steff is an idiot. Bets what you need to do is give Steff a long overdue telling off that she so richly deserves and then leave, it was a mistake to get involved with Cunther and you need to find yourself a real man.

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  42. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 8 months ago

    Yes, Bets, you are an idiot, but you’re much more than that too.

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  43. Imga0225 2
    hildigunnurr Premium Member 8 months ago

    Hoping she’s figuring out her wrong focus all this time. I don’t hate Bets like a lot of ppl here, she’s not stupid and she just might figure out that selfishness isn’t the way to go.

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  44. Missing large
    bh05150  8 months ago

    Anyone else kinda hope Bets leaves with Luan and they never return?

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  45. 155338754 4112568248753445 1081977566033269086 n
    Dkram  8 months ago

    Storm warnings.


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  46. Missing large
    mgl179  8 months ago

    Finally, Bets is right on one count, she is an idiot. I doubt it will lead to change though.

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  47. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 8 months ago

    What is she mad about? That she’s an idiot who needs to live off of other peoples’ opinion of her. It is like a jerk that cuts you off in traffic and then gets mad at YOU for honking at them and road rages, insanity!!

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  48. Eternal sailor jupiter by dreamarii06 decso1m 375w 2x
    Callie Ray  8 months ago

    This is all Stef’s doing, and she needed to be punished for what she did. She started this mess, she should clean it up.

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  49. Missing large
    tremaine53  8 months ago

    One thing for certain— If Bets goes in all angry, that’ll make everything better.

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  50. Missing large
    JoeStoppinghem Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bets has determined which is more important, social media status or a one on one relationship. She would have a career in marketing or public relations with her experience.

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  51. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  8 months ago

    I feel kinda bad for Bets.

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  52. Monty python french1
    French Persons Premium Member 8 months ago

    That’s right, Bets, it IS all your fault.

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  53. Missing large
    JCB  8 months ago

    Just when I thought we were finally rid of Bets, she gets pulled back in.

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  54. Missing large
    random boredom  8 months ago

    “They don’t deserve us”? Do these social media “fans” really act that entitled for real?

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  55. Missing large
    BradFilippone  8 months ago

    My prediction (which is probably completely wrong, but I’ll venture it anyway). Bets, confronts Luann, accusing her of stealing Gunther. Perhaps she even physically attacks her, be it a slap or something worse. Gunther, aghast that Bets would go this far, tells her that they are through. No one attacks his best friend!Shortly thereafter, Bets is gone from the strip.

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  56. Mongo
    Mongo  8 months ago

    Methinks Bets is about to use Stef as a live metaphorical punching bag all over the net.

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  57. Softball
    ridenslide65  8 months ago

    Maybe by Thanksgiving at this rate….

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  58. Missing large
    ctolson  8 months ago

    Clock Stef first then hug Gunther or hug Gunther first then clock Stef.

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  59. Grumman tracer circa 1970 vaw 78 fighting escargots
    bluephrog  8 months ago

    Why is Tiss wearing a nighty?

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  60. Missing large
    preacherman Premium Member 8 months ago

    Yes, Betts, you are a little. but, so is Gun for not trying to contact you.

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  61. Nollanav
    DaBump Premium Member 8 months ago

    Ah, could it be that Bets has seen the light? Does she realize she made a mistake in choosing something else over being with a wonderful guy?

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  62. Missing large
    luann1212  8 months ago

    Great, Go get em Bets, but I warn, in this hilariously serious turn of event, watch out for rampant misdirection plays.

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  63. Missing large
    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    So the phone is in her right hand in the van but not as she leaves. Did she forget her phone??? Oh no!!! Hurry Tiff! You need to film this for Bets!!

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  64. Moneypenney me
    YorkGirl  Premium Member 8 months ago

    Yes, it is her fault that her fans have turned into an angry mob? That Gunther is going on with his life without her? That she shouldn’t have left him for a moneymaking adventure vlog? If she’s as angry as she looks, I hope it is directed inwardly and not at anyone at the party. She’s the one who should be apologizing to Gunther, if she loves him. Luann and Tiffany may be the only two who think they should be together.

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  65. Th 2659328858
    Just-me  8 months ago

    Bets is likely thinking “She ain’t woman enough to take my man!” Apologies to Loretta Lynn.

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  66. Salty
    nubianaries81  8 months ago

    Maybe she’s going in to apologize to Gunther for continuing on the road trip without him and it’ll be a heartfelt reunion leading up to a friends-giving dinner with Stef away to her parents and rekindling the Tiff-Kip storyline to drag-on until Winter break where Kip and Stef go on a break a-la Ross and Rachel style and end up at the Farrell Ski Chalet

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  67. Missing large
    sabruce1945  8 months ago

    Get this ark over with…..

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  68. Missing large
    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    It’s so interesting – For all this time Bets has been completely happy splitting from Gunther, going on her own road trip, building her fan base, bolstering her income, and not even contacting him on a regular basis. Now with her new character personality she breaks down in tears at a little bit of online banter and is going to fight to get him back?? For what? Is he going to compensate her if she gives up the influencer biz? No. Is he going to stand up to Irma and Al? No.

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  69. Rake where...
    Grey Forest  8 months ago

    Go crawl back in your cell phone your fans are more important. Bets is addict to her cell phone and needs that buzz from her fans.

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  70. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - bddb15]  8 months ago

    Who is Bets going to hit? Stef? Luann? Gunther?

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  71. Missing large
    Figif Premium Member 8 months ago

    Gee, I kinda hope Bets storms in there and decks Stef.

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  72. Photo
    GaryCooper  8 months ago

    Where’s Bets going?

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  73. Picture
    DanielDrummond  8 months ago

    Well, this could be a very good development, or a very bad one. Would be nice to see Bets and Guns be treated as adults for once.

    But since this is Monday, there are five more scenes to show this week and Bets will be face to face with Gunther by Wednesday at the latest.

    Would love to see some karma for Stef, but that’s a different direction to consider.

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  74. Painter2
    bmpanalog  8 months ago

    What is the driving force when what should be a communications tool becomes a primary outlet for self-promotion?


    The one who exalts oneself will be humbled,And the one who humbles oneself will be exalted.

    Hopefully, Bets is learning a valuable life lesson and is re-aligning herself accordingly.

     •  Reply
  75. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Bets is going in Tiffany’s house. Neighbor’s homes are across the street. She is not going to fight anyone. Bets realizes this is all her doing and is going in to talk to Gunther to make things right. Bets is only mad at herself. The behavior of Stef and all the followers is typical of how people are on the internet. Bets caused all this mess, and she is the only one who can make it right.

     •  Reply
  76. Missing large
    Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 8 months ago

    Weird. The tension is the highest, isn’t it time for something completeky different this week? (Sunday doesn’t count, it’s never part of the storyline).

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  77. Missing large
    Aficionado  8 months ago

    The plot thickens.

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  78. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  8 months ago

    “Stef’s an idiot, ok?”

    “So why do you hang out with her? Why was she even invited to this party?”


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  79. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  8 months ago

    And the entire house prepares to dial 9-1-1…

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  80. Tulips
    locake  8 months ago

    Bets makes money from her blog. The more followers she has, the more money she makes. All this drama will increase her following, so this should make Bets happy.

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  81. Missing large
    tcayer  8 months ago

    You can BOTH be idiots!

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  82. Missing large
    comic reader 22  8 months ago

    This would be a great sitcom – it could be called “Love Is The Pitts”.

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  83. Missing large
    rickmac1937 Premium Member 8 months ago

    You sure are

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  84. Untitled
    RichE  8 months ago

    It gives me solace to know Bets is going in with accurate information, however it falls out. So many real fights start with half truths and lies and then just make things worse with both parties unwilling to forgive. Let’s go Tuesday!

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  85. Comics 2022
    Meg: Cute as a Raccoon  8 months ago

    I agree with Bets.

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  86. Missing large
    Decius Premium Member 8 months ago

    So we just spent 2 weeks determining that Gunth and Luann are perfect for each other. Now, they’re not?

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  87. Anarcho syndicalismvnnb   copy
    gigagrouch  8 months ago

    Bets has an epiphany?

    Make some popcorn & stay tuned.

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  88. 17089663590345538622707983594073
    David Huie Green ForceIsAUsefulFiction  8 months ago

    Being an idiot is not limited to one at a time or I would be protecting all the others. Recognizing you have been acting like an idiot is the beginning of exiting the idiot hole.

    That said, good to see the old decisive Bets back.

    And the comments DO look as if they were lifted from these comments.

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  89. Purcie surprised
    Mimi Premium Member 8 months ago

    Insert rollie eyes. Juvenile. No wonder Gunther left her. Bets is to easily influnced by her influcencers. Idiot dosent even begin to describe her brain. Gunther what do you actually see in Bets? No refinement. No polish or grace. Bets, Come ON! Causing a scene is not becoming of anyone.

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  90. Missing large
    htieiri  8 months ago

    Does anyone think Bets would resort to violence? Personally, I wouldn’t blame her for punching out Stef.

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  91. Missing large
    Ginny Premium Member 8 months ago

    Get to it, already…

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  92. Tyge
    Tyge Premium Member 8 months ago

    Bets and Steph are now roommates in the quad. What does this confrontation at the bode for the future at Mooney?

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  93. Missing large
    raybarb44  8 months ago

    Getting your priorities straighter finally……

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  94. Coexist
    Bookworm  8 months ago

    “They don’t deserve us!” “You can leave anytime!” “Oh grow up!” That first panel really fooled me! I thought Greg and Karen were talking about the comments they get here at GC. (Of course, I’m old and senile, so there’s no help for it. 8>)

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  95. Missing large
    xaingo  8 months ago

    What happened to the Luann skydiving storyline?

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  96. 0505222023  002
    beachlvr Premium Member 8 months ago

    Somehow this story line is so stupid! So it’s all her fault that she followed her dream? And now realizes she’s jealous? Ugh.

    Yes being a teenager is hard, but sending a message that following your dream is all your fault is… idk not the best message unless she realizes she never shoulde have broken up and followed her dream. Ikd very confusing. I think she’s just jealous.

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  97. 02
    S.  8 months ago

    Honestly, when Gunther came home there was neither confirmation nor denial as to whether or not they were together anymore so readers were left on a standstill. Gunther has some ‘splainin’ to do. SOMETHING happened and I think it was that they fought. At some point Gunther must have gotten tired of being constantly filmed by her.

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  98. Neil diamond
    The Quiet One  8 months ago

    Let’s appears to be on a mission. Watch out world.

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  99. Hal2
    montylc2001  8 months ago

    For those of you who complain about how long the story arcs are in this strip, consider: Your average comic book consists of 24 pages of story. Each page has on average 4 newspaper size strips per page. If you took a comic book and broke it down to be published in a newspaper, it would take about 6 months to publish. So in reality the story arcs in this strip are actually shorter than a full comic book.

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  100. F4cfa97a e94c 4b26 9b8d a767fc6e163c
    ChattyFran  8 months ago

    This is looking more like my prediction! Bets realizes she loves Gunther, he loves her, and the two will find a compromise to live happily ever after.

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  101. Baby huey scout fellow
    rrsltx  8 months ago

    Tiff’s hair is growing on me. It beats the old helmet head she’s sported forever. It makes he look more mature.

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  102. Greg backlit
    mindjob  8 months ago

    There goes that Netflix deal

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  103. Missing large
    sherreemac Premium Member 8 months ago

    I sure hope Bets is going in to “reclaim” her man, and not to just punch Stef’s lights out for ruining her relationship with her fans. Priorities, Bets! Focus!!

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  104. Missing large
    eced52  8 months ago

    That’s what gallivanting around the country for fortune and fame gets you.

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  105. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  8 months ago

    As the old saying goes—"With fans like this,who needs enemies?:

    Bets finally realizes your only real friends are the ones you make in person.

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  106. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  8 months ago

    FINALLY someone’s said it like it is. Stef is an idiot.

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  107. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  8 months ago

    More like she’s going to be. Stay tuned…

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  108. Speedyicon
    ninjanick101  8 months ago

    Bet’s going to end Stef’s bogus gossip once and for all.

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  109. Picture
    RebaLioness  8 months ago

    Steph is doing a good job of being the villain

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  110. 0438aab5 b754 4b25 b41d bb310caeac1d
    GirlGeek Premium Member 8 months ago

    Something that wasn’t mentioned this morning but will be mentioned now is that this is starting to drag. Thanksgiving is a week away from Thursday and in Luann verse, we’re still on Halloween. I’m at the point that Gunther and Bets need to break up or we move onto something else. We should not be on week three of Halloween. I hope Greg and Karen will write better storylines in 2024.

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  111. Missing large
    leighabc123  8 months ago

    Five days left. Who will Bets get upset with? Gunther? Luann? Stef? TJ?

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  112. Missing large
    TravelinMan  8 months ago

    The Farrell’s neighborhood seems pretty crowded for a “Mansion” — half-acre lots at best, short driveways from the street. I expected better from Tom.

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  113. Photo
    WilliamVollmer  8 months ago

    Bets is being an idiot for even half believing those posts about Gunther and Luann being a couple WITHOUT checking things out herself.

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  114. Missing large
    tutibug5  8 months ago

    Bets will stand next to Gunther and send a video to her fans explaining what happened and clear everything up. THEN she will tell her fans – she is shutting down the site.

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  115. Betty dipshit 3
    Bwahahaha!  8 months ago

    This all ends in a nuclear bomb going off and taking out the entire cast. The end.

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  116. Amazing fox photos 25
    eddi-TBH  8 months ago

    She’s gonna punch him or kiss him.

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  117. Dogs 003
    EXCALABUR  8 months ago

    Look out Party! Things are going to get real interesting now.

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  118. Hal2
    montylc2001  8 months ago

    I always love a good catfight.

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  119. 89814738 0845 45d2 8ff2 734008dbdc1d
    SactoSylvia-II  8 months ago

    I think Bets is going in angry at Gunther, for not admitting – to Bets, or Luann, or most importantly, to himself – that it’s Luann he really cares about.

     •  Reply
  120. Thinker
    Sisyphos  8 months ago

    Just a bunch of sicko internet trolls.

    You go, girl! Make it right, Bets!

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