Interesting. Tiffany and Bets are two peas in a pod, temperamentally speaking. (I also notice that Ox seems a lot more interested in the food than the fact he is having a “romantic” dinner with his crush.) Say, I wonder who is managing Weenie World these days? ;-)
Of all the places for Gunther and Bets to go, WHY Weenie World?!! Will Bets get to meet ‘She Who Should Not Be Named’? If so, which one would win the argument if Bets starts fighting with HER about pirates?
The guys are both just thinking of food, and the gals are still angry about their plans being ruined. When are the gals going to get over it? Saturday?
I see Evans and Evans are going for a “they’re both wrong” story.
The problem is: No, they’re not both wrong. Tiff was in the wrong, period. Bets may be WAAAAY too into cosplay and “Life As Performance Art”, but she asked for a specific product and was intentionally denied that product, on the basis that someone else (Tiff) “knew better”. If Tiffany was that opposed to Bets’ ideas, she should’ve turned down Bets’ offer. _Period. _
I’m going to be neutral as to Tiffany and Bets for now, obviously I have made my position clear, so I hope, and right now, whatever one’s feeling about who is right or wrong here, it seems like the arc is going to diverge in some way over the dispute. I will say that Gunther does seem to be romantic himself, so they are stopping in the Pittsville fast food joint (if Ann Eiffel shows up I’m giving up) which could be a very romantic place—I like how Gunther clearly is being a smitten gentleman—while Ox is enjoying the meal? Tiffany-not so much? Both women have laid down their markers. Sooo, I will be neutral until I have a clearer idea of where GnK are going. Two more things: It got heated, in fact some people intimated something is wrong with me. I am battling prostate cancer, but my brain is just fine. I apologize to those I angered, I hold to my positions but this is supposed to be fun and so lets be cool. Also for us long commenters lets pray for Mordy. He would be in the thick of this, having fun, I sincerely hope he is okay.
It just hit me: when Betts said she’d pay $300 for a romantic dinner after Tiff’s overview, Tiff did her best to present a dinner according to her specs worthy of that price. I think she did a great job.
Wow, Weenie World! What’s the chance that these two’re going to run into awful Anne Eyeful who’s been reduced to working again at WW this time waiting tables?
If your business is to entertain clients, you cannot enforce your sense of things on them. If you are willing to host a party-it is up to the client to determine the theme.
Both Tiff and Bets kind of remind me of George Costanza right now with their bickering. I recently saw an episode of Seinfeld where George, Kramer and Elaine got to go sit in the Yankees box seats right behind the dugout thanks to Jerry’s girlfriend of the week whose Dad had the tickets as the Yankee’s accountant. George is psyched because he thinks they are front row seats and then turns into a wet blanket and whines and complains when he see they are only in the “second” row. In the series finale George whines like this over the fact that the Lear jet the gang is taking to Paris is not up to his standards and their are numerous other examples of this petty behavior over the run of the series.
The degree of whining is currently on about the same level for these 3 characters but I think Bets and Tiff will eventually get over their problem with each other while George was always like that as a 30 something with many issues! Elaine by the way, almost caused a riot by refusing to take off her Oriole’s cap when Jerry’s girlfriend’s Dad who was in the box asked her to take it off…. Good episode.
If you are going to strut into a restaurant and insist on something that is not on the menu, don’t be surprised if what you are served does not meet your expectations.
If you go beyond that and tell the restaurant that they need to completely redo their decor before they can enjoy your custom expect to get laughed out the door.
What restaurant on earth would completely redecorate to suit the whim of a customer who wants a dinner for two?
I seem to be alone in thinking that Bets is 100% correct and that she should be pissed when all of her plans and arrangements get torpedoedAnd that Gunther should SUPPORT her not wimp out
Tiffany’s business, her business model, the customer is not “always right” when they demand a service that the business is not willing to perform.Tiffany would also be in the wrong if she said she was willing to do the pirate theme, took the money, then did the elegant theme, but she didnt.
The split screen today is to show that Bets and Tiffany are as alike as peas in a pod — stubborn, argumentative and not willing to listen to others. Both think they are right and both are wrong because neither one ever listened to what the other was saying. Sp I wonder how long the Evans will continue to do the split screen thing this week.
YES! The two situations are again shown in the same strip !!! Bets and Tiffany are very alike. Stubborn at the same level ♡! Absolutely sure they are right. Ox and Gunther just want to eat and wait for the anger to drop. Maybe, that’s the best thing to do. But say nothing… dunno.
It’s like both couples are already married. As every husband is keenly aware, you do not correct a ranting wife (or in this case girlfriend) otherwise you end up being the target of their anger
Well, look at the bright side… at least you’re both ready for the Renn Faire. California is where it all started back in the 60’s, and there are numerous faires all over the country.
Except you didn’t pay for pirates. You paid for a romantic dinner with Gunther. The pirate decorations you imagined would have cost thousands to do. Gunther not selfie’s to post for you fans should have been your focus.
I see it as the guys are trying to help the girls think about other things, not necessarily just food. Besides, food in the belly makes people a little calmer and nicer. I remember once I was really upset and my husband handed me a sandwich. Lol. After I ate, I was able to see the situation from a less biased standpoint.
So far, this is the last comment of the day, but it’s only 7:27 a.m. I’m going to reread “Waiting for Godot” now. It’s a play by Samuel Beckett. I read it as part of my English Literature degree, back in 1976. I don’t know why the ongoing debate about Tiff and Bets reminded me of it…
You know how you can tell this is a fictional world and not the real world – The guys in both situations are nice and care about the person they are with (even if not romantically) and they are not freaking out over how to make the woman happy.
I mean, I love they are both enjoying the moment and care free. However at that age, if my SO, or even someone I really liked were that upset, I’d be doing my best to appease that anger. Maybe they never dealt with emotionally abusive people, maybe they are just that happy go lucky… either way, I am enjoying it.
You have a lot to learn about business management, Tiff. When you are providing a service, the CUSTOMER decides what they want. It is not up to YOU to decide for them. How would you like it if you went to a restaurant and ordered what you wanted but the waiter in their own opinion thought what you were ordering wasn’t any good and took it upon themselves to decide what would be better? You wouldn’t be too happy, would you?
So I was talking to my wife about a study I had read, It says men are far more forgiving about things than women. the start of the article said, Men, go to 3 of your closest buddies and ask them to tell you 3 things that have pissed them off. See how long they talk about it. I’ll see you in 10 minutes. It then said, Men Now go to your Wife/GF/SO and ask them the same question. I’ll see you in 7 hours. this is what we are seeing in this strip. the guys have pretty much moved on, while the 2 ladies are still stewing over who is right.
Both ladies are venting, cool. Both gentlemen are doing the wise thing, letting them. Hopefully both of the ladies find a middle ground. Tiffany’s idea isn’t bad, needs adjustment to become a themed pop-up restaurant which would mean needing to not be hard won on a classical romantic dinner for 2 (which would cost much more than $300 as she’s built it right now). Bets could be a good consultant for themes which would mean both of them would need to learn to give some. I also like the idea because it’s a chance for TJ to shine a little more and hopefully the harpist comes back! As for Gunther and Ox, wise pick by both. Gunther is showing he’s in the relationship and doing what a lot of guys do, just differently. Ox, I’ll let him have time. Some think he’s more into the food than Tiffany, I’ll call that part of the short game (think I’ll focus on the food rather than the conversation). Him having a long game or a longer game could be interesting. Hmmm, I’d especially find it interesting if our college quarterback made a re-appearance and Ox “sacked” him! ;-)
Regardless of her motivation for the dinner, Bets is right. I wouldn’t have stayed/paid, either. You don’t take an order for something and expect the client to be happy when you hand them something else.
Tiffany has it half right: It is her vision, but the customer must be satisfied or the business goes bankrupt. If she is to be a successful businessman, she must grow up.
Also both Ox and Gunther have proven they understand a lot more about romance than either Tiffany or Bets. Romance isn’t the trappings or setting. It’s the person you are with and how you feel about being with them. Some of my favorite evenings with my husband cost little or nothing.
Both girls should be dumped on their butts.Neither one of them knows the first thing about romance or relationships. As evidenced by the constant whining b’fest from both of them while the guys are actually trying to salvage the evening.
Gunther and Ox should go hit the golf course and take a break from this hot mess of immature girls.
As a lawyer I have to say this is why you have written contracts that clearly spell out what services are expected and how much will be paid for them. It avoids miscommunication.
Much to take away from today’s strip. First a huge case of hurt feelings and after-burn for the ladies. For the guys, it’s “Yes, dear! Can we eat now?” ploy.
Two versions of self-centered stubbornness, lack of communication, retrenchment and rationalization from the ladies.
The costumes seem to be well suited to each couple’s dinning venue now.
And no, Bets, you haven’t paid anything to Tiffany. See Friday’s strip.
Did Bets pay or not? On April 16 she said “No pirates, no payment.” To day she says that she paid for pirates. Did she pay for them or request them? I don’t think either of them are right. Bets shouldn’t have expected a customized “romantic dinner” for that price and Tiffany should have made it absolutely clear that pirates weren’t an option or that of would cost more. Maybe Tiffany should have gone to the day care that she use to work at and see if the kids would draw spiders , cobwebs and skeletons for decoration.
By the way – I’m assuming that meal was delish. It looks to me like TJ has the most going for him out of all these bozos. He needs to open a restaurant instead of working for other people. He’d be very successful.
As a caring boyfriend Gunther is doing the right thing, e.g. listening, letting Bets vent, offering little snippets here and there but mostly staying out of the fray. he would have liked to stay and eat the yummy food that TJ prepared but for now he will not say that.
Kinda of a disappointment; at the beginning of this arc, it looked like Tiffany may have found a friend or even a potential roommate in Bets, but then they decided to do business together, and well, here we are
Ox and Gunther should have stayed and eaten the meal. Tiff and Bets could have gone somewhere else to continue arguing. Both guys would have been happier that way.
If there’s one good thing, Bets has yet to pull out her phone so far this whole evening. She’s being forced to confront an unexpected situation and w/o the phone.
Both Tiffand and Bets are right and both are also wrong. Both need to learn something from this, but I doubt either of them will. Nice that both Ox and Gun are just enjoying the moment.
So, Tiff hasn’t actually eaten a thing. Hasn’t even put her napkin in her lap. And both of them are going to beat this dead horse until they’ve long since forgotten what the fight was about. Also, if I remember correctly, Bets hasn’t actually PAID anything yet. And does anybody else want Gunther to just tell Bets to shut up, already?
in all truth, Bets is right, this was supposed to be a custom tailored experience for her. Now, if Tiff had this established romantic place with its own aesthetic set and then Bets demanded it change to a pirate set just for her THEN Bets would be in the wrong.
Interesting that the profile of both women is the same. Except Bets has beady eyes and no lipstick whereas Tiffany has huge eyes and lipstick definition.
Aha! The ladies want support and confirmation for their stance and the guys are totally avoiding confrontation. Looks like Ox enjoyed his meal and wants dessert, Tiff is too busy stewing to enjoy it. And Gunther is salivating over a Wicked Weenie. (Wonder how many commentators will say he’s acting like one, i.e. cowardly)
Unrelated to the current storyline, but I invite everyone to read this thread and keep it in mind the next time someone says that Brad and Toni are doing the right thing by enabling Jonah’s absenteeism (and even worse, are obligated to do it because “Shannon needs family” or whatever).
Very tired of BOTH Tiffany and Bets at the moment…… although I am still firmly in the camp that Tiffany’s ire is appropriate and Bets is out of line here.
If this whole dinner scene were an ACTUAL legitimate business…. then Bets would have a a bit of a leg to stand on in terms of her griping… even though she should have listened better. But, keep in mind, this is all part of a class assignment. I do not see any blame being justified for Tiffany. It was her project, it was her idea to try to make it a real life experience, and she TOLD Bets specifically before anything occurred that she does NOT do pirates.
Ox and Gunther are both more interested in something more tangible and more valuable than the griping both of the females are doing…… FOOD. Both Ox and Gunther seem to be attempting to diffuse the rancor…. to no avail.
Perhaps both Ox and Gunther will decide enough is enough and just vamoose! It would not be a bad idea for either one of them or both of them at this point, IMO.
I’ve been a commercial artist for 50 years. My father was a commercial artist before me. Whoever signs the check that pays my mortgage gets to hire my services for WHATEVER their vision is…even when it’s lame, which is most of the time. Business is business. I reserve my off time for the art that I love to create…it helps make up for the Tiffanys of the world.
I wish you would find some way to be consistent. Now you have Bets saying she paid but on 4/16 you had her threatening not to pay, so which is it? Make up you minds!
Girls complain, seek affirmation from guys. Guys deflect, seek to avoid inevitable and unwinnable conflicts with girls. Somehow, it all works out in the end….
YO BETS! Tiffany warned you upfront that she didn’t do silly themes. Especially since she knows there’s more to Gunther than your ridiculous ComiCon addictions!
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
two peas in a pod
BJShipley1 almost 4 years ago
So, how about all those commenters who thought Ox was the luckiest guy around on Saturday? Still think there’s romance brewing?
GirlGeek Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Ox doesn’t care he got a date lol
kauri44 almost 4 years ago
Interesting. Tiffany and Bets are two peas in a pod, temperamentally speaking. (I also notice that Ox seems a lot more interested in the food than the fact he is having a “romantic” dinner with his crush.) Say, I wonder who is managing Weenie World these days? ;-)
Templo S.U.D. almost 4 years ago
I see the boys’ minds a little one-tracked.
Argythree almost 4 years ago
Of all the places for Gunther and Bets to go, WHY Weenie World?!! Will Bets get to meet ‘She Who Should Not Be Named’? If so, which one would win the argument if Bets starts fighting with HER about pirates?
Willow Mt Lyon almost 4 years ago
The guys are both just thinking of food, and the gals are still angry about their plans being ruined. When are the gals going to get over it? Saturday?
Brdshtt Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Nice strip today. My, but that ♡Bets ♡ is so nice and treats Gunther so wonderfully! ♡ She loves him so much! ♡
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
Oxford is having dinner with Tiffany. An improvement over the previous experience with Tiffany.
Vivi <333 almost 4 years ago
Idea: Tiffany and Ox get together; Bets and Gunther break up! Tit for Tat!
linus82 almost 4 years ago
¿Será que veremos mañana a Bets exigiendo ser atendida en Weenie World vs Ann Eiffel queríéndolos echar fuera por vestir como piratas?
ImDaRealAni almost 4 years ago
Could have been better or worse.. could have been a porch pirate.
Vilyehm almost 4 years ago
So, a no advancement to a conclusion Tuesday.
And no clue to Bets’s reaction to Gunther’s statement.
Ahuehuete almost 4 years ago
Wicked Weenie? Nope, I’m not going there.
beb01 almost 4 years ago
Ah, Weinie World. Haven’t been there in a while. I wonder if Ann’s still the manager?
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
Don’t get involved when someone is venting
kenhense almost 4 years ago
Switzerland could do this. But I’m not sure if Ox and Gunther can stay out of it.
AnyFace almost 4 years ago
ronaldspence almost 4 years ago
How long will Gunn put up with Bets raving before he says. “Enough”’! And Ox, tell Tiff to lay off and enjoy the evening!
wantcomicsnow almost 4 years ago
I wish G&K would make up their minds, or at least try for a little continuity in the strip.
On 4/16 they had Bets telling Tiff: “No pirates, no payment!”
And now Bets is yelling: “I paid for pirates!”
Kinda makes you wonder if the creators of the strip even read their own strip.
Joe1962 almost 4 years ago
Ox and Gunther have the right attitude. And the girls are just being petty.
R.W.Singer -SF almost 4 years ago
Wicked weenie? I’m not touching that one….no pun intended.
wantcomicsnow almost 4 years ago
At least Tiff and Ox are getting a good meal. Bets and Gunther have to settle for Weenie World.
Ruth Brown almost 4 years ago
Guys just want to eat. True.
mysterysciencefreezer almost 4 years ago
I see Evans and Evans are going for a “they’re both wrong” story.
The problem is: No, they’re not both wrong. Tiff was in the wrong, period. Bets may be WAAAAY too into cosplay and “Life As Performance Art”, but she asked for a specific product and was intentionally denied that product, on the basis that someone else (Tiff) “knew better”. If Tiffany was that opposed to Bets’ ideas, she should’ve turned down Bets’ offer. _Period. _
luann1212 almost 4 years ago
I’m going to be neutral as to Tiffany and Bets for now, obviously I have made my position clear, so I hope, and right now, whatever one’s feeling about who is right or wrong here, it seems like the arc is going to diverge in some way over the dispute. I will say that Gunther does seem to be romantic himself, so they are stopping in the Pittsville fast food joint (if Ann Eiffel shows up I’m giving up) which could be a very romantic place—I like how Gunther clearly is being a smitten gentleman—while Ox is enjoying the meal? Tiffany-not so much? Both women have laid down their markers. Sooo, I will be neutral until I have a clearer idea of where GnK are going. Two more things: It got heated, in fact some people intimated something is wrong with me. I am battling prostate cancer, but my brain is just fine. I apologize to those I angered, I hold to my positions but this is supposed to be fun and so lets be cool. Also for us long commenters lets pray for Mordy. He would be in the thick of this, having fun, I sincerely hope he is okay.
Kymberleigh almost 4 years ago
Tiff, Tiff, Tiff. If your business means “doing what I want even when the customer doesn’t want that” you are destined to fail.
wiatr almost 4 years ago
Tiffany still needs to learn that the customer is always right if she plans to make that a going business.
Ruth Brown almost 4 years ago
It just hit me: when Betts said she’d pay $300 for a romantic dinner after Tiff’s overview, Tiff did her best to present a dinner according to her specs worthy of that price. I think she did a great job.
epicatt2- almost 4 years ago
Wow, Weenie World! What’s the chance that these two’re going to run into awful Anne Eyeful who’s been reduced to working again at WW this time waiting tables?
baraktorvan almost 4 years ago
If your business is to entertain clients, you cannot enforce your sense of things on them. If you are willing to host a party-it is up to the client to determine the theme.
STEPUP almost 4 years ago
Is everyone thinking what I’m thinking, as to who’s behind the counter at Weenie World!!!!
TampaFanatic1 almost 4 years ago
Both Tiff and Bets kind of remind me of George Costanza right now with their bickering. I recently saw an episode of Seinfeld where George, Kramer and Elaine got to go sit in the Yankees box seats right behind the dugout thanks to Jerry’s girlfriend of the week whose Dad had the tickets as the Yankee’s accountant. George is psyched because he thinks they are front row seats and then turns into a wet blanket and whines and complains when he see they are only in the “second” row. In the series finale George whines like this over the fact that the Lear jet the gang is taking to Paris is not up to his standards and their are numerous other examples of this petty behavior over the run of the series.
The degree of whining is currently on about the same level for these 3 characters but I think Bets and Tiff will eventually get over their problem with each other while George was always like that as a 30 something with many issues! Elaine by the way, almost caused a riot by refusing to take off her Oriole’s cap when Jerry’s girlfriend’s Dad who was in the box asked her to take it off…. Good episode.
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
Leslie Knox?
bytebot-gocomics almost 4 years ago
If you are going to strut into a restaurant and insist on something that is not on the menu, don’t be surprised if what you are served does not meet your expectations.
If you go beyond that and tell the restaurant that they need to completely redo their decor before they can enjoy your custom expect to get laughed out the door.
What restaurant on earth would completely redecorate to suit the whim of a customer who wants a dinner for two?
DuncanCairncross almost 4 years ago
I seem to be alone in thinking that Bets is 100% correct and that she should be pissed when all of her plans and arrangements get torpedoedAnd that Gunther should SUPPORT her not wimp out
ct0760 almost 4 years ago
Tiffany’s business, her business model, the customer is not “always right” when they demand a service that the business is not willing to perform.Tiffany would also be in the wrong if she said she was willing to do the pirate theme, took the money, then did the elegant theme, but she didnt.
Caldonia almost 4 years ago
What’s for dessert? Boys staying out of it. Good job, boys.
beb01 almost 4 years ago
The split screen today is to show that Bets and Tiffany are as alike as peas in a pod — stubborn, argumentative and not willing to listen to others. Both think they are right and both are wrong because neither one ever listened to what the other was saying. Sp I wonder how long the Evans will continue to do the split screen thing this week.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
YES! The two situations are again shown in the same strip !!! Bets and Tiffany are very alike. Stubborn at the same level ♡! Absolutely sure they are right. Ox and Gunther just want to eat and wait for the anger to drop. Maybe, that’s the best thing to do. But say nothing… dunno.
TonyB. almost 4 years ago
It’s like both couples are already married. As every husband is keenly aware, you do not correct a ranting wife (or in this case girlfriend) otherwise you end up being the target of their anger
Pet almost 4 years ago
Sorry Tiff, but the customer is always right.Even if it is Bets….
Auntie Socialist almost 4 years ago
I hope she only put down a refundable deposit, the remainder to be paid on satisfactory completion of the transaction…
D.E.N. almost 4 years ago
Weenie World?! I hope this isn’t the reintroduction of Ann!
D.E.N. almost 4 years ago
Weenie World?! I hope this isn’t the reintroduction of Ann!
sueb1863 almost 4 years ago
I would have thought that Bets and Gunther would have at least gone home and changed before going to WW in their pirate garb.
Rhetorical_Question almost 4 years ago
Wicked Weenie for $1.99 ? Maybe, Luann?
UmmeMoosa almost 4 years ago
Guys are like, I am not involving myself in this catfight.
Johnnyrico almost 4 years ago
Well, look at the bright side… at least you’re both ready for the Renn Faire. California is where it all started back in the 60’s, and there are numerous faires all over the country.
FassEddie almost 4 years ago
We’re in the first stage of grief, right? Anger?
Wizard of Ahz-no relation almost 4 years ago
both women have a valid point but ultimately the flaw is Tiff’s she us an unhappy clioent.
ILK almost 4 years ago
Except you didn’t pay for pirates. You paid for a romantic dinner with Gunther. The pirate decorations you imagined would have cost thousands to do. Gunther not selfie’s to post for you fans should have been your focus.
Aibohphobia almost 4 years ago
I see it as the guys are trying to help the girls think about other things, not necessarily just food. Besides, food in the belly makes people a little calmer and nicer. I remember once I was really upset and my husband handed me a sandwich. Lol. After I ate, I was able to see the situation from a less biased standpoint.
elliel203 almost 4 years ago
Wicked Weenie comment aside, the guys for once are coming across as the more mature ones
Perplexed almost 4 years ago
So far, this is the last comment of the day, but it’s only 7:27 a.m. I’m going to reread “Waiting for Godot” now. It’s a play by Samuel Beckett. I read it as part of my English Literature degree, back in 1976. I don’t know why the ongoing debate about Tiff and Bets reminded me of it…
Frank Farkel almost 4 years ago
With the $300 Bets did not spend they could get a suite and room service. Just sayin’
rrsltx almost 4 years ago
The only thing worse than dating an always angry, fame seeking dominatrix is to marry one. Careful “Gun”.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Maybe that’s the right call. Just ignore them till they shut up.
kraftjeff almost 4 years ago
So they drinking wine? Grape Juice? Cartoonist ink? In that first frame
TheElderGodfather almost 4 years ago
You know how you can tell this is a fictional world and not the real world – The guys in both situations are nice and care about the person they are with (even if not romantically) and they are not freaking out over how to make the woman happy.
I mean, I love they are both enjoying the moment and care free. However at that age, if my SO, or even someone I really liked were that upset, I’d be doing my best to appease that anger. Maybe they never dealt with emotionally abusive people, maybe they are just that happy go lucky… either way, I am enjoying it.
comic reader 22 almost 4 years ago
This is really boring now. Move on to something else.
bookworm0812 almost 4 years ago
You have a lot to learn about business management, Tiff. When you are providing a service, the CUSTOMER decides what they want. It is not up to YOU to decide for them. How would you like it if you went to a restaurant and ordered what you wanted but the waiter in their own opinion thought what you were ordering wasn’t any good and took it upon themselves to decide what would be better? You wouldn’t be too happy, would you?
colddonkey almost 4 years ago
Fine line between caring and controlling.
Odin almost 4 years ago
Sometimes a weenie is just a weenie— but not always.
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
You girls don’t have to act so entitled.
6foot6 almost 4 years ago
So I was talking to my wife about a study I had read, It says men are far more forgiving about things than women. the start of the article said, Men, go to 3 of your closest buddies and ask them to tell you 3 things that have pissed them off. See how long they talk about it. I’ll see you in 10 minutes. It then said, Men Now go to your Wife/GF/SO and ask them the same question. I’ll see you in 7 hours. this is what we are seeing in this strip. the guys have pretty much moved on, while the 2 ladies are still stewing over who is right.
ctolson almost 4 years ago
Wonder what Bets would do or say if Gunther offered her a different kind of weenie?
Pohka almost 4 years ago
Both ladies are venting, cool. Both gentlemen are doing the wise thing, letting them. Hopefully both of the ladies find a middle ground. Tiffany’s idea isn’t bad, needs adjustment to become a themed pop-up restaurant which would mean needing to not be hard won on a classical romantic dinner for 2 (which would cost much more than $300 as she’s built it right now). Bets could be a good consultant for themes which would mean both of them would need to learn to give some. I also like the idea because it’s a chance for TJ to shine a little more and hopefully the harpist comes back! As for Gunther and Ox, wise pick by both. Gunther is showing he’s in the relationship and doing what a lot of guys do, just differently. Ox, I’ll let him have time. Some think he’s more into the food than Tiffany, I’ll call that part of the short game (think I’ll focus on the food rather than the conversation). Him having a long game or a longer game could be interesting. Hmmm, I’d especially find it interesting if our college quarterback made a re-appearance and Ox “sacked” him! ;-)
M4kh41 almost 4 years ago
Don’t be like Bets. Be like Gunther. Get hot dogs
BrentWasylynchuk almost 4 years ago
there is something else going on between the females…
mindjob almost 4 years ago
I’m hoping for a different manager at Weenie World, not someone from the past, who can open a new story line
Pointspread almost 4 years ago
Doesn’t look like Tif has touched her food. Vent all you want but no sense starvin’.
MitmanArt almost 4 years ago
Regardless of her motivation for the dinner, Bets is right. I wouldn’t have stayed/paid, either. You don’t take an order for something and expect the client to be happy when you hand them something else.
SailFree almost 4 years ago
Tiffany has it half right: It is her vision, but the customer must be satisfied or the business goes bankrupt. If she is to be a successful businessman, she must grow up.
Perplexed almost 4 years ago
And on it goes….keep waiting for it to stop…Waiting for Godot….Where’s my darn banana pie?
MS72 almost 4 years ago
Bets is like Kanye. Kanye loves Kanye.
eladee AKA Wally almost 4 years ago
Both women are the losers today. Both had a shot at a nice romantic dinner with a guy who is crazy about them and they blew it by ranting all evening.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member almost 4 years ago
The sign reads $199 for a hotdog!
eladee AKA Wally almost 4 years ago
Also both Ox and Gunther have proven they understand a lot more about romance than either Tiffany or Bets. Romance isn’t the trappings or setting. It’s the person you are with and how you feel about being with them. Some of my favorite evenings with my husband cost little or nothing.
jmclaughlinvt almost 4 years ago
Please tell me this is not a way to bring back Ann Eiffel!
illuminare almost 4 years ago
Both girls should be dumped on their butts.Neither one of them knows the first thing about romance or relationships. As evidenced by the constant whining b’fest from both of them while the guys are actually trying to salvage the evening.
Gunther and Ox should go hit the golf course and take a break from this hot mess of immature girls.
Cheapskate0 almost 4 years ago
Something I mentioned under BJShipley above:
Something slightly different:
It occurred to me yesterday that yesterday’s strip would have made a fantastic Saturday strip, then switch to something else today.
There was a „feel good“ feeling at the end, where Gunther appeared to be disarming the still „ticking“ Bets.
But I see that G&K intend to drag this out for another week.
Also sad to see that Tiffany isn’t over this, either.
Now it looks like a guys vs. gals thing going on – where, heaven forbid, the guys are right and the women are wrong?
chrisjozo almost 4 years ago
As a lawyer I have to say this is why you have written contracts that clearly spell out what services are expected and how much will be paid for them. It avoids miscommunication.
Tyge almost 4 years ago
Much to take away from today’s strip. First a huge case of hurt feelings and after-burn for the ladies. For the guys, it’s “Yes, dear! Can we eat now?” ploy.
Two versions of self-centered stubbornness, lack of communication, retrenchment and rationalization from the ladies.
The costumes seem to be well suited to each couple’s dinning venue now.
And no, Bets, you haven’t paid anything to Tiffany. See Friday’s strip.
Tyge almost 4 years ago
The question for the future is, Will the boys be able to smooth the girls’ ruffed feathers?
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
One of the guys wants dessert, the other dude wants a hot dog. Good luck?
Cincoflex almost 4 years ago
Both Ox and Gunther think with their stomachs.
ST Joe River Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Is that wine they are having? They must be 21 years old now. Seems like yesterday they were in High School
dv1093 almost 4 years ago
I don’t like her or her attitude, but in this case, Betts is correct.
Bugerman almost 4 years ago
Did Bets pay or not? On April 16 she said “No pirates, no payment.” To day she says that she paid for pirates. Did she pay for them or request them? I don’t think either of them are right. Bets shouldn’t have expected a customized “romantic dinner” for that price and Tiffany should have made it absolutely clear that pirates weren’t an option or that of would cost more. Maybe Tiffany should have gone to the day care that she use to work at and see if the kids would draw spiders , cobwebs and skeletons for decoration.
dv1093 almost 4 years ago
By the way – I’m assuming that meal was delish. It looks to me like TJ has the most going for him out of all these bozos. He needs to open a restaurant instead of working for other people. He’d be very successful.
NatureBatsLast almost 4 years ago
Who pays the piper, calls the tune.
RSH almost 4 years ago
As a caring boyfriend Gunther is doing the right thing, e.g. listening, letting Bets vent, offering little snippets here and there but mostly staying out of the fray. he would have liked to stay and eat the yummy food that TJ prepared but for now he will not say that.
dbradway1 almost 4 years ago
Women are from Venus, men are from Mars. It’s a miracle then can co-exist.
Troglodyte almost 4 years ago
A tiff between Bets and Tiff? All bets are off.
notbornyesterday almost 4 years ago
Kinda of a disappointment; at the beginning of this arc, it looked like Tiffany may have found a friend or even a potential roommate in Bets, but then they decided to do business together, and well, here we are
locake almost 4 years ago
Ox and Gunther should have stayed and eaten the meal. Tiff and Bets could have gone somewhere else to continue arguing. Both guys would have been happier that way.
running down a dream almost 4 years ago
weenie world? is that where Ann worked?
Rich_Pa almost 4 years ago
They deserve each other. Both fly off the handle.
RSH almost 4 years ago
If there’s one good thing, Bets has yet to pull out her phone so far this whole evening. She’s being forced to confront an unexpected situation and w/o the phone.
DG almost 4 years ago
Both Tiffand and Bets are right and both are also wrong. Both need to learn something from this, but I doubt either of them will. Nice that both Ox and Gun are just enjoying the moment.
PhoenixHocking almost 4 years ago
So, Tiff hasn’t actually eaten a thing. Hasn’t even put her napkin in her lap. And both of them are going to beat this dead horse until they’ve long since forgotten what the fight was about. Also, if I remember correctly, Bets hasn’t actually PAID anything yet. And does anybody else want Gunther to just tell Bets to shut up, already?
j.l.farmer almost 4 years ago
as long as the weenies are grilled i am in!
yangeldf almost 4 years ago
in all truth, Bets is right, this was supposed to be a custom tailored experience for her. Now, if Tiff had this established romantic place with its own aesthetic set and then Bets demanded it change to a pirate set just for her THEN Bets would be in the wrong.
tcayer almost 4 years ago
Tiff needs a few lessons in customer service!
ozymandiasfell almost 4 years ago
Interesting that the profile of both women is the same. Except Bets has beady eyes and no lipstick whereas Tiffany has huge eyes and lipstick definition.
hoffquotes2 almost 4 years ago
Weenie World. I wonder if Ann has fallen so far she is back working for them and a way to get her back in the strip
brick10 almost 4 years ago
Don’t go in there. Will Ann Eiffel re-appear at/the counter?
Adam-Stone(Soup) almost 4 years ago
Interesting how the ladies are focussed on their selfishness, i.e. anger, while the guys are more into food. Funny!
kaycstamper almost 4 years ago
I’d ditch her for being such a hothead…not someone I’d want to spend my life with!
YorkGirl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Aha! The ladies want support and confirmation for their stance and the guys are totally avoiding confrontation. Looks like Ox enjoyed his meal and wants dessert, Tiff is too busy stewing to enjoy it. And Gunther is salivating over a Wicked Weenie. (Wonder how many commentators will say he’s acting like one, i.e. cowardly)
BlitzMcD almost 4 years ago
“Stupid pirate thing”. A crude yet effective overview of the problem. Yay Tiff.
dcoyote almost 4 years ago
Bets needs to get over it, at least Gunther is being positive
BJShipley1 almost 4 years ago
Unrelated to the current storyline, but I invite everyone to read this thread and keep it in mind the next time someone says that Brad and Toni are doing the right thing by enabling Jonah’s absenteeism (and even worse, are obligated to do it because “Shannon needs family” or whatever).
Vilyehm almost 4 years ago
I think the silverware is still inside the napkin.
Tiff hasn’t eaten a thing.
Pipe Tobacco almost 4 years ago
Very tired of BOTH Tiffany and Bets at the moment…… although I am still firmly in the camp that Tiffany’s ire is appropriate and Bets is out of line here.
If this whole dinner scene were an ACTUAL legitimate business…. then Bets would have a a bit of a leg to stand on in terms of her griping… even though she should have listened better. But, keep in mind, this is all part of a class assignment. I do not see any blame being justified for Tiffany. It was her project, it was her idea to try to make it a real life experience, and she TOLD Bets specifically before anything occurred that she does NOT do pirates.
Ox and Gunther are both more interested in something more tangible and more valuable than the griping both of the females are doing…… FOOD. Both Ox and Gunther seem to be attempting to diffuse the rancor…. to no avail.
Perhaps both Ox and Gunther will decide enough is enough and just vamoose! It would not be a bad idea for either one of them or both of them at this point, IMO.
ktrabbit33 almost 4 years ago
I’ve been a commercial artist for 50 years. My father was a commercial artist before me. Whoever signs the check that pays my mortgage gets to hire my services for WHATEVER their vision is…even when it’s lame, which is most of the time. Business is business. I reserve my off time for the art that I love to create…it helps make up for the Tiffanys of the world.
A.Ficionada almost 4 years ago
Do you, Gunther!
ndblackirish97 almost 4 years ago
LMAO! That’s exactly what men would be doing in moments like this. “Listening skills” What’s that?
AMBER1 almost 4 years ago
I hope Bets saved the receipt.
Scoutmaster77 almost 4 years ago
Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.
Susan123 almost 4 years ago
Oh my gosh, weenie world, tomorrows strip might be very interesting
bigal666 almost 4 years ago
Unstoppable force please meet immovable object. This is gonna be fun.
Perplexed almost 4 years ago
How do you guys do stuff like holding comments or highlighting other commenters? I don’t see any editing tools here.
comic reader 22 almost 4 years ago
I wish you would find some way to be consistent. Now you have Bets saying she paid but on 4/16 you had her threatening not to pay, so which is it? Make up you minds!
Takagi-san almost 4 years ago
Her treatment of Gunther aside for the moment, Bets DID pay for a pirate theme, right?
Tyge almost 4 years ago
I haven’t seen anything from Mordy (Mordock999) since March 31st. Is there some forum with news?
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I would chose Classy Dinner over Wicked Weenies any day!
devildog64 almost 4 years ago
Lots of “My’s” and “I’s” in there….
ranck1967 almost 4 years ago
The men are being smart by changing the subject
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 4 years ago
You are there to please your customer.
bakana almost 4 years ago
Ox and Gunther both recognize a No Win Scenario.
R.W.Singer -SF almost 4 years ago
I had a similar terrible restaurant experience at Villa Romano several years ago
Sisyphos almost 4 years ago
Girls complain, seek affirmation from guys. Guys deflect, seek to avoid inevitable and unwinnable conflicts with girls. Somehow, it all works out in the end….
Schrodinger's Dog almost 4 years ago
tomorrow: Gunther orders the “special”, Bets orders a fish sandwich. Podcast film at 11.
Mad Sci almost 4 years ago
Remember that the expression is, “The customer is always right in matters of taste.” So Tiffany is wrong on both parts.
TurbosDad almost 4 years ago
Gunther walking into the world of weenies. How apropos…
CoreyTaylor1 almost 4 years ago
YO BETS! Tiffany warned you upfront that she didn’t do silly themes. Especially since she knows there’s more to Gunther than your ridiculous ComiCon addictions!
gnmnrbl almost 4 years ago
Why do i have a distinct feeling bets and gun are gonna run into ann eiffel?
Rose686 about 1 year ago
Fernandes, I want my father to buy KFC for the house on Friday!